THE ROBESOS'IAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 23 1 PAGE FIVE -..lit ut3 Christina s Greetin gs! I o B a 9 ' v"iOLiiia.o scaauu mat empnasizes" now "Peace on Earth, Good will toward Men," so Strongly as the Present. Rejoice and be Happy. - T . PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY N. A. THOMPSON, President R. C I.AWRPtt? vwo A - JL R. C. LAWRENCE, Vice-Pres. K. M. BARNES, Treasurer G. E. RANCKE, JR., Ass't Treasurer. i ; ' GEO. L. THOMPSON, Trust Officer. : $H $H P2 tfi E2 i SS 333 &S33X332S2Xzn2SXraacnayiH( MMUMUMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI THE ROBES OMAN e 101 Wert Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1918. BUSINESS BUILDERS WANTED TO RENT A ONE-HORSE FARM Write postoffice box "01, Lumbberton, N. C. FOUND PAIR EYE GLASSES. OWNER can obtain same by applying at The Robe sonian office, describing glasses and pay ing for this adv. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CSH PRICES FOR all kinds of furs and hides. L. H. Caldwell PERSONALS CHURCH NEWS NOTES Trinity. Holy Communion and sermon 11 o'clock. All are welcome. This will be Mr. Grantham's last sermon. FOR SALE SEVERAL BARGAINS IN ONE two and three horse farms with good im provements See us at once. M'White & Phillips, Lumberton, N. C. MULES LOST: TWO MULES STRAYED from my farm ne;'., P.o-.vland Friday night, December 20, or.e blocky built black rarre mule 8 years old, weirhing about 900 pounds ; one mouse-colored horse mule 4 years old, weighing about 1,000 pounds. Re ward for return. Lewood McCallum, Row land, N. C. SHOOTING MATCH CHRISTMAS DAY AT Kinney Smith's on Sheriff Lewis' farm, 5 miles from Lumberton on Fayetteville road. Heifer 8 1-2 months old will be given as prize. $2 for shooting. Sunday School Association. The North Robeson Sundav school association will meet with the Tolars- ville bunday school Sunday, Dec. 28 at Gospel Christmas Exercises Tabernacle. Christmas tree exercises will be held by the Sunday school of the Gos pel Tabernacle Wednesday night at 7:30. The school desires that each member be present at that time. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM TO young man, 210, Caldwell street. SMO BARGAIN. 1918 7-PASSENGER OLDS bile eight. Elegant car. $2,000 Christmas present for 81,000. Address Box 117, St. Pauls, N. C. FOR SALE A GOOD MULE, CHEAP. ALSO a few nice pigs. N. S. Watson, Marietta, N. C, R. 1. Mr. W. G. Hunt of Tar Heel was in town Friday. Mr. Z. R. Watts of Lumberton, R. 4, was in town Saturday. Mr. W. S. White of Bladenboro was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. John N. Regan of Hope Mills was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. J. F. Pittman of R. 3, Fairmont, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. C. E. Tedder of R. 1, Fairmont, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. C. J. Smith of Henderson spent Saturday in Lumberton on business. Mr. U. D. Williams of Fairmont, R. 3, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. k. w. Wallace of K. 2, Fair mont, was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Mr. Neil! Britt and son Mr. Calvin, oi rc. A, Fairmont, were in town tri day. Mr. W. H. Stalvey of Marion, S. C. soent the week-end here visiting liiends. Mr. G. L. Townsend of R. 6 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. A. F. Butler of R. 1, Whiteville was among the callers at The Robe sonian office Friday. Mr. E. J. Chambers, a well-known; tobacco warehouse man of Fairmont,! is a L-umberton visitor today Lieut. G. S. McKenzie of Newport tif. Oil. Fine frr puts hums hm; News, Va,, spqnt Friday and Satur-1 Should be kept in every home. GOc.i BAD COLD? HEADACHY AND NOSE STUFFED Pape's Cold Compound" Ends Colds and Grippe in a Few Hours. First Baptist. A special Christmas service will be conducted at the First Baptist church Wednesday morning at 9:30. The pub lic is invited. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? Liver perhaps needs waking up. Dean's Regulets for bilious attacks. 30c at all stores. Take "Pape's Cold Compound" eve ry two hours until you have taken tnree doses, then all grippe misery goes and your cold will be broken. It promptly opens your clogged up nos- irns ana tne air passages of the head; stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, fever- j ishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness shunless Don't stay stuffed up Quit blowing: and snuffling. Ease your throbbing head nothing else in the world gives sucn prompt reliet as "tape's Cold Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Best Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Tops and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY H Wholesale Distributors 1 0 & 1 2 South Front St. Wilmington, N. C. