. 1 S" ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS COUNTRY, GOD AND. TRUTH . , $2.00 A YEAR. DUE FN AT VOL. XLVIII LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1917. ROBESON WENT "OVER THE TOP" ON LIBERTY LOAN Oversubscribed Allotment by $27,- 00 Luniberton Exceeded Al- lotment by $57,690 and St. Paul More Than Doubled. MAXIMUM OP. FIVE BIL LION OVERSUBSCRIBED , wr A BAND OF TRUE PATRIOTS To the People of Robeson Coun- - ty: . A goodly band of true patriots ooAforward and subscribed ?4o3,500 in Liberty bonds for Robeson county by $27,900 and thereby preserving the good name and patriotic fame of the good old county. To those who subscribed to the bonds, and especially to those who also gave their time and services in making the campaign a success ,a debt of everlasting gratitude is due. Those who did their duty in this matter can .unflinchingly look our brave soldier boys in the eye as they depart for the bat tlefields and say, "Good-bye, God bless You". Can those who were able to subscribe, and did not, do the same? A. W. McLEAN, Chairman, liberty Loan Committee of Robeson County.. PARKTON PARAGRAPHS First Service inNewBaptistChurch Series of Meetings Begin Nov. 18 Chautaiiqua Double Wed ding. " Correspondence of The Robesonian ITALIAN SITUATION" GRAVE Austro-German Armies Shaking Entire Italian Line 100,000 Prisoners Taken. From Press Summary. The Austro-German armies under viriBER 75 TOWN BOARD MEETS Parkton, Oct. 26 Since our last coniand of Emperor Charles, who correspondence several eventful oc- has as his chief assistant Field Mar currences have passed shal yon Mackensen, are shaking the Rnnv i-. .f'.,.1 entire Italian line from the Julian mummg al, ii u ciock was Alp Those Who Fail to Connect With Sewer Lines Will be Reported to Solicitor Southern Bell Mat ter Other Items. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS V Mr. A. Weinstein left last night ' for New York, where he will spend teveral days buying goods for his de partment store. ' Mr. F. A. McLeod returned home Friday from St.Louis, Mo., where he went to buy mules for Mr. C. M. Ful ler's sales stable. Lumberton chapter No. 116, East ern Star, will meet at Masonic hall at 7:30 Tuesday evening, October 30th, The second Liberty loan in the na tion apparently is a glorious success, the maximum amount of $5,000,000, 000, according to Washington dis patches, having been oversubscribed, as nearly as . can be estimated until rnmnlptp returns are received. A last dav's drive Saturday of titanic Death of Mr. Robert Oliver of Ma- FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER rietta Concert by Orphans Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont, Oct. 27 Miss Geneva Morrison is spending the week-end proportions throughout the nation rounded up more than $1,000,000,000, and is believed to have carried the to tal some millions of dollars beyond the maximum sum treasury offic ials hoped for. Banks have been un able to tabulate all returns. JZXSZmZ the ffid allotment S with home folks at McColl, S. C. the county by $27,900. Of this amount She was accompanied to Lumberton Lumberton subscribed $224,850, ex- by Miss Elizabeth Boyce, Miss Elea ceeumg its allotment Dy o,oyu. a. nor Small and Mr. Marvin Floyd. Paul, according to its allotment, made , nf he best record in the countv. more Mrs- W. A. McPhaul and children of than doubling its allotment. Mr. A. Lumberton are guests of Mrs. Mc R. McEachern, chairman for St. Paul, Phaul's sister, Mrs. C. Brice. Dr. and gives County Chairman a. w. mc- M J. p. Brown visited Camp Jack Mr. MrT.pnn's . snlendid presentation son, Columbia, S. C, and Camp Se of the facts in a speech there