THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY, OClUBUK id, xt PAGE SIX PROFESSION AL CARDS j Attorney at Law DR. W. L. GRANTHAM Offices over Pope Drug Company. General Practke Will .practice in all courts. Prompt - Residence Lorraine hotel attention given to all business. off. 2nd floQr Weinstein bidg " "" Residence phone 49 Office phone 48 ETbomaa L. Johnson E. M. Johnson L JOHNSON & JOHNSON a ttorneys and Counselors at Law gteDhen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawrenn LUMBERTON, N. C. V JamS b. Proctor " Practice in State and Federal Courts. McINTYRE, LAWRENCE & Notary Public in Office. Offices over PROCTOR First National Bank. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law - LUMBERTON, N. C. ' tj v ctapy Practice in State and Federal Courts. tx Em diai1 Prompt attention given to all business Att orney at-Law. Lumberton, N. C , . ' VSSc in First National Bank Bid . x Embalmers LUMBERTON, N. C. ' , 1 , L W. McLean " Dickson McLean . T t Varser Junius J. Goodwin T. A. McNEILL SSrLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN - Lawyer Attorneys at Law Land titles and law of executors Orfiw on second floor National Bank anj administrators special attention. of Lumberton building. Office, Fifth street, west of First LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA National Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lumberton, N. C. IT. A. McNeill, Jr. H. J. Singleton McNElLL-SINGLETON RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. ,. Lumberton, North Carolina . Lumberton, - - N. C. Will practice in all courts. Busines 0 Practice limited to Eye, Ear. attended to promptly Nose, and Throat. Booms 3 and 4 McLeod buildin, cor. 0f. d d for duration o ner Elm and 4th Streets war , ' JOHN D. CANADY ' Attorney and Counselor at Law. . JOHN KNOX, M. D. ' Practice in all Courts Physician and Surgeon ST. PAULS, N. C. Office Phone 26; Resident Office Days: ? Phone, 54 Mondays' 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. LUMBERTON, N. C. Thursdays 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturdays 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. - DR. THOS. F. COSTNER Genera. Practitioner ' Special attention paid to obstetric THOMAS CLARENCE JOHNSON, and children's diseases. ' Office over M. D. Pope drug store, Phone 112. Resi- Physician and Surgeon dence 210 Chestnut St., Phone 162. OFFICE OVER McMILLAN'S Rooms 4-5-6-7. DR- TX D. KING PHONES Dentist Office 47, Residence 175 LUMBERTON, N. C . Nature Proves !fl Jobson Theory ! i i- 4. a 5 .liaina tn a stak commissioners will, rm fv. scaius; txicxic ,--: . nw -loir, I'.VA lc. --nd a cine GoddJiJrThe Whole Field. Little Green Spots Where j Stumps Have Been Dugj Teach Farmers A Vahia- Philadelphia, Pa.-" One year ago I c was very sick, uuu j. ocu f""' ble Lesson Same EvleGi Vd J - a at. until I nearly went crazy. I went to cliff erentdoctors and they all said I had female trouble and would not get any relief until I would be operated on. I had suffered f orf our years before this time, but I kept get ting worse the more CHEROKEE INDIANS OF ROBESON They Need More and Better Schools No Provision for Care fof Insane of the Race. To the Editor of The Robesonian: I desire through your columns to make an appeal to the people of Rob- RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest wav to ston ffipm. The best rubbing liniment isjj nn Did you ever notice little patches cf deeper green and higher stalks of wheat cr corn out in the tLe!3 where old stun: ps have been dug' These little heal hy spots have never failed to show up in such cases, and they never will because that groupd has been Iccsened up to a depth and the roos have gene somewhere. Now get your Jobson and give the rest of ,the fieid the same medicine. There will be no mere green spots because it will a)! be green. This is just one illustration of the way John B. Jobson developed his Common Sense Sysiem of farming, in accordance v;ith nature's laws, for bigger profits and constant improve ment of . the land. His remarkable plow, which is now being pushed by some of the leading public men and dealers in the country, is designed to make these methods cheap and practicable for the