" ' ' " " r ' 1 "'" ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CFNTS " ' v : """"" - , COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH ' I $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCB VOL. XLVIII LUMBERTQN, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2, 1917. NUMBER 50 DRAFTED MEN MUST REPORT FIRST 3 DAYS NEXT WEEK Notices Mailed to 360 Registrants of Robeson District 1 to Report in Lumberton Mn Included in First Draft Must Report Whether They iceceve f ormal Notice or Not M L-- . T SUMMARY OF THE WAR NEWS Torrential Rainfall Almost Halts Al lied Offensive British and French Troops Consolidate Positions Won Russians Score Success This morning's press summary of j DOWN BOARDMA NWAY BUIE AND PHILADELPHIA NEWS! PREMIUM LfST READY Hot TSn on a h-T? o -m Ara rH A i- S!?Bt-i-Exciting Experience! Fred Meetings-Fine Corn and With a Mule High Tobacco Prices' n Ctton--Personal Mention fP?n?-ljtfe Scho1 Building at UoresPondence of The Robesonian. BladenbOro ; Uie Jxdy 31 Miss Katy McCal- Boardman R. F. D., July 31-We .J near Red Springs has been lio-vcu , neara any one sav toi xt: ,, - " the War News savs: !W,'t i, ;;, " -spend in vw.,:; tiao ueen. aiww;cs vfcxo uuuieu yesterday, a ... ,; , ,- w ,jr oay iui me - v. rr- wie aomes ot from Lumb.rt.t. 360 ,. Jrf.fi&S? gfJSSS ESf -SflfS H'B- Ash,e -d - Katy . T-.l-... J.- a-- . it - . -. 11 j - .. " l 7 "T Tiiii ou tuk- i. ;nT5 me Galoot, spent the week. ' Mr r S ot Miss R. D. Buie of Robeson county , district No. 1 to ready hard of negotiation at manv report in Ltunberton the first three! Pomts---uto a veritable quagmire al- days of next week for examination before the exemption board. One hundred and twenty men are to re port each of the three days Monday, most naited dunner Wednesdav tnp great allied offensive against theGer mans in Flanders. ; -For the most part the dav was spent by the British and French Tuesday and Wednesday. The names ! troops in consolidating positions won oi an uie meu w worn notices were j m i uesuay ' s spectacular drive or in ton would grow. enough to suit us all. get It seems to be hot Thp Who-at rr-rn-nrav? Mr. D. P. Tni- anJ " , . ' had their wheat threshed recently, - " M Brown will leave for a Mr. Ed Hester of Bladenboro doing of days trip through the coun- the work. Mr. A. J, Branch had-the by auto for Raleigh tomorrow largest yield per acre that we -have' , ev. A. S. Parker, who has been learned of, which was 18 bushels noi(1ng a meeting. here for the last i week." anrf . i ... . - i.i . . . , i w "v vHown tt c ,i r"""j win L Oil Linilc mailed were DUblisnea m Mn-ndav's- TvntiTir H . u j r uciuiau vuuuwi I, n iij.chvc UUi UlSCUltS IX WCj , o xixc tuuau Ui. tms WeCK IS an xwircawiiKiu. v attacKS. maae in endeavors to wrpst. would lust trv. wic preacner. anri of c J! i--. . . . ' . ! m " ... - . . . .... A i , a. Mi. Atom meir antagonists tneir tormerr xwo misses liewis or Whitevilie u as oeen accomplished here bv BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS Get a Prpminm i ;.- .a o. t to Haxe Exhibits at RoHpU, r J -TT Dr- Tho?- F. Costner moved his ty Fair in NovemberMnnr' !5"lce Tuesday from his residence. Are Offered I Uiestnut street, to over the Popa The premium - list for the annual T v . Kobeson county fair already has License has been issued for the been printed and any farmer ie- marriage of Daisy Wiggins and Rob siring to get one can get same by tll J?u ncan Karie Murray and Archia calling at The Robesonian office, the! M- V- ni re rreeman Printing Co.! ine sidewalks in the residential Posting of the notice at the court house is considered sufficient notice, and if any registrant .whose number is included in the first 360 drawn should by any reason fail to receive the formal notice from the board he should report anyway. Any of the number who fails to report will be! taken for service and will be barJ red from making any claim for ex emption. The exemption board of (district No. 1, Mr. T. L. Johnson of Lumber ton chairman, was in session the first three days of the week, working on these . notices. It completed that part of its labors yesterday and got out all the notices. The exemption board of district No. 2, Mr. A. R. Mc- Eachern of St. Pauls chairman, has positions At two points