made vier, Greenville, S C, for a few days it an easy matter to obtain subscrip- this week. They reported "our boys" tio5f 1: :a were in good spirits, and doing fine following also oversubscribed their work. They made the trip m their allotment: National Bank of Lumber-1 new tourine car. Miss Hattie Tom ton; the two banks of Rowland, which Murray of Lumber Bridge is visiting worked together; Bank of McDonald, at the home of Mrs. F. S. Floyd. Carolina Bank & Trust Co. of Red Mr. A. Collins and family of Char- Springs, Bank of Fairmont as; will I lotte are spending a few days with 1 j? iL 1 1. ui;uj V1 , 1 1 -KIT 1H' J tl.. 4 DC seen irom tne list uuwiisncu uewn. i iriejius itere. iui, victm xinc 10 spending the Mayor Proctor and the board of tOwn commissioners held a special ses sion Thursday evening in the town It was ordered that the Antn Spt- ?nd also-on Thursday evening, Nov. S reenrm tn thp Adriatic Roa Pvooo. vi(o fftotirvn nrV.;V hoe. K A; V I 1st. d giedt .ume at the new Baptist ing back the Italians at several noints iness for ?nm? months hpcilo tho Mr. Louis Hartz of Baltimorer. church. It was the opening of the n Italian soil the combined enemy town hall at the foot of Fourth street, Md., has accepteda position as sales- filled the pulpit and was of course all! tne Italian left wing and captured Civ- common within 10 days. 1 nient store. He began work Thurs- smnes and seemingly at his best. A Hel1Qaie iymg to the northeast of Udme, It was ordered that the street sup- -ay. COUld spp snTnofhino- nf V. ana are neann? the n ains hpvnnrf. Tn printpnHpTit. h romnreH in oil raine I T ino-nco V.c. , , ...v..nu6 ui mc J. J. U1I.S JS. 1 ... . T . x I 1 - wii iii v-uats uxv.dloc liaa UCCI1 ISSUCU IUI lilMS his labors. The building was taWri addition, the Austrian town of Goriz- where parties have failed to observe marriae-e of Dan A Reo-nn anH Mar. i J , . I ' i- - x. . j. j. l I i 1 . . . . I . . " . " " to its capacity and several car loads aTu"il' OA great strategic vaiue on notice nereioiore given requiring con- garet Johnson; Chas. Boliford and No returned to .their bomes, for there was ne Is?nzo river has been retaken nection with the sewer lines, to give ra Ellis; J. Albert Herring and Lumia no more room. The choir was large -U,"1B auans. a list oi sucn parties to tne solicitor I uass. and furnished splendid music. Miss ,. Ac1cording tl?s latest Berlin of- of the recorder's court, unless suchj Assistant Postmaster C C Blake urmon. and Miss Cave rendered a lciai communication iuu,uuu Italians parties can show that they have made secretarv of the local Cicil Service hpanifnl lno .V;'U i. have nppn mnrlfl nriarvniaie anrl in o-v I rrntrarf nr ntKpra-ico toVon Via non I .J . . . . w . wiiin weva mucn en- " i " i5 I i ii ::". . ' - examining ooard, held an examina- juyea. ne sermon was directed most I .V ,vu syus ((ave lauen mio aus- cwaiy steps to compiy witn sucn or- tion at Clarkton Saturdav for rural iy lu tne lviasunic oruer. DUt COU'd Del t. icmuo. aunu .iiu. uumih.cci. I lettprrarripr? anDiiea to ai . "hp aPTmnn woo a I Liiiiu xuiiian armies are aeciarea 10 xuwn Attorney iennon statea to tne 1 " WO C I . , ... . I . ..... - I l I A 1t rl- . U'. . great one. 'The collection Sundav Pe m retreat. Rome admits the iall- board that he had been unable to jr iic morning for the benefit of the church in2 back of the second army, assert- agree with attorneys for the Southern Passed tnrougn town yesterday wa$in T LLriili1 cowardice similar to that Bell Telenhone Co. nn t.ha fnrrr, ftf route to New lqrk, where he .w xyj-vm XHW ClllllULtllUeil l.Ilrili 1 , I . A" rim-vi r-ww. 4-in J one month from date the nrotrartPd shown by the Russians in Galicia, judgment to be entered into in the f"1 lc. uu"1 wua ... . . 