THE RORFaSONT a n ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY. GOD AND TRUTH $2.00 A YEAH. DI E IN ADVANCB rrT ivi ySXm I I TMDrnTmi mM.wm . - 1 mpiwvjn, nuKiH CAROLINA, I HURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1918. AT.T.TP.S RTTT.T. TVT A VP o.atmo ' . " ! SAVINGS PLEDGES. WILMINGTON-CHARLOTTE MILITARY HIGHWAY ASSO NUMBER 66 , in Robeson Teutonic Forces in East Still in Total Amount Pledged Flight Allies Draw Lines More to Dat nK- t;Ae r T r, . WVO)W4ims 1S i ermanent Organization Formed at "V " A v . w . I oi uite Half the County's Al- Enthusiastic Meeting a . t lotment Unly $37,137 Reported From Second Drive. Closely in Investment of St. Quen tin. "N FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. ' HOWELLSVILLE COMMUNITY PAIS Amount Will Be $6,000,000,000 and ' Interest Rate 4 1-4 Per Cent. Tuesday of Next Week-W hen to Bring Exhibits Red Cros; Booth. and Thrift Stamps Department. CASH IN ADVANCE LIMIT IS OCTOBER 1ST. British Troops Enter Bulgaria- (By United Press) London, Sept. 2b. British troop- War Savings pledges in Robeson SO far reported to Chairman T. p t Rocking- I . ham Meeting Was Well Attended; Six billion dollars is the minimum And Delegates Seemed to Enter- amoun which the people of the Unit. ' tam No Doubt That a Splendid M.1-; the lourth Liberty loan, according to Correspondence of The Robesor"; itarv Hiehwav From rharWt to j "'"""iiieiii Dy w ;inam L. Me- arj rngnay rrom Charlotte tOjAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, in a Tolarsville. Sept. 25.-.? pubic is Wilmington Will Be Built. ; stirring address in New York Tues- cordiallv invited to attend the How. day night outlining the government's n . m - ' t , Enthusiasm, old nen. dPtPrminar.ioTi Ulan for fch MmLm ellsville community fair at Regans ' - . -x-7 1 -- . . . .TLaua ?an. have entered Bulgaria opposite Kcs- .an?0l?nt ,to 508,452. rhis is o i -i not quite half the county's allotment tunno, a Solomki communique re- which is $1,048,000. Onlv 6 townships F01ts- have reported anv additional nledcra rm.. j , secured during the second drive, and and confidence spotopH tn ahmmH t i Saturday. "B"W" 'SrS? ? Podges secured during the second the mntr hM J pZi-iZl t i The interest rate will be 4 lit . C0 ,1 WW Press this morn The Teutonic donia and Tuii before the armie while on the Quentin sector and French arm ins, have draw lines in the investmen the northwest, west and south. school house Tuesday. October 1st. -4 per The committees of the various de- jn(r. . " , r ,J v ,-- cav in the into-p;r nf rhp nrn-uwoH t ' "a "'"i "J- Liie inira iv ucmcu iu iiiL-t-u ill nil 1P.-1 fnrww M a r7. fICU6cu various military hiehwav from rhnflnt p rn . JJU"US WI" oe uatea uctooer Aan h-iiuui nouse on .vionaay morn- s of the Eatente T"SS r "fi.FifSi., e Wt from ali the 10 counties princi- r''ri',a.S0 "M5S: '": "... .TtSo , Vu"cr)-iK- immwfai, -ii t-i--, i fioiiv, iiuwti.s- ppllv concerned aionp- rhp rmno -v V" t VW11 ue maae next '""-'"-J '""eu lu ai-:eiiu on Mime i-ac- i,i jr- j Z , 7 . ' -""-"1 , n isuait UtnciPnr torr-p nmo JHO ctvnrr . iiicicaiwi, semi-annual uTiiiuii;iutiyi, i.i a!-itt lli i.r- les. atter hard fignt- -2nH Hr vo ?q?i .;iJ ...i ni rlce -some -iUU strong to mrm6ntc .;u v nf,aJi:.j ,.om vi,;Kito . - ---- j. v. i v j lj , v i r u r !! -!.. i m v ti r- i ..jviiu vt iii .ir i hi ir i p i ,i fill iii iuiu.11: c .niim . n more closely their Sl.fiOK rt1 9 n. Uo c ' ' opera nouse. jiecKienourg i- nn . sr-n . , u - - --P . , J L" v- unamu nu had ttlP flrp-pt (iplpo-atinn 1 Pnlum " JVU lilSL UiteieSL uaiuuiwks cxi tr aat.fu IJ UIIHK L OI tne tuWn on ririVP SI dQO nmnnnuln f7 , " "u'cgauuu, j , V.U1UIU- mnnnn drill ko -..