TH VIA ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. ROBESONIAN tUUMKI. liUU AiXU I KI TH S2fW All. DI E IN AUVANC1 VOL. 1XL LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1918 NUMBER 0 . -- HOW MUCH FOR ROOSTER? A large Plymouth Rock roost er which rejoices in the name Harris Dunie will be sold at auction this evening for the Red Cross in ftont of the Pope drug store. DRIVE FOR $2,500 100 PER CENT PATRIOTIC RED CROSS RALLIES PAEKr0N PAEAORAraa candidates foe office People of McDonalds Community Are i Red i eftxr vjrk wu d j . . 1 setter Night With Red Cross No Countv Primary Will tUMA ilitr. ti.: r. r ! Thro n Va. 11 ,.,;n m ! - 1 nmarJ wul e Held Lx - wpunsiDuiues in,-- "J"5U"U1S xowu3iuy: Sunday Sehnnl - The War TreWed Allotment in Liberty Loan and Intend to Do the Same Thing in Red Cross Drive. Sunday. There will be a Red Cross rally at Regan's church, Howellsville town ship, next Sunday at 11 a. m Rev -Children's Day Nfext Sunday j Funeral of Mr. Frank Davis Per sonal and Other Items McDonalds is a community about A- s- Parker will be the speaker. Ral- rftatx. , . . i hid. m wv ... JMes will also be held both at Zion's Correspondence of The Robesonian. 8ry m Robeson thls : mvL.aW - - - x. 1 1 mm . , i any county couiq an or a to x tu j D i 7 , , . i co nit RV l,.mhrt wi u- t: . , .. ! Tabernacle and Barker's churches in i wmmm uiu-s. At is not a large community in the same townshio Sundav at 3 . m m i x numWra anJ it-- i nx. x,j 4-1 TUfn Pvonlr "U x T 1 ' Ml xxv...uv.xo, anu iu la liut UUIiCU 1UI LUC! ... X J. aim uuujll Ul LHUIIUCLWII WUI cept to Nominate Road Commis sioners in Districts 3 and 4 The Candidates. No county primary will be neces- year except in CROWDED OUT. Much correspondence and other matter intended for to day's paper must be held over for the next issue on account of extra advertising and Red Ctoh matter. Everything must give way for the Red Crows thin week. Cross Chapter and Auxiliaries. See Mr. Lawrence. i wealth of its people, but when it comes to 100 per cent patriotism that com- i munity yields to none. It is the only ; community in Robeson that trebled Mr. R. C. Lawrence chairman of the ' its allotment in the third Liberty Tumberton Red Cross chapter War loan and now it proposes to treble , .u 4-w n ,wx ft allotment in the Red Cross drive Fund committee, asks that all who thig weejc have contributed or expect to con-i Messrs. Frank Gough and Hr. E. tribute to the Red Cross see him be- Stacy of Lumberton, ex-State Sen fore Saturday night, when the present and , Senator-to-be, respectively, drive closes. This applies to people caressed a Red Cross rally at Mc living in the rural districts surround- Donalds Monaay night and they came ine Lumberton as well as those liv- away singing the praises of that nest jr :n town. of Patriots. It does not always happen The Lumberton chapter and aux- worsera come away irom a meex mty m the third Liberty loan cam- iliaries are making an effort to raise , wneie tn&y nave xriea to arouse rpaign will be unfurled at this rally. ioc ui men uuo in me , me DUM1C IS invited. speak at Zion's Tabernacle, while Rev. A. Sj. barker will address at Barker's. Mr. T Tolarsville has charge Cross drive in Howellsville township ana is anxious tnat as many as pos sibly can attend these rallies. At Tolarsville Sunday 8:30 P. M. There will be a patriotic rally at Tolarsville Baptist church Sunday eve ning, beginning at 8:30. A program will be rendered by the children of the community and Mr. Frank Gough of Lumberton will make an address. J . . 1 TTT" nrtwr. mmMm mm . roan rammiosinror Hiof.f vT nnir.r r us ilk i n . i vvwn rancton, May 21. Tonight was a ! and 4, in which districts there are two red-letter nich with 4w dj r ! Democratic candidates for commis-1 of Parkton at the auditorium when ! Sl0nr; Th? time for fiIing notice of d MM..,.- n ri a . . . mm - r'anmn The honor flag wonl)y that commu- dered splendid aid uivr aucttive man tnis At the close u -ir tndu- of his speech subscriptions and ch ! man-; McKay McKinnon of Maxton and were rawed more than $400 for the benefit of the Red Cross fund. A splendid musical program was ren dered by the young ladies of the Red Cross, with Miss Annie Williamson at tne piano. Miss Sadie McKinzie ren-l dered a splendid solo which was much i enjoyed. The three pastors of the! rnmti fi'.iV,nr. . . ...un.ires veie present, ana ren- Lumberton Chapter 116, O. E. S. 8:30. accepted a irs drug $2,500 and contributions amounting I'60?1 to a sense 5 j Jonnson of St- Pauls, met here Mr. K. M.Barnes, treasurer of the Monday and canvasse dthe applica- Planters Bank & Trust Co., is attend- tions. lhe following had filed notice ing a meeting of the State Bankers Of their CandldaCV for the various nf. assnpin Hnn in PolaiK ' ifices: , t 13 " State Senate: Democrat H F . LThe Civilian Relief committee of Stacy: Republican, W H. Kinlaw ' the Luberton Red Cross chapter will House of Representatives: Democrat meet tom,ht in the commissioners' J. S. Oliver, G. B. Sellers; Republi-1 room at the court house at 8:3 can L. E. Tvner. C. R. Hpster The km fnr t-t. i i Z-1!