UEgTAit.tgwp.n 1R70 HiKhi.ia- rnpv -TyT- crriT5 " ' ' ' ' "' - ' - ' ' -AS' : u COUNTRY. GOD AND TRUTH ' " : ...... ... , ...... V -. Z ! ' " " ' -" ? " A"-a.,: ;.- ' 5)2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCH VOL. XLVIII LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 9, 1917. REGISTRANTS EXAMINED 30 Reg!strants for New v National "Army Examined in Lumberton 64 Failed to Ps Physical Examina- t'on and 186 Filed C'aims for Ex emption It i Thought Quota of 180 Will be Obtained From Num ber Examined Yesterdaly, Tuetfay and Monday were busy days in Lumberton with the army exemption board of Robe son count district No. 1. r One hun dred and twenty men of, the first draft for the new national, army were examined each day , - and given a chance to file claims for exemption. Fourteen men failed to pass the phys ical examination Monday, 25 failed to pass Tuesday, and 25 failed to pass NUMBER 52 . - COUNTY HEALTH BOARD MEETS County Health Of fcer' Page Granted aVA? ?! Absence for 90 Days Dr. W. A McPhaul Appointed to Serve Tor Same Length of Time at Same SalaryBoard Recommends Public C At. a called meeting of the county b0?.rd f health held Monday in the office of Sjjpt. J. R, Pooler Dr. B. w! Page, county health- officer,' was granted leave of absence for 90 days 2nd1 Dr--F?e's recommendation A. McPhaul "was- appointed health officer for the same length v. ume at we same salary, $229 the month. Dr. Page's health - has been failing for some time and he has ROAD BOARD MEETING Ird;Will Meet Next Monday" to lake. Up Question of Superintend-ent-Disposition of Chain Gangs V andJWales-Each Member of Board - to .Contract Roads in. His District He May See Best . ;- .The iroad commissioners held their regular meeting Monday. ; -. An order was nassied tlm ooji T. Pate beintr vrt. ih fMW.P1 board contract roads lousiness was transacted: yesterday. Of the 106 who passed the &one, to the home -of a brother at physical examination Monday, ' 8 r 9neys,- Duplin county, where he . 1 1 A. . . filed claims ior exemption; oi the 95 who passed Tuesday, 57 filed claims for exemption; and of the 95 who passed yesterday, claims (for ex- if. :!- i emption were xiieu uy da. will "stay -for some time.' The board recommended to the county commissioners that Miss Elizabeth Frye of Red Springs -' be employed as whole! In addition to those who - filed time 'Public health nurse to work in claims for exemption with the local board, a number asked for blanks on which to file claims- for exemption on industrial erounds with the dis trict board for Eastern North Car olina. The local board can pass only on claims for exemption on account of dependents. " Claims" for exemD- tion on account of - occupation must be filed with the district board. The local board ran out of blanks -for making affidavits " in support of claims for exemption the first day and will mail blanks to all who were not supplied as- soon as they are re ceived. . The exemption board was in ses sion at the 'court house all day each of the three days. Chairman T. L. Johnson sat at a desk in the court room, which was more . or -less full all the time with registrants and in terested on.lookers. In the jury room to the rear of the court room, men were examined by the physicians. Mr. L. M. Oliver of Marietta, a mem. ber of and clerk to the board," had a desk in this room.. Men to be exam ined undressed in rooms to the rear of the court room, whites, Indians and colored using separate rooms, ar.d were admitted to the examining i room stripped naked. Here they were examined by Dr. W. A. Mc Phaul, county health . officer and member of the board, having been appointed to succeed Dr, B. W. PagC and Drs. T. C Johnson and 13. Aj Martin, assistant examining physic- conjunction with the c'ounty health onicer. , - me