PAGE SIX THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1918. DEMAND FOR TANLAC Over Ten Million Bottles Sold and Distributed in Three Years. J BKtAKo ALL KfclUKUJ N. C. JOBBERS BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS SUCCESS PHENOMENAL. Fame f the Medicine Spreads Over Whole Nation Now Sold From Coast to Coast. Never before, perhaps, in all his tory has the demand for a proprie tary medicine ever approached the wend; fa record that is now being ma-ie by Tanlac, the celebrated medi cine which has been accomplishing such remarkable results in all parts of the country. From coast to coast and from tne Gulf to the Great Lakes, Tanlac is known and honored. Millions have liken it and have pronounced it the greatest medicine ever given to the people, and the only explanation ot Tanlac's triumph in the medical world is Tanlac's true worth. Back ot tan lac's triumph in the drug stores is Teniae's triumph in the homes, it is the people's medicine and the people them:--Ives have made Tanlac what it is. No matter where you go, Tanlac is a household word and it is unquestion ably the most widely talked-of medi cine in the world today. One person invariably tells another about a medi cine that helps him and in this way scores or even hundreds may hear of Tanlac as a direct result of one bottle in a single home. The first bottle of Tanlac to reach the public was sold just a little over three years ago in the thriving little city of Lexington, Ky.. where 20,000 bottles of the medicine were sold in only a few months. Since that time there have been sold throughout the United States something over ten million bottles, and a romance which has no parallel in the modern busi ness world has begun. The instant and phenomenal success which Tanlac won in Lexington has been duplicated in practically every large town, small town, village and hamlet in North America, Hawaii, Alaska, Cuba, Porto Rico and other American possessions have clamored for Tanlac. Just a few months ago, it was an nounced in the Atlanta papers that twenty-two carloads, 265,470 bottles of Tanlac had been sold through the Atlanta office alone. Since that time, 2,234,524 bottles have been sold, and the grand total now stands at over two million and a half bottles. These are actual figures, and the fact that two hundred and fifty-eight carloads of Tanlac have been sold and shipped into the South and West since the first day of October, 1915, is a matter of record and can easily be verified. One retail firm alone, the Jacobs' Pharmacy Co., of Atlanta, have sold the astonishing total of 75.000 bottles vithin the past twelve months. What is true cf Atlanta is also true of prac tically every large city of the South and West, where the sales have been correspondingly large. The greatest drug firms of the country have voluntarily come for ward and stated in plain, cold figures, the record breaking sales, everywhere, ras is evidenced by the startling sales -records shown in the following fig ures: Texas and Oklahoma dealers have sold in only five months time the as tonishing total of approximately five hundred thousand bottles or an aver age of 100,000 bottles per month, A BOND IN EVERY HOME. (Continued from page three.) Jno. M. Sott & Co. and Dr. T. C. Smith Co. Get Wholesale Agencies. "The wholesale distributing agency for Tanlac in the North Carolina ter ritory has been awarded to Jno. M. Scott & Co., Charlotte and Dr. T. C. Smith Co., Asheville," said E. C. Har ris, representing the International dis tributor of Tanlac, a few days ago. "These firms," continued Mr. Harris, "gave their order for an entire car load of Tanlac several weeks ago and have just received same. This car comprises 1,060 dozen, 12,720 bottles, and is without doubt, the largest order ever given by North Carolina dealers for a new preparation, but having heard through absolutely reliable source of the remarkable and rapidly growing demand fcr Tanlac in other cities, these firms did not nesitate to place an order for the above amount. "In only a few weeks' time Tanlac will be placed on sale in practically every large city, town, village and hamlet in the state of North Carolina. "A number of agencies already have been established in a very limited time, but it is my desire that the dis tribution he made more complete and far-reaching. "With this end in view, I take this means of notifying druggists and dealers who are interested to write or telegraph G. F. Willis, Fourth Nation al Bank Bldg., Atlanta, Ga." smashing all world's records. Memphis jobber and retailers have sold since April 3. 