near Ypres the Ger mans , using great masses of men, were successful in their counter at tacks against the British but this ad or at Mr. W. I. Linkhaw's sabs sta The date of the fair this year will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and. Fnday,. November 6, 7, 3 and 9. The officers of the fair are: presi dent; Frank Gough, vice-president, V. D. Baker; secretary-treasurer, W. O. Thompson; managers, D. D. French, W. O. Thompson and B. Sam Edwards. and Yser canal sectors, where resDec tively the British and French troops advanced their lines. Meanwhile the guns of the. bellig erents are continuing to roar all along the entire front in reciprocal bom bardments preparatory to the re commencement of the infantry battle when the clouds lift and the "rainfall cease. The losses of th Teutons in the fighting thus far have been extremely heavy, the ground at various points and a Miss Smith of Elkton are spend-: ms able sermons. At the close of the . J ATiiooco , . ni.l liUlUIIJeace an-l IVianV DriZPS Will hA ?Far-atl TUa and Fannie Kelly. other revival, at the M. E. church at State LSSSJJrfA e. 15! rue protracted meeting at Galud -pnngs. ! contributed $110. thtnTT.! cnurcn near madenooro was held last n. a. Ashley and Walter berton S100 ad tt. k J. "r.1 ' - V A. VVl4W IT i'imuissiuners$iuu,Desiaes many other vantage was offset in the Zillebeke5 week and as oxsual Rev. Fred Collins JcMillan spent Saturday in Favette J V 1 . A. -i i Jli 1 1 1 J i ,.! tnlla J 1 J5WC. ueiivereu some vnrv an r ann np mmi ' j r r- sermons. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Fields of Clark ton visited in this vicinity. Sunday. Master Gordon, Porter, son of .Mr. J. E. Porter, had a very dansrerous been in session every day this week being covered with their dead some at Red Springs and is in session of the killed mere school boys and there today. In conversation over; seemiilly .unfitted phytoically f off ard .the 'phone this morning Mr. Mc-j uous trials soldiers in the present war Eachern advised The Robesonian that; must undergo. In addition the Brit he thought it hardly possible for hisj ish have taken more than 5,000prison- board to mail out notices today. As 5 days must elapse from, the date of mailing notices before the first third must report for examination, registrants of district No. 2 will not have to report at Red Springs until later next week. If notices are mail ers 4,000 of them on the Ypres sal ient. - On the southern end of the front,' nJ? arif srfy to report Miss Vera tfntt, who has been sick for several weeks, now confined to her room, and hope for her speedy recovery. Messrs. Tmv QnH JnV, ni.. fj i r- - j u- v vim iiiiivrrr iriii exoerience recently. He went ' into Mrs. Alexander the stable to bridle the mule and the etteville, going over to see Mrs J mule had his head to the back of ; the- Glover, who is there in a hos stable. As he started around thei tal. mule began kicking and hemmed him' . Mr. c. C. Baxley, one of our best in the corner and probably would have" farmers in the Buie section, has some killed him had his father not rescued, corn and cotton that are hard to beat. mm,, -tie was hit several times out is not thought to be seriously injur ed. . , , , . Mr. Jesse Bullard was a pleasant caller in this section Sunday after noon Movements Red Springs News Item of the Peooi. Correspondence of The Robesonian. ea -springs, Aug. 1 Miss Rosellc cash and other useful prizes. Prem iums win be given for exhibits of all breeds of chickens, domestic stience exhibits including pantry supplies, canned vegetables and fruits. tire- serves, jelly, sundries, candy, etc. xancy worK, painting, flowers, all sorts of farm products, hoers ' ratfip mules and horses, clothing, millinery, etc. The domestic science department will be under the direction of Mes- dames A. S. King, chairman, S. A. Branch, N. A. Brown. L. B. Barnes. j. i. amgietary, Harvey King, C. B lhompson, u. T. Pate. F. F. Wet- more and Misses Carrie Edens . and Verdun sector, the Germans continue to carry out offensive operations Tobacco farmers are still wearing (at Wake Forest after snt-ndine- thp smiles. We know of one man. sell-iysummer with her aunts Mis. J. C Al mg a single load tor $o3o. u tnatnau and Mrs. J. H. McKay. Mt- TTi.; T- mi