THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1918. " i . . - - I . . Chamberlains Tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are intended especially for stomach troubles, bil iousness and constipation, and have met with much success in the treat ment of those diseases. People who have suffered for years with stomach trouble and have been unable to ob- PAGE SEVEN tain any permanent relief, have been completely cured by the use of these tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are also of erreat valnp fnr hili Chronic constipation may be perma nently cured by taking Chamberlain's i ablets and observing the plain unnt ed directions with each bottle. DCCCDUC Cnnnr ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of K Barnes, deceased, late of Robeson County. N. ' r y2 II tp n,:t-'ly all -e: ns having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit tnem to the undersigned on or before the 31st SLuS Pber, 1919 .or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All Persons indebted to saio estate will please make immediate payment. This the 31st day of October. 1918 .... H. BARNES. Kr.,n7temt05 of K- Barnes, Deceased. Robert E. Lee, Attorney for administrator. 10 31 6 Thurs. The greatest need of the South today is readv money We have just seen it proven in the world War 'that the side the greatest reserves wins out. Likewise in the battle ot life the person with the greatest reserve wins out, and the person with no reserve falls out a failure. We need to build up our reserves. Save money for the future. Prepare for the hard times ahead. Lay aside money to be used in ease of emergency only. Money for good purposes and not to be wasted. Money that will be ready for the opportunity that will surely come once, but perhap s not again. HOW TO BUILD UP A RESERVE. Pay for your Liberty Bonds and your War Savings Stamps as according to your written pledges, and when paid for "SALT THEM." DON'T SELL THEM. Save them for the time when you will surely need them. Then, too, besides your Bonds and stamps you need a sav ings account, an account to which to add your savings and where your money will earn interest and also be ready for you at once when needed. Ready money for the bargain that will come with lower prices. When your money will be ready for you and can buy $1.00 worth of proper ty with $1.00 in money. Save your money until it becomes worth one hundred cents on the dollar. We make this special inducement to you today in order for you to begin now while money is easy to make. On all SAV INGS DEPOSITS made with us uring the month of De cember, we will pay interest at the rate of 4 per cent com pound quarterly, interest to BEGIN with December 1st, 1918. OPEN AN ACCOUNT TODAY WITH US. BANK OF PEMBROKE PEMBROKE, N. C. Haying qualified as executor under the will " niiiiaro. uec.-ised, late ol xlobt- son county, V C, this is to notify all per sons having claims acainst tv estot -,f H, ueceasea to exhibit them to the undersigned " -wm wic an aay oi December, 1919 o rthis notice will be r'- A h Tiery' , A11 P1?01" indebted to said estate jw mane immediate payment. This 7th day of December, 1918 ,, . t W. H. KIN LAW, 12 9 6 Mons. Executor. FROM ANTIOCH IN HOKE. Muleless Plow Black-Burr Meeting Antioch Boys in Service Cotton Warehouses Filled Up. No Luck for Him them to eriy auth Nov. 19 bar of th planus aK th ;en rated 19. V th ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. B. Stpnh ! Robeson County, this is to notify all person j having claims against said estate to present ersigneu administr-tor p:p- on or beiore the 18th 1rv of his noti-je will be plea,! jn eir recovery. A'.l inHKtn.) ti said estate will pk-ase make immediate r.V ment. This Nov. 16, 191?. JAS. L. STEPKFXS, E. J. Britt, Atty. H 18 6 Mon. NORTH CAROLINAOBe1on"coUNTY In the Superior Court, before the clerk. J. G. McRae and M. B. McRae, Administrator- of P. F. McRae, deceased, and J. G. McRae and M. B. McRae individually. vs. W. A. McRae, Archie E. Cottingham, John Leach and American Trust Company, a corporation. To W. A. McRae and Archie E. Cottingham: The defendants above named, will take no tice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced before the clerk of the Su perior court of Robeson County, North Car olina ,to subject the lands of P. F. McRae. deceased, to sale for the purpose of making assets to pay the debts of said decedent and the costs and charges of administration ; and the S2id defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the cleark of the Superior court of the said coun ty of Robeson, at his office in the court house, at Lumberton, N. C.. on the 6th day of Jar- iyi9 Correspondence of The Robesonian Antioch (Red Springs, R .F. D.), Dec 16. Your correspondent attend ed a few days ago what we might call a first-class tractor demonstra-i tion. This demonstration was given on rhe farm of Mr. W. J. Johnson ati Red Springs and drew quite a crowd from all the surrounding country, who came to see "a muleless" plow and one man that does in a day the same uii ui m-u uieu itiiu ten muies. lwas indeed a curiosity to see this moter pullim; her heavy plows, with so much ease, and doing such splendid work. It corr ince i even the doubting Thom r.s that in this day of modern farm ing and scarcity of labor that ma ?V:r.3s will soon take the place of the negro and the mule. Right here in Robeson and Hoke, as a result of this public demorstration several of our leading farmers have given their or-' ders for tractors and if you editors' wil drive up Red Springs or Rae ford way he can observe what a gaso line plow can do. