THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, JULY 22, 1918. PAGE FIVE Wei Are Offering THREE VALUABLE Things FREE to All Our Frieiifcari Tte 7i Here They Are-SAFETY, SERVICE, GOOD WILL IM"""1 ' HI f.y, , ,,, lni.,,,,,nii1t-M-1ni,,,,,,uvri7il....l..., imi.TTl,.. rARMFR?RAwed iTf M0RL. and ' PHYSICAL safetV for yur ney. We can say TruthfulIvThTwe aTthe" FARMERS BANK. A laige ma ority of our directors are FARMERS. A large majority of our memo no stock is owned by FARMERS. Three-fourths of our loans are made to FARMERS $73'000-ftft p.tal Some of our competitors i have adopted our original slogan "MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK", Iff 1 r mm but many of you will recall that we adopted this slogan several years ago and we still invite YOU to Make VJUT Bailk Ymir Ranlr wpcltu vnpTSr, day in the wt (except Sunday 1 from 9:00 A-M to 3 p-M-Aiso on wjay af 0 8: p m nk Wfc CA5ri YUUK CHECKS from any of the three Tobacco Warehouses in Lumberton FREE 11 1 hi lirp 1 1 1 ,, ,,.,uMuim.,.,M.WM.. .,,, , , ti u t mMmm Yours for Service, Safety and Good Will PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY iaju. ruK 1 tit uiu uluuk UIN lHfc CORNER. THE ROBESONIAN Dflee 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. MONDAY, JULY 22, 1818. BUSINESS BUILDERS ift m m Or ft Oi I WANTED TO BUY SMALL HOME. NOT too far cut. Box 214, Lumberton, N. C. KYE FLOUR FOR SALE. REQUIRES NO substitutes to be purchased with it. J. T. Biggs. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN, FROM THE back door of my shop a larpe white cat with black spot on head. A suitable reward if findfr will return to Miss Amelia Lmkhautr. 'phone 191, McNeill buiding. WANTED A BOOK-KEEPER AT ONCE. Apply to The McCormick Co., Pembroke, N. C. FOR FRESH COUNTRY BEEF, EGGS, chickens, fish, butter, sausage and groceries. D. F. Pitman, meat cutter, formerly of Hinds market, now at Fillyaw's market. Send us your order, guarantee f a -weight and low est prices. Fillyaw Meat Market, Elm St. IEMaLfTnI'RSE OR ATTENDANT FOR A sanifirium for Nervous nnd Mentai diseases. I Pay $24.00 a month with hoard swi iaunoiy Address S. Lord, Stamford. Conn. FOR SALE, A FINE HORSE AND NEW top boggy, or will trade for Ford truck. W. H. Humphrey. FOR RENT, SIX ROOM HOUSE, PINE AND 16th 3treets W. H. Humphrey. DON'T SUFFER CATARRH OF THE HEAD, that loathsome and dreaded disease, cured while you sleep. Sessoms Late Discovery the great home remedy, in use more than fifteen years, testimonials and living wit nesses bespeak its merit. One bottle usually cures worst case. Price $1.00. For sale by Sessoms Remedy Co., Lumberton, N. C ; Grantham Bros., Lumberton, N. C. ; Gran tham Bros.. St. Pauls ; Red Springs Drug Co., Red Springs, N. C. ; J. M. Ses soms, Mfgr. FOR SALE PURE MILK. 15 CENTS A quart. Also two fresh cows for sale. C. B. Tomlinson, Lumberton, R. 5. TAKE A DIP IN THE "SURF AT JEN- nings beach. Large crowds are visiting the beach daily. G. E. Rancke, Sr., manager. CMffilEWljiTl No Bigger-Hearted People. In remarks before beginning his sermon at Chestnut Street Methodist church yesterday morning the pastor, Rev. Dr. R. C. Beaman, said that it had never been his lot to serve bigger hearted and more generous people than some who worship at that church. Last Sunday he said he made a brief appeal for the war work of the Meth odist Episcopal Churdh, South, and asked for $75 for the work, the allot ment of this church. Many of the con gregation were out of town, but those who were there subscribed nearly $100 Dr. Beaman said that while the board of stewards had given him the entire month of August for a vacation the church would not be without the regu lar services more than one or two Sundays. He said that he could nev er be comfortable taking: a vacation away from home while the doors of his church were closed, and that he very rarely takes a vacation on that account. IF TOU WANT TO BUY OR BELL STOCK in any of the Lumberton cotton mills or bank9, address P. O. Box 386, Lumberton, N. C. COMPARE MY INTEREST RATE AND terms with others who are handling the tame class cf loans. Amounts, $2,000.00 to $50,000.00; Robeson, Scotland and Hoke counties. Rate of interest 6 1-2 PER CENT. A. T. McLean. Lumberton, N. C. PROVIDENT