THE A ROBESONIAN IZTTTIT i - a1 ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS VOL. IXL COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH S2.00 A YEAH. DUE IN ADVANC LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY DECEMBER 23, 1918 NUMBER 92 GREAT MEETINGS AND SER- MR. A. W. McLEAN AT HOME. MONS Or OKEAT POWER. CAUGHT IN THE ACT. WITH ROBESON SOLDIERS Thousands Are Attending Services at Banner Warehouse Hundreds Arej Being Turned From Sin "Signs of j the Times" Subject This Evening j Services Christmas Night and Twice Daily Thereafter This evening at the banner ware- Director McLeon Talks Interestingly ! Nasby Hardin in Jail on Charge of Mr. DonMcGill arrived home Fri- of Activities of War Finance Board' Selling Booze. j?ay nignt irom Portland, Oregon, hav Since Armisf ipp U'qo ClimnJ xi : t.o UIJIKU ItU , m mi m ... . XT 1 TT I! t t ... i nine may tse Kequired in Wash-! narain, jnaian, vvno lives a SOLDIERS' LETTERS ing been released from the U. S. ar- COTTON MARKET. The following interesting letter was ! pound. received a lew days ago by frot. J. K Middling cotton is selling on the local market today for 27 1-2 cents the mgton for Some Months Yet Says i few mije norJth of. Lumberton, was , Mr. Frank Bryant returned home lie schools, from his brother Dr. i Postal Zone Law Will Be RenealeH I ares;e .Saturday night on the charge Friday from Camp Jackson, S C, Claude Poole, who was located at St. Mr A w mot ? . Ir'!? ietlhlJ&. ,Sheriff Lewis and Depu-; where he had been since last August Pauls when he enlisted: i Local banks will be closed Wed- ivir A. W. ivlcLean. director of the ! tv F A WnaViort nmro n,if : ti ; ..u: a a.. i, i . , . o i n, ..,).., tu,,.j u: i. a; '. r . ""v jyuv, wiac ao lu ue is suujevb to recai out ooes not ; oomewnere in r ranee i - j "- uui sua, ui hub Tir -n- '.. . ; . " t" , ui i. mauv.c tui uuibl u . nnmp rnp no 1 von nop lunn rf u v., . a 1 1 ..i- 1 ,, . xt i i T7i j . j 1 1 " ; - . nig jx. iiaiuin anu cuiiaiuci It at all llKclv tTSt lie W11J lNOVculDcr i IJlo louse Evangelist B. F. McLendon will "day morning and will leave to re-(Saturday night they concealed them- have to return to camp I Dear Jim- p reach on "The Signs of the Times, or turn to Washington tonight. i selves at that point. They did not! I Well. I euess the neonle in the tlio Second Lomine of Christ. 13 the regular service for colored peo-1 upon the activities of the War Finance j peared on the scene takinsr two days off for Christmas. Mr. J. G. Stephens of Elizabeth- is relieving: Mr. Gradv Krink town pie but a section will oe reserved for whites and all are invited. rrl 1 Ac L-nrA 4- A. , - l v .... . , i i m mis m cuwt ui tne armistice i nave to wait loner beiore an auto an-i r,- j : v . , SttP nn lpH nftf Cnmo i.d1akaM i 4-w.;l- - ;u " e .on thft not vitio fl Wo i?i i w- u r rr.. i.t ivcv. jiuw.aiu Di igniau nas returnea: , ; . r i at ow- tne auto and went to the Hardin home.! s r v.D,r; r u I I wish vou could have hppn un front "u iir, wvtu icicascu iium tile ... " . . . x- corporation, Mr. McLean said: 'While the apt. Prpntincr tVio rnr- ! TVlPV annn oonnmniirimJ U.t . wi-j WW.. .vvuiii.U uwuiupaiiicu uy , arrnv board station with rto nn t no niopnt KafAro TVo ! ... . . . . . tu, wni Ko r, affpr h;c ooration orovide that t,pw Knainaec! I TTarHin onri oiv n,o, ,v.; ui, ' dx m , &t V, - I cutting the trees in town with hatch- evening until Wednesday evening atmay be undertaken for a period up tojning." One quart was soon dispensed! Mr L E Whalev of T.umhprton rp but for nine hours before 'the Boche 7:30 Christmas night and thereaf-j6 months after peace is declared by, with and Hardin was telling the men'ceived this 'morning a letter from hisienvys came over thev never