THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1518. PAGE I r ?7 u?lt0 thank yu for Dr. A Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It is fine. I use it for my baby, my husband and myself and simply can't do without a bottle of it in the house." JUNIOR P.ED CROSS SCHOOL. notice of sale or real estate? Red Si . EuCr j ur. uuwel mitten hv ' J"un ytmstensen, 603 So. 2nd onfoam Litv, Utah ) Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxatiz ve Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (IS) $1.00 Quickly corrects disorders of the intestinal tract, relieves the congestion and restores nor mal regularity. It is gentle in action and does not gripe. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois, a prmgs Graded School is Onlv Junior Red Cross School in the County. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Red Springs, Dec. 19. The Red Springs graded school has the distinc tion of being the oniv school in the county that is a Junior Red Cross school. To become a Junior Red Cross school each pupil must pay twenty-five cents or enough money must be raised in some way to have twenty-five cents for each pupiL This has been done and the county direc tor has informed us that our school is the only one that has attempted to become a Junior Red Cross school. The Junior Red Cross held a four minute men contest in the graded school building Monday evening. De cember 16th. the subject of this contest being "Why vou should an swer the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call." There were six speakers and all of them made good speeches, but after careful, consideration of the speeches the judges awarded the prize, which was a certificate, to Alton Love, of the sixth grade. A bazaar was held by our society on Monday in the showrooms of the universay garage. The proceeds of this bazaar, which were over $50, will go for the support of a French or phan. We wish to thank the mana gers of the garage, Messrs. Currie and Baggett. who so kindly gave us the use of their showrooms! LUTHER GRAHAM. Chair. LINDA COOK. Secretary. EVELYN JACKSON. Treas. Notice is hereby given that under and br virtue Ox the authority confered upon me the undersigned as Trustee, by that certain Dwi ,7. executed by Cammie McC. McNair her husband. A. M. McNair. dated May .'. ?d rawded in the Ofllce of the Register Robeoa County, in boo 21. page - a Monday, the 20th day of January 1919 at the hour of 12 : o'clock, at noon at trie (.curt House door of Robeson county offer for sale for cash, to the bixhes: bidder the I-:, owing descrioed real estate. In the town of Maxtor., beginning at a Stake m the West edge of Main street. Mrs. J; i j!10" corner, and runs as her line N i W. ICS feet: thence K. 64 1-2 W. 19 feet, to Mrs. McRae"s corner : thence N'. S3 E 133 feet to McKinnon's corner : thence as Mc Kmnon's line S. 37 E. 225 feet to Main, street ; ' thence the West edge of Main street: S. 53 1-2 W . 124 feet to the beginninjr being the same 1 lot designated as "First Tract" in a deed from J. C. McCaskell. Sr.. and wife to Car-.mW McC. McKmnon. dated April 29th. 1911. and record-j ed ID Book W. page 325 of the office of the oi ueeos ol Kooeson county. This the :'tb day cf December. A. D.. 191? ii' iy inurs. J. E DAVIS. Trustee NOTICE. OF PUBLICATION. Robeson County In the Su in the land today. We need true men who will preach the gospel of God Almighty. God cannot use men who stoop to sin men who go to leg shows, dance and play cards. Let the preachers get full of religion and the world will move to God. One half the Sunday school teachers nev er had the Christian experience. We need a house cleaning. If God could get all the preachers to preach against sin we'd clean up and sweep the world for Jesus. We need to bring the Bible back into the pulpit back into the homes and into the Sunday schools. The preachers should hold the devil over the fire. The religion of Jesus Christ is one of service. Family Prayer is Needed. Prayer is another thing that should be restored. Family prayer is needed in the homes. There is too much me chanical stuff, we need something real. Music is another thing that needs to be brought back into the church. We need to sing the old-time songs. The closing words of the evangelist were an appeal to men and women to clean up in the sight of God. Prayer. Evangelist McLendon preached Tuesday afternoon on ''prayer." The preacher declared that God is not dead and that the key to Him is prayer. Prayer is worth no more, however, than you are willing to win in wotk. You cannot honestly pray God to save your relatives or friends and not do all in your power to get them saved. The friendship