-V, 1 ni tir, ViiKite U 1 T yvwyuoi, V I , hllC TL.QO VI.Vf- tT-it-U QO, 7 IT I " '-' "Ultll i(ll.Ul, UI1 J1VU. lllouc .'iUHUH C-IIlllft, IJ L . OUIII, t V Many subscribers have respond ed promptly and loyally to the no. tice that all subscriptions must be paid in advance. This we appre ciate. Some have overlooked this important matter. October 1st is the limit. After that date we can not send the paper to any v. hose subscriptions are not paid in ad vance of that date. This is a Gov ernment ruling. Don't put th mat ter off. Attend to it nt once, so that we shall not have 'o cut your name off the list after September 30th. Hie 355. total $8 RAZ- Fdnmont Stubborn resistance of the Germans, $5,780, previously reported " $32,865, : After in defense and in counter-attacks, has total $38,645; Lumberton 2nd drrVe LrSSS BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS. Lumberton chapter No. 116, O. E. S., will meet this evening at J:30. Good cotton selling on tre local market today for 31 cents the pound. The Alfred Rowland chapter, TJ. been una progress Haig and General Debeney In Macedonia the Bulgarian and German troops are still faced with Kuc woe r,a .;u oo. xt tt coupon V( 2nd drive had 16- Robeson had 'lfi &2.02 and higher multiples according cept live stock, poultry, He, which D. C, will meet at thfr graded school aJ.l LT I . - I IV r i i T ,4 W . -l. . , l - . " I I r 1 I .'Ml somp Vinnr-c nf cn0ol,m . i awuw ue uiuunt, ean i uesuay r riuay anernoon ai cihk . l"-"o." Kot.h pniinnti nnH r0ricto VJ. mnrnitiir (lot lot All ovV Klto . .11 vailine exepnAo bonds j mormng, ucx. st. M ettilffl iU, Mr. Bell Robeson, superintendent i i rT- TVi r , f68wi jiicviousiy reponea 4S,iso, i7ation wnc fnrmoi) tn Kc L-nnn, o w issueu in uenommauons 01 igy k m cnarge 01 proper committee ana 0f of the men of Field Marshal . total $9iS7 nriL n;- V?aun Yas iormed to be known as 100 ?;nn i nnn ; nnn tml Lm.mA.ii. ivVi .T. i0.1 7 ii kfc, wv i no i nor inrro m. u i vin4-. n , , i t j i ww.vw, iu viw.uvu. - - j -ww..- . ships have not reported any pledges! ByuZi 3l000 and, 100,000 bonds will i One f, snips nave not reportea any pledges Hiehwav association anH Jfln,( r-n Uin ouuuu ana from the second drive: Maxton $27.-1 n.!-!!" .5?;tome. r1?-! be registered only 1270- Rnmr SW!.mn1Q AW; uoPlu, as XOUOWS : r.n- Thp lnnn will , Oft disaster; in Palestine the remaining! ville-$10,800; brotollsSsI; lmL 0ctober 15' 1938, unless he IJL t1 S Swampl6,ll BrSs4$7So I S aton mSe f S i should exercise its re- nrpH -ni- fkQ rwl.- "K" "S"' W redeem the bonds on Nortti SiJ'SZS TV1 October 15, 1933 for escape from the British forces and friendly tribesmen who are closing in upo ntne meast of the river Jordan Ked Springs $65,290; St. Pauls $49,060; Sterling $12,180; Saddle tree $22,330: Rowland $30,810: ' ' T 7 i.xore than 40,000 prisoners and 265; Rpnnort tK9qn. Poi-unn a rcoc. a. guns have been taken by the British rum $8,645; Lumber Bridge--$9,-and yet General Allenby's appetite! 580; Gaddy's $8,415; White House for further emoluments for his ,hardj $19,000; Shannon $3,760; Thompson campaign has not been satiated. I $23 700. Guaged by the swiftness of the! " ' strokes Allenby is delivering, it is his, purpose absolutely to overwhelm the Ottomans. And the fulfillment of his! plans seems appreciably near feature of the fair will be a Red Cross booth, presder over by Miss Kuth lownsend and her assist ants, who will serve lunch in the in terest of the Red Cross fund and mem bership dues will be received. Mr. N. A. Kinlaw with his assist streets, is havine the sidewalks in the eastern part of town cleaned off. EPIDEMIC OF INFLUENZA. Mfe J a . . . "11 1 1 m , trod&eo a Kill o per cent oi the subscription ants win nave cnarge oi tne war of Congress authorizing the Secreta r ,re3uiras lhe initial W? Svuiswid Tlirift depart of the Treasury to floit a bond issue JirlTn'1 W for rt mnir.,Pf;AT. n4 aiA v,..kJ ?s installments November 21, Decern wav in suh . "1 and January 16 and 30 per cent vised as necessary for the purpose, i fxy. and under such regulations, etc., as vVfh ri ;. TlZZTi l a may be deemed wise and expedient; i SlSSA oo?V,l"1?dJ; and (introduced by Col. BenehaTi, ffiSl 2l!?00-?' l 4 2 Cameron of the State Highway wmHr