III I - f 1 ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH " t 1 n $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE VOL. XLV1II LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MbNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1917. NUMBER 57 RECORDER'S COURT 100 ADDITIONAL MEN CALLED More Registrants in, Robeson Dislrct Mo. 1 Summoned to Kport in Lum berton Thursday of This Week for Kxamination for Mitary Service 3ien May Not be Called Into Ser vice at Once, But in Case They Are Not They Will be Held in, Re serve For Next Quota. Notices were mailed Saturday from the office of the army exemption fcoard of Robeson district No. 1 to 100 additional men to Teport in Lum berton Thursday of this week, Au-Tn.-t 30, to be examined for military service. This call will take in lia-i of cost; W. H. Kinlaw, E. L. Hollo. bilitv numbers from 461 to 560, in-way and R. T. Sanderson, failure to elusive, wniie it is tnougnt mat tne ol-lcc" v.uaei&, juagment suspended upun paycent oi cost. Sanderson was f I - faes Deposed of A Number Tried for Not Paying Dog Tax The following cases have recently been disposed of by Assistant Re corder E. M. Johnson: Frank Clark, colored, Celia Sim mons, colored, Alex. Thompson, col ored, Cornelia Merritt, colored, Queen i-iuyu, coiorea, k. b. Rogers all on the charge of keeping a dog in town and not paying the required $3 dog tax. Judgment was suspended in each case upon payment of cost; El more Bullard. keenine- hoes in t.nwn. j . . . " - ; juagment suspended upon payment PARKTON PARAGRAPHS An Up-to-Date Lumber Plant Pic! nics ipworth League Reorganized Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Parkton, Aug. 25 Monday morn ing of this week found this scribe in company with Mr. J. B. McCormick and WL E. Blount at the wheel en route to the McCormick-Hughes Lum ber Co.'s plant, located twelve miles north of Fayetteville on the Linden road. An ideal location for a mill plant. Just about a year ago the foundation of this mill was laid and 1 nave yet to see a m.ore up-to-date mill in every respect than this1 one. It was well planned and we could not find a single mistake. More la bor saving than any mill we have ever seen. There were two lare-e WHY WE ARE AT WAR M. vmrprl nuota. 180 men. for this dis- UP01 tri t will be secured from those al-,ais? Yen a. hearring on the charge ready examined, the board is requir-! "".P a aJg n which he has not boilers side by side, one ninety horse e i to have at least 10 per cent more ' 5' and the other one hundred and ll Ldv for service than the re-1 TTviio J? t.?J; J1(ie power; one for the plan- ... "wvn jjvmgoi, AHUiailO, junca quota. im is icquiitru m. turmng religious worship, not guil- .1 . ... .-.vrtisl Ac o t in cnnnl uinrr mon r Cla Pnlm rw A ITT; 1 1 J order to avoid delay in supplying men; ty; Geo. Fulmore and William John trt fill the places of any that nueht son, 11-year.old colored bovs. chart be exempted by the district board ?d with forging an 0rder at Mr. L.jand shavings for industrial Teasons, to fill the, H .Caldwell's store Judgment sus-,huge furnace places of those who have gone to the Kf"u WiUl e unaerstanding that ? training camos and anv lAe, Ful.mare be whipped by his yj,Aiv-w C5 i - v that might be turned down at the final examination after they reach the camp. All the men who are ex. amined and are not called with the father in the presence of the " off i cers, which thing took place. The ev idence was that the Fulmore boy wrote an order to Mr. L. H. Caldwell for 10 cents worth of cheese ard first quota will be held in reserve1 crackers and signed Ed Smith's name for the second call for men from this district. Following are the names of the hundred men to whom, calls for ex amination were mailed Saturday: 4511554 Jim Bellamy, Long, S. C. 4521401 Eugene Hood, Lumberton. 