THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER ii, 1917 7itfc fOUK : ; i - r - v 1 ffilEKOBESOxMAX : Published -liONDXYS. AND . THURSDAYS ' By ' '- ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO-. J. A. SHARPE .......... President HOME DEM- ONSTRATION WORK) of the nation will be back of tbem too. The Liberty loan is to be used to arm, equip and maintain our sol diers, to prepare them for the conflict in France and make them as effective and powerful as possible, and safe guard them in every way possible. It will also be used to give them life and indemnity insurance and provide for their dependents. The uses of the Liberty loan appeal to every patri otic American, for it is used for our Entered as second class mail matter soldiers and sailors and the pnnei- t the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. pies which they uptiow, j I bjverv person wnu&c ucoiv a the soldiers and sailors wants to back BUY A LIBERTY BOND. . t aUroecino' tbp soldiers of the All uuvwwo national army, President Wilson said, "ThAr heart of the whole country is with you." Where the' heart is there i hat and Why It Is-Oipory will the treasure be, and the money. . f Activities Contem- W IV V - plated With the Girls of Robe son This Year. To the Editor of The Robesonian: LEMONS BRING OUT JHE HIDDEN BEAUTYf Make this lotion "for very llttli cost and 'just se for' yourself. . BROAD RIDGE BREEZES : yited. -. i.isi;.i i.. mc:3 is vis- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1917 Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 -V 1 1 1 . .va-mIa 1TTW1 I UOUDtiess many peupic uc hlmrnVriPs to ing just wnat tne noroe wmuiiauauvu . t the roses the freshness and work is and why it is is to answer these questions in part, at least, and to give the public a cur sory view of the activities which are contemplated with the girls this year. In a later issue the work with the housekeepers will be considered. Educate for Practical Problems. A few years ago 1 was employed What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion to bleach tne sum ana to inis amac , t tne muueu utaucj ; i"""" j - alone is acid, therefore, stnd should be mixed with orc.ard White this way. Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two fresa ism- 6ns into a bottle containing at out three ounces of orchard white, t ;en shake well and you have aTf.iole quarter pint of skin and complexion SUBSCRIPTION RATES " Ma nnpv. w mavbe there gin an experimental work in the sup- ... . i if t i by the. State department oi J-auca- - , b t th CQ3t usually tion jointly with the county board of nfor a gma!1 jar of 0rdi y cold cream. Be su.e iy strain t:ia lexuon One year . . . . Six months .. Three months S2.00 -are some who have neglected to j above county. When I inquired what 1.00 a Liberty bond because tney are not i my duties should be 1 was bidden to ( able to purchase a large bond. The j go out into the field and find out bonds are sold in denominations as i au, ..-w. Donas di , foun(j f0 j0 The idea was to stuay small as $50 in order to give the par-; thg ruraj school situation to find out son of sm411 means a chance to make j the real need, and, if possible, to see .i j....- ..r tTrtn fnn. ! wbprpin the. course could be niore tlllS patriotic uun-uaac. xj. jv -- i --- - , , . , os. x i ,or,,i v,v ni- loost adequately adapted to the practical not buy a larger bond, buy , at i-s needs of the community. It required TTTT one for -Sou. no gz-eat while to realize that one of There is no question about tne pa- j the many needs was to educate the j'uice so no pu'p gets i:it? the bottle, then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the iaee, neck, arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smooth en and beautify the skin. Any druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white at very lit tle cost and the grocer ?.as the !em- . - j fxxr ' i 1 - i. ll K iT T King nis latcer,- mr. ti.t . BisselL Revival In Progress Killing ,. Rev. and Mrs. J, I. Stone .nd smali ew-ri children of Brunswick. county are vis- Squirrels High Pnce for Skin itors in this section.. gtov PrrcnTinl merly. lived -in thit section, but moved rersonai. j t0 Brunswick ist winter. Correspondence of The Robesonian. The hunters are, killing lots of Broad Ridge (Lumbertojrj R- 4), squirrels now, .w or no Jaw Oct 10 Picking cotton and harvest- "Aunt Becky's'' letter m Monday's ing'hay seems to be the order of the paper was greatly enjoyed. "Aunt day around here. . ?ec-y", contmue -your war stories. A revival began at the Broad Ridge Starvation has passed out of thfe Baptist church Sunday night and will section. Iksat is scarce but 'skins' are- last through the week. The pastor is plentiful. One of our neighbors drovt- beWg relieved by a Rev. Mr. jCole-. down to Mr. Faulk Ivey.s last Satur- manf We hope' to have one of the day and bought a few "skip" that best revivals ever held at this church, scarcely had breatn and had to pay Morning service at 11 o'clock, after- enough for them to have bought him noon service at 4. The public is in- a fine mxlca cow. Isnt that awful? I triotism of the people- of Robeson. They simply have not gotten aroused, though, to the reed of supporting the government in this second sale of Liberty bonds. It will not do to stand back and expect the banks to take care of the entire issue. It is es pecially