THE ROBESONIAN EST A BUSHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH $2.00 A YEAR. DUB IN ADVANCB VOL. XLVIII LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1918. NUMBER 101 FARM DEMONSTRATION AGENT FOR ROBESON FUNERAL MRS. J. T. BARKER. ' "SOLDIERS OF THE SOIL." District Ajrent Freeman An nounces That He Has Secured Services ot Dr. A. H. Kerr, Formerly of Sampson He Will Enter Upon New Duties About; February 1st. Dr. A. H. Kerr, a native of Samp She Died in Wilmington Friday and Remains Were Interred Here Saturday Third Mem ber of Family to Die. RED SPRINGS NEWS ITEMS. PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL NOTES BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS Not Merelv Farmer Now. Savs County Food Administrator Must Concert at College This Evening , Grow More Foodstuffs Will Or ganize Community Club. Quite a number of men, women and children heard County Food Admin- ! istrator H. E. Stacy, deliver a most The funeral of Mrs. J. T. Barker,1 eloquent address on the war and food Mr. V. F. Fiench left last ev ening for the Wi?t to buy bules for his sales stables. "Ranri P.rmr.Art Sntlirdav Eve- Plav fii vpn fnr Pa1 Cm as L TiH "J - - If. 1 . . l , V, 1. M mil. wmtD. iiumivn nil r l lildj far Cross School War Program Sjartanhurg, S. C, wherr he has ac- . I rented a position with a grocery roa- and Other Special Chapel Ezer-; tern. ning Social and Pedsonal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Red Springs, Jan. 26. Miss Bertaj whose death occurred at the home of conservation at Ten Mile Saturday Davjs of Dunn is visiting Miss Gene- cises Personal. afternoon. Mr. Stacy was invited to! vieve McMillan. Miss Marie Bell of Monroe is i-: Mrs. J. J. Moore, in Wilmington, early; Union at that nlace. rang triends at tne college, aims Friday morning was conducted from For more than an hour he held his' Bell is very pleasantly remembered jvu l"ulml' waa eunuucLco lrwm mn v.Mj v. !,! rh.-.' her, havirn? graduated in the class I j 1 , T) . U i 1 l C A ! J - . i L 1 , gUCUKA7UIHI CIO UrC ( 1 o r on county, but for some time engag- tuc rilbLi;iian cxmrcH oatul great tmprotanee of growing food- 01 iyi4. uuy at iu a. m. me services were stuffs and food' conservation. lie; i'inua) ewuug vViotilz-l nn r the attraction at the college will . iWl t . t. if iir De a concert i.y ueoniu oamoion, a . Russian tenor and tne following as ! siBtants: Miss Bertha Farmer, so- Miss Lillian Scneinkn ceilest: .ur. ian homePSSTnoloff has appeared as a co-star 1 . i .li.!. ... . . I I .1;.-.- ,.,.......... w li ' !!0l. wmi many 01 ine ii.hiii.j-. Correspondence of The liobesor.ian. Philadelphus (Red Springs, K. 2 1 . ' (,..,, .1 ,.r ,jnn. zo a piav was given in ire school auditorium last Friday evenin Box sapper at the Centenary school mar Rowland Friday night at Miss Lola 00 per is the - Members of the local emntioii (nnnl have I n ed in dairy work in Norfolk, Vs., has 1 accepted the position of farm demon-! stration agent for Robeson county and it- is understood that ho will en-1 ter upon his new duties about Feb-! mat . 1st. District Agent R. w. Freeman ot conducted bv Rev. Dr. (1. E. Moore-.told the farmers that the house, pastor of the Presbyterian longer consider tnemseives iarme church, of which deceased was armem- but soldiers of the soil. Must Figm at Heme or n rieia !.' .-tied. i P ol t l-..;f'a , f.- 1 11 1 k - , , , v . badges. i n b:idvre ix ar the Toll. to lowing taking part: Misses Margie - - .... 1 a rj . -i ll b u 1 uig inscription: Selective ServM Humphrey, Mary rtddy, Peyton Mark- ,. .. 1 ham. Mrs. J. J. Ashley; Messrs Lacyru- 'v rmv c furnishe! e oer nterment was made in Meadow brook cemetery. The floral offerings The speaker said in part: ' -veryt-were numerous and attractive. The man and woman must be a soldier! nallbearers were: Messrs. C. B. Skin- either on th Der. ,lno. S. McNeill. William-! or in the field prano; VIOi'li Dattieiieia, in i:u This wai of American and has a tenor voice chocolate, the proceeds Wilfjon Btated when in Lumberton . .(T I I A I J. I 1.. 1 L 1 J.lL.L "l UIlLn iaj "., 1. "V T Tt,.