'' j '"" "'4-' - V . ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD -1ANJ) TRUTH k (V . . , VOL. XLVIII LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1917. NUMBER 61 i i i . 30 ADDITIONAL MEN CALLED 30 MEN ACCEPTED FROM 3d CALL I Additional Men Certified by Local Exemption Board to District Board --Claims of Some Have Not Been Passed Upon The exemption board of Robeson district 1 has passed upon nearly all the 100 men, liability numbers 461 to oou, wn0 reported on the 30th ult Exemption Board of Robeson Distrkt 1 Calls 50 More Men! to Report for Examination in Lumberton Septem- . 1465 More Than, Quota Al ready Certified But More Men Are Called for Good Measure The local board of Robeson iiirT ZiZh. trict 1 is mailing notices toaay to in last Monday's Robesonian were 50 additional registrants lor military , names oi tnose wno did service to report in Lumberton. Fri- ciaims lor exemp- nwo 1UUUU tiV UB physically deficient and were dis icharged 0n that ground, and the 14 wuv xaueu 10 aDDenr. Kf vw are BETTER 'PHONE SERVICE OFF FOR TRAINING CAMP Town Fathers Instruct Town Attor ney to Make Protest to Southern Bell TO BEAUTIFY TOWN COMMONS day of this wee fo rexamination. The liability numbers of thee men 4 from 561 to 610, inclusive. - Wrd alreadv has certifiAdi '7 " 7i:r M ?1C" names oi tnose ot this one rJr9.:Jy1 nun.dr,ed Passed Pm, whether additional men tcday, making a to tal of 245 men. The quota for this district is 180, so that 65 men more than the quota have been certified for service, but included in this num ber are some" who have gone to the officers' trailing camp for which men the district will not be given credit until later among the num ac cepted or rejected, claim for exemp tion, etc.: Jim Bellamy, colored, Long, S. C, accepted; failed to appear. Harry A. Green, Lumberton, R.' 5, accepted; failed to appear, (already enlisted). Laurence Davis, Lumberton, R. 4, discharged; dependents. James R. Chason, St. Paul, ncceot- SCHOOMEN HERE 12th AND 13th' BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS ber are some who failed to appear, j ed; no claim for exemption and some may be exempted on in dustrial grounds toy the district board, so in order to give full meas ure and avoid delay .these 50 addition al men are called. The names fol low, first opposite' "each name being liability number and second serial r.umber: 561 1550 Joseph Therman Bullock, Fairmont. 562 567 Johnnie Collins, Orrum. 563 1218 Claud Woodell, Lumberton r2., 564 421 John H. Lee, Lumberton r4. 565 1700 Cohen Johnson, Fairmont. 566 940 William Henry Newton, Lumberton. 567 1232 Clifton Crump Blake, Lum berton. 568 1254 Thomas John Collins, Lum berton. 569 169 Wade Lewis, St. Paul r2. 570 436 Larence Freeman, Orrum rl. 571 1477 Owen Addison, Lumberton. 572 396 Zora J. Wilson, Lumberton r4. 573 1633 Arthur Hedgepeth, Fair mont. 574 989 Thomas McNair, Lumber ton rl box 14. 575 1702 Hosey Jacobs1, Fairmont. 576 1304 James Cade, Lumberton r3. 5771107 William Monroe Lumberton r5. Robeson's First 5 Per cent Left for "Columbia Yesterday Left in Fine Spirits TThey Have Already En ;tered Upon Their Duties The 9 men selected from Robeson army exemntion. district. Nv 1 tn Strp Bordering River Between Colombia, S. C, left Lumberton yes Third and Fifth To Examine Ti" terday morning at 7:12 over the Sea ties to Pronertv on, Town rnmmiil board. Quite a number of local noo- A. V. G. Wishart Succeeds J. B.i Pje aconipanied the young men to uowen on isoard Sanitarv Rovn. tne siaupn. - lations Must be Observed Rntl Those ; wh0 left were: Henry Bul lara, urrum; Haynes Britt, Lumber ton; James Walter Meares, Lumber ton; Lawrence McKay . Parker, Lum berton; Horrie Thomas Kinlaw, Lum berton, R. 7; Forney ,H. Blackwell, Lumberton, R. 7; Joseph H. Barnng ton, Lumberton; Joseph Gordon Gran tham, Lumberton; Enoch M. McCon nell, Lumberton. Mr. L. McK. Parker was made captain