"' - - . w . ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH VOL. XLVIII $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1917. i UMBER 64 OFF FOR NATIONAL ARMY 1 AUSPICIOUS SCHOOL OPENING Wpo Left Lumberton Yesterday ! Gfj ded,anAd Jigh School Opens Un and 21 This Morning for Trailing M?' Favorable Circumstances - ci::i. w Ti CI i -.it. Camp oys in riie opuns L,arge ; Crowds Bid Them Goodbye -i hose j Who Went . j Twenty-seven of Robeson's drafted; wen boarded tne :is oeaDoara tram With 405 Pupils Ooenine F.vr c'ses luesday Amended by Number rnVltltortT- Additional Teacher Will be Employed for Second Grade COTTON GRADER BUSY MEN REPORT AT CAMP JACKSON Glemfl Grafer Now Hag Perm-; Musterinr O fkp, Kent ' Till "Vi"11- Vo-yperatmg, Late at NWhu-Nartfc rii SUMMARY OF THE WAR NEWS ! BRIE ,MS OF LOCAL NEWS WitV. A(Z. ji yesterday morning for W the umber laTyea he Emberton T..-tnn. near Columbia, S. C, ar.l .joJ ,, i;i . l "? i ""1 5 V.ore young -men left this morn--eTenth es'WeX; moving a K circltanS'.nore t0 ieuvc x v v-y-f " ; iavoraDie tnan have attended the be vhite men have been certif ied by, ginning of any prevwua Vionf Th, -Cotton, Growers Invited to Visit; Office ! Mr. r. First of Second Increment Examih- ttt m , ' t 7"- c- :,Ien Among the Most vv. iroerdon. trovemment; Robust, an1 rvivfi OS V O AtiacK by- nr,wsh on larger Scale , ..ev. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Moore Probably Imminent Berlin Appar-j house will attend Presbytery at Rae cinir wiuiueu uver increasing : iora next week. voiumn of Shells From Big Brit- hrt tusinci uuaiu tU .na up "it: two buildings are in g0cd conditon required number-24-so it is not ex- the equipment is bettlr 1 hroSgho?t Pected that any will go tomorrow i than it hag fc The boys left -in fme spirits. As faculty and ils, eenet e' athe ihf tr.-un moved-off yesteraay morn-, VoT5 WArv a. , j i t rfvu v v v.vax-cijiI inaL uliio will jrS thr- Doys were bulging anu iv- be the best in the hi t r of the mliv proa time. lhi i. v- J j-i-j - - suiwi iu mis aaie. Opening exercises in the high If! or .1 faces of mo?t of the draft-j cd nvn were beammg with , sdl09l building auditorium were'at srtines when they left. In most cases tended by quite a numbers of visi- th, yoang meii cu -u ,tors, more, perhaps, than pvpr at tboir" bit", and it is safe to say they will lo it well. Larce crowds were at the trains tended an opening exercise of any session m the Past. Devotional ex ercises were conducted by Rev. Dr. both yesterday morning and this.w. B. North, pastor of Chestnut . , - a- " t - " . - ii5Cl.Ul i toil JIU13 ico&:tZ lR0t?dJ,la;!Clumbia' ?; C. Dispatch, Sept. 19. I Bombardment by the British ar- in the rear ofHhe National Bnk of .j . , y Bnan BeU 'IV1 ot the German lines in the j-iumuerton DUilding, Third street.! A o uumeu at amP oacK-i -orA' j. iuuuuucs infantry movement in force- An at tack on a. larger scale than the usu al day raids probably is imminent. -Berlin apparently is much exer cised over the ever-increasing volume of shells from the British big guns. From the Houtholst wood, northeast to Ypres, to the river Lys, on the Belgo-French border, Berlin reports Mr. Trodcron had bpen tamnAMrilu' son tonight as "rnpn from South Car located in the office of County Farm ' olina and North Carolina reported, Demonstrator L. E. Blanchard. !f tne national army mustering 0f A Robesonian reporter visited the ficers worked long after midnight, office of Mr. Trogdon this morning ; Although Florida was not expected to and found him busy grading samples Sen. trop3 until tomorrow, one man of cotton sent in by ginners. Mr. i arrived tody from Dade county. Trogdon said he was well -pleased j Clarence Clyde Cole of Lee county, with the co-ODueration Iip icf rwniv.! North Carolina, was accorded the ing from the ginners in the two ! honor of being the first man of the ! el"Vec b01fder1! BJm reports counties for which he grades cotton. 