-T:il.. A TJ TT 1 , ,a , r.y l.iet ., ! the frrmt hill in able to secure the services Of Dr. McNeill Jr The remains the fields of America. Food will ':- . ,u ; " ' V" " were brought over the Seaboard from win or lose the war. ine lacK ii.iiK.n& i, . Uli. play l,c 'l0"" nTJ r"u"""! Wilmington Saturday morning. food is the big problem of America tne institute 01 -unsica. l unue. . , Springs. IlDUIlCLi'.ierit iu iiiuisudv a ivuuesuu- m t, i j j "ti. . t hor ol Hoc rot a aeb ot man power. If the war is to oe won and it must be we have got to suffer sacrifices and deny ourselves as did McLean, Coit Whitiock, Bundy Mc-1 In a list of Red Cross meawn Xtill, VilliL- Humplrey, John M - published in a recent isu of The Leod and Frank ihm,! 1 i :v. AIjouI Robesonian the name r Mr. R. V" pii nist. monev will iiKed for th henefil f li:im. the school. After the play the Red nr. i ii .'. V ll'M I f li.llj'l. -" -..';t. II tin: - : 1 a i : i ?...:.... naiiuatti oiiei 'J I .io .-wn-iv nmi in U lil til . . . . . . . . of nniMiml richness and Color. Miss .. oS m .. i- nami neiore u .nsoanneo r.-.emiy mm w . . . - - - , ; . , , . I . l , , 1 lit O'. . .1 T. ' i.'.' i 1 . . . I t GVi,.-.m.-i-. iuAU.-it has RtiidieH at a. i :n i i :.. u .1 arnv n ami is ai ine nom ui.i..iii..iu.ii, - --- Llll1 l)Ut Ulll ot; ICUCUU'U III IV II mil. 111 . I oxifiaii Wfin moo l.u:i;- i , , . . , . , , ce hprtnn to Wilmington and in! a stroke paralysis, which she suffer day's Star appeared a news . item to the eltect that Dr. .Kerr s services had been secured for this important position. Dr. Kerr is a licensed veterinary surgeon and is specially trained in the livestock industry. In mention ing his appointment The Star says: "He is considered a splendid man for the position and will receive a cor dial welcome in Robeson, which has made great progress in an agricul tural wav in the last few years." Robeson has been without a farm demonstrator since Mr. L. E. Blanch ard was drafted into military service last fall. There has been great con ed Tuesday morning. She is survived by four ' child ren two daughters, Mesdames J. J. Moore and A. J. Tink ham, of Wilmington and two sons, Mr. Marvin Barker, of Hopewell, Va., who was with her when the end cam f Mis. W. L. Dougherty. great ceilest William Willene oi the Because of farming interests, Lacy The following was recently re- Kneiel Quartette. Miss Farmer was McLean of Laurinhurg, who has beenlceived bv one of the exemption boards paging in Europe when tne w2 r 1 one of he boarding students, has beenl from a registrant: "Dear Sar. pie broke out. She volunteered for ser- our forefathers during the Civil War. vice and for months gave devoted ser- Tt Vmc nlu.'nv tiPPn -a sin to . waste ivice to tne wounded in tne rrencn and now it is a crime. Our allies hospitals. Her health gave way and fortunate as to have his arm broken are calling for food and this food she was compelled to conie home. while starting a car. He seems, how obliged to stop school. Both teachers and pupils regret his leaving. Mr. Lacy Buie recently was so un- and Mr. James Barker, who is in the must come from strict economy audi ine admission to mis conceit ever, to be .rapidly improving. savings in the nomes oi tne nniencau ue out. ine rnnaaeipnu; ni;ii scuooi uuo people. We Americans have been The band concert which was given contributed enough money to make the most extravagant people on the! in the graded school auditorium was j this a Red Cross school. Part of the globe, but the time has come when quite a success, out owing w we money given by the school was se- army and perhaps now on his way to France. He could not be located at the time of his mother's death. Deceased lived here until last sum mer, when she moved to Wilmington to live with her daughters. She was the third member of the family to die within a year's time. Her husband died last March and about a month later a son, Johnnie, died. Mrs. Bar ker was a sister of Messrs. A. L. and if the looker board has a call for me, please let me no at once. Mrs. L. P. Stack of Norfolk, Va . underwent an operation at the Thomp son hospital Tuesday of last week and is getting along nicely. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Meln tyre, f Lumberton. Mrs. Mollie Norment and Mrs. . ..II . . i l , , . . . i -. . 1 - . . 1 - ... i r, n cer n au " , ! D. W. Bullock, of Rowland, was well curing tne proper man to succeeo. . , , i i Jj ,1 11, llll.. .'llll I'll"' ' WLl.l ll.vlllllll Mr. Blanchard and the announcement that Dr. Kerr's services have been secured will be received with pleas ure. Miss Lulu M. Cassidy, county home demonstration agent, worked with Dr. Kerr in Sampson county and speaks highly of his ability and fitness for the duties of farm dem onstrator, i WILL EE PREPARED WEDNESDAY Mrs. J. J. Moore and Messrs. J. .1. Moore and A. J. Tinkham, of Wil mington, daughter and sons-in-law of deceased, attended the funeral and returned home Saturday night. Mrs. R. W. Shelby and Miss Mary Red mond, of Lumberton, went to Wil mington Thursday and were with de ceased when the end came. Mr. Marvin Barker was taken sick just after his mother's death and was not able to attend the funeralJ This morning's Wilmington Star states that he js still very ill. we must save. (Tur people will wake up to the seriousness oi the situa tion when the casualty lists begin to show that home boys have per ished at the front. Some farmers will say that they will plant their land in cotton and tobacco and sell it for a high price and buy the things they should grow at home. The question is. where are thev sroing to buy it? My advice is to grow something that erine Dixon. vou and your neighbor can eat. The Messrs. Lathrop Buie and John man wTho is not willing to worn to uranam, ot wimp .jachuo, o .v., liolr tho mm who are. fiD-htin! snent a few days home on furlough bad weather only a few were able to cured by a shipment of waste paper F. A. McTeod went Friday to Fay- go, so the boys have kinaiy consent-1 which was sent to a paper mill, wbere J ettevule 4o visit Mrs. Norment s ed to repeat it in the college audi- jt waa sold for 75 cents per cwt. In-other. Dr. R. (I. Rozier, who under- tonum on Saturday evening -;vr Jim Collins leaves next week went an operation at the Highsmith hospital some days ago. Complying with the closing order of the fu 1 administration, tne Fas- Part of the proceeds will go to the Red Cross. The admission will te 10 and 20 cents. Miss Elizabeth Vardell entertained a ntimoer oi ner inenos on muiv day afternoon in honor of Miss Cath- for New York, whence he will sail for England to join the army. He came to America about four years ago. last week. Members of Committee Will Be Supplied With Blanks to Take Orders for Nitrate of Soda. The committee appointed in Robe son to take orders from thefarmers oi the nitrate oi soda to be sold by the government have used all the or der blanks sent them and are finding it difficult to secure them. Mr. W. K. Bethune, chairman of the commit- ( tee, says tha tunless he is able to se- cure the blanks today he will have some printed tomorrow and be ready tovtake orders by Wednesday, and will also have blanks in the hands of the other members of the committee by that time. All orders must be in the hands of the committee by Mon dav ritrht of next week. Other members of the committee besides Mr. Bethune are: A. J. Mc Kinnon, Maxton; A. D. McKenzie, Rowland; A. J. Floyd, Fairmont; A. Death of Hr. C. M Martin. 'Mr. C. M. Martin, aged about 50 years, d-ed at the Thompson hospi tal late Saturday afternoon. Deceas ed underwent an operation for appen dicitis several, days ago. He is sur vived by his wife and severaj chil dren. Interment was made this morn ing in the family burying ground near Center church. his battles is a traitor. The sneaker took occasion to ex plain war the neonle to buy them To Organize Community Club. Miss Lulu M. Cassidy, county home demonstration aerent. was present and m the lad to in of 9. vwir for the nnrnose of ! ton. The Misses devane wni7;nff a r-oTYimnnitv clnh. Miss 1 beautif ul luncheon on I It UUllliilllK . J Miss Eunice Pearsall, who teaches! cited by Margaret Brown. Wednesday morning an interesting 1im.. thtn will . rlmuHl tomorrow. chapel exercise was given upon the , The lgth ,.,,,,,,1,. flf the u Fatal Ring," topic "The ramily and Mother . Miss wnich has been running on Tuesdays, Reaves read littmy: Bibie selections, i wjjj ni. vun Wednesday. then 'The Family" was recited by . ,," - ... ... u m ii "v,ii,. i .c I,,, A two-months -okl DurcK- Jersey Hattie McMillan. Nobody knows out . . , .... . ., . , - ai u t...;.. T.j .I-i-iin 1' which Messrs. White at dough do- ...,a v;..i;.,.r',;.,- n- Ui ,a;nated to the Local Red ross chapter m.n-.