f AGE FOUR h K ftOBESONIAN eration of every patron it is impossi- , doubtedly I hlo fnr thpm in he flfisnlut.pl v snrp that vice, will done the party some "go into every county ser-and Published ft tOBESONlAN PUBLISHING CO- , . A SHARPF. President THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1918. t UBSCR1PTION RATES ilhM year ?2.00 far months 1.00 Tkrea month? 50 no child from a home where there is a case of "flu" is attending school. If just one child goes to school from con tact with a case every chiid in school is in danger. An ordinance imposing a suitable penalty would be fair to ail and would be more effective than any amount of urging, with present to the people a proposed pro gram for the continued progress of the State." Ships bringing home tropps from overseas, some of them wounded men, are arriving at New York almost daily. Among the soldiers arriving compliance 1 Tuesday was Maj. Oliver M. White of Girls! Use Lemons! Make a Bleaching, Beautifying Cream with the request left to the individual ! Roanoke, Va., wounded at Verdun, conscience. j who said that the only thing that beat o ; the Germans at Chateau Thierry was Offlc 197 West Fourth Street ' Telmhonc No. 20 Cntered as second class mail matter t the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. JOIN THE RED CROSS. So well known is the Red Cross, so well understood has become the work of this great organization for the re lief of suffering since its marvelous work during the war has challenged the admiration of the world, that it would seem to be entirely unnecessary to make an appeal to men and women to join. But there is ever present with us the tendency to indifference, to "let George do it," and let up now that the war is over, that constont reminders are necessary. A herculean task lies immediately before the American Red Cross, a task even greater than it performed so ad mirably while the war lasted. Then its activities were confined to the Entente countries; now the whole wide world is its field. There are famine conditions to relieve, millions of peo ple are hungry and cold and sick who will know no help except such as reaches them through the Red Cross. Common or garden variety of grati tude for what the Red Cross has meant to men in the service of their country from homes in Robeson county ought to make every citizen of the county eager to join. It comes right home to us. Many a mother in Robe son county has reason to thank God for what the Red Cross has done for her boy. Read elsewhere in this pa per what a soldier boy from Robeson writes his mother about the Red Cross. "I shall always be glad," he writes, "that we gave to this cause as liber ally as we did and I will give to it as long as it needs help and want you to. They are doing a great work over here. They give the boys anything they need. They have given me so many things I cannot begin to tell you." Such is the testimony of one who has received the benefits. Just the simple story - of soldiers is all that is needed to convince any one of the great work the Red Cross is doing. No one is compelled to join. "The quality of mercy is not strained." But you will be given an opportunity. It only takes a dollar. You will not be asked to join twice. Let's roll up a membership including every citizen of Robeson county by the night of the 23rd inst. President Wilson has been given such a welcome in France as has nev er been given the head of any other nation there. The French people hon or him for what he represents as the head of this great nation. It is a pity that while he is acclaimed abroad and honored for the high purposes which impelled him to go to Europe, there is petty criticism of his course at home. In certain quarters desperate effort is being made to make it appear that President Wilson does not correctly interpret the thought and purposes of the American people. Mr. Wilson is not disturbed by these small and jeal ous faultfinders. He "knows, and knows that he knows," and the hopes of hitherto hopeless peoples all over the world are centered in him. The heathen may rage and imagine a vain thing, but we shall sadly miss our guess if the wisdom of the President's course does not dawn on all the fear ful ones bye and bye. o Mr. Cameron Morrison of Charlotte disturbs the political waters with the formal announcement that he will be a candidate in the next Democratic primary for Governor, to succeed Mr. Bickett. He says he "will go intoi every county in the State and present direct to the people a proposed pro-! gram for the continued progress of the State." There will be no dearth of candidates for the sovereigns to I select from. It has long been regarded as certain that Lieut. Gov. Max Gard ner will be in the race. Messrs. R. N.j Page and Rufe Doughton probably' will be candidates, and Mr. A. M. Scales of Greensboro is being urged by his friends to offer. Other gentlemen besides Mr. Morrison, who has un- the "doggone determination of the Americans to go ahead." That is what broke the Hindenburg line: It couldn't be done but the Americans did it. o For any itchiness of the skin, for skin rashes, chap, pimples, etc., try Doan's Ointment. 