PAGE FCUB THE ROBESON IAN THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918. IfflE ROBESONIAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By EO BESOM AN PUBLISHING CO I. A. 8HARPE President FAIRMONT TOBACCO MARKET OPENS THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918. Of fie 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 Entered as second class mail matter at the poatoffice at Lumberton, N. C. UBSCRIPTION RATES pu rear $2.00 fix months 1.00 fkroe months 50 ever, we are no longer strangers tj you, and we are here to serve you, and to see that each and every one v ho patronizes our warehouse gets a square deal and the highest Market prices at all times. Safety first; take TITr'PIaI7 IITf T ATII no chances; drive straight to the I II Nil AY II I Y M I H Robeson County Warehouse V noarty lUUUViii) welcome and the best pricrs ever be- i fore await you. i Your friends truly, Outlook was never better for pood g j DAVIS & SONS. prices. Buyers are already beginning1 Fairmont, N. C. adv. to arrive and when the warehouse! bell rings its loud peals Tuesday! Tnw VATHFP! MT"FT morning, calling together all ourj TOWN iAlHiHb JYLtJ!,!. buyers to meet face to face around the golden weed of good old Robeson i county, as well as other counties bor-iAll Taxes Collected Must Be Reported lt.-inr nn ruir mi,rkpt the nrirps we I wiU iret for their tobacco will gladden' Weekly Ladies Invited to Use Rest on our sales that day. Other Matters. Owing to so many of the compan ies' buyers being drafted in the ser-i At a meeting of the mayor and vice of our country and so many rev town commissioners iuesday evening men having to be placed on the mar- Chief of Police Alf. H. McLeod was kets as buyers, we feel that the Fair- re-elected to serve at the pleasure of mont market is indeed lucky in having the board at the same salary, '''lOO all of its old buyers sent back to us the month, all costs to be turned into asrain. the town treasury. The salary of ptnt a lew Nieht Policeman J. B. Boyle was in- all realize the importance ot creased from $75 to $85 the month. Mr Oui market was never in a This is good news to the farmers, as they this. better position to serve the tobacco growers than at present. We have ample warehouse facilities to take care of and hurdle nicely the largest sales, plenty of labor to handle your tobacco, plenty of hogsheads to pack it in, and we predict in advance for this to be the bet year we have ever had for the Fairmont market b th DP Qfianr wis plertpd fire chief at' Mr:. AV. P. Tynor and Mi-- DeLevBnc Tj . K. bnaw waa e.ecieu lire trim H ljOWt ha.v(. rrturIlwl fr(,m Wrights vi!l a salary of $15 the month, succeed- Ba.-h. v hero they spent nm day.-.. i t r T,.,t.n,l Mi;5 Dovie ! reatt baa return.' home from ing -ui. o. I Wrijfhtsville beach Clerk and Treasurer Iownsend was ; days, structed to turn over to the ch:ei oflJ-.r police a list of all delinquent tax Ur aru! Mrp L. E. Whaicy and daughter. payers and tne cniel must report lO Mi.s Eveline, ar.d son. Mr. Ra!ph. left Tues the mavor on Mondav of each week day ft.r Hendertonville, where they will spend the amounts collected.' UJ? home at Fort UUU S" c - where Town Attorney W. Lennon was in-j . ,, , , ..... . structed to draw a suitable ordinance he' spt.nt a few days. His father. Mr. J. P. pertaining to the protection and carei Epps, came with him and win spend wme of the new municipal building and tune here- Mr. Ira B. Townsend, town clerk and mm treasurer, was named as custodian of the building. Clerk an dTreasurer 1 ownsend was instructed to buy about 30 water me-J ters to use where needed, also to pur- j chase a body for an auto recently, purchased for the fire department. It was ordered that a circular let-, ter be gotten out by the town calling attention to the rest room for ladies coming to town from the country pro vided on the second floor of the new municipal building. Local merchants will be asked to mail the letters to their customers. It was ordered that notes in favor of the American La France Fire En gine Co. in the sum of $3,000, now due, be renewed Mr. T. T. Walters, who lies near BinMa vil.'e. was a Lumherton vii.