THE R0BESUN:a3 MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. take five IKf19""' UNITE ERVE C you read these lines, to remember t this BANK is to SERVE YOU ft, We most cordiallv invite vmi that the business and purpose Our Resources of More Than $500,000.00 is proof of our financial ability to serve you, and our doors are open from 9:00 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. every day, except Sunday, for the purpose of SERVING YOU. The mcst acceptable security for loans that you can offer us, is your Bonded Warehouse Cotton Certificates. Bring them here and borrow money on them. A certificate from a public Bonded Warehouse is not confined in its negotiability to any one particular Bank. Unite With Us and Make Our Bank Your Bank PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. N. A. THOMPSON, President K. M. BARNES, Treasurer. G. E. RANCK, JR., Ass't Treasurer. V GEO. L. THOMPSON, Trust Officer IS 'is m tit m m m m m m THE ROBESONIAN ce 107 Waal Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. PERSONALS MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918. BUSINESS BUILDERS PUBLIC AUCTION SALE SMALL TRACT of land, 8 1-2 acres, on Elizabethtown road, Maggie Blount (coiored) place. Good home for working man, with comfortable house. Will be sold at public auction at the cou t house door in Lumberton Monday, December 9, at 11 a. m. FOR SALE, ONE DUROC JERSEY SOW and eight pigs. Ed. Humphrey, Rennert, N. C, R. 1. TWO MARE MULES, ONE BLACK AND ONE . today. i r i U Mr. J. A. Carlvle of R. 6. LniW- ton. is in town todav. iVlr. .1. .. Xtonp nt Vlt. H.hTYi ix7r n Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. W. L. Thompson of R. 4, Lum berton, was in town Saturday. Mr. S. B. Taylor of R. 1, St. Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. TIM--- "I T J T-fc r T jyjr. Kj. d. uiiver oi k. z, r-airmont,' was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. J. L. Cain of R. 1, St. Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. T. B. Jenkins of R. 3, Fairmont, is among the visitors in town today. Mr. G. W. Goodman of Chattanooga, Tenn., spent Thursday here visiting friends. Mr. M. H. Warwick of R. 2. Fair- I mont, is among the visitors in town vollnw stravpd from mv home near iJeni' broke on the night of Nov. 2Sth. I will pr.y reward to any one who will take them up and notify me. Lonnie Lowrey, Pembroke, N. C. FOR SALE: SOME 0OO9 MILK COWS. M. H. Richardst a, Mom ; e, M. C WE PAY 60 CENT'J THE DOZEN CASH FOR eggs. Olympia cIe, Hjlm street, lumpreiin WANTED 100 BUSHELS CORN; 100 BUSH- els Peas and Soy Beans. K. M. Biggs Authentic Styles from Fore most Fashion Centers in COATS AND MILLINERY Beautiful Coats of Chiffon Broad-Cloth in most attractive styles at reasonable prices. All the new materials and shades. HATS OF QUALITY Combined with excellent styles and workmanship. AT Miss Joesphine Breece's GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LFATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. CHURCH NEWS NOTES Dr. Durham and Family Have Arrived. Rev. Dr. C. H. Durham and family arrived here Thursday evening from Mr. H. B. PhHlirs of Fairmont was amen?' the business visitors in town Saturday. Mr. A. M- McGirt of Red Springs, R. 4 v as a Lumberton visitor this!n!.v Mr J MrRap llalt.rm ot Winston Salem stent Thursday and Friday Viovn rm hiicinacc Mr. I. V. Britt and sons, Oscar and Winston-Salem and Dr. Durham John Dedrick, of R. 1, Lumberton, preached at the First Baptist church were in town Saturday. yesterday morning and evening. As IVllSS IViaiy 1TUJJC vvciil riiuaj tu iiaa ucca suiicu hi .iic ivuucouiiiau, Durham, where she will spend ten Durham accepted a call to the Fiijst davs visiting relatives. Baptist church here, succeeding Rev. ' . i Miss Julia Dean oi k. 4, ljumDer- ur. unas. l,. greaves, ur. uurnam ic rnlT wint A RARP.A1N IK GOOD FAfMfn. ,n amn-nrr -r-Vio nl1ora nt. TVifilan1 -Fa mil it ore st.m-mincr nt. t.VlP VintYlft mull or a good farm horse and farming ffi Saturdav. of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mclntvre. Walnut ,itnaila ao at once. W . 