PAGE SIX THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1918. MWM -ii.. t SUGAR REGULATIONS. NEWS AND COMMENT. I HAVE used Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and find it a most effective and pleasant laxative one that is worth recom mending to one's friends. I know that my health has been greatly improved since using it." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Miss Alice Lombard, 22 BoyUton St, I Springfield, Man. Certificate Plan of Sugar Distribution ! Cedar Grove School Progressing Fine Rescinded 4 Pounds Per Person Per Month- Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (SS) $1.00 A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin. Brings relief without griping or other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing ton Street, Monticello, Illinois. To the Merchants, Public Eating Places and Other Dealers in or Users of Sugar in Robeson County: Effective December 1st the certifi cate plan of sugar distribution is re scinded. This means that from this date all purchases of sugar may be made without certificates, and dealers may make their orders for such amount as their trade demands. Please note the following points: (1) The 4-lb per person per month ration for household and public eat ing places is still effective and dealers will be expected to confine their sales to consumers to this amount. (2) Sugar for dealers, manufactur ers and others in this territory must still be purchased from Louisiana. In other words, zoning restrictions re main as tney have been. (3) Merchants are still required to keep an accurate record of all sugar sales, such records to be available tor inspectors. Countv Food Administra tors or other food administration offi cials on demand. H. E. STACY, County Food Administrator. Lumberton, N. C, Dec. 2, 1918. vm an HEALTH IS WEALTH B JlEALTrF bo ft STATE BOARD OF HYGIENE 1 College S. A. T. C. Units to Be Demobilized. Commanding officers of all insti tutions containing Students' Army Training Corps units have recently received orders to begin demobiliza tion of their respective units on De cember 4th with a view to comple tion by the 21st. IN THtM ACCOM PANin INIMVIOlMk IMUHI will M MTWmk MOTIONS ON MCALTH. MTOICNC AMO MNrTATON Of OtXCflM. INTEHMT TO OUft HIADIM WHX M ANSWIRID HfJSUlf -2tt -?m"i-V Wm l TMt BTATI BOARD C MCALTH T MAMIOM AMD ACC m . mImimm nmupl m tmmmm mm mcatuimt or mmvioiMi. muhi will ai One Way To Ski Cat There are two ways to akin a eat. We favor only one way. First kill your cat. A cross-eyed husbandman asked his hired man to hold the oat so he could brain it with the axe. The hired man grasped the animal firmly and glanced up at the wlelder of the axe. "Hold on there, boss," he cried. "If you're going to hit where you're looking, you'll have to get some one else to hold this cat." The occurrence of chill or chilli ness in the beginlng or in the course of so many different infectious dis eases is deplorable, because it leads so many uneducated people to the con-1 result elusion that all sorts of illness may j droplets of moisture carrying some be caused by "exposure," and this fal-; four feet from the nose or mouth of "oolds," go-called, of soldiers in the trenches (not soldiers in overcrowded barracks in cantonments) has as yet made but little impression on the popular mjnd this side of the water, bat wait till the boys come home from over there, and you will find them rather amused at the suggestion that wet feet predispose to "colds." Health authorities in other states are inculcating in the minds of school children one great lesson: "Every so-called 'cold' is caused by a transfer of germs from one person to another." In the schoolroom is the place to teach the youngsters this vital fact. It is the place to teach them the dan ger of the open-face sneeze and the unmuzzled cough. It is the place to teach them the harmlessness of cool air. If they learn that a simple "head cold" or sore throat is the probable of spray infection (invisible WOMEN PRAISE STELLA-V1TAE aW' 'TV I Mi waUImH UmT li?vvW-Y?w km I A PRIMARY LES80N. Colds Do Not Just Happen, Neither Are They Caused by Fresh Air or ijr--i Exposure. lacy in turn leads te a great deal of preventable illness. If you harbor a sneaking suspicion that exposure is even a contributing cause of pneumonia, bronchitis, coryza (cold in the head), diphtheria, or other respiratory infection, you are Just nat urally going to be a trifle careful to keep in out of the air, or to keep the air out of your bedroom when the air seems cold or damp. This practice, if indulged to any extent, is certain to render you less rosistant to the very Infections you imagine you are avoid ing by coddling yourself. The remarkable freedom from the person who sneezes or coughs without holding handkerchiet over nose and mouth), they wont be so ticklish about having fresh air in the bedroom at night as their misguided parents were. And so the little lesson in personal hygiene adds to the health and efficiency of our future citizens. Our children will look back, some day, to the absurd belief of their par ents in the "exposure" myth, and won der how intelligent people could ever have harbored such fancies. Just as we look back to the time when eur parents were actually afraid to admit "night air." We want every afflicted woman to try at least one Dottle ot Stella-Vitae on our plain, open guarantee to return the money paid for it if it does not benefit If you doubt our word that it will relieve the distressing aches, pains and misery peculiar to the diseases of wo men , read the testimony of these women who have tried it and are glad to tell others what it has done for them. The only interest they have in the matter is that which any true woman feels in helping to relieve the sufferings of other women. You can believe them. Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had female complaint for years. Three bot ties of Stella-Vitab cured her, she said, and added," l am certainly thank ful for this great female tonic." Mrs Paralee Frazier. Longview. Tex., ex pressed appreciation of Stel,l,a-Vitae In these words: "1 cannot say too much for this wonderful medicine. I had taken other female medicines for two years with no good results. I am truly grateful for the good Stella- vitai has done me." Mrs. Sandy Withers of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf ferer from female trouble and only i woman knows what that means! Her condition got so bad her pains threw her into spells like fits. Her husband feared she would lose her mind. The Greensboro doctors pronounced her in curable. Then somebody suggested; that she take Stella-Vitae. She did so. The first dose lightened her spells. Stella-Vitae is a perfectly harm- i less compound anditnotonly alleviates a woman's pain, but builds up her health; it stimulates her appetite, aids digestion, quiets her nerves and clears her complexion. It improves her per sonal appearance. 'All dealers sell Stella-Vitae, and are authorized to return the money paid for the first bottle if it does not benefit Sole in Lnmberton and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Pope Drug Co. Examination Will Be Held at Pem broke December 11. Correspondence of The Robesonian. There will be a civil service exami nation held Jan. 11, 1919, at Pembroke N. C, to obtain eligibles to fill the va cancy of E. F. D. carrier at Raynham N. C, and subsequent vacancies in Robeson county. Application blanks may be obtained at Raynham, Pembroke, or from the civil service commission at Washing ton, D. C. J. H. McILHENY, Pres lv The Robesonian's Fine Staff of Correspondents Wants Law for Auto Drivers. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. 5, Dec. 3. The force of circumstances kept us from attend ing hnt.h the fair and the association. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Spivey of Lake Pifv S C... who have been spending some time visiting friends and rela tives, have returned home, ineir vis it was greatly enjoyed and we hope they will repeat it at an early day. The public school at Cedar Grove is progressing finely. It is now in the fourth year of its age and so popular and fruitful has it been since the be ginning that now two teachers have to be employed instead of one as form erly. The teachers both live in tne community and many congratulations are being passed on our splendid com mittee and patrons for this fact. Services Saturday and Sunday at Cedar Grove were delightful. Al though the weather Sunday was in clement the house was well nigh pack pr) Those cominsr from a distance were Messrs. J. P. and Clark West of near Singletary's Cross Roads, Mr. J. R. Phillips of Alienton, Mr. ueorge Hester of Bladenboro, and Mr. Alton Anderson of Horry, S. C. The contribution of Kev. Mr. wmis to The Robesonian's columns are al ways read with good taste. Mr. Willis rs an interesting writer and a spienaia speaker. In fact, all the correspond ents are valuable contributors. We do not know of any other paper that can boast of a finer staff than The Robesonian. The Legislature will soon be in ses sion and it is to be hoped some fine law may passed relative to automobile driving. Some who are careful driv ers have to watch out for both them selves and others when they strike the streets of Lumberton or they'll run together. A newish, or careless, or irresponsible car driver ought to be rigidly restricted everywhere. "AJAX." Don't Torture Your Child! TO MOTHERS! See your little one's terror at the very thought of a dose of castor oil, mineral oil, calomel or pills. Ugh! Cascarets "work" better, safer, surer on the tender little liver, stomach and bowels, besides Cas carets taite like candy. Even bilious, constipated, sick kiddies coax for this harmless candy cathartic. ST. PAULS NEWS ITEMS. & I imuaaaT Each 10 cent box of Cascarets, the pleasant candy cathartic, contains directions and dosage for children aged one year old and upwards. When the little one's tongue turns white, breath feverish, stomach sour, there is nothing better to "work" the nasty bile, souring food and constipation poison from the child's system. Give Cascarets, then never worry. St. Pauls Messenger. Mr. Albert Inman arrived Tuesday night, from an aviation camp in Flor ida, but was too late for the funeral of his sister Miss Addie, which was held Tuesday morning at 10:30. The people of our town were glad to see Mr. G. R. Thagard return last Monday from the hospital, where he had been for about three weeks, suf fering fro minjurries received in an auto accident. Mr. Thagard can v.'