desired that the people of youth for the practical problems of life, for that educational ideal which VI Marketing a. Business methods. b. Closing up accounts. LULU M. CASSIDEY, fails to go out into the homes and f ?unHonfT 2emoscration Agent HEALTH WORK ON BROADER SCALE. Having derived the benefits of the small means everywhere and the peo work of a whole-time health officer le of the rural sections manifest their for five years, Robeson county now patriotism by buying these bonds. You takes hold of health work on a broad- can buy on easy payments and so it er scale and makes a long stride for- is possible for almost every one, at ward. least all who are not in needy cir- Details of the work were explained in cumstances, to purchase bonds of a news item in The Robesonian a week some denomination, $50 or more. And ago and are further explained in to- it is the safest investment in the day's paper. By increasing its ap- world. The government does not ask propriation an average of $722 a year you to give the money, it simply asks for three years, the county gets from you to invest it at interest, outside sources an average of $2,- The young men who have been se 378 a year for the' same length of lected for army service are giving up time, and the health work will be everything for their country and ours, carried on under this plan in such a Surely we who are left at home ought -way that the people of every section to back them with our money and buy of the county should be able before Liberty bonds "until if hurts," as See the end of the period to point out retary Baker put it the other day. special benefits they have received. o Medical school inspection work alone, NEED OF TEAM PLAY with its provision for treatment of That is the wray President Wilson defective children whose parents are expressed it the other day in speak not able to give them the proper ing to a committee from a newly or ireatment, should be worth far more ganized league that has for its pur than the added cost to the county... So pose the securing of unity of thought also with soil pollution work. It is jn the nation in regard to the war. All estimated that 20 per cent of deaths 0f U3 might as well settle down to the an this section of the State are due conviction that there must be no peace to diseases that are spread through untn Germany is beaten and the Unit soil pollution. The campaign that will ed states and its allies are in position he carried on to reduce the spread to dictate peace terms. There would of these diseases sfiould be worth mil- be more sense in. patching up terms lions of dollars to the county in the 0f peace with a band of cutthroats coming years. Life, extension work &nd outlaws, leaving them time to and infant hygiene are no less impor- regain strength for perpetrating more ant. ; outrages, than in patching up peace . The Robesonian expects great with the outlaw among nations. The things of this new phase of health President says the people of the Unit work. It ought to Vork a great trans- ed States should keep the issue ever formation in this great county dur- in mind and remember that this war ing the next three years, and we con- 'should end only when Germany is fields to deal with the fortunes of the country people is a false ideal; so the conviction grew upon me that we must adapt our course of training to the every-day needs and conditions of the community, and I came more and more to feel, too, that it is a false notion to suppose that practical training cannot be given as high cul tural value as a study of the class ics, if properly directed and corre lated with other necessary subj'ects. New Type of Rural Education. It is this conviction that we need to develop a new type of rural educa tion one that will make large use of LumbeTton, N. C. Oct. 9, 1S17. HELP WIN THE WAR You Can Help by Contributions to the Local National Aid How Business Men and People Rural Sections Can Kelp. m To the Editor of The Robesonian: It seems to me that the people in things and of doing things along with this part of our county do not realize a proper mastery of essential theories vital importance of the work which has induced me to turn my wmcn is being done for the "great attention exclusively to the promo- cause by the women of the Nation tion of agricultural club work, be- al Aid organization. Everyone does lieving that the genius of rural edu- not seem to know that on the hot cation is making its debut under the test" days during the past summer, auspices of this work. once a week a group of women were Home Demonstration Work With standing over steaming jars of fruit Girls. - or vegetables to give or sell for a The home demonstration work &s sma11 sum to the needy this winter, it applies to the girls leads to many Other women were meeting in the. up lines of develonment for them. The per room of a store sewing during work of canning is only one feature these same hot days sewing to send - of it, as may be seen from the tenta- tne neeaea garments wmcn our govern- tive program of work with the girls nient has asked to be sent to our sol- which is given at the end of this ar- diers. And meanwhile others have tide. The entire course tends to been knitting mufflers, wristlets and vitalize in a very practical and ef- sweaters for the sailors on the bat- fective way several of the branches tleship named for our State