11. numpnrejf. I ' " Z ' , . I . . . ' . . : Mr. W. H. M. Brown ana Master and Sixtn streets, until tney get tneir HIGHEST market rKituB rAiu ru Chas. Humpnrey oi I'niiaaeipnus were lurnnure rnsiaueu in wie joctyi-ist pa sort of furs, hides, scrap iron and rubber. , visitros Fridav. ! SOnaee. On a corner of the sami nioiy Hrnthprs I hestnut sireei. Liurauci- " . r ?, ' l Mosars C, A . and leonard Brit! and streets. -i ! ! rliToi PViillinR of R. 1. Orrum. are Dr. Durham wes pastor of the I erf nDTPC vflV I -'- K I . WE PAY THE HlUHfiBl -Apn UmnTiff thp visitors in tOWK tOdaV. YOUNG LADY WITH SOME EXPERIENCE wants stenographic or clerical position, ran mmmin work immediately. Address "Stenographer, care Kobesonian IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Prince-Bass. Renorted for The Robesonian. Miss Florida Bass became the bride of Mr. Bert A. Pince last Wednes day night at the home of her aunt Mrs. Harriet Barnes at the Jennings cotton mill. Rev. W. 1). Combs, pas tor of the Gospel Tabernacle, perform ed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends of the contracting parties. AMERICANS IN PRUSSIA. Pershing's Troops Crossed Frontier Into Prussia Headquarters Oldest Town in Germany in Mm PERFUMEO ORC8SIN0 m Keaves, Prtfctorville, K. C. ce roR r, '-'.. j i u i, -ia ,oc k - rrm - d er Robeson among me visiwrs m whl wwaj. tuunu ucic - ""U ..oxAe, corn in live Dunei.u-"- "'-v . Xt . t I a Groeerv Company, Lumberton, . mr. i . a. muiureui, v. jcaio oe "X " ; - well, Va., is spending a few days Brown Memorial Baptist church a$ good farm FOR sale 103 acres, w j . ... --d-n--- and friends. ; Winston-Salem. He resigned his acres cleared andin hign t r- ka. 4 KorlMr, S tVaT-A tr npnt. the call from vat ion Good buildings, artesian now. I Jjir. V wihu T,, T , T . , be bought for sixty dollars per acre, c M. Ijyed Saturday night and wiHJ the Lumberton church. Lumberton spend several days in wooesun uuigiaaiy weicomess xji. jumuom a. uo I i ; Ifamilv compare MT intekebt JSmJI Miss Lorena Lewis passed through ttrnii with others wno are I . . x 1 1 , lo-na. Amounts, SZ.OOtt.OU town today en TOUT UJ iiei numc . . . .n MennV Robon. sStland'and Hoke n;' rttQffpr sr,endino- some time ThankSiTlVlllg Services ColleC- countie.. Rt .of taH'eat 6 lw PI . -oiotives near St. Pauls. tions For Oruhanages. TE1MT A. T. McLean. LUmwrion. i-.. - i ""-"-- " v. . t 4 , 11 t l .u i jyir. jonn vj. jrtwwx, i services were neiu 111 em juuihia;- MONKT Td LEND- t)N . impboved LAND I the u g naval unit at the university ton churches Thursday Thanksgiving ra RobeMU county on long "me. vr-tv. ramina Chanel Hill. SDent j arvilo tV,o rain lrnt. manv awav. good aa any n I ti,J, hrp with home folks. ilirl 1Wtinns were taken loi DnNT BUFFER CATARRH OF THB HEAD. ua8.r, A ' M. McGirt. W. A. Smith, ho varinns nmhanaes. At the FlTS4 that loathBome nna arewwa . It, t t t and John M. Brown and Ran;- .tmrch the collection for ttte whU. you .leen. sw JT'Aa affi tho PhHadelnhus " oi oalU wa S300, the great home raeay. jo -- . nr line -- "TZ- urtiimii-ec v - " r: finn nra .nmnPTTin vixiluis wiua v . i Thn nn tantinn nr. ttw rresuvieiwu Pnr npAmnrl n cr th d row r H nf f hp hol AwA ihiiImi hareh ahihknrn hair nf t 111j. V ildMaitfl anil .tnna fcilllnA hair at once, and makes kinkv or stubborn hair straight. luxuriant and beautiful. Do not accept Imitations or substi tute. Large boxes mailed Z5c. The Coco