-ioc dnmns and ureed i in Raeford. snent the week-end at home. ;Miss li,iiza mcaacner , ci Raeford, came with her. Among the guests here for the de-Vane-Dixon wedding are Mr. and Mrs. made a most pleasing talk to i Benjamin Huske of Fayettevil'e, Mr. adies after which they decided I and Mrs. John deVane of Fayetevillc act Friday afternoon of this and Mrs. Hugh McAlister, of Lumber- Messrs. Coit Whitiock, Bundy Mc Neill and Angus Stewart spent the week-end at their respective homes. The fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, Saturday gave i at Cassidy will meet with the ladies and assist them in organizing the clib. Mr. W. P. Barker, vice-president of the Lobeson division of the Farm ! pink carnations. one o'clock, to the deVane-Dixon wed ding party and a tew mends, ine house was beautifully decorated with esting talk and urged the importance of growing foodstuffs. Next Meeting March 20. The next regular meeting of the Robeson division of the Farmers' Union will be held at Ten Mile on Wednesday, March 20, and on that date a farmers institute will be veld in connection with the meeting. Noted lecturers, both men and women, will be present, and the public will be in vited. Messrs. H. H. Stanley, J. I. Townsend, G. F. Humphrey and F. Grover Britt were appointed as a committee on arrangements lor tne occasion. Coirs n-unitv Soirit. It would be difficult to find a rural shows FAT "VICTORY BREAD. T. McCalhun, Red Sp Olivei Pauls. Mariette; J. mgs; w. . Butler, M Sc. American People Go On Var Bread Diet Today Reduced Rations Necessary to Create Surplus to Export to Allies. The American people go on a war bread diet today as a part of a war ratinnintr svstem prescribed Saturday FOOD CONSERVATION. Meeting to Be Held in Lumberton February 4 Special Speakers Will Ee Heard. A meeting in the interest of food consei vation will be held in the court house here Monday night, February i. Mr. T. B. Parker, of the State Deoartment of Agriculture, Mr. R. W. Freeman, nistrict li 1 in : .1 . W' , - ii rl nicrnx uv rresiuciiL w noun food administration. t ration calls jt. PAGE DEMANDS ACTION. All Who iiave Purchased More Than Barrel of Flour Must Return Sus- plus to Dealers. Hniintv Food Administrator H la . j i At was sold ai auction at tne court house Saturday afternoon for $15. Mr. K. J. Pope bought the pig. Mai. A. J. McKimmon, a member of the Robeson committee to take ir- ,c;st.ul Viv th.or ti-jieher. Mrs. .1. P. ders for the government soda, has Ashley, rendered a war programme 1 asked The Robesonian to state that in chapel Friday morning. Especi-i he will have some of the order blanks aUy impressive was the prayer forjai R: emon Welnesday of this week recited by Margaret Brown. the date of the land sale at that At the expiration oi Mis" Hannah I place. McNeill's term as school correspond-! Mr. E. Bull ck of Fowlard, a a,.,.c SIMM- -..,c afoA tn Lombertou visitor Saturuav. called that office. at The Robesonian office and sub scribed for the paper to be seat to h:s Big Land Saie at Raemon Wed- Yr J? vv' SiSJif 6 i the American expeditionary force m nesday. r.ommunitv an"vhere tnat rnore sisms of the right sort of com their organization tna to each other and proiit by so doing. They pull together and get lv-stilts. Stacy has been instructed by SUite F0od Administrator Henry A. Page to take prompt and vigorous action to the end that all purchases of ex cessive quantities of foodstuffs par ticularly flour, in this county shall return their surplus above one barrel to the dealers without delay. Mr. Page evidently means busi ness and Mr. Stacy means business ton. for he announces that the State France. The Rohesonjan is going to unit.. ;i nnmhpr of H.hf'SOfl ( atltltv A big auction sale of land will take