PARENTS. AM MAKING LOANS FOR FIVE YEARS on improved farm lands in Robeson, Scot land and Hoke counties, in amounts $2, 000.00 to $50,000.00, bearing interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent. Call on or write A. T. McLean, Lumberton, N. C. " TOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL REAL estate address P. O. Box No. 886, LumDer toa. N. C. DON'T FORGET TTTE BEST PLACE TO stop hunger U at the Olympia Cafe, E'm street, Lumbe ton. MONEY TO LEND UN IMPROVED LAND in Robeson cou ty in long time. Rate es food a, any ca. give Stephtn Mclntyre. ATTRACTIVE LUMB2RT0N HOME FOU nle. Wjll take automobile on trade. Ap ply to Box 26. Lumberton. N. C. Discerning, discriminating, pro gresstve, provident parents, of perspi cacity and perspicuity, will endorse the late Henry Ward Beecher's re mark that: "A home withoot a good library is like a house without windows. The new International Encyclope dia, just off the press, with the new Standard Dictionary, comprise the best and most useful home library. Write today for free sample pages, price and easy terms: J. T. Nors worthy, 914 Austell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga Mr. C. P. Stephens of R. 1 from Or rum is among the visitors in town to day. Mr. Rory McNair of R. 5 from Maxton is among the business visitors in town today. Misses Hilda and Miriam Wein stein are spending the day in Fayette ville. Rev. H. A. Grantham went today to Wilmington, where he will spend the i wee GEORGIA COTTAGE CeUeen Stations 1 and 2. No. 109. Wrightavilk Beach, N. C. Rates reasonable Sea Food at all times. Mrs- M. A. Crabb, Proprietress. SUMMER MILLINERY "We are prepared as never before to fill all summer needs in beautiful white Milan, Georgette, and Maiine Hats. Truly artistic, as well as durable, and the styles are exclu sive. HATS OF RAREST QUALITY AT Miss Joesphine Breece's GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES ine eest Made. LrATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 10 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. I I Mr. Frank Gough and son, Master Frank, Jr. spent yesterday at Wrights ville Beach. Mrs. S. E. Baxley and son, Master Almas, who live near St. Pauls, were Lumberton visitors this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Sharpe and son, J. Q. Jr., of Columbia, S. C., arrived last evening and will spend some time here visiting at the home of Mrs. Sharpe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Glover. Mrs. J. I. Sutphin, who has been spending some time here at the hene of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean, will return Tuesday to her home at Columbia. S. C. Closing Out Sale JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, AND CHINA. Prices are advancing and goods are hard to get. Buy your Christmas presents while you can get them at reduced prices. MRS. W. W. PARKER, ELM STREET, Lumberton, : North Carolina PERSONALS Mr. J. P. Prevatt of Orrum was a Lumberton visitor Saturdav. Mr. F C. Smith of Fairmont was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. A. C. McMillan of Parkton was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Elmer Hedgepeth of Lumber- ton R. 3 was in town Saturday. Mr. J. D. Smith of R. 2 from Hone Mills was a Lumberton visitor Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Carlyle have gone to Asheville to spend the summer. Misses Nannie and Ruby Thompson spent the week-end at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. W. I. Linkhaw left Saturdav for Waynesville, where he will spend some time. Mr. H. W. Ivey of R. 7 from Lum berton was among the visitors "in town Saturday. Messrs. W. W. Davis and A. V. G. Wishart spent Saturday in Atlanta, Ga., on businesss. Mr. Oliver Britt and family of East Lumberton spent the week-end at Wrights ville Beach. Mr. X. W. McDiarmid of Chase City, Va., was a Lumberton visitor Saturday and yesterday. Mr. A. J. Prevatt of R. 2 from Lum berton was among the callers at The Robesonian office Saturday. Mr. R. P. Davis of R. 3 from Lum berton was among the callers at The Robesonian office this morning. Miss Robbie Toon of Wendell ar rived here Friday night to spend some time visiting Mrs. R. T. Allen. Master Stephen