tone Co., Atlanta, ua. For Sale By Grantham Bros. Lumberton, N. C. r American t.roons crossed the frontier into Prussia at daylight behind the German rear guards, states a ais patch of . the 1st. Treves is the most important city thus far captured. American troons also are patroling scores of villages, however. Pershincr is in the immediate vicinitq to observe the operations. His Wl t 1 3 ..nil lui pofak. onvanpp mmmii i t lt mil ic tavuu au t uiivv ' ii'ori of Ttuvpr wIiptp Gen- Preston Brown will be military governor and 1 TT A C V. .Kovrr.l ten. narry a. ouumi ' -'"' fe- "- civil affairs. The advance Sunday averaged 12 miles. Treves is situated on the right bank of the Moselle river 57 miles south west of Coblenz. It is perhaps the oldest town in Germany and is rich in Roman relics. Among the mam ob jects of interest in the town are tne SURPASSES ALL OTHER PRESENTS SSLTSaS gfg.iS'Wsi Annie Belle, Fodie. and Mc- SprinKS was rigt about $250, and aWf-J Gr.nam-Bro.Lumbo.c.; eran- ph on of the Phlladelphus section Chestnut Street Methodis. church Sr-W and the provincial mus tbam b.. . s Pi; SP'SS were arnnnc the shoDDers in town lection for the orDhanage at Raleigh Germany, ana tne provmu-i Drui Co.. Red BpnngB, n. I v " . . , eum. WILn a line cuncwun x. t... I Hair I nmnilTlT.P.(l to a10i..SU. 1 ... nirmo The most useful and enjoyable Christmas nreRent is The New Inter national Encyclopedia a life-time source of intellectual enjoyment and educational and financial benefit. Sev eral Lumberton people have already ordered it as a holiday present for their loved ones. For prices and -terms write to J. T. Norsworthy, Thompson Hotel, Lumberton, N. C, Phone 16. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McRae of El- -wrA ovtrl FiaiY am QTlH f a '1 cr Vi ta r -i n - law, Dr. and Mrs. L. McK-te oi Red Springs, were Lumberton visitors Friday. aoma. MIST. . . - Td a o-g7vYEARB Mr. A. W. McLean, land and Hok eountiea. to amounts pinance board, left last nignx lor a rn nnn nn lurini interest at Che I T,T i j nnntiflinn' o TOW rt!lVS SViTTTsP or writ. vvaSnmg-r - A. T. McLean, iumnerwrn. - -l-H T-etrnen Fri- Mrs. V. V- opouiuu.6 --- Missionary Society. TVio wnman's miscionarv society of Chestnut Street Methodist church will ii it vAAfinnr War'noclflv DO NT forget fHE best PLAtB u i . . her home at Wendell alter afternoon at 3:30 at the residence o a j m- vmi in vaici . - a -in n i --- m m . i SUHBMZ - Upendinj -. - Mr. u l. . i nome ui f - cxuccicu nuisca v j commissioner's sale of real estate, c. B. Townsend, Elm stree I Revival at Center Presbyterian, worry or fret over tnvialtiesf men I i -rw-r 1 1 1 I U W W"l F7 .It I111L. mile aw iL. . . . .i I LrnnYO let W TY1 mfK nHtTH.Il VCSICI- 1LHJK 11 wa-v-. a ... i -A n ri-fipr oi trie . . i i: j.HAh a i-m i oc? i uvonctnov o i . . . i rrir ani nv virtue oi v tti iMnmir i m .itiuihc. uiiv-o. i . - i Tk.AA Cat Oat the Jumps! u. r.n the inmns" or Other manilestations of nervousness ? Are vou easily confused or startled at un- expectea noises or somiusi ? t unaer ana oy vinuc - - . c : Rn)unn county, made in tne Uioi i;n,. entitled James D. Proctor, eczema 'adminbtntor of Uaiah Wilcox vs. Mr Jenme h d herpes, scabies, Loan s vn-1 gEeMst Black was to have hei 1 a suit from some exhausted or Pea Wilcox and others, the same being penal pro- . u recommended. 60c a y,1" gjZZJZ fllis wftek. but the bodilv organ, which does not properly r2B XfflEM bo xat-all stores. SStowas postponed on ac give M 'gSS22 day. the mh day of December WW . 12 . S healt hconditions, it is said. offender through that great recupera usuallv re- or impaired a5 to aKI WIVES AND SWEETHEARTS. ier lor casn hhi m " , mi and being In Britts Township. Mmjm eoag- adjoining tne AHJTrfS. count of healt hconditions, it is said. offender through that great recupera tory center of the bpdy.