4531303 Harry Alexander Greene, Lumberton r5. ' 464963 Joseph Robert Prevatt, Lumberton. 455 438 Laurence Davis, Lumber- ton r4. to the order. Smith Is a colored boy wno wortcs lor Mr. Caldwell. There are a number of other dog cases to come up later. Large Crowd Herd Juri W. Doiaa &peic on the War Here FrL day Evening Spaker Thrilled His Hearers as He Tod of Germany's Dreams to Float Her Flag Over the Peope of Every Nation on the Gobe Music Furnished by East Lumberton Band A crowd which filled the court room to its capacity heard Judge W. .M., Bond of Edenton speak on the world war, how we became involved in 'it, and our duty in the great strug gle into which, without desire or fault on our part, the United States has been drawn, at the court house here Frday evening. Music for the occasion was furn ished by the East Lumberton band mg and the other for the saw. This plant m addition to saw and plan, ing has a lathing machine, and thus uses1 the surplus slabs and the dust are consumed in those furnaces. Even the strips are ground up and conveyed to the fur naces. The cars are loaded from the 1 mi i ,pianer. ine capacity per day is thirty to forty thousand feet. The mill employs from fifty to seventy five hands. We found our old friend, Norman Campbell, as foreman and he is an experienced mill man and in. I dustrious. The plant is located on the lands of Mr. J. B. McCormick and right near the old McCormick home where a large and note-worthy family was reared. We were advis ed that a sufficient supply of timber was .in sifrht. for Mtrht nr fp-n vAars' Twenty-One Robeson County Boys run, the senior member of the firm Took Short Course at A. & E. Col-! owning more than fifteen hundred lege Last Wek I acres. After the timber is all cut, County Farm Demonstrator L. E.'fine farms can be cultivated. For. Blanchard and the 21 Robeson coun- tunately for the said firm the com- ty boys, who took the four days' missioners have just completed one course in agriculture: at the A. & E. 1 of the bsf roads in the muntv . and ... , m r i i- i i ..v-,v., 'ui-iKUi ioiiL nccn. iciuiutu Lilt; lwkivp nines i in now up niaiie in 4b S.s James Koy cnason, at. rauia home Saturday evtm?.- Mr. Blanch--' twefttVr minute from Favttvill to at their solemn treaty to respect the' BRIEF ITEMS OF COCAL NET73 integrity of Belgium, calling it a1 "scrap of paper", invade that happy j TT and historic little country, converting' XTMr Hartwell Hedgpeth of the the sites where stood its splendid ' fe sectin is a Lumberton visitor cities into international cemeteries,: too;ay- ,?.Ir- Hedgpeth bought a new where today sleep the dead soldiers automobile from the People's Garage of many nations and many climes, j t'0, "We have seen them become the -Mr. E. L. Whaley left Saturday pirate of nations, and by the use of afternoon for Newport Ky 'where under-sea boats sinking and drown- j he will g0 in training, he havinir en mg non-combatant men and helpless j listed in the aviation corps of the U nuuiu ouu Luimicii. nave seeu; o. armv. AT . 