r A ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XLVHI COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH - LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1917. $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE NUMBER 41 TOWN BOOSTERS ON THE JOB j SUMMARY OF THE WAR NEWS' THE DEATH RECORD Tarty of Lumberton Boosters Left r,ATTTT,,r . I , . ' ' Ta vwwxi actlUULi MAllMSKS ' This Morning in Bannered Autos to' RuIa?8 f'? Thou.sans Ger- Rev. E. M. Hoyle, Former Pastor of, Hearing on Consolidation of Oakton Visit Various Places in Robeson-: ?w,i:Fresh. Trsi Chtnut Street Methodist Church! "and ProctorvUle "sJhSSI fLVm" FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER j BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS . - - I II l I II W I Ull TI1V1 WAdlTlfvIt - ' ' f T -a W - They WII Make Another Trip To; to -P T "7i -o ucr. ; or jLumoenon, rassed Away in morrow ! Airplanes Brought Down Statesville Tuesday Remains In4 About a dozen automobiles deco.i tIa- t i ' I ,terred at Cornelius Today ! rated with streamers telling about; aJhasfJL LQUVna7 Ruf; A sPecial of the 3rd to the Char-! ;isu1 0bserver gives' the sad intem-i weed ana to get tne most tor one's; I,:::" .77:. a" a SdUdluIlura 111 otaxes-, 1a , 77 . thp district rftT,frBn money, et cetera and et cetera, left1"-ft yen"aii5rus- vUle Tuesday morning following ajjl -r 'u0nimy meeung Monday Rev. J R MiUer and Mr F H It will be well to remember that Umerton between 9 and 10 of the!y f Supt J' E' Poole' ! Pittminurne ciock tnis morning loaueu aown wi n, - d - TrirAlir;T1 "r- ----7"-' oration . was iven in srwioi m ' rJiWUUWms ousiness was trans : irom Wfrightsville Beach, where thev ue" aue tne town that are not A GUmpse .of the Passing Throng ! at t n day in August-Annronriatin for Correspondence of The Robesonian. ! has accepted a ration in nt' Home Demonstration Agent $5,000 Fairmont, July 4 Messrs. H. V. Bois bakery. Mr. Cary is an exper to be Borrowed Supt. Poole Re-; Brown- Furman Floyd, D. G. Rouse fenced baker, elected for Term of 2 Years Pe-1 !Lnd. J'im Floyd spent the 4th at Mr M r M.Ttlf, , 0 . fction for Bond Election for Build- Wrightsville Beach. rmWntS,, Mclntyre of R 3 from in 1 ! Rev. B. E. Stanfield left TW' liSS? J"??11 aJatn: The county board 0f education held Afternoon for Mt. Gilead to att IleiKcvm Y- Xtr dubJ - rces againsi -s given in -PW-. Prof. Whiteley of the East Lumber-Alpr."r 7!! N. Gibson was appointed alblv. ton band blowing a bugle and Mr. R. JMV" 7?y' e lur0Z. 1 Pber of the board of trustees of! Mi attended the Baptist Seaside assem. paid before August 1, 1917. Monday's tVustees of! M.iss Dorothv SWW. f J rS? 2S S." iVband 1 b6atinS " dfUm t0 b6at Russians tuSd sVTffke aSd. Methodist .hureh of ,1: ! of J TfurnMiSd I SHo J" - Wednesday morn- John Bes department store, is 1 1, , Vi,pV will vu?r rt 18000 me and on Tuesday and Wed-ing this charge five and a half years . izalif y ' f led t0 pen? wMe raiting: her un- attending the Madam Grace corset iyn probably added several more'ago, and he had many warm friends q r Surl wnrtmM .Jf and aunt Mr' and Mrs- Sam Dun- "hool in Raleigh thit week. ?ffirilSSE ?E2g5Z d SdSWSS- mKu6 fhr?' SS M, Crawford Ratley left Monday "Cornelia, 10-year-old daughter of Rowand, Raynham, taking dinner at JJJS tS?m ftoS AnSn dreButiL Marvin, Jonathan and e nd a?ke(l.that,a hearing morning for Rockingham, Ga., where Mr- and Mrs. B. M. Stephens, who Fairmont. VioW aVtXrv oldest barelv 12 ? xears Sauted on the first Monday in he will visit his sister Mrs. H. Mc-! ve bout 3 miles east of town, broke Tomorrow the boosters are sched. :!SiUf fc y 7earS,Auust for the purpose of consoli- Neill. her right arm between the elbow and uled to leave Lumberton at 9 a. m., ; t" tor , vS- The funeral and burial will take.2 Oakton scho1 and the' Mr- and Mr pflmwfti.fl Q.sn m,v, ii , sector, on the Stockhod,in Volhyma , ine iunerai ana Dunai will taKe, Proctorville school, and S5mA waa hn ia "T5 ioTa V'TTr cv, and at Brcdy, 0n the Galician-Volhy- pxace at uorneiius, at Mount zipn granted. Th. sunerinP wa ; wVl i- s ri I 40. nA : I J! 01 ea opnnga anu uinner, onan-j nian border. non p. m., bumoer rriage :o, Parkton 3:40, St. Paul 4:40. Mrs. Sam Dunie returned Tst 7est1rd.av afternoon when she afternoon from Char-: "PPea ana ieu on the wet ground. 1 church, today. The Statesville dis- tZT.A ?flrll?ll -was ml iie' ne.re tney naa been visiting' Fire of unknown origin started I the Chamnaone tl,a watem patch states that Bishop Jno. C. Kil-i wrv Hi r"l.tuA rait.te, iUs- V1?:8 sliter Airs- Goldstein, in the waste house at the Lumberton arkton 3:4U, St. raul 4:40. , ; f r "t thp Ger go of Charlotte. Revs. W. R. Ware ;" tl i! aL . ana Mrs. bowman of Mc- cotton mill Tuesday night about 8 Recent heavy rams have made mad another desperate and fruitless and L. D. Thompson of Statesville, J brdd Xainot vlSltors Wed- ?1o'. t was quickly extinguish, roads an uncertain quantity and no eff 0t t0 break thePF JJ h IineS n0rth Rev. L. A. Falls of Mooresville and- .onS nff 1h rt ?v,fPffiPr 1 elfay T0011; o Jfd- Sliht damage was done by the loubt some who would have been on f"flA 1 lfeLn2: Rpv. Mr. ' JmK f naviH will ! fbe made to Indian Normal . Mr.and Mrs. A. S. Thompson and fire and water used in storming th ling with 11 3'a IT r assist in tbVPrvippV "-.xui tne pui-pose 01 paying teachers', Mrs. Eliza Smith returned home Wed-i fire. arofthei!lS5.a? Md ffe8. for leachln ? children sday morning from Jackson Springs ,A hand fo rthe trin thia morning nutos staved at. horn, for tear of the; 7, . "x "7 ; . tt- tvTo; TT,ri or, 1 j r, iUi 01 ;0ads. If the wiatw is favorable1: !ip!y1,!ironfJ1 primary department. I where they spent some time. .... - ... : uv anu aiiip.s anu against tnp i,aiTor- virwiauu v.uui.v anv yt i u04-a roc r,;..;-j -ir n: , no doubt a larger crowd will go on, niatpau- Ta Z T.ii graduate of Trinitv college. Dur-, ! u:cu..l an.a; II 1 -IL 1 - co,TOl4 oT-n-ocToV nnr. i ; v, vu "ivesxigate tne condition vernon i.assiter, misses Mary reue attacks with losses. ham. He had served charges at Dur- of the school hundin in dist.nVf Nn i T?,vvc t0:1 m, t , mans, the "am, Lumberton, Asheville and Cor. 4. fioinr AifrH fo Tv ,: wl " : t FC"W! the trip tomorrow. SUIT OVER DRAINAGE DISTRICT FUNDS Mr. M. A. Odum. formerlv of and 1 Lumberton, but who has been making ma iiume in rniiaaeipnia, ra., ior severaL months, has returned to Lum. . . . strone- German salient. fJerman at- death. X?JZ!?'Jlf!!!lir the left bank of the Mease! A dispatch' from Conielius to The. toSWrfXThol rrw.2.W'i.