THE T rVRTQO ATT A ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCB VOL. XLIX LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1918. NUMBER 2 RABID DOG BITES BOY. CHAUTAUQUA NEXT WEEK. ' DOWN BOARDMAN WAY. Mad Dor Caused Excitement Early. Reds and Blues in Ticket-Selling Cam- German Measles Epidemic Better This Morning Bit Small Colored paign A Patriotic Program Will j Grow Plenty of Foodstuffs Roy and Gave Others Bad Fright i Be Rendered Any Surplus Goes to Local Red Cross Chapter- MARIETTA NEWS ITEMS. I BALTIMORE NEWS BATCH. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS Addresses on Red Cross and Woman's Death of Mr. E. Troy Mitchell Per- Personal. Boy to Raleigh For Treatment Head of Dog Also Sent to Raleigh. Work Woman's Missionary So ciety Elects Officers. .sonal Sunday School on a Troop Train. Correspondence of The Robesonian. I Correspondence of The Robesonian. There was considerable excitement ! Correspondence of The Robesonian. J Boardman, S. F. D., Feb. 12. The Marietta, Feb. 12. Mr. J. A. Brown, Baltimore (Fairmont. R. 1) Jan. 12. here this morning about 7 o'clock; . . i! weather has been very spring-like for; of Chadburn delivered an address on Rev. J. R. Miller filled his regular ne,e ii ..1 I -at a meeting at, tne court noube Uv. i. n. i a J onn;tmi l-ct Snn.lnv ffcr- uie wotk. ui me iveu liuss in uki Methodist church here Sunday after-; noon. He t, reached a fine sermon, as noon. A large crowd was present and 1 he usually dots, much interest was shown in the work. Miss Kate Page s? hn Sidney Shaw, a 13-year-old col-, - v 'infr nf a fpw ftf ,hp ii the past few days, but we fear there 0red boy, was bitten by a dog sjD- fe interested in boosting the is f iteT a b J6 yet to co?" posed to have been rabid. b0y, be Lumberton Mr James Kelly of Ferment visit- rvt tne uus v . . . j. l. i. j. .i :-,,,t- treet and the dog jumped at rum we., w;iu , xi, i :.u Viim throuerh the left hand. led to carry on a ticket-selling cam- nuu mk ...... a j 1 1 The dog came on up town and jumped i p? n v-ere abolished and Miss Annie At Tom Graham, colored, and caught Ruth Caldwell was elected captain of u:, Qt in firaham s rants, uranam ed his son Mr. Livey Kelly Sunday and Monday. the sick list the past week. . j i t- kicked the dog loose ana trie uug nxsyt iroing. The dog also jumped at Mr. and later met Mr. Wearn Shelby near the Thompson hos- the Reds and Mrs. E. R. Molntyre captain of the Blues. They selected lieutenants to help them follows:; T 1 TlT T 1 1 T. J 1 neas misses Gillian rrociur, vjeui i f n T Qatn.vkv Miss Amelia Linkhauer left Tues day for New York and Baltimore to buy springs goods for her millinery store. Mr. R. A. Powell of R. 2 from Lumherton has accepted a position as salesman in Mr. K. M. Bigg's de partment store. Mr. F. A. McLeod returned this morning from St. Louis, Mo., where he went to purchase mules for Mr. V. If. Fuller's sales barn. The Pickert sisters and their company pleased large crowds at the ent the week-end onera house Mondav and Tuesdav eve- Following Mr. Brown's address, Mrs. ' with honie folks near Marietta. nins and Tusday matinee. Gilod good plays. The junior membership commit tee, Mr. W. H. Humphrey, chairman, of the local Bed Cross, will meet to morrow evening in the commissioners' room ;it the court house. --a . - - . . - I 1 , . . . . - l- r. in 1 1 f- Krnnm tnU-o. mi t ip wnman's work -Hi. van ni im;t n, wiiu is m '- ronii .:mv. iviiss iviozeiie Keiiy nas neen un i durintr the war. I