of the party and Mr. J. H. Barringtpn was made lieutenant caD- tain. They were accompanied to Columbia by Dr. W. A. McPhaul, county health officer. Southeast District Association of County Superintendents Will Meet lodge No. 114, A. F. & A. M., t0mor- liumimu Teuniesay ana row eveninc af 7;4fl. rwo-rp wnrt in Thursday of This Wek 20 Coun ties Incluaed in Association As has been stated in The Robe- soman, the Southeast District asso i m . . Mr. Ed J. Glover went todav to Wilmington and will drive two new Dodg.3 eutomobiles, for which he ia local agent, back tomorrow. dis-dis-dis- Sim Page, colored, Fairmont: ac cepted. Rowland Sealey, Barnesville, dis charged; dependents- Smith Barnes, colored, Lumberton, R. 3, discharged; dependents. Davis B. Stone, Lumberton, R. 2, accepted; tailed to appear. Jim Kellyhan, Barnesville, charged; dependents. Jesse H. Hayes, Rowland, charged; dependents. Neill A. West, Lumberton, charged; dependents. Parker Nye, Orrum, discharged, dependents. Sam P. Tyner, Lumberton, R. 5, accepted; no claim for exemption. Willie Blackman, colored, Lumber ton, accepted; no claim. Benj. F. McLean, Lumberton, R. 5, ton, discharged; dependents. Willie James Pittman, colored, Lumberton, accepted; no claim. Calvin T Rogers, Barnesville, dis charged; dependents. Richard S. Barnes, Orrum, accept ed; no claim. Raymond Hunt, Indian, Lumberton, R. 1, accepted; no claim. Manly Quion Lee, Lumberton, dis charged; dependents. Frank Nichols, colored, Fairmont, Ward,' accepted, no claim.. A Joseph Dawson, Lumberton, Dogs Must be Kept at Home Ota er ro"n Matters of Invest -At a meeting cf the board of town commissioners Thursday evening the resignation of Mr. J. B. Bowen as a member of the board was accepted and Mr. A. V. G. Wishart was elect ed to fill out the unexpired term. The town clerk and treasurer was in structed to write Mr. Bowen a let ter thanking him for his services as a member of the board. Mr. Bowen was electedby the board when Mr. S K. Nash, a nembfr who was elect ed at the last town election, offered ciakoniof county superintendents will Fire started in the picker room hold its annual meeting in Lumber-1 at the National cotton mill about 8:45 ton Wednesday and Thursday of this; Thursday evening, but was exting week. Twenty eastern counties are uished before any damage was done. included in the association and the meeting will bring to Lumberton 25 or 30 school men. Supt. Joyner and other prominent men of the State Board of Education are expected. An entire floor at .the Lorraine hotel has been reserved for the teacher. PI tertainment of the school men by the' lofd ,mulef, nd ho"es for the town, including a visit Thursday af-l551? stables of Messrs. W. F. French Mr. Frank Gough left Saturday night for Baltimore, Md., to spend a few days with Mrs- Gough, who is taking treatment under a specialist in Baltimore. Mr. W. F. French left Saturday evening for the West to buy a ar his resignation to enter the first U.LKiLys ? e n tm . pnta .when S. army officers' training camp. Mr.j the ieftand ,the n teaIs shcd Bowen Offered his resignation because TO lf bvdUnd' n7 w of the fact that he had enteredathe SSjj ckson Columbia, second officers' training camn Town Attorney W. Lennon was in structed to examine the titles to all property located on town common andAseport t the board all cases where individuals are holding property own ed' by the town. He was also in structed to secure the services of a surveyor to locate the property which belongs to the town and is yesterday about noon and have al ready entered upon their duties. When the roll was called Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock every man who had been summoned to report an swered to his name and all were at the station long before train time yesterday morning. ' , The names of those to leave yes terday from district No. 2 are:' Thom as Hector Purcell, Maxton; Joseph