vT L , i 6 mission) urging that the miliary WltlJSSS 5 on the loan. Twenty per eent will be ment, who will look after stamp pledges and sale ox thrift stamps Let everybody come to In no less critical situation are the!The Malady Has Spread Over The Germans and Bulgarians in the Mace- have a good time, and mak. the fair a grand success. W. MAXWELL, Secretary. Miss Henrietta Ammons of R. 4 from Lumberton has accepted a po sition in Messrs. White &. Gough's de partment store. Mr. Lenc Thompson has accept ed a position in the grocery depart ment of Messrs. Wh;te & Gough's department store. Mr. E. D. Stone is able to be back at his post at Mr. H. Dunie's the fair, store after being confined to his room fairs committed of rrrM. tw; 18 xoo,ouo,uvu, or per cent. Country Rapidly and Has Made Its favorably the Chamberlain Dent bHl! iirqin flTA00 . oe ai A ifor the establishment of military j FARKTGN KED CROSS. Appearance in 26 States. highways, hearings on which will be; cn.n.v v, c AAi given December 13, urging that a p -ountw o mnirllv thnt oflirinU I strong delegation be sent to Wash. Ladies Resume Work at Machines and e BALTIMORE NEWS BATCH. Revival Will Begin 2nd Personal Mention. donian theatre. Here, except imme diately on the Bulgarian frontier where the mountainous country gives them ground for stronger resistance to the invasion of Bulgarian territory . 1 1 x . . 1 1 "W-fc 1 tnrougn tne passes, tne .Bulgarians oi tne public neaitn service, tne war ,, ;4r -77 r 1 Finish Month's .iwmnt vnrt . . . , and Germans everywhere are in rapid i and Navy departments and the Red! LfwTA' 38 ny delates as j wsh Months AUotment More Correspondence of The Robesonian. retreat before the Italians, Serbians,1 Cross conferred in Washington yester- j EL " ;f' " j" ? " Ladies Wanted For This Patriotic - j T3;i, t. ; j n n'snway touring party on ita v.a. to at several points the enemy force, er tees in combatting the disease. Calls WSS&ff same purp9Se bewildered and operating as Separate for assistance already have been re units, ceived from several cities and in one Respectively on the western and instance Wilmingtons N. C, the public eastern flanks the Italians and Greeks health service hospital was opened ior f;nd British are fast throwing forward treatment of persons suffering with their line sin endeavors to envelon the disease. The malady has made its appearance in 26 states, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. In New England, where the Va-1t The officers of the permanent organ ization are: President, T. L. Kirk- Correspondence of The Robesonian Fairmont, R. 1 .Sept. 23. Rev. J. I R. Miller of Fairmont filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday after noon and it was decided that the re- sick for several days. Alex McCailum and Stella Pope, a co'ored couple, were married in the oftice of Register of Deeds M. JV. Flojd Tuesday ot 11 a. m. Justice M G. McKenzii officiated. Mr. W. H. McLeod of Manning, S. C has acceDted a position in the Sunday grocery department of Messrs. R. D. Caldwell & Son's department store. He began work yesterday. w Dr. E. K. McLean, who has been connected with county board of health for the last three months, expects to leave Saturday for Galveston, Tex as, to resume his studies at the uni versity of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Prevatt and Patrick. Charlotte; 1st vice-president, : vwal meeting will begin here the sec G. Herbert Smith Wflmingtfi-; 2nd i'arkton, bept. lo. After a month s ond Sundav in October, vice-president. E. A. Lackev. Hamlet: vacation, the Red Cross ladies were Mr. and Mrs. Isham Pittman of ' '1 !' -1 1 A A 1 . . 1 T ; "I children. Layton and Margaret, who have been visiting relatives in the countv for the past 2 weeks, will leave this evening for their home at next where the enemy while in the center, the Serbs have driven thir wdge toward Ishtip, there is ging notwithstanding the difficult ter- disease first made its appearanc la. ntory that is being encountered, rtea guards cf the enemy, armed with ma- ficials aie coiisidenng dastic siepsi Co curb its spread, including the pre- i tt " . i - 1 . ri?ici 1 xr unimirpn t fj t m ycninuv it rnp c-;..