-KS:,ecH ubserver states tnat deceased was u ;i'j x i?i r ' r T. r r v wcio oypumLcu scuuui; uara anu Courtney, 01 Am.encus, ua.t: - iv 'Tvj V A, . in district No. 2, Britt; spent. Tuesday with his sister Mrs.of .Mr Odum of the Raft Swamp Hank 01 Lumberton, Have t ued auit wra ..i Observer states that deceased was Ua if 1.. Against Sheriff Lewls. and First, " Raidr and patroi engagements ' universally loved and esteemed in that V SpriJtira if $200 was made i'mirlS " Vurd?eP ' Drain1vp occupied fie German fnd British town and community and that news , f a?PtS ensSl of "wS fhtm S ssr; a;a11 7e!.!imo& Lumberton and thp board of drama .:a!5KaliavlK for .obert Galtaeath and D. H. Cham- Beach, . Before . going to the beach; rained, and then some, but Mr. Rhode9 11 tt J .i -ri -i- i - . . q wliilo with him qtiiH rtn-rrnrv o narr , . r.r. - . w in their car. j Mr. D. R. Rhodes of the Bloom. Mrs. W. C. Ashley and children,1 ingdale section, below Orrum, who Mr. Ross and Tola Ashley, of Wake; was a Lumberton visitor this morn Forest, are visiting friends and rel-:ing, says that during recent heavy atives in town. I rains in his section water has flow- Miss Penelope Ashley returned ; ed over a bridge over which water Tuesday evening from Wrightsville j never flowed before. It rained and a house party u "?r:::t! "r tr: Haifwich. British airmen a wmie wixn mm l ana auring a part in district gmitn town. Rt Garland I" rr.""6 " .ra C !. Pursue(1 the raiders and two enemy "y 11VCU uu iai"'; ship, colored, for terms of 2 and 3 1 Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Floyd, P. R. peremptory writ of mandamus be is- machi w brought down ablaze. I in Bladen county, snprt hv thp rourt dirpctmo' the rie-Tni i ?n i i 1 - . -- rjieven persons were Kinea ana tnir- 11 ??p n?aynHLt0R?llm ty-5 injured fcy bombs dropped by Infant Son of Mr and Mrs. Sandy ..; was allowed m f bJildiAg pur-i bank all the funds of the Back and the raiderg . hr aw of Howellsv 1 e ., DOses Drovidrd the district contri-i Jacob Swamp drainage districts now: o- hand with interest at 6. per cent t mTTVFreTn v wmvr twv. rirnv and .since May 18, 1917. Also that a per. . ; Howellsville township, died Monday, emptory mandamus be given against . ' The child had been sick ior some does not think the crops have been damaged yet. rm m tr -w trcore vQcnn(-,'vj,. i t n,f a t -CM j a a I,. me auxo.excursion iviessrs. 1U-- District No. 6, Thompson, Indian, ; Nell, Mr. W. B. Ratley and daugh. ! i'Vr'1"?; fV10 8uvii awca ter, Chat, left Wednesday mornins iUi "ao muui Vi a wmL n MS e M.!Pses' Provided the district contri-i for Jackson Springs. Mr. Floyd and c,cess- ey operatea 0 cars, car Wilbur 8-months.old son of Mr..bute an x amount and complete'Mr. Ratiey returned W-dnesdav eve-: "?d arfound 2o P?,PIe: ard made the id Mrs. Sandy Kmlaw, who live m uuAirCr,- , i " triP both ways without a puncture or the defendent sheriff commanding hun to denosit in the plaintiff bank all funds belonging to the Back and Jacob Swamp drainage districts now on hand and all hereafter collected. The plaintiff bank was elected as depository for the county s funas and FJrst BapUst Church of Lumberton Won in Altendance Contest at Sea side Assembly Little Lillie iSnead Varser Got the 10-Pound Stick of Cady - ...... Resorted for The Robesbnian. , - I j t 1 1 ji rrT . t Superintendent Poole was instruct.' Dr. J. P. Brown spent Wednesday; lTrou1E ; 01 Kino, ine auto leit oA frt OQn ni,win c-i v,-,Q Lumberton at 1 p. m. iuesday ana Un district No. 2 Britt township, at; Mir Ruth Stanlev of Whiteville' Ieft. he beach af 5 Pm. yesterday, j public auction on Friday, July 27th. is visiting her brother Mr. S. R. Stan-! arsing salely last night. i Thp chairman and sprretarv were lev this wppTc. I Thirty-one Lumberton people at- . . . . A. ft . instructed to issue-a note for $5,000 , Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Baker were' tended the Baptist Seaside assem- COmmUtee Appointed to S&e About-, th National Bank nf Lumberton. T.nmhPT rnn visitors vestPrrlav. 