THE ROBESONIAN ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE VOL. IXL LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1918. NUMBER 46 SUMMARY OF WAR NEWS. NEAR-SONS OF ROBESON BETHLEHEM STEEL Battles Stubbornly Contested Amer- Holding Fast Crisis icans Seems to Be Past. Although the Germans are still at tirkin the Allied lines viciously on WINNING FAME IN THE WAR General R. L. Bullard is Considered One of Greatest Generals Major Harllee is Prominent in the Marine Corps. GETS $20,000,000. War Finance Board Advances Large Sum to Help MeetUrgent Re- , quirements for Steel. GADDYSVILLE GRIST. PEMBROKE POINTS. BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS Dryest Since 1911 Tobacco Can't Be Services in New Church Ice Cream Upon the request of the director of Mr A W MfT.psiTi ramp hnme ves- both sides of the Rheims salient, what jterday frQm Washington to attend I steel supply of the War Industries gains they are maKing continue. SOme cotton mill directors' meetings j Board, the War Finance Corporation, nv.ll ones on isolated sectors and. . . , !. ,' A . i: onfined to the region ana wu ive evening icuum m oraer to assist, in meeting uic and immediately to W asmngton. gent requirements of the country tor steel and certain other war products, Too High Labor Scarcity Teach-1 ing So-operation No Time For Sharp Criticism Other News and Comment. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Supper Friday Night Mr. Walter S. McLean Marries in New York Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Pembroke, July 17. Rev. Rolrnd Regular meeting Maccabees to night at 8:30. Degree work. Mr. J. A. Raine left last night for Baltimore, where he will go under treatment at Johns Hopkins hospital. Mr. Oliver Pai;e of Marietta is : pending several days in Lumberton with his brother Mr. Sam Page, who is a patient at the Thompson hospital. A glorious rain fell here and in -mall ones seemingly are c . imr the Marne outhwesth of Rheims. Just before leaving Washington Mr. " Eastward from the cathedral city McLean had a talk with General An- Xt&zss&Jtt&i r t. "rrne(dro,r a the enemy and keeping their line in-1 2-months' visit to the west front m tact notwithstanding the prodigiou France. General Ansell is enthusias expenditure of shell by the Germans about the solendid fighting cmal fi thp r'etermmation with wnicn ; . SSL troons i are delivering their; ities of toe American soldiers m lu nt- I France. They have won the admira- Everywhere the battles are beny i tjon 0f the leader stubbornly contested and where crth Carolina s i.-... i Italians nave i.'een lui. has agreed to make an advance to the Bethlehem Steel Corporation oi ap :n . r i t..i: Hedsreneth filled his regular appoint-' 16-Crops are suffering on account me Sunday, preaching at it - ir.vmuch needed, of extreme drought and corn is almost a- m aad 8:39 P- m; services .wereJalso another just like it or a little more so. a thing of the past. Tobacco is holi ing up very well. The people say this is the dryest dry since the summer of held in the new Baptist church which is much more convenient and co.Vi- The condition of Mrs. ML A. Ged- fortable than the school building,; die, who has been sick for some time which has been used as a church since and who recentlv was taken to the proximately twenty million aouaqw ... o'us """v "ou'i' tne cnurcn bunding was Durnea some; Highsmith hospital, Fayetteville, is The proceeds of this advance will be very good rain fell, but a very slight! time ago. ! somewhat improved.' used for the completion of certain sprinkle here, this being the