of mankind is great, but nothing to compare witn tne friendship of God. Prayer helps us to realize the presence and friendship of God. It portrays our dependence uvon God- We Get By Giving. We get by giving. Many get so lit tle because they give so little. If one half of the church members were to die the world would not lose anything spiritually. "I believe in experimental religion," he said. "You must be born from above. The devil is working as hard to damn Lumberton as Christ is work in? to save it. He never takes a vacation. If you fight the devil he will fight you. " Seek ye the Lord while he may oe found." All the Way With God. "All the Way with God." This was the subject of Evangelist McLen don's sermon Tuesday evening. In his preliminary remarks before beginning his sermon Mr. McLendon said that those who were staying away from the meeting would support -it loyally before it closes. In beginning his sermon, the preach er declared that the man who sets out to fight God will lose. He asked, What would God say if he were to write or sneak about you? God knows every man at his best and at his worst. You may fool the preacher, you may fool your neighbors and they may fool you, but you cannot pull the wool over God's eyes, xou can baSkslide without your family knowing it, without your pastor knowing it, but God knows it. You will be haul-; ed up before God some day. God sees' all you do and if you desert Him He knows it. Get on Top of Your Circumstances. God pity the man who has to preach to a church that is more worldly than Godly. Don't try to appear better than you are. Be sure your sins will find you out. If you were born with the devil in you there is a chance to be born again with the devil out of you. Get on top of your circum stances. God can lift you up. You may have had a bad start. You are not responsible for that, but you are responsible for the finish. You're What You Want to Be. I USED TO FEEL LIKE I HAD BIG ROCKS DOWN IN MY STOMACH ORDER North Carolina, perior court. Emma Jane Clay vs. Thomas Cay. it appearing from the affidavit of Emma jane L.ay in tcis action, that Thomas Clay. tne defendant therein, is not to be found in Kooeson County, and cannot, after due dili gence be found in the State, and it further I appearing that a cause of action exists against I said defendant and m favor o: said plaintiff i said action betgn for the purpose of obtaining a aivorce irom tne bonds of matrimony ex-1 toting oetween tne plaintiff and defendant It is therefore ordered that notice of this action be publisned a week for four I weeks in the Robesonian. a newspaper pub- lished in Robeson county, setting forth the CRM of the action, the purpose of the same. ar.a requiring tee Ueler.dant to appear at I the term of the Superior Court of Robeson I County to be held on the 5th Monday before the 1st Monday in March, 1919, it being the' 27th day of January. 1919. at the court bouse in said county and answer or demur to the complaint a the plaintiff. This 4th day of December. 1915. C. B. SKIPPER. 12 5 4 Tours pd. Clerk Superior Court. dVrv 1 mm f A A I IL 2 WML NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY. In the Superior Court. Dec. Term. WIS. Beaufort County Lumber Company of North Carolina, a corporation et al. vs. B. H. Las siter. R. E. Lassiter. Mrs. R. E. Lassiter. uary .Lassiter. et al. R. E. The devil cannot make you sin. He LIVER AND BOWELS ALSO AFFECTED can only tempt you. You must have your consent before vou sin. If you are not Christ-like it is because you don't want to be. You are what you The Danger of Disregarding Symp desire to be The Theatre and the Dance. The preacher denounced the attrac tions of the theatres and the dance. He declared that the dance is the most hellish and rotten thing out of hell. A man does To the defendants R. E. Lassiter, Mrs i-assiter and Gary Lassiter : Y ta and each of you will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com mowed in the Superior Court of Robeson . county for the purpose of extending certain . ; rights and privileges contained in a certain: XTODlinent SOUtn Carolina Fanner timber deed executed by some of the defend-1 ants nerem to the pfamtufs. and in which 1 the said defendants are interested : and the 1 said defendants will further take notice that i they are required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the fifth Monday before the first Monday in March 1919 4 it being the 2Tth day of January 1919 1, at the court house in said county in Lum berton. N. C, and answer or demur to the j complaint in said action or the plaintiff will I apply to the court for the relief demanded in i aid complaint. This the 3rd day of December. 