PAGE FOUB THE BOBESONIAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. B I fflE K0BE80NIAN Published MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1918. By BOBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO- I. A, 8HARPE President THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1918. UBSCRIPTION RATES Dm year 2-00 lx months 1.00 Three months 60 Office 107 Weet Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 must be carried to (Jen an ter. am t-. nrnnDTC W&r whIp of the truH. Tiwcy un .w . j i i 1 . i1 1 , , - i c-on there W ill De no peace uiiui ueimanv way toLwafeseehersicson to surr(der as uneondition- bythe1 hundred and she go off the ally as Bulgaria has surrendered. And train at Pembroke and went back j another certain thing is that you can home MondaV morning some men help to bring the end of the war a r-ST-nnrt here from Pern- er by buying Liberty bonds to the hrntP for work failed to come because limit of your ability to buy thev understood Lumberton was quar ant'ined against all outside points. The Robcsonian's Pi-rkton correspondent LIMIT CLUB MEMBERS The Robesonian is delighted to learn Entered as second class mail matter et the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. T - I i.i 1 ; ri i i - . . r r i i i i r i h r h nit- ni i mi-" rt Mr1 ri n n iu writes that people are dieinj? wa T 7 u j 7, Vv. V. aaZZZZ t namn Bn. son who have purchased all the War The Favetteville Observer of Tues- Savings stamps any one person is al- Hav thp dav that was written, stated that there were no cases at Camp Bragg. Mayor Proctor, is a commu nication published elsewhere in this' unnor. savs that the situation here is well in hand, that the cases are mild. There have been no deaths here. The town is not quarantined against noints in the county and people run no risk of contracting the disease in coming to Lumberton. In fan, owinj in the wise orecautionary measures taken here in closing schools, churches and moving picture show, prohibiting public meetings and the serving of drinks at fountains there lowed to purchase $1,000 worth. It stated a week ago that it there were any Limit Club members in the coun- been made public, so far as we know, e been informed since then, nowever, tnat at. i'auis has a dozen or more Limit Club mem bers and that Mr. A. R. McEachers of that town has purchased the limit for nearly every member, if not for every member, of his family. A Mr. Regan (initials not learned) of How ellsville township, also has purchased the limit. This is good news. Why not send in the names of these Limit Club members? The Robesonian would be glad to learn just how many there are in the countv. MANY PROMINENT MEN CO ME OUT FOR TANLAC Mayors, Judges, High Officials, NflTEl) EX-MAYftR Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors and MjA-Mm Editors Indorse It KfeLUfflMfcN i8leX.la7PL JmiJJru3 FEEL IT THEIR THE FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN. The fighting loan, they call it. American soldiers, Robeson county soldiers, are fiehtine the Hun in France and we are going to fight the Hun here with our dollars. There should be no trouble in sell ing Robeson's allotment of $603,0C0. The DeoDle of Robeson have been blessed abundantly this year, far above what they ever expected, in Lumberton alone more than a mil lion dollars were paid out to Robeson county farmers for tobacco d iring the sixty days ending about the first of September. In the entire county around five million dollars were paid Robeson county farmers for tobacco during that period. The people of the county can over subscribe Robeson's allotment and never feel it except to be more pros perous in years to come. Robeson county boys are fighting in France. At the Government's bidding they have left home and are devoting themselves to the single purpose of crushing the German army in order that we at home may be s.fe from worse than death. It is the least we at home can do to devote our dollars to supporting the boys who are fight in or for us. The bonds are a good investment. The person who buys bonds is not giving the Government anything: he is merely lending his money and will receive a fair rate of interest. And the man who is able to buy bonds and yet persistently refuses to do so is the most contemptible creature on the face of the earth. He is a far worse slacker and coward than the soldier who whines and deserts. The deserter has at least the excuse of physical fear and desire to save his worthless hide; but the bond slacker has not the soul of a louse; he be trays his country for a few dollars and has not the shred of decency that would make his go out and hang him self. Let us hope there are no bond slackers in Robeson. We can put the county's allotment over, and will; and devil take the bond slackers, if there should happen to be any in the county ton than in eoiner to other places where such precautions have not been tap en and where one mingle- lth crowds. Nobody is downhearted here ,.,.,.i,r,t- nt Vio "ln " Kn use to