first," There will be an ice cream supper contemplated extensions, for coke since May 24th. 1 at the school house Friday night, the! I, ana Airs. J. L. In rower mov- ovens, blast furnaces, plate mills, etc., Tobacco prices are very satisfactory 10th. Watermelon and fruit, also will J" lu.sday to Lumberton from R I at the Sparrows Point plant of the and the planters have no cause fori be served. The proceeds will be ttscdJaJa ht uls- Inev re living on ! Steel Cornoration. These extensions grumbling at, all. But there is no foi the benefit of the Red Cross. The Cnippewa street Mr. Thrower ha? will round out and materially inJ danger of srettinz more than it' i ' public is very cordially invited enarge oi tne roaa tract t lia heen oniv t,,, the infliction of extremely heavy casualties on the invaders. The Amer icans nowhere have been forced to withdraw. On the contrary near Fos ov near the bend in the Marne, near Chateau Thierry and Dormans, they l aAa further improvements in nave "Tr. " t ., Vu cu&.i, mnn LlKc Liieii i'iciivuir-i .,.orloc m arms have been engagea in vioieiu A Washington dispatch last night states- "While official reports from Generals Pershing and Bliss were too belated to permit formal conclusions to be drawn today by military author Hies here as to the situation along the front where the German offensive was -till beating against American, . t : 1 1 1 AMn 1 4" 1ITO C! French and Italian aeienueio, . clear that they read press advices as indicating that the crisis was past and the enemy's pians rs of the Allies. The sol(iie?'s, he said, are crease the productio nof this plant acquitting themselves splendidly. is expected that the work will be com-1 Mr. McLean says that General R. i $f$JSfo L. Bullaid, son of a former Robeson tnig advance serial notes of one to fiVQ countv man concerning1 whom an ar-1 year maturities, part of a total au ticle will be found on page 6 of this thorized issue of fifty million dollars. r.mi-nm nmo J vop.ntn f: on ! The remainder of this issue is to pe in France. One" of the Washington j underwritten by a syndicate to to papers carried his picture the other formed by bankeirs, f,.r ;Bethhern bteel corporation, me notes wm ultimately secured by bonds of Beth lehem Steel Corporation of a par value equal to 14 per cent of the notes. These bonds are in turn to be secured by direct mortgage upon the prm- their positions. 4 nA nn. re easrerlv print tne Aiueiicana mou i "-j --v 1 T. ,, r3 ing what miormation tney can .tu about him. In official circles in Wash- mzton Mr. McLean says Gen. Bullard is considered one of the zreatest gen erals. He has been put in charge of erais. ne nas ueeu pui iu v.hiaSc i - , . - . -n i v,T 4-Vio the American troops at the most im- cipal steel 5 portant points, and is considered Gen eral Pershing's right-nana man. Another prominent man in military circles who is a near-Robesonian is Major Harllee of the marine corps. Maior Harllee was raised by Capt. A. T. Harlee, who lived near Row- lemys w w a,VnS9 the South Carolina v rirXv "thit Quentin Roose-j line.' The family has long been prcm- r evIPresident and inent. The Harlleesville roaa ieaa Mrs. Roosevelt, had fallen to his death in a xigr.t wun sh"11 " airplanes. of T.umberton was named for the family. Major Harllee married a daughter of Judge Z. T. Fulmcre, formerly of Robeson, now and lor TTXTPQT? WAVE NOT many years past oi Austin, ms. THESE HAVJ!. ui ! Major Harllee has won for himself FILED QUESTIONNAIRES? quite a reputation, Mr. McLean says. Bethlehem Steel Corporation through its subsidiaries, and also indirectly, through