1 bly at WriKhtsville Beach and. as will The child had been sick for time with colitis. NEW BRIDGE NEEDED Enjoying an Aut gin'a Young Ladi ,ew BriSe. Kcyom iron briap arpayable 90 d from date? accouTvt; Mr x H stubbs spent a few days be seen from an item reproduced from jbCOt OI ruin fetret Collect AH -4? c-c-n QVQcQ i-,.1-,Qo cr,l 4-V.: Dnl,fA ! tivisv's Wilmino-tnn Star pIspwIiptp ui Luc ui cA;uwuoj wULiigiij cai Hi j weeft 11 1. aiiviuii. - . ....... ov - aries. etc. " 1 Mr. J. D. McLean spent the week- in this paper, Lumberton won the novnr! 4-Viof n nnfa -pv C9 non lio w;o.i-.f ctr?n T5qov irandv. a 10-nound stick, for beiner 77! , : tne largest number 0f representatives ; commissioners Tuesday evening May- , t B k f R d Snrmrs ac. Ml. Geo. Grantham and Misses represented by the largest number. 0. lnp inrpugn r- at the assembly. The registration 'or Jas. D. Proctor and Messrs. j. cm.mt of mnn(v borrowed. iMarv Hell Ricks and Jeddie Mae Practically all who attended from U1" lu " closed at o'clock Wednesday. Up- cowen anu ivi. jonnbon, memuwa Th -pgionation of Mr. J. H. Cha- On TnesdriTT nicrVit tVio nttonrlnnea it is from thaf fact that the above contest, closed. The contest, hirls for Taxes suit has been started. a nriy.e o-ip-n t tha .rVmrph haino- At a meeting- of the board of town Mr. W. K. Bethune returned this on the fjnal count the First Baptist of the board, were appointed a com Hnntist oi tne Doara, were appomtea a com- n-t- ; a; Tn, morning irom a DUainess trip 10 rVmrr-Vi r-P T.umViprf-nti who opinvori mitteo to meet witn tne county roaa -i. xT o t ....1 r,-,; i ?fcW , "v tne winner, with an attendance oi 31, uua ailu sume aiiaSCuiciH. was accepted and Mr. A. W. Johnson; connection with his duties as secre- -nd nUTin naA n1 pvf hio-host. ixritb about nuttmsr in a new bridge iust; -Pill aiiI- 4-l- IIVIA1-. wv " , j , i ; ' j 1 j T i 7 a ojpuiutcu J-iii buc axaa The resignation of Mr. J. H. Cha- Bristow were Lumberton visitors Lumberton have returned home. RED SPRINGS NEWS ITEMS The Fourth passed off quietly ia Lumberton. Banks and stores, ex cept drug stores, were closed, Sunday tary to Congressman Godwins com. - bevond the river from the double iron :j nr At,ti vti rnrr' a vj a mittee on reform in the civil service The conditions of the contest were bridge at the foot of Fifth street...' The resignation of w. H. Kelly ini Closes Personal Mention I a Sunday air prevailed and nobody an4Par"v. in connection with his au-; that the winners should select the This bridge was washed out last sum- district No. 1. Sterlins-township, col- Correspondence of The Robesonian. i seemed at work except at the drue to np-kKia invention, ior wmcn ap-; prettiest girl from, their number, who mer when the water m the river went Qred was accepted. and Robt. Farely Red Springs, July 4 Mrs. J.D. Cal-: stores and The Robesonian office, at Plication for natent is oendmer. Mr. u :. i. c ii. :. . h,ntro Yntrh Tirntpr mnrk. and whilp a ' , n , , ii . i j hit: - c- .t i j . r v. t u 71 m j onuuiu ue ictipicni, ui tne pnz,c - . " . was appomtea to tin out tne unexpir. .vit j 7; J v Ana tne Assemoiy was assured tnat wcuuiaiy uic o vv x, ed term last vn anu au ivicninuuu tne the prize would be a sweet one. a dangerous anair. lotr lAinort ivi r on n ivi rc I