ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH VOL. XL VIII -1 LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1917. $2.00 A YF--'V: W.n ADVANCE NUMBER 65 : itm . l ! ' - 1 BOARD PASSES ON MORE MEN1 O ENFORCE ORDER IN' STATE EXCnl,TS A- ! PHILADELPHUS SCHOOL NEWS BETHTOWN TO LUMBERTON Fall Term P3n Under Auspicious jLow Rates Proposed for First Week Circumstances The. Faculty ?Ji n It v Convenient to' Philadelphia, Sept. 22 On the There is a move on opena uay i Lumberton , j mpming of Saptember 11 the Phil- foot f or ' ar1 adelphus school opened with an en- rscmpiioii Board of Robeson District Gv Bikett Proposes to Draft 5,00" 1 Clls Six More Men Into Uncle1 Men Between Ages 0f 31 and 45 Yarn's Service and Exempts 29 j Not Less Than 25 Men in Any Six additional men were called in- rr?!lIl'y " . to the service of the United States Welgh DisPatch, Sept. 23. ' by the local board of Robeson -dis-' Prt a Proclamation issued tonight trict 1 Thursday. and 29 additional JjPV,- e- Y0 active service 1 li. j j- j of the "unorganized m Hq! ,. rru:. okJj v,i.. .u . ! stituted bv an act nf the loot a board has passed in all, including JfL rfl ed March 6 and 29 who failed to report for exam- llsAmgL a11 .P16 citizens 0f jnation. at,c Governor DmnoeA t Hwff Vnnn "fi-i "e px.ou ior tne rouna entering tnis new school year. Lawrence Freeman, Orrum. g0. flJA -f from EIizabethtown to Lumber-j Many patrons and friends of the Will Ford, colored. Marietta. i". "ngmzea miutia witn ton will prevail durW tho nfir ' school John McBryde, colored, Lumberton. fL . m?n V anI co,unty Alexander Meares, colored, Fair-' ffJl&J company for the larg- RED SPRINGS NEWS NOTES BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS I '11 1 1. Y-r ' " wX'-.Vx J. Wil Mil. ; ms wiwi me Virginia & Carolina roiiment of 95 students?. Even thAi gagement of their daup-Mr C,thJ ni e y,to.fer excursion elastic-step of the pypils- as they rine Fitzsimmon9 tn iLut. Th'.lft L1"?1." .8al '"i1" m UzaDethtown and all marched in ordPr into the ct-hool and- j.t,.. , ,T . . . . " 88s e- con- points between that point and Lum- itorium showed the pnthuaiasm! fT TvA weaaing to take place mornmg. 4?! Jttrtfifttw i , thev -dWhttA with the call JSaCNSSS ?! ff -ITnftlSEK, "A carried out,; which both pupils and teachers were Governor V ; .0ii te oi $i.ou ior tne round entermg this new schoo vear. ton will prevail durinsr the ontire school week. The regular fare is $2.10. and when all wereX assembled Mr. Engagement Announced Movements' K. 0. t. M. nieet tonight. SPec of the People . j ial business. - CorrespondenceN of The Robes0nian. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. ' C. C. Red Springs, N Sept. 22 Rev. and!Blake at their home, East Fifth Mrs. H.. M. Dixon announce th oT,. street, Saturday, a b0y. 1 ir n T-i T ii 1 a. v air. u. n. ouuock nas accepieo- esman in Mr. John He began work thi-" enthusiasm' ;n Oetohor. Miss Alice Hall has returned to Spartanburg, S. C, where she will be a member of the senior class at Converse college. - Miss Myrtle Kodwell has returned License has been issued for the marriage of George West and Nora Norris; .Walter D. Thompson and. Cora Justice. ' Amelia Suggs .and Jim Jenkins, er counties. The reeulati ons for the solect.iva : draft are to be immediatelv framed n and the draft accomplished with the ,last possible delay in all the ,coun-1 mont. Duncan C. Rattey Fairmont. Claud E. Floyd, Barnesville. Exempted or Discharged From vice Joseph T. Bullock, Barnesville. Claud Woodell, Lumberton. John H. Lee Lumberton r4. Wra, Henry Newton, Lumberton. Clifton C. Blake, Lumberton. Zoia J. Wilson, Lumberton. Thos. McNaif. colored. Lumberton. ! m,n? lHt caitl0.ns tnat BPe?d- 6:25 p. m. John David Hammons, Indian, Lum- SfrSSf S3 JXZuI berton rl. Chester E. Tedder, Fairmont. Rates from all other