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good j health and purify the blood, use Bur dock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price $1.25. SEE US FOR PIANOS AND ORGANS. v-nvp n -iur.clv of both u?ed and Stephens & Barnes, Lumberton, N. C. .-ay ol pianos end orKiin;-, uu.n new unu used. Stephens & Barnes, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED SHOATS FOR FEEDERS FOUR or live months old preferred. State price. J. W. McLeod, Rowland, N. C. WANTED TO RENT SMALL HOUSE OF 8 or 4 rooms in Lumberton. G. W. Bass, Barnesville, N. C. Mr. W. H. Britt and son, Leon, of R. 5 from Lumberton, were among the visitors in town Saturday. j Mesdames D. P. Patterson of Al lenton and D. C. Quick of Bellamy WE t were Lumberton visitors Saturday, new. Afiss Virsla .Tprlriria ' hn. svvivpfl . home from Salem college, Winston-: . ' O 1 A.. 1 1- - I 1" J WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR .WAMa i ibb oaiera, spemi u iiuiiuays. .Miss Uhristabel Moorenouse has ar rived home from Winthrop college, J Reck Hill, S. C, for the holidays. Messrs. J. vv. Glover and Forest, Hamilton of the Marietta section were among the visitors in town Saturday, j Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hartley left yesterday for Columbia and Bates- burg, S. C, to spend the holidays! with relatives. i Mr A. W. McLean, one of the four members of the United States War Finance board, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. D. B McKee, a prosperous farmer of Councils, Bladen county, was among the callers at The Robeson ian office Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. M'White and small daughters, Eunice and Bertha, of R. 1, St. Pauls, were among the visitors in town Friday. Miss Vashti White, arrived home Friday from Lynchburg, Va., where she is a student at Randolph-Macon college, to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Neill Jones and Mrs. R. A. Graham, of Hope Mills, R. F. D., were Lumberton visitors Friday cuests of Miss Josephine Breece. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Miller of Fay- etteville spent the week-end here vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John D. McAllister, Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maxwell, form r1v of Lumberton, arrived yesterday from their present home in Wilming- I OFFER FOR SALE 560 ACRES OF LAND, 225 clearet'., all new land, 5 tenant houses, 1 good dwelling, barns and stables and all out buildings necessary. 1 mile from Pai'k-ersbur?-, 2 churches and siood school. Land good for any crop. Part cash and reason able terms on balance. W. C. Caison, Own er, Parkersburg, N. C. BRING YOUR EGGS TO THE OLYMPIA Cafe, Elm street, JLumDerton. vno IlI.Ei fiE HOUSE AND LOT IN heart of Marietta. C. G. Stephens, Orrum, N. C. FEED AND FUEL WE CARRY GOOD stock hay, oats, molasses feed, shipstuff, coal and wood. Phone or see us when in need. H. M. Beasley. nrriTi AW ROART) AND LODGING $25 month. Meals 50 cents, rooms 50 cents Fillyaw's Boarding House, First street. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL Viirion .acran iron ana ruBDer. Blacker Brothers, Chestnut street, Lumber- ton, N. C. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR w- 1 i;" lot and over. Robeson LUX 11 111 xxvc - Grocery Company, Lumberton, M. . AND Authentic Styles from Fore most Fashion Centers in COATS AND MILLINERY Beautiful Coats of Chiffon Broad-Cloth in most attractive styles at reasonable prices. All the new materials and shades. HATS OF QUALITY Combined with excellent styles and workmanship. AT Miss Joesphine Breece's (For Ladies and Gentlemen) McLEOD BUILDING, EIM STREET. Will open Tuesday afternoon, December 24th at 5 : 30 for supper with a number of other specialties. PROMPT SERVICE WITH BEST OF ATTENTION BEST OF EATS ALL THE TIME MENU Roast Vermont turkey with cranberry sauce and celery dressing. Baked Pork ham with champagne sauce. Hot bread with butter. Tea or coffee. Ice cream. SO cents supper. . nn uv ivtfkFST RATE TZirrWi "others who are handling the ...... innanti. S2.000.00 ame cia s ' L' hv. to $60,000.00: Kowon. Bwiuu- - - - m,oo t. rplntivPS Rate OI interest " tun iu apciiu o counties. CENT. A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. unvpy TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND M?nNRlbJon county on long time. Rates as Bood a any can give. Stephen Mctntyre. AM MAKING LOANS FOR FIVE YEARS taprovrf farm lands in Robeson Scot tend and Hoke counties, in amounts $2, 000.00 to $50,000.00, bearing interest "the te of 5 1-2 per cent. Call on or write A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N ' Misses Wilma Durham, Mary Lee Caldwell, Margaret Pope and Jean ette Biggs, students at Meredith col lege, Raleigh, have arrived home to spend the holidays. Mr. Walter Lee Jenkins, who holds a position with the Inter-State Com merce Commission, is spending some time here visiting his mother, Mrs. Daisy W. Jenkins, Sixth street. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS Notice Retail Druggists No More Vaporub Direct Buy It From Jobbers Jnde-e Owen H Guion of New Bern has been appointed by Gov. Bickett DON'T FORGET CHE BEBT fl.ACJilw top hunger is at the Olympia Cafe. Elm street, Lumberton. . A lazy liver leads to chronic dys ntmsia and constipation weakens the whole system. Doan s Regulets uc j rf thg 5th district to succeed per box) act mimiy on me """'Judge Whedbee, resigned. bowels. At all drug stores , Marshai j0ffre is now formally ITT : t-j Ptiiripr e-et I numbered among France's 40 immor- KoDesoman buio . . . The yictor of the Marne was made a member of the French acade my Thursday. . . . T,- j tii;; X? c. publican leader in the House, has results try one. DELCO-LIGHT Th complete Electric Light and Power Plant Will give your family all of the benefits of a cheerful, modern home. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Laorinburg, N. C. formally announced his candidacy for Speaker of the House in tne next con gress, which will be controlled by the Republicans. AnMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of E. V. Johnson, deceased, late of Robeson county, N. r U tn nntifv all nersons havh.g claims against the estate of said ieeeased tc exhibit them to the undersignea ai i iorence, c. on or before the 23rd day of Dec, 1619, or this notice will be pleaded in Dar oi ineir recov ery. ... All persons indebted lo saia estate win make immediate payment. This the 23rd day of Dec, 1918. O. L. JOHNSON, Administrator of E. V. Johnson, Decea&ed. 12 28 6 Mon. Effective Immediately, No More Direct Shipments Will Be Made Retailers. All Shipments Now Go to Jobbers for Redistribu tion. When the influenza epidemic struck the country and wiped out our ware- rmnse and mbbers' stocks almost over night, we were faced with the prob lem of distributing to the stricken districts in the quickest possible manner our daily output of VapoRub We solved this by offering to ship di rect to the retailers in these influenza districts, bv Darcel post prepaid, quan tities of not more than tnree aozen VapoRub in any one shipment, and by shipping what was left from our daily production to our joDDers uy ex stead of freight. This was costly, but it solved the nvnWpm fnr the time being:. JNow however, we find that these smal shipments are constantly increasing we have received as many as 1,306 in ;no-le mail. It is becoming im- nossible for us to fill these promptly and instead of distributing our goods J g H H m 1 1 mem u SL tl S Our Store Will be Open Evenings Commencing Thursday, Until Christmas We believe that we can serve you better now bv reverting to our former policy of shipping exclusively through the jobber, and, effective immediately, no more drop shipments will oe mage. While we have put on a night snnt and have, thereby, about doubled our production, we are still unable to 1111 our back orders and won't be able to give each jobber all the VapoKub he wants. Hence, it will be necessary for the jobbers to continue distri but more quickly, they are really slowing nn the nrocess. . - . . ii t i 1 T..i. ing VapoKub in small lots oniy. dui we will he able to furnish each jobber at least twice the quantity ot vapoKuo that he purchased for the correspond- mc months last year, so mere snoum not be any difficulty in your getting your pro rata share. We feel that the public .appreciates the service that the retail and whole sale drug trade have rendered the country in this time of stress. We wish to express to both branches of the trade our thanks for the kind co operation extended us in our effort tc meet this emergency. ruwarywaranr mm ifedGoss CALDWELL ADDRESS AT GOLDSBORO. I THE VICK CHEMICAL CO. Greensboro, N. C. TTrtil Jan. 10. J. T. Norsworthy, the book man, will be at Goldsboro. Robe son county people who want tne -New International Encyclopedia or weo ster's New International Dictionary. Simond's History of the World War,: Mark Twain, Riley, O'Henry, Bibles or; any other high-class publication, can have same delivered immediately Dy addressing me, care The Kennon, Goldsboro, N. C. J. T. NORSWORTHY. FOR SALE AND RENT. A two horse farm for rent, good houses, land, and water, nice tobacco barn, fine to bacco land. For sale : Two pood farm mules, one Poland China sow and pigs, one two horse wagon. D. B. HUMPHREY, Lumberton, Ji. C, R. 2. DON'T SUFFER CATARRH OF THE HEAD, that loathsome and dreaded disease, cured while you sleep. Sessoms Late Discovery the great home remedy, in use more than fifteen years, testimonials and living wit nesses bespeak its merit. One bottle usually cures worst case. Price $1.00. For sale by Sessoms Remedy Co., Lumberton, N. C. ; Grantham Bros., Lumberton, N. C ; Gran tham Bros., St. Pauls; Bed Springs Drag Co., Bed Springs, N. C; J. M. See-