THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1918. PAGE FOUl THE ROBESONIAN PnbUbhod MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1918. By ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO- I. A. SHARPE President MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1918. UBSCRIPTION RATES Dm year 92.00 tlx month 1.00 months .50 Office 197 Weat Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 Entered as second class mail matter at thepostoffice at Lumberton, N. C. PUT THE "SOLDIERS' SPIRIT" INTO THE LOAN. There are 2,262,000 people, of all ages, in North Carolina who did rot buy a bond of the second or third Lib erty loan. How many are there in Robeson county? Over fifty thou sand, we should say. What can these people who are able to buy say for themselves? How can they expect to look a returned soldier boy i nthe eye? What will be their relation to those who have done their part when after the war, an honor roll is shown of deeds done during the war? In a cable to the governor of the New York Reserve bank General Pershing said: "The fourth Liberty loan will be a magnificent success if your fellow citizens put into the su'o- There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be Incurable. Doctors pre scribed local, remedies, and by constant ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by con stitutional conditions and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Is a consti tutional remedy, is taken Internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. P. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. Ohio, gold by Druggists. 76c. Hall's Family PilU , (or constipation. scriptions the same spirit that your soldiers put into battle.". Are we putting thit spirit into our anhsprintions ? Is it not a fact that if our fighting men nut into their I 1 "King the same spirit oi lnaitier ence that has characterized the atti tude of so many people toward the fourth Liberty loan so far, they would not be winning such glorious victo- Honestly, if you are not helping to support our fighting torces oy Duying all the Liberty bonds and War Savings stamps you can, isn't it time you came to yourself? Can any citizen be sat isfied to fill himself with the husks which the swine do eat? Can the people fail to put the "sol diers' spirit" into the loan? Wake up, ye who have failed to hear your country's call, before it is too late and the days draw nigh when you will say that it were better for you had you been drowned in the midst of the sea, or hanged by the neck till dead, rather than to fall upon the evil days when the returned sol diers ask what you did to furnish them with shot and shell and food and to save the lives of their fallen com rades, when they were fighting for you, and the record shows that, you hugged your dollars close and refused a lonH tViPiYi tn Uncle Sam at a fair rate of interest to save the lives of! fighting men. , o "THE TIME IS CRITICAL." This is not the time to let up on buying Liberty bonds. Until the close of the campaign for the fourth Lib erty loan there should be such an out pouring of the wealth of the people of this country as the world never saw before in a like period. Over subscription of the six billion dollar Liberty loan is declared by the Pres ident to be a matter of world im portance at this critical time. The statement of President Wilson, issued Thursday night, follows: "Recent events have enhanced, not! lessened, the importance of this loan and I hope that my fellow-countrymen will let me say this to them very frankly. The best thing that could happen would be that the loan should not only be subscribed, but very great ly oversubscribed. ' We are in the midst of the greatest exercise of the power of this country that has ever been witnessed or forecast, and a sin gle day of relaxation in that effort would be of tragical damage alike to ourselves and to the rest of the world. Nothing has happened which makes it safe or possible to do anything but push our effort to the utmost. The .time is critical and the response must be complete. We Subdivide and Sell at Auction City Suburban and Farm Property Read the Following Endorsement: WACHOVIA RANKVTRUST COMPANY JAA-A f.KAT. T CAPITAL $ fc250.000.00 WkMSTOM-SAtEM,??.C February 9 1917 70 WHOM IT 1LAY. CONCERH:- take pleasure m aaying that we ha to known, 'favorably, for a number of years, the Me a era. Perrell and ojm of their associates in the Atlantic Coaat Realty Co. They are own- of integrity, agreeable and accommodating in' their business delaings. They have conducted a number of ales for us, or boughtand handled property In which we ere interested and hare done eo with such satisfaction t that we will be glad to engage their serrioea again when ce hare real estate to offer, we haw always found them sjorthy of credit and confidence and do net hesitate to en terse their