1 tnem maKe aesoiate nappy countries that have done them no wrong, and leave to starvation their former citi zens; they have hammered down ca. thcdrals and colleges with their can non, trained their cruns on Red Cross boats and slaughtered sleeping men,! Miss May Prevatt has accepted women and children by dropping dy-j a position in the dry goods depart namite bombs at night, their ven.i ment of Messrs. R.' D. Caldwell & geance writing cruelty that would son's store. She besran work this l i i . i. i i . C nave urougnt Diusnes to tne cneeKS; morning. Messrs. H. M. McAllister and H. Messrs. Elmer Hedgpeth and C. T. Bullock of the Center section left today for Buie's Creek academy, where they will enter school tomorrow. VI n-fswt 1, 1 J 1 J? tXXt: LP. of the Goth, the Vandal and the Hun, u ? ictuuiia weie lenuereu, all doe wnip 4.v,pv wp TnnrrViincr' iviessrs. II. il. JlCAlllSter and H. winch brought about a patriotic spir-j arm wluf the SnsakabTel : Anderson went Friday evening to Thi ,-tJ k . I Turk, and boastinsr. of the culturel Chariotte and returned Saturday- with T WSZ. introduced by Mr. StlSL Zi7Z J"l.ua anV "We have seen their representa- uiuuau, uimy exemppnooara; tives in office in ou eaDiti un(1er BOYS TAKE SHORT COURSE a new Chalmers 7 auto, making the return trip in the auto. Miss Katip Stnnp nf TVft TTKom the protection of our flag, entering': has accepted a position in the into intrigues to incite Mexico and dry goods department of Messrs. Japan to make war upon us. We White & Gough's department store. have read of their efforts to incite to rebellion the negroes of the South. They drowned our citizens while as serting their friendship for us. We protested, but the outrages continued unabated. They were making war upon Us months before we declared that a state of war existed. "Staggered by their disregard of size and sex, in their efforts to stage a frightfulness at which barbarians would shudder, we wonder if Atilla rl. 4671059 Percy Alvin Meares, Lumberton.- 4-5S 441 Wade H Davis, Lumberton 14. SS0 Luther Campbell, Lumber ton r7. 47 ) 1776 Sim Page, Fairmont. 471 course mentioned above: which is up-to-date, and the mill cot- aiaibon Joyner, H. Townsend, Lum. tages are beautifully located and at m Robeson district No. 1. In his in troductory remarks, Mr. Johnson de clared that no man in the State was better fitted to deliver a message on the world war than Judge Bond, and it was not long after he had beeun J his masterly address before the aud. lence as a whole was1 ready to agree witnmr. jonnson. The speaker spoke of the princi ples upon which our government was constructed, the great figure, which in the history of nations it has drawn, and emphasized the fact that it has never fired a shot save to A. ' J . - . 1 creave, protect ano preserve num,an ty,- t, rtrQ0. n rnA liberty. He contrasted our system i -4. i; j;n;,f; v; :t ... iT. . . , - . , - .... " . nt; uiooouoiicu 111 mo Clave, n withj the brutal idea of military des- he knew how they had surpassed him. potism, the controlling idea of Prus- We are told b some it ig not our sian t rule. He reviewed the causes war and they pretend not to know l Ste ?fesnt collet and assert-' what we &re fighting for. Only the e3 TaLlt was based upon a dream, blind &hould fail to see in this pan. of wfcrld control and a desire on the ftrnTVI!, nf KlnnH5V.pH otiH danfor a part;.-of the German government toUtnHirH pffnrt tn finnt tv.p flaw nf old and was a dandy. In hi3 death Mr, l i. 1 -n -i i. .-v & w- ,,,,.. , j i and friend. Mr. L. W. Reddick of R. 2 from Darlington, S. C, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Red dick and two children are spending ! some time at Mt. Eliam visiting rel. She began work last Wednesday. Miss Agnes McLean, music teacher in the Lumberton graded school, returned last week from New York, where she spent some time tak ing a special course in music at Co lumbia university. Miss Amelia Linkhauer, propri etress of the Style shop, left Friday evening for New York, where she will spend two weeks buying fall and winter millinery. She was ac companied by Master Frank Gough, Jr. Dan, the horse which Squire John H. McNeill had driven for 23 years, died yesterday afternoon