THE ROBESOXIAN ESTABLISHED l$7e. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL- IXL COUNTRY. GOD AND TRUTH $1.00 A YE VV- t IN ADVAN LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14, 1918. NUMEEK 80 THESE THE SOLDIERS' FRIENDS INDEED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN (-,p;. Russell Tells Agencies and What They Mean to - 1.dier and Sailors Well-Attended Meetin? at Court House Monday t . ervine It WtM a Part of the race Celebration. Too. About Half County's Minimum Allot of War Work ment Subscribed United Effort Necessary on the Part of ll Pa triotic Citizens. EVERYTHING FOR WHICH AMERICA FOUGHT ACCOMPLISHED Capt. J. P. Russell of famihi .last, Y. M. C. A. man at Camp Hancock. Ge... will speak in the interest of The United War Work campaign at Union chapel, near Buie. this evening, rnd .--ot listen for a httle minute Boardman Friday evening. Capt. 1 P Rnl cii Lumber- ftUcu auu .aaui jas. i rocvor. Now the Duty to Assist in Establish Ment of Just Democracy Through out The World. FAIR NEXT WEI i Let Everybody Come to the Coun ty Fair Tuesday. Wednesday and Thkrscky of Next Week. tBy W. TX Thompson. Secretary) RED-LETTER DAY I COTTON MARKET An All-Day Meetin? of Farmers Union and Barbecue Dinner Good Speakers. Saturday was a red letter day for :he members of Ten Iffle ".oca: of the Farmers' EducataoaaJ ar.d Ce opeia- AT TEN BOLE' Middling cotton selling on the local market today for 2A 1-2 cents the pound; strict middling 24 S-4 cents Next week is fair -week. Let everv Signaig ot tne arrntistiee with Ger- hodv come to the fair Tneiav. Wm. many was proclaimed Monday by nesday. Thursdav and Friday "o -e ve Union of America ar.d their t'ar.i rresiaer.. t lison. wno aiso announces week and have a good time, meet Its terms at a joi: stress, ine term; session of Con- your friends at Lumberton fair. It's herald the enc of a good time for a reunion. The war is over., the "flu" is cone, and it will e". H. -o and for some months past county chairman of the War Work he war because thev take from Ger- . ed in i M. I . A. wore at (.amp T """' rrJS: '""".many tne power to renew it. be a time : . ........ jauiiua v iu Ltfxniiim nn At mm uns I i.x 1 - - j , . i ck. ua.. icivaiui Z i. JZ 1 .- -j ; weiure ne went 10 ine uapiuoi.- podv for rejoicine with every- ir.S.S tr.e .-vaief itiiii sviuia w. -- r. " . tne rresmeni. in a prociaiEanor. is- we expect to nave tne oest lair we tnecimen of manhood or eartn inan in nsmps fcuoiraem. sued to his fellow countrymen, sa-d: have ever had plenty of exhibits. nt beine impressiJ witn tne - - - - "lr.e amtitice was snlaed this .... mw .r.iy'iccc un . i i-tr .vat the T ard the other six morning at 10:30: at Raeford Sunday . moraine, aeencies are dedicated heart P- m. at 3:30: at Pembroke Tuesday America Ferris whee.. merry -go-round, shows Lumberton chapter 11 O. E. F. will meet this evening at 7:S0 Lumbee tent Maccabee? will meet tonight at 7:30. All members urged to attend. License ha sbeen issued for the marriage of Charlie F. Phillips, Jr. i T x M : i.ies. it was tr.e time for tne " ' " . meeting of the local and a special all- C. D. Brewington. Indian, of Pem iay program was arrangei. Address- broke, reports a potato weighing 1-2 ?s were made by Prof. W. H. Cale. pounds grown oc his farm in Sampson superintendent of the Lumberton county. schools: Mr. O. O. Dukes, county farm Mr. C. B. Skipper, chairman of demonstrator: and Miss Flax An- the United War Work committee in trews, home demonstration agent in Lumberton township, savs the drive Rnlieson. All the addresses were fine, for funds is progressing very satisfac- a band, in fact, things that will t-Ale made just the sort of ad- torily. act and make vou forget vour iSS interests farmers and their Mr w j, rwvn bles. Lefs have a big week, families. Mr. Dukes" address was m -f ; x Barker a t fail to see the exhibits of farm -e tnlewnt of the Farmers Union SSew n&t Fifth treet. 