a ivi r-' -nrt 1 1 . . . Weill and Miss Gammie McNeill o: T.nmWfnn q ti A Tr- MoVoill'o si.or 7 . -1. i 7i . . v , tvtt 1 rt -nl. i 'xlA"i"Vi1S , - x-v. j " tt i. i ownseiau oi Mcuonaiu recenujr Kave t weii- Mr. J. The resignation of Mr. Alex Mc- lahan is visiting her daughter Miss; which office work had to go on as Nellie in Greensboro. She was ac- usual in order to gt out the paper companied by little Miss trances today. M. vvaMimgum getting 5tu uu imuus- of the evening by Dr. H. M. Whorter, nina is m me inroes oi uvu "a',fun(j f0r'the purpose of building ini Messrs. J. sible roads beyond Fredericksburg of Baltimore. Dr. John Jeter Hunt. San Francisco Dispatch, July 4. I HistmVt No. -2. Britt township, the I Hams. Billv andr,pi, lin xt efl-L on one TvSe whose church gave the prize, called to! China is in the throes of civil war district aTld COUnty to contribute an ! left today oi liemune s iio-oiim wueie tne . Ti!1tfnr.TTi Pov t. mtj m to ana a Dattie is Deme iouent touay, 7- i J"' V t7 IC ' : pasxor oi tne rirsi, oapusi, cnurcn oi gut". v-i""i"j ine annual Statistical ana imaii- ine meeting win' to Culpepper, Va., where Mr. Betbune Shelby, who presented the prize. I provinces fighting for the preserva- dal reports of the countv superin-, progress in the B; left the party and went back to The pres,entation was timely, and lien of the republic and the northern tendent and the county treasurer's ! the past ten days :iiss Lucy Wil iams of Red Springs Varser, daughter of JVlr. and Mrs. L.! lect all taxes due the town for the p0jnted to fill out the unexpired term. j Townsend are atteilfcng la fcouae-. developed heads, according to vhn arp travel ma- in Mr. McNeills -r it- n :: . j? xi. voar oTirlinn Matr 51 1 91 7 i a i. j. i - j? urrr a ' l j. n li T?n,.fo ciu-ppu '"-".. . V " . r rrv V V7Vu. 4-7 iv- vaiaer, as tne recipient ui tne . . An application IOT a loan oi ou, party at xeavei iaivc, ucai y auik Cf McDonald, Who was a ?L:TAe p:y:wen.L??!thir. Prize. Then, just before the lecture 7-T- w J was Viered made to the State Loan ville. . I Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. G. Williams, Jimmy will-, Faulk says the two heads looked per Wilham.s and Phil tfragg an r,ofni cnH Kntii hA. .won for a visit to Culpepper,' i d with eyes nd the other spent two days, returning Saturday ! pasto of the First Baptist church of between the troops of the southern The annual statistical and finan-; The meeting which had been in Tne-calf died uaptist cnurcn ior. rtov. - tV came to a close .77 BV,'6v TM LT 7l":.3 Rollins of Benson con-, J"c "c.':" meeting ana was a very , r - - . . w . . 1 T-! V....V. nroc- OKI. W11CJ1 tllC UU11C-UI Y ion tm nt t-np s inpr nienu-1 n.n p mrea.cn;i ine iiiuii.ii roo . - . ,, ington today by Miss Agnes McLean, working unit in the denominational The first clash was announced as hav- ent and a mailed to the State; strengthened by his preaching and J Fgjft ann not back to a who left Lumberton last night for lif f the state.Then he turned to the mg ociurred yesterday by officials ot Superintendent of Public Instruction.; several members were added to the ff l coSd he said ftat none New York. Misses Williams and Mc, delighted and happy recipient and . the league, who claim the . sources ot t poole was unanimously re- church. I P1 hn IS into i.ean will spend some time in New presented a big, patriotic ten-pound its information is unquestionable. m elected for term of two years at Miss Ethel Council is visiting her, ot e u York studying music. Miss McNei l tick of candy, all colored in the na-! The advices today state that Presi- th same sary$i800 the year- sister Mrs. Charles Hyatt in Wash- i Lmberton by A 7 tiir xfiSJe will spend a few days in New York tional red Wuit and blue. , ! dent Lo Yuan Hung is safe in Peking. and L; R stephJns was re-elected as ington, D. C. n"Vew davs iinu return nome. iui. anu iuio. iui.