ceased her there will be services twice daily proclamation of the President, the! what a hard time he had getting the, cmi Mr v.UrrA wWp,, or, o,n,fn. But the last hour from 10 to 11 o'clock . ? orwl 7-50 n rv Qnd thrpp cprv5foa directors, havmfir in mind that the act Humor tor them and nro-ino- t.hom not! -i Z. . . V J' ""."'"""i , -A 0,-0,.,rfV,;. v,i ninjrs. Jno. : cr,.io,r of 11 Q ,v, St onrl 7-:in r. m was essentially a war measure, sns- i to- "fnve h m awav." when thp oflWrs , x " ,f - , f y , nf o o-,,r, ,. oC hruZ tv, 1 Crichton will leave i . i . . . cv -i i " ." " -" f. .... , , . . . r I -- 7 torts in .wthtipp vir wnnipv i Tnp 1 "j ' " i. m.u iwos. xnc.y , . . ets. It is said they ar" doing George Washington stunts on Elm street. Messrs. A. T. McLean, H. B. Jen- Jno S. McNeill and R. H. the day after Christmas for Florida on a hunting C Tl. in.. Ti7i.i iL-IWav OT a min was tiirnprl Inoco Than tv MT.pnrlon will ito to Rpnnpt.t.svillp ; pended making advances to such in-1 rushed unon them. Hardin was brought i i j u:1 ' J-. u were firpH until umw of thp iai-trit: (-,nr ioniorrow to sDend Christmas with his u?tries as munitions plants, ship-i to jail. He has been in court on thelwr, f.yito v, ci,, Q n ' guns were almost red hot. and it wasitrip - . J J 1 I . 1 n T i 1 1 1 ... t .v.wi.'wvv w Ci..LU I. U JW , . . ' I . . , -. . t . m . neiigc ui uisbiiiiUK "iu ociiiiiK iiquui rnnn offinr'o ha mot Hp hoc hpon nf. i Uiai way irom OWllZeriantl tO tne Sea. mis. Lj. t. luinn lliuveu l i j: , - ' ., family i ouliaing companies, street railways, In spite of the downpour of rain, j power companies and others of a sim three splendid services were held at llar character immediately upon the the Banner warehouse yesterday. The ; cessation of hostilities. The princi congregation was small yesterday pal activities now engaging the at- morning, larger in tne aiternoon, ana , w8 b Kwuug last night it numbered more than 2,000. Mr. McLendon preached three great sermons, and at the conclusion money to preserve breeding cattle in the drought-stricken sections of the &outn-west, ana some crop-moving several times. OVERSEAS CASUALTIES. of the sermon last evening there were also large loans to railroads un- oKlo ovUonnoo r.f thp nrpspnf p ' ue l go wwbbm control. ine laimr of the Holy Spirit, people crowding xxrill o ororrpcrotp lororp enmo "It is difficult to tell just now how long this business will continue for the reason that the duration of gov ernment control of railroads is un certain." X Asked as to how much longer his Names of Robeson Soldiers and Others In Near-by Counties That Have Appeared in Casualty Lists. fered a good price for it, as such sou- s,omt! of our Dys even had to go over venirs are highly prized, but has re fused to sell, and will bring it home. He sent in the letter some German papers drooped behind the lines by aviators. Names of the following Robeson soldiers and others from some nenr-by counties have appeared in overseas casualty lists since last Thursday: Died of disease: Privates J. W Harrell, Bennetts ville, S. C; Archie Gillespie, R. 3, Red Springs. ?SV mL?S m WaSh"jria C. Walters, Lumberton; Dewey mgton, Mr. McLean said: . T . ' VavpttPvillP- C. M. Ford. Lake- I innriAt- ootr rt afiniTA I XT rkllr I i ' v ' . . , i . A vanwui bj uwuiii,, a P. PrhmtM I.: M . McNeill, enemy , --. r , .t. r ii LIU 'ii i view, S. U. rrivaies jj. m. mcmeiu should think that all my time will be d 'g . Clarence F- Bowen, R to the front at the invitation Witnessing. The morning sermon was on "Wit nessing". The preacher made it plain that every professing Christian must be a living witness for Jesus in his daily life if he is true to his profes sion. He said the world is not read ing the Bible