THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918. OAK GROVE LEAFLETS LADIES: WE MAKE BUTTONS TO MATCH YOUR DRESS OR SUIT, ALL SIZES, ASK TO SEE SAMPLE CARDS. BIG JULY BUY YOUR FRUIT CANS NOW, ONLY a PEW ON HAND, WILL X T GET ANY M RE THIS N Original and Greatest Bargain Givers. (THE HOUSE THAT GIVES YOU SERVICE) We advise every one who can do so, to take advantage of this our greatest Sale of the year, commencing FRIDAY, JULY THE 5TH. Every article of seasonable goods will be placed at your disposal at prices which will be a greatsaving to the lovers of economy. These are times when merchants with large stocks need not make unusual price inducements in order to sell their goods, wholesalers and Jobbers will gladly take the merchandise off our hands, and in many instances pay more than we ask our retail trade. We, however, are not unmindful of the existing conditions and prefer giving our Bargains to those who have helped make our business the pride of all lovers of real bargains. Scarcity of merchandise is now the great consideration, hard to get deliveries, hard to get shipments, slow transportation, etc. We are daily advised of the closing out of some important line, the Government taking over this and that factory. To illustrate, during the last few days we are advised by three large Overall factories to send no more orders, the Government having taken charge of the factories, now making suits for our boys in France. Luckily we had about fiften hundred pairs on hand. We are goinr to make July like December when it comes to business this year, the unapproachable values will be snapped up, it will pay you to buy almost any article, as you will find it cheaper now than you will be able to get it after this sale. We try and give no misleading advice, those who put off will realize the truthfulness of this ad. when they go to buy later. Only a meagre idea of our wonderful offerings can be given here. COME AND SEE. MILLINERY BARGAINS Not a hat to be carried over. We have the largest line of Ready-to-Wear goods in this part of the State, trimmed hats a specialty, they go at about half price, all the latest Styles and most attractive creations, it costs you noth ing to look and may save you enough on one hat to buy a '"War Savings Stamp." Large stock Baby Caps, Sun hats, etc. SHIRT WAIST BARGAINS Finest Waists in Crepe de Chines, Georgetts etc., goods worth up to $7.50 go in our July Sale. Your choice $5.00. The best and most attractive waist on the mar ket for $1.00. All other grades in proportion. A Big Bargain in an assortment of odds and ends, goods worth up to $2.50. Your choice for 50c BARGAINS IN COTTON WASH GOODS. A big table of various kinds, in heavy and sheer weaves, plain and stripes, dots and floral designs, goods worth from 20c to 35c, July price ... 12 1"2c t0 15c JULY BARGAINS IN READY-TO-WEAR DRESSES. Ladies silk Dresses, Silk Gingham combinations etc., at greatly reduced prices, goods new and very attractive, nothing will he carried over. Every garment will go at some price. Finest French Gingham and Voile dresses. Special in White Skirts, several hundred, very newest designs, in plain weaves, bedford cords, wide wales, gaberdines, etc. Great reduction in Silk Skirts, this line is too varied to describe and quote prices. You can appreciate by seeing the goods. SCHOOL DRESSES, JULY BARGAINS. They come in Gingham, Percales. Linens, etc., ,.v, dn mi All sizes, whv not buy them ready made, the cloth would cost more than the made up garment. White embroidered dress. Lawn dresses with Ribbon and Lace trimmings, $1.00 up. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR CURTAIN GOODS We have extra specials in the line, new things vou have not seen, also spring roller Curtains, see the new Springless roller curtain, will not get out of fix, new and just what you want, last a long time, full size 75c. Faney and plain Scrim net l-2e to 20c. JULY BARGAINS IN GENTS GOODS. About 1,500 Overalls for Men and Boys. Buy now, vou will not be able to get them at any Ur Prices 50e up. Men's $l.o. and $2.00 worth more at the factory.. Hundreds of work shirts. JULY BARGAINS IN MUSLIN UNDER WEAR Garments for Ladies, Misses and Children, Gowns, Skirts, Pantlets, Chimese, Bloomers, Braissieres. Also Gauze Vests, etc. Everything in the line reduced. JULY BARGAINS IN BOYS WASH SUITS They come in stripes, plain white and solid colors! Sizes up to 9. Prices 39e to $2.00. Sev eral hundred to select from. JULY BARGAINS IN