ternoon to the county farm-life school at fnjuaaelphus. Lumberton feels1 (highly honored to entertain rthis body of school workers and nothing will be left undone to make their stay here pleasant and profitable. .Following is the program for the convention. Program Wednesday, 2:30 P. M. Agricultur al education: How can the rural school really do it? Sanitation: How can the rural school promote it? New medical in spection law, & Co., of which he Is manager. Mr. Robert Caldwell left Sat urday evening for Wake Forest col lege to resume his studies. Mr. Robert Mclntyre left last evening for Wake Forest, where he will be a student during the present session. Mr. P. L. " Whittington, who had been cashier at the office of the Virginia & Carolina Southern Ry. Co.'s office here for several months, has resigned and accepted a position with the Seaboard at Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. Mathew Blackwell, who Wednesday, 8:30 P. M. The State lirocoKm 9 ,,-in fn, v:n Vila m I n rr :i t " . a -i -r-. a 1 tt w t u.i. I j uuunt'n, jrarKion: Ansus1 u. Byrne, haw S VM b5dB' Sprin5 William Thomas Cul ?TbP rfv!t ?tw 01in H- Stanley, on the river between Third and Fifth t Parkton. Tnoni ' r.odHll. Mavto oT.rppt q Tifi k-nnwn 00 return of-rr- ' O " - -w w . .v T VII f 14 VV1U mon" at nis own expense was pre senteii by Mayor J. D. Proctor. It is the intention of Mr. Linkhaw to Willie H. Jackson, Rennert; H. Lay toji Stephens, Red Springs; John Cal vin Graham, Red Springs. . - tTM i- -i 1. j r SArare tho cervix IjhiHotw.' V-"cc eie ieiLvt: yesteruay irom nrj, nX,A a mAc JiZX" Kftd Springs for Columbia. foned above made ioTSark tTbe"! tge orders are changed, 40 used 1 by thl rfublfc and tiie board ' Per cent f the fir uota from Rob" Conductors: a. Institutes b. Certificates c. Teachers' associations and read ing circles. Thursday, 9:30 A. M. Schools for adult illiterates. Other new legislation. Thursday, 2:30 P. M. The rural li brary and community reading room. Organizing rural communities Thursday, 8 P. M. The curriculum and the text books: What are the ed a large rattlesnake in her yard Thursday, afternoon. The snake wa3 after Mrs. Blackwell's chickens, and she killed him with a hoe- The snake had seven rattles. Mrs. L. E. Ellis of Tolarsville passed through town Friday evening en route home from the James Walk er Memorial hospital, Wilmington, where she underwent an operation three weeks ago. Her condition ia somewhat improved. Miss Ruth Britt left yesterday 578 1270 Joseph Clyde Cook, Lum-i cepted; failed to appear, ac- BICYCE RIDER'S CLOSE CALL Chief of Police Alf H. McLeod was instructed to enforce the town or dinance which savs it shall be un lawful for any person to obstruct . Iryin Brunk Ran Wheel Into Auto any of the streets or sidewalks of! and Wias Knocked Unconscious the town with any vehicle (except problems connected with them and for -Princeton, this State, where she what can be done about them? Supervision, school and "county: What to supervise and how to do it. General discussion. berton 579 862 John David Hammonds, Lumberton rl. , 580 1638 Mem Griffin, Fairmont. 581 1406 Jaspeh Albertus Herring, Lumberton. 582 157 Will Ford, Marietta. 583 1824. Chester Ezekiel Tedder, Fairmont. Waiter Grady Davis, St. Pauls, accepted; no claim. Joe Lingoich, Lumbei-ton, R. 5, dis charged; dependent wife. Ambrose- Fullmore, colored, Lum berton, accepted; failed to appear. Walter Wst, Allenton, discharg ed; dependents. Nuton Sampson, Indian, Lumber- Mei Charged With Disorderly Con duct , . Four men, two named Childers and two Edwards, were arrested here yes- Fast R!ding of Wheels in Town a terday afternoon about 4 o'clock on Dangerous Practice ! the charge of disorderly conduct on Irvin Brunk, a 16-years-old white the public highway. The men said They baby carriages or invalid chairs), tenches, nnen n-ates. etc. It was ordered that