191. C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk of Superior Court. McLean. Varser & McLean and H. E. Stacy, 12 5 4 Thurs Vttorneys for plaintiffs. . Tells How He Did Away With Painful Case of Indigestion and Stomach Disorder. East or West Home's Best" There's a real comfort these long evenings at home in the big armchair reading by the soft mellow glow of a Rayo Lamp. Rayo Lamps are scientifically constructed and give a clear, steady light without flicker or glare that can't hurt the eyes. They add a touch of cheery' comfort to the living room or any room give kerosene light at its best. Made of brass nickel-plated easy to light, clean and rewick smokeless, odorless. Aladdin Security Oil gives best result. .4 1 all dealers S TA N D A R D OIL COMPANY New Jcrver) Baltimore. M J Waaamitoa. D. C. Caar(ot. N C Norte. Vt CWUttoa. W Ve, R chmoQj. Vt. Chvimoo. S. C. toms of Gastritis and Dyspepsia How a Good Digestion May Be Easily Maintained. Just because you are not "laid up' his wife or sister, he wants to dance mg of stomach trouble should not go rirv, nrmo rrW ar,' ,,r unheeded or serious results are bound In closing the evangelist appealed f follo;v These earnings tak. th? t j; 4. 4. r .-4.t. form of dyspepsia, mdieestion, dizzi- WJ ins auuicinc lU gu clll L.ic it WIUI r. a2 , u. uuu. W. S. Wilson. State legislative li brarian, died Wednesday in Raleigh of influenza-pneumonia. Robesonian Business results try one. Builders get pation, nervousness, back- a,tn- ed. run-down feeling. All these symp- "Faith" was the subject from which toms may point directly to a derang Evangelist McLendon preached a stir- ed stomach requiring immediate atten-1 ring sermon yesterday afternoon. The tion. preacher declared that the smallness Hundreds of men and women of this of the power of the church is caused section are taking the best natural by unbelief. God's promises is a 1 safeguard against stomach trouble by blank check and you can fill out tnking with each meal a small spoon-' the check as you like. God says He ful of Dreco. They say nothing ever wiil supply all your needs, but does did them so much good os helped keep: not promise to supply all your wants, incr stomachs in sacn tine order THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE FOR COLDS AND I GRIPPE DOCTORS FIND REMEDY We want much we have no need of. Your power is equal to your faith in God. Men lack faith. The church can do anything with enough faith. It takes faith to cast out devils. As worldliness increases faith decreases. I cannot touch God with my hands, but I can touch Him with faith. Faith grows and multiplies like seed. We should do what God says. Faith is built up by works. How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is Prepared For Woman's Use. AN UP-BUILDING FORCE Regardless of climate or environment, Nature exacts her toll of wear and tear on the system and there is frequent need for an effectual aid to restore strength and vitality. scons EMULSION a systemic strengthened free from alcohol, nourishes and replenishes the needs of the body naturally. Scott's may be used daily, in any climate, with benefit and strength to the body. Take Scott's Emulsion- this wonderful rooi-and-bero medicine. 'I used to feel like I had big rocks down in my stomach," "declares Ju lius H. Adams, the well known and highly respected farmer of Gadsden, S. C. "This condition was worst af ter every meal. I also suffered sever e iv from liver trouble and constipation and my appetite was very poor nnvv --- t a t a , 1 aofiniv n tt A Hto w; constant misery to me. Then a friend' ?? skill, and deanlinesa told me how the newspapers were full X3TJS? of the ?ew .medicine Dreco and urged 1varioB3 herb3 me to try it I did so and th first d fa bottle helped me a lot The second t eason of when bottle made me feel like a new man ft. . . . . , ,f . . . j t 4. i. ,..l T U'f u uatuidi juices axiu uicuikuuu auu- nnrl T pvnect to take seeral more, l . - , . A visit to the laboratory where this j successful remedy is made impresses COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF SEAL ESTATE. L nder and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Robeson county, made in the ipecia! proceedinits entitled James D. Proctor, administrator of Isaiah Wilcox vs. Mm. Jennie Wilcox and others, the same being special pro ceeding No. 435 upo nthe docket of said court the undersigned commissioner will, on Mon day, the 30th day of December. 191. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house d.-or in Lum berton. N. C offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash that certain tract 'jf land lyinif -.nd beins: in Britts Township. Robeson coun ty. N. C, adjoining the lands of P. P. Smith, Will Smith and others, on the Nil th west inta of Jacob Swamp. Beginning at a pir.e ah.