but is reading profess- : i , ..; , t ; ., Tln nrn-faoeinop P.hrisi- 25, who do not fall in .d help required there for some months yet ? -2Szzl j u-; and after that I may return home and men and women to Christ is standing i Sv?!." Dawson N .Sasser, Vineland; Wm. in the way of saving souls. An aw- y1 . '-"c B w """ Campbell, Laurinburg; Luke n. l rp.nonldhilitv rests uoon the child I business of the corporation." ' Green. R 1. Cerro Gordo: Noah M - - r 1 Ma nn n on1 tVIQ TOTV11 V Wl ' ' . . of God. The Holy Ghost. At the afternoon service Mr. Mc Lendon preached on the Holy Ghost and fire from heaven. Churches have beautiful organizations, he said, but thpv are netting nowhere because FAVORINKING ENEMY SURRENDERED WARSHIPS 1, Whiteville; W. D. Alford, Dillon, S. C: Hermon Hendrix, Fayettevillei 1 1 TTT last week from Fairmont to the Lon the top for the last time and bayonet Bullard place at old Kingsdale. Mr. some more "just for luck." Every' Turner was a Lumberton visitor commanding officer's watch, though,! Thursday. was set exactly the same, and at 11 j Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean of o'clock, to the second, all guns were Lumberton were among those who at silenced. I was standing right at cur tended the "at home" given by Sec big battery, and they fired their last retary of the Treasury and Mrs. Mc shot at 10:58. Adoo in Washington last week. We also had right many casualties, The ffraded and hij?h school sug and we were busy all of last night pended Friday for the holidays and operating on both Americans r.nd will be(?in the sprinK Wednes Germans. Nearly all of the German dav Januarv i instead of Monday, doctors had been killed, in our division, December 30, as at first determined, and they left their wounded for us I bet the front lines were the quiet- Amandv Brown and George Mc est spots in the world last night. Donald, a couple of color, were mar- resolved to ad-1 There was scarcely a sound to be ried in the office of Register of Deeds vocate the sinking of the surrendered I heard on either side. I suppose we!M W. Floyd Saturday afternoon at 3 enemy warships and resist any prop-1 r-wtieed it s mujh, though, on account o'clock Justice M. G. McKenzie of- ot i;emg accuiii' ::r i f uc. an awful nciatea. ra-Ket. Axnf so oc-D n "fln American "Delegates Will Oppose Dis tributing Them on Basis of 9 Naval Losses. The Xiserican delegates to the Mrs. McLean and the family will L". tJZJEZn. 4- f T niviKoTAn fr the fhri'st XUUW., ra,Cn.c,mC liVPI LCbUlU UUUlUl l-vii JLL unv vniiuv TTT 1 1 1 1 rtW- -v i - fA mas hohdays, as originally tem-'pJWpairclotti Raeford :! declaration on aggression or the ac- the rear who have never heard a gun Ill Wochinrrtnn i privates uiDSon t auuuw, i ::r.JlU;nnnn1T fired and have heen inst as safe or umicu. uul win icuioiu in ao'""S i tit rn l i nnvinWiTro- LUlMtiua uj uiuuciii. . j osition to distribute them on the basis of naval losses, states a Paris dis patch. This announcement is made by those in close touch with the Amer ican representatives who, it is added, feel that such a position would re sult in avoiding contention and ma terially Bupport President WUsons and two Our next priox . n no is to iret deaths from influenza-pneumonia were hon e. I uaf.crstand that ah the din- reported to Dr. W. A. McPhaul, coun- C"1! "ft: . , act"'' ,ai 1 ty hea th office, last week. There was front will be sent home first. We certainly hope that is true. You see there are thousands of fellows back in or Mr MpT.ean said that Cant. J. Dick-1 - . 