ROBE SO N I A N ESTABLISHED 1870 SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. IXL COUNTRY, GOD mND TRUTH Mr x1 tfi'.OO A YEAR. DUE IN AUXX&CM LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA MONDAY. MAY 27s 1918. DAY OF PRAYER WILKINS-EEANCH TRIAL- RED CROSS GOES OVER SOLD IDE RED CROSS. Viay 30 Will Be Observed in Lumber- ton as Day of Prayer and Fasting Services Will Be Held in All; Churches. j Ira J. Wilkins Bound to Court on; Charge of Aiding and Abetting in 'War Fund Goes Past Hundred Manufacture and Sale of Liquor J. J. Branch Released. Ira J. Wilkins was bound over to the Superior court Saturday by Re Million Mark Lumberton Chapter Will More Than Dou ble Allotment. pch-Sokl Rooster Brought Total of S186.25 William Goat and Another Rooster Aiso Sold for Red Cross, j "Harris Dunie," the Plymouth Rock', rooster donated to the Red Cross by! STORES WILL BE CLOSED. Subscriptions to the American Red a livinS in the Tolarsville sec corder E. M. Britt on the charge of Cross second mercy fund was esti- ?n' sold for $186.25. He was soldi aiding and abetting in the manufac- mated last nigtn accordina to dis. g times Thursday and Thursday eve-; ture and sale of soirituous liauora L.- J? J?ora zo a.?ls mng and each time was donate hn,.L-i ' r u m k mi j Jftter J. Branch was found not guilty Sam aSrf VlOO 000 000 1 1 the Red Cross- He M Lumberton will observe Thursday of of the same charge. Wilkins made! and Cb2 SS "SMS?- u2ht b Mr- H- Dunie for $1.12. Mr. this week, May 3U, as a day ot solemn oona in tne sum ot ijuu. i strenuous Port, in h TlL,; uni? donated him to the Red C nrt fastW in accordance with Wilkins and Branch were arrested! wnv 6 j and he w "aJVi . CT , .. , . , of 9 '11- TV IT Ef Tl . n rVA nnictirtn iirlun H U U ClUV-fi UI1 LUC I1I9-TI1L III iVI H V I D r I cMUCIll o Mi Ul laiuanuiii v mvn . . " o - j "Abraham, the Aitar-Buiider," Sub ject cl Powerful Sermon By Dr. Beaman to Graduating Class of High School. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS SCHOOL FINALS FRIDAY. Dr. . A.'.. county health officer, examined Z0 school cnil dren Saturday. The free French class meets Tues day night in the commissioners' room in the court house. All who are in terested are invited. The local Civil Service board of examiners held an examination here Saturday for postmaster at Elkton. There was only one applicant. License has been issued for tho marriage of Hugh J. Tyler and Hattie Mr. ti ' : u i l . i . i . t -.1 i . - t . . . rossi Aoranam, tne Aicar-ouuQ- vvncox: .ehastian Haves and Bessie as bought bv the following er" as his snhiW r.noi 10 vc Lovett: Zeh Johnson and Rnlah TUT, , A -T 4- ... i. .11 .1 I I m ' I - I- A. chairman of ZTIZ " . "owinS 2, 3, 7 and 8 as his text. Rev. Dr. R. C. Street! win pe loan, "-;" was found loadad' ,,non an wiX; ?T I0V " Lumber- to the RpH nrosa. v j iT j? u ' Beaman. pastor of Chestnut services win ue new ui n cuwsnea. s . , . , ,, -1 . ton cnaoter. naa in nanrt this mnrmnc - . .. " " - xr. , J, .... noted below, and all churches will be " cn tney were riding According ' contributions from Lumberton tf S2 - t U 'lite jOU2:h V' J i f . in,3 sPe!a' serrr LfMrT? theV VSnSS Bethei alZ&T i5 J? S?2L a-SSI ? MtfieldSsTd, J. V. Stubbs,'$5rj. a! ; berton high SSI atThe PresSyt ' , the woods and made his escane at the: ;,,.; - -i . , r Ssnarpe. So. L. Rov Harrier S4. W. t,pt1. church yesterday mornmir. charted for services time the above-named defendants were' heard from Con ribution? fl the non S4- C- Birmingham 85. J D. out a sure and safe way to the high f0,fi - T.Won will h, arrested. i Jf doctor S3. H. G. Webster $5 C M. est and best in life. Giving and bless , r. closed on that day. The Robesonian is under the necessity of getting out it regular issue on that day but its j i : ...ill u 1 1 place 01 uusmess vm ciuoeu liuiu Jl a Barker Si H ,1 o m. to noon in order to give its emploves opportunity to attend ser- fuitiaiii l"iU U1 u;e sun wa vices 'and its work will be reduced loft 0 Bfar, Swamp Indian paper. Chestnut Street Methodist. Services