small farmer as well as the large planter. It's going to do a great deal for the food crops right here in this county. For full information and some very interesting reading on this big sub ject apply to: R. D. Caldwell & Sons, of Lumber ton; Red Springs Hdw. & Furn. Co., of Red Springs; , Shannon MrC. Co., of Shannon. L. L. McGoogan & Bro., of St. Pauls; The McLauchlin Co., Inc., of Rae ford, and the Dundarrach Trading Co., of Dundarrach, in Hoke county; Z. V. Pate, of Gibson; J. T. Johns Co., Inc. of Johns; and the Scotland Hardware Co., of Wagram, in Scot land county. W. M. Smith, of Wa kulla. PLANS FOR TRAINING ARMY mini ilium r? onst edere of, the said branen; thence E 23 chains . and. 67 lmks to. a j stake; thence N 36 chains to thebe 1 ginning, being the 200 acres devised to Catharine Tolar, now rwife of J. a,,cW Kr TJflTiiel P. McNair, and conveyed by deed to Henry-Smith by J. T. Ausley ana wne, auiaiu lev ' ' ' " " ' further notified that a I judgment herein has been rendered against part oi tne oeieutwuia is set out in minute pocket ; No. 20, page 45, same being J. D. No. lolitf, page 440, and that it is necessary in order to fully protect the interest of the plaintiff that-either partition of said land be had in order that said mortgage be satisfied or that a sale of all of said lands be had for the pur pose of partition and determining and satisfying tne rignxs oi iamiui. iu con- medicine I took. Every month since I was a young girl I had suffered with pLXr WAS never regular. I saw your advertise-! tice and govern yourselves according ment in ine newsuaoer miu e pictuio . fir nVknve set "forth. You are further notified that plains-north 65 east 27. chains and 30 M tiff will apply to tne court ior uuuu actual partition, or for a sale of all of said lands for the purpose of par tition and for the purpose of sat isfying her security for the interest conveyed thereby. And of all this you win taKe aue no o c:oc ay North Carolina, nffov -f,. highest bidder for cash tf Cr t5"'e tract of land, lying and heirX ?r airi at the court house door in t -03r;. Swamp townshiD. Rno . back North Carolina and more nar;BuH ly described as follows, to- -jt-land is to be sold subject to i 13 er right of the widow, Addie n?" which dower right has alreadv ks' determined and set apart bv a n and which consists of fifteen acr? Beginning at a stake in Gaw S T-nns' second line nf Q -?tew.ood v v v, u nurdr acre survey, about six ch: une red the corner and mns v.- t01! IlIS south 26 east 22 chains u. ner; thence south 5 east 15 -i,C?'f" to a stake by a pine; thence v:M T Charles line of the said Lewis' othr Vnl north 60 west 44 chains to fi? jluuuiquu o une, niciice wiin his i; i. xi i : : ... . fi I iim r im i r 1 1 1 r m 1 i'i i r 1 1 iii-ii-w,.-. It being the same tract of l:;r,i" " veyed by deed from Michael MniC of a woman who had been saved from an operation and this picture was im pressed on my mind. The doctor had given me only two more day3 to make up my mind so I sent my husband to the drug store at once for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and believe me, I soon noticed a change and when I had finished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. I grant you the privilege to publish my letter and am only too glad to let other women know of my cure. ' ' Mrs.THOS. McGON IGAL, 3432 Hartville Street, Phila., Pa. I USTAlSGi Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c 50c $1, At all Dealers. IS I R. D. Caldwell & Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EMB AL MING Odfest Undertaking Establish .matt In this community. Oar equipment is good and . vWa called we Jender satis .ltnf7 vcrvle Dy Te'ephone 119; night, 82 or 312 or 226 4 Have You S e ;e n Our 44 Per Cent Protein Soy Bean Meal ? eson county in particular and to the people" of the State of North Carolina in general. I will say, in the .first place, that I am deeply interested in the welfare of the . Cherokee Indians, of which race I am a member, and I have al ways done and will continue to do all within my power for the education al, industrial and agricultural ad vancement of the people of my race. No man can succeed in this day and time who is not mentally prepared for the