1 tverytnmg for which brass band, in fact, thinrs that will f Ancrr,? he; Kaor tfminnlteh. i mimJt - . .. -i- v . i; si h to the task ot ministering to ed. it win now oe our lortunate duty troubles unntnaL moral and rhy- mnMisiiig. m kcmhiwu ..e!terQa to assist by example, by sober, friend- non! . . . . -. . -, j TTTirtrvTi Q n.-i or Wiriiit."j qc i i i - -1 i . z . rT. j .......... . - iiv so.aier tne wonu - " ty counse: ana oy materia, am. m tne rnacntnerv. the latvr-savers. Kemem- ric piam ...t- :.e,e.. lu i.. - . ! "t . T S - 2 1 : J of the finest seen. You are impressed. mn, too. wet with Chairman Proctor has received good reports from all sections of the coun- ininstUhn into this finest ty ;-ni-s nave oversun- fVi 1WU kUii ... . . '.-. lit. I. tne tact tnat intse bvvvu .vorK agencies i:ac F'f." i a: ' jLr the spirit that makes him a --. - t irnting uiaii man -"-luct ol a cenrary of military train estabnsnment oi just throughout the wora. Stripped of its malicious power, the military autocracy, its masters driv en to exue. stands before tne worid farmers being organized and urged tly room Mr. is moving into the residence Mrs. Jno. A. McLean of R. gone naif way over, wniie some nave ;ourt 0f justile. having subscribed to 07iy chance to see a fair this season women at not done so elL Chairman Procter teems Gf' surrender which probably ucjinmi. er t.nat mursaav is me aav ior tr.e . , .. . w. . - - -. . . 1 . . - . w 2 1 b?OT COnte tr'e laimpis mi sim iu men ihxnuw i-w ;i t j. ri.-n Mi In.iri'u m tPi" 'asT to roi: :it uinrii ur?tia ::;i.i ..- , - t , ,.-.. v . l . i tj a : . tv m r np- -j :i 1 1 v;s : ' . ....... .... ...... ...... .... . i- jr.e is one oi me ou v-sutsa ki i ikv 1 tr . r t-. 0-. i-r.rt- uKo! -Mr. McLean was a Lumberton visitor ine at 5, an Remember this will be about your At - -' e' were continuing the peace for funds for the great : welfare organi strative Llj .ui zauons. He is ontumstic about final , r :V.- -Vrcuehout the afternoon, success for Robeson county poople ha . lasteo n,?Aj nave not failed to meet every demand says it will take the united elfort jf all patriotic citi tens to make . - ..... . .. ... ... ...... . - s. i. .......o.4 Licrvi.i . m auv swr.ion. i ne utiiei iaus iu s - 7 , rr . -ii i'raf- n.ftcr rf thum bsv !p-. to the isaies to assist ner in ner wotk t.-; ..- -.t- 111 iHii.riuLii. .u . a suv.- t.-- -. o .wmn oto ovr lancnra.- nj : : .. .1.:.- ...... 3-; nn",i iip'".i 5'riii nn asr em sn.i a. so mrrn ni' ior 1 ni.tinn r re-.ivir'.'.e in - -e COUrt nOUe Jiunua; cm- - , . - . '"'-- - " """ I HIM HI II. hik; ill :tr ui uua cuuu- , : o -; - . -- - i J .... II 1 Iflli. I HH ;J1. L'lTii la luilttll ..... . J -. . -i -f -. . - 1 . t .... L. . -'e ome ot tne more ucnwr - TV uul uittru aw. tion we reaiy expect to nae uk owe Keaoing oi tne iun text oi tne terms fair at Lumberton next week will be recorded in history as the mosi of tne He is bubbling ti -11 rolt-c-1 Til a . MAidi about tne worK , Rcer.cies. over with enthusiasm for the worK has unbounded admiration for the American soldier product of less than !S yean. There is no qualification to Capt. Russelis superlatives Btes finest specimen on earth, bou jlesa him, tne .