60c at all drug stores. The memorial of the State universi ty to the late President E. K. Graham will take the for mof a $100,000 build ing to be known as the "students' ac tivities building", according to a plan presented by the alamni. Feel languid, weak, run down? Headache? Stomach "off?" A good remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters. Ask your druggist. Price, $1.25. At the cost of a small jar of or dinary cold cream one can pi'epare a full quarter pint of the most wonder ful lemon skin softener and complex ion beautifier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white. Care should be taken to strain the juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blem ishes as sallowness, freckles and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smooth ener and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is wonderful to smoothen rough, red hands. FOR COLDS & GRIPPE DOCTORS ADVISE SEES The Improved Calomel Tablet That is Entirely Purified of All Nauseating and Dangerous Qualities. Physicians are warning the public against trifling with colds, influenza and grippe. They say that a brisk calomel purgative, preferably Calo tabs, the new and improved calomel tablet, should be invariably taken at bed time and repeated the second or third night, if necessary. In the ear liest stages, one Calotab is usually sufficient unless the case is particu larly severe.- Physicians say that it is a waste of time and is dangerous to experiment with other laxatives, as calomel is absolutely necessary sooner or later. One Calotab on the tongue at bed time with a swallow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with diet, work or plea sures. Next morning your cold has vanished and your whole system is purified and refreshed. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages. Price thirty-five cents. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists every where. Price refunded if you are not delighted. adv. The War is Closed The boys are coming home. The ban is lifted on Christmas giving and the presentation opportunity will never come to us again with as much importance as this year brings. A time when the giver of a gift wants to be sure that his selection will reflect life long credit to his memory. You may be assured that your gift, if purchased here, will rank high in perfection generations to come. Our stock is complete and we will be glad to show you any time our line of : Men's and Boy's watches $1.50 up Ladies' Bracelet watches $12.50 up Silver card cases $7.50 up Parasols $5.00 up Diamond Lavalliers $3.50 up Diamond Bar Pins $5.00 up Diamond Stick Pins . . . $4.50 up Cameo Brooches $5.00 up MANY OTHER USEgtiL GIFTS AT SPECIAL 33, t tvery life has its vecemuer. -4)orit be old and Door Bank your money NOW He had a chance once. When he was young he earned money and could have put some of it in the bank. By now, that money might have grown to be a fortune. At any rate it would have been a snug sum to have, and would have provided for him. Every life has its December if we live it out. Bank your money with us and have i:o fear of the future. COMB TO OUR BANK. WE ADD 4 PER CENT INTEREST. First National Bank (Bank opposite -he court house) LUMBERTCN, - N. C, l3k ! 3 & EE : CHRISTMAS BARGAINS PRICES. 1 A- J. HOLMES JEWELRY Next door to K. M. Biggs A Successful farmer Needs a Bank Account WHY NOT AN ORDINANCE? Would it not be wise for the town fathers to pass an ordinance imposing a suitable penalty for allowins chil dren to go to school from homes where there is a case of the "flu" or any other communicable disease? That would throw an effective safeguard around the schools and protect the children as no simple request will pro tect them. The request has been made repeatedly that children be kept away from school when there is a case of 4'flu" in the family, but it is known that that request has been disregard ed. Some people are prone to S3t up their own standards about such tilings. They decide that there is no danger of their child giving the disease to any one else and, in defiance of the re quest based upon the judgment of the physirians, they send their child to school. If the request is wise, why would not an ordinance making it compul sory be wise ? Every precaution is being taken by Supt. Cale and the teachers