from natur al causes. The horse was 30 years . , - -- , - j . -j w . - , . i r, . . v aiuviicn cuuil ill nrH rohlrnorl fn Ufn rWtwV. In e. - ; V4- -U 511 - Tl- ; i.. l- 1 i- I rI-o4- Hny -Flm tmnmnhqnr nnnii 4-Via . .... v-v-nv-v. "(.cRu "'s14" -"e milt. . xv 10 ju&l piedsani; mp. v j-lck uiuiuiuam uvj. Prussian domination over every cap i.v autcnu uie ieronu weeK oi tne an-, ir good Old KoDeson could only tui'- j peopie oi every nation oj. tne gioue. HqI nf Xhe globe. nual meeting of the demonstration nish -her Dart of the road from our In vivid colors the speaker portrayed, jn4. -ii; snM,;Prs Kiftnf v,flS agents of the State and the farmers' little town to the county line. . I the -violations of solemn agreements crimsoned tne snows Qf the Carpath l convention. j should have mentioned in addition to with other nations, on the part of ians not one died at he forts of Awnvvving ujyv twn. me aauu uie inui picuit tne mee uuxmiiibtii, vjiuj', Acuvwiii-cvA tne inuigiu-; jieere, not one ieii at tne JViarne, ana ties which were thrust upon us in nnf nT1p fallen on tV.P fiPlHe nf j : ii.i. : ii.- j? ii.. . " w". ; buiiic uenyuis our iiini,b m Liie u&e oi me Ra o- , nnr) FraTirP Tvnt ixrhncp Wnn, i -i: f- ti.j J:u r:j 1 . - T - j ... . -T . . . ,, , -, . , 1 . . " ? " - yv. ixuvea. I'll, ncuunu ic funs i tin iv PiViQvrJ Pn.-l;inf1 ?pal- r, ' , ,3' , ""i native. ucauuim gxuve rau-.i xw.imfi ti0wed to preserve iree government: e0od croDS down his way. Sarnesville rl. j. P. RogerSf Colonel Morgan, Jno. must rush along down the line. and children of our country. He, E American soldier who dies! - -ayor James D. Proctor ha, been -23 Smith Barnes, Lumberton. p Morgan. Marietta- .Tn, sPiiv t,,pqw ,rp1 rh; tt Ri,wed that, the TTnitfd States was Itl vylT fVl" v 1" "x.Ja informed that it is being talked by 472--170- bevton 474 Jin. Kellyhan, Barnesville liam Ferguson, Warren 1 . ... v i w . . xiau .iwu.. j w u uini.ia,i 1 . 1 iji . 1 11 v n v rn 1 11 1' 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .11 in 11 iiii , L.111 11 wv i. . . v . u v-. ..k. v riii 1 ri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 u 1, 1 1. ni ri.il rnno l 11 111 1 1 1 1 . ..... 1173 David Braxton Stone, Lum-J Leach Robertson, Rowland; Glen deavor of the Presbyterian church obliged to fight or else furl old glory' hnvp t over him th in serin .! some .Cltizens Lte11town th the Puvoell Tftm MrNaiV Mairtwt- Wil o pw. -i1MCa n an1 Hrnnn and Hie everv- flower ' i: " r town IS paying ?UU tne year XO nave i- -r-. . . J..7 . . , . . 1 1 1 uvw fAMFn'c- KaaI-s miHifoH Th i c u He died that American liberty, an error as the tovvn s only paylnff llllllli 11VC. Ferguson, ! Ardlussa, an ideal location. et of American freedom. I nmhov Rrirlfro' Tim Tnnoi! Cf Panic-.! Tc4- Un4- i- lnocf 1V,T 1? On-n-i The snpnlcpr sniri in nuvt- -i... v v i. i. i'it,. rj nil U'lll-.l, 1.1. X U u lO . . XJOl. IL.UI IlUb laoli Vll ATX. . kj U II - r ' - - i 111 . . , III I (J 1 1 I I1VP t A . n . , ... i . , . ti -rx T-f t-v i t. 1 : . ..I mi i - ii j. i i ;i. c i vr the rpn 1 nv Tnl wnrif Tfi n 47518S1 JeSSe H, Hayes, Kowland.i Jonn rat rune, Douglass crown, Ked day school enjoyed tneir annual pic- it may De wen 10 speaK oi exist,- He died to stay thp iron hand of , Y J 1 " i apnngs; anerwood in ye, urrum; Kob- nic Thursday evening at Victory, ing conauions. rate nas Drougnt usiprussian despotism. i j ert Duncan, East Lumberton; Hal . Lake, just two miles west of Fayette, j face to face with a distressing sit- i "Some say, from, what motive we' Dunk McGirt, Indian, was brought i Williams, Barnesville. j ville. Numbering about fifty men, uation. After our government was do not know, that we have no right