salary - contemplate! was $125 the month. The county com- CdUNTY SCHOOL MATTER Business Transacted at Regular Monthly Meeting of Board of Edu ;? cationPetitions Not Granted for Consolidation of Oakton and Proc torville Schools Other Matters 4 ' At the, regular monthly "meeting- wuaru . oi euucation neia Mon day in the office of Supt. J. R. Poole, cnairman uucuis McKae and Mr. C. FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER ie Good S Tobacco Prices Continui cial and Personal Fairmont, Aug.' 8 Mr. Lawrence Wilson, who has fot somo time been BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS License has been issued for the marriage of H. H. Hinnant and Mar garet E. White. : .- . Dr. N: A. ThomDSon . Will moot A loanofTSSOO made bv t.T Sfnfa Loan usnd.-ito district No. 6, How. ellsville townshin was .ordered trans ferred to the Barnesville school, Ster. iixs vvvyuaiup-ixo. , ior Duiicung pur poses.? u ,v:. , Mr. "Pate, who" was appointed to in vestigate the building in district No. 4, colored, Alf ordsville township, er ported that the buildingis ; inVstich bad condition that it would be bet ter for the county to . erect a new' building; provided he : distrct contri-! in his district as - he sees ' "best- for road - patching and ; dragging, subject ti we approval jot the -board at its next fegular meeting." - ', The matter of adjustment of '.the f"i bay road- difficulty was - left to. Mt. J. A.: McCormick. . : . :. It was ordered that Mr. T.y v. vrh. ley :: b- paid $150 compromise V dam- Mr. and Mrs.' P. R. Floyd and P.f m:s tm- aivsiuuun ai , . R. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Blue and r 5 Iae Lee Shooter has acT Miss Bennie Baker spent the week.! w Pl&i JK"5a as Jy in Mr. nr.: 1.1 -n , : -Xl. LlUhnie S Store. Rio Kn. J- end at Wriffhtsville Beach. Miss Rachel:. McNamara of Lum berton is the guest of her aunt Mrs. O. G. Calhoun. . - t Miss Elizabeth Baker returned home Saturday from Greenville, where' she has been in schooL Misses Lillie and. Erline Mcintosh am Gladys tpps of King.tree are wuic uue-uaix tne amount. - - .. - t-aA v& i,; ' r - Petitions .were presented for ULAa. agamst the consolidation of the Oak- ton and Proctorville- schools, and missioners did not take any action while the board expressed itself- in on this recommendation at their meeting: Monday. v I ; ' ',. Members" of the board of health present at this - meeting were r A.- J. Floyd,chairman, : Mayor Jas. D. Proc tor..of Lumberton, : Prof. , J. R. Poole, county superintendent of schools, and Dr. T. C. Johnson -of Lumberton. - f TOWN BUYS PROPERTY ? J -v . rrr - TTfl T l j lans , ano i ur. . w; . rarser , PPiom-i ansi on of the iig3lt . and power etnst, who passed upon the sight of tpit and. filter system, and it is to pass . ne " physician- he7 v was ic vluki puja- fnf,irp if all amveuHrf at the same conclusion in regard to him. Leaving the room where physical lcc.l" examinations were made, the -regis- " ; " " " "' ' '-: ' ;:- trant passed to the landing : at the ; MR ALLEN EDENS PASSES , head of the stairway back of the ... . court room, which landing was screen. - - ' ., T" . . d on, and there Mr. i. Li. uaiawen, 1 r omweni anu neaiiuv uiu v. Part of Townsend Property Adjoining Light Plant JIM Purchased by Town for $499 Giyes Ample Room - for Expansion of Light and power Pant - ",, Mayor Jas. D. Proctor purchased Tuesday for the town of Lumberton a portion of the Townsend property at the foot of Sixth street, adioinine the lot on which. Jfche lisrht and cower plant and f iltejryslsein are located xne propey ; puKuuiB'eu; is xou x sou feet and the iiiictsl paid f was ' $499. The purchase ;iricludes; cthe artesian" well, which the town has not owned heretofore. - - This is a part of the Townsend property which was sold at a bank ruptcy sale Jby Mr, W. O. Thompson, trustee. It was knocked down at the sale for $450 to Mr. J. J. 