VOL. IXL TURKEY OUT OF THE WAR? LUMBERTON , nuvLuirt, inuRaUAi OCTOBER 31, 1918. CHURCH SERVICES WILL BE THE UNIEA RESUMED SUNDAY. WORK CAMPAIGN NUMBER 76 (By United Press. London, Oct. 31 Turkey has agreed to armistice, it is learned today. It u T of thTwar " outi 7 10 ches and Drug Funds Must Be Raised F0r Religious T-" "ate Set for Opening of' schools-Other Restrictions Re main in Force. 1 . . THE PARTY NOMINEES. ADVANCE OVER 80 MILE FRONT CONTINUES RAPIDLY ' and Moral Organizations 1 Working in Home Camps and "Over There" Among Soldiers and Sailors. FAIR POSTPONED COTTON MARKET. Candidates for Various Offices to Be j I Voted for November 5th. (By United Press.) In the election to be held through-! n6W dates Monday's Robesonian out the country Tuesday, November PTIVRTP A T tpy imlm otn, the nominees to hp vntoH - ' w WB XVI Wll To the Editor of The Robesonian: ! b0 -Democratic and Republican tick-' I . Avuucaun axe. Middling cotton is selling on the Dates Will Be Announced LaterJ local mark.ct today for 27 cents the iwunu, o-rici miuunng 1-1 cents. Save your exhibits and watch for BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS TO BE RESUMED FRIDAY : - . : "o "lurnins" ratT-i. - - bonaon, yet. ai. British troons service a ana Sunday school! wuson has set apart the ror State Senate H. E. Stacy, have entered Asiaeo. an imnni4 .a"a Ouge meetings, i week of November 11-18 fr a United i Democrat: W w Tfini town which forms the chief bastion I ServiHl 1 1' w,e offered removed ! 5Tar Work Drive to raise funds for House of Representatives G. b. ! Reistrants Win Examined Each in tne mountain region of the Italian ton o ,ia m a11 Lumber-!tIie . se7.erai religious and moral or-i sellers, J. S. Oliver, Democrats; L. E. iront. ine aavanco wnieh thus wid-i ordereHth Ji y 1 was further ; b""wus now worKing in home iyner, t. ic. Hester, Republicans. ens over ou 1 ly. The tenth auvau..-j vnicn tnus wid-1 oroWd uZZ r was iurther & "uw VVUI1I1K in nome j-jr", . xv. nester, nepuoiicans. miles is continuing rapid-! dSSTJTS dS stores and other j camPs and over there" among our Sheriff R. E. Lewis, Democrat;! 1 army, with which Amer-! SJvMiISf S? dinks Provided ' soldiers and sailors. It is a great call Joseph Allen, Republican. Day From 2 to 4 P. M. icans are brigaded, has taken over' All o?u 31 cuPs and retainers -.nnArt : mi Rcu wvei All Other- Mmtitim , i iu.uuu ui auneis. iiev navA toton j- . -.iho umizia urninannn xi i ... . n ZlZrir -UA f5 wealth board on Oct 10,000 prisoners. They have taken en 40,000 prisoners in the present drive. ANARCHY GROWING IN HUNGARY are usutl plac-xl by the, 7 remain in full force and CIV. HUII This section was visited oy a wel come rain last night. License has been issued for the marriage of G. F. McLamb and Lela Bellamy. Mr. Willie Amett of Lumberton, R. 5, lost a fine mule yesterday. It is supposed the mule died from be coming too hot while hauling corn from the field to the barn. Mrs. Daisy W. Jenkins received a message yesterday savine that her son Mr. Walter Lee Jenkins, who is registrants who! was (By United Press.) London, Oct. 31. Anarchy is grow ing in Hungary, according to reports received from various sources. ft ' 15 AUSTRIAN DIVISIONS IN GRAVE DANGER. X (By United Press.) Washington, Oct. 31. Fifteen Aus trian divisions between the mouth of the Piave and Brenta are in grave danger, a crisis impending, the war office reports oruciallly. taU xt in,, . :A ' nMkTui n was discussed as a SSSfA5 da but this mat? r v,o im .open until a later mg of the board. meet- $961,300 TOTAL SUBSCRIP TION 4TH LIBERTY LOAN 3,802 People Oversubscribed Robeson'! Allotment 59 Per Cent. Foch's Armistice Berlin. Terms Final figures for the fourth Liberty Loan in Robeson show that th-2 total bonds purchased through the various banks of the oountv nTvirmnori . aim great worK ana should appeal vierK ol Superior court C. B.j The local army