training camp at ump jacKSon, o. i i j j i j l - The Woman's Missionary society : spent Saturday night and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Freeman imllfVf up AWVirvlict rVmrrh hld it rp-.r. with Ids narents here children of Bladenboro visited Mrs.niij,r nipPt;nfT. Fohmnrv 11 with ATt - .Miss Velraa Floyd is spending 4! p f ' .1 , ! ii t- t- ii i ..t i-..:.. i - Whitefield, Miriam Weinstein, Kath- pital and Va Wsmoutti Ti "T"' S&pfh Cale' A & E Friday after spendi Shelby said the , dog had his mouth j j. Goodwin; Bkies-Misses Ehza- or; twQ witb hoyme folks. D. F. Hester Sunday afternoon. rw t jpnrette The officers for the1 week with Mrs. P. R. Floyi Mr. J. E. Hill made a business trip PTlsllin vpr wore f.iPOte(l as follows: : mont. Prociiont iirc w T Jpnvpttp- vico-1 Sovvv to report Mr. Ruphus Wal- Mr. Harrv Kellv returned to the ! Qt.-tvT m t niw-ov co,.otvv ters verv sick witn uneumonia, aLo UM n nwl; ' . -it "b I -Mrs. W. P Oliver; treasurer, Miss filled with feathers when he passed beth Breece. Hazel .Carlyle, Mae Sea him. . J. bolt, Viola Jenkins, Drina Hedgepeth Several people were in pursuit of and Mr- Regan Mclntyre. the (log and after he had made sev- These teams are now engaged in a era! rounds about town he was shot j campaign, for the sale of season tick and killed by Mr. Rowland Deese near , ets ciocl in Messrs White & Gough's tit finsnpl Tabernacle. Hayes Kemp, Utovp ehnv.- windows will show the colored, fired several shots at the dog j standing of each team from day to day. Tickets good tor tne a attrac- frmn a road cart before Mr. Deese ;.!.. shot him. , . The dog's head was cut off and sent to Raleigh this morning by P. N. Cresfield, colored, who accompanied the Shaw boy to Raleigh, where he will take the Pasteur treatment. A number ot people wno saw trie tions during the three days are being sold for $1.50 for adults and 7oc for children. The Chautauqua will be held at the Pastime theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. A "Wake Up, America' program will be given. It includes lectures dot: say he had all the appearances j on patriotic subjects, orchestra num of being rabid. . bers, readings, etc. All the surplus While the dog was known to have ah0ve the guarantee for the Radchf f e rBaA a number of other doers, it has! 11 be donated to the local f Koon Wrned whether or not it; Torr Prose rhanter. Mrs. D. C. Bulla rd and children ot Lumberton are spendinp- a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Hester, near Boardman. Mrs. W. A. Tyner and Mrs. Walter Singletary of the Bladenboro section spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. Ira West. Mr. D. F. Hester continues on the sick list. Dr. Huchinson of Bladen boro was to see him Friday. He pro nounced it cold. Sorry to report Mr. W. E. Lewis, of the Bladenboro section very ill of pneumonia Mr. and Thursday J Laura Scarboro. The next meeting will be with Mrs. S. ftf. Oliver. Mr. W. H. Oliver of Raleigh arriv ed here Monday and will spend a few days with his mother, Mrs. M. J. Oliver. He has just returned from Fort Thomas, Ky., where he was call ed to the bedside of his brother, Ber nard, who is ill with pneumonia Mrs. E. M. Smith s'.iH unimproved Miss Emma Prevatt is visitin; Uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson Newman Miller and Miss Ora Mr- Alfred W. Brown, a special agent of the North Carolina Corpor- : ation ( ommission spent vesterday neTl here looking after those who have not -'- raid their inheritance tax. Dr. T. F. Costner and family mov- attended is McCormick of Centenary preaching here Sunday. Miss Annie Goms of Barnesvill visiting her grand parents here. A. O. Inman ot UitevUIC li her I d 1 iday from the Peterson residence, urs. Mrs. W. R. Davis spent Chestnut street, into the Millsaps house, Elm street. Ir. Costlier pur chased the Millsaps property some time airo. .... . .1 . i l. . I lr. n'inin AT th. r ,,.