to the Robeson county chain an,g ! Both Mr. Blanchard and the boys' women and children about ten cars constructed, and our independence ; to sen(j 0ur soldiers to die in Europe.. this morning by Deputy Sheriff L. j were highly pleased with the things well loaded left the church at 4 o'-1 had bee won by success in the Rev- Appalling as the threatened destruc- B- Cockman of Hoke county to serve j seen and learned while at the college, 1 clock and making the trip of 14 miles olution, our nation began its career. tion js jt js astounding that Ameri-.an 18-month road sentence imposed and no doubt the course will mean and re.tnrn voii. of a.nv arrident. The! "The war of 1812 was fouerht. with oon nitivnc rioc.pnriantc r.t moniupon him for seduction and other , r .. . . . -r. " j . : i -. i . . i v, . w"" """"'"i uv.nv.1.. ...v... - it ... i... i time was well spent. A goodly num-j England and terminated, -aoout a Vvhose blood on the fields of the Rev. cnarges,. noe cuunty uag ber of young folks soon after their , quarter century later we had war olution, bought the liberties we en- pn and that is why McGirt wa3 arrival were enioviner the waters of i with Mexico. That ended by estab- ,-ov. should be weakening the arms brought to Robeson county. the beautiful lake, which will not lishing American sovereignty to the Df their government, in a state of Mayor and Mrs. James D. Proc- 470 1108 Xeill Archie West, Lum berton id. 1771910 Ari McXair, Rowland. 478 492 Parker Nye, Orrum. 479 1201 Sam Phillips Tyner, Lum berton rl. 40 1978 Benjamin Fi!ankl,in Mc-i much to the young farmers Lean, Lumberton r5. Kellv Bass. Orrum. ! FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER ton. 1J- "VXJ "lulV .'1V.'11 , , .,. . - . .. . 1 1. -J! 1.1. Tl.-- I 1 T 101!1 . -- .V .. . . .1. 1 1.MJ TT-f? J Pa 'l- rl 1 e itaxey iniriain iviovc "( soon De iorgotten. we aouDt ii tne(oaiiK.s oi tne xvio urauue. in ioyi ; actual war, by creating distrust and; tor ana two cnnuren, rizaueui auu c ,. nvQ,1;r,a T?oirr,-,nr,t ments of the People waters of the above lake were ever , we had the War Between the States.: dissention, and matting utterances Mary Catharine, left this morning ii4 aneii uxenuine, r anmont.; n , j, m, t i j.-i...v.j A i. x . i. r t. io k 04-1 t do... ; i . j.i j .- tit- t t- .,f nm v 1 111" wir Rl t T v. icspuiiueiite 01 ftuuesumaii. uisturueu lo such au exieiii. ueiutc. it uuocu uy a. otniciuciiv ui , caicuiatea to aestroy loyany ana pa- i" mi. x iuhui s auiu ii uiouui, 1-511441 Willie blackman, Lumoer- Fairmont, Aug. 25 Mr. and Mrs.! At seven o'clock the ladies called forjery question and denial of the right j triotism and give comfort to the en. Greensboro and Winston-Salem, i D. C. Lassiter and children and, supper and this put the bathers out of the Southern States to secede i emies of their country. (where they will spend a week. May- from tne union m ito. rrom tneni if this government has not the or Froctor is taking nis annual va until our trouble with Spain a iev? j power to put its soldiers anywhere j cation this week. He asked The Rob. years ago, which ended in liberation ; to prevent its own destruction, we esonian to say that any person de of thelsle of Cuba,the pearl of the Car- j are indeed a weak nation, and its I siring to transact any business with the guest of Mrs. P. P. Jones this folks left for the . movies over in ribean sea, from, Spanish cruelty, we J constitution is a rope of sand. The reference to nis office a mayor while week. I town and all arrived home ere the! had peace until a lew montns ago.: suggeston would seem too childish to he is away should see Mr. n.. iu. jonn ivir. ana ivirs. n. n. rnniips ana ciock strucK xen, voucmng tney nev-i mc weapuuo ucu m mure u rr.erit consiaeration. ' 1049 Christopher Cornelius Nel. on, Lumberton. 