the sanitarv boy, who lives in East Lumberton . they were from Rockingham tax on barber shops be reduced from bad a close call yesterday afternoon j were driving an auto and the two S7.50 tn $3.50. t about 2:30 o'clock when "he ran a Childers were very much intoxicat- instructed to renew a school note f0r, tomobile on Elm street. The boy was ! "monkey" rum and grape juice in the and-, Baltimore, where -she spent two $830. i going down- the east side of Elm will spend a week visiting relatives before going to Leggett, Edgecombe county, where she will teach in the high school during the next session, which will open next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Felts, Jr., went Saturday to Charlotte and spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mr. Felt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Felts, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Felts will return home tonight, mak ing the trip in a new Dort touring car. Miss Amelia Linkhauer, propri etress of the Style shop, returned home Thursday night from New York The sanitary officer was1 instruct- J street and Dr. Johnson drove his au- 584 1109 George Beniamin Wright,; ton; accepted. Lumberton r5. I Clem Council, colored, accepted; 58o 15o William A. Harden, Lum- no claim. ed to nntifv all nersons whose home i to on Elm from East Third. The or place of business es nH kept in ! bicycle struck the side of the auto I ance before Recorder E. M. Britt here auto. The officers took charge of i weeKs ouymg iau ana winter miuin- that.ThetwoChildersmeniwererequir-c-ry for her store. bhe was accom. ed to give $100 bond each for appear- pamed on her trip byher nephew, bprton r2. 586284 Luther Bryant, Barnesville 'rfd. Meade H. Mitchell, Fairmont; ac cepted; no claim. Douglass Scott, Lumbe&oH dis- 587 133 Albert , B. Paul, Lumberton : charged; dependent wife rl. 588 807 John McBryde, Lumberton rl. 589 867 Arthur Norman Edwards, Lumberton rl. 590 930 Nash Allen, Lumberton r7. 591 185 Joseph E. Rogers, Marietta. 5921398 Lester Caldwell Hall, Lumberton. 593265 Frank T. Byrd, Marietta. 594 285 Luther Bass, Barnesville rl. 595 1720 Alexander Meares, Fair mont. 596 1785 Duncan Crawford Ratlev. Fairmont. ! 597 1313 Furman Freeman, Lum berton. 598 1602 Isaac James Floyd, Fair mont. 599 1968 Henry Chester Pitman, Boardman. fJOO 1119 Lee Allen, Lumberton. 601 1864 Ransom Worley, Fairmont. 602 1963 John Woozley Ridgen, Lumberton r5. 603 1917 Are. nven.-KnA - . vv,.-jiwCj A fll law 6041051 James Weldon Pitman, Lumberton r5. C05 560 Thomas B. Ayers, Proctor- ville. 606303 Claud Everette Floyd, Barnesville rfd. v I563 Joseph Bullard, Orrum. 608 211 Jasper M. Grantham, Ma rietta. 609 1435 Alonzo Mims Hartley, Lumberton. 610 1784 Wesley Elchi Ratley, Fairmont. dis- accordance with the sanitary regu lations of the town that unless the proper arrangements are made with and Brunk and another small boy, who was on the bicycle with him, were thrown to the street. Brunk next Saturday. They made the bond Master Frank Gough, Jr. Miss Lela Floyd of Fairmont and went their way. The two Ed- passed through town last evening en wards men ,were Cfeleased without route to Biscoe, this State, where she Carson G. Hall, Lumberton, charged; dependent mother. Odie P. Walters, Lumberton, ac cepted; no claim. Bernice M. Odum, Buie, R. 1, dis charged; dependents. Rowland Byrd, Orrum, discharged; dependent wife. Ira L. McGill, Lumberton, accept ed; no claim. Keffier Britt, Lumbertofii, dis charged; dependents. Richard Mayes, Orrum, discharged; dependent wife. Fletcher Dickens, Fairmont, dis charged; dependents. Duncan S. Davis, Fairmont, accented. Neill A. McLellon, Fairmont, dis charged; dependents. Durham R. Mitchell, Fairmont, discharged; dependents- Andrew Herring, Lumberton, dis charged; dependents. Robert Cromartie, colored, Lum berton, R. 4, accepted; failed to ap pear. James