'Goodwin, whowas induced to dispose of it to theowrii : - L . -. This will give ample room for -the I favor of consolidation of schools in this case, under the existing circurh.! stances, - it was ordered that the ; pe- tition asking for :consolidation be not granted. '' A loan of $800 granted by thetate Loan fund to district No. ?1, colored. Shannon township, was - ordered transferred to district 3flwhite, Britts township, for) building purposes. " . . .-.It was ordered that $300 be allow ed district No. 4, colored, Alf ords ville township, f rom the : county building fund, provided the : district contribute , an equal amount. , . . The county; superintendent was in- ages to his property on the , Creek quests of Mr. and - Mrs. E. G. Floyd Ordered that Mr. J. I. Townsend take - two chain gang mules and -Mr. V? Brown take 6- .mules, to be worKe,a m their districts .until need- The secretarv to th hnarH. Mr J. Browne Evans, Was empowered to settle contract ' with Asbury Car ter; Nfn the dtitching on : Saddletree Vpad rand to draw vouchers for the womas -the -work proceeds. . . , TOidered that "chain gang No. 2 be transferred when it -has completed theRowland road t0 Elrod to com plete the Harper's Ferry road, after wftlch:: to be transferred to districts 1 and 5. Ordered thatthe secretary be paid $25 -for expenses and services ren redf in adjusting,- ' township ac counts, and bills. - , ? -;Tiie - board will? meet again Mon. 3ayJol next week : to; pass upon the trorjfc: superintendent. Mr. H. . W. tcainey, was . elected superintendent of structed to advertise and sell at pub4;;r; lie auction the old school buildiWSlatar? ThfkTStS Alfojdgjffle township, cts -lj anlSl!L 'v-Wedsan iy the State Misses. Georgie and. Lillie Kvle are visiting relatives in Monroe. Miss Alma McLendon of Timmons-ville,- S. C is visiting Miss Nelda Anderson. : Miss Mildred and Master Walter Rivenbank of Wallace are visiting their uncle Mr. C. B. Brice. Mrs. F. C. Jones and Mrs. J. D. j McLean entertained at a silver circle Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jones. A good crowd attend ed and collections amounted to $5.05. Music was furnished by Mrs. Leroy Tayscott and Miss Jeddie Mae Bris. tow. An old-time spelling bee was very interesting-in which Mrs. Willis and Mrs. Bristow tied, a hand-made Battenburg handkerchief being the prize. Mrs. Willis, being a visiting guest, Mrs. Bristow presented her the prize." Pineapple shirbet and wafers were served. vMrs. E. .J. . Chambers and Mrs. C. A. Floyd will entertain Tuesday, 21st, at the home of Mrs. Floyd, Continue -bringing your tobacco ; to Fairmont, where the prices are good, some being, sold here Thursday for $5U the hundred. - ries , in -- district 6 Howellsville town ship;; white, were increased $10 for the Iterm;: -. -c . , - : ..... BJ5rfg$17.65 was ordered paid to Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Flovd and chil stoodthat MiRaiTiev was Pmilnv. "en were lvumberton visitors Wed J ' Jii-J--J. j mi ed Subject to -such endorsement.' The Yiatter has been hanging, fire ever since may, come members of the examined by each of the other phys-f Jl - . . ; . ; registrants. ..ir a .ixgi-vrau. thorn. ht that-it will b necesisarvto ;-ne".was- tnef u;---- rt .u-ta-n he other . jC.1T lcians m turn, to see u an amye,. i t,,- .9f.. thi portion of the" J .P. Townsend lot ad joining the lot on w ater street ot Freeman-Printing Co. for printing "oes QSPUt. -4r Qifx e necessary endorsement had School committeemen were appoint beenveh. It seems, however, that cd as follows: Bradley McKay m the .endorsement has not been giv. district 1, Alf ordsville township, col- en; : Supt. Fallis of the State High ored; Mr. D.