THE BOBESOHIAH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1917 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Bprav 111 ff rt SI I LL HSfttil l-UUU! j NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE rsortn Liaroima, n,uiesuii un"'j ... - E. J. BRITT Attorney at Law Offices over Pope Drug Company. yNSl practice in all courts. Prompt attention given to all business. fkoatas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorney and Counselors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. - E. E. STACY, Attorney-at.Law. Lumbujfton, NT C. frv&c in State and Federal Courtt SZPx jt in First National Bank Bid Ml W. McLean Dickson McLean L "SL Yarser Junius J. Goodwin jftztLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attnrnevs at Law Q2t5e on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUHBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA A. McNeill. Jr. H. J. Singleton McNEILL-SINGLETON Lumberton, North Carolina JEHU practice in all courts. Busines attended to promptly Booms S and 4 McLeod buildin, cor. aer Elm and 4th Streets DR. W. L. GRANTHAM General Practfce Residence Lorraine hotel Office 2nd floor Weinstein bldg. Residence phone 49 Office phone 48 SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR TOYViN TAAliS Under and pursuant to authority voctpr1 in me by the charter of the jC'itw nf Tvnraberton. I. a constable aamg as , nf 'atA tftWtl wm on French, vs. Sylvester Powell ana uu- , ana vu . nf November. I In Superior Court,. ! George Whitfield ana George, ir itepnen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawren? James D Proctor McINTYRE, LAWRENCE & PROCTOR Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business STEPHENS & BARNES Funeral Directors and Embalmers LUMBERTON, N. C. T. A. McNEILL Lawyer Land titles and law of executor and administrators special ' attention Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lumberton, N. C. H IU l' uiijv.u.j,. - . - i I Tl ..iit in TPO erioi" court oi riuufc&jii -vuuu,j s above entitled action, I will, on Mon ORGANIZATION IS PERFECTED BYjday, the 5th day of November, 1917, INSURANCE MEN IN NORTH at 12 o C10CK m. at ir.e tuun 'i""c CAROLINA. door of said county of Robeson, State aforesaid, m the town ot JLumoerton, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest Hvhich the said de fendant Calvin Moore has in the fol lowing, described lands, to-wit: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a -li. n,fh aArra i-f Vi Marion All Buildings Where Food and SuP-;road Lon Alien's corner, and runs Stored will He uuaraeui with the said road- N 57 degrees Li 6 STATE DEPARTMENTS HELP plies Are Against Destruction Waste. By Fire or chains 50 links to an iron stake, Si mon Stephens' corner; thence witn the said Stephens' line S 5 degrees ..x. . iT. . af xi minutes vv iz cnaras 00 una tu a. urgamzauon 01 un ' by two pines, Simon Stephens' fective patriotic bodies in the state , the said Simon has recentlv been nerfected by spe-1 0. i- . q or, 9.0 min. - - i 01c uiiciia line yj -t ui-s xj-j ...... ' i i 1 A . . - 1 , 1 1 cial aerents. inspector's and field men of virtually all fire insurance com panies doing business in North Caro JOHN D. CANADY Attorney and Counselor at Law. . irractice m vyuui j ST. PAULS, N. C. Office Days: Mondays 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Thursdays 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon OFFICE OVER McMILLAN'S Rooms 4-5-6-7. PHONES Office 47, Residence 175 RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, - - N, C. Practice limited to "Eye, Ear. Nose, and Throat. Office closed for duration of war. JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon - Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 64, LUMBERTON, N. C. m m m m m J DR. THOS. F. COSTNER General Practitioner Special attention paid to obstetric and children's diseases. Office over Pope drug store, Phone 112. Resi dence 210 Chestnut St., Phone 162. DR D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, Advertised Letters. List of unclaimed letters remain ing in the Lumberton, N. C, P. 0. for week ending Oct. 1st, 1917: Mrs. Lizzie Britt, Mrs. W. W. At kinson, Albert Blandy, Rowland Barnes, Easter Badie, Wesley Bar ber, Maggie Bell, John H. Bryan, Mr. C