-..! (- " " o .ui ill l:.C lULai to $1,635 have been reported to date. ALLOTMENTS OF NITRATE. Friday Evening 21; Red Springs, 47; Pembroke, 49;! er W . otner communities i I i'JSSU 9. si Pink. 27: Lum-i Robeson that are full of people who Fairmont, 52; St. Pauls, 27; Lum berton, 158. About 10 per cent of the total amount applied for was distributed in the first shipment. Another ship ment is expected to arrive about May 30th. HIGH SCHOOL FINALS. are as good as the people of Mc Donalds. What is the difference : Simply that the people of McDonalds have waked up to what the war mears, to what the Red Cross means. When people begin to really understand these things they are eager to do their best to help. Thank God for McDonalds. public is invited. feeling heartened for further ef-jt ProctorviUe forts, but that is the way Messrs I Gough and Stacy came away from Mc- 8 :30. : A crowd which filled the school LA Red Cross rally will be held at house attended the meeting Mr. I Proctorville Friday evening, May 24, How the 588 Tons Allotted to Robeson Gough ascertained bv a question at ft 8:30. Messrs Frank Gough and m m he bejdnninsr of the meeting that'H- ? Stacy will be the speakers. The County win ue uisinouiea. r early every cne in the house, from In Monday's Robesonian it was stat- the tots to the greybeards was a ed that a shipload of nitrate of soda member of the Red Cross They said was exnected to arrive at Wilmington their allotment in this Red Cross about the 24th inst. and that the Gov- drive was $250. After the speaking eminent had allotted 588 tons of this!? canvass of the crowd resulted m a shipment to Robeson county. Mr. W. collection of $234. Then Mr Gough K Bethune, chairman of the county , Jing an idea he had gotten at a Red committee, advises that this second Cross rally 'in Baltimore last week, Sment, of which Robeson is allot- j sold at auction a Red Cross button he ted about 15 per cent of the total bought ,n Ealtunore. bn soM amount applied for, will be allotted asj Rowlknd. 47 tons; Marietta. 18; sum rais.ed that night was $275; and Lumber Bridge 42; Maxton, 72; Pur-, the people say they are going to make tZ oi. Mn.i 3d- Proctorvilla. it $750 before the close of the week. 1 . mm -T 1 I A t . TAFT'S VICTORY MESSAGE Last Sunday was a great dav with ' n jS' Superior Court: Democrat the Baptist Sundav school. The num- S R SklPPer" Republican T. F. ber present was 170. There was a contest with the red and white top Sheriff : Democrat R. E. Lewis, the whiie rose winning. Thereby the "ePnoiican-Joseph Allei reds re to entertain the u.-Viito nr, Friday evening in the rear Sundav schooi room of the new Baptist church at 8 o'clock. Ice cream and cake will be served and at 9 o'clock tiCKets will be given to the picture gallery. Prof. H. W moving Dr. Beaman will Preach Baccalaure ate Sermon Sunday at Presbyteri an Church Graduating Exercises 31st. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. Begins at Red Springs May 27 Over 130 Teachers Have Registered. Corresoondence of The Robesonian. The Lumberton high school will rinse Friday of next week, with lit- KSam arTSSirS ex Over 130 teachers have registered e" ces a 8:30. It Sot ve? Sown for the teachers' institute to be held wholl deliver the literary address, at Red Springs beginning Monday, nreiedasSSavT EVr. C. ve'turses in primary work will Kan, pastor of Chestnut Street be given, four in the grammar grades terian church at 11 a. m. two music "Unconquered and unconquerable certain of victory, we are determined through the American Red Cross to lessen the price every fighter and the people of the Allies have to pay for those of us as yet safe on this side of the Atlantic." This victory message voiced by more than 20,000,000 loyal Americana marked the opening today of the sec? ond War Fund drive for $100,000,0001 to De used in neighborly and humani tarian measures for winning the war. "I hope that every Red Cross