1 "o : - . - - . . -1 . . . ... j, . i , i . nia waLta: son McLean will spend a few days ... . AQO naT,e Pftnr first lord of the admiralty, nad pre- ing dux ngniior tne poor aevus Wno at their Washington vwmmmmbw rFlw" viously acquiesced in the American have Deen tnrougn an tnis nerve- ZT some increase over the previous week. License has been issued for the marriage of Stephen Baxley and Lillie Soles; Wm. Lee Davis and Eva Frances Prevatt; Leslie J. Ivey and Engird; through Sir Eric Geddes, more so-than at home; and it is roth-! Wtts 7 Kinlaw and 1 i.U 4.1 J; 14... UA rQ. nr Knt rio-Vt -Fr.r trip rrr.r rlpinlc uHn N Ola WSIIS, James l . IVHllaW dim leave with them home. His leave of absence is so , 1 1 4- -fjv.rl preacners ana m mi -i ,! short, that he nrobablv will not be able inev are uis.e v ' rr. h.t . . tt i ni i. with tne noiy uno P -,to come to Lumberton. Capt. McLean rreat engines capable ot pulling a, UnnA nf orn rreat. train of loaded cars but stand-!" VT- JZ&T2r ",vi i i 4.- xt l. ing .tiU because there is no fire in the Lw Will Be Repealed. ATr. McLean brings from Washing ton the news that the postal zone sys- plan to destroy the captured or sur- rendered warships and it is aeciarea, will continue to support the United States, although it is expected that some of the lesser naval powers win Proiect The committee on rivers and har bors has approved the recommenda tion of Major General William M Til ark. chief of engineers of the army, for the expenditure of $398,625 on the demand that the prizes be distributed. Cape Fear river, near fcouthport. met . nrovision specifies that $303,625 will! Pp Af.p. JUBILEE AND EM AN Hp item applying to newspapers and peri- be used m cutting a cnannel across. fifPATION CELEBRATION 1 OQlCalS ceriainiy Will reyeaiea as; me ocean uai mi i revenv. f irp.hov Sin is the Curse of the World. Last evening Mr. McLendon preacn prl a soul-stirriner sermon on sin. H 4. j ui i ;!. Tt pfliisps OQicais ceiwuniy wn painted sm black is. "causes all the sorrow,. ever& heartbreak all.- i pwacted bv C trouble, digs every grave, ne pamiea , . this matter Mr McLean i made for maintenance, of the channel with master strokes the awful conse-, id 6 land the present 26 foot channel in the quences of impurity, of drunkenness,; ..f have always considered the leg- river. of covetousness, of jealousy, of envy,1 iat;on as unw'ise, but in any event! The improvement of the Cape Fear and all the sin horde of black-wingel w&g & emergency measure! river from Wilmington to the sea is bats from hell. It does not take age 'whicn sh0uld now be repealed. The the only new project approved in the to make a devil, he said: it takes sm. nevvspapers and periodicals are an j rivers and harbors bill for North Car- sin is morai insanity anu uti is uws ( important part of our system ot gen- j olina. insane asylum. If you come to the eraj education and publicity and are! place, he warned, where a gospel ser-, imperativey necessary in a great Charage in R. & C. Schedule. mon does not reach you goodbye , democratic country like ours, where A change will be made in the sched- v iMarveious awry oi hcikbpuuh. ! -nMic opinion is the supreme iorce . ll1p nf T?aleio-h & Charleston trains op- Ccloredf People 'Kweson"' Are Pre paring an Unusually Interesting Program for January 1st. racking service to be sent out first. The case against David Bryan and I wish you could see what was once Thad Shooter, the two bovs who con the city of Verdun the place you fessed robbing the McAllister hard have read so much about for the past ware store, as mentioned in The Robe four years. Now, it is nothing except sonian recently, has been compromis a pile of brick and mortar, and com- ed and the boys released. The stolen pletely undermined with tunnels, and articles were all recovered, excavations that will hold thousands Mr. F M. Gilbert, for the last of men. The Boche never did capture 14 months local lineman for the it but they