(. r- fct Miss Sallie Connelly spent several spent the weeic-erm neve wun ner p - " "V.' "C . .'' A""" II dnvs in Fairmont last week. sister .Urs. E. 1 . Mitcnen. I lif jA i n 1 . '(,u Mr and Mrs W M OHver, Mr. A.' Last Thursday morning about 6:30 to that of Oden ft Powell.. Mr. W H. rlh - -VilS- V X ' j I tu- tt Tit naP,l into his ;Pivatt sold his interest in the busi- v. Harrington, ivir. j- mj. nei u x. . t-- -- . . at;c Mnhol C.herrv attended the ouar- reward. Deceased had been in Lad 4-,.U. fv, of Cnrmrmf Satlir. hefdth flW 80006 tilUC Z7 c " been confined to his bed for about! -Mr. Marvin Barker, who had been cin Monon R r a week, with pneumonia. Mr. Mitch- sick in Wilmington for Mr. 6. S. Oden, who has hut h-d o'dv enarjre oi ine stove on v nestnut stieet. T,nt heen learned whether bit any other dog. It is safe to say, however, that too many dogs are run ning at large in town. NEGRO ATTACKS YOUNG WOMAN AT MAXT0N FARMERS EXCEPTED. Rewards Aggregating $300 Offered for Negro Who Attacked a White Wo man on a Maxton Street Tuesday Evening a Suspect Arrested and Brought to Jail Here. Those Who Produce and Are Using Their Own Cereal Substitutes May Buy Flour Alone. some toiee with their daughter, Mrs.Us visitine her neice Mrs. M. J. Oliver. ell had many friends throughout the I weeks arrived here yesterday ana win N. Kelly. Miss Kate Page, who is teaching i community and was one ot tne rat spend a Tew ias visiting iriemis oe- Mr. Haves Hester spent Sunday t Kaltimore. snent Sunday with home citizens. He was upngnt in e;.ei lore Roing w m m ww with nis brotner Mr. u. v . nusier. folks L i L ! . I n i ir; i3 i i i . v. ... - - - . " ' - resoect and will be greatly miss M i well, Va. His condition is very much Mr. J. W Ellis spent the week-end 1 Mr Forest Hamilton, who has been i by his many triends. ine iunerai , impioeu. at Raeford with his brother Mr.j attending the Sweenev Auto school i services were conducted at ms home. Mr. Ira B. Townsend, town clerk Pearson Ellis. Kansas City, Mo., returned last week. ; Friday morning at 10 o clock by his ami treasurer, is going to order a ser Rr.,.n to Mr and Mrs. Alex. Fields. 11 . I nastor. Rev. J. R. Miller. Interment vv(t flA for the town and will be Farmers who produce alid are using their own cereal substitutes are al lowed under a new ruling of the food administration to purchase nour aione riVinnt hnvinc to purchase equal mmntitv of some other cereal. The a hmm white woman was attack-! new ruling is set "forth in aletter re- about 7:45 o'clock Tuesday n gnu ."T"TC;in rmantities not ex- was on the way to her boarding pince - & f r custom- s8ems to be the when the negro went up uemi Who sien a formal certificate !SAf SSSLStSi I st'ltinV thaTthey have produced a,d a 7-nound eirl German measles seem to be growing very rapidly, several new cases, hav ing developed in the past few days. Manv new farmers who have never grown tobacco are preparing to do so. the most we have ever known. We think it wise to grow a small acreage of it to help us meet our debts, but