COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH S2aa, VyEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE ft- VOL. XLVIII LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. JULY 26, 1917. NUMBER 4S ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. PREPARE FOR LONG FIGHT j SUMMARY OF THE WAR NEWS Hope of Short Struggle Has Gone (Glimmering With Apparent A1 most Complete Collapse of Russian War adhine Washington Dispatch, July 25. No attempt is made here to min. imize tne seriousness oi tne suua ft -Russians Still Deserting in Spite of Entrance of Women- Soldiers Into BaHle CrOwii - Prince Abandons - Attempt on Aisne Front Even the actual entry of women soldiers into battle on the Eastern front has been insufficient to imbue LOCAL SELECTION BOARDS MARIETTA NEWS MATTERS District Boards Are the Exemption Death of Little Daughter of Mr. an Board Preparations Going Ahcad for Actual MobUizaUon of Nation al Army Washington Dispatch, July 25. Preparations for actual mobiliza Mrs. F. F. Purvis of Orrum Can ring Demonstration Well Attended Social and Personal , Correspondence of The Robesonian. Marietta, July 25 Mr.Henry Page, tion of the national army went ahead Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Page, Mrs. Cap- t . -i ... - .. j tnrtoTT wtViiiq th Unal caiactinn ers Oliver ann Master Shfinarn rape tion in the war theatres in Europe. ' J!iliecaSranlui hoards in manv narts of the county of Lyons, Ga., have been visiting rel- The United States is In the war and deVertin in nnmW Sf oW 'began summoning for examination Utives here for several days, mak. ...til f tVrftn ffV -ro?tVi ?t Vnt o-nir Vmr i the men who will comnose the force.! ing the trip here in an automobile. v,t -w- 'T'TT j I Vi, n There are numerous details to be All except Mrs. Page left Monday of a short struggle has gone glim- ojfoijad She will be here for some vnerine with the apparent Oiost,s' UaT, be actually transferred to the time longer. ,nmrAt- collapse of the Russian war -f rom Pea.c "?Be mlitrv establishment and sent to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Oliver, Misses Machine. . FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER i BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS I the southern Carpathians nave., tne . "j" of 0 nnm. M.. Paul and Beni. Oliver, Homer .doffr JlSe OTlb and Wilmer.Spivey spenta -the offensive of July 1 was started ;"V ; Were fil n? shoulder to ' and win be awaiting the call to the lew aays oi last wees at nase wac IJ. . -d,, t -u 4. spirit. Here, fighting shoulder to , a ..oust 1 Practically camaw. iRnSmSSe W1C ; eral villages from the Germans and . september W- M- liv for the past ten days, ld Russian machme. i broken the heavily fortified Teuton "ady early m ptemDer. Mondav for bis home. SSPT:etr CStfS42&rtS Mvher parents, vantage, release ,mu HUg to the rej,ion arotUMj Tarnopol, Sat' the lcal boards actuallv . Our deepest sympathy goes out to forces to bols r up the Western the vernment apparently not yet d0no?eSra Sards. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Purvis in the front where American troops wilt be havi had time to t in force its re flection daughter, Lois noraered. The German line m the .,.,..