-r yesterday. Mrs. H. R. Martin, -a he lives near Barns vjjle. vas a i.jrnlnrtoii '. i.-.tor yesterday. Mr. P. P. Huio of I : i';idelphus mu an,r-c the visitors in town Monday. Cause of Despondency. Despondency is often caused by in digestion and constipation, and quick ly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. These tablets strengthens the digestion and move the bowels. You Can't Rub It Away; Rheumatism is in the Blood Your Money w is absolutely bat in our NATIONAL BANK Liniments Will Never Cure. If you are afflicted with Rheuma in point of good prises for the farm-; tism, why waste time with liniments, CROWDED AGAIN. Owing to last-minute calls for ad ers who ell with us as well a lity sold Our market sold last season over five million pounds. Help us to make it seven million this vear. We need quan- lotions and other local applications hsay that it has cleansed their blood of vertising sua"" The Robesonian car- that much and have the money to pay I ries much less than its usual amount for it, and the large companies are ex pecting this market to do it. of news matter today. We hope to ve have secured the services ofi catch ut) in the next few issues. Op- Mr. J. R. Dunn as auctioneer. He is ing of the tobacco markets in this f Sod J. of the weed, and Has .... ;arg' experience in handling and sell- that never did cure Rheumatism, and never will? Do not try to rub the pain away, for you will never succeed. Try the sensible plan of finding the cause of the pain, and go after that. Remove the cause, and there can be no pain. You will never be rid of Rheuma tism Until you cleanse- your blood of the .germs that cause the disease? S. S. S. has never had an equal as a blood purifier and scores or sufferers Rheumatism, and removed all -traca of the disease from their system. Get a bottle of S. S. S. at your drug store, and get on the right treatment to-day. If you want spe cial medical advice, you can obtain if free by addressing Medical Director, 23 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga em section next week is an event in which a large number of Robesonian read ers are vitally interested and you will find in this issue much advertising of interest along that line, besides other special advertisng messages. The advertsements make good and proftable reading. The men who are talking to you through The Robe&on ian's advertsng columns are not spend ing their good money for nothing; they have messages wheh they want you to read and which they believe it will profit you to read. o NOTICE OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Reason why you should sell your tobacco at 1-iiimberton. fur J'i'v lmrsrain sale White fz Goutrh. New Liberty warehouse, Lake View, S. C, opens .luly 9. Attention that assures you satisfaction People's Bnnk & Trosl Co., Fairmont. N. C. Special bargain priem starting with open inK of tobacco market July 9 J. D. McLean Co.. Fairmont. N. 0. Opening sale Tuesday, July 9 Star Ware house. "Bfst tobacco market, best wareh.-.use" Bisr Banner. Car of Implements just arrived L. H. Cald well. Hdw. Devt. Oceanic hoto'. Wriyhtsvflle Benin. All y;u need for the summer days L. H. Caldwell. Special sale at closlngr-OUt prices .Mrs. W. W. Parker. Fairmont tobacco market opens Tuesday July 9 F. J. TV.vis & Sons. Tnke your wheat to St. Pa.iTs Flow Mill Co. for very best floor St. Paula Flour Mill Co. I'i'.'s for nk ciios Drvi. Lumberton, R. 6. MuV utrayed F P. Taylor, Lumberton R. 4. Tent wanted Kobt. E. Lee. Tl hacco flue and parU for sale- K. M. l)o; lost- N. T. McLean, Rowland, N. C. Z AV "1 1 ing toDacco, aro is considered one of the best auctioneers in the old belt. We are very sorry we have not been able to visit each and every one of you before our opening sale. H w-j ROAD BILLS Miss Mabel Quinn of Shelbv arrived Men day ninht and will spend a few days visit inK Miss Mildred Williams at the home f