noints woul(l O. O. Dukea ctqv a ' . a Xisit to fnends at High Point j".y i""e'rvl Jv. r a it.r x,t- hi h " 'c-1 ana is the euest. of hnr enne n Miao av yx ! J3 101 n ir-k,rr TTTn- mr -i 1. . T - cj o , rjvr v x ' x (j, w j. v .iwtxxc, v mrcn ""s ii "i"cn , cueaper way oi vnv, auu vnen sne naa iinisnea Kev. i officiating officer, 'Justice M. G. Mc- Frazier of Greensborotkenzie: mother, Mrs. Fannie i M1ss ertna i$arKer, aaugnter ot i Mr., and Mrs. W. P. Barker, left Fri- Mrs. Gaddy and dauffHter. Mk ' day morning for Madison, Rocking- leaca. in Geo. B. Wright, Lumberton ro. Wm. A. Hardin, Lumberton r2. Luther Bryant, Barnesville. Albert B. Paul, Lumberton rl. Arthur N. Edwards, Lumberton. Nash Allen, Lumberton r7. Joseph E. Rogers, Marietta. Lester C. Hall," Lumberton.. Lee Allen, Lumberton. Ransom Worley, colored, Fairmont. John W. Ridgen, Lumberton. James W. Pitman Lumberton. Thos. B. Ayers, Proctorville. Joseph Bullard, Orrum. Jasper M. Grantham, Marietta. Alonzo M. Hartley Lumberton. Wesley E. Ratley, vcolored, Fairmont Harnett and Durham counties, all of which stirred hundreds of people to mob violence if the criminals who committed the outrages can be got ten at. The 'States prison here is the THE RECORD OF DEATHS at lrmity Park. iber of fish caught. Dr and Mrs. Robeson pf Georgia' Miss Sadie Thomnson. daughter ! are the guests 0f Dr. Robeson's sis- of Dr. and MrsfN. A. Thompson, will Lumberton ne" at At- ernor some days ago and approved'in Lumberton and return home the' hive been omed filfoj L LT le- fi Saturday for' kinson's onill pond, near Proctorville. by the .State Cuncil 0f ' Defense- same niffht. leaving LuWrton aioriS HumV i Am OTIC the nnT.Hlflr.Tio, ar o rt.or " " ! i " , r -j --ii- a Si- C " - " " nave oeen elected iirst-term libra rians. Both the junior and senior tpnnis cluls are nlanninp- for tVioir antnTYirT Mr. Henry Pittman, Aged Citizen of games. Wishart Township j The corps of teachers in charge of Mr. Henry Pittman, aged 93 years the school this year 'are: Miss Ethel and 4 months, died at his home in Reaves, Latta, S. Cl, principal; Mr. Wishart township Thursday. The! 0. O. Dukes, principal of farm life funeral was ronrlnpfrl T?T-;rlJcixT Kv school TVTvc Ti f. MnXFoJli TA place of safety to which i criminals Rev. L. E. Dailey and interment was Springs, assistant in hiigh ehool;! Keut Wra B Townted 'berton two or three months are orougnt to keep mobs Irom then? .made in the family burviner erround. Miss Nena. Rhvne. Gastonia. domes- cro tomorrow to Greenville to resume . her studies at the East Carolina. ter Mrs. Mary Eliza McKinnon. Mrs. James H. Townsend has re turned from MocksviUe, where she! teachers training school uti pencil ts Mr. K. C. Denny spent the week- ena xn nigh I'oint with relatives Mr. Lee Stone, who had been employed at Hopewell, Va., for sev- Miss Elizabeth Frye spent TueS- montns, returnea nome inurs day in Lumberton. i Jay night and expects to be Lm Lum- itary force is contemplated for Ral eigh and Wake on thai account to M'deter combinations of mob-move ments from different counties to AROUND 20,000 CANS PUT UP ade eeea a number of children. and a particularly large special mil- j Debased isved W WriZ and tic ide: ilvZ J. "ft Av. N e1?l hZ .?te' pSTi f " rZ- I lOlK, - Va., grammar grades: Miss at; t rv:, j. , j j.- 1 tn wTiora tVifv will entor tbA Rish- Mr. Pittman-was one of the bid- Mary Tiddy, Red Springs, intermed-; Laurinburg Sunday after visitine1 op England high school. Master , est men fh the county and was well late grades; Miss Katie. Buie. Red!, r,w, t? " ' ctit-' tt1 ? Antnonv will finish his work tWa . known. Ha was a rnomW of An- Soring, elemterttar" Miao i.i'"XWfc0' iVCV "u 1U' ."1, w v somrclXmswir6 Prisnder,oc Baptist church and his neigh-, Mj ; Burke Cooper, Red Springs, ' Mrs'. J. H. Merritt and small sonj -Gen. 