X-S SUPPLY OF MEN of French General Staff M1SS of German Losses and Ger- boro News fLlvsis of the French general Anaa'- f;(riirpS. recently issu- 'T Gvrman losses and the , of tne. jJ.rS. it made by Frank ertnan arikle .n the New LSuno. Such an estimate, he 4 be accept Mvce I, W'lUSe JUSl as uie uwiuan !i! oMormation as to, French conditions are rename, tn JiWP are similarly trust- rencn e& is reany no mys- ortW oc numbers are concern- A I M I t? - W nf thp 1 v u - 5 ii 4- tlio -fi omrac. Ten. by nations at war." I i V, wpU to present these fig Pi tl-- " ' " , i 1 w " from tne rrencn The AsSOCiaifu i'fso aic th, man power of Ger- ' 1. of thi nrpspnt timp. in Liir " i . - ' ,.-,v.i th. casualties, as fnl ....,1 t'nvn-nliOns On various LV, ,.mt.o.eu on lines Kfetion'ar.l stationed in the in- icntmg the TOE BOBESQWAW MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1917 EAT BIG MEALSLNO SOUR, ACID STOMACH, INDIGESTION OR GAS Tapes Diapepsin fa quickest, sur est stomach relief known -Try it! FIFTH ANNUAL CORN SHOW Co-operation anil Sunnort nf Pi of Robeson Wanted for Corn and FAGB SEVE1? ' 6 Exhibit Wilmington, Sept. 22 It fs desired DIDN'T NEED THE MONEY Robeson Farmer Who Applied for Liv Sft rt T V r " nougn Tobac . -u-i vvuicicuci: anu Jroultry 1 o 10 rui mm uy Bv John A. Livinorefvn" Lumberton Special, Sept. 20, to Wil- - i r , frt ii.. ' .. . mington btar. c-uic co-operation arnd support His right thumb had been torn of the people; of Robes0n county inborn his hand by a contrary brkk connection with the fifth annual corn makln machiaie, and he could show embracing live, stock confer-1 S,!? BCantU ence and Doultrv whihi t,:- KI"" "ee wnue ne was hiii five minutes, fs to This fair L repairing a barn buT there was a leals don't fit comfort- t!h hfd WllmiJn?,n' ,Nov- 0f satisfaction on ht lacLd Time it! . Pane's Di sweeten a sour, gassy or out-of-order' stomacn miri T ! ii your meais don't fit comfort- b' 6 7 an5 TS7v smne 0t satisfaction on his face and ably, or what y0u eat lies like a !?' Ill V iin 5 9. and will be open a look of joy and happiness in hi """i1, U1 your sxomacn, or if! ti, 1 i 6 v cw. you have heartburn, that is usual v! ?e 01?nties to be embraced with a sign of acidity of th atomari, n thelair territory are ten, as fol- L Get from your pharmacist a fif- i? i- me Brunswick, Columbus, ty-cent case ot tape's Diapepsin and m u w"SiUWs enaer KoDeson, take a dose just as soon as you can NeT7 .Hfnover Sampson, Wayne. mere win oe no sour risings, no v u yi vcu uiai tIlls year s belching of undigested food mixed SfR081? A8 not tobe a local af with acid, no stomacb P-nc ia-J lair- u 1S tne aim and purpose of the management to roim 600,000. formation ith acid, no stomach jra m- hart.J. idir' " 1S tne aim and purpose of the burn,- fullness or heavy feeling in! management to .secure the utmost the stomach, nausea, debilitating mest and assistance from. the headaches or dizziness- TMs wU I wole, people of the n counties in all go, and, besides, there will be Tifow x.- i m sour food left over in the gtom-l , S J?f m -? 3 ! sCle f aiJlaFe ?d- acn to poison vour breath with nau-i ""v""i wnsuuiuve. il is in- v-v fvi mil 1 seous oaors Pape's Diapepsin helns to neutml ize the excessive acid In the stom ach which i9 causing the food fer mentation and preventing proper di gestion. i n in nt iiui? Ved and prisoners, 4,000,000. Voundeil, unuer ue""e" s tals, 500.000. Total, 10,600,000. , , T?e fi"ur,.s account for all the m Jailed out up to the present ; ?emce. a? follows: Trained mvn, mobilized immedi- r 11 .1 1U . lr TITO f (ely on tne ouiuxeaiv "x tllt 'Untrained Ersatz (compensatory) rvists call-" out Augusi, 10 ebruary, 1015, 800,000. mell entirely exempted Cla of recruits ca ieu ou, dirabiHty 2)100)000 50.000. conceivable that the agricultural, dairying and live stock problems of Eastern North Carolina can be work ed out by a single individual or or ganization. The task is worthy of xne oest eiiorts of a united people di;-p j. 1 wwl enu tne iiitn annua corn fT rr'T " embraci..live stock conference i eyes that one would not have ex pected after such sad afflictions. The injuries under other condi tions perhaps would not have been borne with such patience, but this year this sturdy Robeson county far mer has been able to pay 0ff the last installment of a vexing mort gage on the little place he bought several