mem ber will repeat this confident mes-; sage," said Ex-President Taft. "It is designed to show everyone that this fund for humanitarian relief is really a business-like method of help ing to win the war. The words themselves may not reach the troops "in the line or the war harrassed civil ians, but the tangible results of this appeal must convince them that America backs her own men and is a real ally. This will help to main tain their winning spirit. "American Red Cross activities in clude a wide range of human salvage. First, for the re lief of our boys and the fighters of the Allies the main tenance of great hospital and unfail- Doubd. of AherH one of our former principals of the graded school, delivered an address at the Baptist church Sunday morn in at 11 o'clock to a large congrega tion. The addiess was much enjoyed. Prof, and Mrs. Doubd have many friends in our town and section, and their visits are always enjoyed Children's day services will be ob served on next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the M. E. Church, to which th public is most cordially invited. lied Cross work rooms have been changed to 5 to 7 o'clock. Hereto fore the hours have been from 4 to G. Mr. C. M. Barker, who is pur chasing agent for the Hillsboro Lum ber Co., of Tampa, Fia., cam-i home last night and will be here for a few days. ' Register of Deeds: Democrat M W. Floyd; Republican J. M. Sessoms County commissioner: District No. 3, composed of Maxton, Alfordsville Ihompson, Pembroke and Back, Among the 115 newly-graduated fevamp townsnips Democrat Rory : trained nurses passed bv the State McN air; Republican W R. Atkinson.; board of examiners last week and District o. 5, composed of Lumber licensed Monday were Misses Lillie Bridge, Shannon, Parkton, Rennert , Tovvnsend and Hester Bridger of Lum nnd fet. Pauls townshios Democrat berton J. G. Hughes; Republican D. M.i " T Hall. The commissioners in the other Mr. E. L. Hamilton returned yes three districts hold over for two terday from Fayetteville, where he years. These are district No 1 C , LUU ,us sma11 sun Jat-K co a nospitai B. Townsend: district No 2 Jno. W Ward; district No. 4 J. F. McKay. In case of a contest in the primary a voter would only be allowed to vote lor the candidate of his choice in hi and had his adenoids and tonsils re moved Tuesday. He is getting on nicely. Miss Sarah Stone passed through town yesterday evening en route to district. However, in the general her home at Mt Elim from Greens Preparatory services on Saturday j- ? ineJV0Clng is not conlined to boro, where she was a student at the mr.; ii Z.i districts and a voter can vote for the Stat Normal cniw Hnm(r th torn. morning at 11 o'clock and communion services on Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church. Rev. J. L. Jenkins, pastor of the Baptist church, has just arrived from the Baptist convention which was held at Hot Springs, Ark., last week and reports a great time and enjoyable trip, also reports that his congrega tion has graciously pounded them since they have begun housekeeping and also paid his expenses to the con vention, which he says was much ap 'pgciated. Kev. W. L. Maness is holding re vival services at Cotton this week and reports much interest in the meeting. This scribe attended the funeral services of Mr. Frank Davis this af ternoon at Bladen-Union church at 4 o'clock. Deceased was one mi Bladen county's most noted and popular citi zens and was 82 years old. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, Rev. R. L. Byrd, assisted by Rev. J. J. Murray, of St. Pauls. A large con course of sorrowing friends and loved candidate of his choice in all the dis tricts where a man is making the race. The county was divided into five districts by an act of the last Legislature. Board of education: Democrat C T. Pate; no Republican filed notice of candidacy. Other members of the board of education hold over. Mem bers are nominated for two years, and when a candidate is nominated he does not offer in the election, but his nomination is confirmed by the Leg islature. Heretofore members of the board of education have been appoint ed by the Legislature. For Road Commissioner: District just closed. Lieut. J. P. Cashwell, who has been stationed at Camp Jackson, S. C, spent yesterday here visiting his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Cashwell. Lieut. Cashwell left last evening for some Northern point. I. J. Wilkins and Jetter J. Branch, the two men arrested with a whiskey still on an automobile near Pembroke more than a week ago, will be given a hearing before Recorder E. M. Britt Saturday at 10 a. m. . 