I PAGE FOUB THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918. 5, m if HE ROBESONIAN Pvbliahed MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By BOBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO 0. A. SHARPE President THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918. UBSCRIPTION RATES arid the county commissioner? noi doubt will be tflad to provide for this service apain if the farmers want it. o . Both Wilmington daily papers, The Star and The Dispatch, issued cred itable good roads' editions yesterday, the opening day of the convention of the North Carolina Good Roads asso ciation. The convention will last through tomorrow and no doubt will be well attended. It is the most im portant good roads' meeting that has been held in the State in years. o WHY NOT EAT WELL, SLEEP WELL, ENJOY LIFE M ANTO NE KING OF RECONSTRUCTIVE TONICS Builds up the Nerves an Sexual System, produces Rich, Red Blood A Builder up of the entire body. "MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER." Full Treatment, No Benefit, No Cost. FOR MEN AND WOMEN One Dollar All Druggists Pm year $2.00 1 Billions in War Taxes Gathered From Wide Variety of Sources. Mix months 1.00 fhrte months 60 Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 Entered as second class mail matter Bt the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. How the government wai FAIRMONT TOBACCO MARKET REPORT When the large contingent of reg istrants was sent to camp from both Robeson county district in May Th. Robesonian had a group picture made of the contingent from district No. 1 and published a cut of that group find stated that a picture had been taken of the group that went from Red Springs and a cut would be pub lished in the paper as soon as the pic ture could be obtained. After waiting for some time we wrote for informa tion about the picture aiid have just been advised by the clerk of the lo cal board of district No. 2 that the! were filled with billions in taxes gath ered from a wide variety of sources ranging from stamps on playing cards to huge levies on excess profits was shown in detail today by a report of Internal Revenue Commission Roper to Secretary McAdoo for the year ending last June 30. Total interna revnue for the year amounted to $3,694,703,000, of which $2,839,083.00 came from income and excess profits tax payments in June and $855,619,000 from a multitude of miscellaneous sources, collected large ly in pennies, dimes and quarters add ed to the prices of various articles paid by consumers and poured into the treasury by retailers, wholesalers or manufacturers to help meet war costs. Huge as the taxes seem in the ag gregate, collections for the entire year were only enoueh to D3V the nat.inn'o bill for two and a half months of war at the rate the government is now spending money. Next ot income and excess profits taxes, the backbone of the revenue schedule, liquor taxes broueht in the most money, $443,838,000, including $317,553,000 from whiskey, brandy wine and spirits, and $126,285,000 from beer and other fermented liquors Taxes on cigars, cigarettes and other tobacco products yielded $156,188,000 These figures are somewhat higher than those reDorted soon after n.c close ef the year by Commissioner Ro per and are subject to further slight modification. Another Big Week for Farmers Who Sell Their Tobacco at Fair mont All Past Records Beaten For High Averages. REPORT BY E. J. DAVIS & SONS. At Lumber Bridge Friday and Saturday. This is another big week for the farmers who sell their tobacco at Fair mont and beats all past records for high averages. All grades are sell ing at outside figures with the bet ter grades of cutters and wrappers higher. A great many lots of tobac co have sold this week from 46 cents to 50 cents, and some lots up to 55 cents. The largest curing for this week was sold by Bass & Lewis, weighing 1,442 pounds, for 50 cents a pound. This is perhaps the largest single curing of tobacco ever sold in Robe son for this price. Our averages for the first three days of this week, including scrap and eve rything, are as follows: Monday, 22,043 pounds for $9,053.21; average, $41.07. Tuesday, 