1 1 . e p xi 1 a : 1:0.: x 1 j n uiv t uuus sluih. meeting would bee"in which wtII hp I vvaa exuiuiteu in tne xace 01 tne xoe, peiiumg litigation uetween me town " tne inira ounaay that Dr. L. would do the a A X TTino1 rof nmoil J.uvemuei, dim 1 . ... , . . I j. j- .v ' , , , v,nn,n g4-j,t :ut m K Pruett of Charlotte! " wituoui giving Daitie, permitting i torneys ior tne company claimed tnat I vxi.uj.vixy mgui, num uuaiiutw:, 'i.M,v,;-- ,j v.- the breakiner of the left winer and the recent agreement or contract madp where Mr. King spent two weeks in ing leader would come from Newbern" tnerey offering easy access to the with the company was based on the the Charlotte sanatorium taking treat Thp r.h ' town of Cividale. Prior to falline supposition that the town attornev ment for rheumatism. His condition back, however, the Italians destroyed 1 had agreed on the form of a iuder-is slightly improved. rion's and Mr. Stacy's great speeches all their depots and stores and Civ- ment or decree submitted by the Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Odum, who in behalf of Liberty bonds The first dale was on fire when the Austro- Southern Bell's attorney, nd that the had been living at Ahoskie for some nn thp rrro-ra As v,a r.v,an-,4-oo Germans entered it. attorney for the Southern Bell ask- time, returned to Lowe last nierht t-r wa. w viiv wiiuuiuuuua i i i .1 . . i - . i ' . i- was Canns orchestra of five mpm.L r. - 7 e.a that the contract dated the ldth and will make their home with Mr. - ' w f I ,51 m Tl I rOAnA V 1 1 I I .or KAlTll 9FQ T1 1 i rt- (7 1 1 1 I rv 1 t 1 r n -v 1 . - bers. and let mp. sav that, it wn ni. ;.;r , , v " 1 uay ui oeptemuer, in, De rescmaea uaum s iatner, mr. i. uaum, ior tne ic from start to finish. One amusine .i1'--. i. .i. and that the matter be put in the form- present. Mr. Odum has been keep- feature was thev could change in-l l it Yrti! eptmeut nas wuiiweu er status. Mr. Pennon recommended mg books for a tobacco warehouse ZIZ 4. y ."?c.n?r tout the schedule under which regular that this course he follnwp inasnrh at AWVip- aijj. LLH1CI1L.H fiiiii rivtr miss a npr. .'t c i . , i -i note and they frequently changed:! ich SZt wSon K J86?!1 IZtl . -Mr. Douglas McLean, who enlisted J,nen came Mrs. Helen VmteM; vnthlir r m the navy (j months ago and is a her lecture, both afternoon and eve. fp-HT "f? a.?! member of the crew of the mng, and we have never heard quite ti0R so many words m an. hour by anytimaTrf Thpva mn wiii hp t": -fJ!i5ri In Monday's Robesonian will be published the final list of individual subscriptions, not included in -lists heretofore published in this -paper. Following is a list of total subscrip tions reported by Robeson banks for themselves and their customers: Honor Roll of Liberty Bond Subscrip tions by Robeson Banks and Their Customers. Bank of St. Paul allotted $15,820, subscribed $36,000; National Bank of Lumberton allotted S77,'i0O, sub scribed S146.700: Bank of Rowland and Merchants & Farmers Bank of Rowland alloted $40,320. subscribed 450,150; Bank of McDonalds allot ted $3,500. subscribed $5,350; Caro lina Bank & Trust Co. of Red Springs alloted $15,700, subscribed $20,350; Bank of Fairmont allotted $17,500, subscribed $21,300; People's Bank & Trust Co. of Fairmont alloted $2,800, subscribed $2,800; Planters Bank & Delaware, one, and they !hit . us hard jind. tne iorm oi judgment as submitted came home Saturday and will be here hv "r. r ; J , , . . I y tue. ooutiiexii xen. I until Fridav of this week when he DT .ny I ToyJ Mmrw Thero thp men will hp I tt : j 4.: 1 1 j I uu" . 