jjOVS jn France. Miss Helen Sen'' lie. daughter of Sunt. R. E. Sentelk of the Lumber ton graded atod high school, and Mrs. Sentelle. returned last night from Greensboro, where she has just cora- place at Raemon Wednesday of this 11.00L- IiVm-it. Vi-.i rwlrf.rl nrn; of Vfll- I . V V. 1 1 I A JA J. t.K. " F liable lands lvint-: alona: the Max ton, Alma 'and Southbound railroad between Maxton and Rowland nave been divided into small tracts, each tract fronting a public highway, and S"S Lii will be sold to the highest bidder.! ",n-3 a a. ii.:. i i k cuimrni i reco: d. lie S L tins saie aiau win lc ovivi ooviai head of good stock mules, cows, hogs one or two automobiles, some farmine implements, etc. It will be a big dav at Raemon. A big barbe-l ... . 11 j l r. ! t cue Will ne served oy tne iveu it., mi Jl 1 ..l-;.-.- .-i.r OC.L-O.H tor CIS BlII-IV I-J ine reauceu ictuuiis ait "ouv-.i . demonstration iurent. and Mrs. Mittie M. Henley, of the State home demonstration de partment, will discuss subjects of vast importance to both men and women. The meeting will be under the aus pices of the county food administra tion and the food conservation com mittee. All town people and people Living in the country as well are in vited to attend the meeting. the purpose of creating larger ex port surplus of food for the European allies. Curtailment of production will be accomplished largely by volun tary effort, but force will be em ployed wherever permitted under the foo"d control act. The rationing system, as presented by the president in a proclamation, nea and bv Food Administrator Hoover I paig in a list of regulations, lorms tne food administration's 1918 food con servation program, of which tne chief features are: . A baker's bread of mixed flours, beginning today with a five per cent, substitution of other cereals for wheat until a 20 per cent substitution is reached February 24. Sale by retailers to nousenomers m enual amount of substitute Hour Dr. Ellington Gets Commission in . . . a.: . .i h.:nii win ti rnKn miKif ti:;i Food Administrator s msiiucuons wm , "".T",: ' be carried out to the letter. Mr. there will be other attractions Page's letter is of the straight-from- The sale will be conducted by the "flno c pharactPl'IS- lireenSDOro IwfcaiLV tivn-uiiu kjj., the-shoulder type tie of the man. He and action right away. Mr. Pace instructs him demands action wnicn has conducted a number el In writine I successful sales in this section recem- as follows: ta of lv and of which comoanv Mr. G. B "'(1) That you demand of each re- McCallum, well known tnrougnoui iler in your county a complete list this section, is president. who have purchased pleted her first half-year of scnool at ormal, making a ipiUHU r parents were advised to take her out of school for the spring term on account of her heaifch. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley J. Stanu-s arrived last night from Reeky Mount and little daughter, Mary Elizabeth, and will make their home here. Mr. Starnes succeeds Mr. H. P. Hux as linotype operator in The Robcsonian's composing room. He comes highly recommended. Mr. Hux left Saturday night for Washington, this State, where it is understood he has ac cepted a position. Small, famous editor and lec- . Re lev. W. vangelist, ham : Southern . i . ...... . " . . 1 11. ' 1 1. A - -.11 ,1,1,..,. V. it. f.Vn'.t alftrOCC Medical Reserve Corps. flour in -ess of one" barrel aurmg ecoraer s oarxov, - w,, Dr. A. J. Ellington, who had been Tha t you in m e d i a t e 1 y notify! Whip Teacher. court house JjLj-- sisting Dr. W. A. McPhaul, county the purchasers whose names are sub- Oscar and William Smith, aged n-.J ' ! J ; lul i-u v, r""i:ppn'- (am- viUt fr. ran or whose names you1..,, , -ri ,TOovu nn lforc- i U1.U,L 1C. ? " ...... . iu uuitw, m ...V .rr - . "" " j r . , i i , n i cii uu:;u inxjvc ."o, noirm fr,r- nntiona m-ohimtion ana IS. n in Robeson, has been commis-, can secure-that tney must ieu; . a; Reorder E. M. Britt Saturday on v 7 ..ntertaininz sneakers as first lieutenant in the lvieo- j flour m their possession in extaj charge of attempting to wr.ip ; Fnnher announcemints 1 Reserve corps of the U. b. Army.: one barrel to the tteaiers im. , V " Ltheir school teacher. The evidence- ; ..j'r' : J n .... and nexl r. Ellington was notified yesteruay they purchased, tnose aea era was that the two negro boys ma'le. : , pnheonian l-i Jo nnTOTTiissainnnTirt left last even-i romnrpH to take it oaciv a- me i'n-v 1 -nT. n put the teacher witn J ... sionea ica D of itiir for TJaleiVh. Dr. McPhaul will ar- tbev received for t ---a r?.