battle of life. And unless there are better school facilities for the Cherokee Indians there is no chance in the world for them to make very much advancement. The . question arises in the minds of thoughtful men: "Can the State of North Caro lina afford to neglect these people? Is it not much better to assist them and thereby make better citizens out of them than it is to be neglect them and thereby bring reproach upon the iair name ot tne state i This great world war has offered the Cherokee Indians of this and ad joining counties an opportunity to show exactly where they stand when their country's very existence is threatened. I want to say this, and I do not say it boastfully, that there are no more loyal people in the Unit ed States of America today than the members oi- the Cherokee tribe of Robeson county, North Carolina. They have ever been faithful to their coun ty, State and nation. Robeson coun ty has already contributed about 75 boys for the training camps, and will unquestionably be called on for many more. And there is no -better evi dence of one's devotion to his coun try than that he is willing to lay down his life ior the f las. that eives him protection. And again I will say that the Indians of Robeson" county are going to these training camps willingly and freely and with a com mon purpose to give their country the very best that is m them. But it is sad to me that these very boys who are glad to thus serve their flag can not write to the lolks at home. A large majority of them have not had the advantage of an education, and it is pitiful that while away from home and loved ones they have to depend on a friend to communicate with the ones at home. We need more and bet ter schools and let us hope that the Cherokee Indians of this county will so conduct themselves that when this great war is at an end the country they have served so unselfishly will recognize that they are worthy of assistance and will give it. And one other thing I want to say is this: But very few of our people know that the btate has made no pro vision for the treatment of those of our race who are insane. No appro priation has ever been made for tak ing care of these unfortunate people. i. t biiab iiic iiixiic win cuiue wncH the people bf this State will under stand our needs and come to our as sistance. ABNER CHAVIS. St. Paul, N. C. Oct. 8, 1917. Readjustments of Forces at 15 of the 16 Cantonments. Washington Dispatch, Oct. 9. Orders issued today to command ers of national army cantonments dis close the War Department's complete plans for the training and organiza tion of the first half-million men cf the national army. -. Shortage of men in three nation al guard divisions in the South, the 30th, 3ist and 39th, coupled with a Next Increment Moves October uecsion to iorm a new national army i n . i American Navy's War Construc tion Program. The American navy's war construc tion program consists of 787 vessels, including all types from super-dreadnought to submarine chasers. In making this announcement Tuesday Secretary Daniels said some of the vessels have been completed within the past few weeks and are now in service and that the remainder of the program is being rushed. The total cost is estimated at $1,150,400,000. Secretary Daniels said he expected the first of the new destroyers" to be launched and commissioned within nine months. They will be of the latest, largest and improved type, which have just been tried by the American navy and found to be un surpassed by any destroyers in the world. "Thousands of men will be required to man these destroyers," the Secre tary's statement said, "and we are now training them. By the time the vessels are completed, the crews will be ready." This 28th day of September, 1917. C. B. SKIFK, Clerk Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10 8 4mon division of negro troops has made necessary a readjustment of the forces at 15 of -the 16 cantonments. The geographical completion of three na tional army divisions will be changed entirely as a result. 