certainly shot it up Southern Bell Telephone Co., was Lenougk. l t kuHrL- (transferred last week to. Allendale. S- I suppose 1 am allowed to tell you c. He is succeeded, nere oy mr. now that I was in the Argonne forest John Robinette, who came here from and in the St. Mihiel drive, which I Taylorsville. know you have been reading lots : Mrs. E f. Townsend and children. about recently. little Misses Lois and Eunice, of R. 6, Your Brother, CLAUDE POOLE. THE RECORD OF DEATHS. It was a marvelous story oi tne back 0f all government. I beheve that eratinj, between Lumberton and Ma- vortoommir t- fw ti' ot . p i i inrixi, i.iiui u - -miwtis wo torn Correspondence of The Robesonian. The colored people of Robeson coun ty are preparing an unusually inter esting program for the first day of Ton no yt A peace jubilee m connection witn r M c Fisher Funeral Yes- TTrv-ioninsitioTi celebration is to De held Hon. T L. Johnson of the local bar 'and Dr. Spurgeon Davis of Wil son are the speakers Lumberton, attended the McLendon meetings Saturday and yesterday. Trs. Townsend is expecting her son Frank, who is on the U. S. S. Are thusa, home for Christmas. Mrs. B. C. Todd of Bellamy was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. She has not heard from her son Private terday. Mrs. M. C. Fisher, aged 60 years, - , T A Cn TT 7tVl Trf Ameri 1 l-i 1 A. i- I LfUUt: UU m v . a . 7 . r,n,riPiat.ion of the nublic welfare ' c c 0ffp,tivp Wpdnpsdav. Jan- son are the speakers. ... . died early Saturday morning ran exneditionary forces in France, bv Evangelist McLendon at ti e ser- ';,.ac mrt iptp.I treatment of ! " T rf' M i wni 1pj,vp Tllim. An discharged colored soldiers mi home ot her son-in-law and aaugnwer, October 30. and naturally feels vice Thursday evening He told how; great agencies so that they may ! berjm'at 9:40 a. m. instead of 10:20 the county are asked to meet eaiidMKj. fnhP extern nart apprehension as to his safety. ne was savea irom a nie oi sin itomicirculate freeiy and cneapry among, & m. and returning will arrive here; graded scnooi g It ! ;V V" " na ' j W hPPn in ill r.rotessional trammer, saioon-Keeper, n of fhe neonle. The press , z.qk ictprl of fi!l5 n. m. on that day and iorm a uw p- y- booze-artist, gun-man and frequenter j perform a most important public i Train No. 2 will leave Lumberton at of the haunts of vice. His story, told f unction in connection with all gov- -i 1-30 a. m. instead of 12:30 p. m. with dramatic power and earnestness, ernment activities, as, for instance change is made in order that being done, no wonder scores of peo-:the great publicity given to govern-1 train No -j may make connection with pie flocked to the front at the invita-1 needs in time of war and alsojfhp Atlantic Coast Line train at Proc- tion and thereby expressed a desire jn peace times.' to turn irom tr.eir sins anu db saveu. torville and the Seaboard at Smith-boro. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Mr. McLendon declared that he was h , them You are too low down as much called to preach as was the ' voursijj apostle Paul. The call came to him J J If VQU are ing to pretend to be he said, unmistakably at tne age ot. Christians, be Christians. 