-B. McQueen m (fistrict way cogsi writteif a fet. H SremxTk H' m e Slace ,ter&hwhich he states that the com. oi Mv. N. Mclnnis, who resigned. mi ihag bcen s0 rushed with Rebate of 34c was allowed Mr. B. k',m-tw,4i,.t jf v-c nA L-f-v Ml " t - m " W-.. VlUMiVVVAM Will j - J.W A.t,mJ X-.V U JLXCAVA . Pittman. on account of - error m f --.ir-f r; - . v o-.-, listing. -m. district No. ; 1; Fairmont ifetra. Mr. Rah, was .rlvl enMhtil .Mohday of next week to get the' proper endorsement. It is un- def4i0- .howeverl thati.Mr. Rainey, nesday. - Miss Annie Lee McDaniel is visit Monday. . . ; ." , Miss May: Tyson has. accepted Z position x aa saleslady in the dry goods department of Mr. L. H. Cald weirs" department store." . - Mr. D. Barrinerton nf R 5 fm-. I Maxton was a Lumberton visitor yes vcxuujr. xur. oarnngton reports fine crops generally in his section. .. Mr-Sam Dunnie of Fairmont re turned Tuesday night from. theNorttu ern markets, where he went to pur dhase . .. goods f or . his department store. - ' .... . .- Mr. Oscar Baxley, R.: 5 from Lumberton, . reports that' he killed a rattlesnake Monday which measured 5 1.2 feet in lene-th and 15 f i ties and a button. . Mr. Woodie Eubanks of the Ten Mile section is a Lumberton visitor today; Mr. Eubanks had his right arm broken at the wrist last Friday while jcranking a Ford. , r- Mr. Carson McNeill, son of Mrs. Cora McNeill of Lumberton, who is in the U. S. navy, came home last Saturday, on a furlough. He will leave for his post tomorrow. Mr. J. H. Felts, Jr., went to Charlotte yesterday after another Dort auto, for which he is local agent. He returnM last night with 2 cars. Mr. Ed Glover accompanied him. - ' - -- - . Many there were who got soak ing wet here late yesterday after noon, when it rained in torrents with out much warning. The cloud seem-' fd to have gathered right here aud it rained and rained in a hurry. The county pension board held a meeting Monday In' tn-i office of ing her-5ousin Miss Ruby Thompson Clerk ofCourt C. Skipper 1 -mi"m??rt ' e??- i. on several aDDV cations for - messrs. x. rtauev ana law. .c,-- i . i ii laiiiiin inn in i i j - ill i iih i m i of some'who are already on the roli. rence Wilson were business visitors in Lumebrton Wednesday. SMYRNA NEWS NOTES township?-1 ; One acre cf land in Alf ordsville township - was ordered- sold-to D. " B. Brooksror;$15, secretary to the board, took down the height, weight, color, -etc., of each man, each being weighed naked. Rownd Died Early This Morning Funeral Tomorrow Morning Mr.; Allen Edens, v pneof . the; larg. T Vi re wVi w em a fnl 1 xr nseA(1 f a i .fnrm rs TTfImjr'StICSTlt physician examination and who de- iness men - of ;RbbeSon; county, died sired to make claim for exemption" early this morning , his home at then went to the office of the county! Rowland.. He had been m jpoor health neaitn jouncer, wnere uw.r. tticnara ior some nme, ucaw , uc"s ""c Norment filkd outithe proper blanks. A large percent? of those who filed Briffht's disease. ' The funeral will take place tomorrow about 11 a. m. High Prices for Tobacco Miss Ke1- ly's Talks Protracted Meeting Correspondence of The Robesonian. Smyrna (tiumberton, R. 4), Aug. 7 Curing tobacco seems to be the order of the day , now. Some of the farmers, have finished up their tobac ;,has applied for admission to the sec. co and have realized - $250 per. acre. riOOKSr IlKe. the weed, if o- . -fr F i "."1 oti1 series "off licers' training - camp someoooy will De ncn, f-' Bntts township,, for the sum j at Fort 0gleth and if admitted But this scribe don't like oi $41, was oraerea approved. -v . .. to that, cam n of pours- the nosition it is a erood price. Mr, and Mrs. A. E. White and daughter, Miss Vashti, and Mr. W. F. French left this ' morning for 'a cross-country trip to the mountains of the western part of the State. Tliey will visit Winston-Salem and Charlotte before going to the mountains.