THE ROBE SON I AN THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, lfll. 9 9 If C ft If If PAGE FIVE we Are unering iHKtt YALUABLt lhmgs FKfch to All Our Friends-and This Means YoD Here They Are SAFETY, SERVICE, GOOD WILL We have provided both MORAL and PHYSICAL safety for your monev We can sav Tr..thf,,iiJTKTrT FARMERS BANK A laige majority of our directors areARMERS A laJ ouffysM l stock is owned by FARMERS. Three-fourths of our loans are made to FARMERS 5,000.00 Pal Some of our competitors have adopted our original slogan "MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK" KM 1 r r but many of you will recall that we adopted this slogan several years ago and we still invite YOU to Make KJUT Bank YfHir Kanlr wv rltu vTZ'rveV iD Wt (eX"Pt Sunday ' frm 9:00 A-M-1 3 P-M- AUo on Wday af o 8: P M WL CAbri YUUK CHECKS from any of the three Tobacco Warehouses in Lumberton FREE "' ' '"" T' ''...,... ... f f t t , m m ri . Yours for Service, Safety and Good Will. PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY jl-wiv rui i riL mu ,iajuv U1N lMt LUKNER. & m ii Oil ii ii ii ai ii THE R0BES0NIAN Oflce 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 19i8. BUSINESS BUILDERS FINE DUBOC .JERSEY BOAR FOR SALE. Two 'ytars eld. A. H. Hinds, Lumberton, N C. FORI) FOR SALE. RACER IN PERFECT condition. A bt-auty. ' Price $450. Dr. W. A. Mcl'i.i-u!. CHURCH NEWS NOTES Gospel Tabernacle. Services on Sunday as follows: Sun day school at 9:30 a. m., preaching by the pastor at 11 a. in. and 8:30 p. m. Morning, subject: "The Four Elides of Genesis." Evening subject: "Sin ning against the spirit." Young peo ples meeting at 7:30 p. m. All are invited. W. H. WAKEFIELD, M. D., OF CHARLOTTE, v,!i! be at Cook's Hotel in Pembroke on Ttandsy, Auk. 29th, in Ward's Drag Store in Rowland on Friday, Aug. 30th ; and in Dr. Brown 'l offlc in Fairmont on Satur day, Aug. 'it. The doctor limit his prac tkc to 'Me meilioa! and lUTgie treatment i.f eye, ir. no.-e and throat d&Cftws and fitting ttoss, As.; yoat family physician brat eontiiHiafE Dy. WakeiieM. McLendon . Invited to Hold Meeting. Evangelist B. F. McLendon of Ben nettsville, S. C., has been invited to hold a revival meeting in Lumberton some time next month under hi?, own tent under the auspices of Chestnut Street Methodist church. McLendon, known as "Cyclone Mack", is well known as a successful evangelist. He SUMMER MILLINERY We are prepared as never before to fill all summer needs in beautiful white Milan, Georgette, and Maline Hats. Truly artistic, as well as durable, and the styles are exclu sive. HATS OF RAREST QUALITY AT Miss Joesphine- Breece's and nearing a home port when the tor pedo struck her, penetrating the ward room, where patients were accommo dated. About 100 wounded have been landed at a British port, coming ashore, in what clothing they could reach when rudely awaken For dyspepsia, our national ailment, lion J .. I. T 1 i riv . ' ""uuti uiooa Bitters. Kecom- menaea ror strengthening digesior purifying the blood. At all dirutr stores. $1.25 a bottle. About 400 patients were on board the vessel. a Of the 2.898 counties in the United States, all but 355 now are "dry." Chronic Constipation. It is by no means an easy mrtier to cure this disease, but it can be done in most instances by taking Chamber lains Tablets and complying with the plain printed directions that accom pany each package. m- " FOR S ALF MI'.OC JERSEY PIGS, Months . : : ...e -r.. leir.a.e. 20.90 Ii P McKinnon, Rowland, N. C. K id I 4 1-2 i No Preaching Services Sunday at j held a great meeting recent!; Sr-rings. U It. SIVMIFIREY i OPTOMETRIST ) WILL' be in Lmnbcrtai from noon Tuesday to Wednesday five thirty o'clock, thirteenth ar.d fourteenth, to examine eyes and fit flames. Foi information call at The Gn.nth.irr. Drug Store. H B Humphrey, Optometrist, Rockingham. N. C. LOST Sl'NDAY MORNING, DULL GOLD crtsct-nt Jn-ooch v,ih one pearl, between Lor raine H rtel and First Baptist church. Re ward Fh,ne M:s Kinlaw, Lorraine Hotel. FOR SALE: TVVOFlNE JERSEY COWS fn h M. H Richardson. Monroe. N. C. Chestnut Street Methodist. There will be no preaching services Sunday at Chestnut Street Methodist church. The pastor, Rev. Dr. R. C. Beaman, will go tomorrow to Ken derson to spend a few days with Mrs. Beaman. who has been visiting rela tives there for some time. THIS WEEK FOR CASH 100 at SI each. Stephens & Barnes. FOR SALE j.iano base WE HAVE SOME REAL BARGAINS IN traded!! Bjanoa and organs. Stephens & Barnes, Lnmberton, N. C. $1.00 RFAV AKI TOR RETURN OF PACKAGE tontaining black dress cloth taken from my s-tore July '0. last, by a colored man who Oi the wrong package. No questions ask ed. Fillyaw & Co., Lumberton. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 8TH STREET. 9 room, lights and water. One block of high school baildinp. Apply to E. S. Mc Neill. Lumberton. 6R YOUR TURNIP SEED, SEED OATS. seed Irish potatoes, clover and other seeds for fall planting, at L. H. Caldwell's. ONE SOW AND 6 PIGS. PIGS ONE MONTH i!i Wi ther oolard China. 2 years old. Pigs Baroes. All in fine shape. Seventy-five Mian geta tne whole bunch Apply to C. I'. Williamson, Prukton, N. C. ONE DUBOC SOW TEN MONHS OLD, EN- titled to l'tirist ration, will weigh near two hundred pounds. The first $40.00 check will buy her. H. F. Lancaster, Parkton, N. C. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN NICE FARM or lo?r wagon mule, weight about eleven hundred, T. C. Lewis, St. Pauls, N. C, R. F. D. No July Ship Launchings Greater Than Those of Any Single Pre vious Year. With the launching of 123 vessels totaling- 631.944 dead weight tons and the delivery of 41 others of 235,025 dead weight tons new world shin building records were established in July by American shipyards, the shipping board announce Tuesday night. The July launchings alone were greater than-those of any single year in the past. Attempted Air Raid on London a Failure. From yesterday's Associated Press Summary : In Mondav nieht's attempted Zep- nelin raid on London one of the big dirigibles was sent crashing in flames into the North sea by British airmen, while another, wounded dv the gur.s of the defending fliers, had to scurry homeward to evade destruction. Of the five machines which set out on the mission of devastation not one reached London. Mr. A. H. Hinds is spending the day in Wilmington on business. i -Mr. Homer Stephens of R. 4 from J Lumberton is in town today. j Mr. W, L. Rice of R. 4 from Lum borton was among the visiters in town ! Monday. I Messrs. J. B. Humphrey and H. B. ! Ashley, both of Philadelphus, were ! Lumberton visitors this morning. ! Master Robt. Gindin of Perth Arn i boy, N. J., is a guest, at the home of I his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. w einstem. Mr. M. J. Merritt will leave this evening for Tracy City, Tenn., where he will spend some time visiting rela tives and friends. Mr. E L. Holloway returned Tues day from Asheville, where he spent Mr. W. R. Bullard of R. 1 from ! aoout 2 weeks and where Mrs. Hollo- was a Lumberton visitor w. I way and children are spending the terdav. , summer PERSONALS I PSSE Z S T 9 9 ' WTsr 5 ma MM Mr. A. T, MeKellar of Rowland was a Lumoerton visitor Monday. Mr. D. P. Buie of Philadelphus was a Lumberton visitor Monday. Mr. Okey Stenhens of T? 4 -frm Lumberton was in town -yesterday! Mr. Austin Smith 0f the Buie sec tion was a Lumberton visitor Mon day. Mr. C. E. Tedder of R. 2 from Fair mont was a Lumberton visitor Mon- aay GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES I he Best Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. r'auis FOR S 1LE TWO GOOD YOUNG MULES. W. H F're :itt. Lumberton, R. WASTES AT ON'CE A GOOD LUMBER taffler and Inspector. Al--o a t-ood planir.:! man. Give references, stating sala'-y anil when can begin work. A Collins Lm ner Co. Charlotte, N. C. AY AND OATS AT THE RIGHT PRICE. Lumberton, N. C. Victims of Submarine Accounted For. The eantain and 13 members of the crew of the American tank steamer Mr. Roland Davis 0f R. G from Lum berton was among- the visitors in town yesterday. Miss Carolyn Shooter returned home Tuesd ville, S. C. Mr. J. L. M'Whrte'and son, Hal., of j ou. x-ams, ti. 1, were Lumberton vis iters Tuesday. Mr. D. C. Lowe of R. 2 from Lum berton was among the callers at The Robesonian office Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Townsend