1 second increment to bo examined. j &e1Brish tir,e s.b,een destructive t .4-4.- 4.C-. xe. ThA co-,-o f c t. . FieM Marshal Hais-'s artillorv in- ciiau fiawu m h t. tne success m v,T .lt mnii xxum upe cuuiilv . . , "A , . - x the grading work is largely depend-J were the first to report at the mus- 01 snots t0 arum" ei"s ulnars neaaquarters tms ; v , :x v: -r-i j j morning at 8 o'clock. They barelv ! A "s. . t front in Flanders and the nnsod nut th on fiTi Artws, there has been no major op- , .r niv,ii x x will, iiic 1 1 1 y ui 1 it ty t . . n Columbia anrl l,Ca piv,ii ! erations on the French portion of ent upon the co-operation of the gin ners in sending in the samples. mr. irogclon asked The Robeson- Nomine to bid the boys goodbye Mr. H. L. Blue of Fairmont was made captain of the party leaving w.streday morning and Mr. Law Gr'effory of R. 6 from Lumberton vra made lieutenant captain. Mr. Walter McNeill of R. 1 from Lum berton was made captain of the com pany leaving this morning and Mr. Knox Kyle was made lieutenant cap tain. Those who left yesterday morning wre: Street Methodist church the 23rd Psalm. After the prayer, Supt. R. E. Sen telle announced the faculty for the year, as follows: First grade Misses Elizabeth Dex ter and Lillian Nance. Second Miss Pennie Rowland. Third-Miss Winifred Rowland. . Fourth Miss Elizabeth Breece- Fifth Miss Lillie Barker. Sixth Miss Elizabeth Snead. Seventh Miss Anna Neal Fuller. of Robeson and Bladen cunties arecounty whch Camp Jackosn is lo-T fle a it i 1 P ini-fri 14-u; , Ie , A iSpaftvi i f rom the Aisne valley to Lorrame, yerest to them concerning their c0t-i "uunorougnt men irorn seven ,-,lir - , "Y t. 1 1 1 iiii .ii inn inTt. . r -- m v. ton. Most of the gins in the two coun- nes nave Deen iurnisnea tne neces'-M j Cagle, who was caught in the army I draft and is now in the training camp at Greenville, S. C. English with eighth To Camp From District 1 on 19th! Miss Fuller fnks th nlapa nf Prof. JacK Jonnson, rairmont. John Cox, Lumberton. Ernest Scott, Raynham. John Archie Bass, Lumberton. Carson Earl Lewis, Fairmont. V. Henry Leggett, Fairmont. Samuel V. Ashley, Fairmont. John Allen, Lumberton. Warren E. Bryan, Lumberton. Wr.de Faulk, Fairmont. Abner F. Stone, McDonalds. Addu A. Thompson, Fairmont. David C. Barnes, Barnesville. Albert H. Leggett, Fairmont. Wm. H. Morgan, Marietta. Clarence Page, Barnesville. James Grimsley, Fairmont. Henry L. Blue, Fairmont. Clarence Taylor, Lumberton. - ' Ernest W. Robeson, Lumberton. Archie French Lewis, Fairmont. John Henry Purvis, Orrum. Seabastain Pitman, Fairmont. Gatewood Small, Lumberton. Tred B. Johnson, Barnesville. Bruce C. Baker, . Fairmont. Richard TTkW Grecorv. Lumbprtor.. To Camp From Distrct 1 on the 20Th Archie Warwick, Lumbettcn r3. 'Marvin Lovett, Fairmont. George Powers, Lumberton r2. Carl Pitman, Fairmont. Joseph B. Hedgpeth, Lumberton. Evander Parker, Fairmont. Luther M. Huggins, Fairmont. Jesse Brigman, Lumberton Furman Alexander Floyd, Fairmont Haynes Kelly Floyd, Fairmont. Gregory A. Hardin, Orrum. Carl Musselwhite, Lumberton r5. Pxnjamin F. Arnett, Marietta. William Bartow Jolly, Lumberton. Thad McPhatter, Barnesville rl. sary supplies for sendiner in sam ples- The samples are mailed with- Rutherfordton and Henderson coun ties ot North Carolina. Early, tonight a train of ten coach es brought men from , Rowan coun- out nostaerp