-4- nnnv.4- nf .itnnir unt h r 1"dl-u"?UI" VJi on f.:a,,l, WI L S1JC" t-;:- Glennallen. Va. They will move L.nariotte. lne executive committee 100m. auc xunuwing cc wutiuaA-a parents, .ur. ana .virs. i. . . . .n oL.vij ic r.n-.naaA a aiw f..A.. aaaa present Mondav: Mrs. W. L. Stanton, wthnat, . !Aeek to Kichmona. . 1 , , ,,T -t,.o t tt D n AT.'.- T n nillir TT t.i - "The Srlilipv Who rame iick. rn nrv 'pnrpscnTpn r v .-.M-n- -'"5. i unci:, au u. u . v. nermon t'uiiiis-un nas diic 'u - . j c r.r oj r-.', . Aiv T J lanfasrpr Mrs .Tpcc; f3ii- Tr.,,-ai--0T;iit. presented at the local opera r. wn qiuKq1' FoaI, a?.,Kat. a well. Mrs. Elizabeth Council. Miss AWirc WjuIp 'vp nnd Bernice ruesday evening, was the best p. chine guns are but little delaying1 vention of public gatherings. East of reclaim tne M1ss1p.p1 there are few states T ta 11 :s to where the disease has not been found. the men wnose their kingdom. On the French front, the British New cases reported from army 1 a :e taken the village of Seiency, a camps yesterday numbered 5,324, the scant two miles from the western largest in any one day, bringing the environs of St. Quentin. and both 2 ttai for all camps to 29,002 cases. British and French troops north ana The number of pneumonia cases re south of this line have driven further ported among the soldiers since the wedges into the German front. Merc outbreak of the ' influensa epidemic board of Nellie Stubbs, Miss Carlett Thames, Lewis, Misses Pauline Ny lected in rs- Sykes; Tuesday: Mrs. C. Adams, were Lumberton" associa- L- Beard. Mrs. D. S. Currie, Mrs. O. urday afternoon. cutive committee heads the be directors of - 10 members ele paoh rormtv po-mposiTic thp ' 1 -O T V 1 A T ;i . II' 10n u. jonnson, airs. l. council; neones- pftiieiTi'! mAmKorc a pftmmiH-MK dav: Mrs. J. B. McCormick, Mrs. W. e and Ruby visitors bat- Messrs. Clarence leduer and Worth Walters were visitors in the Bethi sda sectiin Sunday aftemiin. Air. F. M. Ammons of the U. S. S. Hughes, Mrs. W. E. Alley. Mrs. R. B. Delaware snent a while Saturday af- Hutson, Mrs. Addie Gainey, Mrs. E. Council. ternocn in this vicinity. Mr. B. G. Floyd of Lumberton ouse ay tnat has visited Lumoerton in mrm moons. It was greeted by a small audience, but if the real merit ot the play had been known the house would no doubt have been packed. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Caldwell re tu ned Monday from Baltimore. Md., where Mr. Caldwell spent four ond a half months at Johns Hopkins hospi tal. Mr. Caldwell is greatly improv- to remain ever. .Mrs. time with composed oi one member from each Alley, .Mrs. Dare .Martin; ihurs .on.T.v iP-nvpcPTirpo wpra- iivimn- dav: Mrs. O. L. Jonnson. Mrs. A. r. tion, L. L. McGirt; resolutions. J. B. Sellers; nominations. I. T. Brown, pVinirninn n flip inmitv vAorl tnwr.-l Among the speakers were Col. Au- The month's allotment was finished ?pent Sunday here with his parents, ed in health. He will have tc a.c,t. ATor.nml o vi r'o.,, nflcked and shinned bv these faithful atv nn Vv5 P M. Flovd. nuiet for some time vet. howe than a thousand prisoners and many bepcember 16 is 2,ol6, and tne Eura-jranoi T:ont T w Rdi ,,-f .v, vivir. few. Although we have gotton on Mr J. M. Pittman and Master Caldwell spent most of the ti machine guns have been taken by the ber of deaths since that date is 580., h , H ' ceron Morrison of finely with the work here, have oeen! Sprunt Flovd went last Friday to Mr. Caldwell while he was in r.he hos- Charlotte, who devoted the biggest congratulated for the way m which Camp Hancock, Ga. Mr. Pittman went pital. ( half of his time to a patriotic speech 'the work has been done and the;to see his son and Mr. Floyd went to prof. j. r. Poole, county super and roused the