exemption board to and meet a ready response from all! Skipper, Democrat; T. F. Barnes, Re- was advised Tuesday by the War De- patriots 01 every age and class. These ! publican. partment to continue the physical ex- s .?.JBV waiter Lee Jenlnns, who 1 organizations form the connentinir link: Reeristpr of FippHs M w Tir, aminatin nf fla 1 ..fronfc ru with the Interstate Commerce Com between home and the battle front in! Democrat; J. M. Sessoms, Republi-1 registered for military duty Septem-1 ""ss"?". ifl with influenza in a hos providing for the boys the "h0me ican. ber 12. The examinations were stop-1 pital Aln Lexington, Ky. touch" and aiding in every possible! County commissioner: district No.lped some two weeks ago on account- " "j?co ,inJI toT latest reporcs, the way to keep them morally and physi-1 3 Rory McNair, Democrat; W. R.iof the influenza epidemic. Around C01ndltl0n ?f Mr. James L. Williamson, cally fit, clean and of good cheer and Atkinson, Republican; district No. 5 i 200 men had been examined up to that I wnose serious illness from mfluenza aidinsr them in livinir rio-Vif nnn? Qri ;J- (1 WnorVioa numnr.i.of. r t,t xin ! time Tiio avomtnoii ...:u u 1 pneumonia at Camp Johnson. Jackson- for the hereafter. I Republican. sumed tomorrow and 30 men will hJ. v?1Ie has been mentioned in The The leading; organization recoernized by the Government is the Young Men's Christian Association, and so much has been said of the value of the iv . Histr-i. XTrt 1 pYflminPfi pupVi Hnv kofmoon fk v,,.o ooesonian, is slowly improving. . . " . . ' ,"f-" "u" r tt t : ni ttx t x.xx. ti xx. xiiiiixiii ui r,asL liiicii' Road commissioner J. I. Townsend, Democrat; I. E.iof 2 and 4 p. m. Drs. T. C. Johnson,! u T u Si of East Lui Bullard, Republican; district No. 2 ! John Knox and J. A. Martin will make! bertnn brought to The Robesom man H. Floyd, Democrat; district No. 3 x, as the boys call it, and of the mm- L. McGirt, Democrat; E. L. Mc great work that it is domg that it is Cormick, Republican; district No aimost 01 no use to speak 01 its merit. It is already known. If 0ne should not happen to know of, or understand, the "Y" he has but to ask a mother who has a boy "over there," or in a home camp, for that matter, and she will tell that it is a great organiza tion, doing a great work and follows I. T. Brown. Democrat: district No. 5 J. Browne Evans, Democrat. I Recorder: Lumberton district E. M. Britt, Democrat; S. L. Parker, Republican; Maxton district R. M Williams, Democrat; B. F. McLn, Republican; St. Pauls district John S. Butler. Democrat: T?ed Sonnes the examinations until Dr. W. A. Mi I office yesterday a Porto Rico potato Phaul, county health officer, fully re covers fro man attack of influenza. A number of men will be sent to camp from this district as soon as I health conditions will permit. The board already has calls for men. THE RECORD OF DEATHS. (By United Press.) Copenhagen, Oct. 31. Marshal $603,500 scribers was 3.S02. These fig-ures are shown in a final retort by County Chairman Lawrence . Bullock, Demo-!iur ttti t aj -x, crat; Fairmont district A. E. Fl0yd,j m' r aurews 01 rair Democrat. m0nt. County surveyor J. Ed Tyson, i Democrat. i Mr. Walter P. Andrews, a well-: Prosecuting attorney, Lumberton I known citizen of Fairmont, died at weighing 9 1-4 pounds, raised bv him. Mr. Inman knows how to raise pota toes of both size and quality. Mrs. Lillie Sanderson received Tuesday a letter from her son, Mr. Rufus Sanderson, of the U. S. army stationed at Vancouver, Wash., say ing that he was able to be up again. Mr. Sanderson has been in hospital since Sept. 26, having undergone a most successful operation. He says the "flu" is very mild where he is and not so many cases. $961,300. an avpnL,, "mt c,omes near taking tne j district J. JM.Buie, Democrat; Kow- 7 . wx uvtwuvi lULiiiii ill .1.1 1 inn t -w- -vt- n ia .-. 