Powell, colored, Lumberton, discharged; dependents. Braxton C. Freeman, Lumberton, R. 4, discharged; dependents was able to go home late yesterday afternoon. The other boy was some what shaken up. Those who saw the accident say Dr. Johnson was not to blame in the least. - Boys owning bicycles come in from road and cursed him and his wifelpanied to Lumberton by Mr. Furmai to a finish. Floyd and Misses Sarah, Mary and Roberta Floyd, all of Fairmont. for 2nd Camp Very! Timothy Hunt, Indian, who live3 near Back Swamp, brought 7 nice. in 30 days suit will be brought was knocked unconscious. He was j bond. It is said that the men stop- will teach in the high school during against such persons. He was also taKen to the Thompson hospital and ;peu at a iarmer s nouse on tne ureeKj in? coming ierm. one was a"1 instructed to report to the board all persons who have not made the wa ter connection in sections where the town has recently installed water works. A fine of $50 was ordered impos ed upon any owner of a bull dog who lets the dog run at large in the town and the policemen were in structed to kill any and all bull dogs found running at large m the town. The town attorney was instructed to make a protest to the Southern Bell Telephone Co. about the inade quate service given the town by said company and that said company be asked to give the town better ser vice and a system to take the place of the old "coffee mill" system, which the town has been using all these years- He was also instructed to communicate with the attorneys of the Southern Bell Telephone Co. with reference to the agreement to move poles off the streets of the town. Requemes Rigid Mr. R. C. Birmingham, who tried tmut tn town Fri da v. Timothv said miles in the country and soeed them ,for the second officers' training he caught the fish Friday morning, on the paved streets in town. This j camp, returned home Thursday night, j The seven fish brought Timothy $5.80 is dangerous business .and should be having failed of being accepted at.jn cash. The largest weighed 9 172 stopped. This reporter has seen a the final physical examination on pounds and the smallest weighed 4 1J2 account of varicose veins. It is gen-; pounds. Timothy was so proud or erally conceded, Mr. BirrAingham ! his catch that he wanted the paper says, that requirements for the sec-1 to tell about it. ond camp are much more rigid than thev were far the first. Some men half-dozen boys from 10 miles in the country riding bicycles in a row on the principal streets of the town at a rapid rate recently. Recorder's Court Mrs. U. M. .Edwards was given a Superior Court Aweek's term of court for the trial of civil cases opened this morning at 10 o'clock with Judge W. M. Bond of Edenton presiding. The following out-of-town attor neys are attending court today: Messrs. G. B. Patterson, S. B. Mc Lean, B. F. McLean, j. P. Wiggins, Maxton; W. E. Lynch, Rowland; Jno S. Butler, St. Paul. One case was disposed of up to noon. This was M. jb. liriiim vs Prof. R. E .Sentelle, superintend ent of the Lumberton graded school, hearing before Recorder E. M. Britt! Mollie Griff m, divorce granted. Saturday on the charge of assault. Ground for granting divorce was upon Mr. K. M. Biggs with a brickj 10 years- separation. Several judg- and also for forcible trespass upon, mema were sg"eu- the nronertv of Mr. Biggs. The evi Andrew Taylor, colored, McDonald, i dence was that Mr. Biggs bought Home Demonstration AVhole-Time Acent Miss Lula M. Cassidy of Hillsboro oecn emmnved as ;whole-time has 'lPmon?H-oKr ni l ... ncin ox ivuuesuii aiiu '11 -nter upon her work October 1st. Miss Nena Rhyne, teacher of domes- lJC Science ut tht ni-n,r farm-lifs school at philadelphus, has been doing f iiicient work along this line during tne summer svio v,a jarm-life school. Miss Cassidy was ior 4 years rural school supervisor ihome demonstration agent of jampson county and for 