-.. monS11rOC wWb Their primary purpose, ne saia, ws XT"1 , if Movements of the PeopIe Ladies Aid Mr. Archie E. Barnes left last Socia" "Silver Circle" Ertertain-; week for Petersburg, Va., to bcgm ment ! work on .the government cantonment Correspondence of The Robesonian. be:nc erected at that place. Fairmont, July 25 Mr. and Mrs. Mr. G. W. Mercer, who resiiraed P. L. Stokes of Pinetop are visiting. his Dosition with Mr. Jno. T. Biezs Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pittman. a few davs aaro. left this mornins Mr. Tom Greyard and daughters, f or Petersburg, Va., where he ex Misses Donnie ard Alice, were Fair. pect3 to accept a position, mont visitors Wednesday M A1 Fleming o Et Mr Clem Thompson of Maxton Lun)berton got the ends of sp!nt JYeSdTniShtA 'n" two middle fingers on one hand cut ents, Mr and Mrs. A. S. Thompson. off last ni ht in a machin in the Mrs. Grady McCormick of Rowland Lumberton cotton mills. Dr. T. G spent a few days here wuh-her moth- Johnson dressed the wound this morn. er, Mrs. Mary Ann Taylor. . Mr. F. Grover Britt of Lumberton 1 s . . . , . . . has been spending a few days in our -Work of. replacing old pipe with i.c . . . t . e heaw iron nine to the old ffUllev OIL xown. lvir. oriit is local reauiuci iui - --- - y. . Tbp Robesonian Elm street goes on apace an dit 13 Mrs. H. H. Bailey and children left ' Probable that the excavation across Monday for Gaddys mill, where they .Elm street goes on apace and it a will visit Mrs. Bailey's mother, Mrs. the past week, will be filled m in a . -. -. torn noire Wes. has not been seriously impair- nT. ir.raneiv Vioo. f tbo o-overn- d at any point, off icers believe. They ment hag promised to apply in or- do not claim to know the situation der to st the retreat. all along the battle front, but they , Nadv0rna. in the fringe of the foot are unable to see that the Bntisn hmg gtanislan and Tarnopol and and French wrested from the. Mer-1 numerous smaller towns have been mans any key position of such 'm; , aT,roachinff th important railroad junction of tfuczacz, wnicn ues some 30 miles east of Halicz. The Ger. man emperor was an observer of the battle on the Sereth front and saw his men put down the only effort of movement that was made to hold them back an attack by the Rus sians between Tarnopol and Trem- howla. Since the penetration of the German lines on a wide front near jsrevo, im portance that it can be used next year to hurl the enemy back. It has been noted, in fact, that the one strategic advantage gained in re cent fighting was sained by the Ger. mans. Many officers here believe that when a small sector of the Bnt-v-v in "Relorium was overwhelmed and its defenders nearly all captured or killed the Germans improved tne Totristered men those. Neal qualified for military service. The men they turn away after examina tion will be rejected, rather than ex empted, because of physical disabil ity or dependents. The exemption boards? nroner are the district boards, to sav whether the work a man is doing at home will be more important to the govern ment than his services as a soldier, Those from here going to Or. Mr.William Brvce of Wallace spent the week-end with his brother Mr. C "R. Rrvce. Little Miss Essie Johnson of I J. Mr. Richard M. Norment, who went last week to Columbia, S. C to work on The State newspaper as reporter, has returned home on ac- r . ... . TT Barnesville i3 visiting Mrs. L. Ricks. Mr. Cam Blue, member of North Carolina national guard, of Golds. VinvA cTkOTit. Mondav in town visitinff . Tr.n .f r T7!tiaoTn1 burrh her and of rum to attend the funeral were Mr. I his brothers, Messrs. H. L. and F. L.I the Episcopal churches at Maxtoa and Mrs. P. C. Henley, Misses Ada ' Blue. ..... and Red Springs, will leave Monday and Eva Henley, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mrs. F. H. Fittman aeugntruny , f or Brooklyn, N. Y., where he wui count of trouble with his eyes. He hopes to be able to return to work in a few days. Rev. H. A. Grantham, pastor of Henley, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Parham and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Henley. Mrs. Purvis is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Henley. Miss Ada Henley, who is still with Mrs. Furvis, is expectea home this week. Mis Elizabeth Sellers of Sellers entertained the Ladies Aid society of the Baptist church Tuesday after noon from 4 to 6:30. The hall was heautifully decorated in roses and nasturtiums, while ithe parlor was . orated in red roses. Mrs. Sledge, president, being absent, Mrs. o. l. TTii 3 : n .e-,..lTi 4- nrooiflprl T P- .