be. Keep cool and clean, and for They Come Forward and Unhesi heaven s sake perpetrate no open ficed cough or sneeze, and -,'resently the "flu" will have flowi: and every body will be comfortable again. o THE WAR NOT WON YE I' Bulgaria's defection no doubt is the beginning; of the end; it opens up the yrad to Turkey and Austria; it is DUTY TO TALK tatingly Tell Suffering Humani ty What Celebrated Medicine Has Done for Them. It is seldom, indeed, that men of nnivaUnt to thp oanture of an armv "flFjr men nommg of 500,000 men. And the United W e' JHpW exPress tneir maeoteaness publicly to a pro- ntattkTTof mWT.S. bS Prietary medicine. Many prominent the end is not yet. It is written in erJLJYP the stars that Germany is to be de-lI J fe ' I r "x j r F feated but when the end will come prominent state and county of- " .1 . - 1 t I r AriAllO 1 " 1 . . ' ' - u i . . v . vj a ' 1 . V. V I . have led some to expect the war to g,,., end in six weeks; other some say tnei rr , " "TCzT" ZZ. 1 end is sure to come by Christmas; wiwi uuty ui e others, more conservative, noint r-"mc iulVatu, tt"u " . peopie that the German army is not yet wn maniac has done for them Former Mayor Frank V. Evans, of Birmingham, Ala., Makes Strong Statement When you plant corn f you srow torn f y sz f WSeWX while out that mi 11 1 mm . Ao.aaA tv,Qt tho norm5,n ctill nc. Anese weii-Known men oi anairs cupy territory not their own, that the have recognized in this medicine THE NEW CALOMEL FINE FOR COLDS AND GRIPPE new discovery and a scientific triumph in tne meaicai worm, it is a well known fact that these splendid in dorsements have been given Tanlac time and time again and thev will continue to be given just as often as new tests of its powers are made; and it also explains why numbers of the big drug firms of the country are ordering it exclusively in carload lots. Doctor Prescribes It. Dr. J. T. Edwards, of Favetteville. Calotabs, the New Nausealess Cal- Ga., one of the best-known members it. i tt a n u 01 tne medical prolession in the state omel, Breaks Up a Sever Cold 0f Georgia, makes a statement that Ovomit wil1 undoubtedly produce a profound uvernignt. impression throughout the South. Physicians and druggists have at In my thirty years of actual prac. last found a quick and dependable tlce as a licensed physician in the remedy for colds, influenza and state of Oeorgria, says Dr. Edwards, grippe. One Calotab on the tongue 1 nave never seen anytmng to equal at bed time with a swallow of water Tanlac as a medicine to produce re- that's all. Next morning your cold sults- A have no hesitancy m recom has vanished and your liver and en- mending this medicine and I am pre tire system are purified and refresh- scribing it for my patients almost ed without the slightest unpleasant- every aay ness or interference with appetite, diet Professor L. T. Clotfelter, promi- or work. I nens educator ana principal oi tne Doctors have always contended that HlSh school at Ben Hill, Ga., says: calomel is the best medicine for colds. 1 was m Sucn bad physical condition bronchitis and la grippe and the first " A iearea i wouia nave xo give medicine to be iven in pneumonia UP my auties. i suiierea irom rneu- and acute fevers. The new calomel, matism. sluggish liver, nausea and Calotabs, is purified and refined from terrible bilious headaches. I have all of the sickening and dangerous taken 3 bottles of Tanlac and I feel errects and witn the medicinal virtues oetver man i nave leu in years, vastly improved. Noted Texan Talks. Calotabs are sold only in oricrinal rion. Archie K. Anderson, ex-sheriff sealed packages, nrilce 35c. Your of Harris County, Texas, is unaues- druggist recommends and guarantees tionably not only one of the best- them and will refund your money if known, but one of the most popular you are not delighted. adv. Weighed 90 Pounds Before Ti PERUNA Recommends it to Her Friends "I don't need Peruna any more. I am all well. I have taken six bottles. I weighed ninety pounds before I started with Peruna. I was just as poor and so weakly. X had given up hopes of ever get ting well; such a cough and spit ting, and could not eat anything. Now since taking Peruna I weigh one hundred and thirty-five pounds. All my friends said X would uever get well. I was just a shadow. I have surely recom mended your I'eruna to many of my friends, and they are using it. I will recommend Peruna, for I am so thankful for what it has done for me." Sold Everywhere ddne Weigh !l 1 ?