her parents. Mr. an Mrs. Q. T. Williams. Miss .1nie Car'y'e will retuvn Saturday from Wri?ht'vi!le Beach, where she has been for the past week. Miss Hazel Carlyle is visiting friends in Wilmington. From there ahe ill tfo Saturday to Mayesville to visit friends. Mr. 3. A. Sharpe and small son. Master J. A. 2nd. spent, Tuesday at Wilmington and WrivMsville Leach, returning yesterday mon. inr. Misses Liuie and Annie Ruth Caldwell and Master William Caldwell returned last eve ning from Wrijrhtsville Beach, where they spent several daya. The following bills were ordered paid at the regular meeting of the Robeson county road board July 1, 1918: DISTRICT NO. I. Ed. T. Taylor, wk $ 19.00 J. S. Powers, Howellsville, wk 51.60 R. F. Kinlaw, Lbt. No. 1, wk 30.n0 E. D. McNeill. Lbt., lbr 2.50 Kingsdale Lbr. Co., Lbt. lbr 32.32 C. M. Britt, Lbt. No. 4, corn and fodder 17.50 W. H. Prevatt, Lbt. No. 3 16.42 H. M. Beasley, Lbt, hay and oats 98.69 Pink Campbell. Lbt., haulinpr clay 25.00 The Wishart Co., Lbt., supplies 106.44 The Wishart Co.. Lbt.. supplies 4S7.80 DISRRICT NO. 2. A. C. Key, Barnesville No. 1, wk 24.00 S. P. Gilrnore. Fairmont. No. 2, wk. . . 2.00 J. W. Bryant, Rowland No. 2. wk 65.00 W. F. Wallace, Rowland No. 2, wk 25.65 Ino. W. Ward, Rowland, wk 42. GO he Wishart Co., Lbt., supplies 103.1 The Wishart Co., Lbt., supplies 282.85 R. B. Williams. Fair Bluff 12 00 DISTRICT NO. 3. J. H. Wallace, Rowland No. 3, wk. . . R. Cumminr-, Pembroke, wk W. J. and J. W. Johnson, Red Springs lbr James Dia;, Pembroke, wk. and lbr Roy Lewis, wk. Little Rock road G. W. Pat-. Raynham, wk Frank Morrison, Maxton. wk W. H. Townsend, Lbt No. 3. bridge The Wishart Co.. simnhes DISTRICT NO. i. J. L. McNeill. Buie, contract 3. S. H'rre'l, Ranert, hsuling Hiram GrEii'.hs'-i. R. ' H. wk. . "alvin Lowry, Buie No. . wk N. D. Smith, Maxtcn No. 5. !br and v.k. .'lalph Lowry, M;.:i'.'..r. No. j. lbr w. J. and J. . Jchnson, Red Spring: NOTICE CJAfter July the 1st I will sell for re pairs about 60 watches that have been here over one year. Some very good watches in the lot. Come in and see them. A. J. HOLMES, Jeweler. 1 1.50 ! 63.36 i 9.25 6.00 j .00 1 7-. 3.59 31.50 42.-0 18.0! 32.00 ONE WEAK SPOT. Many Lumberton People Have a Weak Part and Too Often It's the Back. tor weak 63.M U0.00 J. ii. Pui'cell, Max ton, cf.;r.ract H. B. Ashley. Jr., Red Snrinsra No. 1. ro!?d wcrkin 7.50 Neill Aii'ord, Ms.r.:r. No. 2, .br 25.70 D. F. Stewart. Max ton No. 5. lbr 5.00 Red Springs Hd-v r.nd Frt. Co., Red Spring1!, nails o.SO J. B. Humphrey. Red Springs, contract 75.00 A. Woimtein, Lbt., chain gang supplies 101.00 W. E. Mclntyre 27 bu. corn 27.00 Warren Faison, St. Pauls No. 3. lbr. 5 00 C. V.r. Jones, St. Pauls, vegetables chain gang p. 55 J. L. Thrower, supt. and guards 165.18 A. R. MiEachern & Co., supplies chain gang 15.00 J. C. D. McNatt. Parkton, wk. and hauling 4 25 J. A. McCormick. Pembroke, freight 21.92 J. M. McNeill. St Pauls, wk 10.00 Don Walker, St. Pauls, wk 1.50 J. E. Clifton. Lumber Bridge, wk 3.75 Britt & Seamon, St. Pauls, gas and oil, truck 32.12 Cary Johnson. St. Pauls, wk. stage road 10.00 J. M. Campbell, St. Pauls, wk 8.15 Brady & Singletary, lbr 27.16 W. S. Forbes, Richmond, meat 125.68 The Wishart Co., supplies 258.93 The Wis. hart Co., supplies 52 75 GENERAL FUND. The Wishart Co.. supplies S21.34 Robesonian Pub. Co.. supplies 2.50 Lbt. Motor Car Co.. Lbt., gas, truck.. 16.16 J. W. Lbt., wk 18.50 N. Jacobi Hdw. Co 29.65 National Bank, Int. $5,000 6 raof. .... 137.50 Stork and Cupid 35 Cunning Plotters Many a New Home will Have a Little Sunbeam to Brighten it STOCK OF JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, CHINA, AND SILVERY ARE, ALSO STORE FIXTURES WILL BE SOLD AT CLOSING-OUT PRICES BEGINNING Monday, July 8th. MRS. W. W. PARKER, ELM STREET, Lumberton, North Carolina Many people have a weak spot. Too often it's a bad back. Twintres follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day and night. Backache is often from weak kid neys. i"! such case a kidney medicine is needed. "o."n'; Klrtrpv P:l: nvp f kidneys. Fop backache and urinary ills. Lumberton people recommend the remedy. Mrs. Geo. Collin?. 