crowd to yells and a p- amount done, we could do a great; see his brother. They are expected jntendent 0f public instruction, left plause every time he mentioned Wil-iaeai more h muic oj. uui mmcs JUiPafK iVionaay nignu i Tuesday for Beaufort to attend a enn mr phin,, nr rninr tr, Roriin ; ' avail themselves oi the opportunity Mr. and Mrs. Allen nttman i i mw.tintr nf th mrfhMitarii riistri W. S. Fallis, State highway commis- of doing this patriotic duty. We sioner, who urged that the proposed should be willing to sacrifice a little highway should be built of concrete j of our time at least, when we realize at least 18 feet wide and 7 1-2 inches I our neighbors and ffiends are Bam thick; Jas. H. Cowan, secretary of the I facing all their time, and Possibly W ivi nonn fhomW n-F .nmmoTPP their lives. IOT US. TT C MIOUIU ON PERMANENT RECORD. Died in Present War Should Be Sent in at Once. In order that a permanent and ac- Eritish in these operations. Nnmet ous strong counter attacks were de-j i : i i ! ) x oi iiverea oy tne enemy, Dotn at oeiec i and at Gricourt, but Haig's n en putj to the GrmanT11' heaVy l0SS23 " antes of Robeson Men Who Have The Germans have- also reacted j strongly in the region lying west of the Chemin des Dames, en ieavoring to regain the territory held by thei Vronpli q a o h-ono.fa q coiner lVl -fVio! Chemin des Dames and the Laon sec-i curate recora may ue L, mixuaij tors. Here also the eneniv was beat-; G. McNeill, president of Robeson en 0ff j chapter, U. D. C, requests that the ' Good weather has returned to the1 r.ames of all Robeson county men American sector on the Lorraine : who up to date have given their lives frcnt but nothing has occurred therein the present war be sent to her at except the usual reciprocal bombard- Lumberton. with company, regimen., menta and a resumption of aerial tC- branch of service, and place and date tivitv on a great scale. i of death, not later than October 5th. Advices from Berlin are to the ef- This is to be a permanent State rec fect that there is much perturbation oid and the families of men who have in Germanv over the long distance given their lives m this -great war guns of the Americans which are should see that the proper inforina- sbelling the areas behind the German jtion is given promptly. line. The advices say that prepara- PTYTr TWR PPTPF tions are being made for the expedi-1 OW JfiAlWU 1J1J5 rxtiori. tious evacuation of the ivii-ins from! Mezt and other places within rangj when such a move becomes n : essary.; genator Simmons is Doing What He Can in Farmers' Interest in Matter LIBERTY LOAN MEETING. All 4th Liberty Loan Committeemen of County Asked to Meet at Court Of Fixing Price of Cotton. In a letter to Mr. F. Grover Britt, sporptarv-treasurer of the Robeson division of the Farmers' union, Sen j A 4" in Mniv Tn a nuuse ,n LuraDeriun rrmuT i lv letter to him in regard to a "fair" a m price on cotton, wrtes : ! "I am tryng to impress upon the As was stated in Monday's Robe- administration the high necessity of sonian, the Liberty Loan committee fixing the price of cotton at once and for Robeson will meet in the court at a fair price, H it is to be nxea at Mr. and Mrs. Alien rnttman oi meeting o the southeastern district Fairmont attended preaching nerecounty superintendents association Sunday afternoon. Prof. Poole is on the program for aa Miss lizzie jsuuocK . spci i address tlfis evening. His subject economic standpoint: Col. T. L. Kirk- few make ter of ceremonies and' who pointed out! fortable, in many cases .s,ave their the value of such a military road as lives. The sewing room will be open is proposed " again when the next allotment is re- The following attended from Robe, ceived. Notice will be given by tne son: Hon. j. ts. rawerson. 1. . bcucwjij, : night and Saturday with relatives in Fairmont. Misses Delia and Ruby Adams ot Marfetta are visiting their sister Mrs.