1 j i: j r x ti; "a,v'" - s .iuui, ueu g, SiDie to devise. General Fershine savs xne loiai number Of SUb that "Y" ennals 10 npr r-Pnt of tno efficiency of his army and that he would rather have 900 men with "Y" X 1 J 1 -t nnA x1 x 1 uifinmncii, uci oi. marsnai wi,;,.u x u : i ., . u"arce whmj lu nave x,uuu witnoui rrosecutine attorney. ixUmDertoi Foch's armistice terms reached Ber-1 ,,.. . Jwei AOYtnenoxt.it. That fact and recommendation I recorder's courWVV. Lennon, Demo-1 the Thompson hospital here yesterday hn Tuesday night, the Vossiche Zei-i alone makes it worth our while, con-j crat. at 6:30 a. m. of inf luenza-pneumonia. j a letter from his brother Mr. H tung declares. PApiwrBes ttitx m i sioeration and support. The other or Solicitor, 9th judicial district S. B Czechs Cut Railways Between Berlin and Vienna. (By United Press.) Zurich, Oct. 31. Czechs have cut railways between Berlin and Vienna. BATTLES RAGING ON 60 MILE FRONT IN ITALY Austro-Hungarians Being Violently Attacked by Allied Forces Numer ous Villages Liberated and Many Prisoners JTaken Comparatively Quiet cn West Front. FARMERS URGED TO Mr. H. 0. Floyd Has Been in the Trenches. Mr. Ben G. Floyd received Tuesday O. I ganizations in the drive are filling; tjat 7 nnqiiPAXT places equally as important in their O.U1jU BUTTON several activities. . I There are seven agencies, religious ! and moral, recognized by the Govern McLean, Maxton, Democrat United States Senate F. M. Sim- The condition of Mr. Andrews was Floyd, who is in France, in which he considered much improved up to Sun- said he had been in the trenches at day, when he developed pneumonia, the front. Mr. Floyd belones to Co. mons, Democrat; John M. Morehead,: Deceased was around 35 years old and D, 321st infantry, and left for the Republican. was never married. He was a brother training camp May 28 last, with a f!ntioTPac. sivth rHsfrirt TT T. fJorl- to Mr. N. P. Andrews f T.nmhorfon larce contingent from Rnheson. TVip Cotton growers were ured not. fo ment in this work, and from an pffi- win rpmnrrnt- A T MpPnskill T?eJ His mother, with whom he livoH- Hio.l i letter was dated Octoher 19. and iudir. sell their product at the present prices j ciency standpoint it was not deemed 1 publican. j about two weeks ago. Interment was! from his letter he was at the front in telegrams sent out from Washing- j feasible to have seven separate drives, I i made in the family burying ground' within four months after he left for ton yesterday by the Cotton States so President Wilson arranged thai NEWS ITEMS AND COMMENT. Aovisory marKeting .Board, to com-1 they 30m in one UNITED DRIVE that missioners and presidents of Farmers would count for efficiency, save over-r Unions throughotu the South. "It is ! head and administration expense and now a question," the telegram stated, i at the same time show to the Hun "whether the cotton farmers or the in siduous interests fighting cotton will win. The farmers can win by refus ing to sell at these prices." that we are UNITED in this fight and will, with our dollars, go- atong with the boys into Germany and carry the best that we have in morals, good Sick Greatly Improved Some Who Have Passed. Many Men of New Draft Ages Will Be Mobilized Next Month. near rairmont, this morning at 10 o'clock. Deceased was a loyal member of the Methodist chhrch of Fairmont and in' his death his town and county lost a valued citizen. Infant Daughter Thrower. of Mr. J. L. the training camp. He went overseas with the 81st division, to wliich many of Robeson's soldiers were attached. Relatives of a number of the soldiers who went over with that division have recently received letters from them stating that they were actively en gaged in the big fight. Nice bedfellow- to Be Sure. j living, and also show the Kaiser that ' Correspondence of The Robesonian. tira mir I 111 Ti'ct onH fovomaof in oil ' : mif r tit a 2 x. xi.- -x..