1 1 uay oi. tins weeit, wnen lie jr-- . . I F" ,uuiiiutiwwu jy uic uuaiu ll I nn agva Tr rarnrn rrw Vl e l better protected from the were bound to acknowledge t htm salZtTAiZ was unanimously oraerea tnat tms "somewhere". He is a son of the ' W r-! I , I tTf I I II I I lMI VV 111 7 II I III I.I 1 IIIIIIK I TQATV1 TVi r OTI Alt r -V - v I 1 r mi 1 1 .a. m. v a ' v v iacts. Sunday at 3 p. m. Dr. Dav "V: T i-" I v""1"1"1"""" "c wi" late Jol. JN. A. McLean 2-ave to a lartre audience his firt 1p. V -1 , ... ior tne reason tnat tne contract in " 2 ; " , . , j 4uci3i;iuii waa uiuuuni uciuic wile UMiuu 1 jntr. crra.1. coil. rni-L f?AxL I . . -.. . week-end with his par ents. Mr. and Brs. Boyd Hayes. We are glad to-report Miss Agnes Ashley, 3rd-and 4th grades teacher, who has been sick for the last week,, is very much improved. . We hope she can soon resume her work again. Miss Elizabeth Baker is teaching for Miss Ashley. Mrs. Carl Thompson is visit ing her husband, Mr. 'Carl Thompson, at Camp Jackson. Mr. John Henry Johnson tf Barnesville was a - Fair mont visitor Saturday. Among those who attended the . Fayette ville fair Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Vinson, Miss Bonnie. Grantham, Mr. James Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Jones, Mr and Mrs. D. C. Lassiter, Miss Majenta and Mr. Vernon Lassiter, Mrs. J. O. Botibitt, Miss Lillian Baker, Miss Mary Belle Ricks, Mr. James Floyd, Mr. Wiley Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Pittman. Miss Mortie Waters of tnrfl ITT hinh htqo Ana rf Ua Ktnr - I -. P . I 4WS iiiuv-u co Ulic vx "IC UCSl CVtl I r7w Ali-Vi U4-ki ilV onH t.. If. nr x ?- -i delivered in our town. Dr. Day is an gttafantry now a t Gettysta Pa Vtilili tt kLl 4. 38th, Sa' 50th ttMS was' ZiZZiZZ rru mrZl """w !yncuse wP wwe Sard to the form of any judgment Bu.ireiB auuwu o-udiyu guis j. u,-. or other outside consideration pvcpnt I at a Dasvieueia near irt-iersDurg. xxe came to us Monday evening and Mon- - .llnA thp rmWs th 17th. 22nd. and ?w fiff S C?!fW? JJC1 found these by digging in the earth. Hot: nin-ht TvT,r. K 1 - - T . Z- . ' . HMH-nit cull 0 lu UC UlOIlliaociA aiJtl I TT J - i- I ri.."?5u'WVi"s .v" 28th ' aero squadron, United -States litieation stoned. The town- attorn v-1 . . .ni" iUUIlu vomeueiate uiuxoria , i " ill i j I . F . . . . hnttnn r . . .. Mr. W. H. Inman returned home last week from Petersburg, Va., where he spent some time. Mr. Inman browght- back a number f ballets, empty cartridges, efc:., which be found. at a battlefield near Petersburg. He . .A T vrvr1 .VVV aiXijEWjny signal corps, will be transfer-1 was- further -instructed to'arPP Tnn SerSSrafdrejr S T-v 111- l t -, . " ..I ir VI bU. AAUO XVi VVlUUtl UJ. C4.1.AJ.4.AA& iizo icixgc auuicncc just Trust Co. of Lumberton alloted $28,-1 Barnesville was a Fairmont visitor one hour. Tuesday evening Mr. Lloyd To Speed Up Shipbuilding Program. Taylor, reader, and the Gypsie man- With a view t0 speeding up the gov oiietts Again we were highly favor- ernment's great steel shipbuilding pro ed with some of tne best vocal music gram now admittedly about 20 ships and interesting plays and readings. bellind schedule, Read Admiral Capps, I rnust not slight our young magician. generai manager of the Emergency who was a slick article, lou just Fleet Corooration, has called upon ev couid not overtake him m any of his ery steel ship builder on the Atlantic stunts. A great patriotic. - tableau coast to meet in Washington today concluded the Chautauqua, the pret- (0ct 29) with representatives of the tiestof all. We feel like we cannot fleet corporation, Department of La- give justice to tne nautauqua. ims bor American Federation