'and Mrs. F. A. Bond, who, Alrea formid d mig ty gd man', f S1C' ! are guests of M?s. Merritt! m0ther,! spent the summer at their cotttag rbW.loJ aSnreme?ie. Th MMariman M. Watts aged 38 Z" fJZA tfer 6 orennziat on was norfectcd tonio-bt ri;ri 4. t. w j'? r.t j tvi 4.j ! umoenon, wnere tney visited Mrs- LumDerton. in the State house with Adj. Gen.' RidA Saturdav morning foil owi., his home at Cnncord SaWHav ni ? ?S VnTlr. .......... All Jewish places of business m T tt t -r j hcj- tTt n i - -rf . . a . -x . - . - , - J . " 14,997 Cans of Foodstuffs Reported From Hmes Canvassed in Jum I T. , T-i- i . J rrl.4 -VT ' o,',f 'T' . t It. wTTi VfoMf onnnft I tne PaS? few nours and tney are un"as a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ste Der will neacn u,vuu JdprstoOd to bp rpadv for anv Piripr- -nha-n Lawonn r.f nrmm i'uuii(cii tuuusaiiu mile uuuui (;u genCy. an dninety-seven cans of vegetables . ' ard fruits canned in Lumberton dur-j SOME MORE OF THE SAME ing tne summer is tne astonishing ii i i i Concord on th 0voniW nf Aiio-nt.L.n " -1 c . v ' as nonaay. jq u;. "i7:;rTr s wie8esi 01 mr. ana; r.rcr,fV,,m nfWa 1VA installed a Darnall steam sterilizer at their . drue store and will future sterilize all glasses, spoons, etc., af- 4 tiict Attorney Swann of New York,j man of the canning unit ot tne in a-: n.t BucharAst tiottal Special Aid society, in a par-.Washington Dispatch, Sept. 23. tial canvass of the homes of thej . How Germany "shamefully abus town, and it is estmated that a com- je(j anci exploited" the protection of plete record would reveal that the the United States by -secreting in number, of cans of foodstuffs put up the German legation' at Bucharest in Lumberton homes would total' after the American government had around 20,000. j taken charge of Germany's affairs Vu- lvicAinsier, m mention-. at the Rumanian capital, quantities drunken condition; prayer for judg-! a preliminary move before having-- ing tills Surprising COUnt. Called at-, nf nnwprful aYnlnsivaa for hnmh ' m.nn 4- nA-nnt.Al i. if 1 Vio mnvi-Qi ;(3ohq Mnonx' 29. His preliminary hearing before Mr. A t MrPniinm . J - maSistrate was set lor this m0rn- Miss Janie Williams was the guest Recorder's Court Case Dismissed ing. The arrest of Mrs. King's so-;0ftMrs. J. E. PurceU last week. necausp imrnmanco Hsiri ivnt kaoti caiiea dusitiacs manno-Ar to inwAri o o-r. tt:i j Recorded " 'long conferee Sardaf Kwen terM fln2rrg T ter they have .been used before they Ci: :4- TT; 3 ti , J ' -. V. r ' 0 v noH arroin I Mr. W. J. Wilkerson of the Cen- Mr. Ed Williamson and daughter , ter section is a Lumberton visitor a. . a x i , a. P x. - . 01 i x j n m iii t r Wr How Germany "Shamefully .Abused The following cases have' recently Solicitor Hay den Clement and repn Mrs. Highsmith's parents Mr made to Mrs. J. D. McAllister, chair-, and Exploited" Protection of U. S.'been &vo nf bv Refoir E. M J resentatives from the nffir-A nf Dic-f: wT? u LPafrePt5, Mr Britt: John Roach, drunk; judgment sus-; who took to Concord many documents i nf FovAttAviii nnto loef'todav. Mr. Wilkerson informed Th pended upon payment of cost. seized m a raid upon Means' New week 0f Mr. and Mrs C G Vardell Robesonian that a new Baptist church j Dave McDowell, colored drunk; j York apartment several days ago.) Mr. Angus Hodgin left last week' to cost ar0und $3,000 would be erect- juume"!' auijeueu upon pay menu , -".xttji sve"ijig uuu u wanant xoii0r Atlanta. i ea at center at an eariy aie. o cost. i means, solicitor Ulement announced Perry Campbell, two " charsres. ' that the coroner's inqup-st would no drunk and driving auto while in1 be reopened Monday as planned. As tention to two other ladies whose' pi0ts and deadly mfcrobes, with in ment continued lupon payment !of j the warrant issued for Means' arrest, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Roseboro of! Mr. Ed Taylor -of Howellsville Jacksonville, Fla., are guests of Mr. j township was a Lumberton visitor and Mrs. Av T. McCallum. Saturday. Mr. Taylor says he has Misses Kate R. Brown and Ger-j repaired the road crossing the Big trude Bostick have rbturned from swamp at Smith's bridge so that cost m each case, which amounted! solicitor iement made a aemana Baltimore. I neonlA can drive across all rieht. Mrs. Wm. Horne of Fayettevile a live rattlesnake was on ex- - . 