THE UOBESOXlAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 19 18. PAGE SEVEN PERUNA No sufferer from catarrh of the stomach can read Mrs. Van Buren's letter without a feeling of thank fulness. "1 have spent a prreat deal of money with doctors for catarrh of the Mtomach and at times have teen compelled to give up my housework for days. For years 1 did not know what a well day wm and cannot help but feel that I would mot be alive to-day had I not been induced to try Peruna. Six bottle of Peruaa iae me a wen woman." Made Me a Well Woman For Years Did Not Know a Well Day a: , t, ?a,"e v- VanBuren. 17 v n olA wrand Rapid,. rKrPas$ Commander Valley City Hive, L. O. T. M. Liquid or Tablet Form Sold Everywhere I JOIN THE RED CROSS. An Urgent Call to c . ls of Robeson County to Become Cross Anxil! Junior Red rie. J NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Robeson County In the Su perior court. E. M. Morris, vs. J. E. Mor ris. The defendant above named will take no tice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Robeson county to obtain a divorce absolute upon the Ktotutory ground of separation for ten suc cessive years by the defendant from the plain tiff : and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the term of Superior court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the 1st Monday in Mnrch. 1919, at the court house in said rmmtv in Lumberton, in. l,., and answer or demur I rnob'liv atiori inmni i to th( complaint in said action, or the plain-Nv " 0n CamPs fnr physical exam, tin wfil apply to the court for the relief dc-, ol0n m.mdci! 'n said complain. ' - Thi . II, 1918. C B. SKIPPER. Clerk Superior Court. W. 11. K'nlaw, Aity. 11 14 4 Thurs. British Liner Arrives With Araer can Troops. The British steamship Mauretania, returning to the United States with the first large "body of American overseas troops, anchored in Grave- wena nay, JNew York, Sunday night. ak W5S ?et by navy and army tugs. Aboard the ship were several thou sand members of the air service who were stationed in England. The sol diers will be taken di Correspondence of The Eo'.esoi. :n. Red Cross headquarters are urgirT an schcol childr--- oi" '-'-9. ed States to wear the L .;i Cross fcut tors during the woe1' ;f the Cirist-nas Red Cross Roll Call. Ten mtlKo-i1 children in our country are alreadvj members of the Junior R 1 Cros. Tn V shows how Robeson cou ity -and-. But can't we put forth ex ra eilort in the next two weeks and have every child in our countv enrolled? i The plan is so easy no scho A can j afford not to be enrolled. Then when' the boys come back let them see that their schools were behind them. Each school is given an embossed c?;r;fi- cate when the organization fected. Irocos Designated for Early Re turn Home. Four- divisions in their entirety and " Cjur units of eight other divisions A te American arniy in France have n . esignated by General Pershing , i r an early return home. These, troops, with other special units, Gen-j eral March, chief of staff, announced turds y, total 3,451 officers and 79. 0: ! inen. The complete divisions which will re ,irn an early date. General March' sa: ;. are the 39th, 76th, 87th, and 92nd. Important elements of the following divions to return as soon as trans-! poi.ation facilities are available are the 31st, 34th, 39, 40th, 84th, 85th, Set!, and 88th. ran MB MMM mm. mm I Mmm mW IS A DELIGHTFULLY PERFUMED DRESSING DfOmOtlnff the Orowfh nt rha hair and makes harsh, stubborn hair nf r andsllkv. It remOTM Hanrfrnff anil am.- f m . , w- - . aivruv tailing naif at once, and mU kiniu nr n,,Kvn,n k:. I, . ' . : uau an Ml Kill, Juxurlant and beautiful. Do not accent imitation, or ...s.ri. tutes. Large boxes mailed 25c. The Cocotone Co., Atlanta, Ga. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. For Sale By Grantham Bros. Lumberton, N. C. is To feel strong, have good appetite cum ingestion, sleep soundly and en joy me, use burdock Blood Bitters, the family system tonic. Price Si. 25 ace Daily papers recently published the plan of organizing the schools as giv en by F. M. Darnall, director of Ju- uiui xveu ross oi tne southern sion. In substance it ran as follows:! Each school raises 25c per ca :ita in! any way teachers see fit, but thei ideal way is for each child to pay the I 25c. However, there are alwaj s sorp who do not do this, and the deficit can be raised by individuals or in anv way desired. At any rate, let all the children of Robeson county at lea have an opportunity of joining the great band of Juniors. The Junior Red Cross chairman of 1 1 i i ii eaen orancn snouid organize every school under its jurisdiction. Interest the teachers and thev will organize each school in a few davs. Chairmen. teachers, parents, rally to this call and see that your school has the right to raise a Red Cross flag! Kead Wilson's appeal to the ch" dren and make Robeson county stand first at least in the State. My boy. Willie Clark, about 11 years age, has left home and I object to per-1 any person, white or colored taking n.r.i in or giving him food or shelter SADDLETREE TOPICS. in the State of North Carolina. J. C. CLARK, Purvis, X. C. School Under Way Literary Society Organized Personal Mention. D. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Saddletree (Lumberton. R. 21. Nov 29- The Saddletree school opened No vember 18th under the manaepmpnt I r nt: tr . . , . "S : n Having qualified as administratrix of we 1 ux . , , ??? 01 Ked Prings many friends for numerous kindnesses estate of Alford Britt, deceased, late of Robe-i a? principal and Miss Amelia Powers durinir the trouble thrnnirr. whii-h I ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. afternoon in St. Pauls. We are sorry to report Mrs. J rowell on the sick list. Mrs. William McPhail is spending a while with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Covington of Maxton. CARD OF THANKS. I wish in this manner to thank our son county, this is to notify all persons hav- of Lumberton. assistant ng c aims against estate to Dresent them t the undersigned administratrix, or to E. J. i ritt, attorney, on or before the 1 day of No- ' vmber, 1919, or this notice will be plead in j oar of their recovery. All persons indebted 1 to ?ai destate will make immediate payment. I This Oct. 30, 191R. WINCY BRITT, Administratrix. 1 J. Britt, Attorney. 10 31 6 Thurs. On Friday afternoon a literarv so- the death of and my children have just passed in NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. iualif:"d as administrator of thei at 2 of W. P. Andrews, deceased, late of ; Chairmen, 1 Robeson county, this is to notify all persons' . .. ciami ij.'aiiiRL siiia estaie to present f'.e to the undersigned admisistrator on or before the 15tL d;.y of November, 1919, or this ; ncl.'ce will be r'esd in bar of recovery. ' " rersons indebted to said estate are re- i quirsted to makj ..nmediate payment. -:..s November II, 1918. J. M. ANDREWS, Administrator cf W. P. Andrews, deceased 11 11 6 Thurs. ciety was organized officers were elected vid Powell: vice president. Ben H nm- phrey; secretary, Beulah Mae Hum phrey; librarian, Corean Humphrev; chaplain, Murry Humphrey. Messrs. J. J. Humphrey and F. L. Smith spent Wednesday afternoon in Fayetteville. my wife. During her The following i illness and at the time of hpr death President. Da- our friends were tireless in their rr and attention, and we thank each one of them most sincerely. J. S. THOMPSON. Lumberton. N. C, Dec. 2, 1918. Constipation causes headache, indi- fpstinn dizziness rlrnu'cinoco Wny o Mr. Benson Humphrey is expected i mild, opening medicine, use Doan's to: Buy Goods! Bargains vance. x Boys' suits bought before the last ad- Repatriated American Prisoner; Given Enthusiastic Welcome. i v . administuator-s notice. rn -l j j j , . . . .having qualified as administrator of the Une hundred and f if ty-SIX American . estate of Peter F. McRae, deceased, late of Officers and non-commissioned officers, Robeson County, North Carolina, this is to the first prisoners of war in Germany j nory a,n r8?'1s 472? cl Bain?t e f , , o .7 . X I estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the w ue icieaseu Liirougn OWllzeriana, I undersigned at Fayetteville, N. C. or Maxton, - m j 1 T i i l-v" r- . a . , . . . ... i. on or oeiore twelve montns irom wis drte, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of thtir recovery. All persons indebted to the '.id estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. - This 12th ds-y of November, 1918. M. B. McRAE, J. G. McRAE. Administrators of Peter F. McRae, deceased. 11 14 6 Thurs. home Friday from Buies Creek. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Humphrey en tertained a few of their friends Thanksgiving. The out-of-community guests were their daughter, Miss Mary Humphrey, Mr. Charles Caudell and Miss Addie Townsend, all of St. Pauls. Regulets- 30c a box at all stores. notice of administration. The Quality line of Boys' and Men's pants. Latest fads in Young Men's and Boys' hats and caps Complete line of underwear for the entire family Big Values in shoes for Boys and Men, both fine and sub stantial. The long-wear shoes for children The Bell line of shoes for ladies and Misses. Our prices are reasonable and values good. We ask that you see our goods before you buy. YOURS TO PLEASE. K. M. BIGGS were repatriated Nov. 29, states a dis patch from Berne, Switzerland. The majority had been captured about five months ago. A large number of the men were aviators. The men rode on a special train with French and British former prisoners. The repatriated men left 3avaria Friday morning and crossed Lake Constance. They were met at Zurich by enthusiastic crowds of Swiss and Americans, some of whom sat up all night to see the former prisoners The welcome at Berne surpassed al most anything of this kind seen in Switzerland since the war, the dis patch states. Having qualified as administrator of th estate of Isaiah Wilcox, deceased, late ot Robeson county, this is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present same to the undersigned administrator on or Miss Tnnie ?mith nf T?orl Qv:rrc. tne ia day ol November, 1919, or this 1 m, 1 smith Ot Ked Springs ' notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. This October 29th, 1918. JAMBS D. PROCTOR. Administrator of Isaiah Wilcox, deceased. 10 81 6 Thurs. spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. F. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Mclntyre and Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Biggs of Lum berton spent Thanksgiving day at the home of their parents, Mr .and Mrs. J. Biggs. Mr. Stanly Harris of St. Pauls pass ed through our community Thursday afternoon. Mr. A. J. Humphrey spent Tuesday When baby suffers with eczema or some itching skin trouble, use Doan's Ointment. A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 60c a box at all stores. TO AILING WOMEN NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. A Little Sound Advice Will Help Mcny a Sufferer In Lumberton. A Financial Philosopher The one who has a checking account in this Bank becomes not only a financier but a philosopher. Paying all obligations by check induces economy by stop ping little expense leaks and develops a surplus fund that permits of added freedom and comfort. SEE US ABOUT IT TODAY. THE PEOPLE'S BANK & TRUST GO FAIRMONT, N. C Under and by virtue of the power pud au thority contained in p. certain deed of trust executed by George E. Dennis and wif.?. Ellen P. Dennis to J. H. Litae, Trustee for John B. Ross, under date of April 10th, 1917, &--.J. duly recorded in the office of the Register cf Deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina, in Book No. 40, at page 279, (default having besn made in the payment of the indebtedness secured erefey), I, the undersigned Trustee, will on Monday the Ph day cf January, 1910, at 12 o'clock M., ax the court house door in the town of Lumberton, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction, to the high tit bid der, for cash, the following described land, to-wit : All that certain lot or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being in Parkton township, Robeson County, North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows : Situated in the town of Parkton and front ing 135 feet, more or less, on street No 3, and running back with that width 143 feet, more or less, adjoining the property of John G. Hughes on the South and that of the Lumber Bridge Presbyterian church on the east and -west; being a part of the property which was conveyed to Emma K. Blount by deed of Benjamin Blount, duly recorded in the office of the Rgeister of Deeds for Robeson county in Book 54. page 471, and being all the prop erty now owned by the said Emma K. Blount in said town of Parkton : and being in all respects the same lot or parcel of land con veyed to George E. Dennis by the said Emma K. Blount bv deed dated the 29th day oi f eo- ruary, 1916, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Kobeson bounty in book 60, page 472, to which deed and tne aeea therein referred