le Wednesday for Hendersonville, where they will spend some time. Mr. R. L. Allen and small son, R. N. of R. 7 from Lumberton, were Lum berton visitors Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Morgan and Miss Cora Ford, all of the Marietta section, were Lumberton visitors Mon day. Miss Evelina Beckwith left Tues day morning for Wilmington and Norfolk. She will be away for some time. Mrs. W. I, Linkhaw and two chil dren, Howard and Madeline, left last evening for Waynesville, where they will spend some time. Mr. P. H. i.ewis ana small dausrh- r T T .'n.n c-i-nlr SlliliiHV (1 t H. M. Beuk ITOVEWOOO FOB BALE FIVE DOLLARS a w-l. Phone fie. 11. M. Eeasiey, West 4th Fot SAL "i : : i: e " : h' k. 15 C2NT3 A JWrt Also two fre.-h cows for sale. C. B. Themanon, LumWrton, R. r.. VAKTEO A A,ipiy J 1 V. (.. Rorman snhmai'ine 0 coast, have arrived safely at NortoiK, Va., the Navy Department announced Mondav night. The 14 men with the 30 preiouslv reported as having been landed accounts for all the members of the tanker's crew. The condition of Mr. Alf. H. Mc fi to his I'.OOK-KF.EPER AT ONCE, j be McCormiek Co., Perr.broko, WA.YTU) TO 11UY HOME-RAISED CORN". Bees ley, Lumberton. N. C. . Insure in the I.aFayette Mutual Life Insurance Company, a purely nrotual company. Home office, Lum berton, :;. c. ' (M1'AKE MY INTEREST RATE AND terms with others who are handling the MM caM Cf loan. Amounts, .f 2.000.00 o $50.000 00: Robeson, Scotland and Hoke rpvn,UTO- Rate f interest 5 1-2 PER CENT. A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. T.fwi w-'-t, has been eonlme room' for two weeks, is somewhat im proved today. . A much needed piece of street work has been done at the crossing of Chestnut and Sixth streets. These hot evenings the ourt house lawn is a popular loafing r ace. It would be a good idea for trie town fatheis to provide some seats on .hat lawn. YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL STOCK P any of the Lumberton cotton mills or banloi, address P. O. Box 366, Lumberton. AM MAKING LOANS FOB FIVE YEARS on improved farm lands in Robeson. Scot ft and Hoke counties, in amounts $2, W0.00 to $r0.000.00, bearing interest at the a t",.5 1-2 Per cent- Cal1 on 0T write 1 McLean, Lumberton, N. C. JfiF WANT TO BUY OR SELL REAL toa V Qreti3 P- - Box No- 886, Lumber- h't?'J , KrRGET THE BE8T PLACE TO - nuiifCT is nt the Olympia Cafe, Elm --- ouinoerion. Mlv i u " t oil ,U '-END ON IMPROVED LAND o.u'i ."n cunty on long time. Rates as ia any can give. Stephen Mclntyre Hosea J. Weeks, prominent farmer of Cumberland county, was Kinea oy the explosion of a gun at his borne five miles from Fayetteville, Sunday morning. Owing to tne circumbu. surrounding the happening it is not known whether Mr. Weeks' death was the result of accident or suicide. Friends of the family are inclined to the belief that it was an accident. MONDAY" ALLHEALS WHEA3XESS VSt HO BKEAIX CVLACKXJS, TASVK CBl BREAKTAST I OOPS OLH tax n ln o WEAl D(tt7 ,S' .fFER CATARRH Of""tHE hiL lhsome antl dreaded disease the IS"? vHleep- Sessoms Late Di years, testimonials and living wit- HEAD. sease. cureu ftfuST home remedy, in use more than "i.eert years. t;nw...; i riv.u l I ruu living wit- WuTZS lU merit.. One bottle usually case. Price $1.00. For sale by SSS! ' Co., Lumberton, N. C. ; W n Br06- Lumberton. lC C. ; Gran! BS nBroe . St. Pauls ; Red Springs t ami iii- Kea BPnngs, N. C. ; J. M. Ses- 60c at ill Any skin itching is a temper .ester The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan's Ointment is for piles. eczema any skin itching drug stores. Doan's Regulets are recommended by many who say they operate easily, without griping ana wmwui ua ter effects. 30c at all drug stores. or the Marietta section, were Lumber ton visitors yesterday. Miss May Pearl Jones, small daugh-j ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Jones of Laurinburg, is a guest at the home; of Mrs. Daisy W. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bullock and son. Earl, and Mr. J. D. Bullock of. R. 1 from Fairmont were among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lewis and son, Percy, and daughter, Mss Jesse Long no, of Jacksonville, Fla., spent last week here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. J .A. Martin and infant son, J. A. Jr., returned Mondav evening from Richmond, Va., where they spent a month at the home of Mrs. Martin s parents. Mr. E. G. Johnson, who lives near St. Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. He was on his way to Co lumbus county to visit his daughter who lives near Cerro Gordo. Mr. D. R. Shaw returned Tuesday from Black Mountain, where he spent several days. Mrs. Shaw and little Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, will spend some time at Black Mountain before returning home. Mrs. Harriet Watson of Bennetts- ville, S. C, accompanied by her grand! aaugnter, miss oyivia vvatson, arriv ed this morning for an extended visit to Mrs. Daisy W. Jenkins and Mrs. Nannie Crump, daughters of Mrs.' Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. S. McNeill and two children, John Coble and Donald, and Mrs. Irvin Jenkins and adopted daughter, little Miss Mattie, left Tuesday for Swannanoa, where they will spend some time. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Bond of Row land were Lumberton visitors Monday. They came to meet their daughter-in-law Mrs. Eugene Bond of Wilmington, and her baby, who came in on the evening train and went to Rowland with them to spend some time. Notice of New Advertisements. Tractors raise British hopes. Ordinance requiring labor identifi cation cards. Letter to LaFayette Mutual Life Ins. Co. How best to save National Bank of LumL erton Good sense vs. good cents People's Bank & Trust Co., Fairmont, N. C. Will soon have Dunlop flour and n:eal Whitfield & French. Brooch lost Miss Kinlaw at Lor raine hotel. Jersey cows for sale M. H. Rich ardson, Monroe, N. C. Lumberton dates of H. B. Hum phrey, optometrist. Other big and high tobacco sales Bransford & Noblin. Fairmont tobacco market report by E, J. Davis & Sons. White slipper and oxfords sale -L. H. Caldwell. A New Perfection L. H. Caldwell. Appointments of Dr. W. H. Wake field. Pigs for sale D. P. McKinnon, Rowland. Ford car for sale Dr. W. A. Mc Phaul. -to 1 Duroc Jersey hog for sale A. H. Hinds. All who are Contemplat ing Buying A Watch Or anything in Jewelry this fall would save money by seeing me. and making their purchases at an early date, as all mv line will be much higher in the near future, by the addition of an extra war tax. At present I have some special bargains in Elgin and Waltham watches. Yours to serve, A. J. HOLMES, Jeweler. Next Door to Mr. K. If. Biggs. Hospital Ship Sunk Many Lives! Lost. The vessel which was torpedoed on Saturday morning near a British port while bringing wounded men to Eng-; land from France was the WariMa. The ship was returning from S ranee White Slipper And Sale NficeDruggists to 00 Price Advance ror over a year now we have succeeded in main taining our old prices, principally by virtue of a big increase in sales, which reduced our over head cost. For our fiscal year end ing July 1, 1918, our sales amounted to over a million dollars an increase of 58 percent over the proceed ing year. We had hoped to bridge the war period without a change in prices on Vick's VapoRub but we find that our econ omies do not keep pace with our rising costs. It is with sincere regret, therefore, that we are forced to announce an in crease, effective August 1, which will make it neces sary to retail VapoRub at 30c, 60c, and $1.20. The Vick Chemjcal Co., Greensboro, N. C. We will dose ou entire line women and children's white can vas slippers and oxfords at a big discount. About fifty to seventy-five pairs of Misses' and children's slippers and oxfords at less than manufacturer "s cost. Fifty pairs women's from $1.2-5 up. 48 pairs men's Palm Beach Oxfords worth $4.00 at $3.00. CHINA WARE We now have a very large stock of the above goods. neat decorations, DINNER SETS Three 100 pieces English dinner sets, worth today $55.00 at $40.00.? Three 42 piece sets gold band, worth $10.00 at $7-50. Hundreds of odd pieces from 10c up. Gold band cups and saucers at $1 50 per set. Real Nippon chino gold band cups and saucers worth at $2.00. $3 L. H. Caldwell

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