4mJ 1442 Willie James Pitman, Lum berton. 457715 William H. McKellar, Fair mont r3. 43$ 961, Justin Eli Phillips, Lumber, ton. 489 539 Ed Williams, Proctorville. 490 349 Calvin Techen Rogers, Barnesville rl. 491 1596 Robert Herman Ellwang er, Fairmont. 492 562 Richard, Simon Barnes, Or rum. 49?. 1407 Raymond Hunt, Lumber, ton rl. 494501 Isham McDuffie, Proctorville. 49o 1025 berton. 196-2025 Stephens Junior, Smith, Lumberton r6. 4D71915 Frank Nichols, Fairmont. Misses Elizabeth Baker and Mary of business. A better picnic was nev. Belle Ricks spent the week-end at 1 er enjoyed. Rev. H. B. Porter re Wrightsville Beach. j turned thanks and you can imagine Miss Jessie Inman of Chadbourn is the rest. A maiority of the young Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Calhoun and Mr. er enjoyed a picnic just so well. Frank Jennings left Friday morning Chaperones, Mesdames A. M. Stubbs for Blowing Rock, Mt. Mitchell and - and E. B. Daniel otner points. i ney win maKe tne trip in Mr. Phillips' car. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cole and chil dren returned Fridjay wight from Raleigh, where they have been vis iting relatives. Miss Eupha Jackson of Rowland, who has been relieving Miss Lillian Baker, left Saturday afternoon for were playthings compared with-pres- "I am not without sympathy for ent day methods of destruction. the fathers and mothers whose sons "The tframers of this government! must g-o. Ghastly as mav be the re- Mr. L. E. Hus-hes returned home believed in America for Americans. ; flection. I admit manv will-jro who Thursdav mornine" from, a business and fancied, that with 3,000 miles ; win never return. I am in position H. Prevatt and Chief of Police Alf trip to Baltimore, while Mr. C. S.jof ocean 0n one side and 10,000 onj to sympathize. One of my sons is H. McLeod. The Gypsies had been ston, mayor pro tern. Three automobile loads the loads numbering many each of Gyp sies were arrested Saturday by-Sher iff R. E. Lewis, Deput Sheriff A. McArthur is vet to arrive, but we! the other, we would sleen with our can guess the reason. j dreams undisturbed by European or Mr. W. T. Thompson is yet in' Asiatic complications. Submarine Maryland buying melons. He was perfection has dissipated that dist riot satisfied after buying North Carolina out. Mr. Justin McNeill of Lumberton her home Miss Tinnnie nrantham left Friday snent. a COUDle nf days this week with Manly Guion Lee, Lum-jniffht for Boardman, where she will relatives. visit her sister. The upworth league ot tne m. r,. Misses Chat and Kate Ratley en. ' church was reorganized Friday with tertained Friday evening from 8:30'siteen charter members. Something to 11 o clock in honor of their guest, i doing all the time. ance and furled those watery curtains of immunity. "We stretched our arm across the Pacific and gathered m the Hawaiian i oniy wait and hope, and 'hope's in the army and has served on the Meican border and elsewhere for a year. Some morning I expect to hear that he is gone. I have anoth er who will probably be drawn into it in the near future. What their fate is to be I cannot know. I can traveling through the Country & fsw' miles north of town and had relieved several peonle of some cash against their will, it is said. The Gpysies were overtaken' about Red Springs by the officers and brought back to town. Three men were locked up in jail for a spell. They submitted to telling fortunes and doing "other stunts" without license and were fin- 4981411 Banks Corbett Lumberton 499-179 John S. Hill, Marietta. 