we trust we wont forget to raise nlentv of foodstuffs for our own use and some to spare, for our money i would do nothing tor us n some one doesn't make a lot to spare; so we bone each aim this gi eat idea is going to be ever before. Stalk -cutting WHO GO IN CLASS 1. Local Boards Urged to Place Single Men in Class 1 Married Men In Deferred Class. To the Editor of The Robesonian. Wo hoMo reeeiv d from Governor T was made in the family budymg ia(i t0 include orders for any who will ground near his home. He is sur- finish the price of a flap. He will vived by his wife, seven children, and charre nothing for his services in or e host of grandchildren. We extend dering. A 2x3 wool flag costs $1.70. cur sincere sympathy to the surviving , u,s R violation of the iaw to allow one.s" , t t, i-u -a v,ii chickens to run at large in town, but And Jesus hath said to him- ; still there are many who are violat "Well done, thou good and faithful j thg ,aw that respect. chicken servant, enter into the joy of toy owners shoui(j remember that chick Lord." .. . ! pnR and yardens will not mix to the I am asking you to copy tne piiow- saUsfact.on of thoge whQ Qwn the ing statement cut from the Sundav school times of January 19, 1918. It , & is how the boys from Camp Jackson; T H J ar i j u v.Uiac1 tiia i r n uvci tin. , v,. lCL t.t iciir who bit his other mOWn OI tne JV'6 ' i-lna-n i the infer severely. ine ncSiy '.' , li itJ unTQvnv s ip man- OI t enoKea nis vicwiii. n""! :- . . e using corn meal, grits, hominy or cereal substitutes contango, m list included m tne recent oiuei he food administration to tne same BELLAMY BRIEFS. fire con. puny was called out ac- He be cais dore. from a . - . . . . r H ll V T.J ' 1 lit' I J 1 I I til 11 ill 11 I 111.11 till. 111V. uii.i .vm suuuui i men luiuiiiv, - r. . F . Ar.-tavr-oA For the inf orma-1 nnnniAT school ox a troop train, snark.from a stove. nunit. n i, i . i . . . - . . w r it - By carl a. hmhoti""i i the Signal Lor; Fvtr "r;. 1 art a ennv nf a letter address-1 -I.. v . l... j l f ; wntordav afternoon at 3:lo on cvy or wui im ZZ,. helu.Bmie service on ooaai 3T "f- uu- on the rorf Ot I in mmu. auo ic -w , . g ; , na n piocvfieation of . Tr " 1 kn a, the of Dt. J. D t i - i a l , iii i m i r r i c v, w t . . - - i - - i j . . i . i . . . , . r w l: u v iiiih iii liic . . - scarcer ana mgner uku, - r mts. ureine that all smgle men " Sundvi gan, Cedar nd Second streets. 1 . .. . .... u tA j 1 aa that all mar- V"i" " fire was ext neu shed with cbem: and hauling-leraiizer h f to scnooi won hef ore much damage had been order of the lay. families, be placed in ! It UTsupposed the fire started " h assail- I extern as they use Hour. - agi w miw w VrTi" " m' Wk olesaleis, jobbers, miners auu ant and gave the alarm, Ts I brokers fie authorised to sell to re ran across the fieW and was tracked j wok g alone hl SUCh quantities to the ranroaa suuw "'"prvrzi,,. retailers have sold to larmers un from the scene of the attack. He left as ieta -iei. - stated, balanc a bruise on the neck of the young wo- der the - f haBDale of flou?' the eer man and also scratched hex face. rae;vd bv th retailer from ' LIU-"'-'-" - .... , J I a-.-v.ov These cerxilica-.s m luih i r v Willi i.oc nppn i eieu A reWttlU n uwu ii" "vv"iT7 4.1,-. ? ! il. . 