of Labor is the third year with our little town and the Navy Department.' and each one was very elevating, and, nrincinal Question to be dis- lt seems like each one gets better. Dr Day gave us some flattering remarks on our town and said that it had won a reputation with all the Chautauqua. members that had visited it, and as sured us that the next one would be equally as good, and a little better, i Mr. J. M. Johnson, chairman for 1917," cussed is that of labor and an effort will be' made to outline some plan to attract men to the shipyards, which need about 300,000 more workmen to carry through the work undertaken and projected. 140. subscribed $28,150: Bank of Max-; Saturday. ton and Bank of Robeson at Maxton The sad news reached our town alloted $93,940, subscribed $35,000; Thursday night of the death of Mr. First National Bank o L,umDerton Kobert unver oi marietta, mr. un-1 "."V." AUi I iPort't frncc "Rio Iwanrn at Smith allotted $6120, subscribed $50,000; ;Ver was widely known in Robeson was highly pleased with the patron-1 Can t Cross Big Swamp at bmitn S Bank of Parkton alloted $11,620, county, and had many friends and rel- age a full house at nearly all of the j Bridffe Tuesday and Wdenes- -l j aaaa. -d i, f vfnA j.; ' t?;- v,,h-wtoi thoiv entertainments, specially at nieht. We J3ilu&c j. ucsuaj wu "u Springsalloted $27,300, subscribed sympathy to the bereaved ones. The feel under renewed obligations to our dayt 522,100; Bank oi rembroKe anoteo tunerai services were conaucteu f o7d 6i V i-u i $520. subscribed S4A20U; tianK oiihis pastor, Kev. a. n.. otamieiu, at T al?r ... T T. J. , ., I r. , , -r-. i I aop Wp must nnt fnrffot nnr hums Ullvet cnurcn riiuay eveiuug. 7,, , , Mr. James Floyd, Mr. Tom isaKer, tv ,i ao w, "vCi uac uwwu Proctorville alloted $4,600. subscrib ed $2,400. Total allotted to the banks Dr. Geo. Wright, osteopath, -has ing suit or any judgment which will located in Lumberton for the practice conform with the franchise rights of of his profession and has a temporary the Southern Bell as stated in the office on West Fourth street, in the franchise. rear of the' old Bank of Lumberton Mayor Proctor and Clerk and Treas- building. Dr. and Mrs. Wright and urer Townsend were authorized their daughter, Miss Emeline Wright, to execute agreement of purchase arrived Frdajight from their form contract with the Lumberton Cot- er home in BaY City, Mich, ton Mills ' "Co. for a sew- Quite a number of Lumberton f oli. er line from the office of the company journeyed to Hamlet Friday to see on the corner of Elm Tind Second Barnum & Bailey's circus but were streets to Lumber river, the line run- disappointed. The main show was not ning along and beneath Second street, given at all, and they had to content ihe agreement sets forth that the mill themselves with viewing the .side company, desiring to be relieved of shows, and not all of them were put the maintenance of the said sewer on. It was impossible for the big line, for the sum of $1 and other val- show to get to the grounds. After uable considerations sells and conveys trying vainly until 2 p. m. to over it to the town, and the town agrees come physical difficulties presented to maintain the line, or one adequate by the lay of the land, which made it to take care of all sewage from the impossible for the horses to pul the office building. 