SILKS. Now is the time to buy the silk dress or skirt, several thousand yards, prices 49c to $1.75. Plaids, stripes, Solids, Messalines, Taffetas, Poplins, etc. Don't delay, they will be higher. All yard goods, such as Serges, plaids, stripes checks, fancies, gaberdines, in fact eve ry article in Dress Goods, would cost more at the factory than our prices. See us, but do it NOW. BARGAINS IN COTTON GOODS Gingham, Sheeting, Bed Tick, 10 1-1 Sheet ing, etc. A special Bargain in Dress Gingham, beau tiful patterns, 25e. The factory asks 27 1-2 for this same article. ' SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS MEN'S WORK PANTS $1.25 up. Would cost more at the factory. Our July sacrifice sale will be your gain. SEE OUR LINE MANHATTAN DRESS AND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. We are now selling some lines for less than we paid for same goods to come in later. The July Sale is your opportunity. lnro- stnek of Cluette. Peahodv's & Co. Arrow brand, the well known Lion brand, Fer guson, McKinney's dollar goods, etc. Our of ferings 4are immense. Bargain Counter of Shirts, odds and ends, goods worth up to $1.75, closing out at 39c to 69c, not half cost for the cloth. BIG JULY REDUCTIONS IN MEN'S HATS. Panama hats different shapes, worth about $5. July sale $2.50. A better one at slightly higher price. Hundreds of straws in heavy and light weight, smooth and ruff effects, all at about half. . BARGAIN COUNTER MEN AND BOY HATS. Some are soiled. Choice lc SEVERAL THOUSAND CAPS. NEW FOR MEN AND BOYS, LATEST STYLES. JULY BARGAIN SALE JULY BARGAIN SALE MEN'S SUITS (In Kool Cloth, Palm Beach, Serges, etc.) Boys Palm Beach and other thin suits for summer go in the July Sale. We save you raonev or don't want your money. OUR BUSINESS POLICY HAS BEEN THAT OF SAVING MONEY FOR THOSE WHO VALUE ECONOMY. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT OUR BIG JULY SALE. SUMMER UNDERWEAR For Men and Boys. The July Sale just when you need the goods, no such opportunity been offered. Men's Nainsook Union suits 50c while they last- - j cv i a Men's B. V. D. Union Suits and Single Uar- ments 50c and $1.00. Boys' Nainsook Union Suits, also Balbriggan and Porus knit garments Single piece and Union, 25 and 50c. JULY SALE IN OUR BIG SHOE DEPARTMENT. Great reductions throughout the entire Depart ment, the fact that we carry more shoes than many exclusive sho stores makes our shoe sale a most interesting feature. LADIES WHITE CANVASS PUMPS, High and low heel, Mary Janes all sizes, re duced to $1.00. White Canvass Pumps and Sandals, leather and Ivory beel and sole reduc ed to $1.50. Ladies' high top boots, white canvass, some would ask you $4, our price reuuceu 10 Ladies' high top duck boots Ivory heel and sole July Sale $2.50. Misses' and Children's Mary Janes, Pumps, Oxfords, High top Shoes, all sizes. 75e up. July Sale. July Sale on the E. P. Reed's fine goods. They "come in every shape, all leathers, white canvass, reinskin, white Kid etc., the July knife has cut deep, buy now. See our Bargain counter containing men and Women's Oxfords, Pumps, ties, etc., brok en sizes, values up to $5.00. your choice $1.98. Bargain Counter No. 2 containing women's shoes, oxfords, pumps, sandals. Various leath ers, prices up to $1.50. Your choice $1.50. Bargain Counter No. 3, containing shoes, ox fords, ties, pumps, sandals, Misses and chil dren sizes, tan, patent leathers, gun metal, vci etc., worth up to $3.00 for only 98c choice. EXTRA SPECIAL! WE REFUND RAILROAD FARE TO OUR CUSTOMERS IN BLADEN, CUMBERLAND AND ROBESON COUNTIES WHEN THEY HAVE SPENT $25 00 OR MORE, THIS NOT TO APPLY TO OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. EVER APPRECIATIVE OF YOUR BUSINESS, EVER ON THE LOOKOUT FOR YOUR INTEREST, MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS. GOUGH Corn and ( otton Crop l ine Social And IVr-ona!. Robeson ian. Most all the laying by Correspondence 'f Ti Buie, R. 1. June 'J farmers around here are their corn. The coir, and cotton crop I is fine. We g re about to get general gree: under control at last. Some of the farmers are curing to bacco thi week. The tobacco crop i looks fine also. : Glad to report Miss Etta Tyner. who : has been on the sick list for 1 time, is somewhat improved. to say that Mrs. Lacy Tyner, who has ' been a little sick, is n .v able to be at i her daily work again. Miss Lillian Pridgeor. entertained , quite a numl.or of friends at her home Friday evening ,-.:'.o t 12. All en I joyed the hours fine. Messrs. .1. M. and Willie Prevatt for t! e occasion and Some fine delight played, after which ushered to the din . M. T. Tyner where some Glad 9 OUR STORE WILL HE MAIN OPEN UNTIL T O'CLOCK ON AND AFTER JULY 8TII. INCORPORATED. LUMBERTON, N. C. MASON FRUIT JARS IN QUARTS AND HALF GALLONS. -!