---zk r 1 "(ih. jnnnnv. un. a merry musi- ev iecE vcu ivi -v. nivk-pT. Knives. riavti jl ui . iukiuhu ... z , range to fill or have filled the ap-l (?) That you take every means, . continued with theunderstand-1 ea- pointments already made ny nnnseit withm your commana "7 mg that the parents ot tne ooys wra 1 u " " racked ;uation just as iuijjLiv , their teacher give tnem a guou wmp-i - . . and Dr. Ellington. After these have sit been filled he will be in his office m hie. court house m Lumberton on the eve ning of February 7. Dr. bmau isny main in school.! standing room being at a premium, for every pound of wheat purchased j free niedical examination to those , names Indian In Jail Charged With Shooting Another Indian. Charley Hammonds, Indian, is in iail chareed with shooting Will Lock- lear, another Indian. The shooting followed a row which took place at Mt. Olive Indian church, a few miles north of Lumberton, yesterday af tei noon. Locklear was shot in the back of the head with a pistol and also had his left arm broken. It is not thought his wounds will prove fa tal, however. Sheriff R. E. Lewis and Rural Policeman A. H. Prevatt were notified of the affair and went to the scene. They arrested Charley and Hub Hammonds. Hub made bond. -1 11 at the time the wheat iiour is bought. , , , , Sale by millers to wholesalers and wholesalers to retailers of only 70 per cent of the amount of wheat flour sold last year. t, 7onlesR davs a week Mon days and Tuesday and one wheat less meal a day. One meatless day a week Tuesday and one meatless meal a day. Two porkless days a week Tues day and Saturday. Income Tax Man Here. Mr. N. A. Watson, deputy revenue desirine- to be examined. he will bold information and any consumer spend the other three days visiting; wi10 retain in tneir pusbttiuu the schools and doing other work! than one barrel of flour after tney iiiii.j tiiaw iiiv -- - 1 1 a i .- . 1 1 .1 .-.-. y, tuvr.o 'Ui 'J 1 rii r 1 j "(4) That vou suhrnit to us prwiuy- Svlvter Powell, colored, was triea anu some ... for indictment and prosecution tne (h. ;.hari?e of letting hogs run at! unable to ?et. in hearing and seeing on,r n-.orpliir.;'?. who with-u tj - r icnnmi m 'distance of the stage. ine cnorus the schools and doing along health lines. Superior CourlDate For Dixon Trial Will Be Set This After noon. A week's term of Superior court for the trial of criminal cases convened this morning at 10:30. Judge Geo. W. Connor of Wils0n, is presiding Mt- j TT Pittman. of Fairmont, is foreman of the grand jury and Mr. Solicitor ie I TIT T-7 'PrviiTDll IS ntllfPr. collector for this district, arriveu j - 'b MLcLean is here to represent t this morning and will be here all this b .B. McLean week for the purpose of advising the-! tt,e; . fnr thp triai of w. D. Di people in connection witn tne ; , - R pharffed with killing tax and what constitutes an Indian, at Pern .it i i W, ..niAnni'C! r i I 1 1 1 have been given an opportunity to return it to dealers." RAYNHAM NEWS ITEMS. Snnner Friday Evenmer Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Raynham, Jan. 26. AH the b0ys of this section are worrying about the drafting business, but we hope on navment of costs Clarence Simmons, colored, under 16 years old, was given a hearing Thursday afternoon on the charge of driving an automobile. Prayer for judgment was continued upon pay ment of cost. 0. E. S. Appoints Committee On Local Charity Work. At the regular meeting Thursday evening of Lumberton chapter No. 116, Order of the Eastern Star, a com- me ui wib ' i miLTee was auuuiuicu iui iuv-ai nc. that they will escape tne ri k worv the committee being com- Dr. C. iVl. lowmsenu na? posed of Mrs. K House to House Canvass for Red