--'v---- ' . J J : " : . , . i c,n-4- rin T.T- t-am. nf is wees aLii.invH vi.p nresment. nresiaeu to t higher is BewA.-the the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. M. 01- apple sherbit and wafers were servej H customed channei again.. Here's de Jr J , a e,ihiect iver. bv Misses Gussie Mitchell, sister of voutlv hoi)w. man becomes a soldier and subiect to soldier law. It will be the duty of the provost marshal general from that time on to see that he complies with all army orders attectinf mm tbeir weakest front ma ariaiw. Tbat view is based on tne ,.rv,?v ..a PAmmand of death tbat the onlv hope of decisive I BoA n wrim en. took a notable v"'"v" . - ,,. - . .I tit ..j. vKijy-'L v.. , i rue ooiors. attainments .for the ames v ?e Jf SS?.t5 t.l Quotas from the various districts; lies in ruuius l A KUSSians lgnunumuuaij ica. v Drohablv w . i ".y . --i , ii -.. Among those from here who at- Mrs. Pittman, and Miss jhsteue rnx tended the Ford reunion at Lakeview ; man. The invited guests, besides the were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Oliver and;members were Mrs. D. R. Mitchell, or.i- Mrs .Tan Oliver and family, Mrs. E. G. Mitchell, and Mrs. Ellmg- 7 . - - - r -m Tlr:. XTiyv . rri :-!. have charge of services in a hospital during his month s vacation. Lumber river, which reached here yesterday the highest point it has reached this summer, has begun to fall and if the glorious sunshine and let-UD of rainfall holds for a few days it will be back inside its ac- j T 1 XT - customed cnani voutly hoping. fianV. wbere it reaches tne sea n.v,0.T. old barassment bv the enemy "Belgium. , . the Russians have not stirred from Tf that could be done, It is. argued , v j.--w to face the foe. that the U-boat bases could be stamp. The hostilities 0n the Aisne front, .ie.f-ri4- Vioadmiarters when the call comes. Whether they will be turn oA over to an armv officer there and I . i !. - ... r-w -rtrVi 4-l -j ,,. n-nA to onlv offensive mstru-1 nr. DAua 1,0 fiermans have-.,, , , .:n jon ment of the -Germans be eliminated, wasted men by thousands in meffec. ?he to conduct them to the can- i wm.. rwn i .n . ... r. -.. c " . ... - 1 i. r r.m-rnmnl lOVO 1T1 TnP A i i-i :ii un nnv.v.iari thAir. neen iruesi j.ur sycioi ujrt - riT i.ri.iiiv win 1 1 1 d&-ciiivitu ab -i - - ,, i -i o .4-;oiTr tr made ineffective. , ,fmrts to break throueh Gen -.MlV4J.--J V . , , ., IUm OHV"r I ' J J The big question is whether it can petain's front, have ceased and be done. It would require comb'ued ; Qnly artinery duels are in progress army and navy operations on HAW nar of the Belgian coast held by the nessed one Df the last attempts of ,. ft landincr behind their Une.. . n the Californie and force the whole right nans from the sea as a resuu. Early Wednesday morning wit- . . j . f tonment has not been decided. RECORDER'S COURT plateau, where an attacK was com, 4-r. ami1aa1 The price of a victory of this na.j The Germans have been successful tare against the U-boats ana Wl- -n 200 yards oi xrencne& aKAlUOV 1.11- . , , 1 1 III Y llllllll "V- J . , . ..B,. i .. nTrkVkaVklv would, i -r. .:, v. 4- T Mfvnfhv-le man snore Dawrs iu- lirom ine ait ,ao ,r "j 1 be appalling, and tnere Ei:t 4.1, of fi. effort is beine sen inuicaiic biiou w"c .."