00-875 William Henry Cain, St. I'auls rl. 1789 Luther Harrison Prevatt, Uuh: rfd. -"7i4. Butlci" McLean, Elrod. I.um'tK-i ton. j01H6 William Addison, Lumberton. '05-1097 Kelly Foster Haman, Al- If.-uton. . 5061024 Jam.es Lamb, Lumberton rl. j07 1291 Josenh Dawson. Lumber- ton. 508-871 Walter Brarly Davis, St. i'auls rfd. 'M-i:i4l Junius Franklin McAllis- r l(,r Lumberton. H J 1550 James Bryant, Fairmont. -lU-.i Joe Lingoich, E. Lumber ton. 12-u;orj Ambrose Fulmore, Fair- 'nont. Roe-ers Miss Sadie Inman of Chadbourn. The j guests were entertained on the porch. Stepped on Snke Progressive conversation was nlav-! Mr. Ira B. Townsend, town clerk aftoT. whiVh th o-nest. were wiven and treasurer. steDDed riffht on ton . men cards and told to write a dinner me-! of a large snake while walking along any power that was provided with; ever be right, tit- TA-j.u oi : jttoII n ti rt-if Vi ciria nf nvpspnt Hav eoninment for ronnuest; "Rn-t- !nlit Isles, and went further over the bos. ! brightest robes will be broidered with om of the mighty sheet and acquired , the sable fringe of fear'. the Philippines. "Every man who does not do his Jed $25 ard the cost, a total of $51.60. "We have fought n0 war with any duty strikes a blow at the heart of They were given till 9 of the clock foreign power that was not to pre-; the land of his birth. We are now Saturday nierht to eret out of the ii . i . l n j - it. . t i " ' serve tne ireeaom oi tne seas, ine ; at war. it is too late lor ditterence great highways of nations and to 1 0f oninion. The utterance of everv j preserve the rights and liberties ofiman should be: We have fought no war wittr 'My country, my country, may she nu. Miss uortny onocKet won in me smewdin ou tne nuim oiuc w , f11" ""j v.v,.x.v...0 -- ; uui, riSui, ui .y -uuuj. , r.TV,Tr,;c;ririo,i TrY1,r rtffirers left this contest. Kirrla' Fnnrth street near thfl town,' hall ahout1 and destruction. in which Miss Lois Hayes and Mr. dark Friday evening. Mr. Townsend; "Based upon the broad fundamen- classes or views. Jim Flovd won. They presented the says when he stepped on the snake -tal doctrine that man was capable of j say it is a rich county. They left town in a hurry. Off to Camp Messrs. C. B. Skipper, Jr., and E. K. Proctor, two of Lumberton's new- Some complainers man's war. There t ii i j l prize to the guest Of honor. Cream , he ielt sometmng Sp irom unuerj Eeu-guvcnimem, auu. uyuu me j-u- nas Deen no war m wnicn umi staie aid Nabisco were served. Misses i his foot and upon investigation it was j ther theory that every man should; ment was not made. It was being FntitiiP Thnmnsnn and George Kvle ' revealed that he had been trampling, have equality of opportunity, to en-j said in England when the sons of the offered music during the evening. nn the snake. Mr. Townsend killed , joy the blessings ot liberty and nap- wealthy men were falling at the the snake, but was unable to determ.! piness, our government has never, front, while at the same moment Robeson's First Bale .. ine just what sort of a snake it was.jiired a cannon tnat oiu not ecno a , workers m munition lactones were Mr. D. P. Buie of the Philadelphus j The snake was more than two teetj desire to maintain tne ngnts oi men, striking lor higner wages. Away section sold a bale of 1917 cotton to long, and Mr. Townsend telt aImost; to ireeaom ana lmerty. witn sucn utterances. or better or the Cherokee Supply Co. at Pates Fn- like not Killing tne snase, aixer ne wiwugu , "'IV1 " ? c . ii" " v Hnv The hale weie-hed 380 Dounds had been so kind as to allow him Europe and crossing the Asiatic bor. j absolute loss of self respect we could and graded middling. He received , to trample on his snakeship and then zb cents the pound tor it. ims is not oite der, for years1 there has existed a ! not stay out, tVio first hnle nf 1917 cotton sold in the -county so far as The Robesonian , German SciemUsts See Victory From; has learned. Um VvA irU r...j. A 11 j- -" noin;r wesx, Aiienton. 