-ineriv.ii T tj nvruter tO niiu. iJ P""' , . . 1 1 enn: him safe ana ,' - - ; . r , ; a oni bodv and bring mm Dan racsages ior neiamt ur riiruus u made unon them in "he war. About half the minimum allotment for the county has been subscribed, and the time is half gone. A 50 per cent oversubscription is earnestly desired. CHRISTMAS PACKAGES FOE SOLDIEBS OVERSEAS L ome discloses measures the L'nited States and let's all have a ieal time. Be sure and have your exhibits at the fair Monday, if possible, and not later than Tuesday noon. urged that they have something on exhibition at the county fair to be Tt- ,-vt rir. iLti. - " France Must Be Turned Over to and the allied governments have taken to guarantee that Germany s accept ance shall not be a "scrap of paper" and to insure tne destruction of the military caste. When President Wilson concluded his exchange of notes with Prince Maximilian, when chancellor, admin istration officials declared tbat if his course did not bring about what they boped would be more than an uncon ditional surrender it might bring! about a revolution in Germany. Pointing today to the HoherLZoliern i.astv. dethroned and exiled, tne peoples revolution sweeping Germany IF FOLKS ONLY KNEW. It Would Be Easy to Raise Money for Y. ML C. A. Peace Does Not ghw Up Work at Jackson "Flu'" a Thing cf the Past. -Mr. T. W. Trogden left this nine for Uitt.eton in response to a wire message stating that his sis ter. Miss Etta Trogden, died this held in Lumberton November li1 to '22. morning at S o'clock. A feature of the program was a A Ford autoniobile belong.ntr to barbecue dinner. Two shoats wove rv- H T k iammIu! lar. o ...v.-! tViic nuurniM w-Vii s ."si1nrl Vwiv- drove it against a hydrant, tornec id Chestnut streets A traveling salesman named its irrespond?r..-e of Efce P.vVor.ian. Tamo Jackson. S. C.. Nov. 11. r .1.. ii.,;,.; .v Fvorvthinsr is movme along at Red Cross W Laur Than Nov. 20. fc .Mr predict!on Mlply fj Mrs . Jro. D McAUrster and Miss toffil fe iver, -hib one Fuller of the local Red Cros5 . m nmaooress i o vo ng re . , m h-v t . thev afternoon -he rresiaent sounaea a hum; oi wmu- uuk.o - .v r aj aiwrnojii t ot ovpt and roil un barbeo i -1 - " ' . . . . - -ntr t n m l. iiriif!.?. r I ir- rrri ii.ciii L'rui' aic - . n-ronniiicr ann TtiSl i.Tiif buiuu z . .Kr...t 7 . !- thpir .i:rrs; IS TP ... ...vw..--. ... rife no greater ww SS the energies of any woman w man; and to contribute to the sup fort of W who are working to this i. ; blessed privilege. Where got the American raw re- capter are busy each cruit but a few montns wwt. oetween tne p" '- i or :rc: D -her is daneer of boishevism .v- -.r rounter. w nrrw-acpR are urevartfu in inc . . v . , ' . j nnrino K . , " . , - , n barbecued and well barbecued 3. H. Stanley preparexi the dmner, a - Ml 1 . which consisted ot pone, trunswiCN x-irti stew, bread, sweet potatoes ana otner cood things too numerous to men tion. When it comes to barbecuing. "Stanley knows how." This reporter has attended like feasts before, but never has he seen things more "fit." The Ten Mile local is perhaps the strongest in the county and as a re sult of the meeting Saturday, no doubt it will become stronger. The farmers of that up-to-now rural community get results from organisation and cooperation. Recorder E. M. THE RECORD OF DEATHS. Gibbs was before Britt Tuesday morning on tne charge of reckless driving on the streets. The evidence was that Gibbs drove his auto against M. Strong Wisnart on Elm street late Monday afternoon, bruising Mr. ishart's lev:. He was required to pay