1 heavy wagons one horse dropped It was ordered that Mr. L. L. Hum- dead during the strenuous efforts phrey be employed as consulting ar- the effort to show there was aban- chitect for the new town hall on the I doned and the show went on to Ral- corner of Elm and Second streets. eigh. I A bill of Mr. J. P. Townsend for $11 was ordered paid. Mr. W. D. Jacobs of Howellsville 1 township, who was in town Friday, asked The Robesonian to state that Messrs. Frank Kinlaw and Ed Taylor RECORDER'S COURT. With a Movie Theatre in Wil mington, Del. TT li rx ' lnvaltv nnH hnrmnnv anH all this Mpoct-o Frnnt Km aw and K(l TaVlor 0 ' $405 P00 tS al ariSdC$ffiM0, vStors' Friday SghtMr " Rober causes the Chautkuqua to come agin M begin today digging out for W Mr. W. S. Wishart received a long Kli'criffi I27 9M 4 McMman of McD nalds was a bus- next year. We feel like it will be other bridge across the Big swamp and interesting letter last week from Sfe0"? $v r K.nlnvps. Sf'.fsit'nv S Z Sa productive morally and otherwise to at Smith's bridge crossing and that David R. Regn, son of Dr. and Mrs. M U V T w . V. f " 1 . . . .. I , . . lit. I vAcc?lh a Trt t C T1 ...1, Un Knvi tnolT- I UUi tUVVJl, " tit WUUIU IlUt UC - uuooiun. l.vr I Vtfl Ul DClLlUSSi vv XLJ unci ivvii ' Ninetv-one per cent of the agents trainmen, clerks and section foremen employed by the Virginiia & Carolina Southern railroad, home office in LumbeTton, subscribed for Liberty bonds, averaging one month's salary each for the 91 j?er cent. The V. & C. S., as stated in Thursday's Robeson ian, subscribed for $2,000 of bonds, and allows its employes to pay for wliatever amount they want to take in installments. ing her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Sledge, me uxiord orphanage singing class returned home Wednesday. Mrs. Fel- also met witn us Tuesday night .and TiU4.v.n nnc ie xn-eitinv Vpv occupied the hour from 7 to 8 and the Objected to Liberty Bond Adv. One dav recently when Postmaster D. D. French went into Mr. C. B. Meares' barber shop and asked about nuttinsr un a Liberty loan advertise ment a Robeson county preacher who was in the shon remarked that it would cost the shop a quarter a week to put that sign up. The preacher had .been spending a quarter each week in the shoo and of course Mr. Meares understood the preacher- to mean that if he allowed the sign put filled. Receipts were iii4-'Ua11 n-f FinY-Vicim ia visitinc hpr LU11 1U1 b.1111 VJ. . . -i t ovontc Mr nnrl Mrs. F. S. FlOVd. uuiiuiiig wcio j--"--" - : ----- , iOfi Mr. J. E. Anderson has moved into . . . . , . . , his new store next door to Pittman We Java just about got acquainted Drug Co. Mr. Halbert Thompson of w" uuuir,T j'; Ty Failure to Comply With Quaran tine Law Lands a Man in Court Law Must be Observed. T Tl "Rptrsm wlin is now in "Wilmino- I . - ... cross Tuesday and Wednesday of DeC connected with a movie Pic- William Davis of Wishart town this week. It will be recalled that ture theatre. Master David left Lum- ship was given a hearing before Re- a bridge recently was built at this berton some months ago and for some corder E. M. Britt Saturday after crossing, and now it is necessary to Uime his parents, did not know where noon on tkTcharke of failure to com- 'he was. He writes that he tried to . ... , , -r j enlist in the naw. but the recruitine Wlth the Quarantine law. Judg- congratuiatious. officers seemed to know his aee bet- ment was suspenaea upon payment r "?n QpVier Greenville spent a fewK'eek a double-header fox chase, one' The out-of-town attendants were: ter than he himself knew, and he was f costs. The evidence was that one . rht nn Mr sinrl Mrs "M. C. Stuhhs. Mr. Rov 4-,,j a ijn rv,;ir,iivio I nf Davis' rhilnrpn was sick with dmh. wviuvu uv j j v.w-iv turn 1 " -' - -7 " i t u.1 lieu uuwii. lie Dbiutn j. iuiauuiiiia - I Lewis and sister, Inez, oi juowe; wr. wjth $1.37 and had to get busy. He tneria and wnen ur. w. a. mcrnaui, and Mrs. W. B. Stubbs and family of has 'had considerable experience