will be held at 11 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Thursday, There will be no sermons but they will be services of prayer and meditation and Scrip ture reading. The church will be open all day for those who want to spend other time there in prayer and medi- - i.uici.i jruiiuen.ctu a. xi. rrevatt was wju 0 over 3 noo the first witness examined by the A iist of contributors will be fetate. He iPStlTipr that hp nnsspri j rr. . , , u "v "i Ii vr llautLl 111 mursaay s KODesonian anc m ?wv T;f :1VV8 c OI! permanent record will be made for May loth and that Herbert Lowrey.i tho r-iic,nt0v Ti- 4- l., . Indian, told him the still was m the makp a rr.ntrihnrmn tn tv, uiJ -amp Indian church,: cause or to increase your subscription.; He phoned Sheriff! ah h,0 ovw t -u ii ; Lewis to tret a warrant for Chavis. I pnn x i. who also was charged with stealing postmaster, 3 clerks, 2 town carriers a gun from another Indian, and to as-1 cnrl 7 p k n n- c sist him in the raid. Sheriff Lewis one rial's ao'c p'piK was soon on the scene and he and Mr. I War i. o w n i.. ni I J. M. McCallum $5, A E. Stacy $3.50, S. R. f ennegan S3.50, Ira B. Townsend $3.50. White & Gough S3. This closed the sale Thursday evening and Satur day evening the sale was continued and the following peonle bought the "bird": G. M. Tucker S5, Alf H. Mc Leod So. E. M. Britt $5, J H. Flovd SS, J. H. Flovd S5. Jno. C. Fuller So. B. Bruton $3.50. G. M. Tucker $3,, count. I. M. McAllister S5. C. H. Bovri S4. It was H. Crichton So, Robert Pate tne occasion Prevatt, in company with Lowrey, McEachern $5, J. M. Butler $ S. Kin S5 driving power ot eloquence an; and a ' diction The Wright. Miss Lulu M. Cassidey will speak on the Red Cross at Lons non Branch Baptist church next Sunday axternoon at 4 o clock. 1 he public is invited. A monument erected jj.t tl e grave of the late A. W. Maxwell at Mea dewbrook cemeterv will be unveiled by the W. O. W. Thursday of this week at 3:30 p. m. Messis. W. J. DjBoi. D. D. French, V. O. Thompson i... . K. E." Vincent spent Thursday and Friday at Lake Waccamaw fishinr. They caught around 100 fish. Miss Lulu M. Cassidey. county home demonstration agent, will leave Mondav of next week for Ral. had behind it the ! eiarh. where she will snon.l a mnnt). choi attending a conference of State morning services at agents. mg is the universal law of life, he de clared. He showed how God pours out blessings with a lavish hand but that in order to really keep these blessings one must pour them out on others, and that no matter what one may accomplish in-life, at the last it is onlv the altars one has buiit and tho altar fires left by the way th message most fitting for started for the church. When near the whita r.u "a w ' i u " " 1 M. VV. Floyd S4, Jno. C. Fuller S2.50, omer cnurcnes m town were on.Kxea j The iecture on the P,ift Piav &" "A . Wj a it.x-.:ii ar x r T ir onH tho pnmri'mrntmn til a-f tt-.a arm . . . . . J any emoioves in other business' r L1' St ""u.ue .r"?r7: Ii i uoerammergau which Kev. H. A ..G?u,amiTheRobesonian,: & - Wf '"-Xr nouses in town A. Edmund $2.50, W. F. Edwards auditorium of this new church. ...ouses m town. a- , ,T ,T . A iBnmn c;a . road and stooned. The officers stou- rtir.ltl3 ,, , o ..a "T lard $1. A Wliiteley $1. H. J. New-i his world-wide mission it was nod anH throw o ffooh li.T(-it rn 1 , . . . .. . hnlrl SI A rrar H Inwove Fill . , TTT-11 - 1 T- 1 I " UUliaiCU 11, lU LllC 1VCU i T7I 1 TXT" 1 - n church they saw an automobile com ing. When they were nearing the auto the lights were cut off and the 1C UlClt ilk HAMJVi t. I'.w . . j i . i 1 I . . OtirA itrn c ritntrati T--v - ctHo rt l-i 1 tation. The regular prayernleeting ; " rriT will be omtited Wednesday evening, j men in the car. Wilkins and Branch Were in the car. The officers told When God sent Abraham forth on on a 111 1 All i cents ! giving and messing oasis ah creat- First Baptist. N-xt Thursday, in accordance with ej thy.were looking for Beth resolutions of Congress and the proc- el Chavis. Wilkins and