the taught in the public school course. North Carolina. They have done all The work in gardening introduces the tnis in an amazingly short time to get girl to practical agriculture and puts the funds to carry on this work. A into execution the agricultural prin- number of them have canvassed the ciples which she has learned in school., town going from house to house so- Her knowledge of arithmetic finds "Citing money and receiving it in specific exercise and practical appli- dimes and quarters or depending on cation in keeping her record book with getting it by asking for it from the which she is provided for the purpose merchants and other business men. df estimating her profit and loss. She Can t we get money to carry on this is encouraged to write a history of work by voluntary subscription? We her year's work and by this means ought to have the money to purchase she develops self-expression and the material without having to beg for work is closely correlated with her it. language work in the school room. A . Who in Lumberton will start the girl who does a year of successful st? There has never been a more club work usually evinces new inter- generous lot of men than those in est and life in every line of her Lumberton, both business and prof es-school-room work. She finds new sional men. But won't you give us pleasure, too, in homemaking after a a certain amount a month and there season of work in domestic science by enable us to procure wool and and arts. 'It arouses her home-mak- other material without having to ing instincts ana quacKens ner priae l . sumeone geis up an en- and pleasure in improving her sur- tertainment which no one wants to fidently believe that it will. It is trite beaten and Germany's rule of autoc-1 soundings. The successful growing, I g? to, or comes to your office door to say that nothing is so important racy and might is superceded by the crot) dvelot)s her initiative t,H Rpif. be refused or so awav with vour reliance two oi tne most essential I cnecK ana witn tne Knowledge tnat factors in producing an efficient typejyu have given it (in some cases) to oi womannooa. . ' ue oi ner i . - - Finallv. when she apr.urrmiafps a I -Now a Word to our countrv friends; little bank account of her own earn- Can't you bring us something we can mgs at the end of the year, she "be-: "self:- We are making garments for gins to realize the actual value of a your boys as well as our own. If dollar, for she can't find it in her you will bring, when you come to heart to frivol away her very own town on Saturdays or any other day, hard-earned dollars as she may have a ew potatoes, corn, eggs or any done with the money previously giv- thing which can be sold and leave it en to her. Many girls are now in at the bakery, Mr. DuBois will store college as a result of the money and it for us and when we have enough inspiration which they have gather- he will sell it at auction and the pro ed from this work. ceeds will go to the National Aid. In What One Girl Did. that way you will be doing your And iust here I am reminded to "bit", and a wee bit it will be which tell theT storyof a girl who "last our President has so often urged us spring borrowed money from the to do. We will also take cotton or Dank with whicn to buy a thousand tooacco. high-priced tin cans. She was call- We shall be grateful for small do- ed foolish by a few. She filled them nations but doubly grateful for large to the last can with standard nro- amounts. Our women friends whn ducts. A few days, ago when she do not live immediately in t.nwn Vinxro finished marketing them she turned nt had the opportunity to sew, can to me and exclaimed as her heart al-! r knit. So won't you and vour hus- most burst with pride, "Miss Cassi- bands help m this way? We have dey, I have saved enough money in been abundantly blessed this year these two years of work to go to the good crops and high prices. Out of lNormai conege alter unristmas '. your aoundance please snare us i his is but a brief survev of thp something. many benefits which accrue from this Take your contribnti oris tn tlia "Tkn work. The program below presents Bois Bakery. - V,Q -five- Tentative Outline of Work in Home Lumberton, N. C. inv,. economics With the Girls: Oct. 9, 1917. I Domestic arts . a. Basketry from native materials. Mr. Stephen Wilson of R. 7 from u. uhiic icsssoiis in aress-maKing. I juumueron was among the visitors c. Simple lessons in home millin. in town Tuesday as conserving tne public health, but ideals of democracy. The cumula- most of us sleepily dismiss the mat- tive force of the same thought and ter with that observation and continue -r-p thP minds nf the neonle to- blame Providence for deaths that PuP?se the minds of the people cotdd have been prevented by intelli- of this entire nation is a power beyond gent care, and to go about feeling on- estimation. That mighty force should 1 jhaJJ live a11 tlie ,t-ime thanking be behind the men who are training There will ClnA that hen we ouJht o 1" America for the fight. full of energy that we'd feel like De n0 Peace wortn tne name until tne jumping over a ten-rail fence. The world is rid""6f its plague-spot. sort of health work that the county 0 commissioners in their wisdom have r t, i -in provided for ought to kick into ever- Busy chasmS the elusive dollar lasting oblivion some of the old ideas and with many