Mr. Wishart $25 and pay the cost. Mr. Ira WUkins of Bellamy, S miles from Lumberton. said hestarted to town Monday but heard such o con fusion of noises here, whistles and all. that he was afraid a younr war had broken out until it dawned upon him i" j .w, wwi ?ioa nri rhp whole of Europe. nTrflTi Kinlaw. in the Naw for that it was a peace celebration. Bel- Packages to soldiers and sailors. The ThSe The! tSs -Jee talkland rumedo not ef-l " mmyij half MMUgMii . "ri -o, nf hr sort of government feet the work here at an. erjwuins. forge or dyevat. Cross room onj the jioor ox , tepeaceT he dechtr-- i. at top speed 1 and all the fe Uows . that COOl utwiuuu-"--, - LUmUeriUU, ""Suc" . "t'" , "T j" Q. n,ortor fnr r,n mill altYlptV are Ul fiTOOfl SPiniS. 1 CJtu an "... r.d des 9 Years Remains BroUffht nd Bladenboro. and noises of the . peace celebrations at both towns were -Von matcn. wiLii ihb . , . ' secona sirveva. c 'v..o - n -r.. &r;i v fnl at a cantonment aiiu u.i iM. died unaav at rwouwuiu. vunw a I-'"" . a lir , . vL-okr,-l TTr .1 - nf.nrr.mi rieMUCIll lICvll o diuit. iv..V - . - - . . . . J . - , ;'"v- o, Hrm! Whatwaaea un from 3 to 5 each at term 11)1 uliv , ... U iifc n-f 9 -r . . that is m mm w - that led on. to conquer or die n'hat has given :fo JwisTagencies thaihave watched "less it is mailed by that ftver him from his tirst date it would not ne iiKeiy iu r.. Smn and followed him every btep cl F Christmas. . ' vav to minister to his every need has been stated n The Robe- .ne a as w . trenches, 1. -e v.icr rr.p rhar followed, nun rT-2 j soman, cuws iUi 'r.T. V . . . .1 l.rvwr riT a E . - , j: ......-.iWn v,ot ,t in him to tne uk" TT Those who mtenQ sename x ,01nu M-.-rj . -Anuer or die . . nH in France must n mese an vision tnai u - , -y'-' v - . crt . ; d ..ende-us riven mm a - ; turn it over 10 me jveu viwa w - , 5 w.oridJWhat but 2 be d nor 1?ter than Noren,- Jg-g; Peered him a ?ers with him in I he fought, braved dan- b secured at Messrs. White & 1 nese The "Gentlemen of the Congress: considered the most impormut " Va., of influenza-pneumonia t Tva: rtf var.ii truinmp nassins icnc j,.... 9 son 01 air. anu jiis. vi. JLU imsc ujjwia .m- r rv. . . . t 7- o. t i 1 u. change it wiH m some mo. gmara-maunv. Kiniaw ot tv o. BlWruH, mv sense of responai- I was very mucn impresswi y been in the navy ior two years, ne mey i" Kepon 10 r,ummuw j iS survivea oy ms ne anu was :hildren. the youngest only one month was -. J T1 -,. irnrn cont Vinmp :r- .arger circumstances of the situation PJV T, teimr S-; s-- ih. rvfth which it is necessary to deal. nere. tne P--'- VQlv . iTSJ "Tr; " J. ; Th r.prman authorities wno have, very mucn gnaw. x i- - eaDoaro. ana inieruwui .," ii.. fi,;,-r ,-,-f t-,P riast. the Quarantine na- r0.i. Cmmn church m in person the auty srgnt oi tne rainum y f communicating to you some of the showed clearly, at the epmemit at the imitation of the supreme war thing of Uie past, the quarantine hav- Back Swamp ouncil been in communication with inv been Ifted some time ago. Shows 10:30 a m. council, u", onH A V M. C. A. activities hae been uers iui . nf tV.e ,av. s z-i i v.. 4.v,Q r.rnss The :iarsnai rucn, imu afw- - -r - cite and pu led mm , 1 are iurniMieu u " ; o-nprf the tern-" vesterdav at TO BE EXAMINED Next Monday 10 a. ra. Registrants Above 37 Need Not Re turn Questionnaires. sicians ' , i l: order to De d Goueh's store without cosv. man iauu. . iicencies And what Wt - n 0 r-., stand ms inwu , It ML,, w fhp .mlrJier orail- communicate to them, abel sent home by the soldier or $aii u r must alo be turned over to tne f&e war c"; .. nvniv-rirtD wVlii"h rP11Tl1pH. S Ul uiuii) ! - , ,J 1L. ,rrt ed and instructed to if the pwpie couiu t r T,-i-m Tnr 1. 