county health-officer, sent Davis by Purvis, Mr.and Mrs. Yancy McCall and ar0Und movie theatres and Lumber- registered mail quarantine notices to i . j-i-i i n n a i n it T . . a. i j a a Drotner, unariey, mr. Aiex mtcae on folks and visitors to Lumberton ! pui up ai nis nouse ne ianeu tu post daTs with home &Ikto at 9 o'clock and right on P B. Thompson. Mrs. Rogers 0f with another trai and quite a lengthy Gaddysville is 'visiting her daughter Mrs. C. R. McGirt this week. Mr. Clarence Floyd and sister, Miss Alice, and Miss Stella Murrey of Barnes ville were Fairmont visitors Wednes day. race and captured at 4 p. m. the same day. - This brings us to the double wed ding. Wednesday, Oct. 24, 4 p. m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Stubbs a beautiful wedding took place when ine concern givei uy tne their daughter Miss Pearl became the phanage smgmg class at the school McLaurin and their aUTrU Jlr ThP entertainment daughter Miss Ruby became the bride fffhP rliJfS ii lookedforIrd of Mr. Luther Huff. The ceremony ?f I Jpnfi of Fairmont Thev was performed by the brides' pastor, t0 ry thPrtntP$lOO here Rev. H. B. Porter. The pastor was realized about $100 here. beautifully decorated with ivey, bam- Ultten Dy itaDia Va. which the ceremony was performed up in his place of business he would aren, vvixu .vc - " " . - woTi , Mies favP hpantifnllv sanff nut nn thp cicrn nH it. is still in the ship, were oitten last w- rTfe,r " Q shprs. up in his place of business ne wouiu. Wilcox and one of his chil- was beautiful and was lighted with get his work done elsewhere. How- . iVlr- LT V."codTT."i1 ";n I ,oiDO Mis Ormnn nrRided at the evpr Mr MMr tnlH Mr. French to d'?n, wno live in nuwT rrr nV ho ; 7,711,7 shop. This preacher does not live in Lumberton and the pity of it is that he lives in Robeson county. . The remark has caused considerable comment here recently and the preach er may be given some trouble as the result of the remark. He's Collecting Umbrellas. A number of Lumberton people are minus an umbrella. A man who gave hi3 name as John Hubbard blew into town some three weeks aeo and wont around town and gathered up all the wounded umbrellas he could, promis ing to renairthem and return them at once. Both John and the umbrel las left townand have failed to re turn. The samp man collected a num- ter of umbrellas atthe cotton mill villages near town, it is said. which' was supposed to. have been "1 love ,outruiy and aS l:j TUn o wont intn the IieiQ lVir. J. XI. Otuuus auu huuh rauiu. aiic y jj j.u ;dC where the child was working riaay um, preceueu u touuatwus . itt ' , ... n -.r-v,-Mivrr march woe nlnvpr! One and bit him. Mr. Wilcox was away "cu"" v" , y from horn and Saturday afternoon bride, Miss Pearl, worea blue broad wh?A he Returned home the cat attack- cloth traveling suit and hat and gloves ed him The cat jumped on mr. wn- to maitu, wm C 'r"r cox and bit him on tne nana, ne eu i wu ouu 6r .v ---- killed the cat after a hard fight and Both were quite beautiful. Immed: SifluiVAlTln Lumberton Sat- ately after the ceremony a re muugu w. - . -.;n was-onven and dinner vas r1 rtrY I nu U'Z-t 1 . K I I I WaG OVJ11W I uvw&. C5 - i uruay . r-.