interests engaging about health and preventable diseases, their attention, the part of the pon infth?'lria.n;eeiLS? It ulation of the male persuasion are missioners, each and several. They prone to forget that in their work have shown that they are wise in I to supply the needs of the men who their day and generation. When a will fight for all of us the women recent instance. The employment of remin"er in the paper today. If ev- a whole time -home demonstration ery nian wno is able to do iif will v agent is another. In these moves they make it a part of his business to con- Uave shown the new progressive spirit that is permeating the great I TV L every monm old county today and that is an earn- to help the ladies of the National Aid est of greater days. -o- A-body ought to be exceedingly careful about whom he resembles. It is an awful mistake to be so care less as to have a crook for a double. In trying to prove that he was not the people identified him as be ing, an honest and upright citizen society in ther noble work, he -will feel better and will be doing some thing, worth while. Record Crops of Corn, Oats, Rye, Potatoes. Considerable losses are recorded in some of the country's principal farm spent $50 000 h w h LTuu rops as a result of the condition in ISThe Vtorv o-nes WhlS l SePtember, but Monday's government tne story goes. When it was found report indicated there would be rec- W8atfestivrewav 1 lJ r cr0ps of rn, oats, 7ye whit'e ad e ha? soewna&erv?K Sgt sw. Potatoes' cp and beans. 1 han 36,000000 bushels "was mighty poor balm for heaiin the 1or nf n nnn 0r.j i.-uu 6 iw" uusneis; DUCKwneat, ' 2,361: xne loss or ifoU.OOO and health. 000 bushels- WhiQ 'c q'ooc' 000 bushels; sweet potatoes, 907,000 bushels; apples, 537,000 bushels;, su gar beets, 113,000 tons; kafirs, 4, 329,000 bushels; and beans, 4,155,000 uusneis. Some crops, however, showed im proved conditions, especially oats with a gain of 47,382,000 bushels, making it a record crop of 1,580,714,000 bush els or 31.000.000 bushels more thnn that of 1915. Other gains were rice 1,019,000 bushels and tobaccb. 21- 837,000 pounds . $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper, will be w .K,ad!d disease that science has ben able to cure in all its stages and 13 at"h. Catarrh being -great"y reSSf?d by c.nstutional condufons Si CRflnotltuti?nal treatment? they offer One Hr,ah,, Cure that ery. done For dyspepsia, our national ailment, use Burdock Blood Bitters. Recom mended for strengthening digestion, purifying the blood." At all drug stores.- $1.25 a bottle. g (Some chorus work will be also.) II Home nursing a. Care of patient and of bed. b. First aid. c. Food for the sick. . III Domestic science " - a. Food values and needs of human system. b. Breadmaking. c. Making and using fireless cook er. . d; Making' ieeless refrigerator. IV Gardening a. Making hot bed, cold frame, etc. b. Wanting for home and market, c. Study of plant diseases. d. Cultivation. V Canning for home and market a. Simple canning processes and commercial standards. b. Study of bacteria and molds. c. -Preservation by brining and fer mentation. d. Drying processes. Any skin itching is a temper tester The more you scratch the worse it itches v'JkSW iS fopiles' stores. g- 50c at all drug - j u.u,uaaj! TRACE DISEASE TO CONSTIPATION 8rree Is, that about 95 of hunian disease is directly f stomach waste due to tn patiSJ.7 tlle Rowels, or consul pauon. Tne emiaative troce ,11 etlal factor li dffiSSS ?JsSn. welfare o eutoe shSSd1!11 Is a coaditlou that snouia never be negrlected. An soon, as the bowels evidence the slightest dlspositiQn to slw up, 2 lld laxative should be tak4 ?&1 :ation oflxnpie laS foW?5 sSyruP Tsin and t J. .'? fcteaiy recommended as a corrective, acting- entw L ff Afft5ithtpai or discomfort. ftmMMpit of'M" excellent iuJ. nedy can be obtained. W a1, writing- to Drl w. 3. Caldwell. 4Ee vrTiinrT St., iffcnticello, nnolsy rt?a Be a Man with Moi6i TKeixu can do yojMp duty to your Family, . -&em&& uiis irs iiroiroiffi w rai& 1lvev4sL hove;no" on "How. did he leave her?" That's the question you often hear asked. -"How are OU going to leave her?" That's the question for YOU to answer. Are you BANKING your money so that you won't add to her sad ness the misery of WANT? Our Bank is a safe place for your money. Put YOUR money in DUR bank. We pay 4 per celft interest First National Bank (Bank opposite the court house) LUMBERTON, - - - - N. C WE claim to be one hundred per cent' efficient when it comes to handling aiid repairing cars When you bring your car here you may know that the trouble will be located and the car leave our shop only in per fect condition If you want quick work, low prices and the job done right, come to us. 1)1 rnm wH 3X4 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR B ARG AINS ? Our store is headquarters for- the latest and best in "Men's, Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-wear. Seeing is Believing", therefore we earnestly invite your inspection of the season's offerings in the largest and most up-to-date line of Coat Suits, Coats, dresses, skirts, furs, clothing, shoes, hats, etc., ever seenin Lum berton or the surrounding country. Think it over, and give us the chance to prove the merits of our merchandise. A. WEINSTEIN'S DEPARTMT STORE LUMBERTON, N. C.

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