65,189 pounds for $25,- OTHER BIG AND HIGH SALES Made On Floor at the Star Ware house, Getting the Surpris ing High Prices Below. AN AVERAGE OF $40.22 THE HUNDRED FOR 30,000 POUNDS Including Scrap and Other Cheap er Grade. vnunc man who took the picture hasj Dr. J. V. Turner, wbn i rl -F w, c0r,t tn. ,-amr. und that it has1 dental work for Rohpsnn r-wi owi. 922.56: average, $39.77 been i-Pi to get in touch tajbjj Satar-L' f i4" pom(ls for $22, him. This explains why a cut qX tne,j H , , TZZTZTZI The a vera for tip t T-a;. G. W. William ' ' ' ' " ' ' fJitiiio ii ! . . I - . . V . T T 1 Some of the sales made since last report were as follows: Skipper & Greene Skipper & Greene W. A. Locklear T. A. Allen Wesley Powers B. L. Sutton Jno. Parker Jno. Parker Alf. Hardin All. Hardin M. D. Paul M. D. Paul Messrs. Paul & Jones E. R. McNeill Martin & Townsend M'White & Smith W. A. McNeill J. W. Davis J. L. Powers m t- 1 it ' , i 1 r- p-rouo that went irom rteu opm anu oaturaay. hp xvil hp in r.nmW J'S a iraction over 4U cents tor everv- J- When the largest contingent that has ton Monday and Tuesday of nexr lthi"g- , Powers & Pow trone from the county at one time was wdl.be at timber Bridge b0lh Friday L 0ur saleTs for next week be as Powers gone irom me tuunt week. imnM ! follows: Mondav. It- TSpcHav Jno. Sampson ers entrained has never appeared in me, Robesonian. o In mentioning 'phone service m a, cent issue it was stated that one thing! that delayed service was the habit I Y Robeson County Road Board, ROAD BILLS PAID of some people of calling for connec tions by name instead of number. It is a fact, though, that some people who have always called by number have been driven recently to calling' crwttino- the rierht number. It J- v... - . August 5th, 1918. P w . DISTRICT NO. 1. Wednesday, 2nd:' Thursday 1st- F-' Berry & Smith day, 3rd. ' Berry & Smith i i Messrs. Jaui & Lariyle we marie our sa es uniform work for all alike. Come to see us Messrs. Paul & Carlyle when you come to Fairmont we will. Prevatt & M. get you the high dollar for evcy load of tobacco you sell with us Your Friends truly, E. J. DAVIS & SONS, Fairmont. N. C. A household remedy in America for W. L. Thompson Lbt No k'" years ur. i nomas' Eclectic oil. fodd.r .PSOn.Lbt;. No- 4' torn and , . J For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds, hiuis- o6 1 es- 30e an d60c. At all drug stores. has 4 SApSTers' Lbt- ..... 33.08 happened time and again that one w. s. r ori,es & Co.. Richmond, meat '. '. ' 14893 1 would goto the 'phone ana call a nuuv j. a. ToenfsVis't :'33d;; g-g 1 1 1-.,. .:.. Vi nmmf mimlioi" i ?' - Csldwel & Son. simnliw rc uer ai:u Bx M - ta? Edwards. Lot., bridge wkV. 1 ' I ' j 1 . . . . r .-r t o vi rror f :i ti n.i ii'n i,rniAiii e ' t 1 men oris wuuw rjwB Uit a jV n pV. t 1 o K-n' 153.61 1 . 4 nA . 1 1 n.iv,r, the w,n? Frevatt, l-2vlnl salary and gniards UNCEASING MISERY. number again; and that would happen jtIVTA1 so often and so provokingly that in despair you would simply be driven to calling by name. There has been some improvement in the service tut in? the past week, we are glad to say, but it is proper to say that the diffi culty about calling for connections by name is not altogether the fault of the patrons. o 58.50 i?.n 71 1 id expenses I 25.00 n Some Lumberton Kidnev Sufferers Get Little Rest cr Comfort, .3 months N. S. Tolar, Lumber RrirW ' 'iW-cn'c ; There ic Kttla clnnn 144- art nicTc - 29.oo tie peace for manv asufferer from kid ney trouble. Life is one continual round of pain. You can't rest at night DISTRICT XI n, n D. H. Nancp. n'oo i. Noel Townsend, Fairmont No. ' i,' bridge c v.' t..' - tb in" i-- 2.00 .$13.70 . IJ. Purvis. Fairmnnf -ty - '"Jv., ri UKIII when there's kidney backache. You suter twinges and "stabs " of pain, lbs. Price j 280 40! 390 43 340 38 ! 310 35! 188 34 756 40 320 37 208 38 S 60 21 670 38 116 33 600 49 564 47 652 371;, 680 47 288 36 608 37; 456 37 244 40 286 43 416 44 148 41. 320 44; 350 41 330 33 : 144 46 56 32 1 800 45 380 38 440 39 1 280 So! 400 41 , 450 45! 