character and their method of business and. to ejspres our belief in their financial responsibility. wary reapoowmjgr, WACHOVIA B4BT TRSST C0MP4SY. Before you even consider the tale of your property writ for informauon oi our Auction methods. It will convince you that you need US ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY The Name that Justifies Yeur Confidence PETERSBURG, VA. Offices GREENVILLE, N. C ST. PAULS WAR SAVINGS LIMIT CLUB "By their fruits ye shall know them." Unrepentant, savage, barba rous, fiendish still, the Huns are leav ing their well-known mark wherever they can, torpedoing ships, drowning women and children, burning towns, doing everywhere such bitter deeds as hell itself quakes to look upon. These acts do not indicate a foe who expects present defeat and reckoning for his crimes. When the started out in their career of revolting crimes they were drunk with sight of power. Maybe now they are mad with the madness of those whom the gods would destroy. 13 Members of War Savings Limit Club at St. Pauls There Are Many in the County Who Can Join the Limit Clab. I take pleasure in making public the names of those who have subscribed to the limit in the War Savings cam paign at St. Pauls. They are as follows: John S. Butler, J. A. John son, W. D. Johnson, A. C. Rozier, J. M. Butler, G. T .Fisher, St. Pauls Cotton Mill, Cape Fear Cotton Mill, J. T. Odum, L. A. McGeachy, A. R. McEachern, Mrs, A. E. McEnchern, Duncan McEachern. This is a fine showing. Let no man dare say that St. Pauls is anything but patriotic to the limit. I have not heard from other sections. I am anxious to get the reports in so that the information may be tfiven to the public. - Let all those who xcan, sub scribe to the limit. There are hun dreds in this County who can subscribe to the limit. There will come a time when regrets at not having subscrib ed to the limit will not suffice. Let every citizen perform his duty now. v'V .I R. VARSER, Chairman. grigs Fundi or Needy Families of "Fl.' Victims. Would it not be wise for somebody to start a fund for aiding needy fam ilies who have the "flu" ? There are in Lumberton and surrounding terri tory families who are dependent upon the daily labor x)t the man of the house jgpr food. In many cases whole FIRE PROOF AND BURGLAR PROOF These thick walls and heavy doors were built to protect your money. When you have some little extra money, you ca nspare, why not start a bank account with us? We will serve you well and can advise you cheerfully. You can start a bank account now and have a "big wad" some day, and not fear old age or poverty. WE ADD 4 PER CENT INTEREST. COME TO OUR BANK. First National Bank (Bank opposite the court house) LUMBERTON, - - N. O families are sick and need attention. This reporter inquired at- one home where practically all the members of the family are sick Saturday and Earned that the only food in the house was enough corn meal to make one cake of bread. He got busy and sent enough rations to that home to last them several days. It was no trouble to get the rations from local merchants. It may be there are other families in the same, condition, Hard to Realize Swift Strides Al lies Are Making. (From Associated Press Summary, Oct. 11.) So lightning-like are the maneuvers of the Allied armies on the various battlefronts from the North sea to Verdun, in Macedonia and in Palestine -that except, to the war exdert and his military maps oonstantly" before him it is almost impossible to visual ize the situation and realize the swift strides the Allies are making in de feating the common enemy. In France and Belgium in three weeks five important cities which had been in German hands for four years have been recaptured. Dixmude, Arnien tieres, Lens Cambrai and St. Quentin are now in allied hands, while Lille, Douai and Vajenciennes seemingly are all but captured. Serbia shortly is to be fully reclaim ed, and the Turks soon will know the Holy Land no more. Recorder's Court. Will Peppers, colored, was given a 90-days road sentence by Recorder E. M; Britt Saturday on the charge of fornication and adultery, Maria Mc Laurin, also colored, who was tried on the same charge, was released. I I , . 1 1 , i ' . . . . r- , - - ;Mf. Lawrcnc Jackson bf,R 1 from Shannon was " a Lumberton visitor SVurday. - 1 v ' ;; ) a . i White t L 1 it .. INCORPORATED Gough Oneriog o Ready-to-lear Merchandise all oitilfTJi DMfS in.Silks' Chaim Taffetas, Satins, Combinations, Serges, fr. m li S, r cr.eons and at price that will attract every one in search ol what is pretty and stylish Silks & t& Kist atfisatr Fabrics-suib z shown in Lumberton. Hundreds of the most showev and attrartiv t wtsU. JZ ? f j . L ?Kirts ever by those who appreciate both Style and Value. -WEAR GOODS an event long to be remembered w DON'T DELAY, COME NOW WHITE & GOUGH, Inc ORIGINAL AND GREATEST BARGAIN GIVERS.