4- . Kn TIOT-.TI I i r T.lilS 1 b.lC amount S100 bv (100 by the town of Maxcoi arrest of the nepo. ui ims d by wholesaler or other! Is visiting her $100 is offered by the State ,i i naj De usea inst urchases oi i s?m Phillips, the county commissioners and ; dealer to easa Mr. and Mrs Roads in Bad Shape Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Bellamy, Feb. 13. Rev. L. E. Daily -Fniori Vic: vpo-r.lar annointiiient at An- 11111..U "in - ' " X- tioch Saturday and buntlay. Mrs. M. J. Todd and daughter, Miss Ava, spent a short while at Lumber -ton Saturday. Mrs Nona Hooner of Fayetteviila is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'i he Dock DOUelass, coiorea, a , T, fA Hoalers doing a ' ' . I T J ( ' . FIX I. I All ' uijucv-t. t k-. cnrsni Mrs. Wright Pitman and . i 4-n tr, ihp v,ririQTi Maotprs (ira ana riu- ( f !-.-' V" MlUft I'Kl n ,L k .A. A. J tlUll i l.' J.J.VAIWAAa was arrested this mornn iga. u i f rn $iQ0,000 are not brought here and placed m Jail. While husme ss .JYebruarv lfith. vhen the young woman could not identify Piect to 11 effective for all the negro as her assaila, she said he Mfers and jobbers and for nas the size and she believed ne was ggrs wn0 do a business of rne man wnu ati.a.i;tcvi ici. ' S100000 per year. PARKT0N SOLDIER KILLED AT VIMY RIDGE. RECORDER'S COURT. Ir. D. W. Marsh of Parkton Receives Definite News of Fate of His Son G. H. Marsh Enlisted in Canada Before U. S. Entered War. White Boys Ordered to Training School Colored Women and Men in Tolls Other Cases. m, fiJWi't eases have been dis k disnatch of the 13th from Otta-1 posed of by Recorder E. M- Britt: JtSSSCrmiB as follows: jP ffi. Brigmar, trespass 30 to bert, visited Mr. and Mrs. ( barley Iai tovHo nt Rlarienboro Sunday. Mr. J. B. McLean spent Saturday at Pembroke. Mpsrs Wrisrht and Dan Pitman and James Barfield were Lumberton visitors Saturday. Mr Frank McNeill from near nope Mills" visited in this section recently. Mrs. G. W.. Barfield spent last Fri day at Bladenboro. Mrs. W. W. Pitman and daughter, Miss Mary, were Lumberton visitors Saturday morning. . Bad roads is the general talk m this section. If they get much worse it looks like the folks will have to quit traveling. . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mercer are all smiles; it's a girl. Merchants Met to Discuss New tion of the public we quote the letter j herewith : , , "To All Government Appeal Agents: V ml n rp directed to enter an appeal in behalf of the Government Ill tU. ' C5 . -I 1 In everv case where a single man is not placed in Class 1, except ;the cases of those registrants placed -ii it- u 4-1, i-.ral V.nnrri under m iasa v u.y me " , : mvplf the iue I section 1NO. y, ruie .u. j-t., be he'.d on I sr,ect of these cases you win exercise I the same discretion expected of you in all matters connected with the dratt to the end tnat tnere is violation of the rules of classmcation. 2 In every case where a married man is placed in Class 1, unless appeal t,oo oironiv heen taken by or on be half of the registrant, and unless it appears a man has neen put m 1 because he has not been in the habit nrfinr hi wife and family. Please acknowledge the receipt of i i . JIi-,,-l 4-! i n f I this letter, and let me onaerswuu you propose to carry out strictly these instructions. rmm Results of physical examination military Va smttiu Lor&j. i nn Snnrlav thi-i past December a troop' Qf registrants lor j train was on its way from Camp Jacon. as pfghed in Monday's Robesonian Columbia, a -j . ; not. stan(i under the new rules ere flashed into ihy mind a story I farf and regulations, under which very heard Ur. bamuei u., ya.- . 