-; : ' - v BALTIMORE NEWS BATCH ground of beings married and having -' Deceased was about 65 .years old dependent wife and children. Some-and was never mamea. ne uveu claimed exemption on the ground ofi with his sister Miss Letitia, Edens, who survives him.- He is also sur vived by a number of other relatives, Mr. Edens was a successful farmer and business man and leaves a large estate. -He organized and for a long time . was president of. the Bank- of Rowland, resigning some time ago on account of his health. He was interested in the oil mill at Rowland and a. stockholder in cotton mills , m Lumberton, besides - having v large farming - interests. Mr, A- W. Mc Lean and others of Lumberton will attend the funeral tomorrow. Mr. McLean says of deceased that he wasJ a man of fine charcter, moaes. na unassuming, a man oi excepiioiicuijr fine business judgment. - a "- Tr-.ir penWd in WindoWVamos- ed When Lady Called for v Pstol About 10 :6V last mgnt -una. Beasley was frightened at her home on the corner of Pine arid S utn streets by a prowler wno , J"ckiv made his departure when she called for a pistol and said she would shoot. She saw a ; mulatto ; or a very dirty white man she' could no tell which peep in at the window of her bed -arViore shA lav with a baby that iVu, "V il. trnao was born Monday nignu, having aged or infirm parents de pendent upon them. - . It is thought thatv the quota for this district 180 will be secured from the 360 examined this week. Sixty-four failed ,to pass the phys. ical examination.-. -Of the remaining 296, 186 filed. claims for exemption. On hundred and' ten men did not file claims for exemption before the lo cal board, but some of these obtain ed blanks for filing claims before the district board. To make up the quota for this district 180--only 70 men are to be obtained in addition to the 110 who filed no claims for exemption before the local board. These 70 men are 'to . be obtained from the 186 men who filed claims for exemption, roughly, speaking, not taking into account the men who will We claims before thf district board. The claims of more than 60 per cent nf tVift w-in nrViA -T?1 J 1 n yy a VkOTrtTP the local board might be passed and bun leave enough men to maice out the required nun)ber. ' As stated in Monday's Robesonian, 00 registrants of Robeson county district No. 2 have been notified to report at Red Sorine-s for examina tion VnJ... -.4 Cn4-fi4vr sit fKa H'Aa . 'Kir j jl i, rii.- j.--i xima tho tti-.ii llicu vv vw- ccft. aim lvionaay.oi next wee&, .ns umu n- . - 0liQ men each dav. . . . the shutters and Mrs. Beasley called Canning is the Order Prayermeeting and Preaching Personal -Correspondence of The Robesonian. Baltimore (Faimont, R. 1) -Aug! 7 Canning seems to-be the order of the-49yaam6ngl the ladies. - ":. ' 'CMx!Pauiinfr Nye Spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss -Ella Grantham of - Lakeview, S. C Miss Cora Bullock is visiting friends-and relatives at Dillon this week. Miss Roberta Floyd spent Sunday with Miss Dina Bell Floyd of Fairmont. A very large crowd from here at tended the Sunday school convention at Centenary Friday.' -; Miss Alma Floyd pent Sunday; p. m. at the home of Mr. A. F. Floyd of Fairmont. Mr. and Mrs; B. G. Floyd arid little daughter, Helen, are spend ing the week with Mr. Floyd's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. -Mi Floyd. Messrs. Guv Grantham, Claude Mc Donald and Rodgers of Lakeview, S. C, were visitors' in . this section: Sun- dav n. m. "? '' . Prayermeeting every Tuesday nierht. - .; ' ' - Rev. Mr. Miller will preach; here Sunday p. m. at 4. Every body is invited to come. . ,;'".;?"-.