tr th nffi ty, Concord, Marion. Morerantnn. Tav- then Mr. Trogdon grades the cotton! lorsville, Statesville, Chtrlotte and and mails to th owner of the cM.tnn I Mecklenburg county. an official grade card giving both ' Another special train brought rep-! grade and length of staple of bale resentatives ot Anson, Gaston, Moore, fromwhich sample was taken. The Richmond Union, Wake and Wilson bale is numbered by the ginner and counties. the number 0n the card mailed to ' ne hundred and sixty men arrived thp cotton n-mwpr will cnrmsnnnl from North Carolina shortlv after y, rr r r, , m;j..-hf , , . . - . ruauy iaie on me nortneni enu ur uie with thf number on the tag placed niidnig ht, ,a spec al train at no0n to- Lasteyrn front tfe Rumanians contin- High School V V Yj- gnner:, Nnrfh Corniir , K xZL i ue their offensive on the mountain -Miss Mildred Williams,! Mr. Trogdon is anxi0us that farm- jAa; Another special j r ione west of FSkshani a, Moldavia, th grade under her care. ! eiis ,ur?e ginners t0 send m samples , .th Carolina troops isTi Attackine the Austro-German de- Mathematics Miss Mabel Jetton OI eir cotton m oraer that they Lie ino OCK , r!?0Tr i fenses south of Grozechti, near Oc- of Shelby, in charge 0f ninth grade, "ay now tne graae ot each e" " especially on the Aisne front northeast of Verdun. The Italians have been more active on the Trentino front, harrassing the enemy with raids and strong artillery fire. In a forward movement near Carsano, in the Sugana valley, east of Trent, the Italians captured 200 prisoners. Austro-Hungarian attacks on the Bainsizza plateau continue. but General Cadorna's men have held them for no gains. While the infantry has been vir tually idle on the northern end of the they have ginned. This is Miss Jetton's first year with the school. Latin and French Miss May Sea bolt, in charge of tenth grade. Science Prof. R. H. Taylor, 11th grade and principal. , Prof. Sentelle stated that a teach ers' meeting was held Monday after noon and that all the teachers had enlisted with the determination to do the. best work this year they have ever done. Mr. R. D. Caldwell, chairman ot dav moraine FOUND DEAD IN BED fl!Tr S sAeduJed to , B Vlin reports that the Rumanians reach Camp Jackson at midnight with; .5rot J0fn Arwa frnm hi m ATI rtr Kao i AI1ov o-- -t; -v" " License has been issued for the marriage of Chester T. Howell and Bertha Hardin. Miss C. Moorehouse left last week to continue her music studies at Red Springs college. Miss Stella McNeill of the Glenn wood section has accepted a position, in the Dubois bakery. She began work Monday. Dr. T. B. Ayers of Proctorville passed through town last evening en route to Richmond, Va.f where He will enter St. Luke's hospital for treatment. It is understood that the engage ment of a well-known young Lum berton couple will be announced at a party to be given at the Lorraine hotel this evening. Ex-State Senator Geo. B. Mc- Leod left last evening for New York, where he holds a position with the Southern Commercial Congress. This congress- will convene October 13 to 23 Mr. McLeod spent two weeks here visiting his family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawson, for merly, of Tampa, Fla., passed through town yesterday en route to the Broad Ridge section, where they will make their home. Mr. Lawson for merly lived here, but had been in Florida for several years-. Mr. Henrr Bullard of R. 1 from Orrum, who was among the first 5 Per cent of the drafted men from Robeson district 1 to be sent to the training camp at Columbia, S. C, failed to pass the physical examina tion and has returned home. Mrs. Jno. Knox and her sister, Miss Rachel