14, and he tried to stifle it and run I Th ' Personal Devil. away from it. He roamed the country , dnnht. was left in the minds of w.t.Vi nto the Lord, and that as a gambler and plunged into every i M i,PJ1T.PT.s that the devil is a very real! WTTTCH he HATH given will He pay and powerful personality when Mr. him again" Prov. 19-17. How would McLendon got through with his ser- i like to be treated were I in the Correspondence of The Robesonian "He that hath pity upon tne poor rade. . .. ., The regular .exercises wv take Opceased had been in ill Dr. Raymond Thompson, acting health for several months and her assistant surgeon, United states t uo- death was not unexpected. Ihe fun- ic Health Service, with ranK oi urst eral was conducted at the grave yes- lieutenant, is 'spending a few days terday afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Combs, pastor of the Gospel ; J. A. Thompson, Elm street; Dr. Tabernacle, and interment was made j Thompson is stationed at Charlotte, in the Great Marsh cemetery, near where he made his home before en St. Pauls. Mr. Combs was assisted by t listing with Uncle Sam. Rev. W. S.Johnson. . , iof4.or. aa tw 1R to the HIT TT": U ,,.r- o 1 rtvn I mornhpr ail a f. v . - - dissipation, but he could not drown the voice which followed him by night and by day and told him he was call ed to preach and was throwing his life away. It followed him even as he fled to the swamps after shooting a man down in the streets of his home town. He was converted in a tent meet ing after a long and hard struggle, mon on devils Friday evening. He de clared that the devil is working just hard to damn you as Jesus is as working to save you, and he is the most powerful being in the world ex cept God. He hammers away on your weak spot. If he cannot pull down into sin a man who is trying to serve nnnt.v home Send what you are willing to lend, to the home of Miss Lizzie Caldwell, not later than Dec. 24th, 1918, and the inmates of the home will get it. Roll Call Red Cross Christmas and when he made the complete sur-l,-.,,! h -u f tn ,lfiprrark him into' irive. j n 4.u: u H u God, he will try lO sidetracK mm into, , r Christmas roll call xenucx -ii -" nevv anu nc,fanaticism ffia dramatic representa-1 - " "v"" at midniffht Canvassers in Lumberton atVCU Uiuaa vna uviiiMu - -- - . i J 1 4. was a new man. no longer the man 1 ii "S 'Jl TA iZJArixe for members ends at mmnign. .Z. i-iYua.-j . ' - Ition oi uuaas umiayiu, ms uu&u . place in the court house at 11:30. The outlook promises the best exercise of the kind ever held in the county. Ihe presence of white friends of the race will be appreciated. W. C. FOr- wiifsnn anes to Enarland Thursday. President and Mrs. Wilson will I f Qat MarehBapt church and editor asking that the address of his to London the day after Christmas jOireat ffn x i be changed from Roper to Iroy, from Paris. King George will give a banquet at Buckingham palace De cember 27 in honor of the President. The visit of President Wilson as an "overnight" guest at Buckingham will be the first time in history that any President has been thus entertained at the palace. Wilson vesterday visited the Red Cross hospital at Neuilly, France, where he shook hands mdi ' -jn talked with 1,200 badly wounded Americans, for the most part survivors of the Chateau Thierry action. , . WU UCIIKltlAU 111 0 1 11. I The telling of that story seems to jjesus iiave ueen unc luiiuug fiuiiiv ui liic ; a. jninreBSive meeting. Since then it has swung into the ci t down as being worse than awe to mm . m. ' J- " j" oval t anything else in its damning,--" fc R. p. Gra" Mr. A. D. Prevatt of Rowland. Mr A. D. Prevatt, a well-known citizen of Rowland, died Friday mora ine of influenza-pneumonia. Deceas ", i - i one IS suiviveu uy - , a- ' -r,.A rieV. IN. la. Ot;clUUi:., ljlil:i ucwwu pastor of the Lumberton circuit, writes: "We will leave Roper tomor row for our new home in Troy. We are i leased with our new appointment and glad to get back Lo the Rocking ham district." i .ii i i 1 a 1T tT three children two oaugmeib, jus B. Sam Edwards and Mrs. H. R Smith ofLumberton, and one son, Mr Ellis Fisher, who is in the army. The new Alnine cafe will be open ed in the McLeod building, corner Elm for several years his wife. in tiuuas icwajmg aaaa ! 