Branch ad Lmation of President Wilson, will be f thfem ChftVIS wasf back of generally observed as a day of pray- Jheir auto. When they went to look S Hours of prayer .will be observed r h he wa fone. Branch advised at the First Baptist church 11 a. m. he fcers follw Chavis tel and 8:30 p m. There will be n0 : mg them he had a gun and would kill preaching nor lecturing, just prayers, : the- Upon searching the auto dnv with occasional hymns and appro ' I f b? W113 stllj was. found on priate Scriptures. We are greatly in ie &r! up J need of the blessings of God We are I breech-loadmg guns and some UCU 4UllbO TT 1U ttlOV Vll U1C UdWIV VI the auto. Wilkins and Branch de clared they did not know the still was on the car, that Chavis loaded the things on the car in the dark and they could not tell what he put on. Branch told tfte officers that he only- went along with Wilkins at his request for company. Wilkins told the officers that Chavis had paid mm $5 to go with him after his wife and some fc. 1 VlVXAtV.ttA U. IU HiC 1LCU . P 1 , . T 1 .".7 1 .-.,1 . , r- . r , .. . . V. - . . 1 . , - . n Prnss The Qrri .i-v, i ranK wisnart ou cents, KODert iaio- cu "uus ut ":.oaco w i-i16 55 and chicken brought , rn w t m a nut others. We e-liblv ouote ShM Mr A, loon no J V. nrii, Oi., tcma, . X . . " mi.. , noon o ci i vi iic wuuiu a. txt -in T7i i a, , trr trr T bring a pig in and donate that to the &WAW Tf ' S A1' nW 'iiS Red Cross one day this week. All the employees in Mr. L. H. Cald well's department store gave a day's work to the Red Cross where we certainly cannot go ahead and prosper without Him. All our churches should be crowded with rev erent, serious throngs next Thursday. The Baptist church building will be open all day for any who may wish to drop in at odd hours for private meditation and prayer. Presbyterian. Correspondence of The Robesonian 100 PER CENT PATRIOTIC. Proctorville is Another Community That Responds Liberally to Calls Of Patriotism. There Til 1 be a series oi ne ghbor- Rothes and take them to the Bellamy rrient. It will 1 aJLT JS!L 01 -l8 ZL section. Prevatt also said that he this community s hood prayer meetings this week Tuesday, in connection with the Pres ident's proclamation of a day of fast ing, humiliation and intercession, as follows: Mrs. A. Nash's home, Fifth street; Mr. M. G. McKenzie's home, Elm street; Mr. Russell s home, Wal found a 38 Smith & Wesson revolver in the front of Wilkins' auto. Sheriff Lewis corroborated Mr. Prevatt's testimony. Mr. J. P. Townsend testified that he sold Wilkins some gasoline and ' 1 1 i . . T . 1 1 11 2 1.1 X nut street; Mr. J. S. McNeill's home, 0" unl"T.T ttiv, Aire, c a ow the arrest. He also testified that .-.. iwmaiiu o, , , , t -riTili l--i l-- wnen ne asKea wiiKins wnai ne was doing out so late at night he intimat ed that he was going to Cumberland county to get some whiskey. The defense first put on a number Elm street; Mrs. S home, Carthage road. There will be united prayermeet ing of all these groups at the church on Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. 11 o'clock a. m. and 8:30 p. m. for' oi ciiarac wiwiees, ui ox wnum quiet meditation. The pastor wiii said the cnaracter of Branch was conduct these services on Thursday, g00?', of them testified and the church will be open all day for ; tht tliat of Wilkins was not so good those who wish to offer up their pri-L Wilkins testified that Chavis first vate devotions to Almighty God. Let tried to hire him to go. to Pembroke all the people make this a real HOLY ! and, get his wife and some clothes DAY, and beseech God for a blessing j l" -T l- 3 7TV t , , ., r I rafnsiafi -hn crn with him and C,ha.VlS The Proctorville community is an other that comes across m splendid style when asked to do somethings in the way of buying Liberty bonds or responding to any call of the Govern- lt will be remembered that nore than doubled its allotment in the third Liberty loan drive and Saturday night more than doubled the amount allotted this com munity in the Red Cross drive was