the pledge of securities, upon other properties contrnea oy di-uii, Cfaol P.fkrnnration. The rate which the Bethlehem Steel Corporation paid for the money or-.fnviTvinte1v nine per cent. m a W McTan of Lumberton is a member of the War Finance Cor poration It worth, considerinz tne cost of sur'me.5 Mr. and Mrs- Hector fc.dwards and Mr. V. R. Covington, formerlv and crop. small daughter, Louise, of Armour, with the" S. A. L. here left Tuesday The labor situation is growing ; sient Sunday with Mr. Edwards' sis- afternoon for Hopewell. Va., where acute. Tobacco is put in the barn ter Mrs. W. E. Hall. He has accepted a position with the now on any day help can be secured. Mr. e'.i Mrs J. B McLean spent National Bank of Hopewell. Some planters bring up the family: the week-end visiting friends near . and take two days for the work, v.l.ile Bellamy. . Sorta Sheriff R. E. Lewis others with lar?e families swao work Mrs. Margaret McCall of Armour! has 200 acred of as fine cotton -3 and bridee it across in one day. The visited at Mrs. W. E. Hall s Sunday, grows, some oi it is already begin latter plan is verv satislactory ana; Mr. and Mrs. l, .A. uouuwwonn s w wwu smn w iwraw it is teaching a lesson cf co-operation. nd children left Monday night for an eany opening oi tne cotton mar- Mavbe it's a blessing, after all. Roanoke, Ya., to visit Mrs. Collins-et. The roads are extremely bad now- worth's n?rents. Mrs. Collinsworth Mr. Daniel McLeod of Re I Springs adavs as the sand is deep and dry.) and children expect to be away a'-iout ms a L,umberton visitors Tuesday. Little Fords make it througn wniie ; two mor.tns. ,1 mr. ivicteoa is past u years oi age hig cars stay and out and the occu-j Mayor and Mrs. L. M. Ansley and and boasts of having ever been a "blue pants walk over the bad places. 'children expect to leave tomorrow for :-,t-cking" Presbyterian and a Jeffcr- Melons are very scarce ana nign- Micro, wr.ere tney win mK.e uicn , bonian uemocrai. priced, and so poor codgers like your home. We all regret to see them leave i yr. l. C. McCabe cf Greensboro correspondent have to go with mouth Und hope they will like tneir nevn :g a Lumberton visitor this week. me. . guest of Mr. Fred Brown. Mr. Mc- Quite a number from here motored: Cabe is secretarv-treasirer of the wn to Lake Waccamaw Sunday j 3usiness Men's Mutual Life & Cas- a-watering for melon. Some times we wish we were a newspaper editor and folks would set us up to one dowr Mr. Henry L. Pope "In the Midft Of Alarms" at the Beach. n xr,w T. Pone, proprietor - of Ls- the Pope drug store was "m the midst n- - o- w-rio-Vitsville Beach the He is related to some of the Town- f alarms at Wrightsville Beach To the Editor of The Robesonian: The following men who registered sth 1918. have failed to file questionnaires. Under the law we are! .,.w,.ni-,vi fr nut them in class one. i may be that some of these men are in the navy, but no evidence has been furnished us and we will appreciate it if in such cases their relatives anrt friends will advise us promptly so thev may be changed to Class 5. Joe Harps, Jr., Newport News, Va. Bland Powell Brown, rairmom, sends and McCallums and other fam ilies in Robeson. COMMUNITY MEETING. At Centenary School House July 24 Community Fair and Community Evaporating House to be Discussed Lots of the housewives are canning, Thev reported a very pieasant unw. uaity c0i of Greensboro all they can, as fruit is very plentiful j Mr. T. M. Brock spent today herej Mr B Tolar of and waiting to oe conserveu. j -witn nis iamuy. w . o 1 Lumberton visitor today. Mr. riditor, some oi youi ine many mcnua spondents just keep a-howling tor ''Farmer's wife" to offer another let ter of criticism. In our estimation the city lady is doing all in her power to do the best and the right way. so is Rennert is a Mr. Tolar ine many irienub says good rains fell in his immediate McLean will be interested to learn of nef horhood Tuesday afternoon and his marriage to ChtteNiJ that just above his place ? "LSWJbi?