C. Bullard, Mr. Clarence Clark (2), Mr. J. E. Clark, Alex Goodman, Al bert Guston, Miss Elsie Hamer, Mrs. EUer Harrelson, Janey Hayes, D. B. Herring, Mr. H. C. Hill, Janie Hes ter, Mr. S. H. Hollingsworth, W. B. Jolly, Anny Jones, Fannie Jolly, Liz 2a Kelly, Lester Leach, Clark Len non, Douglas L. Lewis, Dollie Long, Carson Lowry, Susan Locklear, Tom C Locklear, M. L. Lowrey, Orpha J. Monroe, Geo. Mills, Hattie Moore, Winnie McQueen, Fred McAllen, Jane McCall, G. W. McLeod, R. F. McLean, Buddy McLaurin, Mary Jane McNeill, Nelson Page, Acce Perdie. B. H. Prevatt, Annie Ralearns, Mrs. Henry Register, Murph Roose, Mr. Reynolds, H. B. Rhodes, Money Rus selr Hannah Stephens (2), Alex Ste phens, Andrew Smith, Emeline Smith, Will Simpson, W. P. Smith, Thetis Smith, Mrs. Isabell Simms, Elia Sim mons, Andrew M. Scott, C. E, Ward, Cattie J. Washington, E. S. Williams, Winchester & Futch; Hezzie Worth- Persons calling for the above mail Vfill please say "advertised". JU. D. Jb KHiMCU, r. M. DEATH OF HENRY LOCKLEY Died in See Our . Work and get our prices before placing an order for any kind of monumental work. Lnaberton Marble & Granite Co. J. H. Floyd, Prop. Ikunberton. . . . . N. C -mm iiflF m y,"wiii(i(iMPiii LOANS NEGOTIATED ON IMPROVED FARM LANDS (Kobe son, Scotland & Hoke Counties) $2,99-00 to $50,000.00 .FIVE TEARS 5 Interest A. T. McLEAN Lumberton, N. C R. D. Caldwell & Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EMBALMING OOaut Undertaking Establish , .acos la this community. Qwr equipment Is good and ba called we render satis- ..ttudoTT service Dy Telephone 119; night, 82 oar 312 or 226 ' v Formerly of Pembroke, Portsmouth, Va. To the Editor of The Robesonian. PWlasallow me space in your paper to give a brief account of the death and funeral of a Robeson county boy who was formerly of Pembroke, but was living in Portsmouth, Va., when death came. This boy, or youns: man, was Mr Henry Lockley. He was reared to young manhood in that section of our county known generally as Saddle tree. He was the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Lockley, now of Pembroke. He moved with his par ents from this section to Pembroke some three years ago, and spent part of his time at home and part away working at his trade. Mr. Lockley was very widely known as he had traveled over very much of his native btate as well as other States, in practicing his trade, which was that of barber. His death was very shocking indeed to his family and friends. He had been away from home for several months, and last week his folks re ceived a message that he was dead. le was apparently well one day and the next morning he" was found in his sleeping apartment dead. The doc tor alleged the cahse to be heart failure. His father and only brother, Mr. Purcell Lockley of Lumber Bridge, went at once to Portsmouth to look after the remains of the deceased, which were brought to Pembroke Sat urday, Sept. 29. The funeral . was conducted m the grove near the family burying grounds yesterday, the Rev. F. A. Pre vatt officiating. The theme of the funeral sermon was . preparation to meet God. .Brother Prevatt brought out very forcibly the importance of making this preparation and the ne cessity of being ready when called from this to an unknown world. At the close of the sermon an invitation was given to those who desired pray er that they might make this prep aration to meet God in peace, and quite a number of-young folks went forward and gave their hands, in dicating that they desired the peace of God in their lives. The father of the deceased also asked the preacher to speak a word of warning to the young people, warning them not to stray away from home and friends and have to be hunted up, after death by their parents. The deceased is survived bv his father and mother, one brother and two sisters, all of whom live in Rob eson county except one sister, who lives in Scotland county. Uur heartfelt sympathy is extend ed to the bereaved family. May we take this as one of God's plans to show to us that though we are in the bloom of youth, as this young man was who had just about reached his 31st birthday that He calls us as He sees wise in His own good way, whether we are prepared or unprepared. May God help us all to make the preparation and consecrate