THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1913. High Grade Fertilizers Top Dressers Will make your crops grow faster and mature earlier. Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead and Sprayers will protect your Tobacco. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE AT K. M. BIGGS DEPARTMENT STORE LUMBERTON, N. C. Have You Perfect Protection? If Not, Why .Not? Our 1918 Special Policies Pay for Every Accident, Sick ness and Death. Why Pay for Half -Way Insurance when you can get the Best with us? Something you Need, Something you Want, and our 'Agent will be gald to ex plain more fully. See us Today it will pay you. Business Men's Mutual Life and Casualty Co. FRED BROWN, District Agent LUMBERTON N. C. AGENTS WANTED. SAVE MONEY You can do that by letting us supply your grocery wants. We carry a complete line of groceries and our prices are winners. GIVE US A TRiAL ODEN & POWELL Chestnut Street Lumberton, N. C. SEVENTEENTH SERIES Robeson Building & Loan Association NOW OPEN DO NOT PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW What you ought to do today. Take stock in this Series and begin to plant that NEW HOME that YOU have wanted so long. Build your home with rent money. INFORMATION CHEERFULLY FURNISHED F. L. NASH, Secretary. ' 0 VEE THE TOP ' ' TO TUNE IS THEEE U-BOAT BASE ON . pagi ram OF "YANKEE DOODLE ' THIS SIDE OF ATLANTIC? A 1 ' j Americans Sang, Whistled and Cheer- Maybe German Submarines Destroyed ed as They Raided German Trenches. With the American Army in Pic. ardy, June 6. The Americans sang and whistled "Yankee Doodle" and cheered as they went over the top to day in the Chateau Thierry sector. , They made their way swiftly through the German dead that lay strewn in No Man's Land. In addition to prisoners the Ameri cans captured ten machine guns. Ger- I man prisoners said they had not been fed for four days owing to the deadly fire from the French and American, guns which prevented the bringing! up of supplies. These Germans were without helmets. They were tired of ' the war. They had been told that the i .oriusn opposed them as their com manders were afraid to let them know that it was the Americans." The Germans were cleared out of Veuilly wood also by the Americans, whose guns were thundering against the enemy this evening. The fiercest fighting was in progress at last re ports near Torcy, which lies about 2 1-2 miles east of Veuilly. The French attack this morning was to straighten out the American line and it was a brilliant performance. In this they were assisted by the Ameri can forces. American infantry clean ed out one group of 35 Uhlans who were mounted. "Don't let one escape," shouted a big American. All but one was kill ed; he was captured. The Americans advanced in a solid phalanx their strong determined faces and great physique an inspiration to their gallant French comrades who now regard them with brotherly af- iecuon. On Tuesdav the Amerifsns fnrwl n Saxon division; on Wednesday a guard' division; today a crack Prussian divis-; ion and also a battalion of famous) jaeger sharpshooters. The Americans 1 caught one scouting party of eight! sharpshooters and killed them all. I Soon after the attack this morning1 the Americans carried Hill 142 about! two thirds of a mile south of Torcy; the highest point in this vicinity and swept on and stopped at the foot in a ! wheat field on the other side from! where they raked the Germans with machine guns. One entire enemy ma chine gun company was almost anni hilated. The Germans had donned French uniforms but the Americans, fore warned, poured voile vs of fire into them. One German soldier had 32 wounds. Among those captured wer2 32 officers. or Captured the Missing Cyclops. Did the German submarines which raided American shipping off the Jer sey coast destroy the missing coliier Cyclops, or did they capture her it sea, put aboard a prize crew and serd her to Germany? Out of the mysterious disappear ance of the American collier, now missing three months, this question has been raised by the passing re mark of one of the submarine com manders to Captain Lowry of fne steamer Texel, that the U-boats hod been on the American side of the At. h ntic for two months The statement nf iho. TTK - uwui win- nu-nder tnat he has been in American waters for two months adds to the theory of those who have maintained that there is a submarine base on this side. The submarine could not otherwise hope to remain away from home ports for so long at a time. Interviews with the commander of the U-boat that sank the sugar lad en steamship Texel convinced Captain Lowry of the latter that his ship was attacked by a monster submarine of the latest type. Talks were had with twplw -f ha 6 men landed near the Atlantic City hghthouse Tuesday night. Ten of them declarpd the attacking boat was at least 300 feet long while two sav it was 250 feet in length. 