4. i,4. Ponvjisssprs in LiumDerton . J J little money, and the crucifixion of SheaSyespos gnpt. Joyner Resigns-Succeeded BUS and the suicide of Judas, was; are " artTllo OVprvhodv who is "Rtt Tiv P. f!. Brooks. U1CThe preacher putlom the people, everybody, who is .-SSTtES able to do so. joining, and .it is under- u -frppr rnnrsp and at. evprv service I ! " Ti. j - j II aii: i most anytmng eise m i u.fll,uul, L. Pnnnt.v "KSL - effect upon the will and moral sense., nT -'hairman, estimates that all Graham He made a startling recital ot its rav-,- " . j f members in Robeson tllC IIUUIW' will reach 5,000. preacher's invitations. Tkaa YV nob n,,t nf iUa "h lir'h "Now Peter and John went up to-j " Misbehavors Rebuked. rfl-ian- nnfr, fVis hihujn at tnp nrtlir nfl 1 1 1 J..-M?w.m t. tii. i umiv "-"'F' " " - some negroes misoena veu uuimg i , -T tt- v jrayer, being the ninth hour" Acts i th- sermon and at the conclusion of .National Banks Set JNew lllgn 3:1. This was the text Irom which ; the service Mr. McLendon rebuked i Record. r.vangenst jicienaon pieacneu r nuy them snarply and gave all to under-: Resources of the national banKs oi Bv Dr. E. C. Brooks Dr J. Y. Joyner has resigned as State superintendent of public instruc tion, a position he has held for 1 years, effective Jan. 1, and Gov. Bick--4.4. u ' orintpd T)r F.. C Brooks of Trinity college as his successor. Ihe announcement was made Saturday from Raleigh and came as a complete i surprise to the public. .uternoon. i a-r,r,A fv.,t hp would tolerate no disre "The weak spot of the church today SJ)et and unseemly conduct at his is the prayer-meetings," the preach- j servjces er declared. You can diagnose thej Must Seek With Whole Heart, spiritual life of the church by look-1, "Zacheus" was the theme of Evan ing in on a mid-week prayer service. L-oii-t McLendon's sermon Saturday The churches in many instances are I evenin,. The preacher told of how merely amusement bureaus. Much anxiously Zacheus sought Jesus of the churcn music is real poppycock , r-hrUt and declared that every man and nonsense. It is a shame to dese-wv, fA r.hrist. must seek Him. It IVCOUUlvvti , the country on November 1, the date of the last call, aggregated $19,821,404 -000, Comptroller of the Currency Wil liams announced Sunday. This not only was a new high record, but was an increase oj. ti,Mi,i,Y, I total shown by tne can msi. sui 31. crate God's house and commercialize it with worldly things. No Substitute For Prayer. It is time for folks to quit claim ing religion and live it. There is no substitute for prayer. Where are the deacons, the Sunday school teachers and the heads of families when the prayermeetings are being held? the preacher asked. We should live clos er together. How many are trying to save and rescue the perishing? We are going to the dogs if the church does not wake up. Too many church members are standing no higher than the world. People are going to hell all around you and you are not trying takes every faculty of the mind and onl to find God. ririat dipd to save sinners, not nhrist.ians. Every man, it matters nn twhnt his nosition in life may be, has an equal chance of finding Christ. God welcomes those who are enrnpd hv society If you were born .irrnnff vnll pan be born again and born right. Jesus Christ can take the devil nut of vou. Neither the preacher nor tViP rhnreh can save you. Only Jesus can save you. The world sees the bad in you, while God sees the good. He lnmuc how vou stand. Report of other sermons will be found elsewhere in mis paper 4 Negroes Lynched for Murdering White Man. tp. npo-rops 2 sisters and 2 broth ers, accused of the murder of Dr. E. L. Johnson at mooue, aw., f,fL-c""J" were taken from the jail at Shubuta, m;c itv;Hhv