-! i srlad to report the sick folks out our Rosa Lee, 7-months-old daughter of Don Gilchrist, colored, of his bed fel- T ..j :i"uhrr:7iwav ereatlv improved, and no newl Mr. J. L. Thr0wer, died at the homellow. "Uncle" Don savs he was wak- Men of the new draft aees will first ST LrCJ. . "ZJZt cases. ' of her grandmother in Howellsville I ed several niehts bv something crawl- This mnrnine-'s Associated Press sum-! be mobilized in large numbers early! t ;t iiJ JtS: ' L"yi ! It is to be hoped we may have se -'township Tuesday of influenza. Thejine about ovei his body. The rats marv of the war news sives the f ol-I T ovemher unde- a draft call now i "ZZ " : TQ nn.A ti2aA vieesat church Sunday. Unly those i cmid s mother died two weeks ago were bad at "uncle" .. - - i it rv r -r-v , cxiixua lUXUUUX u lucil vv ft v. v i i.iir. av-vx i - n j x i i a . lii piepainuuu au me omce oi rrovosi,; r r ii xi aia,r v wno are wen, oi course, sie calwcwu i ui mk aamc uiscaSc. j wnicn is Over a -f-rrviTf r"f comp fin miles from Marshal vv,x. iv xi s 1 1 j vx gytiv w w- 5rffru;rVB,'..,,fHT., Ani&BoiM associated in the drive. atieim. xii . Pronfo rivor rnrtm Ttalv to Washington dispatch, it calls lor the i . ZZ :..:x.i i ' sick and vet have the cougn snoum the v cin ty of the Adriatic le the i entrainment of more than 200,000 men J S a rSi5TS5 remain et' a"d attend any Sr; .. x it.. i -. .- t x I onnlified fov o-etiprn milifnrv eorvioo duu upiiuius v-icau niii0 ttnu , , if fr,prp la dancer of austro-nunganans are Demg vioienu-, "r,, r. V". J "V, srood morals, provides the best in rec- u " ! v attacked bv British. Italian. French A w e xuimsiieu m pr0poraon-; - , n - yi-llcomoTira alH ! communicating tne u- to attend. The ones who have beenj in the Don's 'bottom". house, nd he thought it was lats, and wovld go Lack to sleep. This thing had been eroine on almost every night for a t r-Rio m-a f1 week. One morning, "uncle"' Don re- P. B. Sellers of Dillon. ht nttnpl-or! Ut 'Rvi-ricVi Ttalian French -., rwv,v. j , , . u i C4-x xt and American troops. i , llumucts . cvcy ouatc m uic In the mountain region the enemy j L mon. is resisting desperately and holding ; " r his ground fairly well. But east of i Recovered From Wound and Re the Piave river he is in flight across vrtq the plains of Treviso, shaping his j turned, to Jjront. course over the same territory through . Mr Moore recently received which he drove the Italians a year ago , a utter from his son Mr. Clarence communicating the disease by means , r-n o n cj u v, i moved the cover from nis bed and n0on that 'day of his brother-in-law I Iq. " f1 :V'UL ia . xi Mr. P. B. Sellers one of the oldest ?P m his bed. T hen he conc'ua.;d that was the snake witn whom :ie naa reation and amusements i-l T 1 1 1 J 1 1 tnem a nome oemna uie ines. in the time we wrote our article! these homes, called huts, thev can . yi" x ..! -xt, ii. x ' j "j x, Monday morning tor ine rvoueuunKA-i iQ700 xi,of xrt7 r0atV. HonHi K wa iebo, imug! wiwi Liieii inw. iuu exu, - , ft,rp0v Mr riailv would "r' " f . OT, f.,r . ,WJllr r.har. l.ad ncuuiuuiu.vT x.v.. irom Diooa noison. iviv. uucois re- r-- - - r ake part in the funeral o . mT-l ?rnl r,mP Mondav nio-ht : beer uav.Ir.ig over him at ragnt, an-l the same time be under the best of influences, for the whole object of He offered j uie uujeci, uo. T ttVIj. u,.x l, i-a . i x- . -j vvnnnie vvaue. uut nc uiu. cms wa.cn care 13 tneir sa vauun aim , - fervent Prayer at the residence led to God are worth many times the following Mr. "Combs' excellent ser- and reached the eastern edge of the ; Moore, who has been in France for ; sum asked in this drive net rats. , , and then at the grave he made Venetian plains. several months, stating that he had in all things is none too good f0r our hpnlf of him who was gone, andily about 7:30 Tuesday morning at the' home demonstration agent in Robe Already numerous towns have been , recovered from a flesh wound and i boys, and this work that is being done ; i"0' benefit of the ones who sur-h0me of Mr. Joe S. Thompson, Fifth! son, left last evening f0r Raleigh, liberated, 33,000 prisoners have been! harf returned to the frnnt. Mr. Moore, for them demands the full and loyal JY .4 h,i i-,0 in.'cfr00f noccpd haJth, ennkino- nt! wW she will snpnd a chort time be- , , n 11 ' ' . ... : VIVO X4 I Vi rW I'll w II (X LLCllVXtvx bii ... i u vi v iim .w..'v. wwi . . . . w . . . ..... 