- fihaW enough, rain fell to lay the the 12th at 10:30. Mr. McLean is i fho TT S armv and has been sta- the rural lady, and now its even, tioned at Ft. Hamilton, N. x.f lor . - , first of this week. He arrived at tne heach Sunday about poon win wife and small child. Some six hours later, about ten minutes after he went into the surf, while enjoying himself out near the end of the pier m f Kg . , v - o i vrvtol he went to the T.oepne rti a man who was m diacrwr The man grabbed Mr. Pope around the neck and pulled him under. Mr. Pope managed to free himself and helped S bring the man safely to shore, but ! he was completely exhaustea au All are trying to do their duty, and ome time what's the use of some "jagging the other about her part? Now is no time foT sharp criticism, when every body's at wits end to win the war. The Pleasant Hill Christian En- Aaavnr. aneletv is on the grow, with , , ir Lumberton Visitors at Wrights ville Beach- a T,mKor of Lumberton people have visited Wrightsville Beach dur- Community Fairs will Be Held , y r ii'u w riiii inciA.i . " ul;nion Tie recovered sut In County. u - thanifht Chester Piget, Jr., Rowland. A community meeting will be con- d larmed to take a nsmng u p Fktcher Parker, Lumberton, R. No.duced by Miss Lulu M. Cassidej ; next daV) but. he was the victim of 1 'Cl,u ' . t j , v,t,f -.-of ir.n ncrpnt. at i! no-snn. AbOUv, l.ov after re the bath here he Worth Barnes as leader. You, w '3. few davs. Mr. and Mrs welcome on every Sunday night ai s , children, Anna x.J Hourtnev and J. A. 2nd, Mrs. Sharpe's vne tunc TT - XT i "hoss run over him." That's when oWted teacher of the Pleasar., Grove Baraca class last Sunday. Yquj will alwavs find a welcome iu Branch's "class, but he declares he s not the man for a teacher The negroes will go a-fishmg if the dust. He says he has a fine corn crop. Mr. C. W. Byrd and son, Mr. T. C. Byrd, of R. 5 from Lumberton, were among the visitors in town yesterday. At their home on the Big swamp, It miles east of Lumberton, the Messrs. Byrd say they had a very good rain Tuesday" night but apparently not quite so good as fell in Lumberton. Mr. J. S. Holman, manager of the Lorraine hotel, says he had to turn away a number of people last night for lack of room. He is using oi available space Dut . A ;.f.r Mrs A P. Court- motnei anu ZZLZ. Jk every mc.i oi avauame space out ney and Miss Edith Courtney of Bal- im ible to teke in all Hmnro onrl Miss Josephine tjree-. . , , u v,i went to the beach Saturday, drmn g look the Lorraine will have to be through in miss -1- i enlareed. from Kreece ana --rr Mr. Bill Leggett of R. iuesuay. rr4.npv .j Lnmberton was among the visitors in Mrs. Courtney anu "TJ Z. H n lnarl of " Xomer Howell. Lumberton, R. 7. Marshall Carlyle Martin, E Lum- bep.n'if-k Marshy McLean. Lumber- ton. L evaporating house. . . i . 