subscribed. The community was al lotted $100 and Saturday night at a Red Cross rally $233.23 was contribut ed and subscribed. Mr. H. E. Stacy of Lumberton addressed the meeting Saturday evening. $2.50, Ira Bullard $1, R. E. Sentelle $8.25. Prof. Sentelle offered the rooster back to the Red Cross, but it ljad been announced that this would be the last sale and "Harris Dunie" now belongs to Prof. R. E. Sentelle and it is safe to say that no rooster throughout these coasts brought more to the Red Cross than "Harris Dunie." A William goat donated to the Red Cross by Mr. Ira Bullard was sold Thursday evening for $11.50. The Billie was first bought by H. G. Webster for $2.50 and donated to the Red Cross. R. C. Lawrence then bought the goat for $3 and donated Urn to the Red Cross. A. M. Hart ley; .paid $2.50 for Billie and donated him back, H. G. Webster paid anoth er $1.50Lfor him and donated him back to the Red Cross. Mr. Lawrence then paid $2 for the goat and presented him to Rozier Clewis, a small boy who was very anxious for Billie. A White Leghorn rooster donated to the Red Cross by Mr. Frank Gough sold for $3. He was first bought by B G. Floyd for $2 and donated to the Red Cross. R. M. Sanderson then paid $1 for the rooster. "Full many a flower is born to blush unseen And waste its fragrance on the desert air" but it is not true. There is not a sol- j Grantham was to deliver at the school ! auditorium Thursday evening has j been postponed to Monday evening of i next week. : Mis. S. F. Caldwell and infant son j S. F. Jr.. returned Thursday night I from Philadelphia, Pa., where they spent several weeks and where a very successiui operation was performed on Master Simeon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Redmond itary flower that blooms for itself returned Saturday night from Mullins, alone; no flower was ever born to blush unseen and waste its tragi ance on the desert air. Every bird that sings is a part of God's orchestra and its song mingles with the music of the spheres. God is continually giv ing lavishly. He is the great builder, the great sculptor, the great musician, the great painter. He paints incom parable sunsets for the loneliest des ert wanderer. He is the infinite giv er, and He was never satisfied until He gave His Son. A life based on giving is the only life worth a thought of a being cre ated in the image of God. Life consists not in the abundance of the things one has. To use wealth and social position as some people, 0 ii i ; i r j ; Kev S. C, where thev went in re?nonsp to a message stating that Mrs. Ltd mond's sister Mr. A. C Moody was very ill. Jlhe is very much improved. St. Albans Lodge No. 114, A. F. and A. M., has issued invitations to a reception which will be given this evening at 9 o'clock in the Masonic hall in honor of the "order of East ern Star and the brethren who are called to the colors." As has been stated in The Robe sonian, practically all the business houses in town will be closed Thursday of this week oh account of the day being designated by President Wilson as a day for fasting and prayer for Uod s aid in winning the war. and Mrs. H. A. Grantham REGISTER AT RED SPRINGS. Allies Take Heavy Toll of German Airplanes. have moved from the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Nash, East Sixth street, where they had rooms, to th? residence of Mr. E. L. Holloway, North Chestnut, where they will make their home until October while Mrs. Hol- on our country, and for the forgive ness of sins Trinity Episcopal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. No services Wednesday on account of special services at St. Stephen's,! ea bpnngs. The service held in response to the Presidential proclama tion will be held Thursday 8:30 v. m. The offering at this service will be went to his home just before night and again tried to get him to go with him after his wife and the "things." He told Chavis that he would not make the trip for anything less than $5. Chavis pulled out $5 and handed it to him. After that Branch came up and he