THE ROBESON IAN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1913. VAGE FIVE "Sir ' IN We Are Offering THREE VALUABLE Things FREE to All Onr FfionKToU Here, They Are-SAFETY, SERVICE, GOOD WILL fXmERBANkT y0Ur We cTWhMy thalweg borne ot our competitors have adonted our nrimnol Mir mm r vmm . ...... r Some or our competitors have nAnntA i i umiv-p . . r but many of you will recaU that we affi MLr 0. Rl, V And a cordial welcome await, you eery day in the week (except Sunday) from 9:00 A. M P M a. c... , ,. . WU DdI1K fR r ACH VHTTP PHPYnrO r r i . uruay aiternoon, from 7:00 to 8: P. M. WG PACU VPkT TD pupo , 7 "u""ay ' lrom "w m-to 3 r" Alo on Saturday afternoons i Wh LASH YlJl R CHF.rKSs rVrwrn t-K. 4-1 T1 H7-..i . . . - i c mice vvarenouses in Lumberton KRFF """"" - mTT-iw . - Yours for Service, Safety and Good Wilk PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY " i a Jt f rv ri fix I i i n Kit i r I if k. i lixi ul mrWT?r " M I " MMM THE ROBESONIAN Oflee 107 WcBt Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. if Oil 8i6i oc aaawaiaas 'avqkow BUSINESS BUILDERS FOR SALE SEVERAL HOGS, ALL SIZES. C. K. Morgan, Morietta, N. C, R. 1. FOR SALE 25 THOUSAND CYPRESS shingles. 5 thousand feet aardwood floor ing. J. A. Carlyle, R. F. D. 6. FOR SALE 109 ACRES OF LAND, 65 cleared, well drained, 7 miles "vest of Lum tjerton. For particulars see Rev. Joseph Prevatt, or W. F. Prevatt, Lumberton R. 6. WANTED, SWEET POTATOES PARTIES having large quantities for sale will please write Carolina Canning Co., Bladenboro, N. C. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CHICKENS and eirs- Esgs 45 cents. Chickens 50 cents to $1.50 each. Fillyaw A Co. SECOND-HAND DORT AND MAXWELL AuUi.iohiles for sale. Also just received carload new Overland cars. W. R. Tyner, Lowe, N. C. CHURCH NEWS NOTES Sunday School Institute Meeting Postponed. To the Editor of The Robesonian: I think it best on account of the pre vailing Spanish influenza condition to call off the annual meeting of the Mt. Elim Sunday school institute which was to have been held at Long Branch Saturday, October 5. The meeting may he called at a later date. J. Z. STONE, Pres. Annual Meeting Postponed. The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary union of the Robeson Baptist association has been postpon ed because of the prevalence of Span ish influenza. Notice will be given in this paper as to the time of meet ing. The woman's missionary society of Chestnut Street Methodist church will meet Wednesday at 4 p. in. at the church. WE HAVE IN STOCK AND CAN MAKE quick delivery Overland light-four touring cars. We also have a bargain in a 5-pas-senger Dort and Maxwell cars. W. H. Tyner, Lowe, N. C. FOR SALE A FORD ROADSTER WHICH has been driven for two years. Apply to Miss Lulu M. Cassidey, Lumberton, N. C. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC BULLOCK Bros, have 2 Ford cars for ;-.ale at a bar win. Models 1917. In first-class condition. See us at once. STRAYED, BLACK AND TAN HOUND DOG. Black on back. Few gray !iairs on head. Left ear has slit cut in it. Scar on neck. Letts and feet tan. $5 reward for return to C. C. Scott, Lumberton, Route 8. WANT TO RENT HOUSE CENTRALLY Lo cated in Lumberton. Address Robesonian. FOR SALE OR RENT 10 GOOD FARMS from 100 to 500 acres each, ocated in Robe son and Hoke counties. Will produce cot ton, tobacco and grain. J. A. Singleton, Dundarrach, N. C. IF. YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL STOCK in any of the Lumberton cotton mills or tanks, address P. O. Box 386. Lumberton. DON'T SUFFER CATARRH OP THE HEAD. that loathsome and dreaded disease, cured while you sleep. Sessoma Late Discovery the great home remedy, in use more than nueen years, testimonials and living wit nesses bespeak its merit. One bottle usually cures worst case. Prica $1.00. For sale by Grantham Bros., Lumberton, N. C. ; Gran tham Bros., St. Pauls; Jled Springs Drus Co., Red Springs, N. C.J Jw M. Ses- wms, MIgr. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL REAL tea N C 3 886, Lamber THE RECORD OF DEATHS. Mr. Phillip Walters of Barnesville Mr Phillip Walters, an aged citi zen of the Barnesville section, died yesterday. Deceased had been m ill health for several years and his death was not unexpected. Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fillyaw. Bessie Eugene, aged about seven months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fillyaw, died Saturday at 10:30 a. m. of colitis. Interment was made at Roseboro yesterday at 2:30 p. m. Authentic Styles from Fore most Fashion Centers in COATS AND MILLINERY Beautiful Coats of Chiffon Broad-Cloth in most attractive styles at reasonable prices. All the new materials and shades. HATS OF QUALITY Combined with excellent styles and workmanship. AT Miss Joesphine Breece's GET OUT A POLICY and do it now. Fires are dis astrous and delays are dan gerous. You can't bring back what Is consumed by fire. You can, though, BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's one of our companies. Premiums on doubtful policies is money tnrown away. Be sure and insure with us. . Williams -(J ,2lima Lumberton, N. C house and lot for sale, stf street. room-,, lights and water. One block of Mgft school building. Apply to E. S. Mc i Lumberton. 0OVT FORGET fHE BEST PLACE TO top knew is at the Olympia Cafe. Elm freet, Lumberton. FOR SALE POTASH MATERIALS. ACID- ulated and Dry Fish Scrap, Hard and Soft Ground Phosphate, mixed goods, Limestone, Marl, Sulphur and other materials, car lots prompt and deferred shipments. Apply 300 MmJi Tmvo -milvprized sulrjhur per acre with limestone where needed, and double vour wheat crop. Experiments by eminent station directors show increases in percent ages : Wheat 127, oats 57, potatoes, G3, peas and beans 383, corn 13, tobacco, cotton and other crops 20 to 50. Tests made here show like results. Requirements are a fair supply humus and neutra or aiKaime sou Data and photos in my office, or write Na tional Emergency Food Gardens Commission, Washington. Car lots $36 ton n bags f. o. b. works, N. Y. $6.80 frt. rate here Small lots $2.20 hundred express or freight. 5-5.UU ton advance payment except to Jfl rated z rtoirn snhipct market changes ij ' f,vHnr, Oliver C. ConneLy, broker, Cotton Mill office building 1". ton, N. C. U. S. Department of Agricul ture (Fertilizer.) license PERSONALS Mr. J. L. Hatchel of R. 1 from St. Pauls was a .Lumberton visitor Thursday. Mr. M. J. Barker, who lives near St. Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor Froday. Mr. H. A. M'White of R. 1 from Lumber ton was in town Saturday. Miss Lillie McLean of Pembroke was a Lumberton visitor aSturday, on her way to the home of Mr. Ben McLean, near Bellamy. Mr. T. E. Penny of R. 6 from Lumberton wos m town Saturday. Mr. C. M. Martin of R. 3, Lumberton, was in town Saturday. Mr. J. A. Townsend, rural letter carrier from Buie, was a -Lumberton visitor Saturdav Mr. R. S. Brisson and son. Master Herman. of R. 1 from St. Pauls were among the visi tors in town this morning. Recorder and Mrs. E. M. Britt and daughter. jane maiioy, returnea nome last evenine from Marion this State, where they spent some time. Capt. Eh Wishart spent yesterday here with home folks, leaving this morning to re turn to Camp Sevier. Mr. Frank Nash, called recently to Camo Greene, Charlotte, and assigned to cerical work on account of his eyes, has been assigned to duty with the local exemption board. He arrived home Saturday night and began iirk this morning Mr. and Mrs. Abner Barker of Rosebore passed through town Friday en route home from Camp Jackson, S. C. They were accom ponied to Camp Jackson by Miss Bertha Bar ker of Lumberton. They made the trip in Mr. Barker's auto. Mr. Robt. Monroe of the Lumber Bridge bh'e OR RENT 106 ACRES LAND " u f T.iimberton. 