our lives anew to His cause. - J. W. SMITH. Lumberton, N. C. R. 1. Oct. 1, 1917. Great War Tax Bill Will be Enacted into Law This AVeek. Washington Dispatch, Sept. 30. Enactment into law this week of the great war tax bill, upon which conferees agreed last night, was re garded as certain today by leaders of both houses. The report will be pre sented to the House tomorrow and to the Senate probably on Tuesday and by Thursday at the latest the bill should be ready for the President's signature. Opposition to certain sections -of the bilkis expected, but the leaders are determined not to permit any amendments. To open the door, they say, would draw a flood of new amendments" and invite delays.- - utes E 5 chains 73 links to a stake in the said Stephens' line, the said Doint beinsr the corner of the divis- lina. It is the purpose of -the organi-j ion of the lands of Calvin Moore m- zation to make inspection of al build-, j actio from the mgs where food supples or clothing , allotment of the sazne by H. J. Wes supplies may be concentrated to guard j sel D. p. Walters and H. C. Freeman, against possible loss by fire of any appraisers ; thence with the said home goods which are needed in the prose- j stead line S 25 degrees E 11 chains cution of the war. 61 links to a stake on the bank of a I email KvanVr fVimiff With the VriOUS ine organization was perieciea r-, courses 0f the said branch as follows: i Mrs. L. E cently at a conference of insurance g g2 degrees 30 minutes W 4 chains j street . . men in the office of State Insurance 46 links ; thence S 13 degrees W 1 Commissioner James R. Young in chain 78 links to a stake by a stoop Raleigh. Present at the meeting were ing pine on the said branch; thence Governor Bickett, Commissioner j h Sill eil's line S 34 degrees Tr o m. ah W 3 chains 92 links to a stump; bill Young, S. Y. Tupper, of Atlanta, Powelrs corner; thence with the said Southern manager of the Queen Insur-: Powell's line W 2 chains 59 links to ance Company, Milton Dargan of At- a stake on the side of an old road, lanta, Southern manager of the Royal Sill Powell's corner in Lon Allen's Insurance Company and A. M. SchoenJ line; thence with the said Allen's line engineer for the National Board of N 6 degrees 40 minutes W 26 chains Fire Underwriters The conference ! 89 lmks to the beginning, containing Fire underwriters, ine conference 13.49100 acres as appears from the was also attended by J. M. Brpughton, ' survey dated March 26, 1917, by Ira Jr., and A. T. Bowler, president and 3. Mullis, surveyor. secretary respectively of the Raleigh j SECOND TRACT: An undivided Chamber of Commerce and Prof. W. ; one half interest in the following A. Withers, president "of the Raleigh1 lands: BEGINNING at a stake at the vtntrr I turn of the Marion Stage Road about Kotary uiud. j 5Q yardg north of the Carolina Cen. Co-operation of all the machinery ofjtral Railroad and about 15 feet south the State Executive and administra-! of a green pine tree, and runs south tive departments was pledged by Gov- east 30 feet to a stake; thence about ernor Bickett and Commissioner1 Wfist 20. feet to a stake; thence north Young. A commute -M,BZ?!g men .was appointed to arrange the de- said road about north 2o feet back to tails of the campaign and the plan the beginning corner, being the same to be carried out contemplates the dis-1 land conveyed by deed dated June 22, tricting of the entire state, each dis-! 1905, by S. H. Freeman and wife, A. trict to be under the supervision of! A. Freeman, to R. C. Tarleton and ion, sen i" "" "'b' ,- 7 TV cash the following town lots in the townof Lumberton,- upon which town lots taxes are due for the fiscal year 1916-'17, to said town in-amounts as follows, due by parties as follows: White. Mrs." Mattie E. Barnes. Lot list- ed in her name ? 3.52 P. C. Blake. Lot near S. A. L. depot 10-68 Mrs. F. P. Britt. Lot on Second street 11.48 Mrs. Mollie Bryant. Lot on Ce dar street 18.76 Mrs. Docia Bullock. The Mc Neill lot 1-20 Minnie G. - Conoly. Lot on Chipewa street 8.28 W. D. Edmund. Lot on 4th and Water street 24.80 I. V. Hooper. Lot in Lindell. . 