1916, 343,560 bot tles. Atlanta jobber and retailer have sold since October 16, 1915, 186,480 bottles. Birmingham jobber and retailers have sold since August 18, 1915, 158, 976 bottles. Nashville jobber and retailer have sold since August 11, 1915, 165,756 bottles. Macon jobber and retailer have sold since November 17, 1915 126,036 bot tles. Jacksonville jobber and retailer have sold since January 22, 1916, 66,696 bottles. Montgomery jobber and retailer have sold since January 19, 1916, 80, 784 bottles. "These enormous sales," said G. F. Willis, International Distributor of Tanlac, "mean but one thing, and that is merit. Tanlac Is well advertised, it is true, but such a large and rapid ly growing demand could not be brought about by advertising alone. It's what the neighbors say that counts. One bottle is sold in a neigh borhood through advertising, but ten more are sold in that community after the first bottle produces results." Tanlac is now sold exclusively in Lumber ton by the Pope Drug Co.; Inc.; in St. Pauls by the Grantham Drug Co.; in Lumber Bridge by ti.e Central Drug Co.; in Red S; rings by the Red Springs Drug Co.: in Max ton by the Barnes Bros. Drug Co.; Inc.; in Pembroke by the McCormick Co.; in Lowe by L. E. Tyner & Son: in Purvis by C. T. Pate & Co.; in Elrod by J. E. Bridges; in Raynham by C. M. Townsend; in McDonalds by the McDonald Drug Co.; in Row land by the Rowland Drug Co. Inc.; in Fairmont by the Pittman Drug Co.; in Marietta by D. F. Gregg rod in Barnesville by W. C. Walters. and social fabric of the nation will be torn to pieces. Wise is the man who prepares for that day by putting his money in bonds. The country after the war is going to stagc-r under a burden of taxation. The Government will have to find something to vstSce the place of liquor, which furnished half the taxet. in normal times but now is f-one, thank God, and railroads, which he predicted the Government would keep and which would be free from "taxation. Only land, personal property and incomes will remain to be taxed. What is going to be the plight of the man who has not sense and patriotism enough to put his mon ey in bonds, free from taxation, where he will be safe no matter what storms of taxation and burdens of panic come. No Parties in This War. Some men may say this is a Demo cratic war. That is not so. In this war the Republican party has loyally stood by the Presdent and the Demo cratic party until tnere is only on party so far as the war is enncerner When some Democrats balked and re belled at the draft bill and the lb year limit, Republicans helped to put those measures through. Judge Jeter C. Pritchard, the ablest man western North Carolina has produced since Vance, has gone all over that part of the State in support of war measures. As Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses, even so have both Republi cans and Democrats upheld the hands of the President in this war. Got 'Em on the Run. Some may say we've got 'em on the run now and don't need to buy bonds. There is no doubt of ultimate victory, but the war is not over by any means. We are fighting a determined foe, and there will be no peace until he is beaten to exhaustion no peace until we get peace by complete victory there will be no conference with the German emperor, the Allies will de termine what shall be his fate for his crimes. Fixing Price of Cotton. If the Government fixes the price of cotton we may be sure that it is done because it is necessary, and should not complain. Over the pro test of the West the price of wheat was fixed, but they did not sulk and have loyally supported every Liberty loan. We can trust President Wilson and are willing to follow him through to the end, whether he fixes the price of cotton or not which statement was greeted with hearty applause. Bonds Below Par. Some may argue that bonds of last issue are only selling for $95. This is only the operation of the old law of supply and demand, there are more bonds than the market will absorb un der present conditions. English con sols have sold at 50, French bonds at 30, and yet they have been redeemed at par. During the Civil war U. S. bonds went to 75, and when the war was over they shot up. You can get your money at any bank. 3 1-2 per cents are now above par. Some men may ask, Why subscribe now wnen they may be able to buy later at 95? That is just the difference between a patriot and a bond broker, if any man pulls that, said Mr. Lawrence, don't sell him a bond, but give me his name and I will pillory him all over the county and make his name a by word and a hissing. Not Able to Buy Bonds. We are able to do everything else, we have cut off none of our amuse ments. People ride on Pullmans more than ever, in spite of the extra co&t. Riding on one the other day he heard a woman talking about the sacrifices she was making, and he looked a lit tle higher than her Trilbys and she had on silk stockings. We seem to think we have nothing to do buz have a good time. None of us has made (Continued on page seven.) Let The Poor "Whale" Spout A Reliable North Carolina Institution Comes to FOR SALE! Sixty-three acre farm seven miles north of Lumberton. Forty-three acres in fine state of cultivation. Good for corn, cotton, tobacco, etc. Two good tobacco barns and dwelling houses and out-houses for two fami lies. Can be divided into several smaller farms. Address, W. H. HUMPHREY, JjUmberton, N. C. DELCQ-UGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Plenty of bright, safe, clean electric light. No more hot, smoky lamps. la FOUEY MONEY PIUS ft BACKACHE AiONEYS AMO BL&OF? ELECTRIC SERVICE CO., Laurinburg, N. C. L. He Caldwell's &rmno p 4 ALUMINUM m Reflect Good Housekeeping 