26. The next movement of troops to Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C, will be on October 26 instead of October 17, as had been announced, accord- j ing to a .dispatch of the 11th from this explanation e camP- Tne dispatch stated that "The selected' men that are now rge number of white men are yet to being gathered into the 16 itioa m" army cantonments will be used to lOi and South t-hc Carolina-had 3,000 i form the first force of 500,000 men 1Ltfiots r9,rt- authorized in the act of Congress ap- he Population of Camp Jackson on proved May 18, 1917, and to fill up lf d,e WqcFFTi,0 15J the national guard divisions to prac- fs' wl?ile 1 389 had been rejected on tically the maximum strength of the ac.count of being physically unfit for new organization. The balance of the m"tary service. ; . 687,000 selected men will be used to cahthtavo Vr, x-x supplement the voluntary enlistments w X d v NOTICE for the special and technical troops Vorh Ca.rolin, Robeson County. - ;. that are an important part of the or- "?"pTt0- camzatmn nf n rnnHprn nrimr Tf . iuwi vs. j. xi. oraitn expected that the voluntary enlist- tl" -n j i. . .,, ments for the regular army will be , Te fej-?nd,ants John. Smith, Stan enough to keep that branch of the na- i?7 u?Jfy Jhn H. Smith, Mrs. John tion's forces filled up to strength bTmith Mary Conoley and John without transferring men to it from iy- the first selection for the national flou andcJiA0AfAyou. are .hereby armv the sum of $6o0.00, with interest "The force of 500,000 men will be w-ue ana appear Detore organized into 16 white divisions and court to e held m the county of Rob one colored division.- One white di- ? soj T cou.rt house in Lumber vision will be organized at each of t,on' North Carolina, on the ninth Mon-the-16 national army cantonments, -the Airst M(nday in SePt- and" the units of the colored division n,emg, e 5th day of Novem will be organized at the various can- P,er-.19,17 aPd answer the complaint tonments where the number of color- tne Joge ot our superior court at a ed troops is sufficient to organize a fry IV,ea m tms action within divisional unit. the time allowed by law, or the plain- COMMISSIONER'S SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment in the Superior Court rendered in a special proceeding entitled, '!R. C. Lewis, Administrator of Caledonia Lewis, Deceased, vs. W. D. Lewis, et als. the undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, the 5th day of No vember, 1917, at 12, noon, at the court house door in the town of Lum berton, offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands , - and premises, to-wit: - . "In Howellsville township, Robeson county, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: to-wit: On the south side of the Elizabeth road, southwest of the Big swamp, adjoin ing the lands of George Graham, But ters Lumber Company and others. Beginning at a stake and stump on the north side of the Georgia branch, Graham's corner, and runs south 83 1-2 east 7 1-2 chains to a stake and pointers in Georgia branch; thence south 67 east 6 chains to a stake with two cypress pointers supposed to be in the lfne of the Butters Lumber company; thence with that. line 38 3-4 east 4 1-2 chains to a stake,' the corner of Lodge land; thence with that line south 12 1-2 west 4 1-2 chains to the corner; thence south 20 west 18.80 to a stake; thence north 59 West to and with the north edge of the Elizabeth road, 12.82 chains to George Graham's corner in the edge of said road; thence with his line and ditch north 3 1-2 east 9.15 chains toa stake; thence with' another ditch south 65 east 6.13 chains; thence north 6 1-2 east 2 1-2 chains to a stake at the bend of said ditch; then with the various courses of a ditch and drean to the run of Georgia branch; thence straight out of branch about 2 chains to the beginning, con taining 31 3-4 acres - (to the begin ning) r being part of the lands of W. H. Fisher, deceased, conveyed by J. D. McLean and E. M. Britt, commis sioners, to T. W. Maxwell, by deed duly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds, and by T. W. Maxwell and wife, Quessie Maxwell, conyeyed to Caledonia Lewis, by deed duly recorded in book 6-F, page 508 in the office of the register of deeds of Rob cson county This the '3rd day of October. 1917. E. M. JOHNSON, Commissioner. Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys for Plaintiff, i 10 8 4mon w iuaiwu jj. mwuijre ana chiidfp saia aeea nemg recorded in boot- 3 o page 346, in the office of the register of deeds of Robeson county, y,oi Carolina, reference to said' Vioj f hereby made for a more conroWte scription of said land. . This 2nd day of Oct. 1917. DAVID FULLER W. S. BRITT, 10 8 2mon Cor.a1v.i55ior.ers NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order the superior court of Robeson county, North Carolina, made in the special proceeding entitled Keth Davis vs. Norah Davis et al. the same being No. 4078 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND vT7T - RANT OF ATTACHMENT North Carolina, Robeson County. Inthe Superior Court. E. C. Floyd vs. Butters LuirUr Company, B. F. Powell and Ora Pow ell. To the Defendant Ora Powell: You are, hereby notified that you have been made a party defendant in the above entitled action at the in stance of the defendant Butters Lumber-Company for the purpose of de termining . your liability upon a gen eral warranty of conveyance set out in a certain deed executed bv Ora Powell and B. F. Powell to the de fendant Butters Lumber Company, registered in book 6 P, page 340, Rob eson county registry: and that by vir tue of the breach 01 the covenant of seizin and other covenants therein, the defendant Butters Lumber Com pany has' suffered damages in the sum of $409.15, with interest there on from July 27, 1915, and that a warrant of attachment has l-een is sued in this cause against you and a levy thereunder has been made- up on all your right, title, interest and estate in and to the follov.i-ir de scribed lands: Lying and being in Sterling town ship, Robeson county, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of Oliver and Everett Page, and beginning in the edge of Coward swamp at a sweet gum by the side of the load and very near north with the road to a stake in a line granted to Isaac Odum; thence about east with Oduni's line to Everett Page's line; thence with his line S along the run of a small branch cornering in the branch, Page's corner; thence E with Page's to a spring at the head of a diteh; thence N with the ditch to William B. Jenkins' line W to the William B. Jenkins' corner on the ditch bank; thence with Jenkins' line W to the beginning, containing 109 acres, more or less; and that you are Jiereby summoned to be and appear before the Judcra cf our Superior court, at a term of our Superior court to be.held at the court house in Lumberton, North Caro lina, on the ninth Monday after the first Monday in September, 1917, it being the 5th day of November, ll'17, or the said defendant Butters Lum ber Company will apply to the court for the relief set out in this com plaint against you. And of all this you will t:;ke clue notice. This 27th day of Septsinbor, 1017. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk Superior Court. Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor, McLean, Varser & McLean, Attorneys for Butters Lumber Com pany. 10 1 imon It fattens the pigs and makes the meat hard. Only a Limited Amount on Hand Whittield & Frenchjnc. 1 1 fx1 It Helps! There can be no doubt as to the merit of Cardui, the woman's tonic, in the treatment of many troubles peculiar to women. The thousands of women who have been helped by Cardui in the past 40 years, is conclu sive proof that it is a good medicine for women who suffer. It should help you, too. Take j Wholesale Grocers PHONE 4 Export of Raw Cotton to the Al lies to be Permitted. Stoppage of" cotton shipments to northern European neutrals hasre sulted in such a surplus of the staple in this country that the exports ad ministrative board Tuesday determ ined to permit for an indefinite period the exportation without license of raw cotton to the Allies. When ex port licensing became effective Sen- X 1 F-t-t 1 . 