-.. 4. usly consadei-ed at the . -P" However, many army men, both here j -.Y r. -Rritain. favor some JUlll 111 uicai, . , , . , 1 such desperate , attempt to bring the struggle to a conclusion. . Reports received from France give no cheering picture o wui, rr done. There appears to be n0 doubt that the allied line can stand against any force Germany can bring against U. Even the Russian disaster does not affect that situation. But to gather the necessary strength for a Successful offensive will take time and ample sea transportation facil ities if the United Statesis to fur nish the needed surplus of men, air planes,' munitions and food. N. G. NOW IN FEDERAL SERVICE After August 5 Whde Force Will be Draftelnto U.S. Army-uard Regiment Probably WiU be Hur ried to France ..: k- TJorkotrb. .TulV 25. wasningtuii "a f tbe The entire naxionai - -- D.n,,v TOV.v tberv-had bombarded vi- for several days past. In the . . ? 1 . XL AwAVMtf capture of tne position wc c"c": again resorted to the use of liquid fire. Along the front of Northern Belgium the heavy artillery duel . mi, but as vet there has been i no sign of either the British or the i w c . ....... m 4-4-o nr Germans starting an inianiy ThTe Women anilMan an, the,Ilog . L. 'Cii.f-! ;" - : A dickens of a little pet dog caus ed one man and three women to spnd the day in Lumberton yesterday when 4.vvrr horl iiitended to journey on to r-u-.i t Tbree women and a man, and be sure to mention the dog. The ..4.o. mtat. etnnned tho tram, lhe people were late m getting to the 4..;v t,a tbe train had started. Biauuii r.v . . The conductor stopped the tram al ter it had pulled up a bit and was troing to let them get on, but when fie told the lady the dog could not go w wav. that he it or she would have to be expressed, the entire par tv decided not go until they could m TTnSKand Obiected When Dusky Dame " Wanted to Leave Charged With Steaing Suit Case 2 Trov Rhodes, negro, made a scene. at the union station about 7 of the clock yesterday morning when the dusky , dame who had sworn to be his partner .for life essayed to depart on th west-bound Seaboard nassen- ger with her mother for Hamlet. Trov obiected strenuously and pre vailed, for the wife did not go, but in doing so he created enough dis turbance so that Chief McLeod gave him a free ride up town and. to jail in his auto. . When the case came up .before Recorder Britt later in the day his honor sajd that it was a quite ' vf Messrs. Timothv and G. S r l H o vj. - .i Mrs. Mary Graham and children have returned to their home at Ren. nert after a visit to the home oi ivirs.'s sister Mrs. Timothy Page. Mocorc .T S. Oliver. T. J. Page, Toniniivr ad Miss Rachel Oliver spent Tuesday in Fairmont and Lum Tbe G. W. club had one of the most delightfiul meetings of its summer cario. Sa fnrrlav afternoon, when the pntertained bv Miss T ar,i Oliver. Mrs. W. H- Oliver of oaT?frVi Kpinor the cruest OI nonoi TT-P fa 4S r TeipoYatioins' in ' the. nataona nr-a .Affptthpr with Totted plants .- flrtwr were used. After the- minutes were read and the roll ,oiirJ i. .inb enioved a -very pleas- s-orial hour. in niavanK ed, Mr. C. R. Monroe of Tar Heel, who was a Lumberton visitor yester day, brought to the editor from hi3 father, Mr. W. M. ivonroe, wno is The Robesonian's correspondent ar Tar Heel, a box of the most delic ious and beautiful apples, a rare gift that is appreciated. Mr. R. M. Phillips of the Globe - 1 I 1 J T -n.