'Rev. J. R. Miller, pastor of the Baptist church at Fairmont, passef through town yesterday en route home No. 1, composed of Lumberton, Or- i from the Southern Baptist Convention, which met at Hot Springs, Ark. He reported a history-making session. Mr. G. O. Bagwell, who for some time had held a position in the oftice ing stores of surgical supplies, skilled f es .were m attendance and the floral nurses, piovision of ambulances, es-J:p32S wex;e immense and verv tablishnient of rest and convalescent! t'eautii ul homes and furnishing of sweaters and ! iVi;ss wary L. Culbreth, who Certificates will be renewed, where j comforts. They include operation of Remarkable Work of Airmen Most Notable Feature of War Situ ation Now. In the past years of the war a pe riod of extraordinary activity by the aerial squadrons of the contending armies in France has been considered as an indication that events were np idly shaping themselves for an often sive bv one side or the other. At the All teachers will rieed Leiper's Language Work in the Elementary Schools. Primary teachers should bring all books used in the three first grades. Intermediate teachers should have Reading Literature; Fourth Reader; Dodge's Geography Book II; Our Republic; Milne's Arithmetic, Book 111; Agriculture for Beginners, Practical English Book 1. All teachers and those who are ex- . , -i I UcCtlUS I'll icav-ii ci iuvu w - present moment the most notable lea- gome institute or some accredit ed summer school. J. R. POOLE, County Superintendent. INDIAN NORMAL FINALS. Sermon Sunday Exercises May 31. ture of the war situation is the re markable work of airmen m various sectors where a German attack is looked for. This activity has not been restrict ed to the actual battle area, but far back of each front there have been daring raids. The Rhine cities are being frequently bombed, while Paris has again been in danger of a new German attack from the air. . M t 1 American aviators i nave oorne , ondence 0f The Robesonian. prominent part in this fighting. Bf thp F.nnpv illp and Toul sectors they i Mav 22. The com have given a magnificent account of i mencement 'sermon of the Cherokee themselves, while further north and j jormai school at Pembroke will be even in the def&nse oi ionaon uiey pveached on Sunday, may zo, ay r have demonstrated their fighting ca- j J H McCracken of Wilmington. The pacity. sermon will be at 11 a. m., new time. , I and all patrons of the school are m- No Newa Vet of Cant. Bowen S 0a t he nresent. The rest of the commencement, canteens for supplying food, bath ing and sleeping facilities to troops in transit way stations, as it were of the Red Cross mothering influence which surround every American boy from the time he leaves home until he returns, or soothe his pain and record his last brave message. To the wounded, it endeavors . to supply the closest substitute for the ministra tions of real mothers, wives and sis ters. . "Wars may be lost behind the front as well as in the trenches; the Amer ican Red Cross therefore regards it as an essential victory activity that no American soldier shall have need to worry about the condition of his family. Worried about those left be hind, his morale is sure to suffer; as sured through Red Cross channels that his dependents will be safeguard ed, that his children will Jiave every chance, the American soldier will be irresistible in battle. The American Ked Cross also is carrying on a vast work back of the lines in France and Italy and other sections designed to maintain the health and spirit of the civilian work ers and restore the stricken to civic usefulness. It is caring for thousands of refugees, helping in a great fight' Whereabouts. Relatives of Capt. Bowen, ercises will be held on Friday, May qi Koainmn? at 10 a. m. There will nixu ; tJA-j j - "-'" a.. ..... 