at the graded and high school. They are do ing every thing they can do to protect the children, but without the co-op- Farm For Sale. 350 Acres, 125 in cultivation, ? miles south ot White- ville, N. C. Splendid tobacco, cotton and corn farm. A big bar gain for quick sale at $9000. Terms, see E. C. NEALY, Owner, VINELAND, N. C, or HARNLY & FELTON, Agts., CHADBOURN, N. C. Feeling Big The greatest joy of a child is "feeling Dig" "like a man." Nothing makes a child feel so big as having a bank account. Put a bank book in the little folks stockings this Xmas and explain to them what it means. You can open an account here for them and yourself too with as little as one dollar. THE PEOPLE'S BANK & TRUST GO FAIRMONT, N. C. We cordially invite you to make this institution your banking head quarters, v , We are adding new names to our list of well pleased customers every day. Why Not Join the Crowd? The National Bank of Lumberton A. W. McLEAN, Pres. M. F. COBB, Cashier. NOTICE! 20 payment of Sub scriptions to the Fourth Liberty Loan now due. State of Ohio. Cifv of Toledo, Lucas County, lr. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm cf F. J. Cpeney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said Arm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for ench and every case of Catarrh that .an.S?tT,?T,cur,'i by tne use f HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem be A,; D- lm- A- w- GLEASON, gf ) Notary Public. ?a11 8 Catarrh Cure 8 taken intern ally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. -JZ-J- CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. t?2?..byan .PnwtfBts. 75c. Hall Family pm tor comtlDation. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY, In the Superior Court, Dec. Term, 1918. Beaufort County Lumber Company of North Carolina, a corporation et al. vs. B. H. Las siter, R. E. Lassiter, Mrs. R. E. Lassiter, Gary Lassiter, et al. To the defendants R. E. Lassiter, Mrs. R. E. Lassiter and Gary Lassiter : You and each of you will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court dS Robeson county for the purpose of extending certain rights and. privileges contained in a certain timber deed executed by some of the defend ants herein to the plaintiffs, and in which the said defendants are interested : and the I said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March 1919 (it being the 27th day of January 1919), at the court house in said county in Lum berton, 'N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 3rd day of December, 1918. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean and H. E. Stacy, 12 5 4 Thurs Attorneys for plaintiff. INSURE TO DAY YOUR LIFE, HEALTH, AND PROPERTY. Southern Life & Trust Co., Old Colony Insurance Co., Greensboro, N. C. Boston, Mass. Continental Casualty Co., Westchester Fire Insurance Co., Chicago, 111. New York, N. Y. "TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE." C. V. BROWN, Ag't AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE Household and kitchen furniture. farm implements, including planters and distributors, 3 Mules, Hogs and Chickens, Z wagons, 2 buggies. All in good condition, selling only account of moving. Will be sold at my resi dence at Saddletree church Monday, Dec. 23, at 11 a. m. Frank L. Smith. Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't remove them. Doan's Ointment is recommended for itching, bleeding or protruding piles. 60c at any drug store. The nersonal nrnnertv nf F. T. Odom, Pembroke, N. C, consisting of horses, mules, parts, wacnns mm j , t i o J ""J, buggies, farm implements consisting of plows, cotton and corn planters, cultivators, mowing machine and rake gram arm, threshing machine, pea huller, hay loader. Also cotton gin, saw mill, engine and boiler all com plete. Fine Jersey hogs will also be offered at same time. Time of sale: Dec. 30, 1918, 10:30. A. M. Terms, cash. E. L. ODUM, Pembroke, N. C. m EES Robeson County Farm - Life School PH1LADELPHUS An institution which primarily fits the Boy or Girl for the Great Tasks of making Home-life worth the living. Aii institution which gives the Boy a chance bv encour aging and requiring him to work out his own prob lems on his own farm with the boarding student this means a part of the school farm. Lawrence H. McCuIlough, PRESIDENT Red Springs, N. C. B s III s few 8 - -i , s 1 Q. T. WILLIAMS Lumberton, N. C. GET OUT A POLICY and do it now. Fires are dia astrous and delay are dar gerous . You can't bring back what is consumed by fire. You can though, BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's one of our companies Premiuma on doubtful poiici is money thrown away. lie sure and insure with u.

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