-. Jurors for September Court ; - At their meeting Monday the coun ty commissioners drew the following jurors for the civil term of Robeson Superior court which will convene Monday, September 3: V " First weeK w w. paxiey, m. x. will be vacant. Mr. "Rainev will Miss Sue Kelly made a real nice know on the llth: whether or not he talk here Sunday p. w, A large crowd will be admitted, to the camp. was present to near ner. miss iveiiy spoKe on missions ana, Deiieve -me, BROAD RIDGE BREEZES -he is a speaking woman. Wish we could have her with us every day. A Flag That Needs Rep!acing -Can- Mis Kelly will speak for us tonight, ning Raising Potatoes and Pigs We hate to see her leave us but hope About Raising Tobacco Miss Kelly we will have her withms again soon, at BrOad:Ridge Personal and Oth- May God help her in her meetings at er Items ; all places.' - - Correspondence of The Robesonian. Our meeting started today With Broad -Ridp-P fT.ntnherton. R. d,. our pastor doine: the preaching. Rev. Aug. 6 Farmers of this section are Herbert Hester is expected to arrive berton visitor one day last week. getting the last loads of their tobac. tomorrow morning to do the preach-, e are sorry to report Mr. J. E. co. ; - ' , ing. The services will be at 11 a." Monroe on the sick list. Miss Em- We were surprised to know of a m. ana p. m. -.verypoay is invea.ma jQnlaw visited Miss Pearl -WiL. TAR HEEL TOPICS Protracted Meeting Begin7 4th Son day Other "Church News Person, al Mention , " . Correspondence of The Robesonian. Tar Heel, Aug. 6 The largest crowd we ever saw at church service attended the union meeting and Sun day school association here last Sun.; day. - The singing was very good. Tar Keel won the prize for the last year, y-, - . - - - -.,' - Rev. R. L. Byrd passed througa 4 town last Sunday en route to Beth el, where he closed a " protracted meetings ThteUe were 21 baptized Sunday morning at Bryant's mill. Mr. J. A Singietary was a iunj.- wAdHinc t.lint. tnnlr nlno 'nilln-n. S A to COHie C: The : counle took their, start at Mr. and Mrs. Dock uoxe spent at- the Broad. Ridge church the 5th Sun- urday night in this section, v " day in the month of July, in a car be- r armers are aDout mrougn wita w. longing to Bullock Bros. The groom bacco . and seem to be well pleased met his gride-to-be and they joined with the, price they are getting. Mr Rn and off fnr nil on: w";' ivir. ana mrs. v. u. iyier oi erru This srihA was in Lumberton Sat- Gordo arrived Friday at the home of4 - - . I -. . ,-r- - mr m i - - ! urday and could, not help pur notice Mr. Lan rsntt, mr. Ayier rexurmug the Stars and Stripes on top oi the nome aunuay. iins.viji a vj court house, our country's hope and dren will spend some time here. nriMn all toAoA am A tnm Tf lnnlr . as if our country isalready whipped J BUIE AND PHILADELPHUS NEWS Surely our country deserves a new - . 4 flat- . , . Red t;ross urancn urgamzc some Allr remember preaching next4 Sun. wno nave r me rup r day night at 8:30. Correspondence ot ine KODesonian. Mr. Arthur Bissell of this section. Buie, Aug. 7 Mr. and Mrs. D. P. has purchased a new buggy not a Buie and children, Annie Belle, to. . i . 14. Ai T-V.-1 o- TlaTitol nnt. Wpdnes- car ix it nas ruuuer.ures on iu, t Carinin2r fruit seems the order of day in Kaieign. - the day in this section and neighbor- , Mr. Charlie NcMeill spent sund.y ing sections. , - near agie oprmgs. . If the boys in this section keep on Mr. J. L. McNeill was a Luroher. buying wheels, they will have to build ton visitor Saturday. son recently. Mr: Haywood Tolar of Tobermory spent part of last week hvith his son -and dau$iter-inLlaw, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Tolar. Mr. C. F Smith of Raleigh was in this com munity last Sunday. : The protracted meeting begins at the Baptist churcK- here thf? next 4th Sunday. We do not know yet who