3 -X. 4-i n,vtr5-i '..nmi from Char- be a drill on the grouna at wv U1u , b&Mon-, May 13 have followed by SSo? Sffl not yet heard a word that would tend torium. In the afternoon wrewm to solve the mystery which surrounds be closing exercises ; in 4. tu.: rvf the Red Cross auxiliary at There will also be an ex rum, Wishart, Howellsville and Britt townships: Democrat J. I. Town- send; Republican L E. Bullard. District No. 2, composed of Row land, Gaddy's, Fairmont, White House nf th T.umherton. Dresden and .len- and Sterlings: Democrat G. H. ; nings cotton mill companies here, left Floyd; no Republican offered. j Tuesday for Raleigh, where Saturday District No. 3, composed of Maxton, he will be entrained for army uuty. ;SMni STaT i "The two Federal road trucks re inSPl? T Democrat J. A. cenjy purchased by the board of road PpEn ffl McGirt; no commissioners arrived yesterday. As RerS?n Sffer- J Jhas been stated in The Robesonian, teaching at Hamlet, spent the week-1 cr;ii.:' SLr S" the trucks will be used for pulling Democrat A is cay p. m. i Mr J. M. Johnson and family, who have been occupying the Culbreth house for several months, moved Mon day to the Capt. J. D. Cobb house, which Mr. Johnson has bought. Mr. T. N. Thompson left last week for a Charlotte hospital for treat ment. We trust he may find relief and can soon come home a well man. Miss Benton, one of the teachers of the graded school, left for home at Evergreen Monday morning. Also Mr. Sapp. Miss Georgia Williamson returned home from Greensboro. State Normal college Saturday evening. Miss Ruth Cash of Rocky Mount spent the week-end with home folks. THE RECORD OF DEATHS en spent Sunday, May 12, here with his -aiifo and Viild nnd returned to Charlotte that evening and spent the night at the Selwyn hotel there. Noth ing has been heard from him since he left the hotel about 4 o'clock on Monday morning. Alfordsville Subscribes $325. Citizens of the Alfordsville school district, Alfordsville township, sub scribed $325 to the Red Cross after Mr, H. E. Stacy of Lumberton ad dressed them last evening. 4r 1 a nloPO hibit of work done by the Junior Red Cross auxiliary. Infant Child of Mr. and Mrs. Row land Deese. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Deese, died Tuesday night at their home in the eastern part of town. Interment was made yester day afternoon in Meadow Brook cemetery. against tuberculosis, aiding to saveW. JL. rial! J!eil JJeaa at xiome at the new born babies of our heroic al lies, finding homes and work for those made homeless, and, in particular, seeing that no child of a brave father lacks food, clothing, playthings, com fort, or education. No armed man fig'hting for a world fit to live in ca.i be allowed to weaken in body or pluck for lack of aught that American money can buy or American service or intelligence can provide.'' Everv nersion connected with the firm of White & Gough, including drayman, has contributed a day's work to the Red Cross, also every one connected with The Robesonian. Other business concerns and em ployees are expected to come across i proceeds tne same manner. $35 Orrum Community Oversubscrib ed. , The Orrum community oversub scribed its Red Cross allotment Sun day afternoon in 15 minutes time. The allotment was $100 and $125 was sub scribed. Subscriptions were taken af ter the regular church service. f!ftnw Prnduce For Red Cross. I j o; I jntant of Camp Crane, was one of A load of country produce, consist-, fourteen At A S- 0fficers to recei, ing of chickens, eggs, mrai, canned fruit and beans, donated to the p0d Prnss bv citizens of the loiars- ville section, was sold at auction on I the street here today about noon loroceeds from the sale amounted The to Mrs. A. P. Courtney's Nephew Gets Captain's Commission. Mrs. A. P. Courtney of Baltimore, who is visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sharpe, received yesterday a let ter containing a clipping from a Phihi -delphia paper in regard to her nephew F. C. Tarr, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Tarr of Philadelphia, reading as fol lows: j i "Lieut. F. C. Tarr, assistant ad- the receive a captain's commission this week. In, addition to his duties as assistant ad jutant, Captain Tarr is commanding oiheer of the medical detachment N A. and of headquarters section 617 U. S. A. A. S. The members of his command are unanimous in congratu- Pembroke. Mr W. E. Hall, assistant postmas ter at Pembroke, died suddenly at his home at Pembroke last evening at 7:40. Deceased fell dead while out in the yard at his home. He was around 45 years old. A wife and two children survive. Another Infant Victim of Colitis. James, 10-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mayes of the Long Branch section, died Tuesday night of colitis. The following Lumberton young people have arrived home this week from college: Misses Rosa Wishart, Vivian McNeill, Mary Lee Laiuweii, Margaret Pope and Jeannette Biggs, Meredith college, Raleigh; Misses Anna Lawrence, Annie Burt Stain back and Christabel Moorehouse, Flora Macdonald college, Red Springs; Miss Evelyn Sentelle, State