1 a - temoer last, tne Doard; permitted the exportation of cotton to the Al lies 'without permits until October 31, 1917. It was explained that there now is ample cotton in the United States to supply the nation's needs, including the increased amount of coton need ed in the army and navy and- still leave a great amount for shipment to the United Kingdom, . France, Italy, J apc. sxd Russia. . . . ... , pi n 1 3 BIN. The Woman's ....... Mrs. N. E. Varner, of fi Hixson, Tenn., writes: "I was passing through the . . . My Back and sides were terrible, and U my suffering indescriba- ' N K1a I ...111.11 - 1 vie. 1 con 1 ieu iusi now r.i j ana where I hurt, about all oven I think . . . I began Cardui, and my pains crew less and less, until lwas cured. I am remarkably strong for a woman C4 years of age. I do all mv houspwrtrb- Try Cardui, today. E-76 tiff will apply for the relief therein demanded and for such other and fur ther relief as may be demanded in this action. You are further notified that this action was instituted by the plaintiff above named for the purpose of fare closing two certain mortgages, one of which was executed by G. R. Smith and Malcolm Smith to one B. W lownsend to secure the payment of thereon as stated in said mortgage deed, which -mortgage deed is regis tered m book No. 19. nasre 29. and following, and one other mortgage executed by Haynes Smith to the plaintiff on the 5th day of Novem ber, iyj, as appears of record in Robeson county registry book No. 25, page 239. as follows: for the- Hill of souring the note therein set outf interest of the mortgagors in and to the following described lands: ymg and. being, m Red Springs township, Robeson county. North Car- umm, aujuinmg tne lands of J. T. Denny, Robert McNair estate, partic ularly described as follows: tfLriiMJNlNG at a gum in the edge of an open pond, Dr. Duncan Smith's line, the beginning of a fifteen acre survey and runs N 15 chains to a pine, the beginning cornor of a- 50-acre survey, and thence with the first line of the said survey N 75 E 22 chains to a stake, Tolar's line; thence with uuit une in lb chains-to a stake thence N 30 W8 chains and 50 links to a stake in Ausley 's line; thence with that line S 50. W 9 chains and 50 links t stake; thence S 70 W 9 chains and ou links to a stake Vv thence NJ0 W 7 .chains to a pine; rNo'-8 thence S W 10 j m - , ' i . " f vacuus aim ou rniKS SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL WAY COMPANY The Progressive Railway of the South I (Til SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE NOV. 12TH, lSl6 - Trains Leaving Lumberton No. 19-7:12 a. ni. Train for Hamlet, Charlotte and all intermedi&t point3 Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for pas sengers at Wilmington at 10 P M. No. 13-6:19'"p. m. Train for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all intermediate Pn?i "7 Cnn!cting at Camlet an points North, South and Wert. Fullman Parlor Car Wilmington to Charlotte. IVofqwi, f 7 ,Wumngton and all intermediate point! XJ Won. Passengers may NO- ifcilm:an5 I'arSr For BfMirtT,of i. . g"n. call or w.TTr r,t" schedules, or M Rpmi v e niersigned. LnSJi N8? R- S KOONCE, T. P. A. Lnmberion, N. G t Wilmington, N. C JOHN T. .WEST. D. P. A, Italeifh. N c. reservations Virginia and Carolina Southern R. R. No. 79-83 No. 65-89 7:00 A.M 8:00 A.M. 8:10 A.M. No. 64-80 No. 7S t:4Jo Lv' Fayett'eville- f:12 S'JJ- Lv- Ho?e Mile .... 5:20 P.M. Pnc5? 8:17 A M K.ok x S T V Ar- 8 24 a m kIoX i-S" r Mman Ar. 10:53 A.M. o.oo i; X tvA,A- v. vsaxiana ...... , .M. Lv. St. Paul ... 9:10 A.M. :15 P.M,Ar. Lumberto;::::;;;; Lv 10i05 AM. Ar. 12:02 RM. At. 11:10 A.M. Ar. 11:00 A.M. Ar. 10:53 A.M. Ar. 10:47 A.M. Ar. 10:40 A.M.' Ar. 10:28 A.M. 10:45 P.M. 9:50 P.M. 9:35 P.M. 9:27 P.M. 9:20 P.M. 9:12 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 8:50 P.M. 8:40 P.M. t a , J 1111 XV k O a sta to in h r 1 1 . r"." tAii uj. x-atcerson s To v inence oown the said branch l2 chains to a stake at the two gums m the line of the 100-acre survey thence with that survey S 55 E 4 chains to a stake; thence S 35 W 5 cnains to a stake in tVio branch; thence down the said branch 8 chains and 50 links to a pine in said I branch m the upper line of the 12 acre . .survey;thence with line 5 chains to a No: 7 N.ft Q w irt 6:30 AM Lv. Elizabeth- Ar. 8:40 PM Lv. 2:00 St. Paul ........ '7:02 Ar. 8:l? AM Ar. St Paul Lv. 7:10 PM 2:01 fSSff .... 6:25 M. X "m- JLV X All es 7 J O J . . aWu o uauy except Sunday. 2:37 Lumberton 0 .Nos. 9 and 10 daily except Sunday. call o2riof IS .SW-. M t0 rates- or reservations, W. W DAVIS, - General Passenger Agent, - t. LUMBERTON, N. C.