will assist our pastor. " Messrs. Robt. Wlhitted,. A. J. C. Hall, G. W. Allen and J. D. Monroe are jurors and are attending court at Elizabethtown this week. Mrs . Cummings and daughter returned to: their home at Elizabethtown last Tuesday after spending some time at the hom of Mr. Dock Cambelle- Miss Lovella Monroe is visiting rel atives and friends at Elease this week. en each day. - RECORD TOBACCO SALES -t rpTJl' Tmr O F Uhem-a bicycle highway. Mr. Alexander Udoniv-wno na McGougan, Rayinond -Tones, -C-m . A :certain 1 farmer ; of this section been attending Massey's business col to the; nurse to bring her pistol and calledto the man that shewould shoot if he did not leave. ;The-prowler then 120,000 Poundg sold on Lumberton left and no .more- was seen ot nim. Market Yefttorriav at Hi fhe.ti Mr. Beasley is away m Charlotte ana rirea -r Aia- tjJo. Wlf ! ivfa ,Ttnlpv was alone in the nquse Prices of Season Also Big Week , on rairmont Market Yesterday was a record day on the Lumberton tobacco market. Lumber Jon's two houses sold yesterday 120-. WW pounds and the prices were the highest of the season. Farmers were pleased and evrvbodv went - home smiling and happy. The warehouses are crowded with tobacco every daw ina indications are that this1 will be y iar the biggest year m the his tory of the Lumberton market, - - . . This is also a bier week on the Fairmont market. The warehouses are filled each day with, the weed tin A . ' . . . puces continue liign. 7 ' : f in "h or small children other protection wxcan.. , r.;;" altimes lately men have been discov ered prowling about at night m that Son of town and.those who can't are liable .to get a dose oi ' ; as eive a good account of . themselves householders are " aroused over ,the ngiolctions of-some prowlers. Hiss Mattie May JenningsV after snomii-j- gome time in , Lumberton :rUnz at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jennings,- left:thls . morning rer home at Spartanburg, S. C. ; Libera Declares Wr -' Liberia, the negro republic onthe coast of Africa, has declared war on Germanw Some .time ago Liberia broke off diplomatic relations. The declaiation of war, now, K' Gordon Sealer H. C. - New ton, J. B. Bass, E. V. McDaniel, : C. A. Bracey, W. E. Carlyle, F. F. Pur vis, G. L. Bullock, F. C. Faulk, J. G. McRae, D. B. Herring, H. P. Barnes, T. F. Barnes, Arch Barnes. . Secord week E. C. Graham, J. L. Cooper S. A. Baxley, Harvey Mc Millan, J. Walter Prevatt, W B. Ivey H. L. Byrd. Tom Brambles, D. H. Nance, W. JL. ivey, k. u. W. J. Williams, Frank Mays, W. H. Bullard, J. M. McNeill, A. H, Leg gett, Isham Pitman, W. R. Taylor. ,c, ; i . -: -;- Food Bills "Will Become Las To morrow ' ' " '-. - The food bill was finally" adopted lvtr t.Vi a Senate vesterdav in the form previously approved, by the House. President Wilson's signature now makes it law. - Both bills are to oe rhmp. laws Friday with PresidentWil- son's, approval, v Prompt apppintment of Herbert Hoover ' as food adminis trator and immediate .operation un der the legislation is expected to fol low. . --. ' --'.v-V :.i..j-i Local Naonal Aid Society Has At tractive WSndow Display An attractive window display, has been -arranged in one- of the show windows of the Pope drug store by ladies of the local National Aid so ciety. ,In this display are shown va rious useful articles iapies oi mis -society are making for soldiers. It is hoped by this display to enlist the help of other ladies in making ar tides for the army and navy and to secure contributions. At this drug store and at the Grantham and Mc Millan drug stores receptables have, been placed vby the society for con-' tributions. The ladies are engaged in a noble, patriotic and much-needed work, and it is to be hoped that liberal - contributions will be made and other .ladies will