f i McKinnon hZ'?' TA r"v xuie- Iarin Products de- ' n xu , tP Jl "ns panment win De under the super in the region of the Aisne and the1 wouldn't make one smile we don tv Misses Elizabeth Frye, Carrie know what it would take. War, it seems to us, is 'vtV11,- an.d Mafy McEichem will leave ment will getting. to ay lor New York, where they will, Messrs. E. '-against General Petain's armies. In: be very serious, when our boys- right spend a month. aA fVTYl ATTrtTO' Vl v will Tlrt douht be i on. f fy,o.i. v,oi7tt KomKarrimenf i from hom- have to so, probably for required to report Wednesday, Thurs.f ai0ng the entire Aisne region, how-! ever. We think it as getting to be day and Friday of next week, 120 ever, the French in a vigorous coun- strenuous. - . ' men reporting each day. In Mon-,ter attack east of Cerny again have! The farm-life school building at day'a Robesonian was also publish-1 made progress and taken prisoners. ! Bladenboro is neanng completion and ed a list of all the names, of reg- j On the other hand the Germans' we must say it s a real beauty, awl istrants who will be required to re- northwest of Verdun in an attack' we hope it will be what we have been port on the first call in district No. were able to penetrate first line needing. - 2. . . : trench elements in the region be-j Listen for the wedding bells. No.l yesterday elected Dr. W. A. 80. . Fairmont News Letter Gimpse of i Goodwin have returned to Lumber- Mrs. A.B.Pearsall. Miss Euni sail andMissJulia Hall leftTuesday af ternoon for Junaiuska, the- Methodist assembly grounds near Waynesville. Miss Annie Johnson is visiting Miss Leeh Slaughter in Goldsboro. Mrs. Edwards vof Goldsboro is vis iting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Parker. Mrs. T. J. Goodwin and Miss Vergie vision of Messrs. W. P. Barker, chair man, j. In. Keagn, W. K. Culbreth, J. S. Oliver, L. E. Blanchard and W. G. Gilchrist. The poultry denart- be under the charge of B. Freeman, T. M. Brock. R. T. Allen and D. J. Watson. The sections of town are heW r'p?rvf of grass and weeds, which . makes , walking much more comfortable. Mr. J. M. Terry, clerk at the Mc Millan drug store, returned Monday night from his home at Blackville, S. C, where he went three weeks ago on account of sickness. Mrs. Terry is expected to return the last of thia week. Mr. Jas. Spivey, employed for some time at the Jennings cotton mill store in North Lumberton, went Tuesday to Wilmington to work for Armour & Co. The big companies are having to replace lots of men who have volunteered or who are taken in the draft. Rev. W. R. Davis, formerly pas tor of East Lumberton Baptist church and some country churches, arrived Tuesday with his family from, Bur lington, their present home, and they will spend some days here visiting friends. They mad? the trip across country in their auto. Mr. E. G. Sipher. field represent ative for the Woodmen of the World, arrived home last night from a trio. He travels over five or six counties in Eastern North Carolina and he says he has never seen before such good crops generally, so much corn, and the farmers so prosperous. -Mrs. G. ,B. McLeod and daugh ter, Miss Irene, left last evening .for Waynesville, where they will spend some time. Mrs. McLeod's son, Mr. G. Badger McLeod, will leave next Mondav for Waynesville in their uto - -"ni accompanied bv Messrs. live stock department' will be under W. P. McAllister and Earl Townsend. the charge of Messrs A K. Morrison, Rev. Dr l. Grv?. McPhaul an additional aminine physician and reemlar ex-i A1fV.rwn.Vi fVa AiKtrrt-fiarmoTia fnn-t Passing lhrong DrS. T. C.Uinue to press the Russians in Galicia! Correspondence of The Robesonism Johnson .and J. A. .Martin special j and, BokoWina, having, the Horoden examining - yhysicians. to . assJst.;JJnUj2Jltm5.them' along the Horoden-1 lor .r-r B. W. Page, a member of fheoflrdTfHfrwfti railway uniT wth of t Mw. Jy:rBie1ieapAllet.-t Fairmont. Aue. 1 Mrs, V. H. Tay lor is. . visitincr her parents, Mr. aiid itv makinte tiie physicial exammaL th Dniester river, the Russians tions. 