514 fjjj! c''m Council, Lumberton. ' J72 Hoke Mercer Powell, Lum- " ' K;9o Mead e Harrison Mitchell, World Food Shortage Washington Dispatch, Aug. 24. Two more years oi war will reduce board the entire world to the same short- more age of food as now exists m No More Free B!anks The local army exemption free exemption and other application , many, according to scientists of that, have ui blanks for the use of the country, who have compiled statistics 1 military sreat government whose whole theory of national existence has been found ed upon the so-called divine right of certain men to rule by reason of hereditary privilege. That government is the German Em pire , and its idea of rule has ever Ger. ' been that every man's neck should upon it the heel of Prussian despotism. "Instead of calling' it Europe's war in the language of General Wood, at Fayetteville, 'We should thank God that we have the trencb.es of the Al lies behind which to prepare for the struggle. "Let us march shield locked to shield, every man determined to do all he can to prevent the destruction of American liberty, trusting in God for ouglas Scott. Lumberton. ContinueJ 0n page 8 nnhlic will be furnished. How ever, blank, form books have been furnished the board, and those who desire to use' blanks can copy them in the office of the board. Mr. W. J. McRainey, treasurer of Hoke county, is a Lumberton visitor today. to support their statement. i "Recently we have been forced mtoj success. Acting on this statement the Ger- j war with that great military ma-j "In closing upon this subject l ; : zi. -ii nhina a notinn that hue rireamen nn- i man government i& uiguig ii-a pcupic, v.m"v, . v.-n ..... ly oi war anu conquest, ami mai ims to contiue the war two years more declaring that if it is done Germany can not be defeated because the coun. tries at war with her will not endure the hardships which the Germans are willing to undergo. builded the greatest fighting machine the world has ever seen. "With ghoulish glee, as they spoke of England's contemptible little army, we have seen German soldiery laugh word as to the duty of those who will not be . sent to face the cannon and rifles of the battle field. Every per son should produce what he can. A starving world appeals to us for foodr He who feeds a soldier helps Continued on page 4 this morning for Columbia, S. C, where they are to report for duty on Wednesday of this week. Messrs. David H. Fuller, J. Preston Cashwell and F. Eli Wishart, other Lumberton men who were commissioned, will leave tomorrow morning for Colum bia, and Mr. J. M. Russell, who has also been commissioned, will leave tomorrow afternoon for Camp Gor don, near Atlanta, Ga. The very best wishes of all Lumberton citizens will follow the young officers wher ever they may be called. Man Dies as Resu't of Beng Shot Mr. Luther B. Campbell, who as told in Thursday's Robesonian, was shot at his home at Lakeview, S. C Tuesday night of last week by Runey Scott, died at the Thompson hospital Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. De ceased was 26 years old. A pistol ball passed through young Campbell's up per abdomen, puncturing his intes. tines 8 times. The shooting was the result of trouble which had been, brewing since last winter. The . re mains were taken in charge by Messrs. Stephens & Barnes and sent J Saturday night to the Campbell home at Lakeview. ... 1 1 r

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