McNamara went Tues day to Winston-Salem, where Miss McNamara will enter Salem college. Mrs. Knox will spend sev eral days m Charlotte visiting rel- The North Carolina men the positions, suffering casualties and atives before returning home. we-r9 losiner prisoners. German submarines are reported M,e w . j t r ' among the most robust and cheerful Mrs. V . C. Towncond of T.nwA Wst xii mil Found Ded in Bed TueSday Mora- g "SnriS'as ttev 1 S "their 0ff ially f rom Norway. One was iig-ApParentiy in Usual Health Sl?1? lSP sent to the botton by an armed mer- Wherr She Retired-Funeral Yes" i Mi tTr L,7V 17 X ! chantman and the others were ac terday . ! training- that will make them fit. fnr , Mrs. W. C. Townsend, 63 years old, ' service "over there". was found dead in bed by her hus- Most of thft men camp Drpnared for , hand ar. thpir hnmp at T.nwa Tuns.' . i i : ' dav morning Sh0 wt to WZBoys Off for the ArmT- the board of school trustees, was call- parently in her usual health. Death; irf ed on for a f ew remarks. Mr. Cald- j ls supposed to have been due to heart ings in bags and handkerchiefs, well said the trustees expect this to trouble. - c be the best year m the history ot Interment was made yesterday ARGENTINE SENATE VOTES tne scnooi . up to . mis . ume . . . - . V kJ - i. Th(! rnn.in . ni -11 4-v, rA i . iiiiii iiiiivr -1 r - iiii iii.iv i.iii-k i ru.iiiii i o - v - counted for by a British destroyer. FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER to CtP fn iVirv AvmV Mnrnm ATI f r many having no suit cases and bring- thet pi Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont, Sept. 19 Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Taylor of Norfolk, Va-, arriv tuuiiiiiiu oiiirtuj t vucjo 1 sanuy rayior ox xsonoiK, va aiIlv "c11 nuncu "unm, SOR BREAK WITH GERMANY , ed Sunday and will spend , a while does n0t know where -'he here guests of Mr. Taylor's mother .after returning to his work. Dr. B. W. Page, who recently resigned as county health officer, in which office he did notable work m Robeson for more than 5 years, and Mrs. Page and infant son left yes terday for Petersburg, Va., where Dr. Page will engage in general practice. Mr. S. K. Nash, who is a mem ber of the aviation corps of the U. S. army, arrived here Monday night and will spend a few days in town visiting home folks. Mr. Nash has been stationed at Atlanta, Ga- but will go i 1. it T i 4.1. ' i .-i . equipment is Deer- iasx; year -"e , graveyara, tne tunerai being con- wcxe "uuitaeu uy ux. , aucieu oy 'tne pastor oi me aeceasea, . A Tavlnr. m Frnnv nM. rotnmod ltonum. A tacuity nas oeen select- Rev. L. E. Dailv. assisted bv Rpv ""s ruu IC rees ravor oi i -j - r? ,a ' i. J i iV Vita ed that will be loyal to the school J j. m. Fleming a former pastor Final Passage of Resolution Mr and Mrs. C. A. Floyd spent, home yesterday from BaltimoreMd.. and ereat thines are expected. Apr'M&VS ftf'Beunos AireS Dispatch, Sept. 19. I Tuesday in Payetteville shopping where slie spent 5 weeks in a private plication has been made to the board,! Raft Swamp' Baptist church She I The Argentine Senate by a vote of .iVirs- f 1CKS 3nV. n r sanatorium. Her conamon iS un- I ?Tr . ii i, - i i : .... . J-vd.ii lowaiiip uayitLi, ciiuii.il. one Oo i. 1 4--j j j? j.t. t i. i Miss Maru Keolo. and Mrs. D. L.