1 -Tour mpn vvi tie (liscnaruea iui unva- thP surolus material department. of the mmi . , ,- U:i: .. Via" lit will he years Lo of a Sunday school v.-hich v?, he.d changed almost entirely, so far as on board the good ship Cym'-ic in mi d-oe ear. those vno failed to pass are concern- It was a wonderful experience. 1 hen 1 bmo u ir.i Vmnivl nasscs on the -tion if Sunday scnooi cubiuicu, wucu i-n- . - - ;J . 1 S - i L., ( ....n.n.i.-. T 111 llt-T a stenmsnip in nua-wmmi, ""j . jieil liiul cuinj'uac un. nov. couldn't it be held on a troop Train :.yini; . way across our great co.'u..e... . r."l v.. ...u Hollis. The it'ea gripped me ar.u jj-j y f aimiwli uui nnu " complfahed. We did not tove Bishop Vm fl about 12 years ag0, was a SntoSd'tJ heIpBmee ScripS and I Lumherton visitor Tuesday. Mr.. Mc- rad the discusTion in each of the car,, as i Millan is in the turpentine business we should go ir Sunday school he KWftW at a town in Florida he sat At leasl using taments tnax " I in the course of the meal that every I'lan SiinHav school in our company street. Mr. A. S. McMillan, formerly of ion in each of the car-, as 1 I,lan 1S n tbe turpentine uusuitraa rom one to another. As the ; during the past year has lived at ie!d on the steamship irade it 1 r, fl o r 11. fut one Hav steamship, this Sunday scnooi 1 McColl, S. C. He Say S tnat one M, , 0 n snn iav school tram. I roortiv at a town in r lorida he sat st -r per cent of the bosrs" iSSd down to table with three men he had A-SK.'Jf'iSri er seen befo and it developed i in tne course 01 tne wau "i were made after our arriva!, the fo -, them was frorn Robeson county. - I I V h A . I'alliaiUill ivt-w . veek, the re Thursday and the Edwards order from 'cur commanding officer fr us I died Tuesday of last W 4J S:2ins being Uught in 1 e-rouDS of soldiers gaxnereu. , V, .! HMriIHSllfc - CUSSeu DlL'it: ty"-- uuveiiwi. , . , t, h have , We are publishing this letter so j not a day "passes but made near UIUS PilftUW"! M ' ,. - j . n n.nvn nntiee Ot "The names of three Americans ap- on roads. to make a laM that the young men who arc P W I in Class 1 may understand that tne ais- KeHy FieId No i, south cretion of the local ooara m lesu. i aTn Dro. . ine, ""i 1 home, as stated in Thursday's Kooe- ven me. "freacner, . ' , rr,i,.,lo,. itrlit tn some one calls me tori soman, retuineu x ucac.y tl-at in connection ' Vinmp nt NeWDOn .NTObj, ----- i x 1 1 O aav i erv sick with to their classifiSon has been prae- SPRINGS NEWS ITEMS. ai ticaDy withdrawn by the Governor, I and Mrs tdw ar and that in except very hard cases Ee. San Antono. ICW. "T i & - v, Q Tt- F.H- nneunioniH tio - I rorHs' mother. Mrs. . H. tdwaros, C4.XVkJ 7 - . ds will remain nere he is able to return . i . n.. A nnrr I nrToal n them was G. H. Marsh, Parkton, N. C, $100 appeal Jwnd lillpfl in action. A long distance 'phone message from Parkton to The Robesonian Eff WMte Tolored, failnre tosup- nort family; judgment susf"- on nayment oi cost . -li - Tr" xjorvirvininrls- Indian, allowing u iiu igs to run at larg' iy iromuuawa meni unT ; 7 , . tQ flRoi him that, at last dei-i Kecoraer dh : ir viiiviaia au viomt ' 1 1 1 . nnnienmHiiL ui i mite information had baen obtained ot the fate of his son and that he was killed at the battle of Vimy Ridge on the 28th of April, 1917. f. Manh was advised last May that his son was reported wounded and miss i ' and he had heen in communication ever sinec with officials at Ottawa, but had not been able to get positive information until Monday. Mr. G. H. Marsh