-'ut 100 yards East et and Kidge Kay and in the line of ihe above Physicians and druggists are elated over the fact that they have at last found a genuine and dependable rem- edV tor C0dS.vS0re throat, influenza mentioned swamp and runs along a line of old and la grippe, t or years they nave depended chiefly upon the old style calomel, which is certainly fine, but unfortunately many people would not take it because of its nauseating and dangerous qualities. .now tnat tne pharmaceutical chem ists have perfected a nausealess cal omel, called "Calotabs" whose medi cinal virtues are vastly improved, the doctors and druggists are claiming that Calotabs are the ideal remedy to abort a cold over night and cut short an attack of sore throat or la erippe. Thev are also finding it most 1 1 i i i . i . i J Qoi-Jn.r orrl hc iv- a ?v wi uie casual wiui Lue reu 1 i , 1 T-k V nil am giaa to recommenu uitcu an my friends in this section." Dreco may now be secured at small' cost from any good drug store or pharmacy and it is particularly rec ommended in Lumberton by all good druggists. stances are at their best. The most successful solvents are used to extract the medicinal properties from these herbs. Every utensil and tank that comes in contact with the medicine is sterilized and as a final precaution in cleanliness the medicine is pasteurized and sealed in sterile bottles. It is the wonderful combination of roots and herbs, together with the skill and care used in its preparation E CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all to Whom These Presents May Csme Greeting : . . Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by f,r tHp voluntary dissolution thereof by the i which has made this famous medicine unanimous consent of all the stockholders. ! successful in the treatment of deposited in my office . tnat weu rn j principal office is situated at No. 205 Fourth i The letters from WOmen Who have ' Street, in the town of Lumberton. County of fcggjj restored to health by the Use of Robeson state of North jJ1-! Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- .being the agent therein and m charge tnere- "J" ,,u ! of upon whom process may be served) has pound which we are . continually pub- i complied with the requirements of Chapter Ashing attest to its virtue. 121 Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations, preliminary to the issuing this Certificate of mm; Dissolution : . I ' Now. Therefore I, J . tJryan urimes. aecre tarv of State of the State of North Carolina, do " herebv certify that the said corporation did, on the 2nd day of December, 191s. file 1 in my office a duly executed and attested ! consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of ; the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. ttmnnv whereot. 1 nave nereio s effective as the first step in the treat ment of pneumonia. One Calotab on the tongue at bed time with a swallow of water that s all. "o salts, no nausea ?licrhtest interference with irg or your work and p'jasurc. The next monrng your cold has vanished and your whele system is pur'fied and refreshed. Calotabs are sold cnly in original sealed packages; price ;rdrty-five cents. Your druggist rec ommend and guarante ts them by re funding the price if yoa aia not de lighted adv. marked trees North West nearly a .org the edge cf bay until it intersects the 1. er edge of Jacob Swamp : thence along the various courses of said swamp to opposite the ctrner of a 200 cere survey patented lv Sampson Pope, thence a direct line to the said corner of said survey, thence to the l-eginning. con taining 100 acres, more or less. Wing same land conveyed by J. W. Smith and wife to Hardy Wilcox and registered in book 2-G page 20T and same conveyed by Hardy Wilcox and wife to Isaiah Wilcox by deed registered in book 2-V at page SOT. being the same lands upon which the said flail Tl Wilcox resided at the time of his death. Dated this November 2?th. 191. R. C. LAWRENCE. 12 2 4 Mon. Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The under-igned. having qualified as admin istrator of the estate of Henry Ammons. late of Robeson county, deceased. I hereby give no tice to all persons in debt to said estate to come forward and make payment : and to all nor tie persons holding claims against said estate to VOUr eat- Present the same to the undersigned, duly veri- tiea. on or te:ore uecomoer lorn. iL'is. or i this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. This 5th day of December. 