-B Pounds raHaf Miss Clara Lohr. 21 N. Gold St., Grand Rapids, Mich. In her letter opposite Miss Lohr tells in convincing words of the benefits she received from Pe runa. I.lqnld or Tablet Fprrn men that ever held office in Texas. He served the people in this important m m - - onice ior lb consecutive years. "I had the worst form of indices tion, suffered all the time from gas on my stomach and was continually belching tip undigested food," said Mr. Anderson. "I suffered with neu ralgic pains of the worst sort and nothing seemed to help me except in a temporary way. "I began to feel better after taking my first bottle of Tanlac and have just now started on my third. I'm a different man already." H- W. Hill, president of one of the leading banking institutions of South Pittsburg, Tenn., and one of the most successful bankers and business men in Tennessee, said: "I suffered from rheumatism and other ailments for many years and Tanlac has done me more good than anything 1 ever tried. I now wake up in the morning feeling fine. "I'm telling all my friends about One of the latest additions to the large and rapidly growing list of prominent men who have publicly in dorsed Tanlac for the good it has done them, is the name of Hon. Frank "v Evans, former Mayor of Birmingham. Mr. Evans is one of the best known men in public life in Alabama today, being at one time editor of one of the South's greatest newspapers, the Bir mmgham Age-Herald. He was also examiner of public accounts of Ala bama. In telling of the benefits he derived from Tanlac, Mr. Evans said: "For years I suffered with eastritis and indigestion in the worst form. I was habitually constipated and had pains in my shoulders and headache continually. My appetite left me al most entirely and everything I wyuld eat hurt me. Finally I got to having awful attacks of acute indigestion, palpitation of the heart and "smoth ering spells. For a long time I would have one or more of these spells every night and I would wake out of my restless sleep gasping for breath. "'I bought a bottle of Tanlac and to my surprise and gratification I began to feel relief after the first few doses. I kept taking the medicine and now my recovery is simply the talk of Birmingham." Tanlac and am recommending it to them, regardless of their age and trouble." Dr. G. W; De LaPerriere, of Wind er, Ga., is not only one of the best known physicians and d the State of Georgia, but is also a man of extensive property and wide influence, ranking as one of the lead ing citizens of that entire section. He has been in the drug business in Winder for 25 years. Recently Dr. De LaPerriere wrote: "Our people are much enthused over the beneficial effects of Tanlac and I desire to say that it is the most won derful seller I ever had in this store." Other prominent men who have in dorsed Tanlac are: Professor Elmer Morris, of Tinwr Tenn.; Professor W. A. Wood, of the Central Graded Schools, Winder, Ga.; C. C. Cooper, president of the Georgia Home Cotton Oil Co., Lawrenceville, Ga.; Hon. S. S. Shepard, member of the Atlanta city council; Hon. George Samuel Riley, Chief of Police in Ma con, Ga.; Hon. C. G. Lavender, regis ter of Williamson County, Tennessee; Dr. W. H. Brown, 4822 Charlotte Ave., Nashville, Tenn., founder and presi dent oi tne Tennessee Protestant Home for Girls; John F. Carroll, cot ton mill superintendent, of Chatta hoochee and Atlanta. Planl- your money in Our Bank and row RICH When you plant something, you get something. When you plant nothing, you know what you get. fiflfcifcii&r. If you should sow a few dollars you'd get a crop in proportion tt kny other crop. You can spare a few dollars now and then why not fix for your old age with the money you will hardly miss now. WE ADD 4 PER CENT INTEREST. COME TO OUR BANK. First National Bank (Bank opposite the court house) LUMBERTON, - N. C MHHHHHHHHHI Farm Land Cut TBENTMOOD FARM Tanlac is now sold exclusively in Lumberton by the Pope Drug Co. Inc.; in St. Pauls by the Grantham Drug Co.; in Lumber Bridge by the central urug uo.; in Ked S rings by the Red Springs Drug Co.; in Max. ton by the Barnes Bros. Drug Co.; Inc.; in Pembroke by the McCormick Co.; in Lowe by L. E. Tyner & Son: m Purvis by C. T. Pate & Co.: in Elrod by J. E. Bridges; in Raynham by C. M. Townsend; in McDonalds ny tne iMclJonald Drug Co.; in Row land by the Rowland Drug Co. Inc.; in Fairmont by the Pittman Drug Co.; in Marietta by D. F. Gregg rnd in Barnesville by W. C. Walters. Up Right worn bring More Money SOLD AT AUCTION l Our I Surveyors Know HOW A We Subdivide and Sell at Auction CITY SUBURBAN AND FARM PROPERTY Before vou even consider the sale of your property, f write for information of our Auction method. It will convince you that you need fcv,M7IJ4A7 COAST REALTY CO US FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED Atlantic Coast Realty Co. THE NAME THAT JUSTIFIES YOUR CONFIDENCE j PETERSBURG, VA. OFFICES GREENVILLE. N.C. References . Any Bank in Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N.C. jj IHHHHtHHHHHHHH Subscribe to THE ROBESONIAN I LAND SALE ! The S. B. Moore Place, 3 miles from Lumberton on Creek Road, now niml K w I u u, c into" 20 and 4 Acre Farms Will go at' Auction on the Premises on S Z U Wednesday, October 9th, at 10:30 A. M. SHINE OR RAIN tssrs U2S zirrrcer si's vsr Tus - r - iand-m - - - - - itrainsbesurePtoTOme. Vol Z.tL ZlZrl ' M the auctioneer - . B ur ma in. now. ik iJllfMBtla,.., O-y - w m wyw Murphy Brothers' Land Auction Comoanv A1 aim Luiiiucrion, i. Ks. lf Yo" "ae Land to Sell See These Men or Write the Company."