was about 27 years old when he was killed. He was a sol dier in the service of Uncle Sam ior all coioreu, q0 day jaii i m . , v - w l Km ami iit: n e two years tetor going " . r irott Faulk was given brings the information that Mr. V. W. Jim , - - .Marsh, lather ot n. wma, , jr", nW navment of cost. ed a telegram Monday irom uuw- me nt is going t impose a more sevcic r " r-"j on any others who may be tried for WSHL iSS ,m anT'David and Howard Bryant aU yo-ung white boys, n.jwi.u . ' mi -mnrAor order- S to the' tram eu m., wprp arrested yes- SffSiS by CMe McLood and spent last night m ja.l fc males, Ross Brown and Everett Farik, all colored, disturuing w so p 1 Around 50 Robeson county mer tiant met. in the --court house here Monday for the purpose of discussing the new food regulations and listen ing to the views of County Food Ad ministrator H. E. Stacy What Mr. Stacy had to say in regard to the tood .!... rvrtiftiVnllv covered in an . : ,WKchor1 m Mondav S KODe- lil Lei v ic w jjuuno"vu " , j ivtonw nnest.ions were asKea BUUiau- i ivff cott in T-oo-nrd to the new reg i-j.: v.q m intr in reeard to Uiauuna ; , ."v. splline- farmers Hour seemea uc most difficult one for the merchants. However, as will be seen from a news item published elsewhere in this issue, the ruling has been changed and farm ers can buy flour m small lots .by i : nn.ifiatpa to T,ne eiicti ""v Snowing i,cihxh.i.vw - . j they have their own meal, grits and other cerals. there is nothing lelt tor us except place single Chairman Robeson Exemption Board Lumberton, N. C, Feb. 12, 1918. Attended War Savings Institute. Prof. R. E. Sentelle, superintendent Mr. Leonard Leaves For Y. M. C. A.j Work Personal Mention. Correspondence of The Robesonian. j Red Springs, Feb. 13.-Miss Annie Belle Williams has returned from a visit to friends in Fayetteville. nr t t r.nnduiti is visiting her 1115. ll . 1ST SECTION 1ST GARDE RETURN TO SCHOOL MONDAY j j 1 pnhnn I c ir. vv . r.. iix-i i. peilllLtMlUCUi- ui ovaww, . tt U) iuii'"i ' ,i i 1 ATicci l-.i i 4-,. v,QoH-Vi nffirer; Dr. A. rl. -mt aanTt Rnllock and -Miss ( riltllli, tUUUlT . J I i'ii'J, listed before the United States en tered th war Planters Warehouse Co. Charter ed. The Planters Warehouse Co. of Lumherton has rerentlv been charter ed. Tho authorized canital is $125,- 000, with $1,200 subscribed by A. w. McLean, R. D. and L. H. Caldwell and K. M. Biggs. . As has been stated in The t Robe sonian, this new company will build a new Brown was allowed to go n u fl,e COSt in nis case. xww SJ hL2SdinK to the evidence, were r imri the snnT.n- Wno Biainreu i i "ort Williams: Me.7 to Ottawa to en- sentences Me e ist in the Canadian army, He en- a 30 day road 1 se .nocefree by pay. trt-of-sy. Bight eastern pait ,- w" n(j it .i ; onrdnms when Koss anu Svet iroSeded to give them a whipping. Indian Teachers Will Meet Sat urday. A me.ei ine of the Indian, teachers a "..rr. 1..U uar.a snt . ii. - ,t-.,t7 mi ne iiciu nT i.iit' tuuij tnis new cgmimiu . , , u: ,.,ooL- An mierestiuii brick tobacco sales warehouse , urday oi ."' arranged and all T-. . . i j tfa The Tiros-ram IS corner rii-st ana euai bh- -- i---"T , material has already been o the erection of the building Kerr county farm demonstrator; and Postmaster U. u. rrencn last night from Raleigh, where they attended the War Savings institute n Vtt niroftor Fries of the Wai Savings committee for North Cav-i olina. Supt. senreiie sajs great meeting, that there were rep resentative citizens