Cross Members. The membership committee of the Red Cross society will make a house to bouse canvass of the town during this week. They hope to secure the membership of all adults not yet con nected with the organization. Per sona interested will please nave u.e membership fee of one dollar in read iness fo:- the committee when they call. Suh-committees will do similar work at the several mills. U.. , i.i 11 Vr in the commissioners room at the court house each day from 9 a. m. till 4 p; m. . . Those desiring lniormaiion uiun& this line should see Mr. Watson. Business Houses Closed Today. Practically all the business houses in town are closed again mud, m compliance with the closing orders tile, impI administration. Urocery stores remained pn up to noon, drygOOOS Stores itvc .v,i. x AI- h5 in school at Littleton broke! shP will have great success. -.mP two months ago, will be named! We are to have a box supper at the -"7 . 1 1 1 4-n...rtrl T. Pone, cnairman, new cierK, .ui. ouv. -. ' - ! nipdamps N. A. Thomnson and f . J . S van Quarter. - Thomas. This committee will be Miss Jessie fctone, oi uus muwu . , , r..ririm.Ktp with anv other cirls were crood to look upon, the numerous songs were catchy, and some of the situations were screams. Everybody seemed to have a good time. Messrs. C. V. Brown and O. C. Connelly will open an office tomorrow on the second floor of the umbertan Dresden and Jennings cotton miUs office building, Elm and Second streets. Mr. Brown has accepted the aeencv for the Penn Mutual Life In- P m m 1 l 11 V T surance Co., oi rmnaaeipnia, whik Mr. Connelly will conduct a broker age business and will handle fertilis er, hav, grain and food products. Mr. Connelly formerly lived at Nichols, S. C, where he was in the anie bns iness. Mr. Brown was formerly cashier of the National Bank , Lum berton, having resigned that posi- tit 1 if a If ru-u uci die We iiuue . . . m . t i ueitvu, iio,.. ,y t "JiJV i i,.ri-.iioTii-n r-f the tfurti ann . ' . . . , i-i. Kisxrivy -j w.v, - " i tion on account oi nis neaa; it will be glad to receive contribu- v . this afternoon. Dixon will ne trieu for first degree murder. Wilmington Star, Jan. 28. Mr. Marvin Barker, called here from Hope well, where he has a position with the nnPntit riponlp. on the sad mission of attending the funeral of his mother,! Mrs. J. T. Barker, who was buried ac Lumberton Saturday, is -himself voru .11 : it the home ot his orniner-iii- on law Mr. J. J. Moore, No. 420 Camp- school house next Friday nignt, reu lst, at 7:30. All are invited Messrs. Thos. L. Stone and Claude L. McCallum were in Rowland Tues dav on business. Mr. McCallum had to'fcave classes fitted. We hope he will net have any more trouble with his eves. u . " .... . i tions of money or clothing irom any one. 'Phone or see any member ot The city Char- this committee if you know of any one in distress. r. . . ... . i j' ', i ii r,-nt Qrl unable to at i 11 i - ' I -l ln no ULiri ill. I III II' U . L -. t i ww ww - c ft.w an aav. j-uiB ib r , , i i il.. wni.e u a iiis ib rrc rrj tc: I,a,Qi r- nehinc the ten "hatless" Mom .ays oruereu u i ioiju tac - Fael Administrator Garfield. city. All members of the committee tmior Red Cross work, of which Mr. W. H. Humphrey is chairman, are asked to meet on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the commissioners' roo a tthe court house. Mr. H. M. McAllister Is Fuel Administrator. Mr. IT. E. Stacv. county food ad ministrator, savs v.eop.e keep calling! ol bin. up asking him about the f uel omer. mi . li. vj. ivicvinsver ui i.u:ii berton is fuel administrator for Robe sm and all such inquires should be re ferred to him. tives. I fit-" I LV LUlUU110DtVUV& O vj- lotte Thursday, after a conterence with the city health officer and Maj W. W. Brown of the U. S. public health service, decided to take imme diate action against the possibility of further snread of spinal meningitis by ordering all schools, churches and theatres the city closed for a. period -,,-eeks. Miss Mary Jones returned yester day frcm Fairmont where she s jent last week visiting friends and rela- A

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