THE ROBESON1AN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918. AGK TWO LAND SALE! The Alfred Britt Place-460 Acres 9 miles from Lumber ton, 4 miles from Buie, N. C, on Chicken Road, Cut in 40, 50 and 100 Acre Farms Will Sell at Auction on the Premises Wednesday Ming .23, 10:30 A. M. Shine or This is efood cotton, corn and tobacco soil. Come, look it. over before the dav of sale n-na , ' w "Vi" u tKnuuM nouses, o wjoacco Darns, plenty ol out buildings. One saw mill and cotton gin m good running order. 300 or 400 thousand feet of large pine timber. About 200 acres of cleared land. You can make over a bale to the acre here Again I ask you to come and see this farm. Greenback money given away at sale. Music by brass band. The ladies are invited. Only 1-4 cash, one two and three years on hal Any man can buy land this way. Don't let this chance slip. And don't forget the day and hour, Wednesday, October 23, 10:30 a. m. Meet us there ' fiance. iviurpny Brothers Land Auction Company Of Greensboro, N. C. and Lumberton, N. C. r C Murnhv Mv i ...i- xt IF YOU HAVE LAND TO SELL SEE THESE MEN OR WMTE TTHE COMPANY, LUmbertn' N' C WITH ROBESON SOLDIERS One of Pershing's Veterans Now. Mrs. Sabra Powell of East Lumber ton has received the following letter from her son: August 21, 1918. Dear Mother and Sister: After quite a number of days 1 have the opportunity of again writing to you. It has been quite a while since I heard from you but keep looking for one in every mail. Guess I will get one S'me day. Mama, I really believe Sherman was right, for war is hell. I am in very good health at pres ent, but have had a bit of trouble with my teeth, or at least one tooth. vjuess i win nave it pulled tomorrow HERE AND THERE. Notes Taken on the Road Visits to Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fair Bluff and Spring Branch. My trip to Fair Bluff was a pleas ant one .1 found Rev. Mr. Stanfield engaged in a meeting at the Metho dist church. The Methodist folks have a beautiful brick building in which to worship and it speaks well for their church pride and shows they feel that the temple of the Lord should be equal to, if not better than, the residences of the people who worship at His shrine. Fair Bluff has many improvements since I left there 19 years ago. To day there are 21 stores. A good num ber of them are built of brick and would be creditable in a city much larger than the one in which they dis- tmj men cucniLecLurai Deauty. Many of the old land-marks are there look- Also mv Krpt. w Z T r'V" ; e oia land-marks are there look- trouble but seems to be better todav "lgAatUral and serveft to bring 'At present we are enjoying a rest A j?eArday8 ofTthe Past "behind the lines" and I we wire verv CWJLvW. Me58S?' L M- aild much in need of one as weTaVhal SK2r tZ 7Z ""Orjix II SUUCU lU gtJLIltJr " - aic uau quite a bit of experience at the front. with others whose names we omit be- "Gets-It," a Liberty Bottle for Corns! There's Only One Genuine "Corn-Peeler"-Thaf s "Gets-It" Ever peel a banana? That's the way "Gets-It" peels off corns. It's the only corn treatment that will. "Geta-It"is a guarantee that you Uh ves. we aw enmo rf n 1 wuubc naaies we omit De- .. x VJCUCI CU I CailCfl n- anas... TL 11 - rersning's veterans of the A p p T - - ai- se are mere, snow now. the A' E- F lnS1ausomte but not very greatly,! When did von htr f - .le others have grown up, the youne I haven't heard from her for morlwi0 fattr.actlve ladyhood' with than a month . So you s I am K hov, ICfi8"8 "5 g0od looks' the ing for mail from Several of you all nd S SS- CPS' to at home. You had better hurrv ml , f uhl of Democ- and write or I may get oSded SSV6 bSe!t f .our nation "Poor kid." Too bad." But now S S me Sulte a bit of time really, mama, couldn't youfind time 5eaarsfnhi8Xed to drop me a hne once a week' I tLi- iSmi 1 , really would appreciate it as news J2?l iamson of the Wana from home is always food for thoS w ffS0? f .S- c- ne to Fair We have plenty o 'time f to read 94M aid,cims the possession all the letter? we receivethough we ot? Za leastor a ef and I went also have plenty of work to df but ZL?"d ?ent one -day and o now that we are back for a rest it 5S?jn 7l C0Imun-ty I had the feels mighty good to get mail Also J 6gC f hm.g a most excellent we have time to write Also sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Tolar Has Nel ever visited you yet? If 1 SL Tolar is a not, when is she going to do so I Si LvaS- ?oltl t Rernert, who Oh boy I would like to have some1 yea'rsaeo fh SCVeral of the apples, peaches and other fruits) SSter fnnroL nTr- seen any and watermelons. I haven't seen tt lnPoveient made m any sec much fruit over here and S, th- n "S has Deen ade in this prices are so doggone StfJ hf' LTdth JPg ?ra,nCh church' 1 a francs a dozen (ll OO- Z zFEiZ to .that lt; extends on and on. as 80c to 90c a can. Wl f "l' yoi was at one time No More Excuse for Corns or Corn-Pains Now! wont finally have to gouge, pick. Jek or cut out your corns. If you want the pleasure of getting rid ?i..a T5or,-l- .bte