-- -e.rvfid. The dininff room was beau- "jSrWA McPhauircounty health tifully decorated with goldenrod and .,I?5- W;AiiTSp RohPsonW iust bamboo. The centerpiece on dmmg Ollltci i auiuvu and Mr. A. I. Smith and family of Clio, j know that he is an artist when it S. C; Mr. W. D. Jones and daughter, comes to puiiing 0ff advertising Miss Bessie, and Mr. W. H. McLaurin stunts. impersonating Charlie Chap- of Johns; Mr. Alex McKenzie of JLau-un fcein one of his best" bets. Nat- rinburg, Miss Maud Tribble of nar-iurauy David hung around movie the lotte. Messrs. marion ana us.. x-ate i j,trps and soon found that the same and sister, Miss Leta, and Miss Mar- stunts which he pulled off successful- p-aret Marsh oi urays ireeK, mr. no-1 hnpV m thp home town won for him mer Butler of Camp Jackson, Colum- a berth in the city. Later he went hia. S. C. Mr. John n. EtUDDS OI ump fn WilTYiinortnn and cot a hettpr ioh. oevier, uieeuvmc, j. v., mm.. wv.ne -writes tnat ne is coming uacK. 10 Mitchum of Monroe, ua. , . . Lumberton about Christmas Bride and groom JNo. one leit m an automobile at 5 o clock for ay- Negro Shooting Scrape in How etteville, where they left that night 6 & r for a Northern town; and JNo. two - eilSVllie. a 4-i 4- a tv,OT Snnem ritips on I Tom Alford, colored, was shot and their honeymoon, amidst shows of dangerously wounded yesterday about , I , U,. AI I I U V,srs n Inn nn 1 n-M-v rice by their many friends. JAr"1 u i- fr ' n ."iCU v. K A Mn Inng rt fYT I ami) OR- I JLi" nciiuto in iwinuoiiuc n""' 'n,"riiio - r. mmp in Sat-1 ship and it is said that they were urday and spent a few days with home drinking, ethea has not been ar folks, to the delight of us all. Mr. rested Sheriff Lewis was not noti- and Mrs K. A. Daniel OI JJ iemming- ircu clwixk. nic onvubuig tin iow i"6"k ton, Ga., arrived Tuesday at noon, XrUIIl H1C OlOHi BUVllVl"-. - , , 1 to the effect numl 1. He will get pres Mr. Wilcox at are 1 C3 .a - that, the cat was Wilcox at are two of our town's most cultured in communication Jfi SlU be greatly missed. The once and ffiujaS; to Jrooms are substantial citizens and and his. child may go to Kaieign , extend hearty them, but sent the letter back with note stating it was not needed. Davis testified that he could not read the notices and letter which Dr. Mc Phaul sent him, but that his wife- read them to him. He did not realize the seriousness of his offense and this the recorder tried to make plain to him. The law requires that quarantine notices sent by the county health officer be post ed and that regulations be observed- Other cases oi diphtheria have been reported in the same community since, whether from failure of Mr. Davis to observe instructions sent him by the county health officer or not is not known. Frank Faulk was given a hearing before the recorder Friday on the. charge of assault with deadly weapon and also with carrying concealed wea- pon. he was found not guilty. and' are ' spending a few days with Charged With Stealing Cotton. Mr. Daniel's brother Mr i. . Juan- Rey A R RsLrd Vho lives lei, casmer oi me xaiiK. i ,r"uu- I Howellsville townshin. was arrested A reception oi mucn note vvaa Satiirdav on thp rhartre of stealing m ioved at the elegant home of Mr. E . "LWA S L" lJT B: Daniel last -JS fa Sff Hardin SSTa fathe sum and Mrs. C. S. McArthur and Mr and q 2Q0 and was released. He will be Mrs. j. A. laniei. vrainca ns en joyed, also some spirited selections on take, the . Pasteur treatment the niano bv several of the young la dies. Refreshments were served. A jolly good time was reported. given a hearing before Recorder E. -m at t . 4 x TTr l " j m. rmi weanesaay. Mr. D. 8. Lewis of Barnesville was a Lnm berton visitor Saturday. ' U. S. TROOPS AT FRONT Washington Dispatch, Oct. 27. The nation was thrilled today by word that American troops at last were face to face with the Germans across No-Man's-Land. Announce ment by General Pershing that several battalions of his infantry were in the front line trenches, supproted -by' American batteries which already had gone in action against the enemy,, fanned a new flame of patriotisia. throughout the country. A t ; " - v ! ! . I - i