--your stomach. A Bare Book Bargain. For immediate delivery, I will sell the complete works of O'Henry, the most fascinating of all story writers, in 12 fine volumes for only $J2; $1 with order and $1 a month. (The pub lishers' price is, ?17). Jsend me your order today. J. T. Norsworthy, Thomp son hotel, Lumberton, N. C, Phone 16. W. 0. W. Unveiling. Raft Swamp Camp No. 164 will un veil the monument of Sovereign J. E. Carlyle Sunday, Dec. 8th at 230 p. m. All neighboring camps are invited to be present and take part in the cere mony. H. F. TOWNSEND, pd For the Committee. IF ty, N. C. adjoining tne " - -- . . Will Smith and others, on the Northwest side of Jacob Swamp. Beginning at a nf Tt iAtrt Rv mentioned swamp and marked trees North I wm v fcw '-t-.tJ p-xj adt TTC ThrP.e Biff Shows That Are to Be UX?D54? I ' I -l-i 1 1X1 I B nLIL. ML 3 L JJIW Maw v--r 1 BrflcontoH nt t.hp. LaFavette Thea- t7- nn,i;nn tn unothe v fr,nt iRor is to be or 7. - very owi - i i in i w -- i iAAVTATTiiia ns n . oftirt-SS r&SttX thf vaS $1.56 a month. Morfjr to J 1. tSeVg 5a moVe turn to health, by using this 25 mVLSK NnS2i ?fiX 872' of the Hawaiian Islands,, stars Miss Uendid forrn i a zuu acre w t i Tiin. i . a uwhv -v i . n a Hn4-i-Yrv Kvtj-i ot mm-i Tha erraor wrerKcra ui nuu. Pope, thence a direct line to e . I Klta Aumiuy. e"'1LJrtl.ii nr-nnl svstems SI of said survey, thence ,to tne o-a Waiian musicians are currieu I jrTXrZTl llf. T-mliar I J l nativn music i lie I -rvrrmiineu in uic bwwi .-- YOU WANT REAL BANKING SERVICE taming 100 acres, mmt ' -r - 4 land conveyed by J. W. smn ana ClinkT ixuJJS SUGAR wife to Uaiah WUeox Tsnda book 2-V at page 07. n' "Tided at upon which the said Isaieh Wilcox reawea v the time of his deatn. Dated this November 2th. io o 4 tu- Commissioner DELCO-L1GB i Tho complete Electric Light and Power Plant Safe for the children. Brings lasting cheer. Benefits the whole family. san-r 3E3TrS lld-UI be Quickly reUered remaritauic o- r - -i. ;--t v-s -itc T A 4mmwast1 BMJBf -J j xkL, -"Vi a. heaphu teapoonW. HO days Car each of the oo.ooaooo pet-cnc; in tha Uxuteat2tes nukes a pile a a the boTwarmbu3ldWenouh amrJv llw a M&a anntfl areas of the nation. nmc TAB nT volcanic scene, ox tne pyf dt ur. TE, m Tr Sen SS" subject'of much c?.nm.nt -".S?" and qnesbons. Tne " rSjr to TMt end flnminff volcano s reiiecnun o r'- i vv - m - - - naming u-iu I rfvsnensia and many wasting enTla!va''SeemS"'absoTntel!; 5fod--. thrown from the sky. t,Ih"rles Tonic tablks d Friday, Dec. 6th: "His Bridal gg- XSbjSi SST ftJW io Hao- SSsSSr oaiuiuajr, vv. .7 , etc., olten laii. oaie ana nv. a sparKiing musitai wu.vj three acts. It is full of life and dash and many tuneful musical numbers. a j nr. coot cii ip nr. tne ouanu Theatre. Manager Drake advises that l ilea li c. iuu6" Tz," . , finorial attention will be given to mail land phone orders. Adv. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO., Laurinburg, N. C. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. iivi - -- . latr-Tft a BAV PRICE 50 ctma a - a s ant rarrv them, send SOcSSfSS we win" send a bok b, r mail DR. CHARLES FLESH FOUU vw-riw.. BROOISUYMi Entrust tTi Tifra Ta P Stack of Savaii nah, Ga., spent the holidays here vis hang at the home of Mrs Stacks par m onH mts m mcinbvic. n oi CI1U9. iJXA.. ca - ' , : Robesonian Busing Builder, Sell - xij aa.6... 'I the goooB try one mng. I Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep ur. inomas Eclectic Oil for such emergencies, lwo sizes, 30c and bUc, at an stores,. ness to us. THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. A. W. McLEAN, President. M. F. COBB, Cashier.

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