volunteer to: help in making the various articles that are needed. ; as we havA nlentv of farm land we having fine crops are Messrs. J. It. Reorganization of American Array . buys and keeps on selling Fords, legeat Richmond, Va., ,came home Seems he can't be pleased. Saturday. j i - There is a vast quantity of pota- The ladies .of the ; Philadelphfus toes being raised in this ; section, community are organizing thiaeye Farmers seem to be going -to sop ninsr at Philadelphus a Red Cross "tater" and gravy, v ' society. V . Pigs, pigs! Everywhere pigs fird Miss Edith McLeod of Rockingham hogs! - - ' is spending a few days with her fath- I . think the time will come when er and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. mules and horses won't have any- IcLeod. , - - , - . r. thing to do, by the sights of autos Miss Ruby Mel vm,- who has been in this section. . ; visiting at the home of Mrs. Edward Hps the Parnell. has returned to her home. farmers are wearing who are selling Mr. W. R. McNeill is purchasing tobacco these days. Those who think today a nice new Overland car. the farmers. are getting too much A minstrel show is here, for a week j?-'4-a fnVtonnt - a fanner nrif" nr and is hfiine natromzed larsrely. thn'Ti wo deserve. -"let them t Among those who can be numbered r.- . . tI J .1-1 n b come in the ring and KrowtoDacco, m me x-nnaueipuus oiiu.vjr i o wp nlAntv of ; farm land we havm fine crops are Messrs. J. L. can turn over-to them at Any time. McNeil J. Miss -Sue Kelly, a missionary work. McNeillrD.P. Buie, R. J. and I. T.l Washington Dispatch, Aug. 7. WatermeIons Bringing; Fine : Prices; - i Mr. A. W.- McLena is shipping to day his fifth car of watermelons from 15 acres near the J enningScot- fn tT intern - German .merchants ton mills, just north of town, and ne and Others who have been accused; ot will ship several ouierira rM ifrl ' - aetivities - The : unitea -.same piace.; ne; b"""' IO::KKS - . Mt looks like the price is 'going up. . i(niv "r 7 . ...... er, is; expected at the Broad Ridge Brown. All. these having j excellent church next Thursday at 3 p. m. and crops of cotton and corn, and we hear at night at 8 o'clock. ; oi a gooa many more navmg xiiie , - -- " : crops of whom we expect to speak in On-Third of First Quota of Men our next letter to The Robesonian. : Drafted to be Sent to Camp Early ; . .. ," -- . L V Neit Month fcr-r--;v-- Arouna ,ou" Jtrom -Acre aoDacco A -Washington dispatch of the 8th Crop ' . ' ;'; ' stated that, more than 200,000 men v Mr. Wright Leggett of the Barnes- nf fii.'BoiacHvA Hmft f rvres : win be ville section sold a curiner from 6 rolled tn tho colors Sentember' V to acres of tobaceo :Tuesday for $656 go immediately to their divisional and yesterday; heboid another curing training cahl;onments.;This will bring from the same six acres for $772.76. ve Rtreno-th nf t.Vie United States Mr. Leeeett says he will ; - receive i V. ' . "V n .1 i. ton orvrv 4-1,- -: . on a 4-v , army- on. that oate to practically x,-1 arounu $uv irom -tuc - , .OOy.OOO men. - , ; - ! ; : Dacco ctop. A Te-orpanization of American army units, under which the division totaL ine 228,000 men, found unwieldly for service' on uropean Dattieiieias, is abandoned : for the continental unit of about 19,000 men, has been order ed by the War Department. Under the new plan a division will include only two infantry bridgades .of two regiments each, , in place - of- three brigades of three regiments under the old system. - "; - ' s - N Mr. Ira. B. . Mullis, formerly of - Lumberton. now of Raleigh, is spend-" Hi i i ii lEQLJ ing;. today in Lnrabertoa.-: - .y j. "il m . .'1 li :; l . - 'i i 1 -ir -ir) m '.V a - ii '.IP - -If; -4.1 - ! j 'It Hi -A k . i: 1. lit - -,i . 4 it u : v in a

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