( imnrnvprl. Mr. GonHi wont tr Bal- ivir. Liaiaweu saia, Dy some wno pay , io survived bv hr husband and sev-' LW 1 tuuay ueciaieu xoi me ureaK- : T , t r , : jf" . v z,.' x.t -i J j.. i 'k BU.1.v..wa VJ "c1 "u&udiiu uiu sev , j? j? ,i4.. .:i.v. n T.assifpr ctioiit Wednesdav m Lum-i timnrp anrl rotnrnrH with hnr. Miss anS uii. u-i xeiaviiis wim urexinauy.!r . ----- . . - Inoie Spalpv, Barnesville rl. Walter McNeill, Lumberton rl. Justin Parkpr, Lumberton r6. Junius P.. Ashley, Fairmont. Ira Malone, Lumberton. Jno. Knox Kyle, Fairmont. A LESSON IN ECONOMICS large taxes "and have no children toen children. sena and therefore claim tnat tney do not receive any direct benefit from the school, to allow some one outside the town to attend free in place of the children, they might send if they had them.. But the board has decided that all pupils : ts from outside the school limits will have to pay tuition. It is not. the j Light Frost Yesterday Morning purpose, however, to auow any gratie; that is full to be imposed upon. Mr. Caldwell said that no better 'start had been made in the history of the school. ' Mr. J. A. Sharnp, editor of The! Robesonian, responding to a imi tation to have something to say on io berton. Lina Goucrh, daughter of Mr. and flhamhar nf Dpnntios Thrp is i Miss Theresa Pearson left Wednes-i Mrs. Gough, was with Mrs. Gough Jstronp- nnhliV foPlino- in fovnr f itc ! day afternoon for Philadelphus , while m Baltimore and returned with ana if--, - "iwborP she will entr high school Death of an Infant "FIT ma QTVinnfVicr1rI e.r TV,Ti ' x - ) " un. i." vrivi null i 1. iixi ( im . Mrs. A. R. Pittman, who live at the : mal Passa&e National cotton mill, died this morn-' , . r . 3i.F. , ing at 3 o'clock. The child had co-,1 ashuigton is Gratified and No Lit- ue ouipuseu Philadelphus ' them -A preacher that attracted much j Washington Dispatch, Sept. 19. Mrs. G. W. Thompson and daugh- LoHfrntior, hw into tnwn this after- ; ter, Miss Margaret, arrived home j noon He waS both bareheaded and j Tuesday evening after spending the barefooted and wore a white robe. I oiimmor with her mother at Chase. tj t.nA v.;,e.0n? " eo; TOv;fa News that thp Arerentmp Senate rsfv Va j v Jrv,:. Only the early risers saw it, but; had voted overwhelmingly to sever i Miss Sallie Inman left Wednesday mftnoV without m-io. His hair according to Mr. A. H hinds (and diplomatic 'relations with Germany m0rning for Lenwood, where she will is i' and it haS been some time nobody doubts his word) there was was received m Washington tonight enter school. j since he had a shave. He resembled a light frost here yesterday morn-j with gratification and no-little sur-j Mrs. D. j. Lewis and daughters,1 very much pictures seen in the Bible ing. Mr. Hmds said he saw the frost: pnse. ! Misses Annie Roade and Bess, Mrs.l Arr.nnH Aft Tralinne of nenhalt at 5:45 a- m. at his home m the j Officials had recognized that re-jL. V. Grady and Mr. Joe Schulken of ! Wpre burned early Tuesday morning southern part of town. cent disclosures concerning cable- j Whiteville spent Wednesday . ' l v ti Wltn wVii-k-n -fir crn lntn ti nnf in wliirVl th uhioct of the school and the t, ..ir" v:r luS'Zxi V, 'K1.1 wf?: , T ?. " was being Donea, ana rum v. - - - - - , uuaiu, viecr "u vic iuinn ii'i 111111131 a xjucnus .n.n c Lmuugii mrs. niiza oimtn oi JLana is uie ctrpets Tht asnhalt boiled nver fhTtff called on, but, decided that si-, the Swedish foreign office had ag- guest her sistcr MrsrA. S. Thomp- j hensed for patching l-Jt It.T lltr, fJl.fjo1 wnerea& eech is :pevated the situation brought about j son , the treet. gTe hl9Xe went high in ...j.. i" . v 7 . i uuiy auvtjii greater service to tneir commumues w - . . . ard one vay torenaer tnat service is ",y tion Town Cultivated Laud Nobody Else Would Rent and Ra'sed Feed Stiffs Enough to Feed Its Stock for Two Years Cultivating a track of land the owner of which found it impossible kroner use of the home-town paper to rent to anyone else, using the j in keeping the