440 46 1 505 45 576 42 j 320 39 260 40; 452 39 128 29 i 484 42 700 43 350 38 1 350 33 372 42; iends have' F V E. v L Mc.ormac' Rowland, ''br. I "rmgers, tiro;!, brides 1 . -orew ivey, Kaynfeam. -V rcujuc vviiu ii;ise lucii m a. . tsracy, Ro 4-V,rt- 4v-,n r. ' 'nvdrt.ip HA 4-1-,, vnrf . . OlTCiSVliC " 1 1 f. t.w t'?1!, N?- ?.- and nervousness. Yon ean't. he mm. ers. In iact w P. Smith. Msxton'Nv 's.'Vk Vfo 29-50 i fortaWe at work with darting pains favor of rushng n!e I 1 ui;,j: j; n xt.i..i Vet hefnve their KV Hfl 3.1111 11 ! Hi I 11 A. V S ,P S. M' ' J " 1 ' wland .vk. . drasrpring 3, wk. Al- 13.-0 j these ailments and serious troubles Atac Alford. Rowis-n.t inconsiderate and cuss-provoking peo- am McLoan, Eivod. wk. . . . . ' Callingham. Aim: pie at an and late to raise a little garden true Bowland, wk. A! A tin - i - j- m . i - v.....iniirt.-ii, Aima. m vvnen one nas H"ea soon u. Culbreth, LTr. No r, iSr VC-""- ';Murann, fembroke, wk 1 . i f 1 , , l T Tir rv . ' ' v r.. ana a neignoor is satisnea to set aown . MCian . . . , i i lorasvine in stau-ipfj ease arm allow nis emck ens to wax fat up.jn truck that the gardener fondly hoped might fir.d its James Dia!, Pernor o, ibr. snd v..V ummmsra. Poi,,ki. i. T tj r. , , ' , . Ah DU-OCK. ib,. L A. McComaac, i. months j ney rms at tne nrst sign 01 disorder 29.20 i Thousands have testified to their "JJ ; merit. 3i!2! Proof in Lumberton testimony: r; 00j Mrs. M. J. Sheppard, 311 Chippewa r.f.o'o St- says: "Kidney trouble got the up I per hand of me some years ago. My 5.00: back was weak and my kidneys were out of order. When I would bend over No. 6, wk. anj ibr. i2.oo i a sharp pain would go through ma. them and expenses ! Rlinrlino- Ai7.7v uwllc mo rtwev w way to h& own table, and by and by! district ?io.' V. "b-00iand I could hardly stand. My head well as a member of the commission tho ... j. ! Humphrey, Lbt No. ? h?M. ., i nnUnA 1 i-i j t n a-t.-eaaA Viiw tj-.t i.nr-n-m ach with the fatness the chicker A- stanlow. Baie,' 4k e wk"'iiHft 80 nervus I would almost crv. I nority. Commissioner V. T. Lee was aatlMMj A.n,-T fh i;,,-.- . T sP- i,,vnentl- Lb- No. 6,"'wk'.'Raft felt tired, lame and sore mornings, selected as chairman. J. S. Griffin, fthsred h the neighboi garden-- mp . :,. 6.50 I My kidneys didn't act properly, eith- who has been tax clerk for a long tftat is not exaetly whac one would i Emerson Brv& bngs'!?'?1?e8 87-32 1 er. Finally I sot Doan's Kidnev PilU time, succeeds Maxwell as clerk to . V. U.. (Kid Tl Q '-' -.iT.r; - . Prevatt & M. Prevatt & M. Prevatt & M. Prevatt & M. Prevatt & M. Prevatt & M. Prevatt & M. W. L. Fisher & Co. W. L. Fisher & Co. W. L. Fisher & Co. M A. Williamson M. A. Williamson Holt & Fisher Nathan Thompson Nathan Thompson Nathan Thompson been informed that our market is toj close this season earlier than usual. This is to inform you that we ex-j pect our sales to run late in Septem-l ber. owing to the lateness of the sea son. However, we are going to do this season as we have in the past that is. keep our house open long enough to accommodate our custom - e have never been mi tobaccos on the mar-' are ready for sale. Now, read this fact and don't for-i get: When you have your next load! ready for sale we will get you some: of the high prices we are now getting; for others. Your friends, Eransford & Noblin. Prons., STAR WAREHOUSE. The State Corporation Commission reorganized Thursday following the retirement of Chairman E. L. Travis and the appointment of A. J. Max- ssion call Christian or neighborly. I be rather more considerate and nei Bony to cold the gardener hotgun every so oie:i and BOy a Oiucxen lor a tne commission. would be COTTON GRADER I' a. me. r.rd a t timer r.rd b Robesonian about the advis ability of taking steps in time to pro vide a cotton grade foi Robeson this year. Robeson had a public grader last year and no doubt his services were Worth many thousands of dollars to the cotton growers of the county. Un less all signs fail the farmers of Robe son will harvest this fall one of the largest crops of cotton ever grown in the county, and, as "Farmer" says, it is not too early to begin to prepare' to market that crop tc the best aiivan tage. The cost to the county is trifling $100 Reward, $100 rviT?e Jraders of this paper will fe P eased to learn that there is at least S2L SS that science has" that is catarrh. Catarrh being riJ 'Pf&'o' srsjE nn tf- patient strength by buildtasf tureen nstltution and assisting na- h2vedsonffmuch Slh Powers of . 