PAGE TWO. "T FEEL that I must write dnd tell A you the great benefit I have ex perienced from using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin. I had always suffered from indigestion but since taking Syrup Pepsin I am no longer troubled in that way, and I cannot praise it too highly as a laxative." THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1918. (From a lett Mrs. Geo. letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Schaeffer, 1103 West Ave Utica, N. Y. ) Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (SS) $1.00 ton, received the other day the fol lowing letter from her son in France: Somewhere in France, Nov. 17, 1917. Dear Mother: I will drop you a few lines in an swer to your letter I received yester day. I was glad to hear from you all. I am well and getting on fine. Well, I guess the war is about to a finish, they have signed the armistice and have quit shooting and I don't think they will start any more. I don't know just how long we will be in this country. I guess, we will be over here for a while at the best. I think that we will be back in 'he U. S. A. by next spring. Anyway, 1 hope so. I got a letter from Mr. Dailey last week but I haven't had time to answer it yet. Tell him I will write as soon as we get settled in some plae. I don't know just where we are going. I will write you all as soon as we get settled, so don't worry about me, I am well and in good health. GILBERT P. TAYLOR, Co. I. 47 Inf. A combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, mild and gentle in its action, that re lieves constipation quickly. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to DrW. B. Caldwell, "458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. WITH ROBESON SOLDIERS. Chiming of Church Bells Follow ed Roar of Battle. Mrs. A. B. Baker of Fairmont sends The Robesonian the following letter from her son: A. P. 0. 791, Nov. 11, 1918. My Dear Mother: Today I would like to be in the States to join in the celebration of the Allied victory, and the downfall of the most wicked government man has ever known. But what could be more emotional than to be on the scene of action, and to hear the last gun sound, then instead of the roar that has brought peril to every home in the world be startled by the chiming of church bells, and the shrill of whis tles. On the exact minute of eleven a. m. as specified by Foch, every gun ceased to fire, but two minutes before the boys were advancing before a solid curtain of machine-gun bullets. At no time during the war has men shown more bravery, endurance, and determination than did our boys in their last effort to get rid of the hun. Without an exception every man in our organization is as well as could be desired. Nothing could be more taxing on one s patience than the wait which we will have before embarking for the only land an American can whole heartedly love. Will write again soon, love to all "i'our loving son, Sgt. B. C. BAKER, Ambulance Co. 324, 306 Sanitary Training, American Expd. Forces. Robesonian Business Builders get results try one. NOTICE OF SALE. At the Jennie Hilliard home, in the eastern part of the town of Lumber ton, on the second day of January, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m., I will offer for sale at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, one range, one organ, chairs, bedsteads, tables, bureaus, dressers, kitchin safes, cooking utensils, a sewing ma chine and other things of value. W. H. KIN LAW, Executor. 12 12 2 Thurs. Boys Hope to Be Home By Spring. Mrs. J. D. Taylor of R. 5, Lumber- NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY, In the Superior Court, before the clerk. J. G. McRae and M. B. McRae, Administrators of P. F. McRae, deceased, and J. G. McRae and M. B. McRae individually. vs. W. A. McRae, Archie E. Cottingham, John Leach and American Trust Company, a cor poration. To W. A. McRae and Archie E. Cottingham : The defendants above named, will take no tice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced before the clerk of the Su perior court of Robeson County, North Car olina ,to subject the lands of P. F. McRae, deceased, to sale for the purpose of making assets to say the debts of said decedent and the costs and charges of administration ; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the cleark of the Superior court of the said coun ty of Robeson, at his office in the court house, at Lumbex-ton, N. C, on the 6th day of Jan uary, 1919, at ten o'clock a. m. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 7th day of December, 1918. (Signed) C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of the Superior Court. 12 12 4 Thurs. lil a MkW "PERFUMED DRESSING For promoting the growth of the hair and makes harsh, stubborn hair soft and silky. It removes dandruff and stops falling hair at once, and makes kinky or stubborn hair straight. luxuriant and beautiful. Do not accent imitations or substi. tutes. Large boxes mailed 25c. The Cocotone Co., Atlanta, Ga For Sale By Grantham Bros. Lumberton, N. C. I J l he seriousness ot one- the happiness in the obligation of the other But both are badges of honor one standing for exceptional valor on the battlefield the other, for membership in the greatest of all humanitarian organizations, your American Red Cross. The work of the soldier is practically finished. The work of the Red Cross has really just begun. Your membership and the moral support such membership gives are essential in carrying on Red Cross activities. Let us all realize that in our happiness of another Christmas of Peace and Plenty let us not forget the sufferings and privations of our war-torn friends across the sea let us make our Christmas festival a Red Cross Christmas with full member ship in every American home. mmmmm 9-tfJL J9 Put your flag in your window let your neighbors know you haven't foi got ten Belgium and France and our boys who remain overseas. loin the Red Cross fj -all you need is a heart and a dollar THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY A. WEINSTEIN Wear your Button Will you bo wearing your membership button when the boys como home? Join USB 41 A i m m r.m m. 79 -vMrS' -ftV -rV GREAT - REDUCTION - SALE J. D. McLean Company, Inc., Fairmont, N. C, Friday, December 20th. Will offer their friends and customers some of the greatest bargains in merchandise ever offprAH ir, v,i .,n,, goods, shoes, clothing, hosiery, underwear, etc., will go on sale It greatly redded pricls This k Zt ?w?m j T?7' ?a,b?e toJ2" entire stock of t TY at surprisingly low prices; and our policy of HONEST REPRESENTATION SanTbehtad every arucltold ' MERCHANDISE OF QUALI- 9 We are not publishing a long list of prices suffice it to say that we have a full stock of mer chandise, forty thousand dollar stock, for you to select from, which we shall offer at prices unheard of within the past year or more no old or shelf-worn goods, but practically everything in our store new and up-to-date. Ladies and misses shoes and silk hose, all the latest styles and colors. i I si i Our line of shoes is exceptional we propose to show you some of our greatest bargains. The cele brated BATES shoes for men, WOLVERINE Work shoes for men, a great line of shoes for the boys, girls and little tots. i Remember the date, FRIDAY December 20th be here on the first day then tell your friends of the bargains we are offering. We expect our satisfied customers to be our best advertisement dur ing this sale as always. jsesGI In m I 0. m 1 Special prices on a large assort ment of silks, dress goods of all Kinds, ginghams, etc. prtX" W &bZX?5 SiS Ssf merChandiSe befOTe neW and to make the prices that the people iU reaUze the Z Goods Sold at Sale Prices for Cash Only, Nothing Booked. m mm I m A. McLEAN tM l&m m mm