1 ! aJ an I J l. tta - CTC Alex West, nociunKui. -Charlie Smith. Jr.. Lumberton, K. . Walter Smith. Lumberton T. L. JOHNSON, Chairman. Lumberton, N. C, July 18, 1918. n i .1 -.r:" a c pmnmumtvi "Ti.:. -P;ur were 2-uests, climoea a community - - - - , ana ins -" ---- - ly. an1,, ufc - Miss Um.cia TUOG Q-TII'H. VV KJL I. Ul uv "wt . i ; . ft 1 v QTln WITS. LUW i VeSLCirj, Z;;and poor is their luck. They turned dauehter,? tobacco, second curing, at one of the emild make more in somebody s to- ri. n. T pope and warehouses h ill . auu atj. t TOBACCO SELLING HIGH. hopes L to have a. spec nng msme . - Robert Stuart I the greatest tooac-u-u ;rr ttatti Kaieisa tu apv . i nrnvea uc - . Wnhpson county. , . j? -C..-, . oviri x'POt i Hmr:a. i a ,4-wAYifr Tn Litiuip. r , i a i i f Ahonft is; riiMiie uu drying oi uui "TlI0" hel Ain"ub, --- , r Wll. Wnat k nu ux -- demonstration m cunmns " the aronna o- good.bye S. C. lme ana tney u - en- tv fairs will be held t morning to go to his work best anu VoVt forget soiN ryuL -YV; j0- the aus- " rS" j -fil rlarl in the batnroum ':J " n nil sell at in the county ims ye i m town auu m. easily, cut- - i Ul Wic J-"- . . .-ii ix J-t here yesterday at 23 cents, hacco field lrltor and Miss Leigh Pope, and was mignty wen pieasea wilh baccolieid boosters just for- small daughter and Miss lj g r. A ood rain fell at his home, . , i ., nn and mi. y - v- "lUTT" ; . s , T got all about us ' " r heaeh Sunday morning in mr. - your recent trip and really lost he g , - Mr Anderson returned heart ot the game o e Monday evening. He lerc nm growing - Wilmington and will retu rn Robeson county. . ; - " Sunday for Mrs. Ande IIJV. ; . . TV.T Uvntun rt- on and daughter. tt f turned Monday morning r. ewbold went to tne Dcawu o--. night ana reiui j- - pices L . -n i .. 1 'l'Unoa Will 1 C r stration wore. r .ed to ' rX A; fl,a fieured in the nve State am auu f v;---0 ne the noi T the Wilmington Great Quantities Are Being Sold Daily be tribf ojT "fiff Rex and- - - , t i v Maripiui. - SeVethernvo'xvm be held HI 1 Bickett Will Go to Europe be decided next weeK. vv minutes, lai, . . f Pope notified the proprietor of ruf j miroH in the and Higher Higher Prices Are Prevailing. Great quantities of co be- OFF TO CAMP. ing soia dolii at uuinw-.. - . mont daily and prices are continuing Cainnnnt anVWaV The health of the community is very .rood and visitors are too numerous i r t I. . U - , i - o miles H um iuuiue; tun i au.- mont road, Tuesday night. Rev. Fred T. Collins. Mrs. Cyn thia Britt and Miss Johnnie Collins returned today to their home at Clin ton, Sampson county, after spending some time in Robeson- visiting rela tives. They were accompanied home by Miss Maude Britt. also of Clinton, who had been a guest at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and to mount upward. More than w,uw pounds were sold on tne iocai ket today. The tobacco farmer this year is coming into his own. ine average price o nthe local marKet yesterday and today was around 66 cents. Indians Who Evaded Draft Sent to Camp. Worth Sampson, Indian, who left Sixteen Men of Robeson Division No. 1 Were Entrained For Camp Dix Yesterday. The following reg WSC Lumberton, E. 4 To Study VTar Work. in Thomas W. Bickett, wife of fteMSoTha3 irnttee of the "u"f washington to 5"S FAr8aCa membe? ofTcom visit 1 ranee atndv the mittee to be sent by the war work bemg JlLhow the Vrench women, and to learn . a call at rI tadav from the home of Mr. E.I Mrs. E. J. Britt, Second street, for noon today iroui u and!,.Bl 4av Mr Collins recentlv re- tVmention; o if you, Mr. Editor, have Hood Zt e i&e, which was only d as pastor of the Baptist church toed your maxim we'll quit, even, found that nre been aKclintonand ?ccepted the pastorate rr Uhd. . . of the Baptist church at AnosKie, - -- j Jonorrtter CaPt. J. f. KUSSeil auu isses "Jennie and Marie, and Mr H "j? Jnrasf. weather ever ii as tuc u-jv.