1 ' southeast of Tarnpool in the vicinity Those who wish to file claims for j 0f TrembowU have taken the off en- exemption must do so immediately after they have successfully, passed physical examination, and they then have ten days in which to file affi davits supporting their claim. TOBACCO PRICES SOARING The Weed Continues to Bring High si vp in an endeavor to prevent the northern end of their line in Galicia from being pushed back further to ward the Russian frontier. The Rus sians have been successful in captur ing one enemy vantage point. On the northeastern frontier ot Rumania the combined Russo-Ruman-ian forces are keepine up their ad- Prices Farmers Handling More- vantasre against th Austrians ' and Money Than Usual 'Germans.' In their smash at the en- Tobacco prices continue to soar and. emy line between the Putna and Cas the smiles of the tobacco growers, m valleys they have penetrated it to 000 pounds of tobacco was sold on the! and captured 98 euns and in the! vis, Tom Hughes, Wiley Taylor and send Mr. Robert Lancaster of St. Pauls arrived Tuesday night and will, fill the vacancy at the Fairmont drug stor of Mr. John Stubbs of Parkton, who was called to report at Charlotte. r - - . i i jl Mr. Stubbs is a memoer oi tne nat ional guard. He. left Tuesday night for Parkton, where he will spend a 1 few days with his parents before go ing to unariotte. Miss Margaret Worley of Hender aonville arrived Saturday night and will - spend some time here with her f cCfcll6T Misses Vera Purvis, Georgie Kyle, Lillian Baker, Chat Ratley and Ber. tha Jenkins and Messrs. wiayne fur ton after spending a few days vis iting: Mrs. A. B. Pearsall. Miss Clara de Vane is visiting Mrs. John de Vane in Fayetteville. JUiss - Gladys West of Dover, after spending the weekiend with Miss Bes sie Jones, left Tuesday for Lumber- i ton to visit Miss Marie Thompson. Mr. uouglas McMillan has return ed from a business trip to Wilmington. Mrs. Leo O. Miller of Richmond is visiting Miss Bessie Jones Robertson, A. G. McDougal and Jno la. McNeill. The fair was a grand success last year and no doubt will be much more of a success this year, as many more premiums are offered and the people of the county generally are becoming more and more interested in the. fair. Get a premium list and prepare to have something on exhibition. SPELL OF HOT WEATHER Monday in his auto for his summer heme at Riderecrest, where he will spend a month's vacation. Dr.Greaves family have been at Ridgecrest for some time. Dr. Greaves was accom panied by Mr. John T. Biggs. Mr. Biggs will return home tomorrow or Saturday. Mr. X. W. McDairmid of Chase City, Va., is a ruest at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. O. C, Norment, Sixth street Miss.1" Amanda McDairmid, who lives with Mr. and Mrs. Norment, is a daughter of Mr. McDairmid. Mr.' Mc Dairmid is a son of the late Mr. W. S. McDairmid. the founder of The Charlotte to work for a few weeks. Miss Lila Bryne is visiting friends in Richmond.' Mr. Joe Buie has returned from a visit to Mr. A. T. McCallum at Mon treal Miss Lou Mitchell Faison of War saw is visiting Miss Hannah Town- Lumberton market yesterday and an-, neighborhood of 4500 prisoners. other big sale was made today, as; Gov. Bickett would say, the prices are: SENATE ADOPTS PROHI- playing tango with the stars and the. BITION RESOLUTION farmers have a rijrht to smile. Wiieni two-horse loads sell for from $300 to; S600 it means monev for the tobacco! States Must be Asked to Ratify growers more money than the av erase farmer ever handled before. It Amendment Within 6 Years Yet to Act on Resolution -House is well with the farmer and espec-l Washington Dispatch, Aug. 1. iallv with the tobacco crrowers: andi A resolution for submission to the may it continue to be so. Big sales are being held at Fair mont this week and prices are high. John Bracy motored over to Jackson Springs Sunday, where they spent tne day. Mrs. Harry Davis left Saturday for Martinsville,where she will visit rela tives. She was accompanied by her father-in-law, Mr. E. J. Davis. Mr. Davis is connected with the Robeson county warehouse here. He return ed Monday. . ' Misses Marv Belle and Lorotny States of a nrohibitiot. amendment to! Ricks, who have been visiting rela the Federal constitution was adopted tives and friends at Beaufort, re late today by the Senate. The vote j turned home Monday night, was 65 to 20, eight more than the! Miss Lee McClemey of Chadboum CANNING