public informed 'about town's mul,-3 ard regular street em-jsch0ol news and about the aims and Ployes at odd times for the work.i purposes 0f the school, th,. town has. at negligible cost rais- j Mr. C. V. Brown, a member of the -rl enough corn and peas this year j school board, spoke briefly, of the im to feed its stock for about two years, i portance of encouraging athletics. f i-'ool luck holds in saving the stuff; Mr. K. M. Barnes was at the open- tnat has been made. ; ing of a session of the school for the j Cjiot. Kinor. - mr.mbor of tho tnwn'fJrot timp and bo was i-lolifrhted. He poarrl and on the street committee, was. proud to mention the high s-ancl , Piove(j. nut; is Koe", wiicicd,o syee" isrevateu tne siauon urougnu aouuson. the street. The blaze went high in ly silver. . i by Germany's sinking of Argentine ; Mrs. Molly Andrews, who- ha been th air The fjre company rushed Supt. Sentelle extended an invita- shipping, but it had been assumed visiting her n Dr. H. T. Andrews to the scene and extinmished toe n to the entire community to vis-' that, with the German minister hand-! at Rowland, has returned home. f before the not was "badly dam- 1 1 A j I j . i?..i.T i 1 , . ti.- xcc "a.- j iu me siuwi ui-tei. i"aue uuuiy ; to iu& passpurus, nu lurmer uxnuiai Messrs- rJruce JtsaKer, ljUKe riue; aged. further announcements. I action would be taken pending re- Carson and Archie Lewis and Addie. jed Springs Citizen: We learn In the music department there will ceipt of Berlin's explanation of the Thompson left Tuesday afternoon fori tiat j)r r r, "vIMi-in has receiv be only one teacher for ttie Present, messages. j Lumberton. They left Wednesday ed a v ry flattering call to practice Miss Agnes McLean, Miss Christine, . Although it is understood the mftrnine for Camp Jackson, Colum-1 nrofocsion in otip of the most Gower having resigned. An addi- State Department's purpose in mak-jbia. Messrs. Knox Kyle. Furman ; promising:' and prosperous towns in oe m- TIT s e nt.nnt.iOTis. another piaW teacher will be em-, plicity and intrigue it is no secret J people of Fairmont go with them, j but we hoDe the inducements will not I Liiai, mgti'";s pitim-idtiun m me : misses iaitn anu tainenne De strong enough to make him leave 4-.nitn h -v -i TTrt - r -l itt r PCI n uunai ifficiici i vyaiiLe ivuu --'i nif puum. A-ujjio ui 1,11c i-au'f6i"m5 1 r ioyu anu un .riuiia" iexi c-u'es-1 forth Uaroiina II he COUd tvoli V-fVi iTiolin anrl Tiionn nr foil- was nrilv f r eynnco 4-Vi r flnrm o n ornv.i J T4- . Tl 1 1 V munli i i . 1 - i A i.d.v.ii. kuvn iiin w... jici"" ? it ' i " v ,r .jj viic '"a" ' uay a,i mjuii. j.nc wiii ut" ""' auced to leave xvea opnng mg to secure one wno can teacn oom, ernment s woriawiae system oi au- missed. The cood wishes of a 1 the A'- rr McMillan's i iici.-, nan cnarge ot the work, ine the school has taken, as evidenced i School will open at 8:45 a- m.; re-:war would be welcomed. Lean of McDonald were Fairmont T?e(i SnrTne-s - vnui, lino uv,Wi "i'i.i. j uy uh; niaiy fiouudo vj. . i cess xuifio; noon recess x:u. lea1-""! niveii xne uiea,K.in un oi ieii'iiio , visitors Wednesday. m T T 1 X" XI 1 1 1 ivir. i. juiiiisnn ui uie iuva.1 uar " is aoout mues west pt town, SChool readily meet enpranQe requae- ers and pupils must, bring lunch and it is pointed out, would have a pow- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunie, Mr. and received yesterdav a German silver at to. d Wish art place, the prop-m0nts of the best colleges. stay until school closes in the af- erful effect 0n public opinion in allMrs. Louis Weinstein, Mr. and Mrs.!rmfr with his initials engraved upon m- oi Mr. F. A. Wishart, street; Supt. Sentelle