19H. F. D. WARREN. Administrator of Henry Ammons. John D. Canady. Attorney. St. Pauls. N. C. 12 9 6 Mon. Nearly 300 members of the National Woman's party paraded by the White House in Washington Monday and in the public square across the avenue from the executive mansion ceremoni ously burned copies of all speeches made bv President Wilson as a pro test against the failure of the Senate to adoDt the resolution submitting the Federal suffrage constitutional amend ment to the States. ADVERTISED LETTERS. List of advertised letters remaining in the Lumberton. N. C, postoffice for the week end ing Dec. T. 191 : Miss Maggie Berry. Miss Jennie Cain. W. J. Davis. Annie Edmunds. Miss Sadie Edwards. Miss Lumbia Granger. Hector H. Gavin, EMU Herring. E. Heweli. Miss Lenie Ivey Miss Calson Jones. Douglas Johnson. Miss Amanda King. Felisita C Lalasar. George Leach. Lan Liluer. Mrs. Lizzie Long. Miss Maggie Melton, Mrs. Eider Murphv. Chester McLaurin. W. T. McLeod. Mrs. Mol'.essie McLean. B. D. Oxen dine. Mrs. Rebecca Parker. Frank Prevatt. Miss Olilie Pittman. Mrs. Z. L. Sampson. Miss Annie Rays. Lizzie Stubss. Miss Lugina Simpson. L'lar Shipman. Lucy Stack. Lula Inman. J. B. Thompson. Walter West. Mrs. Daisy Wilkins. Henry E. Williams. Persons calling for the above will please call for advertised letters. D. D. FRENCH. P. M. it builds up the body. Scott & Bawne. Bloomfield. H. J. 18-U y hand and affixed j Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone Don't laKe nasty, dangerous calomel wEen billons, constipated, headachy. Listen to mej, BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State. D -1 - t T Atty for the Company 12 o 4 Thurs Calomel salivates ! It's mercury. Calomel acts like dynamite on a slucreish liver. When calomel comes into contact with sour bile it crashes into it,causing .ramping -and nausea. If you feel bilious, headachy, con ptipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone fora few cents which is a harmless vegetable sub stitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't start vour liver and straighten you up tetter and quicker than nasty calo mel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. If you take calomel today you'll be sick and nauseated tomorrow; be sides, it may salivate you, while if you take Dodson's Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for workor play. It is harmless, pleasant and safe to give to children ; they like it. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ROBESON COUNTY, In the Superior Court ; Beaufort County Lumber Company of North Carolina, a corporation, vs. Keturn v 1111am- son. .et al. . 1 To Marice Williamson, Fannie W ilharason. I Alice Williamson, Delia Williamson Cordon Williamson, Tim Williamson, Claude Williamson and Columbus Griffn : You. and each of you. will take notice that an action entuiea as auove im uu menced in the Superior court oi nooeson wuu ty for the purpose of extending certain rights and privileges contained in a timber deed ex ecuted to the plaintiff by some of the defend ants herein, and in which the said defend ants are interested : and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required r QiHMAi1 st" the tfrm of the Superior court of v ' I' . ' .... - . . r i said county to be held on tne mm .onuj j before the first Monday in aiarcn iu oe- ing the 27th day of January lyitii, ai me court house in said county, in Lumberton. N. C.. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. ' This the 3rd day of December, 1918. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of Superior Court. McLean, Varser & McLean and H. E. Stacy, 12 5 4 Thurs. Attorneys for plaintiff. Cheapest accident insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. For bums, amlHs rats and emergencies. All J druggists sell it. 30c and 60c. That's What You Call Real Eating If you want to give the family a rare treat, get a bag of OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour and bake them some hot biscuits, waffles or muffins crisp and delicious with that double-good taste. That's what you call real eating. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self -Rising Flour makes baking enjoyable because it takes out the guess and worry- It has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt. You couldn't mix these ingredients with flour as correctly or as inexpensively as they are in OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self -Rising Flour Takes the Guess out of Baking and Saves you Money Start today to use this economical flour. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all dealers. V J When you prefer to bake with plain flour buy Peerless the best of its kind. Durham, AUSTIN-HE ATON CO., N. C. i