604 Second St., Lumberton, says: "Several years ago I was down with kidney complaint. I was nervous and all run down. My back ached and felt weak. I had no ambition and it was hard for me to bend over. I often got dizzy, black specks came before my eyes and my kidneys didn't act properly, either. "nui iriea uoan s Cupid and the thrW'. ui niTkanfl 1 fan t-Say t0? much Uoa: to are wted as rTning ploS lor them. They put me in good shape the coming jf the little sunbeam We stnee n 1 ? PPyfS .Price 60c, at all dealers Don't ' kST as8 JoSt dhicTfe mmply ask for a kidney remedy get KfLb?v womn ,for. over half a century Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. How's This ? vlTd ?5e1 ne H"? Hollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Hall's Catarrh Cure htm been taken thirtvC atarrh ?ufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become Catarrh",.?? rtUab,e remedyfor tho KinHaU fuCa,arrh Cure acts thru Mini S tLZ hfi Hucous surfaces, ex KSSf. he. Zl !? Blood and Cure fof a ,w, laKen Hal1'8 Catarrh a shrt time you will see r ESn. lmgrovement in your eeneral Curlthkt ol .25 Hal" SSSS &T& Ohio. F&nUZZZ ain and tensfon SLiSr5r Tho, muscles are made elastic and Phable so that when baby comes they expand with ease and the pain and danger at the crisis is naturally less. 6 then, too, the nerves are not torn an? QVth that usual wrenching to, and many distresses, such as nervousness, nausea bearing down and stretching nain" nr among the discomfort anri Tftw?,!' a!.e Fffi.T0!. Who have 1186(1 Mother's rnend say tnev havo pnt;!,, j u.. .i.. Prions .j i "V""- nave usea Momer s ! Jiw irom .experience that it is Write to the Bradfleld Regulator Co eV &A t& "Moth- I hPTfl 4a a Ui . stmction and comfort to be dTrived trZ 22L UtUe phUnlyivriUen a bottle of Mother's Friend from the druS Lumberton Motor Car Co. Everything That Can Work Must Work The Governor says so and the President backs him up. The man who seems to have a plenty of time to saunter around may need looking after. We have some Maxwell five passenger cars left at rea sonable price. We have two Maxwell Roadsters. Only one Maxwell en closed touring car. Maxwell One Ton trucks and Federal Trucks any size you want and bodies to suit your business. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. A WELL EQUIPPED FOUNDRY. Lumberton Motor Car Co. LUMBERTON N, 0. .A U-b0 We are a member Federal Reserve System of Banks 4 Y.-T r- mam, mbbsa Men experienced in the banking business and who stick strictly u sound banking methods conduct our National Bank. We hold the business of those who start with us because we treat them right. Open an account with us and we will treat you right. Being a member of the Federal Reserve System of banks means that we can get money when we want it. Put your money in our bank and you can get it when you want it. First National Bank (Bank opposite the court house) LUMBERTON, - N. C GlothingDepartment In this department yon. will find all you may need for these Summer days. Palm Beach Suits $7.50 to $12.50 Cool Cloth Suits $10.00 to $15.00 Mohair Suits $10.00 to $15.00 Mohair Coats $5.00 up Serge Coats all wool $6.00 BOYS CLOTHING Two to three hundred boys suits in summer and medium weight $5.00 to $10.00 Boys pants 50c. to $2 50 UNDERWEAR Athletic union suits knee length 75c to $3.00 Knit union suits, ankle length $2 to $3 Separate shirts and drawers 50c Gauze shirts long or short sleeves 50c to 75c Sox from 15c to $1.50 Straw hats from $1 to $4 Panama hats $3.50 to $6.00 L. H. Caldwell OCEANIC HOTEL FIRST STOP ON WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N. C. Excellent Food Concert in Lobby by Lumina Orchestra Every Day from 12:00 till 1:30 P. M. and 6:30 till 8:00 P. M. Boats for Channel and Ocean Fishing Start From Oceanic Hotel Pier. Reservations, Rates and Booklet, Address C. E. HOOPER, Manager.

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