31. v . .-v. mvi..- illllUUIll. V .v"" , Mr. Lewis Scott Mr. Lewis Scott, an aged man who To the Editor of The MOHM In accordance with instructions re ceived from the War Department. I desire to make the following announce- S Ol nafe i-ack he Red Cross. Do not paste tne -a. si on the box until after it has been wranped by the Red Cross workers Those who have not received a teel m.n secure a carton by maKing ain- iC, S arfirkwas told in "... Kof. yiotarv riublic tat they v ront RusaelL but space will , nearest kin to person to whom W r-VtV detail hy Capt. Ruat isp rerxrrt of his spetcn. , pi.acre js to be se Hilt a -iv-"" - . ., .... ,rnrK J : ' . . .W rnaea l til t" . 1 Kv npr tie maue n. . u tr, er-e the . , , t Howevet rrose sent u y.v. - labels must taKe tne "i " own nMIjle to enter it at its mr,t critical iuncture in Sbch fashion; i c-"v- . ; . maiiiriK. a ; fnrep as to contribute in not permit a c men v - . - j aofin nm. nt. rhP clock arounu -rr tr parh one wiws, s to nn eno- for the young man. not only here in Uved about three miles east of town , A11 regiataanta 31 years ol age tTrf camp but the ideas of betterment it died Monday night of influenza and upward, who receive, ques- .a lit. v. w wpn. f - l .. A,v A.iiira tppi 1 1 ootiatic mi r fwi l t tc - , i . . t- t-1 i nil 11 r u iim 1 1 i w mistice. it will be nnposs ble to. the "Tx has when he sits third member of his family to die of orders. It expected that if jet-man command to renew it. ng trnai ' i5 C. and ever faith- this disease and another is not ex- h treatv is signed these oues- -It is not now possible to assess down V Jl . C . A; .and J J undi.e SiHS. wU lnever be filled out but know onl Xt 3ns Se Z of money wished for this I will upon proper order be returned to &um?11n- Zi, flames' aWV would not be hard to raise. j . the local board. . ' ra. . x-'j- hi i . a. . iuvmwv w - w swept from one nation to another un-1 til all the world was onlire. ba tutttct ,n end and that it was tne privilege jl, u-cvais I Favettevilie Observer. BE SURRENDERED at Cumberland not already done so. are required to fill out their questionnaire lyetteviue .)oeel. nromptlv fill out their questionnair Mr. P. F. McRae. of Maxtor,, died JJJ1" them to the local board r,,nkorlin rneral DOSDltfil oun- - Bl . , wv,. hovo nnt hpret dav at noon. Mr. McRae spent fca.- physically examined, and i urday in the city, and SunAsyjnorn- d;s one are directed tx eive to eacn one igraESTT-j rhance , a way oi wnicn we are au . . . - c,,u ing about iu ociocn bc before the examining comfort and imoWg ..h- Schools of the County May Open d- to the &reat result. TrVe know,) oeany Loses Entire Fleet of Sub- jjj his home by automobile anext Monday at 10 o'clock a. for self improvement that ee j i uw, that the object of the war is sV; Amended Armistice In attempting to crank his Ford car We win have a sufficient number Knv to have, "T. TJnv 18. ! -i'-j. kw ,ti which all free marines Lnder Amenuea t T .