asked Rev. Di-U ternoon. Other plans have been tried South American countries, where . Harry Weinstein and Mr. William, it from Berry McLean, colored, who is ioi ;(.ftinn and sanitary officer. Mr.L. Greaves, pastor of the First Bap- oUt and this has heen found to b0 German influence is known to beishockett spent Monday and Tuesday serving a 20-year sentence in the Vi:-n;Ul found it difficult to rent the, tist church, to sav "Howdy' . Dr. .the best. After going horn to a hot strong. ! in Lumberton. State prison. In & letter sent with fM-tmMi of whatever could be made,! expected to say he could say that(0Po ,n the afternoon. Bsics, dis- COUNTY FOOD ADMINISTRATORS I 'flf' t j . . r, tf) r-ft two-thirds- Th nf-' yvrVitr nnifV- hilt, hninp nSSUred that: ;i;T,a .annrvf n maintainor whoTl I 1,,'r v'i'' ncc-epted and, as stated , that was iust a way of inviting himjpuiig o-0 home for dinner ard mny- town's mules and regu-jto make some remarks, he made a; he spend part-of the time running bitting j about over town. cag- New pupils must enter within two into ; WPfllrS. otherwise tbev will have to ' planted in corn and 15 his mind there came a picture ot a ; rpmain out until the beginning oi I-fcas. ! biff snider web, with threads running the serine term , " M.-cih were cut yesterday and from many homes to mis cennaij . i,n .says ne is conncienti p0mt. uut don t get aneau vl . oov,., ihr. town's mules and regu-jto make some remarks, he mn. ' r i ! ;j.!oy, s were used at odd times,' most happy brief speech. SH v-h, ,tjiit -xtra cost, to break the there, he said, looking into the i rouau, ', r,t and cultivate. Fifteen; (.r faces 0f so many children, Cha1rman of County Counsel of De ' fense in Each County Appointed Food Administrator for His Conn" ty Bit? Campaign for Food Con servation Soon State Food Administrator H. A. orison. Miss Dorothy Shockett of lialti- the rintr. which i a neat an dwell- more, Md., who has been visiting her.made as if it had been bought in a uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Dunie, returned home Sunday, ; jewelry store, Berry says made n T.'Ca.S. Ilirr enni. web. with threads running 1-10 onrino- term. ! Papp has annointed the fhairman of ii, . i . . . . . - -1 - - . ct jr x First-srrade nunils who are entering, the counsel of defense in each coun- me, ! ophonl for the first time will be al-itv in North Carolina food admmis- '17)U-"il1 r"pf' stuffs has been made '.he cautioned, "and think that I mean! i0Wed to go home for the day at the trator for his county and has noti- ' ...I'll iUr, .. P A r-. " . ri i II i V.i r.lA ...1 I L tCk.nn . J?I J U 1? 0.1. - i'l i 1. 1 iM; Luwns sxock ior iwo.sunt. oenteije is a gret UIK piuei,;noon recess at i:u. catu oj- uiei wai- "is seitcs are divided as fol-, will be required in a big campaign Anmi;aw i. was a pood weD. i 1ihto . i tor toon conaervnt.ion that, will be First grade Miss Dexter 31, Miss started soon 3' (-;!). v ;'':i','t f'ffun.s are not available as0rs." Anyway, it was a good web,iows it! : ' nough is known to show if you please, or you might change- . -- kn ' town nan tint rwmrlnnlrari anv - town ha not overlooked anv tU fio-nrn nnd call it. a SVStfim X)f in n(.ninr1i' to inroas nrflnf-1 latTVnVi wires And overv daV a t, i stuffs and tht it made along every one of those lines from "ii.iiuifj venture. ti 1: "ALES COTTON GINNED the homes of the community to the school will go living ines of thought. This is the heart of the community. lv...- . . I Every mother tnat nas a cnuu Jiee ' " jeniember 1 Last Year 23 "I wonder," -he said, "how many C'oi ? Td Been Ginned tim0s each day she will think of it". 