THE ROBESONUN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1918. PAGE FIVE Of m m m m m m m m aaasssssa; rTTTrrr UNITED WE SERVE We most cordially invite you, as you read these lines, to remember that the business and purpose of this BANK is to SERVE YOU Our Resources of More Than $500,000.00 is proof of our financial ability to serve you, and our doors are open from 9:00 a. m to 2-00 d m everv rhv Pvrpnt Sunday, for the purpose of SERVING YOU. The most acceptable security for BR3r is your Bonded Warehouse Cotton Certificates. Bring them here and borrow money on them. A certificate from a public Bonded Warehouse is not confined in its negotiability to any one particular Bank. Unite With Us and Make Our Bank Your Bank PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST N. A. THOMPSON, President K. M. BARNES, Treasurer. G. E. RANCKE, JR., Ass't Treasurer. COMPANY. GEO. L. THOMPSON, Trust 0Sr. m s I 'THE ROBESONIAN OSee 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1918. BUSINESS BUILDERS FOR SALE A GOOD MULE, CHEAP. ALSO a few nice pigs. N. S. Watson, Marietta N. C, R. 1. SEE US FOR PIANOS AND ORGANS. WE have a supply of both used and new Stephens & Barnes, Lumberton, N. C. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR V. ANTS IN THE way of pianos and organs, both new and used. Stephens & Barnes, Lumberton, N. C ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITTAINICA FOR SALE Last edition, good condition. Bargain. Also Century Dictionary. Address Box 643. PERSONALS CHURCH NEWS NOTES Mr. G. W. Carter of R. 2, Rowland. Union meeting Ol Robeson Baptist was is town Tuesday. Association. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Parker spent Correspondence of The Rohpsonian. yesterday m Fayetteville. The union meeting of the Robeson mr. uscar jrrevatt ot K. 6, Lumber- and Asbury Sunday, 22nd, Purvis at 11 a. m. and Asbury at 3 p. m., the regular appointments. 40,C00 American Troops Have Ar rived at Coblentz. Approximately 40,000 American WANTED SHOATS FOR FEEDERS FOUR or five months old preferred. State price. J. W. McLeod. Rowland, N. C. WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE OF 3 or 4 rooms in Lumberton. G. W. Bass, Barnesville, N. C. FOR SALE : A FEW HUNDRED FEET OF flooring and several feet of 2x4 scantling. Apply at Robeeonian office. FOR SALE SEVERAL BARGAINS IN ONE, two and three farms with good im provements. See us at once. M' White & Phillips, Lumberton, N. C. ton, was in town yesterday. Mr. J. C. Baxley of the Buie sec tion was in town yesterday. Mr. W. R. Bullard of R. 1, St. Pauls, is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. Leonard Britt of Mt. Elim was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. W.. C. Walters, of Barnesville, was a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. S. H. Smith of Allenton, was among the visitors in town tcday. Mr. Colon A. Britt of the Orrum sec tion, was among the visitors in town I Tuesday. Messrs. Melton and Henry Ivey of roctorville were Lumberton visitors yesterday. Mr. S. E. Davis of R. 6, Lumberton, was among the callers at The Robe son'an oce yesterday. .'' Mr. W. D. WilUams of Fairmont, 3, was among the' callers at The Robesonian office today. Messrs. W. H. M. Brown and John Stanton of Buie were among the visi tors in town yesterday.:. Mr. T. W. Thompson and small son, Jack, of Parkton, were among the visitors in town Tuesday. uii : j i . . . Baptist association will be held at ! 00. nave arrivea Lobientz since Saddletree church December 27 and the , advance x uard reached there a 28.1918. The following nrr,o-r...n, ha V.K aj? stales a cnspatcn oi the ' q - - - -' I kf U 1 OFFER FOR SALE 560 ACRES OF LAND, 22R cleared, all new land. 5 tenant houses. 1 good dwelling, barns and stables and all out buildings necessary, 1 mile from Park orahunr. 2 churches and good school. Land frnad for anv croti. Part cash and reason able terms on balance. W. C. Caison, Own er, Parkersburg, N. C. BRING YOUR EGGS TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe, Elm street, Lumberton. van SALE: ONE HOUSE AND LOT IN heart of Marietta. C. G. Stephens, Orrum, N. C. for HALF ONE FORD AUTOMOBILE, 5- passenger, in good running order, new set of tires. Also a Tyson ft Jones buggy. Robt. McNeill, Barber, Lumberton, N. C. cE-vn ivn fifi WE CARRY GOOD stock hay, oats, molasses feed, shipstuff, coal and wood. Phone or see us wnen wm H. M. B easier. ROARD AND LODGING $25 month. Meals 50 cents, rooms 50 cents Fillyaw's Boarding House, First street. WE PAY 60 CENTS THE DOZEN CASH FOR eggs. Olympia cale, man street, mmuicuu HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL sorts of furs, hides, scrap iron u" Blacker Brothers, Chestnut street, LumDer ton, N. C. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR i f!iT. Hiiahe nts ana over. iwiuc" Grocery Company, Lumberton, N. C. mo mv rvTF.PF.ST RATE AND ELZr5, "others who are handling .the . Amounts. s2.00o.oo . m a aaa aa . Qnluunn and MOKe Roto nf interest 5 1-Z riK Lumberton. N. C VJUl A . Unvrv t Fvn ON IMPROVED LAND lone time. Rates as goo2 TaT m n give. Stephen Mclntrre . . TTxvTf- mivil FOR FIVE YEARS on .Tprov farm lands in Robeson Scot- land ana none cuuimw, - ; . y- aa ten nnn no Knnncr interest at the t. of s 1.2 ner cent. Call on or write A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. Zun. rap RFST PLACE TO "Xn' hunger is at "the OlypU Cafe. Elm street. Lumberton. been prepared by the committee: FRIDAY 10:30 a. m. Prayer and praise ser vice W. S. Johnson. 11:00 a. m. Sermon C. V. Brooks. 1:30 p. m. Christian Education, or Our Duty to our Schools and colleges L. R. Varser, S. Mclntyre. 2:15 p. m. In our present day preaching is there a tendency to neg lect fundamental doctrines? J. M. Fleming. R. L. Byrd. 3:00 p. m. Keeping our Aged Min isters from suffering for the necessi ties of life. R. A. Hedgepeth, R. N. Cashwell. SATURDAY 10:00 a. m. Prayer and praise ser vice J. Li. Johnson. 10:30 a .m. Woman's part in the work and services of our churches J. L. Jenkins, A. H. Porter. 11:15 a. m. Sermon C. H. Dur ham. 1:30 p. m. What is our duty in view oi the present tendency to be- ' little denominational distinctions ? J A large number of these troop. ave passed through the citv. while considerable forces will remain there temporarily. Miss Margaret Shelby has returned R. Miller, I. P. Hedgepeth. o Laurinburg after spending a fewi 2:15 p. m. Upon whom rests the days here visiting relatives. I responsibility of evangelizing the Miss Leila Edwards has returned world u. Townsend, 11. U. Honey- home from Tarboro, where she spent cuu several days visiting relatives I Miss Nannie Lloyd will go Saturday Prp.fihvf.Ari an Tkr ft Ti! Mnnr to Hartsville, S. C., where she will' unea, D0t; spend a week visiting relatives. ! j u My Tnhn (I Prn.tnr arnvoH hnnw viicbuvuuciivc ui mc ivuucouuiaii. this morning from the State univer- . oaDDatn scnooi every aaDDatn morn- sity, Chapel Hill, to spend the holi days. Messrs. N. B. and D. P. McArthur of Philadelphus, T. C. Driggers of Red Springs. W. W. Strickland and Fred Brown of Antioch are Lumberton vis itors today. A lazv liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (30c per box) act mildly on the liver and bowels. At all drug stores. AOTICE. Death of Mr. Dave McNeill. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Dec io Mr. Dave McNeill uie several weeks ago, death being almost instant, without much previous warn ng He lived near St. Pauls, but spent a great deal of his time near Buie, or had up to a year or so ago. He leaves a wife, 4 boys and three girls. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Robeson County In the Su- nerior court. Emma Jane Clay vs. Thomas Clay. It appearing from the amdavit of hmraa Jane Clay in this action, that Thomas Clay, the defendant therein, is not to be found in Robeson County, and cannot, after due dili- eence be found in the State, and it further appearing that a cause of action exists against said defendant and in favor ot sam piainnit said action beign for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony ex isting between the plaintiff and defendant It is therefore ordered that n'otice of this action be published once a week for four u-cpI-s in the Robesonian. a newspaper pub lished in Robeson county, setting forth the! title of the action, the purpose of the same, and requiring the defendant to appear at' the term of the Superior court oi nooeson County to be held on the 5th Monday before the 1st Monday in March, 1919, it being the 27th day of January, 1919, at the court house in said county and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. This 4th day of December, 1918. C. B. SKIPPER, 12 5 4 Thurs pd. Clerk Superior Court. mg at y:du. Classes tor ail ages men, women and children. Come A Christmas wish for all the con gregation and the community. Phil IV:1. Strength to bear your burdens Grace to carry your sorrows. Love to brighten your home. Peace of mind to balance your anxieties. Friends to minister to your needs. Joy to bright en your heart. A ray of sunshine i every tear, and at last a happy home beyond the stars Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser mon theme: "The Birth of Jesus, its meaning for our time." Evening wor ship at 7:30. Sermon theme: "Tes timonies to Jesus." Announcements will be made later in the matter of Christmas Day. All Presbyterians and those of km- A net increase of $23,317,418 in the resources of the North Carolina State banks for the past year is shown by a summary of conditions of banks is sued by the corporation commission. Tcial resources of 461 banks at the close of business, November 1, amount ed to $179,865,317. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY, In the Superior Court Beaufort County Lumber Company of North Carolina, a corporation, vs. Return William son, et al. To Marice Williamson, Fannie Williamson, Alice Williamson, Delia Williamson Gordon Williamson, Tim Williamson, Claude Williamson and Columbus Griflfn : You, and each of you, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior court of Robeson Coun ty for the purpose of extending certain rights and privileges contained in a timber deed ex ecuted to the plaintiff by some of the defend ants herein, and in which the said defend ants are interested ; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March 1919 (it be Mng the 27th day of January 1919). at the court house in said county, in Lumberton, N. .C.and answer or demur to the complaint m said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded m said com plaint. - This the 3rd day of December, 1918. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean and H. E. Stacy, 12 6 4 Thurs. Attorneys for plaintiff. GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY . Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. ; CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all to Whom These Presents May Come J Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that Caldwell, Barnes A Lee, Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No. 205 Fourth Street, in the . town of Lumberton, County of Robeson,' State ot North Carloina, E. E. Page being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be served) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing this Certificate of Dissolution : Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secre tary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 2nd day of December, 1918, file in "my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said Authentic Styles from Fore most Fashion Centers in COATS AND MILLINERY Beautiful Coats of Chiffen Broad-Cloth in most attractive styles at reasonable prices. All the new materials and shades. HATS OF QUALITY Combined with excellent styles and workmanship. x AT ' Miss Joesphine Breece's nnni dred faith and Order who are Visiting corporation, executed by all the stockholders . , , . . j thereof, which said consent and the record of Ol XCS1UCI1L 111 tuc lu w ii aim v.vniiii- nity, and all who have no regular church affiliation in town, are cordial ly invited to share with us all the ser vices and benetits ot this church Services at Purvis and Asbury. Correspondence of The Robesonian. There will be preaching at Purvis the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Ral eigh, this 2nd day of December, A. D., 1918. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Robert E. Lee, Atty for the Company 12 5 4 Thurs 32 Robesonian Business results try one. Builders get nnN'T SUFFER CATARRH OF THE HEAD. loathsome and dreaded disease, cured that loathsome T.ate Discovery while you " r more than nesses bespeak it- merO. VM Bale fey SSr&S Co?' Lumberton. N C ; Ifa'ntham Bros Lumberton N C. Gm 5r&d Sprint N. C.: J. M. Ses huh, Mfgr. ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of advertised letters remaining in the Lumberton, N. C;. Postoffice for the week ending Dec. 13, 1918: George Alford, Blanch Anderson, Mr. Yara Bullard, S. P. Brunton, Miss Ethel Britt, Mrs. Caroline Bronk, Serener Copeland, Rich ard Cobwell (2), Lacy Dowless, Miss Martha Hunt, Miss Maudie Hunt, George Leach, Miss Maggie Lennon, Miss Frances Lewis, Miss Lucy Lennon, J. M. Matthewson, Mrs. Junie McAllister, McKoy Lumber Co., Miss Dovie Pit , , "Vt-.-;? T71 lion Quick. Carl Roberts, Mrs. Rosa Rhoades, Miss Elerbelle Shipman, Miss Garfielder Smith, Miss Johnnie Sessoms, Miss t ctocVVinuQo Miss Abbie TiPPS, K. B. I-Ul-.V Mire t ""'")' ... . . , 111 1 Persons calling lor ine aoove wm say advertised letters. D D French, Postshrdlu , CeG-aJ..l mahor D. D. FRENCH, Postmaster. DELCO-Ltulfi i The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Will give your family all of the benefits of a cheerful, modern home. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Laurinburg, N. C. Notice Retail Druggists No More Vaporub Direct Buy It From Jobbers NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the authority confered upon me, the undersigned as Trustee, by at certain Deed t .mnkA hv Cammie McC. McNair and her husband, A. M. McNair dated May 2, 1912 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, in book 21, page 25 I will on Monday, the 20th day of January 1919 at the hour of 12:00 o'clock, at noon at the Court House door of Robeson county offer for sale for cash, to the highest bidder the following described real estate. In the town of Maxton, beginning at a stake in the West edge of Main street, Mrs. S. D. McRae's corner, and runs as her line N 42 W. 166 feet: thence N. 66 1-2W. 19 feet to Mrs. McRae's corner; thence N. & 153 'feet to McKinnon's corner; thence as Mc Kinnon's line S. 37 E. 225 feet to Main street; xi i wt ,w nf Main street , b. 06 W 124 feet to the beginning being the same lot designated as "First Tract" in a deed from J C McCaskell, Sr., and wife to Cammie McC. McKinnon. dated April 29th 1911, and record ed in Book 5Y, page 325 of the office of the register of deeds of Robeson county. This the 13th day of December, A. D., 1918. 12 18 Thurs J. E. DAVIS, Trustee. Effective Immediately, No More Direct Shipments Will Be Made Retailers. All Shipments Now Go to Jobbers for Redistribu tion. When the influenza epidemic struck the country and wiped out our ware house and jobbers' stocks almost over night, we were faced with the prob lem of distributing to the stricken districts in the quickest possible manner our daily output of VapoRub. We solved this bv offering to ship di rect to the retailers in these influenza districts, by parcel post prepaid, quan tities of not more than three dozen VapoRub in any one shipment, and by shipping what was left from our daily production to our jobbers by ex nvptjs ins tead of freight. This was costlv. but it solved the problem for the time being. Now, however, we find that these small shipments are constantly increasing we have received as many as 1,306 in a sintrle mail. It is becoming im- We believe that we can serve you better now by reverting to our former policy of shipping exclusively through the jobber, and, effective immediately, no more drop shipments will be made. While we have put on a night shut and have, thereby, about doubled our production, we are still unable to Hi our back orders and won't be able to give each jobber all the VapoRub he wants. Hence, it will be necessary for the iobbers to continue distribut- more quickly, they are really slowing ud the process ing VapoRub in small lots only. But we will be able to furnish each jobber at least twice the quantity of VapoRub that he nurchased for the correspond ing months last year, so there should not be any difficulty in your getting vour pro rata share. We feel that the public appreciates the service that the retail and wnole sale drug trade have rendered the countrv in this time of stress. We wish to express to both branches of the trade our thanks for the kind co It lb UCtUllllllg - - . neBiw0 fnr ns to fill these oromptlv. operation extenueu us in uU1 MVOOIPLTIV- . - ' . -I . and instead of distributing our goods meet cms emergency. THE VICK CHEMICAL CO. Greensboro, N. C. Our Store Will be Open Evenings Commencing Thursday, Until Christmas T3P Eve 525 332 03 I s Join the I&dGoss ana a uouar L II. CALDWELL yi iJtJ NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the power and au thoritv contained in a certain deed of trust execu:r-d by George E. Dennis and wife. Ellen P Dennis to J. H. Little. Trustee for John E. Ros. under date of April fOth. 1517, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deed? of Robeson County, North Carolina, in Book No. 40, at paee 270, (default having been made in &e pavment of the indebtedness secured thereby), L the undersigned Trustee, will on Monday the 6th day of January, 1919, at 12 o'clock !:, at the court house door in the town of Lumberton, North Carolina, offer for sale : t public auction, to the highest Did der, for cash, the following described land, to-wit : All that certain lot or parcel of land sit uate, lying and being in Parkton township, Robeson Gounty, North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows: Situated in the town of Parkton and front ing 135 feet, more or less, on street No 3, and running back with that width 143 feet, more or less, adjoining the property of John G. Hughes on the South and that of the Lumber Bridge Presbyterian church on the ea.-t and west : being a part of the property which was conveyed to Emma K. Blount by deed of Benjamin Blount, duly recorded in the office of the Rgeister of Deeds for Robeson county in Book 54, page 471, and being all the prop erty now owned by the said Emma K. Blount in said town of Parkton : and being in all respects the same lot or parcel of land con veyed to George E. Dennis by the said Emma K. Blount by deed dated the 29th day of Feb ruary. 1916. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County in Book SO. page 472, to which deed and the deed therein referred to, reference is hereby made. This the 3rd day of December, 1918. J. H. LITTLE, 12 5 4 Thurs. Trustee.

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