2years in Or ane. She is highly recommended and has the reputation of being one the best equipped women in the JYrk in the State. As stated some time m in Theafgeslor-ealthDintell time ago in The Robes0nian, the Vpaa ? commissioners appropriated WW for this work, the county board f education $200, and the national iies $goo, making an allowance for -y ana expenses of $1,400. Miss r'ri'y will have to have an auto- mobile and travel about ever the accepted: no claim. Mathew McLean, colored, Mc Donald, discharged; dependents. Henry Addison, colored, Lumber ton, accepted f failed to appear. Jno. R. Arnett, East Lumberton, discharged. Jas. B. Strickland, Lumberton, ac cepted; no claim. Kinchen Barnes, Lumberton, R. 4, discharged; dependents. Julius E. Bryan, colored, Lumber- ton, accepted; failed to appear. Augustus Mitchell, colored, Elrod, R. 1, discharged; dependents. Dock Oliver, colored, Farimont, ac cepted; no claim. Ellis E. Phillips, Lumberton, dis charged; dependents. Lonnie Leach, colored, Lumberton, accepted; no claim. Ed Faulk, colored, Fairmont; ac- ppnfced. - John K. Bray, Fairmont, discharg nc? Hfinendents. Furman M. Powell, Lumberton, R. 5, accepted; failed to appear. Joseph Swinton, colored, Lumber ton, accepted; failed to appear. The following men who were call t( nf the same time have made ap nlirnt.in-n fnr xemntinh, but the ap plications have not yet been passed upon by the board: JnVm Bardin. Marietta Berry Jernigan, St. Pauls; wife and child. nronertv from Mr. and Mrs Edwards and Mrs. Edwards wanted to hold on to the property after she hd sold it. She was found guilty of forcible trespass and judgment was suspended upon payment of cost. Ready ot Cotton Grading Work Mr. T. M. Trogdon, government cotton grader for Robeson and sur rounding counties, who has his of fice here, has received his supplies for gmners and will send them outi today and tomorrow. lhe ginners can begin mailing m samples of cot ton at once. Joined Feld Artillery Mr. Ashley E. Bullock ot Fairmont joined the field artillery branch of thp U. S. army at the local recruiting office last week. He lett Friday lor Greensboro. Messrs. R. D. Caldwell & Son will have their millinery opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, September 20, 21 and 22. Another Case of Sinister German iDipmacy Revealed Copies1 of three brief dispatches made publicly the State Department who have had as much as 20 year's j and family returned Thursday night army experience lautu iu mcci me physical requirements. Mr. Don Mc Laughlin of Wagram, who went with the men from Lumberton, also fail ed to pass, although he served in the Spanish-American war and was a member of the national guard, hav ing had 16 years experience in army life. Mr. Birmingham talks interest ingly of his observations during the 12 days he spent at the camp. An interview was secured from him for today's Robesonian but must be held over for Thursday's paper on ac from Mr. Sentelle's farm near Waynesville, where they spent the summer. Twj of Mr. and Mrs. Sen telle's daughters, Misses Helen and Evelyn, will leave tomorrow for Greensboro, where they will enter the' State Normal college- Prof. Sen telle is busy getting things lined up for the school here on the 17th inst. Howard, 12-years-old son of Mr. and Mrs- W. I. Linkhaw, broke his right leg above the knee and his ricrht arm lust above the wrist ZS S n? 8fCS X Thursday afternoon when he fell count of a rush of other matter for, . : t, QT1 n v.