1W' -h"00 of Thf' Robesonian. One of the best services each child iru v, e' sPt- 19 There wcr(3 jn the school can render, he said, is LaifV-li ('.otton counting r0und as to complain as little as possible and f, '' , 's K'nned in Robeson countv t tell, rather, how trood the teach- 1.'m' inc1t'rP of 1917, prior to Sep-'er is and how determined she is that; officials about text books Mr. Ben balrN lst', a compared with 23 , one shall earn. m ton H. Walton; representing- the '' io aeptemner 1st, Messrs. J. 11. wisnart ana vj. x. Ajjyn oi caton du vu., J. W. BARNES. Williams, members of the school spending the day in t0wn, Nance 31: second. 61: thirds 42: Mr. H. E.l Stacv of Lumberton. fourth, 41; fifth, 38; sixth, 43; sev-, chairman of the Robeson counsel of enth, 39; eighth, 29; nirith19; tenth, defense, has received such a notice 18; eleventh, 13. (and will be food administration for There is room in .the high school ) Robeson. Members of the county for several more pupils. Pupils who ; 'counsel of defense will form with live outside the district will be ad- Chairman Stacy the food commission mitted upon payment of tuition, ; for the county and will carry out. the A new teacher will have to be em- j instructions of the State food com- ploycd to take part of the pupils in 'mission. Members of the Robeson the second grade, counsel oesides Chairman Stacy are: Mr. R. E. Seagle of Raleigh is ! A. E. White of Lumberton, A. R. Mc here todav consulting with the school i Eachern of St. Paul, Dr. J. L. Mc MUian oi Keo apnngs, a. . j. mc- Kinnon of Maxton, J. S. Oliver of also Marietta, J. B. McCormick of Park ton. . ! the ring himself. Mr. Johnson de- ; ; i fended Berry when he was tried and Mrs. King Said to be Vivtim of Mur" j convicted of second degree murder c!er Plt Conlempt Proceedings '. eight years ao. He has served Federal Judge Jas. E. Boyd ruled, eight years of his sentence yesterday that Gaston B. Means be Another dangerous automobile cited to appear in Greensboro Tues- bicycle accident occurred on Fourth uay "ciA wcciv enu " .o.iaC j (BLieet in irot Oi ine rvooesonian oi he should not be held in contempt of i f ice today about 12 o'clock, when a court tor retusai to comply witn tne b'.cycle which Elzie BiJown, a 15- earlier order of the court which re-j year-old white boy, was riding was quired that he surrender all property i torn up by an auto- Brown jumped ux mis- mauiic n. ue ncio m mo on me ujc.yuie jusx iii xiiiie iu save possession. When the earlier order i himself. The automobile was driv was issued Judge Boyd also appoint-: en by a representative - of Colgate ed an Asheville trust company reeciv-j & Co., whose name was not learned, er for the property. Means was the The auto was backing into Fourth business manager of Mrs-. King, and; street from behind the McLeod was with her on the night she was j building and the Brown boy and rid mysteriouslv killed near Concord, : ins: the bicycle on Fourth street. He Aueust 29 The New York World yeseerday carried a story in which District At torney Swann is quoted - as boldly assertnig that evidence in posses sion of his office has convinced him that a "conspiracy to murder- Mrs saw the auto coming and jumped, but did not have time to get the bi cycle out of the way. Mr. T. W. Maxwell of Tolarsville was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday- Mr. John B. McLeod left Tuesday Maude A. King was hatched in this j evening for Cowan, Tenn., where he city" and that this "conspiracy in-, entered th Suwanee military school, volved several persons who actually i Mr. Dan Hester of Clarkton was a participated." Lumberton visitor Tuesday. - ti 5'-'' 4 1H 1 -. ! 'I I