years ago, after a struggle that often has seemed to be great to be overcome- He, like multitudes of other farm ers throughout the country, hailed with the greatest joy the passage of the national farm loan Vill wVnVTi would enable them to pay off their I mortgages witn money, secured at a low rate of interest with plenty of time in which to pay it and with out danger of foreclosure. .No Farm Loan For Him Winds Vary, but Luhanne -Never "iw Orleans u.s- The Luzianne Guarantee : If, after using the-contents of a can, you are not satisfied in every respect, your gro cer will refund your money. You don't have to be a magician to make two pots of coffee exactly alike when you use Luzianne. For Luzianne is unvarying in character, ever and always the same good-drink ing 'coffee. But the only way you can really know Luzianne is to drink it. And that suggests your buying a can today. Bear in mind, you take no chances with Luzianne. The guaran-. tee protects you to the very penny. So, get right , to it and buy Luzianne now. Every sip will confirm your good judgment and our good faith. Ask for profit-sharing catalog. TVlOC-. lorn,, fi-fln -4- nr.A 4 A tnin enough "Pano'o FlianoTisin" tn y'Hy ur me people to meet uallV ketp tPi2Wr2ivS become enlightened up from stomadi acidity and its symp-IJS! , q"el12 3 that dally Cn' toms of indigestiondyspepsia, sou?-1 f Yx them, ness, gases, heartUV and hea5-LJhe &nxfs ej of Wilmington ache, for many months. It belongs! JS in your home. He was among the first to moVn and poultry exhibit offers a splendid ' application for a loan. True it was not ior a large sum only $800 but for him it meant a home and a farm oz nis own ior uie. For spvprnl years the cotton crop in the southern ! part ot KoDeson, where he lives, has owir.g Recruits of the 1920 class cannot . . W I 1 -Vl 11 111 i Rret ban of untrained Landsturm De called legally until tney attain died out at the beginning of 1915, their seventeenth birthday. 100,000. I The conclusion of this authority is Class of 191o, called May-July, I . . iaio Rema nd.-! of untrained iana-.uit; war cununue so long, jrei"y kurm call-out the same month, would be unable to bring to the front 50.000. . . . anv.new troons pxcpnt thpi bov of Class oi llH. called out beptem-. 1, p!-,.,, nf iqoi. hn wmiW tiion Ir-Xov.mb.r. 1015, 450,000. . 'be 18 vpars old: and that Gprmanv Contina-ont oi hitherto exempted nnrifvnc, fAnrn, xtoy with en called out in October, 1915, 300,- a rserve 0f less than a million f'C. . men. mndo hd of bovs who cannot Second cr.nt ingest exempted men ha th militarv value of the. older Hlfl, m;- v n 191R. 200.0U0. I -i , " . ' ' . L'lflU&PU. Second b;m ot Laivisturm, called riv in l'.'lt".. 450,000. ' Class of ii'17. called out March- ovember. 1H18, 450,000. The conclusions arev reached by the following reasoning: "In sum.xthen, Germany had avail- nT-il -frtv cpnripa- -fnr tVia -first, fmir Third contingent of exempted men, : y ars, f the Warll,200,000 men, while lUL." ill XtiV, uuv,uuu. Class of 1918, called out Novem- fcr. 1916. to March, 1917, 450,000. Class of 1919, called out in part 1917. 300.000. Additional exempted men, 1917, 0,000. Total, 11.500,000. It is .-xplained that the discrep- r.cy in the figures is accounted for support forthis undertaking. Up wards of $7,000 have been subscrib ed., all to bp siipnt in makinc thp. other counties' are urged to partici pate in the benefits, but Wilmington will bear the expense- She asks you tosend your exhibits and attend the fair. An executive committee from each county wil be named with the idea of stimulating interest in each of the 'several counties ana advising the people of the aims and purposes of the lair. Shortly a premium list or booklet wjll be published and distributed. This booklet will contain prize lists aggregating over $3,000 for agricul ural exhibits, live stock exhibits,poul try exhibits, fancy " work and other litems specifically mentioned. nraANNEffee The ReUyTaylor Company, New Orleans '.5 Sd 1?. fa". there is;n need to fear for the saf- pens'es.' mSch lSs, make anfe , of theountrfinaneia. SonnaTfarm hfanas0! TeJen- PR0SPECS T FOR. FAIR sent boon. . Indications Point to Large Display Last spring however, he decided of Farm Products and Fancy Work "TiT int?:. at 0??S?n Fair Attractive Prem" "e turns uirerea 200,000 men were prevents! from returning to the colors by the