- nor. the paper today. Real Estate Sale . - A real estate sale will take place on the 15th inst. near Fairmont, on the old State road between Lum- today revealed another case of sin-1 berton and Fairmont to Georgetown, ister German diplomacy, this time ai rieted against Argentina, and in volving the Swedish foreign office, in an apparent grave breach of neu trality and diplomatic propriety. ed parents. Dock Johnson, colored. Rowland, R. 2; wife and child. Ervin Mosby Johnson. Lumberton. Wm. Henry Cain, St. Pauls. Neill Arch McLean, Lumberton R. 5. Edd Williams, colored, Lumberton. Chris. C. Nelson, Lumberton; wile. They were messages to Berlin from Count Luxburg, the German charge at Buenos Aires, forwarded by the Swedish legation there as its own communications. Besides Jjdvising that no concessidns be ganted Ar gentina in the "submarine controversy they suggested that the "South Amer ican country's ships be sunk without leaving any trace" and gave infor mation as to the" sailing and posi tions of certain yessels. Mr. L. E. Blanchard, county farm demonstrator, left Friday for his home at Hertford to visit his parents. He will return to Lumber ton Wlednosdav and will be in the county a week before leaving on the 19th for the army training camp at Columbia, S. C. Messrs. Jno. B. Meares and Don MfcGill and Misses- Euphemia and Nellie Tyson and Agnes Wetmore spent yesterday at Lake Waccamaw. They made the trip in an auto. While freturriiner yesterday afternoon the auto broke down and the party did ... . it S. C. The farm containing 300 acres of Messrs. C. B. and G. M. Oliver of Fairmont has been cut up into small farms which will be offered to the lllliA UlUUl. Jt. .XV, J. Sf.. V , O " - -I'll . - -1 cated in a splendid neighborhood and! and children spent some time -visit-n0 doubt the sale will attract a large mg at the home of Mrs. Johnsons nmxrA T4- Ttrll h onnHiiofo w ti,o parenxs, ivir. anu iurs. r. jr. ivSci.. from a tree in the yard of his par ents, Third and Water streets. Young Linkhaw fell about 20 feet and breath was knocked out of him for a while He was rushed to the Thompson hos pital, where his broken limbs were replaced. Howard was climbing the tree after some pigeons, it is said. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Johnson and two children, T. L. Jr. and Christine, returned home Thursday evening from Hickory, where Mrs. Johnson Atlantic Coast Realty Co. of Green ville, N. C, and Petersburg, Va., vhich company conducted a success ful sale of the Dr. Rozier property, between St. Paul and Lumberton, some months aRO, and has conducted other successful sales in the county. Mr. J. W. Pugh, advertising manager, and Mi. T. J. Suggs, contract man for the company, have been in the county several days making arrange ments for the sale. They were Lum berton visitors Thursday, IXWmWa Gaston-Baxley, Lumberton, R. 7; ag- Shell Oxendine, Indian, Fairmont. License has been issued for the marriage of Walter L. Bishop and Nora Britt, daughter of Mr. Oliver Britt of East Lumberton. The board of county commission ers will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 for the purpose of appointing a cotton weigher for Lumberton. As has been stated in The Robesonian, Mr. John W. Smith, who was elect ed to this1 position, resigned on ac- not get back home until this morning, count of failing health. Mr. Johnson went to Asheville about a week ago and drove his automo bile, which was at Asheville, back by way of Hickory. They were ac companied by Mrs. W. M. Jones of Charlotte, a sister" of Mrs. Johnson, who spent Friday and Saturday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Elm street. Mr. H. C. Blackwell of Howells ville township wasp a Lumberton vis itor Saturday. Mr. Blactcweii recent ly returned from Blue Bridge, where he took a course in the U. S. army Y. M. C: A. school. Mr. Blackwell wis appointed business secretary c the Y. M. C. A. branch at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, where many of the Robeson county men are being sent. The Y. M. C. A. will have a staff of 42 men at Camp Jackson and Mr. Blackwell will hold one of the most responsible positions on the staff. He expects to be call ed to service within the next few days. - S' - f - -I - f S i

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