CAMPAIGN CONTINUED; necessary two-thrds. spent the week-end with Mrs. L. ritt- As adopted the resolution contains ! man. It Has Been Decided to Continue thei a provision that the States must bs Campaign- Program for Nxt! asked to ratify the amendment with Week 'Correspondence of The Robesonian. Canning campaign program for next week as follows: Monday, Aug. 6 St. Pauls. Tuesday, Aug. 7 Roziers. Wednesday, Aug. 8 Floral college. Thursday, Aug. 9 Turnout. Friday, Aug. 10 Rowland. Saturday, Aug. 11 Proctorville. These are all-day meetings. Mon day, Wednesday, Friday meetings are to be held for the club ems. There is so much canning done through Au-. gust and September it has been decid ed to continue this canning campaign. NENA RHYNE, Home Demonstration Agent, Robeson County. Last Meeting of Pension Board for the Yer The county pension board will meet Monday of next week m Lumberton in the office of Clerk of the Court C. B. Skipper for the pur pose of considerine applications for pensions. This will be the last meet ing of the board for the year. $651.70 for a Load of Tobacco Mr. L. H. Britt of Lumberton, R. 4, broueht.a 2-horse load of tobacco to Lumberton yesterday and sold it for ?651.70. Mr. Geo. M. Whitfield went last night to Wilmington to spend, a few davs on business. Rev. Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, pastor -of the Presbyterian church, returned last night from a business trip of ten days to Louisville, Ky., and Atlanta, Ga. Miss Alma Trader of Raleigh is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McLeod. She arrived . this morning from Atlanta and will w-J rt-l tt J.,-1 - A. m six years, rne nouse still must act" on the resolution. ' Stone's Amendment Rejected Senator 'Stone's iamenctment pro viding for compensation by the gov ernment for damages to property growing out of the -enforcement of the , prohibition amendment, was re jected 50 to 31. The proposed constitutional amend ment is the first initiated by Con. Miss Dorothy Shockett returned' Mrs. Mollie Potter Ceiebrales Her Wednesday morning from Lumberton, 77 Birthday Mercury Registered 100 Yesterday and Tuesday in Lumberton Hot"1 test Spell Since 1914 When Mercury Went to 106 for 2 Davs Some hot spell, this. Everybody j Robesonian, and has many mends and his wife and family have discov-; here who are glad to have him back ered that for themselves, but mavbe 1 in Lumberton for a spell. He will Mr. Frank McMillan has ffone , to you don't know just how hot it is leave tomorrow or Saturday for his 1 1 0 . i j 1 t. -n 1 1 . n -,:. oniciauy, ana mayoe it win De some, nome at unase v-iiy. comfort to know that officially, as' Mrs. R. R. Carlyle, daughter of, well as unofficially and unadulter- Mrs e. K. Proctor of Lumberton, atedly, itis hot. j who went with her husband to Texas Yesterday and Tuesday the records some months ago on account of the of Mr. B. M. Davis, local observer, latter's health, has for the past two show that the thermometer went . to months been regularly employed aa 100. t The hottest day of the summer : coloist and choir director of the First prior to Tuesday was June 24, when Baptist church of San Antonio, of the mercury made the same record. which Rev.Dr.F J.Porter, a brother of That is the highest record mzde since pw. a. H. Porter of Whitevilie, is tin McKinnon for the past two weeks j July, 1914, when for two days, July pastor. The other night at the church will leave x.i f uit u;icLuuipc in i : v aim nn- m m. v i v-, me cnoir Uliucr uia. a uucv- f ew days to enter the training camp, i the hottest ever recorded here since tion gave a sacred concert for the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnson spent! Mr. Davis has been keeping the rec- soldiers, and this was followed by re Wednesday, in Lumberton. ords. some 19 or 20 years. For a week! Jfesbments. Mrs. Carlyle's ehoir Miss Mae Brown is in a hospital in; in July 1914 the record shows, over; aiso fcas been giving concerts at Fort Hamlet. Her friends hope for her; 100. In June, 1914, week beginning Houston, near San Antonio. speedy recovery. j 23rd, the thermometer registered from , Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buie and 100 to 103. . I Want New Road in Globe Swamp children of Florida are visiting Mr. The heat wave is general all over jr. R. M. Phillips and other lead Buie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. the country. A dispatch "n this mom- ns citizens of the Globe Swamp sec. Buie. i ings papers states that heat claim-j tion will appear before the county : .1 1 1 : .