31 The New Idea In Aluminum Ware You have not seen the utmost in beauty, construction, utility and durability in aluminum ware if you have not seen the Mirro line. Th's line is made by one or the world's largest manufac turers of aluminum goods 25 years' experience wrought into every Tiece. Mirro includes everything in aluminum for kitchen and household use. See the one-piece construction throughout and the many other features exclusively "Ivlirro." And Mirro costs you no more than other makes. Come and see how different and better aluminum can be. Hardware Dep't. Lumberton ri,l PERFECT SPECIMENS OF THE fL J 1 14 ' k EARTH'S MOST CURIOUS CREATURES 1 V TOb&fcL I i 1 (( l M GATHERED TOGETHER MT0 ONE I WlmW?W I IMmy IMMENSE MENAGERIE lpPj lSfeiy THE CHAMPIONS OF ALL MWnWVS Lj l JNaH J yf COUNTRIES COMPETE IK FEATS WMJ M (yif OF DARING AND GRACE. BjT' f ' iMi M I Bfe-. C " THE PRINCELY SALARIES PAID BT THIS B fci. "SlMa Saturday Oct. 5th. THE CHAMPIONS OF ALL COUNTRIES COMPETE III FEATS OF DARING AND GRACE. THE PRINCELY SALARIES PAID BT THIS MAMMOTH ENTERPRISE HAVE SOBBED ILL EUROPE Of THEIR HOST VALUABLE ARTISTS MALE AND FEMALE RIDERS, AERIAL ARTISTS, LEAPERS. TUMBLERS. GYMNASTS AND SENSATIONAL OETH-DEFTI(0 FEATS OF SKILL AND DARING BY BOTH MALEMD FEMALE PERFORMERS- A BIG TROUPE OF HIGH-SCHOOL HORSES, THE WORLD'S BEST GROUP OF EDUCATED SEALS AND SEA LIONS, AN IMMENSE Herd of WONDERFULLY TRAINED ELEPHANTS, Two Groups of Forest-Breo. MAN-KILLING LIONS KIFMNIH II BRUT STEEL ENCLOSURES. DAILY AT 10:30 A. H. (DID CIRCUS A NATIONAL INSTITUTION COMING TO Lumberton One Day Only Saturday, October No Grafters. No Games. No Short Change Artists Name Not Bought From Showmen Long Ago Retired. The Sparks Show has been successfully operated 29 years continu ously by the Sparks Family. Every Southerner knows how it has treated the public, that promises made are taithfully kept. Come See It Again Next Saturday. The Old "Whale" Will Now "Blubber" Subscribe to THE ROBESONIAN r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of Nicy C. Bright, deceased, late of Robeson county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to me or my attorney on cr before the 20th day of August, 1919, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate .vill make immediate payment. H. E. THOMPSON, Administrator. W. H. KINLAW, Attorney. This 17th day of August, 1918. 8196 Mon :erx Mrs. J. A. Cox, of AI derson, V. Va., writes: "My daughter . . .suf fered terribly. She could not turn in bed ... the doctors gave her up, and we brought her home to die. She had suffered so much at . . . time. Hav ing heard of Cardui, we got it for her." Able & Willing To properly serve its customers a bank should be both able ant willing. ttmm The one without the other does not give the banking service YOU require. t ,lr,mmmSWWWW This Institution has every facility, ample resources and an earnest willingness to meet your every banking need. On the strength of these features we solicit your account. THE PEOPLE'S BANK & TRUST CO- P i in it m i ti m.r People Speak Well of Chamberlairt Tablets. "I have been selling Chamberlain's Tablets for about two years and neard such good reports from my custom ers that I concluded to give them a trial myself, and can say that I do not believe there is another prepara tion of the kind equal to them ' write G. A. McBride, .Headford, Ont If you are troubled with indigestion cr constipation give them a trial. They will do you good. The Woman's Tonic "In a few days, she be gan to improve," Mrs. Cox continues, "and had no trouble at . . . Cardui cured her, and we sing its praises everywhere. we receive many thou sands of similar letters ery year, jelling of the good Cardui has done for women who suffer from complaints so common to their sex. It should do SB SANDHILL p ARM-LIFE QCHOOL VASS, N. C. LEARN BY DOING The school offers for boys a practical, as well as theo retical farm course under trained experts Farm of fifty acres Dairy herd of twenty Guernseys, ten registered. Military training under veteran of the Canadian armv Especial attention is paid to setting-up exercises, rifle prac tice and maneuvers. School company wears regulation U. S. army uniform and is equipped by War Department with Krag rifles and ammunition. Athletics are encouraged. For girls, a practical course in cooking and housekeeping under experienced domestic science teacher Gardening, poultry husbandry, etc. etc. Write for school catalogue and further information to Director, SANDHILL FARM-LIFE SCHOOL, VASS, N. C, R. F. L rfe ... See Our Work and get our prices before placing an order gg for any kind of 4 rr. rn " m - al work. Lumberton Marble & Granite Co. J. H. Floyd, Prop. Lumberton, N. C. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON IMPROVED l FARM LANDS (Robeson, Scotland ft Hoke Counties) $2,000-00 to $50,000.00 .FIVE YEARS 5 1-2W Interest A. T. McLEAN Lumberton, N. C i R. D. CaldweD & Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EMB AL MING Oldest Undertaking Establish- Our equipment is good and when called we render satisfactory ser vice. Day Telephone 119; night, 82 or 312 or 226. MMUVVWVMV '