- The audience let itself loose in a ana vim r-resmenx, runK xvucb. clerk for the same term at a salary; Mrs. Jtaymona oroett is . visiting - Aeill expect to arrive in Lumberton o-enuine cheer that lasted some time, is -directing troop movement in wan-. f 7r the month. i friends in lvanhoe. a. l mi : j n A A lJ ..x. t . . oaturuay. ineir. two tuuuicn aie t, Kinr. r i most nappiiy expressea. ne reier. ;u15 kj y ."" nigh school reports were presenteu, ; toaay. mi. -uceiu ieu. yuipeppei yesteiuay xyx red in Dieasinp- terms to the Lumber- mg to caDie novices xeceiveu nere tu- d it . or(jered that a copy be ; ducted the iwin. "u txt jivu tnti cmircn qs an nrtramraTinn nun n. uay uv one uuuicoc auuouov itu6v. , oi in t-ho nttio their home here with Mrs. McNeill's wttitottt T.nss OF MAN motherV Mrs. Williams of Red . SHIp 0R ANIMAL springs. Superior Court Next Week Mr. W. H. Humphrey left last A netition was presented signed by, Mrs. George Bullock and children nignt for Cornelius to attena tne aha-Paiit1i f tTP frpeholdpjrs arH Miss Marv McEachern are viSn iunerai oi nev. n.. iu. noyie, wuose Japan to Adhere to Policy of Non-j resijing in White Pond public high iting Mrs. Bullock's mother-in-law in. death is mentioned elsewhere in Jhia 4 interrerence . cn,i qiBfrirf No. 1. Gaddv town. Henderson. . papCi. iUC xuia. B a 11 cu,no f T,;.,. Ae.; ne.CM ' Tokio Dispatch, July 3. .1 Fn:n. aslfiT1r that an election be call-; Dr. C. G. Vardell was in town Wed-, Several Lumberton mends ot tne ae- XXI U VI IHOt nill'llVMit VT X OVttO 1 1 "IT. TJr.,, -r -IlC- ' . ... . 1 - U T I U I'M I ,11 VI I I II- I I I I I I k1 V n I 1 .1 . t-nip, tswilft . . . c:"V,"7 777 ! " il-Tl " i7 -ur'-i V,a r,lj,T.npH to o-o nrross rnnti. -r-i tj. i uciiciai v;iiaiiE xxouxi, oai o m ; ori ncportoiTi rna wi or uie ueu-i iiesuav un nio way iu a.xvu.i,j.v u, .- A V' form of Pohosnn Sunerior Mpean-yn iwe r.p oaieiy . PpVinP-. asked Baron Ha-, 7V " IVl oct?T, s8t,.!ft,T, Tnis familv for the summer. Dr. i try in autos to attend the tuneral, " r- rr . 'I'wipp Attacked hv suhmannes " rv ' . . -r uie m vuiuis t" ' ir . . v J . T -r.T i. - ui. ,a an - o. court lor the trial ot criminal cases t; "j-: 7n TT-Root o,, wrk yasni, tne japane&e minister, on june . $3 000 in bonds for the purpose Vardell has been to ivew zone m tne uut nau w fiic F B -"h u will convene Monday of next week, Least One U Boat Sunfc Work 2 whether Japan wouid support a 0Tbuilding a suitable school house in interest of the college. count of the rains. Mr. Humphrey v July 9. Judge W. M. Bond of 'Eden-' fP . Q (movement for the restoration of the gaid and same was ordered; I expected home tomorrow ion win preside, mere are cases "-"h v,.., lJf . ' monarcnv in uma. raron nayasm ar,nroved "ii ine QOCKet. narnson omtiaii, oaie anivu at i'icuiu pun uj- ; i epiicu tuai uauau wuuiu ouucic - i-oioreu, is jn jail awaiting tnai un, tne last snips 01 tne mat ximciitau; 1 Muii- v m uun-iin,cicicicuv,c. Recorder's Court i Cnarge OI committing rape un overseas eipcuniuii way aiunmntcu i lonouiu tne icswiauuu