asked him to eo alone for company. Branch said he could not go, but decided to go af Young Men of Robeson Division No. 2 Will Register at Red Springs June 5th. use them is treason against God and humanity. God pity the man who has nothing but gold. Life does not con sist in getting, but in giving. It takes time for God to make a man. It is no off-hand proposition. II Auraiiaiu nau laiicu wn u i j j a i -it to shut up within himself the bless-1 IUVVJ I1U are in nevme. ings God showered upon him, he would i In reproducing in Thursday's have lost them, and God would have I Robesonian a news item clipped from f r -fi nrf annfhar man through a Philadelphia paper telling of the Thirtv-seven German airplanes have Klac tha world. The secret s promotion of Lieut. F. C. Tarr. as- been destroyed, 60 others have been j q hig life was that he was q0(i's al- sistant adjutant of Camp Crane, to forced to land badly damaged within i tar-builder No matter how com-i a captaincy, it was inad'ertently their own lines and eight captive bal- mandi hig personality, how tran-j stated that Capt. Tarr was a nephew loons have been destroyed by French; scen(jant his genius, the man who! of Mrs. A. P. Courtney of Baltimore, wuviuii at bins ac: vac win vc : . , . n iT .i ij i for the fund for Belgian and French ; ter he told him they would get back orphans. A special service published tor the occasion will be used. Church open all day for private prayer and meditation. East Lumberton Baptist. Services will be held at East Lum berton Baptist church Thursday at 11 a. m. by bedtime. They went as directed by Chavis and when they reached some point Chavis told him to stop the auto and he would get his things. Chavis stepped off and made two or three trips getting his "things" to the car, while he and Branch sat in the car and vaited. After he loaded his things Correspondence of The Robesonian. Red Springs, May 23. All men be coming 21 years of age since Jane 5th, lyi7, will be required to register under the selective service laws of the United States. The date set for the registration is June 5th, 1918, and the place of reg istration will be at the office of the local board having jurisdiction over the district in which one resides. Men in the following townships will register at the office of the local board for Robeson county division No. 2 at Red Springs: Red Springs, Alfordsville, Burnt Swamp, Lumber Bridge, Maxton, Pembroke, Parkton, Rennert, Row-j land, Smiths, Shannon, St. Pauls. Do not forget the date, for failure aviators since the weatruer Decame favorable, states a dispatch of the 23rd. In the period between May 15 to May 18 there were 105 aerial combats. , . American and Italian squadrillas have participated in the aerial opera tions On May 16 the work continued in broad daylight, the bombing ma- on the car Chavis told him to drive i down the road a short distance to to register is punishable by fine and Mt1 Elim ' where his wife was. Before reach-1 imprisonment or both. Special praver' services will be ob-! th,at Pint and just before they A .R. McEACHERN, servarl at Mt Triim v, ThnMu4av met the officers Chavis told him toi Chairman. M v v V- 11 L V li i. 11 Ul JU t y , , i j-m i 2 c M 1 ' 4-U.n. nnv nnrl fttOlTlO CPYT rtllT ftT of this week at 10:30 a. m. CAPTURED WHISKEY STILL. stop the car and Chavis got out of W. F. Love, Chief Clerk. the car. He went into tne woods wnen the officers stopped. Branch testified that Wilkins ask ed him to make the trip and he told lie asked Nasby, His Wife and Richard Har- Viw. -V.of V n rrnlrl -nrkt (rn und in Home of Nasby Hardin j Wilkins after he insisted that he go when he would get back. He said they would get back by bedtime and din to be Tried Saturday-Womanize agreed to go. He co rroborated the testimony of Wilkins in regard Hid the Worm Under Her Skirt. ! to Chavis loading the things on the j car and said he did not know the Sheriff R. E. Lewis. Rural Police- still was on the car until the officers man A. H. Prevatt and Mr. F. A. found it. Wishart captured parts of a