to, reference is hereby made. This the 3rd day of December, 1918. J. H. LITTLE, 12 5 4 Thurs. Trustee. No woman should consider herself healthy and well if the kidneys are weak. Poisons that pass off in the secretions when the kidneys are well, are retained in the body when the kidnevs are disordered. If the kid neys aud bladder become inflamed and I swollen worse troubles may quickly follow. This is often the cause of bearing-down pains, lameness, back ache, etc. Lric poisoning is also fre quent cause of headaches, dizzy spells, languor, nervousness and rheu matic pain. When suffering so, try Doan's Kid ney Pills, a remedy that has proven effective m thousands of such cases. Let a Lumberton woman tell of her experience. Mrs. I. E. Bullard, 401 Chippewa bt., it a m t t i i says: A snort time ago i was taicen with a slight case of kidney complaint and backache. I used a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills and they made me feel much better. I am glad to recommend this remedy, for I know it is lust as represented. Price 60c, at all dealers. JJon't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Bullard had:. Foster-iaJiipurn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. People of Culture. Progressive, cultured people wan and will have the best possible ref erence library. No other compares favorably with the New Internationa Encyclopedia. Write today lor rea sonable orices and easy terms. J. Norsworthy, Lock Box 872, Lumber ton, N. C. Your Boys Want It. Boys young or old want and will read with delight "Mark Twain." This complete work, 25 volumes, $32.00, $1 with order, $2 a month until January 1st, ONLY. Mail your order TODAY to J. T. Norsworthy, Lock Box, 872, Lumberton, jN. C. SAVE MONEY You can do that by totting us supply your grocery wants. We carry a complete line of groceries and our prices are winners. GIVE US A TRIAL ODEN & POWELL Chestnut Street Lumberton, N. C. The Bight Place We can supply your wants in Christ mas gifts. See our line of Men's Neckwear, Gloves, etc. Attractive line holiday handkerchiefs. Complete line of crepe de chine and Georgette dress silks. b Headquarters for all kinds Christmas Toys. John Thomas Biggs Lemons Whiten and Beautify the Skin! Make Cheap Lotion Invest The Money You can save by trading with me in WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. They are on sale at my store- Eemember you can get what you want and get it cheaper from I. H. Warwick General Merchant, OminL : N. Car. GET OUT A POLICY and do it now. Fires are dis astrous and delay are dan gerous. Yon can't bring back what is consumed by fire. Yon can, though, BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it'e one of oar companies. Premiums on doubtful policies is money thrown away. Be sure and insure with us. Q. T. W ILLIAMS Lumberton. N. C. W AIM TO PLEASE W ANQ , YOU HIT SHOP EARLY LUMBERTON, N. C. ti,o 4iiio rf two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three nnnnw nf nTP.hard white maKes a whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon sKin Deauimer at wie cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice fU-ixvu nrVi a firm rlnth so no lemon pulp UllUUgll m. . - - c note ;i tVion tlnia lotion will keeD fresh for months- Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to Dieacn ana re Klpmishp.s as freckles, sal- lowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and Deautuier. Tnct trv it! Make ud a Quarter pint nf fViio fraerrant lemon lotion V J. vuia wwwj and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should nat urally help to whiten, soiten, iresnen, arA ivrin o- out the hidden roses and heautv of any skin. It is wonderful fmr much- red hands. Vmir dnuredst will sell three ounces of orchard white at little cost, and any grtcer will supply tne lemons. O.Caldwell&Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EMBALMING Oldest Undertaking Establish ment in this community. Our equipment is good and when called TT3 render satisfactory ser vice. Day Telephone 119; night, 82 or 312 or 226. HEBE'S THE STORE that has what you want when you want it and as you want it. We know how to buy drugs to get the best quality and we know how to sell them so that you get what you want. In addition to KNOWING HOW, we are dominated by the desire to please you. SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTEED. I LUMBERTOHJJ