(i. We as M iss I'rid her charming Tvner, Hrnest ; furnished music ; also the victrola. ! ful games were , the truest s were ing hall by Mrs ; ice cream and cake were i were entertained only i cenn can entertain by conversation. tilad to say that I received a let ter from my cousin Pvt. Kllis Tyner, who is serving with the expeditionary forces somewhere in Fiance, lie says le is well and irettinir along fine. Has been to the front his fifth time and came out all right. We do truly hope that it be the Lord's will that he may live through all the battles of life and return again to his many friends who are so patiently waiting. Harken to the piteous cry Tn 4 menfu fur awn v. Help", oh help us ere we die, Give our children bread today. In the tiny outstretched hands. Mothers, they appeal to you. Little ones in foreign lands Plead for life what will you do? I As you fold with arms of love, Your sweet darling to your heart. Lift your eyes to God above, Promise Him to do your part. m : Our flair, the flag of liberty. Tbe ffa that flies for vou and me, Upheld by rights from day to day, The Stars and Stripes are here to stay. OLIVER TYNER. Dr. Hellier Will Engage in Y. M. C. A. Work Overseas. I Dr. F. O. Hellier, the able pastor ! of the Laurel Hill and Smyrna Prea jbyterian churches, who has served ' these congregations most faithfully i -fr tvral months, has been inducted 'into the overseas work of the Y. M. C. A. and has been called to report in the city of New York on July 'J, fvrm nrkiph nnint he will sail for i France. Dr. Hellier, so far as known. is the second man irom scouanu I county to enter the Y Jf. C. A. wo'k. Mr. Geo. T. Goodwyn having leir. week for New York to sail for France in this sendee. As pastor of the Laurel Hill and Smyrna churches Dr. : Hellier has come to a high place in the regard and affections of the good '' neople of this county and it is with sincere regret that they learn of his I decision to go away. However, the call of the Y. M. C. A. war enterprises is a hirh or-o and good men are badly 1 needed' there. The prayers and bene 1 dictions of the folk back at home will i follow Dr. Hellier across the seas. I Laurinburg Exchange, i Dr. Hellier is a brother-in-law of Rev. Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, pastor of ' the Presbyterian church of Lumber- i ion. State University Designated Re serve Officers Training Corps. Chapel Hill, June 29. The War De partment has just designated the uni versity of North Carolina as a re serve officers' training corps, the or der to take effect with the opening of ! the collegiate year in September i Lieut. G. W. S. Stevens will be the commandant in charge. Captain J. 1 Stuart Allen and Mr. J. V . W hitfield I will also be back next fall to help m t in militarv traininc It. ...... - ' ' Under the provision of this new classification, students at the univer sity taking the full military course will be eligible to appointment as commissioned officers in the wmy. Students taking the full course wnl receive compensation durng ther sen ; or year. i CAN WE WHIP GERMANY? (Continued from page 2) had received from a lieutenant in France in which he likened the war to a football team and how the lieu tenant expressed his delight at how the home folks were cheering the home team by purchasing Liberty bonds, War savings anu stamps. Some cannot go, but these can cheer the home team. War Savin-rs and Thrift stamps are worth more than land. They are safe, for them you get a fair rate of inter- , ,1 -.or, linilintf" t.hpitt. In closing his address Dr. McDamei quoted the following, which he had s;id to several thousar'i soldiers just before they sailed for France: Here's to the sons of the sun-Kissed South. When they meet on the fields of France. May the spirit of Lee be with you all As the men of the South advance. ! Here's to the sons of the wind-swept North, When they meet on the fields of France. Hay the spirit of Grant be with y-u " all As our men of the North advance Here's to the blue and the grey, as one, When we meet on the fields of France. May the spirit of God be with us all As our men of the flag advance.

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