1 . . -I . I -J V. .7 KJ7 i V V J w ill r-; proaucis were not counteam tnis to-, structions-for their uca in destrov-!n 1A1K " i tlinf M,, rUUT. n ofV,; tal, who had put up 500 and 300 cans' jno, horses and cattle, was revealed Wesley Herring, usng profane ties the clothes, firearms, cartridges TPSnACtlVelV. K. Co.,to T nnC'lTlff ' ! 1 UJ. 1- T . UJ J? 4- J TIT TTJ 1 I tT?. . ' -"iv : "mi it 1 vuy ucucj "ci""'g- muguugc on yuuiic nijmway: prayer,'11" uwiyr e-u-ectt) uj. mrs. jvuii' wnen.i n f ;a MahaTi a j. j j i Mrs. Tom Tolar, who lives near; It was another fif Mr. Lansing's 1 for judgment continued upon pay- she was killed and which are saicli ' Mr's James Morgan was the guest 1 Satrday and, T vt wa? the eastern edge of town, put up spriia 0f disclosures of German in-! mt nf o n.t S v tn in Mantis' n; Mn!.l t?F ai TAa Ya?. j egu ; snake, which has lo rattles, was .oOO cans for herself ard 2,000 cans trigue, made public jwithouft icom-1 E. L. Holloway, letting bull dog! refused to comply with the demand, for other people, many of the 2,000 , mentln the same manner as the von; run at large in town; dismissed. Means has asserted all along that cans being for ladies m Lumberton Luxburg telegrams which have', While it was proven that Mr. Ho-i Mrs. King accidentally shot herself. aim juuuau in me epulis "auc brougnt Argentina to tne verge otilnway had been letting his dog run; When the body reached Chicago to Mrs. McAllister. ' war with Germany, .he von Eck- at large, it was found that the crd-'l where it was sent for interment, "ar is visiting her. parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. ! hibition on front of the court h0use of JVliss Ida Morgan a few days lastj caught by Mr. F. A. Wishart at his We' tt r, , I farm, about 3 miles from town on , Mr. Henry Graves of Carthage the Fairmont road, Friday. spent Friday in town. M n p0(r;cfpr wV.n hos Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Corbett 77 ' 7,:;;' 'i " nov rQfnr,larl frnm ThorlAoton O , neiu a poiHiun 11,1 'C'di i bardt. lettor from MaXvPO Citv and i-noiir'A rpcantlv nncsorl rJatinrr -' plltonsv wao narfrrmprl nnrl it. WoS! r Congress Starts on Home. Slretch 'the von Bemstorff telegram asking letting bull does ltTn at l.nrsre had I asserted that there were no now-i . t-Vio v tv"i 'in frTTOn nffiA f-v-. rt 11 - ! n r4- Knni Tnr-A A Vi xl-. i- 1 .,1- Vtnvmi? "Alffc T" ' "U J n J i Money Bills Center of Interest Washington Dispatch, Sept. "23. Congress begins tomorrow what' fluence Congress members hope is their nome-stretcn the German foreign office for au-jnot been recorded by the town clerk der burns on Mrs. King's head and uionzauon lo speiiu, ;pau,uuu to m-j ana treasurer, rne reason that the; max, sne couia not nave snot nersen. clerk, Mr. Ira B. Townsend, had not J-he ball, entered the back of her recorded tViA nrdinnnrp wne tTia for-t. head. A nistol exnert nf New Ynrk in a race toward adjournment. Re-; Preacher Charged With- Immoral that his typewriter was out of com-' who has investigated the. case has mlts of the week probably will de- Conduct t.