Normal, Greensboro; Mr. Carl Greaves from Wake Forest college. E. Wilkerson and I. T Brown, no Republican offered. District No. 5, composed of Lumber Bridge, Shannon, Parkton, Rennert and St. Pauls townships: Democrat J. Browne Evans; no Republican of fered. Recorder. Lumberton district: Democrat E. M. Britt; Republican S. L. Parker. St. Pauls district: Democrat Jno. S. Butler; no Republican. Red Springs district: Democrat J. N. Buie; no Republican. Maxton district: Democrat R. M. Williams; Republican B. F. McLean. Rowland district: Democrat D. W. Bullock; no Republican. Fairmont district: Democrat A. E. Floyd; no Republican. Solicitor Lumberton recorder's court: Democrat W. Lennon. Other Candidates. Howellsville township- Justice of the peace: Democrat J. B. Ward, J. H. Powers, N. A. McNeill; township constable: Democrat: N. G. Prevatt. St. Pauls township Justice of the peace: Republican J. H. Fisher, C. L. Johnson, Opie Odum; township con stable: Republican D. P. McNeill. Orrunr township Justice of the peace: Republican J. R. Lawson; township constable: Republican D. R. Stephens. Howellsville township Justice of the peace: Republican Foster Kin law, J. S. Currie; township constable: ReDublican H. C. Roberts. Raft Swamp township Constable: Republican Roy Tyner. County surveyor: Democrat J. Ed. Tyson; no opponent. All candidates of both parties were declared nominated by the board ex cept those for road commissioner in districts Nos. 3 and 4, where a pri mary will be held unless one of the candidates in each district withdraws from the race. lating Captain Tarr on his promotion and in wishing him the best of suc cess. Cantain Tarr is onlv 21 years old and is a . graduate of Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore. Preferred Paying Hotel Bill to Road Sentence. I. Leiboutz was before Recorder E. M. Britt yesterday morning on the charge of refusing to pay for board and lodging at the Lorraine hotel. Prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of the cost and the ho tel bill. Leiboutz declared he did not have the money when told what the cost amounted to, but when Re corder Britt told the officer to take him to the roads for 30 days he pulled out a larse roll of bills and auieklv I Goodwin, was road drags and hauling dirt on the roads. An automobile driven -by a young girl and a truck driven by a colored man collided on East Fourth street yesterday afternoon. Both were run ning slowly and the only damage was to the automobile, which was slightly bruised- Dr. W. E. Evans of Rowland was a Lumberton visitor Monday. Dr. Evans says Rowland's tobacco ware house is coming right along. This will be the first season Rowland has had a tobacco warehouse, he says, in 19 years. Sgt. R. Luther Cox of Camp Se vier, Greenville, S. C, arrived yester day to spend a ten-days' furlough vis iting relatives and friends in Robeson. Sgt. Cox says he has been unlucky so far in the fact that he has not been sent "over there." Mr. Geo. C. Thomas of Roseboro, Sampson county, expects to open a drygoods business in the former stand of the 5 and 10 cent store, next to the Pastime theatre, some time next month. Mr. Thomas was a Lum berton visitor Monday. Mrs. L. R. Varser, who has not been well for several weeks, went Monday evening to a Charlotte hos pital for treatment by a specialist. She was accompanied to Charlotte by Mr. Varser and her physician, Dr . T. C. Johnson, who returned Tuesday. The Robesonian has received from Dr. J. P. Brown, who moved last week from Fairmont to vv aynesville to practice medicine, a postcard showing the White Sulphur Springs hotel at Haywood. "Here," Dr. Brown writes, "is where the sick soldiers are being treated by Uncle Sam for tuberculosis and wounds received in France." Mr. and Mrs. C. Frank Clyburn of Kershaw, S. C, spent yesterday here visiting at the home of Mr. Cly burn's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Britt, Elm street. Mr. Clyburn is a member of the lower house of the South Carolina Legisla ture. He is confident that Ben Till man will be re-nominated for U. S. Senator in the coming primary. The following Lumberton peopl attended the commencement of Flora Macdonald college at Red Springs vesterdav: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mc Leod, Mrs. F. J. Thomas, Mrs. J. L. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Good win and Messrs. H. E. Stacy, J. M. Z lcCallum and Fred Brown. Miss Vir 2ie Goodwin, a sister of Mr. J. J. among the lo who ft settled the matter. graduated.