( C. McClellan this week. .iS, "judging and .electing 'jooa Teachers." The session closes tonight. Laurinburg Exchange: It is an- who told of the desirability of the the cobwebs and dust accumulate, if proposed highway from a military and neea oe. m our noni, aim v r. jviceieiian tms v. i nounced that Evangelist B. F. Mc. Misses Wrennie and Leila Floyd and Marv Monroe of Fairmont spent of October. Mr. McLendon conducted a meeting at Red Springs early in the ummer and went iroin thera to . ... ,T. . vIat-,1 i summer ana went noin inero vj Sunday p. m. with Miss elma Flod - Mountain, and then to Chester, Nej;i2aaiIK C. Doubtless many, people from OUll. J.JWI1. VJ . 1. HI.K1.TVII, I ,, - ' , , . J I 1 . , , Brown, L. L. McGirt, J. B. and G. B. enroll every iaay m town, j i McCormicK oi . - this county will go to Lumberton to non. J. S. McKae. rl. n. Jioneycutt, "' uwuw oUIa,u, Sellars, Rory McNair. S. H. spent a I McKin- their -names on a sewing unit, li j while Saturday night in these parts. .. , as some can t trere : Miss Florence fittman. wno is .-: , , fonrlinA. opViool at Orrum. so-nt tne jie&sis. auuci nw, umaii Ud V 1U1 AX ill W CllbCl VI 1 J' ate C. V. Roberson, McKay McKinnon, D. is other work to do, oi vital import M. McKay, W. B. Harker, . L. Ham-j ance. ilton, W. K. Bethune, J. A. Sharpe. MRS. D. S. CURRIE, Secretary. State Will Spend Money on Roads ' Parkton, N. C, Sept. 25, 101S. Suggested by County Road Alleged Robber of Allenton Post- office to Be Tried at Laurinburg. -License "has been issued for the ; university. Mr. John G. Proctor left Board. Mr. D. H. Winslow, chief of main- marriage of James McCormick and .Annie Hester. , . In remitting to put his subscrip tion in advance Mr. Fred Shaw of R. 6 from Lumberton writes: I am glad there will be no more creait , jt i k. A. J. UOX. alias . Arrasiwug e- v- . pnWnnin ..' , . , , I. - . i . m T71 M 1 1 inar 5 T M K W21V lllAi.1V m mi tenance of the North Carolina state; wlU be tried at the term oi r eoerai V" - f j bout it and they Highway commission, arrived here i court which will begin at laurinburg ! reaoers seem to last evening on an inspection trip next Monday on the charge of robbing house in Lumberton tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. It is very important that each member of the iommittee be in attendance at the meeting. The names of all committeemen ware published in Monday's Robesonian. L Arrested for Failure to Fill Out Questionnaire. James Ballard, colored, was arrest ed Mondav bv Rural Policeman A. H. Prevatt on the charge of failure to fill out a questionnaire. Ballard came to Robeson from Cumberland county after he registered and changed his name, it is said. He is in here. Mr. F. A. Faulk of R. 1 from Fair mont was anion the caller? at The P-obesonian office vesterday. Mr. David Smith of R. 7 from Lum berton was among the callers at The Robesonian office Tuesday. over the road from Charlotte to Wil- j the postoffice at Allenton several mington. un account oi being unauie : years ago. ne is anegea io navy nil and I have earnestly opposed fix ing it at all in the presence of the short crop. I wish you and my other friends to know that I am doing eve rything possible in this matter on behalf of our cotton farmers." Mr. Ellis Miller Again First to Pay Taxes. The 1918 tax books were turned over to Sheriff R. E. Lewis yesterday. Mr. Ellis Miller of R. 1 from Fair mont was the first to pay his taxes again this year. Mr. Miller says this is the 24th successive year he has been the firse Robesonian to pay his State and county taxes. Mr. Verby Britt of Orrum was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. W. J. Wilkerson of R. 3 from Lumberton was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. to get gasoline here this morning he left his auto here and lelt by ran ior raleigh. He will returne Monday or Tuesday of next week and resume his trip to Wilmington. Mr. Winslow says he made maps of Robeson county roads in 1909 and that he notes great imnrovement since then. Heretofore