.Ik with the aid of crutches, and he :s im proving every day. Rural Policeman C. L. Beard, Chief Newton and Mr. Fairiy Newton, made a raid near Edunia last night and captured one 60-gallon barrel of mo lasses in the woods where they found an empty barrel and a newly dug we'll. Preparations were being made to put up a tiger still. But they are short one barrel of molasses this morning. The field committee from the churches of Great Marsh, Ten Mile, Tolarsville and St. Pauls, met here last night and after hearing an excellent sermon by Rev. Frank Hare, voted unanimously to call him to the pastor ate of this field, or group, of churches. Rev. Mr. Hare, who is originally from Kansas, has been in this State for about eight years, and is now located at Broadway, Lee county. He has a wife, and one boy eight years old. We will be glad to welcome them to our town and county- I Everything I I In Hardware I I Christmas Gifts of Service I I Let us Show You I Ta fll I L. Hm Caldwell j BALTIMORE NEWS BATCH. School Begins Personal Mention. FOR COLDS AND GRIPPE FOLLOW DOCTORS' ADVICE JiOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY, m tne buperior Uourt. Dec. Term. 1918. Beaufort County Lumber Company o North Carolina, a corporatinn et al. vs. B. H- Las sites, R. E. Lass iter, Mrs. R. E. Lasa-iter, Gary Lassiter, et al. To the defendants R. E. Lassiter, Mrs. B E. Lassiter and Gary Lassiter : Yon and each of yo will take notice- that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Robeson county for the purpose of extending certain rights and privileges contained in a certain timber deed executed fcy some of the defend ants herein to the plaintiffs, and in which the said defendants are interested ; and the said defendants will farther take notice that they are required to appear at the term xi the Superior court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March 1919 (it being the 27th day of January 1919), at the court house in said county in Lum berton, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 3rd day of December, 1918. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean and H. E. Stacy, iz a 4 inurs Attorneys for plaintiffs. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Baltimore (Fairmont, R. 1), Dec. 2. Thanksgiving passed off very quiet ly. Mr. Marvin Lovett of Camp Jack son, S. C, spent Sunday here with his mother. ONE DOSE RELIEVES A COLD-NO QUININE ' ' Pape 's Cold Compound' ' Ends Bad Colds or Grippe in a Few Honrs. Relief comes instantly. A dose taken every two hours until Miss Cora Bullock begins teaching j three doses are taken will end grippe misery ana breaK up a severe cold eith er in the head, chest, body or limbs. it promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head, Mter Your Baby Is Born Think Now About the Time to Coma Afterwards. WITH ROBESON SOLDIERS. Capt. M. C. McLeod Has Made a Bril liant Record. C When you hold In your arms your tiny new infant, be sure that you can feel that before its arrival you did all In your power to stat to It a happy pre-natal Influence. Scientists say that the thoughts and feel Inns of the expectant mother greatly affect mc neaiui unu disposition oi we luture in fant. For over half a century thousands of wom en who have used the time-honored rem edy. Mother's Friend, say that they entirely escaped nausea, nervousness and that pe culiar distressing feeling so usual where na ture Is unaided. They thus preserved a wonderfully bright and happy disposition, which reflects so markedly upon the unborn child. By the regular use of Mother's Friend the mnscles are made and kept soft and elastic to readily yield to nature's demand for ex pansion without the usual wrenching strain. The nerves are not drawn upon, and as a consequence the expectant mother is calm and serene and the nights are not disturbed with nervous twitchings, and the crisis is one of joy and happiness. Write the Bradfleld Regulator Company, Tl I;amar Building. Atlanta, Georgia, lor their Motherhood Book, of value to every woman, and get a bottle of Mother's Friend thTt JiMU!russtis? nnJ. begin A treatment mat will bring real results. Red Springs Citizen. A most cordial and friendly recep tion is being given Capt. M. C. Mc Leod, who arrived unexpectedly in our midst from New York, where he anded from overseas on Sunday, No vember 24th. He is on a short fur lough, and will report for duty at Fortress Monroe, Va., in a few davs. He will train and fit men for regular army service. Capt. McLeod belongs to the 53rd artillery C. A. C, with headquarters at Camp Mailly, France. He fought on the Alsace front, Chatteau-Thierry, St. Mihiel, on July 15th, with the bat tle lasting for several days, at St. Mihiel on Sept. 12th, and on the Ar .'onne Forest in the Verdun sector. from September 26th to November 10th. Capt. McLeod was among the first of American volunteers and made a orillian record for himself and his country. Ask any physician or druggist and he will tell you that the first step in the treatment of a cold, cough, influen za or grippe should invariably be "a brisk calomel purgative, preferably the nausealess calomel, called Calotabs." This alone is often sufficient to break up a severe cold over night, or cut short an attack of grippe and pos sibly prevent pneumonia. One Calotab on the tongue at bed time with a swallow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, pleasui'es or work. Next morning your cold has vanished and your en tire system is purified and refreshed Calotabs are sold only in original seal ed packages; price thirty-five cents. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists everywhere. Price refund ed if you are not delighted. adv. SCHOOL CHILDREN CAN'T BUY WAR SAVINGS " STAMPS. Tne plant of the News-Leader news paper at Richmond was destroyed by ire Saturday. The loss was estimated it $250,000. Three men were severly burned. All teachers and intelligent parents know that school children can not make proper progress in thei rstudies without the use in their homes of re liable reference works. Hence, every progressive household should have Webster s New International Diction ary and The New International En cyclopedia. Every member of the family who can read will use, and profit by using these most valuable, comprehensive and authoritative ref erence works. This use makes a lib eral education easy and certain. For prices and easy terms write J. T. Norsworthy, Lock Box 872, Lumber ton, N. C, Phone 16. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY, in tne superior Uourt Beaufort County Lumber Company of North Carolina, a corporation, vs. Return William son, et al. To Marice Williamson, Fannie Williamson. Alice Williamson, Delia Williamson Gordon Williamson, Tim Williamson, Claude Williamson and Columbus Griffn: You, and each of you, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the buperior court of Robeson Coun ty for the purpose of extending certain rights and privileges contained in a timber deed ex ecuted to the plaintiff by some of the defend ants herein, and in which the said defend ants are interested; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March 1919 (it be ing the 27th day of January 1919), at the court house in said county, in Lumberton, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 3rd day of December, 1918. C. B. SKIPPER, 1 Clerk of Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean and H. E. Stacy, 12 5 4 Thurs. Attorneys for plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as arlministru C. Pitman, deceased, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to me at Fairmont, N C, on or before the 1st day of December, 1919, other wise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This the 30th day of November, 1918 E- FISHER, Aumr. of Henry C. Pitman TWaoi Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys for the Admr. 12 5 6 Thurs school today at Gaddysville. Mr. Sprunt Floyd and mother were Lumberton visitors last Friday. Miss Sallie B-ullock, who is teaching school at Pleasant Hope, Fairmont R. F. D., spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L- Bul lock. Mr. Douglass Wellington and sister, Miss Kathryn, from near Shannon, spent Sunday with Miss Lizzie Bul lock. Miss Roberta Floyd, who is teach ig at St. Pauls, spent a short while Thanksgiving here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Floyd. Miss Emma Miller from near Row land spent the week-end with Miss Pauline Nye. Mr. Joe Bullock and Miss Cattie Bullock began teaching school at Cen ter. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Inman and daughters, Misses Nettie and Hannah, of Whiteville, visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. miss upnena ioya entertained a number of her friends last Satur day night. Rev. J. R. Miller of Fairmont will fill his regular appointment here next Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Louisiana annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, last week adopted the resolu tion favoring granting of laity rights to women. stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, fev erishness, sore throat, sneezing, sore ness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! Ease your throb bing headl Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Be sure you get the geuine. Wrecked Shops for Overcharging American Soldiers. Four American soldiers dispersed a mob of thousands at Esch after it had wrecked 28 shops in revenge for the overcnargmg of Americans. Most of I these establishments were conducted by Germans. The loss is estimated at between 4 million and 7 million francs. The United States transport Orizaba sailed for Brest Sunday with nearly 500 newspaper correspondents from all parts of the country on their way to "cover" the coming peace conference at Versailles. The party included sev eral newspaper women and a score of motion picture men and newspapers photographers. a are Red Springs Citizen: At Antioch, last Saturday Master Douglas Brown son of Mr. J. M. Brown, of Philadel phus, broke his right arm while crank ing his automobile. He was hmno-Vit to Red Springs for surgical relief, nvt1 1 r, J- , . J 1 1 . f ctuu mter taKen nome and is now doing nicely. TRT THE SCALES i ne scales seldom fad to reveal the truth, they are fair gauge of health. If you are losing weight and re not feeling un to the marlr if 1 place the loss and build up the powers of resistance. SCOin EMUISION a unique combination of tonic and nourishment, a Li j reconstructive properties, enriches the blood, restores weight and imparts vigor and tone to the whole system. If you feel yourself losing ground, try Scott's Emuhion-the Strength-Builder. Ccott & Bowac, Biowafieid.N. . u-a

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