5o acres cleared balance easy cleaved. 7-roorn dwell ing. Apply to C. C. Webb, Laurmburg N. C. AM MAKING LOANS FOR FIVE YEARS )nH Pr!ive,,J, ,farm ,and8 in Robeson, Scot B nrw ,?oke counties, in amounts S2, S 00 ,toc 0.000.00, bearing interest at the A t Vf5r 1-2 per cent- Cal1 r write T McLean. Lumberton, N. C. C?JJM "mt intekkst eatb and am. I .thers who are handling the to $VnnTfmCfJans- Amounts. $2,000.00 Io0.oou.00; Robeson, Scotland and Hoke CENT a ?ie m0' intert 6 1-2 PER A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND in Robeson county on long time. Rates as rnml as anv can give. Stephen Mclntyre. KXET.I1 TOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Mrs. Mary B. Williamson, this is to notify ii -t hnvine claims against said estate aw v-!..- , . , ..,,,,. to present them to tne unuersisucu . duly authenticated on or before the 1 day ot October, 1919, or this notice will bo plead in bar of their recavery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. C. L. JONES, Executor. ; E. J. BRITT, Attorney. 9306 Mon. Pauls Mrs. J. S. Teague; Lumberton Mrs. R. C. Lawrence. Mrs. D. S. Currie of Parkton sent in a full re port. SECRETARY, Woman s Liberty Loan Committee. IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Wedding Invitations. Invitations have been issued read. ing as follows: Mrs. Cynthia Britt requests the honour of your presence at the, marriage of her daughter Maude Ellyn to Mr. Gaston Whittier Baldwin on Saturday morning, October the twelfth, at nine o'clock Baptist Church Clinton, North Carolina. The bride-to-be is a sister of Mr. E. J. Britt of Lumberton. GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX JFINISH - JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 10 & 12 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. PRICE OF COTTON WILL NOT BE FIXED NOW Definite announcement that for the' present the War Industries board will section was among the callers at The Robeson- not attempt to fix the price of Cotton ff ?,ai,aay- ( x t f ! was made in Washington Fridav by Mr. D. C. Regan of R. 7 from umberton ' mi, tt7i r ? -i Si xiiuo. uaiici rage, ciiail Illiin oi me committee named to investigate cot ton market conditions. The commit tee will attempt no price fixing until time has elapsed to study the effect of the distribution committee of the War Industries board. If this distri bution system works as expected an arbitrary price on cotton will not be necessary. New Goods Arriving Daily Whether you buy or not, we want you to come and see our line of ready-to-wear. We have an unusually large stoek already in, and more to follow, as we are daily receiving shipments. Be sure and see our new coat suits, coats, dresses, etc. Our prices will please and surprise you. A. Weinstein's Department Store LUMBERTON, N. C. was in town Saturday Mr. G. B. Allen of R. 7 from JLumberton was in town Saturday. Mr. H. A M White of R. 7 from Lumberton was in town Saturday. Messrs. Chas. and Robt. Lee of R. 2 from Fairmont were among the callers at The Robesonian office Saturday. Mr. J. J. Inman of Fairmont was a Lum berton visitor Friday. Mr. J. F. Britt of R. 1 from Barnesville was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Oscar Abbott of Barnesville was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. E. O. Freeman of R. 5 from Lumberton was in town Saturday. Mr. Everett Davis of R. 6 from lumberton was among the callers at The Robesonian of fice Soturday. Mr. O. C. Smith of R. 2 from Bennert was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. Joseph Townsend of R. 6 from Lum berton was in town Friday. Mr. A. H. Mercer of R. 5 from Lumberton was among the callers at The Robesonian of fice Thursday afternoon. - Mr. D. H. Britt, Sr., of R. 3 from Lum berton was among the visitors in town Friiiay. Mr. W. C. Townsend of R. 6 f om Lumber ton was in town Friday. Messrs. C. K. Morgan and P. W. Eans of R. 1 from Marietta were Lu.nbevton visi tors Fridav. Mr. E. C. Nye of Orrum was anion,- the visitors in town Friday. Mr. J. A. McGirt of B. 2 from Rowland . i , i n.l V, . 