the State Highway commission has burg. designated the county roads upon. which it would spend money, but ati5 Colored Men Will Go to Camp their meeting on the next first Mon en money order forms, some of which he passed before being arrested. Cox has just completed a 3-year term in thejederal prison at Atlanta, raving been convicted of robbing a postoffice in the Trenton, N. J., district. It is said that he also is wanted by Fed eral authorities in Chicago and Pitts- day the road board of Robeson will be asked to specify the roads on which it wants the money spent. Mr. Win slow attended the Charlotte-tc-Wil-mmgton highway meeting at Rocking ham Tuesday and thinks that the pro posed military highwav is ;roing to be built. Private Ellis Tyner Reported Missing. Mr. Warren Tyner of Raft Swamp received a cablegram Saturday ad vising that his son Private Ellis Ty- tp Tvner vol unteered on the first call and was among the first soldiers to go over. Greene Oct. 16. The local army exemption board has received from the War Depart ment a call for 15 colored men to entrain for Camp Greene, Charlotte, October 16. dates to in advance Gen. and Mrs. F. A. Bond of Hunters' Lodge, near Lowe, and their great-grandson Master Walter P. Dent were Lumberton visitors yester day. Master Dent's father is n France and Mrs. Dent and their two children, the youngest a 2-year-old girl, have come to live with Mr. and Mrs. Bond until the war is over. Mrs. S. A. Branch fell over a stake in the back yard at her home on East Third street this morning and was badly hurt, three or four ribs being broken. Dr. H. T. Pope was summoned and dressed her wounds and it is not thought that her injuries will prove serious. Mr. H- R- West of Allenton was a Lumberton visitor this morning. Mr. J. A. Carlyle of Lumberton R. R was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr H. W. Ivev of R. T from Lum berton is among the visitors in town torlav. Mr. F. F. Townsend of R. 6 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Monday afternoon. Mr. Fred Brown returned to Lum berton yesterday from Washington, . Mr. J. M. Powell of R. 6 from Lum berton was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mrs. Edmund Lucian and two chil dren will leave this evening for theirr home at Columbus Miss., after spend ing seme time here visiting at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Monroe L'POStnut street- oervou csiciua co. ..-. Mr. L. W. Smith of Lumberton, R.D. C, where he spent about 2 months 5 was a visitor in town yesterday. . on business. last evening for Chapel Hill to enter the same institution. Mr. Robert Caldwell, Jr., left Tuesday for Wake Forest to resume his studies at Wake Forest college. Mr. Harrell Hum phrey left Tuesday for Trinity col lege, Durham, where he will be in the sophomore class. In remitting for The Robesonian, Rev. N. L. Seabolt, who was sent to Roper by the last conference from Lumberton circuit, which he served faithfully for 4 years and wh j is lov ed and honored by many Robesonian readers, writes: "I intended to come over to Lumberton this summer but have been too busy. I would be glad to see all my friends over there. I have a nice work at Roper, and am getting along nicelv. I like it just fine." Rev. R. Walter Townsend of Raynham was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. He received the other day two interesting newspapers publish ed in France, continental e litions of American newspapers. The subscrip tion price of one of them is about $14 a year in France and Spair and about $21 a year in other countreis, and the paper is not as large as The Robe sonian. The papers were sent to Mr. Townsend bv his son Capt. Pallas S. Townsend, 349th fieM artillery. Capt. Townsend has been in the active fighting. DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER, Optometrist Expert Knowledge of Eye Diseases and Fitting Glasses. LUMBERTON, N. C

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