-l ntl WTO TT Mrs A L. McDaniel entertamea a. awamp section, uown ouaiumau "silver circle" Tuesday attemoon li. .tiro ii j , All the ladies in town are mvit- Guests were met at tne iaoor u Mrs. McDaniel and Mits. O. A. 1 tt . J dAoi,c a vew mteresunr "trarueu X V J ' m i contest" was one of the ieatures i, off.rr.nnn Mrss. Claud Floyd win. bll CJ.l.w., . . : x.t lnveiv hnunuet oi -nTTrrvT-c vnrai soios was leuucicu iLungui " TT V... TJf-ra Tanspott. ana mrs. ixarvy "J -T ii.. 1.1 i. fV,o Davis, whicn aaaea Kiean iaj vn pleasure of the afternoon. , Forty two ladies were present and $5.25 . m.11 K nccwl -tr- was reauzea wmui ni ward helping pay for the new carpet for the Methodist church. .Mrs. Mc Daniel served cream , and nabiscos. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.'F. C. Jones, .Tuesday, August 7th. AH the ladies are invited to go and carry a "dime Sal '2 am S' S . Mrs. W. H. OTirer, The P- paternity and he dismissed the case. ''Lf AH e Pae and S :nna Rnas hn. k ar. ineiian. trot om . the east-bound Seaboard passenger at Moss Neck Tuesday night early with another man's suit case and as ant social nour. jn maYi" aim y a -. - i, Mrs T C Parham madV the highest Rev. B. E. Standfield left Mondav core :'Th Eddi?o furnished addi- m0rning for Reidsville, where he will . i' - ... ntVifwiif 5T .-.4..4- o n.stin9. tionai pleasure uiiunvuv w cyuuum Uvv..-0. ternoon. Delicious refreshments, be- xrtrwc ttomS Porch Pary Given by Aumnae As- animation Personal menuun Correspondence of The Robesonian. . L Snrine-s. July 25 Mr. -and Mrs. John T. McNeill and John 1. of John station are visui..5 ..;Tl1,r narirdi-nir mit the '(tolor t .,1 wVi ite and ' blue, were stuciuc, i ..... . - , C3 T-7fl W tbo hostess, assistea by TT.ll d.v W t .Tenrette returned Sat urday 'from Chapel Hill, where he BU1I1 HICl rLArr-.-r Ti "tw1 attended the university a result ms res was uiaimucu 4 a. m. the next morning, he was school . Oration XUR txiiiuift , a here brought to jail, and Kecpraer n"XZ " well attended. Miss bound him Over to court unaer uu ; -.. at the inter. case belong- w nn. wo- ed to Mr. Jas. Stephens of Councils, esi " justified bond. The suit case wbo was on his way home from Ba- men are doing, i, oi.ino-pments. decently and m AIlc cuti'e " . . . inane oi""h ', , . f country, with the exception of troops, d t h his dogship travel in tUUiiLi J , 4 . j 4.v- aMifT.weste.rn . ' tttj r nmm.n and from Calliornia a" wic kJV,w v i state, vyneiei-uic, unc - irom v.aiii.ui wderal service ,a(i the chance of - . 1 1 I a. Illilll iivi a. . , i their lives yesterday to spend a aay in the best town to be sure. din. He had $300 worth of notes and! . ArT?TTwiT NKWS other paper in the case and $6.45 in; BUIU Anu rxxi-- Protracled Meting. Going OnShip- . . -r . CtAnlr tAr 11 J l1 JL T ...LUnV money, it is aiiegea inat uucMcai watched the white man as he dozed "T.. "Tident Wilson's call. xonignt uiiucx mi . WAtVIQlTllTlir IMI Ul ll3 " be . i . . a. ..!. K on which aay STSSil! force .f probably 300,000 vne j.f1j :4.ft tbe armv of men win oe uiailw j i :.. the United States and will lose its status as militia. From that day on . . . . ,an v msed for any the ataxe ?. and k M-TJii tans t Will Oe sudjcci, to ",1"" armv 4. t the regular army. "fiUrYnrement of the guard was Those can- TOBACCO PKICESontinde ,, . '.. .:... was a L.umDeixon visitor ve-'tc-i" He thinks that corn is better thi3 year than last but that cotton in his 'section perhaps has already been damaged more by wet weather than it was damaged last year. Mr. Lum Edwards, who lives near Old Kingsdale, had to kill a mule Friday night of last week as a- result of the mule failing inrougu a bridge on a road