1 .7-- tSken and loYAro nnmMM r.T crnns TTlfl x l,,,x X 1,-1 ninivirf nr avorv imoncan piti7PTi ! Vive. xi. loigc ' " . . . I ,, , , j , x A 1 Ml- ...1 U. '""f- " : sucia ;uuui tvvu muumo in a aunai ""ffi;1" -' .;.. i onrl the f rvrsr ottermgs were ! tne inomnson nome fna machine ims and hnp-e nuantities Ot : nftQ-.- Vo woe wnnnrlorl Tn nrmnAtie Knheson countv is asked tr erive a ' . w n. xi ,i, I i i.-ex Miss Cassidey Goes to Asheville. Miss Lulu M. Cassidey, former prepared i fore going to Asheville, where she morning. She will do heme demonstration work in weep and rejoice with those to whom! went on the back porch and was dead; the city. Miss Cassjdsy worked in ready been made in The Robesonian of the snlendid work she has done in masses which are in retreat over the i Arftrmf BO 00(1 "Rnshfils of Wheat ment there can be no doubt of 0ur : sy mpawiy j;x-,0 is caused ; TOTIT A HS Tn "R"P. RPTaA'nTi'.'n the countv. She made many friends hurt v An rmftmi ynoWe oQrtinor pnst.-i i rrnttiff we I nvpv T.ne r.rn. a wire T'e i ot . . , -T i r " v- - vunttoiitu ivttuu Awcv.i.fc, i i &,if.., ' - - X" x , xl . . .v lin'irn vv M ran (,lliv . . . . n . . b . I . . , , .... Ml u IVH II I UL UUU Vlli . . w v ceived today states that tne L possum "V T.rd to naint beauteous! ot hostilities . r"ir- xv.a axorTY1. ramuows 01 yiunuoc uyuu o-" he stores have fallen into tne hands of letters Mr the allied tmops. rar behind tneinf how anxious he was to get back it the call meets with tne same re lines, allied aviators are heavily i jn the fgiht bombing enemy columns in dense I as wounueu. iu pxeviuut i .ritJ0 aou siyc " heantifnl We weep With those who ! breaklast luesday Trv V,A 1A ot I nim mnm r-f $0 000 to the cause and DeauilIUl. v e weep , , ! . ... xi. i i ' ncu njxix .no jaitm. iniiiiiiiwiii w . , nmon am it the call meets with the same re sponse that has been given in th i i ii n. j 1 1 . county to otner cans oi tne govern- - - r mir fiends in distress,! i n x T j.l U 1 t j .x. Unf wnvic qvp i in n taw TYi iti-it.PS pnr.n rpsnirm i i o-i sill n i r LViiiLo. " sponse that nas been given m tnei fr. CvnrP our i from a hemorrhat? of the lungs. V. CUillllg VTXUXX Y....w.. ---X - I ward toward the Austrian frontier Judging the situation from the rapid advance the Allies are making, it would appear that the entire enemy front has been broken east of the Piave and that with the cavalry oper Grown in Robeson. K Culbreth of R. 6, Lum- Mr. W berton, was town yesterday. Mr. Culbreth says ltv of the cessation makes the call all the more urgent among the visitors iia and that the minimUm quotas may be ly. Mr. Culbreth says,a- aA 1qx.v ,tt 9r, wr,t ko ner he has threshed around 7,000 bushels x x ating far in advance of the foot , of Robeson eais leco on Germany's threshold . uueui uiai, nxixix exo Uv,vvU raises a thousand new nrnblems lor likely that many of the Austro-Hun- the acreage in garians are doomed to capture or ex termination by the Allies. On the western front in France and Belgium there has bee na marked di minution in the intensity of tne in J creased at least 20 per cent over last year: 4-vmnv. x. 1 x? --. Vw-i nn tiuuus tne enemy lurces win uc . pALnflAt, Vi 1 Laiaca u"1"0 able to reform their line until aus-; SlllVr 1" " v ,ivW the religious ana moral iorces 10 say trjan border is reached. It is not un- y- v-jv!" C T i nothing ot the commg problem 0i ae- mobihzation. It is estimated tnat from a year and a