-ICC AWAnc ti r.. q4q. I a AT ?-4- cu iic uvea oi ii- ycicuao in , commissioners at uieir reguiai iiioi,- New York yetserday, while hundrels' Monday meeting of next week and of others were prostracted. . 1 make another effort to tret a road Mr. David Robeson of Council, who has been visiting his sister Mrs. Mar BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION wprp sVip has been visitinsr friends Miss May Clark of St. Pauls spent the week-end with Miss Lois Hayes. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. 3, July 1 Thurs day, July 26th, was spent in a most pleasant manner at the home of Mrs. Local Lumber MiUs Busy on Orders Mollie Potter, it being the celebra i extended to the Creek road from the ! Globe swamp. Down where Mr. Phil lips lives the folks are bottled up of Lumber for Cantonments Uncle Sam is requiring a tremend. tion of her 77th birthday. Despite the extremely warm weather, a large or- mills ar a sunolvincr a part of it Mr. W. F. Beerv. representing a New gress since that providing for popular. York company that has the contract i A1A..;nr TTnifo. Gf-ooi SoriQ-f nrc fnr KnilfUnor faTtorimpnt No. 2 at otis amount of lumber these days forj number of the family connections building cantonments, and local ium-j gathered m due time feeling good and seemingly happy. At the noon hour ol option rf Unitpd States? Senators, for huildinc cantonment No. approved in 1911. It is the first Camp Long Island, has been making j time that either branch of congress jLumperton neaaquarters or auu has approved a constitutional amend-! month, visiting mills in this section mPi. for. nrohibition. A few vears of thp State and expediting ship- ago a similar resolution in the House ments. The Kingsdale mill here has received a majority, but failed of the required two-thirds. Prohibtion leaders of tile House now claim enough votes to insure submission of an amendment to the States. When the resolution can be considered in the House is uncertain, but its friends will seek early discus sion. of a large picnic table was spread in the yard neath the shade of the trees and was filled with goodies from end to end, every one declaring it the most beautiful table they had ever seen, and after having finished the best they had ever eaten. After the dinner was over witn a contract for 8 carloads of lumber for this cantonment. The Butters an(j the presents presented, Rev. J. R. Miller of Fairmont read a cnap ter and held 'prayer. Later watermelons and fruits were served. It was "indeed a great oc casion. t Mrs. Potter has 4 children living Lumber Co. at Boardman has shipped 38 cars and has ten more cars to snip. The Waccamaw Lumber Co., the Alam Lumber Co., and other mills in this section are shipping lumber for this -ant.onmpTt. The erreat problem is to get the lumber shipped quickly,andi Mrs. J. W. Hedgepeth, Mrs. E. H V ... M A pm T ! . 1 ' Personal News Ims From Lowe Corresoondence of The Robesonian. Lowe. Aue. 2 Misses Edna and .h it is inconvenient -rettinc out and Dovie Prevatt spent Wednesday night getting mail. A road about a mile with their sister and brother-in-law,1 iong aCross the swamp would put Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ttfner. them in easy reach of the Creek Mrs. N. H. Andrews of Rowland is roa(i and tbey would have the ad visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs.? vantage of a good road all the way Jno. Prevatte. 