near Proctorvilie The mule broke his right front leg when the bridge broke through, sax. Edwards says the mule was worcn around ?150. Mr. and Mrs. U. S; Page; and small child left yesterday for their home at- Mount Uiive alter a-visit here at the home of Mr. Page's fath er, Mr. ET E. Page. They wereac companied by Mr. Page's sister, Miss Lizzie May Page, who will go to School at Mount Olive, of which town Mr. Page is chief of police. Mr. Colin H. Phillips received yesterday a letter from home folks in Edinburgh, Scotland, in which he was advised that his brother Lieut. t m PhUlins. who had been in a hos pital in London since May suffering .;v. enrained knee. had been brought home and was m an ldin- . T ... 1 Ml .U1. nrTV . -. tttiii TvV.w-c 1 urnuiriiT. inmt the home of mr. wu Wedneff1 burgE hospital, still unable to walk. Miss Kate McLean left weanes , uuig v , QrfviwHl riT,hmo where she will via- Local Odd Fellows were aoyisi u k?h lE. ttSrV McLean. last night of the death at Ashejille t ? iparents' Mr-and Mrs' iaafsuwtara Mr, T C Roeers ana raowiw, was a dtoui 01 - - mrs. A. V . rp..nnn I nrl.lo.'11 . T?d nh t G. Brown spent iuua. nguisiue . i TTavetteville. I Miss UlizaDetn uexier oj. ln ayeiieyuie T ,:.. nirnn U l, o:.. , bridesmaid m Misses uatnenne.anu D.etn,' "". "r-" Ti:,Z o ninff Meons-Raising Stock tor Mrs. T. Koger uu wtli: Beach Cotton MiH at Red Sprmgs-Koaas Mrs. John . crown . tl i Ra Ponditiorf Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian, and slipped the suit case out at a fa vorable moment, leaving his own. Mr. Stephens missed his case oeiore . . 1 1 JL !? 1 rviA reaching umoerton ana goi on r.rntrnpted meet- are spending a wniie ai aiuuucv. tne Mcimyre-owu;. cuuiUfi -----Sheriff R. E. Lewis, Deputy Sheriff Buie, Juta ' J. arS Alumnae association gave a and has since been a guest at Arch Prevatt and Rural Policeman ing : started Jere Sunday and will I part t jd e home, of Mr. and I Mrs . C . V. t?h Th.iiiTa crnt. hnsir mir. naa a nam tii've unuuu r.. fiT-dino- tb. man. They hadi IN - w " mi . : -mr i rne Meivm SeS V. a unci, me ..v -- y , ucm " , , ... i. pendine a while at Montreat. the Mclntyre-Stack wedding a week e Alumnae association gave a a?0 and has since been a guest at .4.4...o nrvrrb nartv at hotel 1,0 home of Mr. and Mrs. v. v, tbrough the weeK. very Tuesday eveninp- from Brown, will leave tomorrow evening Messrs. J. Wl Glover and R. A Pgd TnerS were twelve fgwwk, thence she will go to elvin are spending the day in Fay- 8 1 U o ciock. . decorat ior coast of The first increment Ian davs aeo zVJZnmA increment em- Z7& StCi Middle Western J VT ,., states and several ..... Prnbablv more tnan 150,000 men went on the Federal pay .i T01I. iUa Anfre With Federalizauon oj. force complete -after August 5th, the ranks of all regi ments will be filled up to full war strength from thines to . "a.r jna ; ments which maicaxe tnau ifu " j qt,j x-ui !?-. nfi. Saw Such Prices Beauty of it is That Prices Seem to be Advancing There have been more big breaks . xv.. Wol tAbappo warehouses this week and prices continue high, ine market has advanced every day since i "Pifct nTiTirimirs whicn two years ago sold for $4 and sold yesterday for $19. Second rim-mo- which sold two years ago for thing that finally led them to the etteville. ' nmmff each one representing a month of the Massachusetts until time to return ! right Place was the fact that Lock- Miss Nena Khyne left this mommg ?har4cteristic of to Lumberton for the opening of the ,lear got off .the train with a one- for near Maxton. month was cleverly carried out fall term 0f schooL Miss Dexter is leggel man. They found Locklear