-rmine whether the special war ses-j Rev. J. H. Bennett, pastor of Cen tjon can end, as is the general aim.tenary Methodist church in Greens- ami unuersianuing, ueiween uciuue1 o unci 12 mission. stated that .it would have been im possible for the woman to shoot her self in the manner she was killed.. Negro Draft Men to be Called Oc tober 3rd A maioritv of the nesrroes of the Body of Mrs. Roht. Bingham Secret- 1 al-a i i .All 11 - FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER Drnrr-r.o.. laft thi j morning for Raleigh, where he will boro, a church having a membership of 500. has eriven ud his pastorate Both houses are having difficulty ; and left the citv because he was con-' national armv will he ,r-allAd rMit fnr! lv Exhumed in keening a Quorum for the finnlLfrnntAd with a .rhare-A of immoral mobilization at tho traininrr r-nntnnJ LnuisvillA Dicnatch. SAnt. 2S. 1 1 t I J- " - V " " vlHft w-. w v v W UI J s it - e!ean-up, despite the congestion ot conduct which he could not deny, ac-! ments with the contingent of draft! The body of Mrs. Robert Worth important legislation, so the leaders! rordinc to a dispatch of the 23rd forcAS snmmonpd for OotohAr S. Tn' Bine-ham. formArlv Mrs. Henrv M. ar( anxious to hurry their program' 'from Greensboro. Police officers, making this announcement SatuiM Flagler, secretly was exhumed at through. j the dispatch states, found him in a'day, Secretary Baker added that the Wilmington, N. C.r shortly after mid- Money bills are the center of in- house of prostitution in a room with! negroes called would be from States night last Thursday .at the instance tcrest. During the last veek Con- a negro woman, and it was charged; with the largest percentage of negro' of Mrs. Bingham's relatives, an au gress sent the $11,538,000,000 bond that his visits to the place had been population. Those from States with topsy performed in the presence of hill to the President. Tomorrow' con-J frequnet. Saturday night Bennett few negroes will be mobilized later.1 a detective of national reputation fcrees hope to finally agree on the and his wife left the city. The dis-' The policy of organizing separate' and several physicians, some of the Wfir tax bill, and the Senate appro- patch states that Mr. Bennet had colored and white army units will vital organs removed and sent to priation committee meets to increase j made a fine impression in Greens-! be strictly adhered to Wherea sub-, New York and the body presumably the seven billion dollar war deficient, boro and was regarded as about the division has not sufficient negro re-interred, according to a statement f.v appropriation measure between' best preacher there. Heis a native ' drafted men to make up a company given out here tonight by attorneys $300,000,000 and $500,000,000. Prompt. 0f western North Carolina. For or other unit, the men will be assign-! for Judge Bingham. ed to complete units at another can-i ah ot this was done surreptitious ly, the statement declares, the se- entAr Page's school of pharmacy. Mr. Register expects to return to Lumberton and resume his duties at the Pope store about November 1. Messrs. A. V. G. Wishart and J. M. McCallum and Miss Flora Wishart will leave this evening for DeLand, Fla-, where Thursday af ternoon of this week Mr. Wishart will be married to Miss Ruth Vir- j ginia Jackson, daughter of Mr. and i-nactment of the latter is expected, manyfyears he preached in the but disagreement on the" tax bill, all! StatA of Washington and returned leaners agreed, . would disrupt adj to North Carolina a lew, years ago. The percentage o dratted, white cret Demg closely guarded, until tnQj Mr. H. V. Brown left Saturday tonment. Lecture on Red Cross Work Pergon al Mention Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont, Sept. 22 SoHcHter H. L. Lyon and Mrs. Lyon, Mrs. G. W. Burkhead, Misses. Pauline Toon and Loula High of Whiteville were Fair mont visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Andrews, Mrs- wpro Foirmnnt visitnrc Thnrsdav ! Mrs. W. E. Jackson. Mr. Mcuauum "J"- . J .... i HT- TTT' 1 Dr. J. P. Brown left Saturday night will oe Dest man. miss w isiian with Mrs. C. M. Oliver, Mrs. Haynes, a- sister of the groom-to-be. Ivey and Mr.' R. R. Barnes, Jr., forj Mr. V. B. McMillan has been Baltimore, Md., where he took them confined to nis room for several days to Johns Hopkins hospital for treat-! as a result of being burned when he ment. " walked into a bed of hot ashes near Mrs. A. Nash, Mrs.