'to Lumberton. As it is now they Dr. Carl V. Tyner, who have been ave to go three miles out of their practicing medicine in Bellvue hos- way to get to Lumberton, and though pital, New York city, is visiting his Boardman is almost in hollering dis parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tyner. ! tance they have to go a lnff way Mrs. Stone of Lake Waccamaw is spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Prevatte. Mrs. H. J. Langston of Richmond, Va., and Mrs. H. W. Baucom of Morehead City are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hi. lyner. around to get there. They thought they had that road a year ago, and the folks went to ,work and cut it out, but the matter has been held up. It is to be hoped the people of the Globe Swamp will at last be given . rplip-f thev so much need. It Food Control Bill Reported Out Conference Washington Dispatch, Aug. 1. The administration food control hill, stripped of the features oppos ed by President Wilson, was reported out of conference today, just one month after the date the President had hoped to see it enacted into law. Enactment some time next week now is predicted. House conferees will make their report tomorrow and favorable action probably will be tak en Friday. Senate approval probably will follow early next week, although extended debate is expected in the Senate, nwincr to elimination of Sen ate amendments, which would have provided for a congressional war ex penditures committee and a three member food control board. all other freight must make way for these shipments. This sort of freight has precedence over every other class, and its movement requires an im mense number of cars. Even after these cantonments are built it is hardly probable that the cars used m hauling this lumber will be released for movement of the ordinary run of freight. - Mrs. C. H. Boyd and son, John Robert, will so Saturday to Hender. sonville, where they will spend some time. Mr. Neill Baxley. formerly of Lum K.t-4-.ti -riaifp. rplatlves at St. Pauls the first of the week and returned Walter Rawlings, 40 years old, a Tuesdav to his home In WilmingtonJ internment farmer of Mecklenburg -m. -a r -v.i - Ttr XT I T 1 Messrs. R. M. Phillips and W. H. Bullock of the Globe Swamp section were Lumberton visitQrs Tuesday. Prevatte, J. A. and T. D. Potter, all of whom live, near her. Her grand children number 21, and great-grandchildren 12. She has 4 brothers J. F. and Henry Stubbs of the Center section, Benton Stubbs of Clio, S. C, and William Stubbs of Purvis Mrs. Potter seems to be enjoying good health and all that day she said she was feeling unusually good. She hardly realized her age. How thank ful we are to God for his blessing our dear mother with a long life. We hope to meet her again in the coming years. , ELMER HEDGEPETH countv. was killed by a S. A. L. pas senger train Tuesday while' he was walking on the track. Mr. W. R. Tvner left Monday for. innvs liv a shame to keep folks bot- Raleigh to drive back a new Over-j tie( up like that when a mile cut land car, on account of running short! would put them on a good road. here. ... Mrs. J. M. Powell, who underwent j pi to Use Drugs o Escape Draft an onpration for appendicitis at Highsmith hospital, Fayetteville has returned home mucn improved. Miss Cora Tyner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Tyner, who has been in New York city in school, has re turned home. Miss Flora Carlyle, who has been visitine relatives around has returned home. Mr. Ed Humphrey of the Saddle tree section came to Lowe Wednes day ami bought a new Overland car. Greenville, S. C, Aug. 1 The sec ond battalion of the Second North Carolina regiment, the headquarters company, the supply company and part of the sanitary detachment, ar rived at Camp Sevier early this af ternoon and promptly began unload insr nrenartorv to sitchinr their tents on their camp site adjacent to that of the First South Carolina. The troops came from Goldsboro. New York Dispatch, July 31. Evidence that young men were plot ting to evade conscription by the use of a heart stimulant which would cause their rejection by medical ex aminers was laid before United States District Attorney Caffey todav by Denutv Attorney General Conklinfl.. Fairmont,, representing, the New York adjutant general. An immediate investigation was ordered. Mr. Conkling obtained the informa tion from a man whose name he with held, but who told him that a physi cian of pronounced pro-German sym pathies had arranged to treat two young men with the drug previous to their examination by the draft ex emption board of their district. Dr. Carl Osterhaus , of the bureau of information for medical examin ers said, it would be an easy matter to detect the presence of the drug and that tests woutt be applied in every case of unusual heart activity. - y