block ade of Germany, which cut off over seas contingents. "Eleven million four hundred thou sand, the total figure, represents just about onesixth of the popula tion of the German empire at the outbreak of the war that is, some bacco warehouse for the chickens and live stock and in this way have plenty of room, and it all on the inside. . There is going to be the largest and best display of hogs and pigs this time that we have had, and you can't expect anything else, because the premiums offered range from ten dollars down for horrs. Then again, the people have become so interested in pigs, that there is some rivalry; everybody wants the best and wants to see what the other fel low has. Well, he can see them all at the fair. Verier TYinrP tTian 8.000 000. Hor- ; the omission Of the male UnitS.The! rvmnv tTin Vine nprmnnpnt.lv lost tal mobilizable male resources of I 4000 000 jinn" hfe .500.000 on the ermanr since the beginning of.nos-Uinp and behind thp. line in neces- mystery it is in this case, and noth sary services. Probably not more j ing tangible is yet in sight. Gaston Mysterious Death of Mrs. King Greensboro Record. The burial of Mrs. King was a quiet affair. Everybody took it for granted that the woman killed her sef. She was buried in Chicago, and that ended the matter until some anonymous letter writer from Con cord sent a letter to the district at torney's office in New York that a murder had been committed and that politics shut it up. That was the match that fired the barn. Then the New" York papers got busy, and Chi cago papers got busy, and if there was ever mystery piling on top of ties, including the yearly classes recruits up to 1920, number about 54.000.000. Those called up number OO.OOO.The remainder are account for as fjjkws: Tbi remaining rtion of the clas of 1919 awainng ill, 130.000; class of 1920 still un- illtd, 450.000; men employed as .dispensable in industries and ad ministrations, 500,000; men aoroaa hable to reach Germany, 200,000; FHR-M SALE ! than 3,000,000 to 3,500,000 at the most are actually engaged in fight--ing or are in immediate reserve. She has 600,000 men, mostly of the class of 1920 that is, of boys who are now only 17 years old and 500,000 more men now in the hospital who some time in the next six months will be returned to duty. This to tal will be reduced before the be- ginning of the campaign of 1918 by the permanent losses incurred be tween now and the 1st of April FOR If you want a farm, any ize, reasonable, write me. We raise Tobacco, Cotton and Berries. A. McKenzie, CHADBOURN, N. C. Means, now accused in the public mind of being guilty of taking her off, hasn't been arrested because there is nothing to warrant the ar rest. The lawyers are busy looking out for property interests; newspa pers have sent their bright young men to Concond; the picture makers have been busy; tr- tree next to tne -nring and the automobile and the lady's hat all have been shown in print, and reckless writers have seen on the person of Gaston Means rolls These losses will not be less than ( of bills bigger than a stove pipe 50,000- -a month, and we may safely ! and yet it is all mystery. It is doubt- figure that 300,000 men will thus J less true that murder will out, and be eliminated before the next cam- there is no doubt that out of all paign opens- In other words, the these many stories and many mys maximum of possible reserves -oijteries iinaiiy will come a coherent Gprmanv for the campaign of 1918 will be 800,000 men, and of this num ber over half will be boys not more than 18 years of age, and 150,000 more will bp boys of the class 01 1919, who will have reached only the age limit of 19 next year- Three quarters1 of the reserves that Ger many will have for next year, then, are boys of 19 and under. "The permanent loss 01 Germany in the first three years of the war was slightly under 4,000,000 an av erage permanent loss ot l,dOO,ouo a year, but the loss was much greater in the first two years 01 tne war than in thp. last vear, because in the first two years there was much heav- ipr fierhtmg. The Russian collapse of this year has resulted in reliev ing the pressure on the eastern front and thus directly" reducing tne casu- altips. It has also compelled tne allies on the western front to aban don their plan of seeking a decision this year by tremendous oiiensrves, am thus the German