appeal thaxt -i-t i p ti Wal line oupenor vuuii v. -. ""f'- ., lucsua; 111114 xuiu iiauunvu, - negro woman, and Roll Mitchell,1 tonight by Secretary Daniels in a' succeed, it is believed here, it mayi T. A. Norment, jr., ana c. a. w j here Monday. The board met for the , where his company has been station, ored, is in jail awaiting trial on Statement revealing that twice on! precipitate a decisive struggle be- lace were given a nearing Deiore as- oge of passine: on applications ed since being transferred from the i 12 Applications for Pensions Passed. Mr. W. S. McLean of the 22nd in- The pension board or Kooeson fantry, regular army, son 01 air. jno. county met in the office of Clerk of D. McLean of Bellamy, arrived home the Superior Court C. B. Skipper' Tuesday from Fort Hamilton, N. the charge of committing rape on' overseas exj 1 1 1 H C A. 1 1 'A 1 J T a negn 1 1 coioren. ia in laii awaitini? trial on statemenr leveaniit tnat twice un ureciuitatc a ucvisivc buukkic . r . " . ,-. , i , m 1 Duinuse 01 m5k auL,iltuv cu omcc ucmc Ho was the wav across the Atlantic German tween th northrn and southern pro- sistant Recorder i. ivi. jonnson i;Ues-f nensions and 12 applications were Mexican border last spring. He ex- bound over from the Fairmont re-! submarines attacked in force and virxes. The opinion has been ex-, day on the charge pi an -anray. Juo-s;! pa?Fed 4 m en and 8 widows of Con- pects to leave for Fort Hamilton to- corder's court on the charge of steal- were fought off by convoying war-, pressed there that should serious dis- ment aUSDf?aea . nia?e slt-l federate veterans. The board will morrow evening and expects that his Hen- shios. orders arise Japan ana tne aines x . 1 meet again tne ursi monaay in au-: company win De oraerea to r ranee 11 inz hams from another nesrro. rv Bullard. colored, is on the docket! ,The Americans did charged with murder, but he has not a! ship or an animal been captured. He is charged with1 of the under-sea enemies killing his wife out Purvis way. Ihe stroyed. officers were not notified of the) The work of spies through whom crime been not lose a man, ' mip-ht be forced to take protective ac-jtirday night, mention ot wmcn was, t for the purpose 0f passing on the near future. Mr. 3 . At least one tion. m,de in Mondays R?besoniao 1 'applications that may be made at that; Lumberton visitor this temies was de-i : i W: N. Smith was given a faring ; I the first time in two an Baptists Plan Campaign to Raise a on tne cnarge 01 Tk-n witp Hravpr Tor maernent was ,uii-,t . -r tt:cT f D.nti.i n rs were not notified ot tne ine woric oi spies tnrougn wnomi raimon uonars ; -. - -" --. . j tn-iesi xear m i i. unfil cm..nwa1 Vinnrc! aftoT" it. Via'"! tVlP flpTmnnS lfTlfiW Ct?rets of the ex-I TV linowl rt r.'1n'tioTi of tv, -Ran-lnned upon payment ox i Dhanaee committed and Bullard depart-: pedition is disclosed by the newstist state convention held its annu-! was Pf .fj -VS;I Last year was the best m the his i . . . . i a iifinn m rui in 1 1 vi iiiv 1 1 i w ixf tuv v i n a. McLean was a morning for and a half years and he notes many changes. Examinations for PublicSchool Teach ers Next Week ed for parts unknown. All France Celebrated the Fourth Pans Dispatch, July 4. invention neid its annu- , : i Y 1 i.: on cai i" " .... . that the first attack was made far at al session at Wrightsville Beach, t?"" of Baptist orphanage at As has been stated in ineKooe- sea before the transports and their Tuesday and outlined