6.64 D. J. McDonald. Lot listed in -his name 7.52 D. F. McNeill. Stable lot 40.62 Mrs. Eva McNeill. Lot East Lumberton 6.40 J. Robert Prevatt. Two lots, Higley lots . fc 19.75 J. L. Prevatt. One" lot Lin dell 21.32 Miss Blanche Redmond. Lot Elm street 14:08-1 W. T. Sanderson. Lot in Lin ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as exe-0-of the last will and testament 0VV T. Fisher, , deceased, notice is Wh- against the said estate, to lodge S with the undersigned at. Pni-vV v? C, duly authenticated for pavnW on or before the 31st day of Au 1918, or this notice will be pleaded u bar of their recovery. All nersnS indebted to said estate must LIS immediate payment. 3 F. N. FISHER, 8 30 6thur Executor. Smith. Lot 14th one of the insurance men who will make frequent inspections of all whole sale houses or food depots, grocery stores or other places where food- I stuffs are concentrated. Other in spectors will look after cotton gins and cotton warehouses and all kinds of depots. The work thus done is under the supervision of experts who will give without cost their trained experience to aid in the National campaign against unnecessary fire waste in the stringent war period. While these Troy Singletary, registered book 4-X, page 215. THIRD TRACT: Beginning at a stake by two pines in S. W. Ben nett's line and runs N87 W 7 chains to a small short strawed pine by two small short strawed pines; thence N 8 chains and 60 links to a stake in the original 20 acre line; thence along that line N 87 E about 11 chains and 0 links to a stake in S. W. Bennett's line; thence along that line to the beginning, it being one half of a 20 acre survey known as. the Pink Campbell place and being the same land conveyed to Calvin Moore by b. Hi. Wood and wne by deed duly 8.28 men are representatives of insurance i registered in book 4-Z, page 301, Rob cson county registry. Tl is 27 day of September, 1917. R. E. LEWIS, Sheriff of Robeson County. McLean, Varser & McLean, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10 4 4thu companies,, the work thus undertaken is under the direction of the National Government and the direct supervision of the Council of National Defense. Recommendations will be made and instructions in fire prevention given to citizens and property owners and ! " where it is necessary property owners may be compelled to follow these in structions given by these inspectors as war measures. The campaign is part of the nation- fwide plan adopted by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Similar organizations have been made or are being made in every state. Represen tatives of the National Board at the meeting held in Raleigh stated that the work was better understood by the insurance men in North Carolina and the campaign gives better promise of accomplishment here than in any state they had visited. Commis sioner Young has been urging work of this sort that is the adoption of measures to prevent fires and the subsequent unnecessary waste - of food and supplies since the war started and through a continuous series of appeals to the citizens of the state, city and county officials, a considerable amount of success has f been accomplished and it is the belief of the commissioner that the people are familiar enough with the situation to carry the plan on to a great suo, cess and in this manner to add to the campaign North Carolina's "bit" In a valuable work. - NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF LAND 1.76 Mrs. F. J. Thomas. Lot, on Lumber river 21.88 W. S. Wishart. Lot on Elm street 28.56 Colored. Sarah Ballard. East Lumber ton lot .r-i W. H. Bryant. Lot Elizabeth Road ..t 11.32 P. N. Cresfield. Higley lot.. 11.80 Hillory Council. Lot Elizabeth Road .... 10.04 T. D. Durant. Lot Harlesville Road 10.04 Annie Edmund. Lot Kiners- dale Parnetha Evans. Lot North Lumberton Louise Granger. Lot North Lumberton Jerry Houston. Lot Brooklyn J. H. McAllister. Lot New Town Len Peppers. Lot New Town Mary Rowland. Lot in Brook lyn J. H. Sineletary Estate. Hier- ley lot 6.52 W. H. bpearman. One Ward lot Wm. Thomas. One Lot V. &. C. S. Railroad Susan R. Turner. Three lots Wessel, Lee and Edmund lots Loula Wilson. Lot Brooklyn.. Tom Wood. LotBrooklyn Kate Stephens. Pool lot Brook lyn .. This Oct. 2nd, 1917. ALF H. McLEOD, 10 4 4thu Tax Collector. 2.40 4.76 1.76 9.56 .80 5.12 6.52 8.48 3.52 15.04 3.52 IN RE North Carolina, Robeson Cnunr September 17, 1917. 