nicht and lyncneu, - disnatch. All four CUIUtHfc a I' - vl i . . I , i I- a.1 .Jnw n-f o kridirp I were nangeo wj wits -spanning the Chickasaha river. The dispatch states the jailer was called into the street by a member of the mob and handcuffed. Dr. Johnson was shot and killed irom amousn wmic Une oi xne negiuca Wilcox Gets Pardon. Having served half of his 30-year j , t pinehurst Saturday night sentence, Jim Wilcox, convicted a the slaver of Nellie Cropsey, his Eliza beth City sweetheart, in 1902, was pardoned by Governor Bickett Friday. The pardon. Governor Bickett ex plained in a statement of reasons, was ;T,-finpnpd hv oninion in Pasquotank has heen sufficiently I Uiai MK jJiicu.i" . , I punished and by tne nrsi sHt"" Flour Regulations UH eT was 'Ground 4ryearroTd andd and Foug .tomorrow aer conducted a barber shop at Row and noon at 5 :30 The caf s will be man hp is survived ov "k uj tie is surviveu , Drienced cafe man, who comes to Lumberton from Margon's cafe, Char- . .. lotte. The cafe is owned by several Mr. Lester Rowan Victim of mini- Lumberton people and no doubt will enza. enjoy a splendid business. Mr. Lester Rowan, aged about 30 Mr c j Smith Gf Henderson, of years, died at his home in the north- rm q nott & Smith whrf 0T)er. eastern part of town Saturday night d & tobacco warehouse here last of pneumonia following influenza. De- geason was a Lumberton visitor Sat- rensed is survived by his wife and j ' that one child. Interment was made in gmith was deadj and he was nrov the family burying ground, near &myr- by hig presence here that Ihe re na church, this morning at 11 o clock. . f hig death was very much ex- 1 a, aggerated." He expects high prices Funeral of Walter Hmes Page at f or tobacco next year and says his Aberdeen Tomorrow. . warehouse will be open till all the to- Walter Hines Page, former ambas- bacco in this section is sold. sador to the court of St. James, died Abraham and Henry N. Schwartz- Wilcox has ever made on the case, contained in a personal letter to tne Governor. France Lost 1,400,000 Soldiers Killed in War. Prow, tnohilized 6.900.000 men dur ing the war, had about 1,400,000 killed, while 800,000 recovered from wounds, according to a statement made in the chamber ot deputies in rana a-uua, Mr. H. L. Curtis of Hamer, S. C, He re- uv,c Mr Jos Blacker. turned from England in October m a with Qne of their '"buddies," Morris critical condition, was in a hospital in Coen are m Lumberton spending New York for some weeks, and about their Christmas furlough. Abraham 10 days ago was taken to Pmehurst. SchwartZman and Morris Cohen are The funeral services will be held from tationed m the same regiment at the the Page Memorial church at Aber- . . station Charleston, S. C. deen tomorrow at 11 a. m. Thpv will soend the week in town. Henry N. Schwartzman is attached I f thp nnv office of the naval overseas " I .Z n-la: r.QT,PPll5,t.ion of all flour milling transportation service w wr?"? regulations, including fair price sched- Md His stay has been cut short due ules and the price and quantity re-ito his services being needed at his strictions on the sale of wheat flour headquarters, due to so many navy by millers, which officials expect will ; men at his station being relieved from result in cheaper nour, was i iu- i -n j I 4-U - -a-va-x4 o A r- in- announcea rnaay u tne xuuu aumm M Ulr. korn ii 1 1 m iiul lit - . , said to have confessed and implicated ( .g a Lumberton visitor today, the others. istration. Lumberton is running over w th Christmas shoppo3 today. Among the crowd are many 30! l"Jis who have recently been discharged from the army. DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER, Optometrist Expert Knowledge of Eye Diseases and Fitting Glasses.