-. C. B. Skipper,; the Jennings cotton mill one night Misses Sadie Datt, Margaret and - recently. Mr. McMillan had been up Janie Russell and Mr. Shepard Nashjthe river in his gasoline launch and of Lumberton spent a short while; the engine got wrong and he ieitnis in town Friday. Mrs. Florence Andrews and Mrs. Leroy Girmsley returned Friday from McCoU, where they visited rel atives. .lournmont plans- Ha had beAn in Greensboro 2 years.; or colored, to be called October 3 object was accomplished, and adds. will vary m accordance with thej it oeiongs to tne pudiic to iorm degree of completion of cantonments; its own opinion of this ghastly dra- Declaration of War by Argentina Roth Lees Cut Off in Sawmill Postponed Mr. Frank McDonald, superin- to which, they are assigned !5eU)iOS Airncf nicnntfV SAnt. 9.3. Tvnrlvn- nf .TnVinsOn'c Sawmill at St.! ; : - - - I - t . J X ... , wf w. " - bWA.V... j w.. i kj H i TV! " 'When, if ever," the statement Just ns thA Arov.ntinr. fhamhor of Paul Vmri both Ws cut off at the Carey KnoWn in Robeson At One concludes, "whispered suspicion shall IVputies early this morning was pre- mill Friday afternoon, his presence! Time Arrested as Deserter From be an audible charge, such charge ruling io vote on tne question 01,01 mina aione saving nim xiuni a; o.iavy mtju mui Negro Rushed to Charlotte From Ra'eigh Earl Nevilles, the negro whom N a mob sought to take irom Wake coun ty jail Thursday night, 'was sent to Charlotte in an auto Friday night. He is charged wi:h committing a capital offenSe Wednesday night breaking diplomatic relations wth ! horrible death. A dispatch fmj The E. D. Carey referred to in a Germany, an official communication: Fayetteville, to, a hospital in which news item on page seven as having whs receved from the Berlin foreign' town the injured man was taken, been arrested on a charge of de ?fice. The note disapproved of the' says that Mr. McDonald was on the sertion from the army and as hav i'leas expressed by Count Luxburg' l0g carriage making some aVdjust-'ing married a girl and deserted her waman . minister nere, regaru '"g Germany's "cruiser warfare". . Th word "cruiser" left some doubt 11 the minds of government officials ment when he accidentally touched at Fayetteville, with a wife and child the lever which starts the carriage-' living at Charleston, is well-known Seeing that he would De thrown on in rODeson, navmg nveu at wixuiii VifTfAv Tnn rnnld otnn the car-. SAVAral vears ago when his mother wic Day xv,iC c 1 7 .. jfi. .. - . ;r4.t.. - i, r?fQ f o Polo; cfyf riap-p hA managed to save nis me, iausnt rausic m me vixum mg"; 6di"v v,16 wvcc boat and went to the mlil shop to get some aid. While returning to his boat he walked into the bed of live, coals. Mr. McMillan was wear ing a pair of, high top shoes, which saved him from being burned mucn night for Baltimore, Md., where h,e! worse than he was will enter the university school of medicine Mrs. E. Fisher, Mrs. B. E. Stan field and Miss Chat Ratley spent Friday in Fayetteville. Mrs. Jim Alford, who had been as to whd!tjher Germany intended! riage, he managed t0 save bis life, taught rnusic in the Orrum hign o modify her submarine campaign.! but both legs were cut off, and it, :schol. It was while his mother leelarntinn n.t however, was postponed by the re 'ipt of the German note. -Sx Can al the pea's you can" .7-Pople living at "the cotton mill ii! E'8 aDout town have reduced ,np h. c. 1. cpnsiderably this year r. .cm n ammitat.A both ' was living at Orrum that he enlist- limbs higher up. Mr.. McDonald has ed in the U. S. navy. He was ad a wife and 5 children. lvertised at one time as a deserter - Mr. McDonald is a brother-in-law fr0m the navy and was later ar of Mr. J. C. Maxwell of Lumberton. rested. ''v Planting gandens. . Mr. I. S. Mc anus, superintendent of the Lum- oin on one-thjrd of an acre Miss Emilie Woodward, stenog- Pfof. J. R. Poole, county super- year, six lYXloa AJ11111J.C liwuu 1 --v o 1 - - ... . . i 1 rapher for the National Bank 0f , mtendent 0f public instruction, and Lumberton, will leave tomorrow for Dr. W. A. McPhaul, county health h?r home at Morlanton, where she officer, left this morning for Fair- iii uu..iv ,D. inr:. T 1 ,4- Tirl nrrnrYT whoTo T.nAV Will win spend eome time, ivuss vuuu- mu " speiiu nVc vie t. tbe cchool at each place today. fin r,r.4i- Ml 1 a 1 1 1 ton mm, raised zo Dusneis wm spenu iiT :.7Z:i. n,uni Aor-h nlaro todav this ward has been sick ior Beyera " i h n7 MpPIich wi 1 1 car conductor. Gov. Bickett Friday ordered a spec ial term of Wake Superior court to convene October 8 to try Nevilles. Judge Geo. W. Connor of Wilson will preside. I - . I'o be Tried on Charge of Retailing Dock and Norman Hardin, Indians, who live at Pembroke, were arrested Friday by Sheriff R. E. Lewis and Deputy Sheriff A. H. Prevatt on the charge of Yetailmg. They were brought to jail and will be given a turned home Friday night. Mrs. E. J, Pittman, Miss Eliza beth Baker and Mr. H. V. .Brown spent a while in Lumberton Friday. Mrs. W. P. Webb of Rockingham lectured on the Red Cross work at the school auditorium Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Webb made" a splen did lecture which was enjoyed by every one present. ien si i , 1j t" ht-tji 1 ,;n w - 1 . - - - . 1 . 1 Uv -v -t- t-' rftr QTin ill. ivi 1 1 a,i u will He brought to town Friday, and will go home to tane aru one, tr Ta f no nnhr ! hAarin beforA Recorder E. M. Britt rs of com nndr nA chnrk i bp mi? relieved by miss ora ieigu vimi uiC " v - -i' -" tl ., - t- i. 4-; foot c nnownio. y cuiu'suav ui Lina wcn.. t. ii il . . Mruni'r sf 1.11111. 1 iu Mwfliu' - A,n,ch he gathered from his patch. Pope of the L0ng Branch section. Summary of War News Another German Stroke on Russ'an Front This morning's summary of the war news states that on none of the battle areas of Europe has there been any marked activity in the last 24 hours. Yesterday's summary announced another German stroke on the Rus sian northern front, resulting in the capture of the bridgehead and town of Jaccobstadt, on the -JDvina, ( and forcing the retirement of the Rus sians in this region to the eastern bank of the river. ham county Friday night. While the young lady was in a stooping pos ture lifting coolers of milk from a spring near her home a bullet from a 44 Winchester rifle penetrated across her back and touched the cav ity of her chest. It is thought she will recover. John Long, a 34-year-old white man of Bahama, who had been employed by Mr. Ball and had been discharged, is charged with the crime and a dispatch of the zza from Durham stater that 15 men, . armed with rifles, were hunting Long. - Woman "Shot From Ambush Armed ' CUizens Hunt White Man Miss Nellie Ball, daughter of Dave Ball, was shot frem ambush at her t- J 1111 AlUVi VI 11 111 VI KJ f 1 . - . . - visiting her parents at Enfield, re- home in the Bahama .sectionof ir- Messrs. W. M. Andrews and Law rence Wilson of Fairmont are among the visitors in town today. Mr. David F. Britt ofR. 4 from Lumberton was among the callers at The Robesonian office Saturday. Mr. J. W. Ward of Rowland, a member of the board of county com missioners, is a Lumberton visitor today. . ..;&JS12- s

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