'When It Pours, It Reigns" Luzianne and Corn Pone ium-riim! WHEN you see your mammy, Honey, bring ;n in the mW anH - : fuue, you can tell before you taste it that the coffee's Luzianne sure-nuf by the whifs a-streaminsr steaming in the air. It's the coffee Luzianne you remember and you hanker after it until you get another cup. Luzianne Coffee 'your grocer has it) comes put up in tins. Try it tomorrow morning for breakfast. If it isn't all you expect, you can get your money back. Luzianne for aroma, fragrance and snap Try it i m AMERICANS LIKE TIGERS. REGISTRANTS CAN'T ENTER. Men of Draft Age Not to Be Allowed to Go With Emergency Fleet Co. To the Editor of The Robesonian: I am receiving constant inquiries from men over this district desiring to enter the shipbuilding industry, which is operated under the Emergen cy Fleet corporation. I requested a ruling from the War Department as to whether they could enlist, and the following is the' ruling just received, and I will thank vou to publish it for the information of registrants : T. L. JOHNSON, Chm. Robeson Exemption Board No. 1 Lumberton, N. C, June 5, 1918. Commanders Have All They Can Do To Hold Them Back Pressing i Germans Hard. SIMPLE WASH REMOVES RINGS UNDER EYES 'Mr. THE FARMER AND WAR. The Farmer a Warrior and He Can Win the War. Mr. Herbert Quick, a member of the Federal Farm Loan Board, wl o is not I slow to see a point, thus gives soni3 ! reasons why the farmer is going to be j a big factor in winning the war. Tie says : i "The farmer everywhere is rior when war is the only thing whi.di ! will make and keen him free either ! a warrior or a serf. He cannot rally to the colors as quickly as the dwel lers in the cities, because it takes longer to send to the farms than to I the cities the fiery cross of the call to arms. It takes longer to call the j farmers from the fields than the city i dwellers from the shops, for many I do not hear the first blast of the j trumpet, and others do not at firt ; understand its meaning; they have net had the time to talk it over with t '..eir I acquaintances or. street corners, in j stores, on cars, in clubs, and at other j gatherings, and instead of reading ! half a dozen extras a day the farmer 1 may read weekly papers instead of dailies ana must nave more time m a certain emergency to make up his mind." Mr. Quick has great faith in the farmers' ability to win the war. He says: the tarmers ot this country could carry the war to a victorious conclusion, even if all the other na tions should quit. The rest will not quit, but we could win it without them if we had to do it. The farmers of the United States could whip Germany with guns, with the products of their farms, with their money. Every farm er in the United States must remem ber that the United States has a first mortgage on every cent that he has. The spare cent in his pocket should bo devoted to the war. This is the crucial year of the war. Our soldiers are at the front, hundreds of thou sands of them in the trenches and millions more ready to go. The while burden of carrying on cur part of the war and aiding our sister nations n arms rests on the United States Treasury. If the Treasury fails, Ger many wins." T. L. Johnson, Lumberton. N. C. "Dear Sir: "Replying to your letter of the 31st ult., in regard to the registrant who was deferred on agricultural grounds and now wants to go with the Emer gency Fleet corporation, I have to advise that he should not be allowed to do so. This is a ruse which is be ing adopted by registrants all over the State in an effort to evade mill tary duty. After a registrant is call ed he should not be allowed to regis ter with the Emergency Fleet corpor ation. "Yours verv truly. "JOHN D. LANGSTON," "Mai. Inf. U. S. N. "Special Aide to the Governor." Anti-German Demonstrations in Porto Rico. Angered by the news of the sinking of the Porto Rican liner Carolina by a German submarine, an anti-German demonstration broke out in Ponce, Porto Rico, on the night of June 5. Numerous houses occupied by Ger mans were stoned and much feeling exists against Germans or persons who have expressed pro-German sen timents or who have attempted to justify the sinking of the Carolina. The feeling runs particularly high, states a dispatch of the 6th from S in Juan, against Spaniards of suppos d German sympathies. Attorney Gen eral Kern has notified the officials in the islands to take energetic action against all persons whose utterances are considered out of line with the sentiments of the allied countries. Why Take Calomel? Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup will do all that calomel will do and without the "after effects." A dispatch from the Associated Press correspondent with the Ameri can army in Picardy sends the fol lowing under date of June 6: "ihe Americans have been pressing tne Germans so hard that the enemy has been forced to throw three new divisions of his best troops into the line during the last three leys. "The Americans arp HU-o rirro Their commanders have all the-y can do to hold t'npm hanh- TTirn wounded are enthusiastic and eager to i-ignt. xney are proud of their wounds. A general who visited a f"'P2 stat-on said he was elated by the sight." Baldness Conquered RECIPE WAILED FREE A veteran" business man,- who was almost completely bald and had tried numerous tofilcs, lotions, shampoos, etc.. Without benefit, came across, while on a Journey, an Indians' recipe by which he grew a complete crop of healthy, luxuriant hair that he now possesses. Othersmen and women have re ported remarkable hair growth by the same method. Whoever wishes the re cipe may obtain it free by writing to John Hart Brittain, BA-222, Station F, ew York, N. Y. Or obtain a box of the ointment, Kotalko, made according to the perfected recipe, at the drug store, ready for use. Indians Secret of Hair 6rowtb In a vast number of cases, when Eair lalls out. the roots are not dead, but remain imbedded in the scalp, alive, like seeds or bulbs, needing only fertility. The usual alkaline fihanipoos, alcoholized hair tonics tc., are of no avail in such cases. The dndians ointment nourishes the hair and Stimulates the growth nair growth in every case possible; won t a fultr?!ult! reported. For men's, women's Li hiir- U yn o bald, or iSt J2& dandruff, you should & f-k0' Jfc 18 Psure to observe the starting of new hair and its steady XSeh!u.1E.tii Prolific growth supersede? 