-;-vm with naralysis. He ' . . , ,, fn ,.0Tnhte the er wariws dw - . . ,rpnr ine . uiiiicu, ""j-" -r . i ne a ----- , - , . . flt nnvsiciiuis un r nn thp theory that you can . , e,totoi j- The Robeson- men had set their hearts; and attain-, p. r 150.000 Cars. was carried to the hospital, where ne r ? .. Dromptly. It is not ex- devi out but you can't 7 Hi the county board of health has with a sweeping completeness ae---. , two hours later. His bojr , "that lhese men who are now Ana that will square with any . ian the county ooa schoois. which even now we do not realize. rormanv iOSes her entire fleet of , . to his home near Maxton Mon- P Mamined will ever be called i,,. nePd an uiuci o . ----- . i no . . i forms1 'Armed imperialism such as the Mnded bv sayn closed since xne - -, -'"i, ut vaster. iapt. Kussen t friend, u-ow out. to open Monday, inov. io.;men conceive ""y " W that any person who to JWt a i , woke out, ope instruct- day the masters of Germany is at ap S ny on? of these w arw on the owning of school , enJ ite. illicit SiSSrS cies is not a friend to tne . ea hnd having a cough,; ilack disaster. The arbitrary power the oerson wro is tp question any , MO nf militarv castle of Germany Vn the American solder j ttate r retly and of its . rA np hvc lias v r i W 1-11 V miWI A meuucu w; ei i into service, but unui w -rry signed the governmem : with preparations m . is mg f hp ipvp nas oeeu " ----- . . . v a. -i w . - - .... i . i v i nhiiria fiiaT.iirn uie icav-J . . . . ,Vn so. . . fluenza, and ii ."-rj waak. 1 is discredited and de- m nf the articles as original- D. Proctor, nir , posed to tne a -- -; - - more than that--much supreme wmr coun- "T' "7 i nalCTTl IOr tO send tne tniiu ..."v .ii l " . , i. 1 Un .MnmnhSh- . , i D..inorit WlLSOn EU-S-ErT-ffi B-LfiSK'S'iS.'Sd SSlSiSS; cSMW-S1 tifiniih the examination . , d a v ir. i' - as lv ou.icuwi... - . ... ti jr.fAv it hflve now: , j AithAnrv ior auci-: dav u rrJt UHi on i" l' .i. foth- i i 1 pwi rnpmseies ucauvj i .,r thp nmiveu ouvhv" , . vi ii' maw x. . . . ijTrpui. rnnimcr Krnuuii . ii. . . ur unuvi ... q n n in L I Tl KAMI 1 ' a frend to .America And it is even Mayor Jas hP siened them with the German en- Examinations for Teachers x momme. inswau Uii , , . IZ2T- TfinveTsels every one of the undersea ExaminaUon for white, coioreu a y L. JOHNSON. ine waaaww TU I I I I 1 M. m 1J fc e - 10:00 a. m., by uouniy " Poole. All applicants, man odi sue a J . n, pasw n-aver. au. " . 5J fmaver as it -was'. .vS Subscriptions to war wora dsfv the longing of the whole world' .J. 0 50 000 railroad, cars to M - ; - it riu - r . x i - Xr, -ii , . . mi tnrl'ri.. w . t : A r r rr i , ii.i ; tVio rnmmon our- . 1.1 ...nroniP command in ! deiininy "'" V oc win ations given tue ln.i r. Whs to set up such ..jRWf? Vi Healine with tne eaciuj lW,muiumj heard it will ever iwr"-, ' the 45.613.639. .u ,)f the unstudied -M;: . fu.. , , , - ' . , z'- i,,;v, i-it !-,-! nv l: . t:ii-.ii-v. . SK". I' ie United XV.r Work can.jn . l aoSSi that hour wn r-h- up t0 yesterday to.eo ,-- . .IU n UPltU Slilllt -, C-jQ onfnrrilTlff tO a SVOWUTC"" .Ty"ther for t'- ,7o W " thP awful scourge of war. ,.overed night. It will WfJS stoi for disinterested justice, embodied in settlements winch are oasw nething much better anu mucn u tine- than the semsn compe ... c ,1.1., r nterests oi powetrui su. booth? have been a rendered in eyacuatea - the county fair, held nere- uun , .j,, lbiiiinm. ii;r i.u" it'""-1 . 3 GaoMtan S2 CTSSTiV delivered, inU ouT.T i The :,KV the Germans is nw - - . . RobeSon commmuues - i Humua . . ljj , I Jim-1 SUlie i iV. of trip Tflir IU iiv.v ... LIUULiis - . J f nPVT luesuuj m 1 sts of powerful states. - 25,000; German troops u. r ir rnniecture as to the ob-.wuto - , , to evacuate in- i i. V.a,-p in mm.l. lnCVi . , vnnmrpH to SUlienuei, rJmdS Se matted not onlfl DJnor food needs ml ci . v. " - ,, . .j J MIUIIO'"" . , . s nipons Ol ' berton. beginning w eek. rr.p awiui w .. ro I'nveic" "-pi . . ...i-, r, rr rnv; ,a;, that in its r,vrcd the Sm hut a heart also- ne -,' to" AUotmeot Ea7U.T of the r.htby W . ornUat t j. H t. More than the onnal allotment Rpv W. D. ComDs, K-'T-t r.p- welfare wotk. , their just rignts w u.e a. of war at tne cuuuu, ' Gosoei Tabernacle, PwTinvi-i . . -The humane temper and intention; ; r,rotpfnness ioi . t-j pvtri Action. ticai way. ie irT ra :el 0 ! td known defeat, because cause. "nf nuncan C. Shaw been unfurled in an u:- . lette"! 