THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918. PAGE RFvt i . ' r i SELL YOUR TOBACCO AT TON A W Y: FIRST LUMBERTON is the largest town in the county, "The County Seat" with more stores. - larger stocks of merchandise, more "Up-to date Styles" than can be found in any town within 65 miles. You Can Get What You Want in Lumberton SECOND You will always get your checks cashed at Lumberton on day of sale. We have three large Banks that are ready to accommodate you with resources nearly two million dollars. THIRD LUMBERTON has 4 of the best Warehouses in the State, managed by men who know what Tobacco is and what it's worth. The best buyers in the State will be at Lum berton, representing all the largest companies. You are sure of high prices for your to bacco at Lumberton, the buyers can pay more, as we have 3 railroads to move the crop. There will be no congestion when you sell your tobacco at Lumberton. Remember the advantages: "Best Warehouses in the State", three large Banks to cash your checks, the best buyers and the most of them, the town in which you can get "anything" you want. Try the Lumberton Market With A Load on the Opening Sale TUESDAY JULY 9TH. LUMB RTON Tobacco Market