1Ti the curativa ot teetimoniais 8 t0 Ure- Send &at vvouiu T - 691.9s? i:u uctiii usaxiik tiifai. i nmv naci - CaWnBrffMki t0 ,aVe a lew befoi'e 1 felt like ray- .v,-fv ;'f!t Rmitt. Lbt. No. 4, draj ging 5o'(m ' 'eir aain- -Vi" v:as as strong as ap with ,i Motor amijfccMne c. Red Spr&w wk 29.S5 ! ever and I have felt like a new uer !naKe lk L s;,,J;;1:e- Springs, wk. RichJand son since Doan's cured me." it B- Walters. Red' Springs,' "wk 976" Prioe 60c- at all dealers. Don't Mnnmtr Lockler. Pcmi.roke '. r2rb I simply ask for a kidnev remPWoo tP:K.ZtSI4 iio.Oj j Dean s Kidney Pills-the same that Malaria or Colds Josepii Townsend, Lbt. Nc. 6. w& T nr t-. y,t- rauS iO. 2, wk 11 2 3" n t. urwS'TKiCT NO. 5. . D. P. McNeil . St. Pa.,!a 1 fifin n at S30.00 .... LJnriT, i ;, .-.548.00 r B ri ""T..TTJ cuppiy co., trt. Paul G. R. IhaKsrard. St Pihil .i. -u- till Sheppard had. Foster-Milbmn 20.90 91.66 aggard, St. PeTuIs. sunnhV; gang J. M McNeill, St. Pauls,' repairs chain G. I. Klarpp, Shannon, wk. F d Tv'iirlo,,, (34. Ti.i '- i-auis, corn meal .. 20 ?,nrlaProceS,y. St- Pauls, meat ... 22 48 J. T Odom, St. Pauls, No. 3, wk ZTqh A D EM4EnpCo S; PaulrmTiseK A. u. lLvans, St. Pauls, feed . . sa truck" .Seamn' St- PauIs' suPP'ies' N. S. Tolar,' Lumber Br idg4,' "ibr. 77 6? Jf- Townsend, St. Pauls, Ibr. "224 2? White & Gough, mdse. .... 7935 Jh8',Per diem and expenses' ' 8 month, salary sec 3 months.... 101.00 D. S. Carlyle, St. Pauls, No. 2 27 8 W. D Prevatt 12 wii S3larI (gang) 32-50 nrai f HH onh. - 58.50 T ""'"" bills i'AlU. l. H. Townsend, salary firnvf, Robesonian Pub. Co.. adv. Lewis, sheriff, over paid 1917 Freeman ' Ptg'.' Co.',' 'stationery" ' .' .' .' t' atacy, 1-4 retainer fee and WK a ?' IS? i-2 expense ' bill, ' ! ." ! .1 T TV, 1, ' . mgnway. Gu'f Refining Co.',' oil" '..'.'.'..' Lbt. Motor Car Co., Lbt.. acct. Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. 666 cures Headaches, Bilious ness, Loss of Appetite, foul breath, or that tired aching feeling due to It removes the cause. salary 40.00 40.00 3.00 ST. 50 2.44 97.56 Stomach and Liver Troubles. JNo end of misery and actual suf lering is caused by disorders of the 0wCfvrand live a.nd may be avid: ed by the use of Chamberlain's Tab lets. Give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. y I ' ' ' L, H. Caldwell's A NEW PERFECTION Will Send Old Mercury Down Some in that Kitchen. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR SHE KNOWS Hardware Dep't Put your Mone in OUR BANK fSJl ' DONT LET EXTRAVAGANCE CRUSH AND KEP YOU POOR ? EXTRAVAGANCE IS A HABIT SAVING IS A HABIT It is as easy to put a little money into the Bank each pay dav as it is to figure 0n what pet extravagance you can indulge in but, your extravagance will later become a great buiden vou'll get the "debt habit." Your savings will soon show a big balance and you can loot forward to something worth while. WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST. COME TO OUR BANK. First National Bank (Bank opposite the court house) LUMBERTON, - - N. C. Lumberton Motor' Car Co. "I haven't paid a cent for repairs on my ear in all th ten months I've had it" said the motorist. "So the book-keeper of the concern who repaired it says! replied the friend in corroboration. The Automobile Dealer suffers long and still is kind. TJu greatest of all is Charity. Maxwells, all 'styles-the big Gas saver of motordom Chalmers cars-The best for the price made today. Maxwell One Ton Trucks and Federal Trucks all sizes and styles of body, ijj Lumberton Motor Car Co. LUMBERTON N, C. Take Good Care of Your Complexion and Your Beauty Will Take Care of Itself. We sell all the things that are necessary to a Good Com-Plexion-Cold Creams, xllassage Creams, etc. etc-the Best that are made. We also carry a full line of Manicure Requirements, as well as everything necessary to the care of your hair. ALL YOUR TOILET REQUIREMENTS CAN BE TAKEN CARE OF HERE. inn 139-4 J. PESCRIPTmI A SOMA m Lumberton, NC.