1 was among tne caiers ax in uodcsouiuu office Friday. Mr. W. H. Murray, carrier on K. 1 from Barnesville, was a Lumoerton visrors iriday afternoon. Mr. R. K. Sessoms ot K. 7 lrom Lumbfrion was in town Friday. Mr. Floyd Townsend of R. 6 from Lumber ton was among the visUo.-s in town Fridav. Mr. Hadden McLean of McDonold was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. D. G. Pate of Bladenboro was among the lriY-c in tnwn Saturdav. Mr. P. T. Blackman of R. 2 from Jjumber- --.T1 utqc it tnwn Fridav. Mr and Mrs. G. S. Ilarrell and small daughter, Frances, of R. 2 from Rennert, were among the shoppers in town Friday. Mr. M. M. Singletary of R. 3 from Lumber ton was among the callers at The Robesonian office Friday. Dr. W. L. Qrantham arrivecHiome Friday night from Baltimore, Md., wnere he took a 9-months' post-graduate course at Johns Hopkins hospi tal. Mrs. Grantham and their daugh ter, Wilma, went to the home of Dr, Grantham's father, Mr. C. P. Gran tham, near McDonald. WHY WAIT ? When you can buy an Elgin, Waltham or Hamilton Wptch, in all the different grades, now, much cheaper than you will be able to buy them a little later. My stock is complete now in above and I also have a nice line of Bracelet Watches, in guaranteed grades, and many other things suitable for all kinds of gifts. A. I. HOLMES, Jeweler. is WOMEN LIBERTY LOAN WORKERS MEET. Correspondence of The Robesonian. After the general meeting of Lib prtv loan 'workers at the court house Fridav. Mrs. L. T. Townsend, county chairman of the women's work, met with the women workers of the next pftTntiaicn. Miss Elizabeth Whitfield, county publicity chairman, distributed cards and subscription Diantts, - auu ju.i. TnwnsRTld exnlained the work in de tail. The reports of the different chairmen are to be sent in each week (Wednesday or Thursday) to Mrs. L. T. Townsend, Lumberton, N. C. Af ter an open discussion the meeting was adjourned. Trie ionowing enair men and committees were present Fairmont Mrs. J. L. Bobbitt; Max rmMrs. McKav McKinnon: McDon Dora Thompson: Bed TLL NEVER BO IT AGAIN"-J.E. HODGES Employe of Forsythe Chair Com pany Tells How He Will Never Again Be Without Dreco. In teresting Story. J. E. Hodges who resides at 119 Center Street, Winston-Salem, is per haps one of the most popular em ployees of the Forsythe Chair Com pany. He is a member of the Junior Order and a member of other frater nal and social organizations. Recently Mr. Hodges was troubled with a severe form of kidney trouble combinled with indigestion, loss of sleep and rheumatic pains in the back and limbs. A friend told him about the wonaerful new herbal medicine called Dreco which is now being in troduced in this section, and prevailed unon mm to give it a trial. - This is what he says after one bottle of Dreco: "My pains and stomach trouble are all gone. So is the kidney disorder. I made a mistake in not getting an other bottle as soon as the first gave out but I'll never do that again for Dreco put new life into me, all right! I want all mv friends to try it." No two cases of stomach trouble, kidney disorder or similar ills seem to be exactly alike. borne will re cuire more Dreco than others before the sufferer can say, "I am cured at last! It is therefore well always to keep a good supply of this medicine on hand at all times, if only as a matter of precaution. Dreco is sold and recommended in Springs Mrs- R. D. McMillan; St. Lumberton by leading druggists. BUY i And Help Others to Buy Buy as many Liberty Bonds as you can, but do not stop at that. Urge others to buy. Liberty needs the force of your influence as well as your dollars. L. H. Caldwell

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