0 ty W. A. Bennett, guardian of Gmr. C. Bennett. ac e In and by virtue 0f an order 0e court; being hereby empowered t' sell for cash to the highest bidd at the court house door in LumbeV ton Monday, November the 5th 191 at 12 m. This order being Rra. t 'j by Judge Bond at term 4th day o September, 1917, and that the pr0 erty of Gracie C. Bennett be sold follows, to-wit: " ' ,;' That lot No. 2-C, to-wit: nn tin west side of the Stage road. B,.gjn" ning at a stake in a branch in Bark er's line, the corner'of lot N0. 1 flpi runs south 69 1-2 west 18.G0 chain.! to a stake in a pond, the orn(.r of David Crawford's land, thence as In line north 23 1-2 west 22 chain. Z a- stake Crawford's corner in Fisher's 1i Xl - 11 line: mence norm b3 enst 1 dell : 12.0jLLchains to a white oak pointer, the corner ot lot JNo. 1, thence south 2i 1-2 east 23.85 chains to beginning containing 45 acres, more or le$s This property is located 2 miles south of St. Pauls on the Lumberton road and is woods land, but capab of being opened up for farming, timber has been cut. W. A. BENNETT, Guardian of Gracie C. Bntiptt JOHN D. CANADY, 9 27 6thurs Attorney. PREPAREDNESS. The man or woman in the United States who is not aroused to the ne cessity of preparedness for wltat the men must bear and do for the coun try and civilization in this war does not realize the seriousness of the sit uation. We should, we must think. We must act. Take in the situation and then as true North Carolinians, trua Americans, measure up to the occas ion. We must give, we must invest in bonds of our country. We must raise foodstuffs and all that is necessary .to feed and clothe ourselves and our sol diers, our allies and their soldiers. Make it, save it, protect it from fire. Under and by virtue ' of a decree rendered in the Superior court of Robeson county, in the cause entitled Li. H. Caldwell vs. Lizzie .Pigford, Thompson and others, the undersign ed commissioners will on Monday, Oc tober 29th, 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house, Lumberton, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described tracts of land: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of Duncan McCallum, Mart Ransom, Oakley McNeill and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake by a lightwbod stump near the corner of Mart Ransom's fence by a ditch, the north corner of a 100-acre survey, and runs E 16 chains and 81 links to a stake by a pine, thence rS 16.81 chains to a stake in the field near Pigford's house; thence W 16.81 chains to a stake by a post oak in Duncan McCallum's line; thence north 16.81 chains to the beginning, con taining 25 acres, more or less, and being the same lands conveyed to David Pigford by deed recorded in book d-O, page 811, Robeson county registry. SECOND TRACT: On the east side of Bear Swamp, adjoining the lands of Arch Buie, D. McCallum and oth ers; beginning at a stake by two pines in A. Buie's line, Dave Pigford's east comer of a 28-acre survey, and runs as A. Buie's line due east 6 chains and 90 links to a stake: thenop due south 19.80 chains to a stake in an old field, then due west 16.80 chains to D. McCallum's line of a 13- acre survey; thence with the line of that survey due north 3 chains to Dave Pigford's-line; then as his line due east 10.30 chains to the beginning, containing 15 acres, more or less, being the same lands convey ed to Dave Pigford by deed recorded m book 3-F, page 179, said registry. igThis the 26th day of September, H. E. STACY, dickson McLean, 10 4 4thu Commissioners of the Court NOTICE OF iSCHOOL HOUSE BOND SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board' of Education of Robeson Coun ty, will offer for sale on Monday, the 15th day of October, 1917, $3, 000.00 of White Pond School District 20 year 6 per cent bonds at the of fice of E. J. Britt, attorney in the town of Lumberton, at 2:30 p. m. The purpose of the sale is to raise mon ey to build a school house in said district. This the 3rd day of September. 1917. J. R. POOLE. Superintendent and Clerk to Board of Education.' 