Lots of StX ?tel? tUe. July, wia muua- teacher of the first grade m the rad- aKniit S miles north ot Moss nee. about 4 a. m. yesterday, and got back to Lumberton about 5 a. m. Locklear claims that he took the other man's suit case merely by mis take. Everything was recovered ex- T mo-nev and some razor VwioToa ot ;t is claimed that Mr. "- . . T . i . Stephens is mistaken aooux navmg case. around $8, sold for $24.50. I those things in the iir.rvVinrlv is happy over the high i -n -r T..i... t;a Gni-1enlv n San JD. J. juauvc iicn "J " Francisco Everybody is happy P This is proving a big week on the Fairmont market also. Tuesday 300, 000 pounds of tobacco were sold there ai QrAnnn aiuu.uuv. x iiwo J. JA. 1J.VW T ' me high there are now fairly well eauippea aii-j; tmt before they sail. The which have the benefit'of JJJJJ liiSe SSieaon to fit them for mobilization will - not be held ions intensive . -at the mobilization wmiw Tf at the divisional train lug .camps, if transportation is avauaoie, -of the State troops may be hurried to France at once, stopped only for trench warfare will be given at tne a:s.0 tfoiTnncr ramus in r ranee where General Pershing's regulars al ready are at work. fn tidier, flags and firecracKers sch0ol. . ' . . ,i n r .A txriui oupes are being shipped this season. . ; i" c T de. the May nole, will j..Sm JSr2ESab at Sveme of the attractiveness iss xx cue, -0,t, JLU1U1. -r nr Messrs. James Mcleoa, James Record of Vessel Sunk nis?natch. July 25. At oAe end of the porch a pretty Twenty-one British vessels of more tac)j.o. " ,--,. TTt-I rrrrns-T told IOrCUneS in a 1 i.OUU IrUUO a"- "'" - 7 Millan and Lacy Prevatt spent Fit gypsy .Y tent. The "picture Uan 1,600 tons each were sunk last a -.t,,-t,o. i the Harmony section. terious-iooKing vcuv , T.aeb L ,; onhmarinps. ac- dav evenins in the Harmony f --- - i j ..nriiTrr n rroiiprrv was r x - l w. w .. ... ... Miss Kuby Meivm . 0f-"-"H - ; ked to name different cordig to the weekly aomirauiy few dav at Buie visiting her fath- guest was aseu tQ s sbinnine-losses: One fish- rf" . . . i momrps .uu a .... i .mw v" rr 1- er, Mr. K. A. Meivin. w tbe one euessing the most. Deiignt- vessel was also sunk. We are glad to report Mrs. J. W. the JjJJ cKake were served. . The announcement of the British Uiover improving. . . i- mv:. ;e At, of the many axx .toTfo'oIUntents that the local mill which is to be built at Springs in the near future, yesterday getting up stock tor cor"";""iation will give during the 1600 tons sent to the bottom as coin. Son Francisco Dispatch. July 25. F.dwin J. Justice of Greensboro m r cnpcial assistant, to Attorney General Greffory. dropped dead in his todav. He had been on .'l.i.iv-c "'.' ww j . , !. noct two vears nrosecutmer tne i - J 4-t. rTi-Ft jrovernment on cases mmcr iut . -V". " 'of so much rain. He is summer. h.ihi in secunne sud eenhora. alreav havinff near ?iuu 000 subscribed pared with the report of the previ ous week wnen tourteen were bujl- Berlin, via London, July 25-The In the smaller category the loss British submarine C-34 has been sunk one less tnan - ;; Lids aVe in bad c number of fishing vessels sank. The was taken prisoner. mmmmmm M : - ri 11 1 i A rr V II m II -II II 1- I I . . i . TT(C!,FTrTCRJV Letushave your tobacco cnecics, J1H1C1Np it rTTNrsTTD m frfrn v rr H. U.S.. . ) I Cillo t ...tti-c not nn what bank ll tl ii 1T - 1L lllUtVVlU "vv v. " . , ss&sw w..-'m n..iinf ArlfVi t-He monev.1 ,:n, thf.M lost as we Have neen creamuS jr NATIONAL BANEC, LUMBERTONC s V: .-1 Jepositanr.'.; . . r ' i ; ' ' ' 7z.... United States i f. - " 1 . . - - - -

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