in attendance from all over the State, and that a wave of ii : oWnt the entire crowd. An enthusiastic drive win dc at once to organize war bo - Thrift stamps societies in every school and in every cluo in tne cuu. Robeson Reserve Militia Will Meet Next Monday. About 20 of the 26 members of the Lumberton detachment oi tne Kooe son reserve militia met in the court house Monday evening.. The meeting was called, by First Untenant , C V Brown. iNOthmg ei iiUtr- done at the meeting. A meeting of the Mary ' McEachern spent Monday in Fayetteville shopping. Mrs. Hiriam Grantham and guests, Miss Lila Brown of Salisbury Miss Louise Purnell, Mrs. J. G. WOhama, a T Mp n um. iviiss aw; Miss Nance Will Combine Her and Miss Dexter's Classes Section A. Pupils in Morning and Section B. Pupils from 12:2C Miss Dexter Will Undergo Operation. Pnrti Is of Miss Elizabeth Dexter's grade at the graded school .are re- .1 j 1 : nilrnnl OOTQ1T1 MOT1 reets. rne progrm L - th county are'more opumis material has already been bought ior tne iw TOJ the meeting. uation there BAMtVW" vw Camp Green May Not Be Aban doned. j: 4-u fiio I9.t.h from Wash- bSSd tW Seeretary Baker ; 6j iiot r.ntrin Greene, Char- lotte, now occupied by regular dm Would not be continued as a per manent training camp becanse of an- :4-K;iifxr nf the. erround on whicn it S llLtlUlllt.T 1 7C innate.!. A strong delegation h to Washington from VT rtt Sec- entire T company of the county will be dispatch last night state, that Sec Monday afternoon at 2 rptarv liaKer anuuum. - Sat he had directed that aactaan re garding the abandonment of the camp garuiiis t WM ji-o, the verification of De nem y ""'-"Ia aa fn the sit- optimisuu icpwiw u 1 1 . - stated in The Robeson- been divided into 3 "detSnmente with headquartrs at Lumberton, Maxton ana ruiacuu thEariybhavinness and little daugh ter, Kate Morrison of Bennettsville, S C, spent tne wb.-cih a John W. Graham. ' , Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Leonard left Monday for Selma, where they will ,T,oi4- r-olntives for a few days. Mr. Leonard will go to Boston to enter Y M 'C. A. work and Mrs. Leonard will return to Red Springs for the remainder of the school year- Mr. Leonard's successor, Mr. nurst, cum men perl his work Tuesday. Miss Gertrude cosuck is vbhwihs her sister Miss Helen Bostich at Bai- i ... Mr. on Mrs. Kins of St. Pauls spent Sunday with their daughter Mrs Tnm T.nvin. Mr onH Mi3 Kenneth Denny and little 'daughter, Sallie Mac, left today for High Point, whereMr Denny has lowing: pupils in the A. section, in first reader, will attenu in um mvi ing, as usual, and those in B. section will go at 12:20. They will be taught by Miss Lillian Nance, teacher ot the second section of the first grade. Miss Nance's pupils have been doing -i v.o came work Miss Dexier s pupils nave Deen wwk. .-3 x-ttq win cimnlv combine the A. ana B. sections of her and Miss Dexter classes. . . ,, .ion As stated in monaay s ivuuu. Km novtor lpft. Mondav evening for her home at Elizabeth City to undego an opranun iui 1..- . Sentelle received from her last night a telegram in which she advised naj further examination confirmed tne opinion that an operation acst w performed at once and that it would be necessary to fill her place perma nentdy. However, no additional teach- 9 2 Jf - il ill faiMfhnr Wim iui xxs" a. , . rr,iin. Ur w he emoloveu uniuiuiiM" Ha-Av4 a .irmn wun ri H i umiiu- - - aCCcpWJU puoiwu" " r . son chair factory. is received from Miss Dexter.