half to two years will be required to bring the boys home after the war is over. Just think of the religious and moral prob lem that this fact alone brings to us! fatry action. Along the British line there have been only patrol encoun ters and reciprocal bombardments. The French, however, are engaged in anither attack on a front of about 7 1-2 miles between St. Quentin-Le Petit and Herpy in the general direc tion of the enemy's communication lines funning eastward from the old St. Quentin and Laon sectors and also with the purpose of driving a "wedge into this part of the southern battle line and thereby compel the enemy to readjust his front through hamnagne to the Meuse. Around Grand Pre, north oi the Ar gonne forest, the Americans have greatly bettered their postiions in at tacks against the Germans. The Belle Joyeuse farm which for several days has been a no-man's-land, now is vir tually all hied by the Americans. East of the Meuse .there also has been considerable fighting, but it has re sulted in no great change in positions- The big American guns continually shell German positions far behind the lines and bombine planes also are in tensively active against troop con centration points. In air fighting the Americans Wednesday sent 21 Ger man machines crashing to the ground Two American fliers are missing. In both Serbia and Mesopotamia the allied troops are still harassing the " X- . n T cloud. The prayer by Kev. ur. cea man during the funeral of our good friend and neighbor, Mr. Wade rl. Smith, was one of the tenderest and best that it has ever been our priv ilege to hear. There was n0t a blun der nor a superfluous word in it. It as a prayer to which we couiu an throuirhr.ut the countv who reeret that AS A SEPARATE UNIT j she had to abandon her work here on account of her health. As was stated i in Monday's Robesonian, Miss Flax Andrews of Mt. (iilead has arrived to succeed Miss Cassidey as home demonstration agent. They Want to Be Treated as a Sepa rate Race in the Army. y $100,000 Real Estate Deal. One of the largest real estate deals every recorded in Robeson was made recently when Mr. A. T. McCallum of . ri 1J t-- J? ! Cw,i4-Vi ed Springs SOlU ins in iswumw township to Messrs. Ge0. T. and W. A. Bullock of Red Springs for $100,000. There is around 1,200 acres in the farm. It required $100 worth of rev enue stamps for the1 dead. "Flu" Fast Disappearing From Robeson. Judging from reports, the influen za epidemic is fast disappearing from Robeson. Reports from various sec tions of the county say conditions are foot imnrovinc. In Lumberton no new cases are being reported and those8 who have had the "flu" are getting back to work. enemy. Serbian cavalry has arrived at the Danube, a short distance south of Belgrade. In Mesopotamia the British advance has proceeded 150 miles up the Tigris river from Bagdad- m , It is reported that Turkey has in vited the Allies to send their fleets in to the Dardanelles and also to land a small detachment of troops to super vise the demobilization of the Turkish army. The United War Work Drive is the only answer, and if we care for our boys and their welfare we must show it by giving of our means to this great work. The minimum quota for Lumber ton township is $2,000 and the follow ing is the township organization: Mr. C. B. Skipper, chairman, Mr. Oliver Britt, Chairman for East Lumberton, Mr. John W. Long, Chairman for West Lumberton. Space will not permit the publica tion of the full county organization in this article but in the next issue it is hoped that the whole list of town ship chairmen and quotas may be published. The time set for the drive is No vember 11th to 18th. When solicited by the committee, give generously and then some more. Let's all join hands in this drive and thus go along with w coir "Amon!" The recent passing of our good friends Mr. Fulton Phillips of Board ma nand Mrs. J. R. Jacobs of Fair