sure to get "Gets Ic ? is Its wonderful formula, that has made ''Gets-If the corn millions than any other corn treat ment on earth. A few drops on any .t ca;llut-. that's alL It can't stick. It is painless, eases pain. You can kick your ,corny, feet around, even in tight shoes, and your f,advand 2ork' dance, live, love an(dLST,Ja8.Jthough without corns. . Vts-1" the guaranteed, money- S2;tkSn"rfn2Xr the only sure wf' psts but a trifle at any drug store. MT 'd by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Sole in Lumberton and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Pope Drug Co. 3 arms. Sept. 24, 1918. W. W. WILLIS. A Lonesome Time Sunday. Correspondence of The Robesonian. eat much of that .7". a55.lor OI tfte Spring Branch church So you see I have 4 months A?halT Blu? on morning train due. Well, I hope I don't get much of til g T o u a"d rema?"ed there n H go I get back to the ,ood oil fs a7 nX? Jii 1 ?11tSS 1 wi" have to dose for today. Hope to write more in a day or two. ) nrr iovm? son 5GT. EMORY PREVATT A. "D." Bg. Inf., A. E. F. wv" w-cic iui years but I am used to this kind of company I will close this hastily written let- fra 38 TrSh t0 SOr t0 EIr0rl n nt tram. The news from the front is encouraging today-and it makes us leel proud over the success of Allied Mother's Tender Flowers" Watch the tongue of your young! Children droop and wither if Fairmont, Oct. 7. It was such a lonesome time around Reedy Branch yesterday as there was not any meet ing at the church on account of that tieffZl I"fluea. I hope that the good brothers and sisters that put their faith in God will not let the sick suffer for the like of our attention as God tells us to visit the sick. He uuesn c say what kind to visit. If we don't go m ye can take some nourish-' ment close by where they can get it I BrL, hnk wy tave decided at Reedy Brench not to have the singing con- as nnr wiJi ul?aay ?n tins month ealth, doctor thinks it best S2tto Public gatherings, and we ..- w ue luyiti to our country S"d j Mr Joe Brooks and wife sDent -J few pleasant hnnv. t, r..8?6"? c also Mrs. T.ntW t ' u&. .esraay. i r ""uo, wno arrived Vuiy a weelis ago, also Miss Bettv .Tarohs QT1l if.i.' , miss tvtIj.iT " "shs xviaDei iunt homf fh -fright to Cat na,wr-.aaay school, no r-vvmg ttt Lne cnurch. ' ouehly dean the litUe liver and' howl - ,0 geMlj'' yet ,hor The, taste sSToS Sdt, T jUSt dandy fo' W eve. when cos., bUiou, J S. EVt CaXed ' ,ake f" 8nd do" children ed one Hie Joy Of Coaiiag Motherhood - uj aenilflr), tk a.. -'- MOJSEJ ft , VI the utawrtSSStoiSlfw And lt 18 of fort be nS2s her com- ThM. I- ntit-V V10 muscles of the Stnm,rA mnw. it makes the m iT" T na. " ey expand easily win kTk i"1.ant: that Is 3&5 I9nor ernal Use Only, It ennw &-Saf a"d" wonderfully -frZZ muscle anj tenJon is SSSjv fle7 tDerve- Mother's FnVnrt Ja TOUgMJr bricated. field Reator'co PWB?d b Brad- van, iney will man At- Every woman ahni . Sick Women To do your duty during these trying Times your neaitn should be your hrst consiaeration. i hese two women tell how they found health. Hellam, Pa. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound for female troubles and a dis placement. I felt all run down and was very weak . I had been treated bv a nhvsician without results so decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and felt better right away. I am keeping house since last April and doing all my housework, where before I was unable to do any work. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is certainly the best medicine a woman can take when in this condition. I give you permission to publish thisletter."--Mrs.E. R. Crtjmlinq, R. No. 1, Hellam, Pa. TiOwell, Mich. "I suffered from cramps and dragging flown pains, was irregular and had female weakness and flisplacement. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound which gave me relief at once and restored my health. I should like to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's jemedies to all suffering women who are troubled in a simi lar way ."Mrs. Euse Heim,R.No. 6, Box 83, Lowell, Mich. Why Not Try LYDIA E. PINKHAM VEGETABLE COMPOUN i in iiHUMim ii mm LYDIA E.P1NKH AM MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS. 1 IHH mw, Hainry Weinstein FAIRMONT, Department Store BHlBBBkA fc mmm. m mm m N. C. dNSlnd Jto-Wear, Dress Goods, -Notions, Shoes, Hats and a Beautiful Line of Millinery. anT in of r suits,and suk ana w01 Dmses 18 mpiete- L0D to! r-'-to-wear ever been shown in one 22 IT Car0 y" to - - m . ana convince " " WS SaVe from " to $10.00 on each coat suit, dress or long coats Mes' and children's coat snits, dresses and coats at the old tune prices Sweater, nnderwear homespnns. shirts, ontings, gowns, shirtings, hed spreads, Bath Tic Onr Men s hne sts for fall md Boys' suits from $1.95 to $1850. Overcoats for men and boys from $3.90 to $28.50. Blankets from $2.90 to $8.75. Overalls from 75c to $2.19. 1 REMAIN. YOUR FDICMn i HARRY WEINSTEIN C l . - FAIRMONT, N. C. Special Prices from i e. X . . . . A w vjcrooer iyth, 1918.