-- w y g American Towns. Troops Recapture Tuesday recap- - K missess .jciim .!' ft,:- after. M McAllister will leave this alter noon m on a r r a niter's Premier auto 1 su. -r- - . r trip which wil emorace j.,.., , , Robeson soon alter ne reg ! -Qrrn v,and. , t? 9 military duty June 5, 1917, and failed rm f and 0 Lumberton, R. 2, to notify the exemption board of his Aeaaw: .i, u.,f- u.. wn arrested at farmer. - Mnr-ietta. farmer. pihitwwiw, . i. Krexl l-i. ruwi.'r ' ormer. Raymond Floyd, rairmuu., riSi Avery! lumberton, laborer gie;deg Lumberton, R. 1 (farmer. wsftt laborer. Adam snort, f- taborel urate, x - - . laborer. er. Claxton, Ga. He was taken to soi-.e camp in Georgia. Sampson is a son of Jasper Sampson, who lives near Pembroke and who last wee k was bound over to the Federal court 07 U. S. Commissioner E. M. Johnson his two sons ZZa""ZTa TteUie Sampson,! Aflam, t hprton. laborer the other son whom Jasper was charg- Barrett, Lumbertom laborer ed with aiding to evade the draft, has Walter ear , Fairmont also been arrested and sent to camp. ;"ey , - llaJer-ra -r M-Nair, Elrod, farmer. . f hit 1 Thomas d- i11- . ' . jr ,r. Death of Mrs. Sue Burns 01 mavj gante Grate5 Fairmont, ton. Mrs. Sue Burns of Maxton died Tuesday at a hospital in Greensboro, wherp sVio wua taken 10 daVS ago for treatment. The remains were taken to Maxton yesterday and interment was made in Eastside cemetery, wneie her husband, Clinton A. Burns, was buried about a year ago. The fun eral was conducted bv Rev. Dr. H. j. Hill, pastor of the Presbyterian church, of which she was a member. Registrants Being Examined and Classified- ' The 170 young men in Robeson dis trict No. 1 who registered June 5, last, are boine- examined and classi fied. Thie work will be completed tomorrow. 1 -f ivnerate American women can ue- fi- with them, me """""tne work fJrStwf ChA- and Y ?.i C A. in France Information the ioint cam- trip will be used for wjgg for to be launched in Octob funds for the X. Y. M. C A. war worK. director Mrs. Bickett -rho is State d of the Y. W. C. A., exy . to for Europe in aukw -- take return in September She , . e Sronher return to America A wiovinn trOOPS tured Fossoyond Clancy ton the soutn oaiuv. r Monday by the Germans when they erFchhandVAmerican forces fight initoSrther Tuesday recaptured the village of St. Agpan &U No. 223 to the nortnwest ' :fh H.e Citv. Mullins, Florence nd J1; 1 here last night about 10 tr-P S C. Miss Jennie xvu&sc the Lorraine notei iuu Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hall and four children, of Oxford, on their way across country to Wrightsville Beach, orient last nisht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mclntyre. They arrived 30 and -found to overflow- pend some time at Kingstree visit-1- Mr Hall 'phoned Mr. Mclntyre, relatives. The others of the party . an old acquaintance, to ask if he ? aIt.I ii-oc t fr-n tomorrow. . r-ftnlfl tell him where to spend the The revival meeting conducted by nighf and Mr Mclntyre opened his Rev B F McLendon at Red Springs home to them and cared for the war- frTr weeks came to a close Sundiy WQrn travelers until this morning, rviirrit There were over 200 conver- wften they resumed their journey to mbers were . . u.i, Mr- Wall nos a farm near onn many cuuiv-" liic wrcavn. " bodon. in co-opeu , sions "incidental expenses ; p",". t ft, amorirans wiiv- ran ainieu. m i " rrencn, n - Mlla-. morn-1 IL- ing between tnese tv ""7"' the enemy steauny mg 7," f;Qw larere iorces 1 nrniiiiaLi'-j 0 of reclaimeu. cn -d :n of the campaign were $803.50 and in Ui. . . . . -f rao-.ri offering 1 lvicije Maxton