mont, respectively, brings us intense grief They were excellent Chris tian characters. But we sorrow not as those who have no hope. As Vic tor Hugo said on returning from the grave of his last dear boy: It is but ritrVif that we sro up one at a time to receive our pay." May the Holy Spirit comfort every bereaved one. "Today, we offer these in praise and love, to those whose dust to earth doth blend. The grave niaes no wv""" ier of the titles, Gentleman and Friend " J M- FLEMING. "Flu" Conditions Much Improv ed in Fairmont Section. Dr J. P. Brown of Fairmont was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Dr. Brown has been living at Vvaynes ville for several months and returned to Fairmont to aid in the influenza epidemic, tie will return io 4 the boys into Germany and have aville after he epidemic further substantial part in winning vr. Dr. Brown says conditions arc the war. We have done well in buy- very much improved at Iv.rmo-i- ana ine- bonds and stamps, we have done in the rural districts where n. nas well for the Red Cross and we must not fail to do our part in this equally important call. , . "You will be occupying a position in the front line trench by doing the duty that lies nearest you." I trust that all Robesonians will been work r.g. join President Wilson in the slogan quoted and again put Robeson far "over the top." JAMES D. PROCTOR, County Chairman. The War Department Monday as sured Senator F. M. Simmons and A. W. McLean, of Lumberton, a mem ber of the War Finance corporation, that the Cherokee Indians of Robeson and adjoining counties would be bri gaded in a separate unit as soon as the necessary information could be assembled as to their location in the various military camps and in France. The Robeson county Indians have requested that they be treated as a separate and ditetmct Tade in jthe army, which racial status they have been recognized under by the laws of North Carolina. Mr. McLean told the War Department that the Indians in Robeson county are loyal in the war and had subscribed most liberally to the issues of Liberty loan bonds. Cartons for Mailing Christmas Packages to Soldiers Arrives. The cartons for mailing Christmas packages to soldiers and sailors have arrived. Only those who hold a label sent from a man in military service are entitled to same. The cartons will be distributed by the Red Cross chap ters at Rowland, Maxton, Red Springs St. Pauls. Fairmont and Lumberton. Upon receipt of a label the holder will apply at the nearest chapter for the carton. The rules lor senu.ng Christmas boxes were published Monday's Robebc.nian. Decrease in Number New Cases of the "Flu" and Deaths. Reports from the various doctors of the county to the county board of health showed 675 new cases of in fluenza last week, with 42 deaths. This report showed a large decrease in both the number of new cases and deaths from the week before. Indi cations are that this week's report will show a greater decrease. "Flu" Situation Improved Hope To Begin School Monday. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Marietta, Oct. 30. The "flu" sit uatio nis improved. Have not heard of any new cases this week. We hope school can begin next Monday. It will be announced later. Now if you have any "flu" in your home, don't send the children to school. ho in Bumper Sweet Potato Crop. Robeson farmers report a bumper sweet potato crop this year. Abernethy Withdraws From Race In Third. Yielding to the appeal of the nation al Democratic committee for an undi vided household, C. L. Abernethy Tuesday formally withdrew from the race as a candidate for Congress from the Third North Carolina district and will support the Democratic nominee, S. M. Brinson. DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER, Optometrist Expert Knowledge of Eye Diseases and Fitting Glasses. LUMBERTON, N. C, I

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