Mclntyre, Jr., left this morning for Wingate, wherr he will spend some time visiting rela tives. Mr. H. C. Rancke and son, H. C. Jr., of Rockingham are guests at the home of Mr. Rancke s lather, Mr. G. E. Rancke, Sr., Seventh street. Messrs. Joe and P. H. Redmond re turned to Greenville. S. C, this morn ins after spending a week here visiting- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Redmond. Mr. Luther Carter, one of Robeson's selectmen at Camp Jackson, spent part of last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, on R. 1 from Lumberton. Mrs. L. P. Stack left Friday for her her home at Savannah, after spending some time here visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Mcln tyre. Walnut street. Miss Commie Shelby raturned Thurs day night from Petersburg, Va., where she has just completed a course at Bowman's Business college. She was accompanied home by her niece Miss Ruth Raggett of Petersburg. Miss Lillian Proctor returned home Thursday night from a two weeks' trip to Williamston, S. C, where she was a guest at a house party, and Camp Jackson, where she visited her brother, Lieut. E. Knox Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mclntyre and Mrs. S. Mclntyre left this morning for Raleigh, where they will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. They were accompanied by Mrs. S .W. Williams of Raleigh, who had been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mclntyre for some time. Mrs. L. B. McDaniel and daughter, little Miss Mary Dales, of Scotland Neck, who had been guests for two weeks at the home of Mrs. McDaniel's brother-in-law and afister, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hamilton, Second street, left Saturday for Roseboro, where they will spend some time visiting relatives before going home. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE B ITES-STINGS Wash the parts with warm, salt water then apply Ktrp Lirtl Bodv-Guard CKSWo 25c 50c $1.00. Mr. Fred Brown left last night on a business trip to Washington, D. C. Mr. E. L. Thrower of St. Pauls, R 4, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. J. L. Prevatt of Buie. R. 1. was a Lumberton visitor Thursday after noon. Mr. Clarence West of R. 5 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Friday. Mrs. Nannie W. Crump left this morning for Bennetts ville, S. C, to visit her mother, Mrs. Harriett Watson. Mrs. A. Nash and children, Misses I margaret ana KODerta, returnea Fri day night from a week's visit to Charlotte and Lexington. Mrs. Chas. H. Boyd and children will leave Thursday morning on an extend ed visit to relatives at Monroe and Thomasville, this State and Gaffney, S. C. All who are Contemplat ing Buying A Watch Or anything in Jewelry this fall would save money by seeing me, If and making their purchases at an the addition of an extra war Rl De mucn higher in the near future, byearly date, as all my line will tax. At present I have some special bargains in Elgin and Waltham watches. Yours to serve, A. J. HOLMES, Jeweler. Next Door to Mr. K. M. Biggs. BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLES! Bibles of every translation, for the home, Sunday school, teacher and for vour soldier bov. Thin or thick naner. All bindings, all prices. Write to J. T. Norsworthy, 914 Austell Bldg., At lanta, Ga. PASTIME THEATRE WEEKLY PROGRAM: MONDAY: Bushman and Bavne IN THE BRASS CHECK Prices 6 and 11 Cents. TUESDAY: k Madge Kennedy IN THE DANGER GAME Goldwyn Special Production. Prices 11 and 17 Cents. WEDNESDAY: Jewel Carmen IX THE GIRL WITH CHAM PAGNE EYES. Fox Feature Prices 6 and 11 Cents. THURSDAY: Wallace Reid IN A BIG WESTERN Paramount Special Prices 11 and 17 Cents. FRIDAY: Lina Cavaleire IN LOVE THAT LIVES. Beautiful Paramount Feature Prices 11 and 17 Cents. SATURDAY: Wm. S. Hart The world's greatest screen actor in his greatest success in Western Special features THE TIGER MAN. also Billy Parron In his new 2-reel side-splitting comedy BILL'S BABY. and other good reels. Prices 11 and 22 Cents. Prices include war tax. One of the best programs ever offered to the patrons of the Pastime. Bin Reduction i ! I on all STRA W and PANAMA 1 Hats L. H. Caldwell ii 1 Ay.

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