corresgw- addition a MnT.endon $1,800,40 was fSJ-J-' 17th No Crowder Calls 46,000 Men to Col- rvrs. a men from all Forty-six g Columbia States and the tnf o were called to the coio der by rTrovosi""-white registrants. Thev are to be all www ' Movements into camp win - Aut 5 and August f? August during tt pram provides for tne en 3A),000 wniie men. "f"Qfl(.. f this ready issued account for 19,994 of tftis nUNobrh Carolina's quota of 2W will be sent to Camp waaswoim, . - Vac"FoT President Wil son This Summer. rrw will be no vacation this year for President 7 demanding ?? 2fJT.v the President PIS attentiuii . ., - . . 1 AAoii that ne caniiuu - ws, j il c ofinitelv annnouced desK, anu u, - rR "i that he at the White nouse v;" v.- will remain in Washington through out the summer. , Superior Court Closes. Robeson Superior court for thecal morninT The only case tried after SrninJL.t nf the proceedings pub- yuc - 'DiJiaa was lished m lvioiiuay a v mi p Tvson written was that of Neill R. Tson fi, nha,..rp of store-breaking. He r3T"- riltv. Tvson was was luutiu c -. - i.ftTn charged with breaking into a store at St. Pauls. Judge C. C. iyon ox Elizabethtown presided. The term be gan Monday of last wee. Americans have been engaged, espe ciallv in the region of Des rive' whe?e they were brought up to sur- a. i.1 .linn nnff HTKlCIli port ine - - "aora taken Additional wtn" : , , . Tuesday say they are convinced that their commanders are beaten. . -Mr. S. P. Smith and family will! at first, and Contin move tomorrow from East Lumber- to get up. rf this improveme q . . -hore LVir. He IS in ma om . . 7 j J 4- lnlimuil V j-"L - T iiw w i uv. Smith will be engaged at work for Wilmington btar. xi auffer- Mr Wimam Liaune m, -- . nesday afternoon, is somewhat im nesuay . w41rhM last Wed- o He is coninieuw i able to talk much better now DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER Optometrist Glasses Fitted by Superior Methods Expert Knowledge of Eye Diseases LUMBERTON, N. C. side is i f o moti nnerer. ixi. ku"", who has been at Penniman for some time, came home yesterday. One of the Robesonian local re- nfirtnyt: cave if VOU wish to see-some sure enough cotton that it can be seen on the farm of N. A. Revels, at Pem KvaVp Revels is one of Robeson s most successful Indian tanners, mw besides operating his farm he has a good mercantile business. Mr. D. M. Rogers of Marietta is a Lumberton visitor today S affictton' bNe to ld . very active life. Mr Lester Lovett of Orrum was a Lumberin visitor this g. JWlEFJIflH TDHOBSnfl, WHEAT VUXt ICR HOME U3 WDrflKI WY ALSO AS f&ty i ERROR CORRECTED. In Messrs. Bransford & : Nob lin's advertisement m Monday s Robesonian it was stated that Mr Tno L Taylor of the Long Brancn section sold a load of tobacco in Fairmont one day for 25 cents toe pound and the next day sold a. part of the same curing in Lumberton for 37 cents. That was an error which both Messrs. Bransford & rr-tiL a The Robesonn regret. The price Mr. Taylor received at uo5r.rr.nTit was 35 cents and was in tended to be so stated. The error was of course unintentional and is gladly corrected. a U. 8. Food Administration. Baking powder biscuits, co'n. bread, muffins, brown bread, ffrid dle cakes en waffles is wot dey call "quick breads." You all makes 'em wid one cup er wheat flour ter two cups er substitute flour to save all de wheat dat kin be saved fer do sojers. Some folks kin grit er'long; widout any wheat at all and are glad to do it ter help win de war. Dat ain't bad med'eine to take, fo who's gwine tu'n up hi nose at Kood co'a bfiftd er. biscuits er flapjacks!