whiskey Mr. W. Lennon, solicitor of the still, 2 gallons of "monkey rum" andl recorder's court, represented the Mexico Severs Diplomatic Rela tions With Cuba. airplanes which swept all the enemy machines out of the sky in a large area. , In the period between May lo and May 18 the allied squadrillas dropped 160 tons of bombs on enemy depots and other establishments. Of this to tal 135 tons were dropped by night flying squadrons. During the night of May 15, 120 airplanes were m the air at the same time, bombing a large number of towns and villages in con quered territory. A Berlin dispatch says that d American airplanes were brought down on the Lys battlefield on the 22nd. ARRESTED AS DESERTER. is not. an altar-bulider is a failure, who is a guest at the home ot her The Kaiser is no small man He is son-in-law and daughter, Mr. ano Mrs. a tremendous force, but he must goJ- A. Sharpe. Capt. Tarr is Mrs. down in infamy because he uses his j Courtney s grandson. power to damn, and not to bless. The soul cannot live in fire and j Children Killed By Reckless Auto feed on slime. nrivor The nation that repudiates Gods! uriver- altar must go down. Germany nas; Two colored children, one aged 3 chines being protected by 73 cnaser repuciiated God and must go down,; and the other 12 were run down by an ;1 irVirVi atxrant. all the enemV I . i -Ui y ml 1 ! fnma ai i , i , t wwn n i dier's uniform. They sped away af- around 60 gallons of beer Friday "gnt. ihe goods were found in the kitchen at the home of Nasby Hardin, Indian, about 5 miles north of Lum berton. Nasby Hardin, his wife, and Richard Hardin were all arrested and placed under bond for their ap pearance before Recorder E. M. Britt Saturday of this week. Nasby made bond in the sum of $500, his wife 200, and Ricbarn $200 all instinad. The officers had some difficulty in securing the worm of the still. When ney entered the house Nasby's wife Placed the worm under her skirt and proceeded to get away. Mr. Wish art made chase and captured her, however. Her efforts to conceal the worm caused her arrest in connection wuh the affair. State in the prosecution and Mr. S. Mclntyre appeared for Wilkins and Branch. There was much interest in the trial and many people from the Bel lamy section, where Wilkins and Branch live, attended. Wade M'White was given a hearing Saturday on the charge of securing srnoris under false metense. The case was dismissed. Maston Britt, aged around 8 years, was tried on the charge of stealim, merchandise from a buggy in a bac lot in town. He owned to getting the goods. Recorder Britt is trying to get some family to take the boy and look after him. He has been up on t.Via chartre of stealine before. Tha Mexico has severed diplomatic rela tions with Cuba. In this is seen at Washington an indirect action against the United States, possibly the fore runner of interruption of intercourse between the United States and Mex ico. The action is explained official ly as due to the fact that because of the war in which Cuba is involved that government has been obliged to dictate measures that affect the in terests of the Mexican government. and out of this . war win come a j auto and kiUed at whiteville Friday grander civilization, a greater con- j afternoon. Those who saw the car ception of God. , ... j say the driver drove out of the road You never know what life means ; in order to run over the children, who until you find God everywhere; you, were playing by the roadside. There do not really live until you siano un-, were three white men on the cari it covered beneath tne stars ana icei tViat von ara on holv eround. wuv . 3 uiiuu: Ul. XI1CJI TWi't lose vour reverence. Une 01 i f lii; .v,a v,;iriT.0r. the saddest things in modern life is; that we are hiding the face of Godj Germans Have Not yet Begun in the smoke of the factory. Only the, spiritual abides. Rome has oeen aeaa i pected Offensive. 