TILE ECBESGNIAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5. 1918. 3? !AGE TIVE w 9 3W995WSiS9H99H We most cordially invite you, as you read these lines, to remember that the business and purpose of this BANK is to SERVE YOU Our Resources of More Than $500,000.00 Iffiy forXfiReYTanTSr dT m ?Pk? fr0m -9:0? a-,m-t0 2:00 P- m- "!? dav. except ouiiuay, wr me purpose ot bhKVlNG YOU. The most acceptable security for loans that you can offer us. is your Bonded Warehouse Cotton Certificates. Bnng them here and borrow money on them. A certificate from a public Bonded Warehouse is not confined in its negotiability to any one particular Bank. Unite With Us and Make Our Bank Your Bank PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. X. A. THOMPSON. Prrsiden, K. M. BARNES, Treasurer. G. E. F.ANCEE. JR.. Ass't Treasure, Li 7. -JLZ? 7. A ... .... .11 .-. hum i 'mcrr. HE EOBESONIAI PERSONALS 1 m m m ct NT Uert Fourth Street. - phone Ne. 20. 8161 l aaaKaoaa Myasairax BUSINESS BUILDERS FEED AND FUEL WE CARRY GOOD Block hay. oats molasses feed, shipetaiE, cos.: and wood. Phone or see as when in need. H. M. Beasley. PLUMBING I HAVE BOUGHT THE STOCK and fixtures of the late H. C. Rogers and will do general plumbing and heating work. 1 will occupy the same office occupied by Mr. Rogers, comer Chestnut and Fifth streets. Phone No. 87. Have had 16 years expe rience. Your patronage will be appreciated. G. B. Kirkman. REGULAR BOARD AND LODGING $25 month. Meat ' ce.its. rooms 50 cents. FiUyaw's Board. ng House. First street. Mr. J. Z. Stone of R. 1, Orrjm, was 1 in town Tuesday. Mr. E. C. Nye of Orrum is a Liaa berton visitor today. Mr. C. W. Deaver of Bladenboro was a Lumberton visitor Monday. Rev. A. H. Porter of Rennert was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. S. B. McLean of Maxwm spent yesterday here on legal business. Mr. W. B. Baxley of R. 5, Lumber ton, was in town Monday afternoon. Mr. B. J. Harrell of R. 2, St. Pauls, was among the visitors in town Tues day. Mrs. D. J. McGugan of Lumber Bridge was a Lumberton visitor yes terday. Mr. C. P. McGugan of Lumber Bridge was a Lumberton visitor yes terda . . D- Moriiscn cf Aberdeen sterduy m Lumberton on bus- FORD TOURING CAR tion for sale. Dr. V. . berton. N. C. IN GOOD CONOI- i-. Gramham. Lum- Mr. 2 spent, inesg. 4, Lurn- Authentic Shies from Fore most Fashion Centers in COATS AND MILLINERY Beautiful Coats of Chiffon Brocd-CIotii in most '.tractive styles reasonable prices. All the new m:.uriais and shades. HATS OF QUALITY Combined with excellent styles and workmanship. AT Miss Joesphine Breece's at GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LFATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY. Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C 18 More Than 7 Billions Wanted For Fiscal Year 1920. $25 REW ARD FC INFORMATION LEAD- ing to recovery ol a bay mare mule, about e ot 9 years old. weighs about one thousand pounds : cross-eyed and lazy. Stolen or strayed from my stables. S. A. Hamilton. Dillon. 5. C. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE SMALL TRACT ol land, ( 1-2 acres, on Elizabethtown road. Maggie Blount t colored I place. Good home for working man. with comfortable house, wffl be sold at public auction at the coai t houofc door in Lumberton Monday, December ft, at 11 a. m. h ayette in tovvn FOR SALE: SOME GOOD MILK COWS. M. H. Richardson, Monroe, N. C. WE PAT St CENTS THE DOZEN CASH FOR eggs. Orympia cafe. Elm street, Lumbretin. YOUNG LADY WITH SOME EXPERIENCE wants stenographic or clerical position. Can commence work immediately. Address "Stenographer." care Robesonian . War expenses persisting in peace in town ' times but falling off rapidly, will I make the government's outlay in the ' fiscal year 1920 beginning next July j first, $7.443,415,S3c., of which $5,212,- 000,000 will go to the war and navy departments, $893,000,000 to nay in Iterest on war debt, and $o79O0O,OOO for continuing the building of a mer 1 chant marine, according to depart mental estimates presented Monday , to Congress. These expenses compare with the $24,599,000,000 appropriations for the j current vear ending next June 30, with ..... J. W. Prevatt of R. tvi-:, .s among the visitor; j today. Mr. W line J . W ard of K. 8 ville, was among the visitor Tuesday. Mr. J. P. Prevatt of Orrum was among the callers at The Robesonian office yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Condary Arnett cf R. 5, Lumberton, were among the snoo pers in town Tuesday. Mr. I. H. Warwick, a merchant of Orrum, was among the busmes viss t. in town Tuesdav. Mr. W. N. Townsend of R. 3, Lum- the $18,000,000,000 which prooabiy berton, was among the callers at The 1 will be actually spent this year, and Robesonian office Tuesday. ! with the ordinary annual expenses of Mrs. F. L. Nash returned this- mom- about a billion dollars before the war. ine from New lork, where she spenu HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL sorts of furs, hides, scrap iron and rubber. Blacker Brothers, Chestnut street. Lumber ton, N. C. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR corn in frre Bushel lots and over. Robeson Cempany I wmhutaa. K. C. COMPARE MY tarns wrtfe Bate u T. of are handling the Amount.. S2.OO0.M SeotlaBd and Hoke interest S 1-2 PER N. C. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND ft, I ....iii ii i ii m km timr Rates as im any aaji artvc gtepften ncintyre. DON'T SUFFER CATARRH OF THE HEAD. that loathsome and dreaded disease, cureo while you sleep. Seasoms Late Discovery the great home remedy, in use more than as ..I i i in sals and living wit nesses besneak its merit. One bottle usually cares worst case. Price $1.00. For sale y, tt Co.. Lambert on. N. C. : Grantham Bros.. Lumberton. N. C. ; Gran r.rr, P-o. ?. Pauls : Red Spnnn TVrrrw Co Red Snrinn. N. C. . 3. M. Ses- sosas. Mter. AM MAKING LOANS FOR FIVE YEARS on improved farm lands in svooeson. awv land and Hoke counties, in amounts 12. 000 00 to $60,000 00, bearinr interest at the rate of 5 1-2 per cent. Call en or write A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. some time visiting relatives Mr. Robt. E. Lee left last evening for New Orleans, La., where he will spend several days on business. Mrs. N. A. Ihompson and two daughters, Misses Ruth and Julia, spent Tuesday m Fayetteiie. Mr. H. S. Kirkpatrick, a lawyer of Raef ore, was a Lumberto n visitor yes terday on professional business. Mrs. M. H. Silverstein and small son, f Rudolph, returned Tuesday evening to their home at Charlotte alter spend ing several days here visiting rela tives. 0 Attorneys Q. K. Nimocks and R. H. Dye of Fayetteville and J. W. Currie and G. B. Rowland of Raeford spent yesterday in Lumberton on legal business. Notices of New Advertisements. Christ- CHURCH NEWS NOTES Jewelry makes appropriate mas gifts A. J. Holmes. Evangelist McLendon's revival will begin Sunday. Mules, buggies, harness and automo biles C. M. Fuller and C. M. fuller & Son. Saturday will be cost suit day atf L. H. Caldwell's. Book bargains J. T. Norsworthy Notice to the public J. C Clark Card of thanks. Notice of legal action. Administrator's notice. Legal notice of land sale J. H. Lit tle trustee. i.Ttti of legal action Real estate aur.Von sals at Red Spring Dec. 12. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To til to Whabi These Presents May Come Greeting : Whereas. It arrears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous conser.t of all the stockholders. depo?od in my office, that Caidwell. Barnes & Lee. Inc.. a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. 205 Fourth Street, in te town of Lumberton. County ot Robeson. Stat of North Carloina. E. E. Page being the agent therein and in charge there of, up. i).hom process may be served l has complied with the requirements cf Chapter 21. Re isal of 1905, entitled "'Corporations." preliminary to the issuing this Certificate cf Dissolution : Now. .herefo-e. I. J. Bryan Grimes. Secre tary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 2rd day of December. 191&, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in wr'' iag to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are new on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof. I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Ral eigh, this 2nd day of December. A. D., 191s.. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Robert E. Lee. Atty for the Company 12 5 4 Thurs 27th day of January, 1919. at the court house m said county and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. This 4th day of December. 191S. C B SKIFPER 12 5 4 Thurs pd. Clerk Superior Court. Kept Marriage a Secret Since Last June. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that whereas my son Stephen Locklear. a boy fourteen years" old, ran away and left my home against my will on the 23rd of November. 1918, all persons are hereby warned and forbidden to harbor and employ said boy. And any information as to his whereabouts will be appreciated, that 1 may get my bey back home. This Dec. 2. 191S. DUCKERY LOCKLEAR Mr. E. C. Watson 1 . . A Der.on. was among this morning. of R. 4. he visitors it Lum- town Mr. R. P. Stone of R. 4, Lumberton, is among the visitors in town today. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. Robeson County In the Su- North Carolina, nerior court. Emma Jane Clay vs. Thomas Clay. ft appearing from the affidavit of Emma Jaae Clay in thru vt-on. that Thomas Clay. the defendant therein, is not to be found in Robeson County, and cannot, after due dili gence be found in the State, and it further appearing that a cause of action exists against said defendant and m favor cf said plaintiff said action beign for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and defendant : It is therefore ordered that notice of this action be published once a week for four weeks in the Robesonian, a newspaper pub lished in Robeson county, setting forth the title of the action, the purpose of the same .itu ixiuu lug uir uricuu.... . , 'v . . die term of the Superior Court of Robeson I County to be held on the 5th Monday before j the 1st Monday in March, 1919, it being the' Robesonian Business the goods try one. Builders Sell Red Springs Citizen. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McKay wish to announce the marriage of their daugh ter, Ella, to Sergt. Frank Pellegrini of Philadelphia. Pa., which took place in Raleigh on the 26th of June, 1MB, Sergt. Pellegrini ha? been stationed at Camp Cody, New Mexico, for some time. Owing to the fact that he was expected to be absent overseas, they decided to keep their marriage a sec ret until his return. Mrs. Pellegrini joined the Red Cross for the duration of the war. and was sent to Camp Meade, Marvland, but now that the war is over, she expects her discharge and will return home. Her husband will join her there upon his release from the army. DONT FORGET fHE BEST PLACE TO top hunger is at the Olympia Cafe, Elzi street. Lomberton. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all to Who mThese Presents May Come Greeting : . . . . , Whereas, It appears to my satisiaction. uy duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stocKholders. deposited in my office, that the Robesonian Publishing Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal ofSce n situated at No. 107 Fourth street, to tfcetown of Lum berton. County of Robe State of North Carolina. (J. A. Sharp being the agent therein and in charge thereof, aif" whom process may be served), has complied with the requirement of Chapter 21 BcvmI of 105 entitled -Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: w Tk.f,.. I .1 Brvan Grimes, sec- st.t. V the State of North Caro lina, do hereby certify that the said icorpara- tion did. on the Zm 7 ;,.ai i L .,. a an. . Anw nM-ntrd and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of sad rorrr.tion. executed by all the stockholders . l. ' . . t ...j Miurrt and the recc f the proceedings afotaaid are now on file in my said office as provided by w- t - -tmf 1 have hereto set m, h.nri mnd affixed my official seal at Ral- eigh, thi. srs& Secretary of State. Presbyterian. Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, Pastor. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Sabbath school every Sabbath morn ing at 9:30. Classes tor all ages, men, women and children. Come. "One ought to talk only as loud as he believes a rule which deprives some people of the privilege of shout ing." Morning worship at 11. Sermon theme: "An old Picture in a New Setting." Evening worship at 7:30. Sermon theme :n "Masks and Faces." Mid-week service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Subject: A study in Ps. XXXII. All Presbyterians and tnose wno have no regular church affiliation in the town are cordially invited to share with us all the services and benefits of this church. The complete Electric Liht and Safe for the children. Brings lasting cheer. Benefits the whole family. ;'" '. Tt'- ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Lanrinburf , N. C. Back Swamp. Rev. C. H. Durham, pastor of the First Baptist church of Lumberton, will nreach at Back Swamp church Sunday afternoon at 2:30, according to a 'phone message to ine nooeson- lan this morning. Evangelistic Campaign. The Big Banner warehouse has been fitted up with comfortable seats nH a number of stoves are expected to make it comfortably warm for the evangelistic campaign which will hpc-in there Sundav under the leader ship of Evangelist B. F. McLendon of Bennettsville, S. C. Mr. McLendon has visited Lumberton himself- this week rnH has had men at work maKing ai prorations lor the meeting. As will be seen from a page ad in this ?scw- ftervires witi be held Su idav t'.t 11 a. m. and 3 and 7:30 p. m. Eev. H. A. Grantham Resigns Rpv H. A. Grantham, priest m charge of Trinity Episcopal church AnriL 1917. has tendered nation, effective December 31 Ho has not decided where he will go from here. Mr. and Mrs. Grantham have made many friends since coming to Lumberton. IF YOU WANT REAL BANKING SERVICE f I Entrust Your Busi ness to us. THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. A. W. McLEAN, President M. F. COBB, Cashier. I JEWELRY Jewelry always makes appropriate and lasting Christmas presents and when it is purchased from a jewel ry store, the assurance of quality is never doubted. We are pre pared to serve you and will be pleased to show you our stock of: i Gents' and Boys' Watches Ladies' Wrist Watches Cameo Pins, Pearl bead necks Bar Pins, Lavalliers Scarf Pins Cuff Links Waldemar and Vest Chains Cameo, Signet & Birthstone rings Service Pins and Broaches Parasols Card Cases Toilet Sets Manicure Set We have these and many other useful gifts and can give you prices that will save you money. Be sure to see us. A. J. HOLMES JEWELRY Next door to K. M. Biggs in