1-j" killed in action . uei i""6i ex- &TOrT had never! overseas casualty lists eont; --1 W.unds j. oiw" - M-- . . .. i l rhot A noh air TTTHted War Work campaign waa i-ed at a meeting held at Buie ElEf niSt. Mr. W. Lennon of .iiuuuuj c- Uw nt t hp OC- Lumberton W tne r mistice casion. However, since h&g has been signeu. nlt much r" . ikan Mayor Krocwr .- -hairman Mr. T. L, Jo.m-w; board, from oTal draft exemption no.-. a;n reirret at his nr 0f ii i Vila talk and when he KUSSen uc5a T, ThA cone luded these were taken up the T-STI iaptine on accuu- - present at tne ' uTleiah, and ex- purpose of -meeting. Options, so the amount rea, Clerk of thetoun - -.,1 buu : . had for Lumneiw" ! tical way . .n.nrad l . liao w . , Innhr mucil have by unanimous reo -i ,,mm addressed to xr increased ana the neonles oi me cmwi c i'" i - t , R R. receiveu ii be suDscnueu SUSSS that is possible in the cir-, McLean, Lumberton, K. o. more will cumstinces will be" done to supply here saay, s-g - October 16 themwith food and. relieve the : dis- John A McLean died o tressing .want tnat is in ox wu---. Private bcuw ulaces threatemng i" .J : - 1CSC ttw- - - ,1 rrowd was not represent i the ma an the pn not so bad. lIlc a"" "r.j : o.p nf Rplorium: : vaA township,! ;Pro tor -Mid he had good wereorga- elSnna the -Private Frank button i ; f ho fonn- DJ r- . - .i .,itinr his Darenw. Places uiicoit""e - . - ,. . ". . i tii -i K and steps are uc township in the matter oi "" to 0?ganize these. efforts at reiiei i r ' i i.v. oip ctrstpnoatic manner uiav 1""0"6-, T 1.1 ;nfontrv. belonged w i "raDh agent, has Hamilton, r 1S McLean. unable to lotaw been District No. 3 Goes Over. Mr. McKay Byrd o Lumher. VVnshart io.- T ited War :'el irive The allotment was $25 heen raised. A honse-to- rouse canfass was niae and pracu SOUTH MUST STAND FlWt Producers and Business Men Must Re tain Control of Liquidation of Cotton Crop. :r . : North Carolina, uivisiuu r Tuesdav issued the following ment from Raleigh: -It is clear that tne atuan. " . . on has o. en made by interests who nave been promoting a propaganda Jurine the last vear. Peace finds a 9h0rt:in-te7hSe itaESfwS otton goods and m the future wtii nake a situation for which these pro motors will be liable. . "This short interest can only be he 12TZ KTovnepted to bring such r adNance as the market has rare v seen The issue is put. sorely L tTthe producers and business mea $ the South whether they wfflre- hiex crop y i.nrntPction matter oi f---- be expevi.rti - "As a iP$3 000. TlUg n JTi ing tnat n v- -would be more than sub-U000, its quota being $600. would ue p were e ill T1P All ie- - . ,:iUol taSKS OX puiiva re- hip, to raise Wt would oe ports so far received were encourag- fa them on every hand. France. Car'ds were distributed before Capt. ing. ,-bodv subscribed something. Mrs. A. J ally every l t. n Mr. and Holmes, Tuesday, a fine boy toe promoters "" break ake a detereamed he commence oi "enftreJ for S the South should be PrePeijo inch a development. A firm .vill unquestionably wm out- , " DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER. Optometrist Expert Knowledge of Eye Diseaaee and Fitting Glasses.