loss nas oeen materially smaller on tne western tale, and if Mrs. King was murdered the truth will be known, and the one who murdered her brought to th bar of justice. The case is now too far advanced to be dropped without a careful investigation. Just why the New York &nd Illinois authori ties are going so far wo do not know, North Carolina is also taking her part, and Prosecuting Attorney Cle ment has established headquarters in Concord, and some day we may kaow more about it. Never was drama so interesting; never was a picture on the screen given so- much attention, bacco, as well as cotton. planted three and a half aerps. but rAn n tu ri,. IT,' 11 o "I . 1 , ,1 vJi i Co UU11M11 Ul J.I1K XlUUCSUiUHU, tms was well fertilized and careful- Every day brings forth encourag iy cuiuvaieu. xne weatner conda-.ing news as to the fair this fall in xions during tne summer wpre vprv inrnrtnn Tioi favorable and the yleld this fall, not f to the largest display of farm pro vj-r 1,1111, Uut ut cm 1U null, t,ec- cucts and lancy work of all kinds tion, was especially good while the that has been seen in! Lumberton prices have continued to soar. CT -n-,T -fo; ; t VL "tt:V0. ihe People are becoming so inter- Send to W. O. Thompson, secre Ifaw .enogh tobacco to bring ested that it now looks like our ex- tary, and get a premium list so -you l,b00 at a Fairmont warehouse. His hibition hall will have to be enlarg- can enter s0mething for a premium, total expenses for all purposes, he cd. However, if it comeS to theiYou will be surprised just what is estimates at about $400. At an.y push, we will just use the other t0-', being offered. xciLc xiy iiau iiiuxc nian a LnO"Sanli j dollars clear money, and the first! thing he did was to pay off that mortgage. Tobacco Crop Did. It So it "happened the other day wThen the appraiser from the Federal farm loan bank at Columbia came down to Marietta to assess the valuations ; o the different farms on which loans were to be advanced, that this! man was able to say he did not need ' any -money, and more than that hadi tv fm eit-r in Vi Ji vil- . . - T .. xl ."U "U ' uivukjf 111 wit; U(iiii, vyn uiuugii lie had not sold a bale of cotton. He expects to get from his little farm some eight or ten bales of cot-i ton, and most- of this money will go into the bank, or a large proportion 01 it at any rate- This story is typical of what has: happened in the southern section of. Robeson county. The cotton crop is sorry, just as sorry as it was last year, perhaps, but this can be ov-' erlooked when tobacco can be sold at such handsome prices and the yield is good, as was the case this year. No Talk of Hard Times There is no talk of hard times in this section, but everywhere one finds the farmers optimistic. It is true that a dollar does not go far , tnese days a"d money is cheap, out it is safe to say that the 18 banks' that Robeson now has will not be! derelict in bringing to the atten-j tion of the farmers the need of sav ing, which has been -dearly pointed ( out by Governor Bickett in a recent statement to the people of the State. That there will come a time when tobacco will not sell for such'hand-, some prices and that money will not always be so cheap as it is now,; are facts that cannot betoo strong ly enforced at the present time There is a real danger of being too optimistic, but when farmers and. others apply their money to estab-j lishing themselves more strongly to ; meet the days ot adversity and "tight" money that are sure t0 come, WE HAVE $150,000.00 TO LOAN BANK of FAIRMONT FAIRMONT, N. C. We pay 4 on Time Deposits. F. L. BLUE, Cashien E. D. Carey Arrested Under Charge of Desertion From Army Former ly Lived in Robeson A dispatch of the 20th from New port News, Va., states that "E. D.Ca rey, a soldier stationed at Fort Moul trie, S. C, is reported under arrest there on a charge of desertion from the army. September 4 Carey mar ried Miss Ella May Gilpin of New port News at Hampton. Yesterday i -Whv Dops T n pi Kaiser Rage and I. W. W.'s Im agine Vain . Th ings: thp vouner woman returhpd homp af front, t0o, than it was. either in the ter discovering that Carey had a wife Answer this correctly, then come 0ur store and we will sell you WJ(IS CHEAP 0Ur M'-al, Coffee, Sugar, Rice, otatoo.s, Tobacco and Snuff. e Llst Too Long To Print it All ('0ME SEE tlield&French,Inc. Wholesale Grocers NIONE 4 