600 years and the stench of its corpse , stretched across three continents, but! Still another week has passed and a sore-eyed man who planted the al- j the Germans have not begun their ex tar of Christ beside the throne of pected offensive against the adied the Caesars lives on. forces in Flandeis and Picardy. And, v, atQrt out. in life with an allur- as yet, there is nowhere any indica- XVI vci . , I i. iu.i ii " .1 . . M cion tnat it is tne eariy intea .ion oi the enemy again to try to break the battle front and reach the channel ports, according to this morning s fialn before vou. but when yr come to sum up you'll find that the only thing that counts is some quit oitor Yon mav accomDlish much and Leave Sheriff j yin wealth and honors, but at tie! press summary. last the only things worth wnne are Troy Maynor Came Home From Camp Jackson Without Wants Assistance in Rounding Up the aitars you've built, the altar fires j Congress Abandons Plans For Ad Red Cross Rally at Mt. Elim. At a Red Cross rally at Mt. Elim yesterday afternoon 17 enrolled as members of the Red Cross. An auxil iary will be organized there next Sun day just before Sunday school. Miss Lulu M. Cassidey and Prof. R. H. Taylor addressed the meeting yesterday. Mr. D. M. Barker, who has held a position with the DuPont people for the last three years, arrived last week from Wilmington, Del., and will leave tomorrow for Camp Jackson. does not give him much attention, it boy's mother is dead and his father is said. Deserters. Troy Maynor, Indian, was arrested last week by Sheriff . R. E. LewiJM on the charge of deserting the army. Maynor was found at the home of his father-in-law, Turner Lowrey, near Philadelphus. After he was arrested Maynor told where his uniform could be tound in an old outhouse some 4 miles away, and it was found there. Maynor says he came home to see his wife, who was sick, several weeks ago without leave of absence and nev er returned to camp. i to Camp Jackson at an early date Sheriff Lewis is anxious that citi zens ofThe county assist m round ing up any deserter from the army. 04. twui TWoasPTierer: Dr. W. A. McPhaul and Mr. Woodberry Lennon of Lumberton, were , here Friday ght. Mr. Lennon spoKe loft hv the wav Preceding the sermon, Rev. Dr. C. L Greaves, pastor of the First Bap tist church, read the Scripture lesson, John 12: 23-31, and led in prayer. The pastor of the church, Rev. Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, had charge of the ser vice and offered the closing prayer- As has been stated in The Kobeson journment in July. Congress must revise its legislative program an dabandon plans for ad journment early in July. Democratic and Republican leaders faile dto agree last week on plans proposed by Pres ident Wilson for a special session af ter the fall elections, and the work ian, the literary address and graduat-, of forming a new tex bill 11 pro ing exercises of the high school will ceed at Qnce unless there is 30me un. be held at the school auditorium rn-, expected development iiav oi tnis wee, ruuuci be given in Thursday's Robesonian. No Word from Capt. Bowen. Miss Cora Bullock Instead of Miss Cattie Bullock. In the report in The Robesonian of : ;. jL the 20th inlt. of the special meeting; to his whereabouts. Relatives of Capt. J. B. Bowen, of the U. S. army, who mysteriously disappeared from Charlotte two weeks a word as . i 3 i.. 1:-, Of the county poaru oi. eua; f!oTlA Marriprf stated that A v"'5v - Cross and the doctor gave .1 Robe i i i,,,. a A on the t.ion views as uc n----. . T Here. held on May 17, it was the "claim of Miss Cattie Bullock as taarher of Smyrna school was com-1 promised for the sum of $50 and charg ' Miss Beulah Wright and Mr. Zeb an to the eeneral fund as teachers' Johnson, both of Floral College, were Miss Cattie Bullock writes married in the omce oi tne register i 14-v, ,,.i- i-n Viia eamnaign in KODe-i J,ia-v . ' Pvnf Taaef-ue is helping ; pnKpnri;aTi that this was an er- of Haeds at the court house Friday Dr McPhaul in this township, during j ror tjiat it was t;ss Cora Bullock at 11 a. m. The ceremony was pei his summer vacation. instead of Miss Cattie Bullock. formed by Justice M. G. McKenzie.