9 13 4thurs NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Robeson County In Superior Court, Before the Clerk. R. H. Crichton, "administrator of Mack C. Moore, deceased, vs. Victoria Moore, widow, et al. To Frank L. Moore, one of the De fendants: You are hereby notified that the above entitled special proceeding has been instituted in superior court of Robeson county, North Carolina, bv the plaintiff, for the purpose of sell ing the following described land: Lying and being in Lumberton township between Lumber river and Back Swamp on the Rockingham road about nine miles above Lumberton: BEGINNING at said road in L. W. Thompson's line and runs S 2 degrees E 18 chains 26 links to a stake by two pines and black gum; thence S 86 de grees E 9 chains 13 links to a stake I 7g near a bunch of holly; thence N 2 de 528 grees W 18 chains 26 links to a stake on tne KOCKingnam road at the end of the line; thence up the road to the beginning, containing 33 acres. To make assets with which to pay the debts due by the plaintiff administra tor of Mack C. Moore, deceased, and that you are hereby required to be and appear before the clerk of our superior court for the county of Rob eson, state aforesaid, at his office in the court house at Lumberton, North Carolina, on the 29th 'day of October, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. in. and answer the petition herein alreadv filed or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein demanded, and of all this you will take due no tice. Witness my hand in office, this the 36th day of September, 1917. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10 4 4th Impure blood runs voun down makes you an easy victim for disease. For pure blood and sound di Burdock Blood Bitters. At all drue stores. Price $1.25. When baby suffers with croup, ap ply and give Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil at once. Safe for children. A little goes a long way. 30c and 60c. At all drug stores. A bill has been introduced inHh New Jersey Legislature to make prop erty owners on whose premises a flre starts through carelessness liable for damage done to adjacent property and also for the cost of extinguishing the fire. The spread of the fire to ad joining propery is made prima facij evidence of carelessness and the bur den of proof is placed on the propertj owner.Monitor. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL WAY COMPANY The Progressive Railway of the South SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 12TH, 1916 m n,n Trains Leaving Lumberton lj12 mVTin for Hamlet, Charlotte and all intermedial Sr7Wm& CharlotteOpefr. NO' pottticonneTtin nZj' U intermediate No 7? SUth WeSl N-9ou aU intermediate point. main in Sleeper until 7 AM WlhnmSton- Passengers may re No. 14 10:05 a. m. Train far wW- x Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte and a11 Intermediate points For additional information. a t Wdminton-' call on local agent or writ rates' schedules, or reservation!. M, beverly: Aent 0 I81 - Lumberton. N. C. K OONCE, T. P. A Tat, Wilmington, N. CL VirSinia andahiaTSouthern R. R. Wo. 79-83 No. 65-89 7:00 A.M 8:00 A.M. 8:10 A.M. 8:17 A.M. 8:24 A.M. 8:33 A.M. No. 64-80 No. 78 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned having qualified as administrator of Mack C. Moore, deceased, notice is hereby given to aw persons navmg Claims against! No 8 v. uCtCascu, iu present inem to the undersigned administrator duly item- ortTT j veririea, on-or before the tin pS- yette ville . f:iv -M- Lv.-Hope Mils .' E'M- Lv- McMillan J:SS-f2-2?W .... 8:42 A.M. 5 46 P.M Lv RoZ5.f Ar' 10:4 A-M. .uA.u :i5,p.M. Ar,Lumbert0l. OS AM. Ar. 12:02 P.M. Ar. 11:10 A.M. Ar. J1:00 A.M. Ar. 10:53 A.M. Ar. 10:47 A.M. Nr n xt o 6:30 AM Lv. Elizabeth- Ar. 8:40 PM Lv. 2:00 St. P0i town 10:45 P.M. 9:50 P.M. 9:35 P.M. 9:27 P.M. 9:20 P.M. 9:12 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 8:50 P.M. 8:40 P.M. No. 10 7:02 Ar. 30th day of August .mCcr Ar. St Paul Lv. 7:10 PM 12? SXSg? StS us. ana o dm r p-OT,f q i aany except Sunday. 2:37 Lumberton 6:25 A notice will be pleaded in bar of their xecovery. Aii persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment.- - This the 28th day of August, 1917 A, . . R.H. CRICHTON, Administrator of Mack C. Moore, de-ceased- 8 30 6thu Nos. 9 and 10 daily except Sunday. call on local agent or write ' t0 rates' schedules, or reservations, . W. W DAVIS, General Passenger Agent. " " " Y LUMBERTON, N. C. A

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