1171 . davs of thp. Marne campaign or m the later Verdun episode. "It is not too much to estimate that the German losses for the six months of campaign next year will be in excess of 200,000 a month, and this means that some time Detore Sontpmber German reserves will be v i " . . - - .1, t exhausted ana uermany win n?ye tn face the nroblem of shortening her Tines or else courting disaster. If Russia is able to take ner part next year, or any considerable part, then Germany's loss win not oe than 250,000 a month. It is barely conceivable that a complete failure of Russia would enable Germany to hold on next year, even with reduced effectives." Says Kaiser Has Offered No' Reward for U. S. Soldier A Berlin dispatch from the Wolff Bureau, the semi-official news agen cy, received at Amsterdam on me 20th, denied as a ridiculous inven tion the report fr0m Paris that the German Emperor had .promised a, rpword of 300 marks and three weeks' leave to the first German who captured an American soldier. The Wlff Bureau adds -that after cap turing three million prisoners, Ger-j many has no occasion to oner ne money for any more. and child at Charleston, S. C, and that he was said to be a deserter from the army. "Following the marrriage Carey took his bride to Fayetteville, N. C, whprpi she was left penniless. The vouner woman says she Had known Carev for five years, having met him while he was stationed at Fort Monroe." Carey lived for a while in Robe son, at Orrum Propose to Give President Broad Censorship Powers A urn vision for censorship, under regulations of the President, of mail, cable, radio or other communication betwpen-the United States and for- pie-n countries was written into the administration trading-with-the-ene- my,bill Thursday by the House and Senate coniprees at a special meeu inc. It is dpsigned to prevent mil litarv information from reaching bv relav through Latin and nther neutral countries The provision was inserted at the rpouest of Federal departments nav ing knowledge that manyjnessages have reached Germany,' in code, by steamer and otherwise. It was made rf. nf thp conferpp.s' report and will be presented to the Senate NOTICE TO SICKWOH Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieves Suffering. IT IS DANGEROUS TO KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME It is in danger of both fire and thieves. In our bank it is safe "from both. You can deposit your checks same as cash. You can deposit your checks here and we will give you part cash if desir- ed. Be wise and leave your money with us. 4 per cent interest paid on time deposits. BANK of PROCTORV1LLE PROCTORVILLE, N. C. K. BARNES, Pres. I. P. GRAHAM, Cashier lllllHIIIIIUMUIIIIIIIIIIlil lllllllillf 3111111111111 Thursday. Bridgeton,N. J. "I cannot speak too highly of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- Die uompouna xor inflammation and other weaknesses. I was very irregular and would have ter rible pains so that I could hardly take a step. Sometimes I would be so misera ble that I could not sweep a room. I doctored part of the time but felt no chancre. I later took Lydia E. Pink ham's - Vegetable Compound and soon felt a chanee for the better. I took it until I was in good healthy condition. T recommend the Pinkhanxremedies to all women as I have used them with such eood results." Mrs. Milford T. Cum- nnil TT- Ox ' Hnnra MINGS, o6 xxttimviiy Ot. , x cuu o vxxwvc, N.J. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence of fhe eyrellence of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the distressing ills of women such as displacements,inflammation,ulceration, backache, painful periods, nervousness and kindred ailments. O R SALE 88 Acres of Land V o Near the Town Limits of the Young Growing Town of Wagram. Now is the time to purchase real estate for the reason it can be bought cheaper today in my opinion, than it will ever be bought agajn for years to come. ' The Government is lending the farmers money f or forty years at a rate of 5 per cent. Buy land wherever you can and if you have not the funds with which to complete payments, buy anyway and look to Uncle Sam for help. He is helping other folks to buy land and your chances are asgood as the other fellow's. THE ABOVE PROPERTY CAN BE BOUGHT FOR ONE HALF CASH, BALANCE ONE AND TWO YEARS. COME AT ONCE TO SEE THIS PROPERTY. , ,; W, T. CRUMP WAGRAM, N. C.