2f baldneu8' Cut out this notice; show to others who want beautiful hah The recipe is free. This is genuine. J r" A MAIN CAIN'T FLY- But he can use a rlying machine to soar through the air. Neither can a man grow'rich if he spends all he makes. But he CAN use this bank as a means to savs and make his money work for him. DO YOU? THE PEOPLE'S BANK & TRUST CO. V FAIRMONT, N. C. LITTLE WASTE IN PEANUT INDUSTRY Fairmont people will be surprised how quickly pure Lavoptik eye wasn relieves blood shot eyes and dark rings. One young man who ha ; ye trouble and very unsightly dark rings was relieved by ONE WASH with Lavoptik. His sister also removed a bad eye strain in three days. A small bottle Lavoptik is guarai roeiJ to benefit EVERY CASE weak. Bt rais ed or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREE. Pittman Drug Co. at Fairmont 04 Keep Cool during the hot summer days and nights you will enjoy better health aad do bettnr work DELCO-UGHT vn'.l operate an electric fan. churn, cream separator, or washing machine. It will supply all the lights you require about the farm. Deico-Light u ths most simple electric lighting plant made. Aav child can operate it. Pays for itself in a aiwrt time. Ask to see in Tvorlc. Electric Service Co. Laurinburg. N. C. OmCCO-Ltirn The peanut is one of the most eco nomical plants in food and feed pro duction, states Director B. W. Kilgore of the Agricultural Extension Ser vice. The United States Food Ad ministration has found that almost the entire product of the plant can be used for food or feed. The vines yield a nutritious hay for feediag live stock. Peanut oil .obtained by crush ing the nuts, is excellent for table use, in cooking and in the making of lard substitutes. For use in prepar ing salads, a virgin peanut oil rivals olive oil, which is now difficult to ! secure. Crude peanut cake is a valuable livestock feed. Peanut butter, one of the most familiar "goober" products for human use, is secured by crush ing the roasted nut and allowing the oil to remain with it. An important war-time development is the manufac ture of peanut flour from cake se cured by a cold-pressing method. A ton of fresh nuts yields about 1,000 pounds cf this flour. Years ago, when people were bilious, when the liver got lazy and failed to dc its work or the stomach was out oi condition, calomel was the standby. By and by the users of calomel found that the "after effects" of taking the drug were as bad and more often worse than the ailment for which it was taken. Dr. Thacher, in seeking a medicine to take the place of calomel one that would do all the good that calomel would do, and yet leave none of its evil effects perfected Dr. Thacher's Liver & Blood Syrup. This was in lboz, ana each year since has added to the confi dence of those who have used it. Miss Susie Brewer, of Chattanooga, ienrj., tried calomel. She was suner ing with a. very serious cold and grippe and had no appetite whatever. After the calomel failed she tried Dr. Thach er's Liver & Blood Syrup. She felt better after taking three doses and she soon got entirely well. "I think Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup is a wonderful medicine," she said, "and I am very thankful I tried it." For nearly three quarters of a century this sterling preparation has been an "old stand-by" in thousands of homes In treating rheumatism, dyspepsia, in digestion and other stomach and liver complaints. It is a powerful tonic and blood purifier and can be used with the utmost confidence. Write Thacher Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. for a copy of "Thacher's Family Doctor," a book giving cause, symptoms and treatment of 47 com mon diseases. . , Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup for sale by dealers in medicines every where. For Sale By Pope Drug Co., Lumberton, N. C. Spring Suits FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN & BOYS Let us assist you in staying comfortable during the hot days of summer by wearing one of our palm beach or mohair suits Com pare our prices and quality of goods and be convinced of' values offered. OXFORDS Our line of Celebrated Bates oxfords for men complete in all sizes and lasts. We can please you in both price and stvle in am thing from a young man's dress oxford to a broad toe, flexible sole for those who buy shoes for "SOLID COMFORT." See our ladies oxfords buy both quality and stvle for less money. UNDERWEAR High grade union suits for men. $1.25 to $2.50 per suit. Cheap er values in balbriggan and nainsook. Nice line of ladies' union suits, gauze vests, long and short sleeve gowns, etc. DRY GOODS Great values in fancy voiles and light materials for summer dresses silks, poplins, etc. GROCERIES, FEED STUFFS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, DEERING HARVESTING MACHINES FULL LINE AT ALL TIMES. Your business is always appreciated. We are here to serve and satisfy you. Make our store your store. m m J. D. McLean Co. Fainpcnt's Leading Department Store. Fairmont, -:- -:- -:- -:- North Carolina