its plan of or-1"? "ntl1 her yunff baby 18 X Thomasville according to the report, soman, examinations for public school convovs reached the point at which ' conization for a canmaiffn to raise Jea ol(J- brought back by Mr. Stephen Mcln-; teachers will be held in Lumberton la rendezvous had been arranged with' million dollars for the endowment oew. TT .. - Qtinnnl Aid Will tyre of Lumberton, who is a member; next week by bupt. J. k. Pooie. jjjc- rd emupment of the educational t.. " o A i ? tne Doar(? ot. trustees ot tne or-f ammations ior wmie xeacners win ue All France today celebrated the the American destroyer flotilla op-jgnd equipment v.- m -r 1 -r A- 3 ... i. . X I . i Pii-MAvtAnvi tiro fovC! T'Vl a' i 1 X 3 Fourth of July. Paris turned put a erating in European waters. The , stitutions under the control of the iueei JU J v on-htkanrti-n i xv onnovanf v j -i: i Gorresnondence of lhe Kobesonian. uuwu tnat no American city vt sumiiiii aenominawun. . ----- , "3irii li, -ri TrlknHsl w. JW 11 in tho roWf, surpassed for size, enthusiasm and knew where and wnen to expect mej The wisest and most judicious mani ine sewing unn oi tne iwuuuaisYme wt j, - profusion of Stars and Stripes. (Americans bound for the fighting that can be found, one whose leader-! Aid will meet on Monday afternoon, and incomes at the orphanage last ! graded school building, and for In A battalion of the first American lines in France, and were assembled . ship wni inspire confidence in all! July 9th, at 4:30, in the usual room ; year were more than $112,000, of f dian teachers Thursday, July 12, m expeditionary force about to leave for in force to meet them. i the churches, is to be selected bv the' at the high school building. A full; which ?64j000 was voluntary contri-, the court house training behind the battle front had, : J executive committee of the board, and attendance is requested, as there ara;butions There arp more than 500, ttfv5 its first official review in France' Hsuan Tung Put Back on Thronte of(he is to direct the campaign. organ-!new patterns to be considered and; boys and girls at this institution and, GENERAL NEWS ITEMS and was the center of celebraton. Ev-i China izing each district association and ..garments to be cut. Se ?hTafge fllij ery where the American flag was fly- Hsuan Tung was put back on the 1 each church, and to enlist, as far as Any old counterpanes, table cloths, Mr. .Mclntyre said. However, an- placed to the credit oi Great Bnto ini from pubuc buudings, hotels and throne of ChiSa on the 1st under the ' may be possible, all the 270,000 Bap-' doiles or old soft white scraps that j other building willsoon be added and Monday by Secretary McAdoo bnng residenSsand from automobiles, cabs ! protection of Gen. Chang Hsun, and tists in the State in this gigantic ef- the ladies will bring will be very I more room made. There wer e : lgirls mg loans to fJJ0: and carts; horses' bridles and th; lap. President Li Yuon Hung has submit- fort to advance the interests ofll the much appreciated, and can be used and 5 boys who graduated from the OOOOOO and the total oaned all the e!s of pedestrians carried them. ted to the monarchy. denominational schools. to grreat advantage in our work. high school this year. allies to $1,043,000,000. nhana?e and who attended the an. held Tuesday; July 10, in the graded nual meeting of the board at Thorn- i school building, for colored teachers ' X.

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