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hodgin have, received letters from both of their; sons. David and J. A. 2nd. These let- ers were written aoout rsov. lemi and report the health of both young ; v.en as fine. Dave Hodgin was with ' he forces in France, while "Jack'; 'vas one of Uncle Sam's marines. They have both done their best, not bit. They volunteered as soon as war was formally entered by Uncle Sam and their many friends are glad to know 'tis well with them. Antioch had, we believe, 24 of her sons in the service. Of these there were more than a dozen who were either in the navv or went over, and so far as we know all are safe. Surely our people, This child won't play or smile. He is real sick. His tongue is white, breath feverish, stomach sour. He fears he is in for a dose of awful castor oil, cal omel or pills. How he hates them. He would rather remain sick. Ho! He won't tell mother! If his mother would only learn the value of candy "Cascarets." How children love this candy Cathartic how surely it acts on liver and bowels. UaiV. 1919. at n clnrk n m nnrl nnawo or demur to the complaint in said action, or together with all others, have much to i- ,wl",nim . arpj.y TO .curt lor e be thankful for. UCIUAIJUCU III AillU LUIliyii! Ill C This 7th day of December, 1918. (Signed) C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk of the Superior Court. 12 12 4 Thurs. P. S. COOPER, President. DEPOSITS $100,000. R. H. LIVERMORE, Cashier. RESOURCES $120,000 The Place Hooray for Banana PeeP'Bets-H" Only Real Way to Get Bid of Coins. Which do you prefer a corn that pulla or a corn that peels? Butchery or blessedness? Only "Gets-It" can get rid of your corn the peel-off way, the blessed way. You don't need a pull. to: Buy Goods! Bargains vance. -.d Boys' suits bought before the last ad- TO MOTHERS! Each ten cent box of Cascarets contains full direc- Ui- . i A LMJ J , J i . M ... Mr. S. P. Smith and nephew, Ms. uuac iui uiuuren agea one year oia ana upwaras. rooming eiso Ernest Smith of Pine Bluff, Ark., ar- "works" the nasty bile, sour fermentations and constipation poison from wrthmeTofe.0 SP 1 yS the tender little bowels so gently, yet so thoroughly. Even cross, fever- Mr. H. S McLean 0j ndAJjJeee' isn bilious children gladly take Cascarets without being coaxed." spentridaynighrat Antioch, jests' I Cascarets taste just like candy. Cascarets never gripe, never sicken, of Misses Margaret and Lou Smith. never injure, but above all, they never disappoint the worried mother. So mucn nas Deen written uy umei&j . about the Bl?ck and Burr meeting here i . mm. d-u we won't add anything. To Mr. Black, . 'twas coming home. Our people gave J. .1-1 ,-r ACA to Mr. Burr a tree-will ottering oi $oo and gave to Mr. Black $lo0 for synod ical home missions. erreat feature of Stomach Trouble and Constipation. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rru ; . 0 ; navinK ciuaniieu as auministraxor oi nenry xne muaiv aa :c Pitman deceased, this is to notify all per the meeting and i sons havint; claims against said estate to rmiph rrpdit for its SUCCeSS was due; present them to me at Fairmont. N C, on or not onlv to Mr. Burr and members Of ; before the 1st day of December, 1919. other- . - , . J . u : . .:.. : 1 1 i. i i i l t nhmr hnt A SO tO A11SS Urace UUUU- nuticc mm wr pieaneu in wif ui ,o ntwit.rist.Hnr1in:7 the f act I recovery A, ' ' . i u Viriol All persons indebted to said estate will tnai Liieic was biuuicss m and she was otherwise busily engaged, nfvpr missed a service. She was pianist. make immediate payment. This the 30th day of November, 1918. E. FISHER, . Ti 4. n-f V.i,iT-! Admr. ot Henry U. hitman, Deceased. AS a sincin wk" " i Johnson & Johnson. The Quality line of Boys' and Men's pants. Latest fads in Young Men's and Boys' hats and caps Complete line of underwear for the entire family Big Values in shoes for Boys and Men, both fine and sub stantial. The long-wear shoes for children The Bell line of shoes for ladies and Misses. Our prices are reasonable and values good. "We ask that you see our goods before you buy. Coma Nerer Trouble Me. I Use 'Gets-It " ! Why hump yourself up on the floor and with your Jaws set and eyes pop ping from pain, Jerk and gouge and cut your corns? "Why irritate your toes with some salve or wrap your toe into a big painful bundle with some sticky tape or plaster? Life is too short. Use "Gets-It" it takes a few seconds to apply and there's no fussing. Corn pains go. Wear new shoes if you want. Peel oft the corn with your fingers the whole thing, root and all, clear and clean, and It's gone! Only "Get-It" cn do this. Take no chances. "Gets-It." the guaranteed, money- back corn-remover, the only sura way, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f d by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. 111. Sole in Lumberton and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Pope Drug Co. nntrpriation for her valuable ser vices the congregation presented Miss! Goodman with a purse of $21. Mr. Black (the last night of the service)1, in his own inimitable way presented; the purse to Miss Goodman. The Black and Burr meetings will long be remembered here, and our people fol low them with their best wishes as they go to other fields of labor. The cotton warehouse in this sec tion are filled up, the demand being so great many farmers couldn t store their cotton, but are holding it at home. Best wishes to Robesonian, its crew and large family of contented read ers for a Merry Christmas. B. Attorneys for the Admr. 12 5 6 Thurs Those who are afflicted with stom ach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found anything so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamber lain's Tablets. 1 have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a healthy condi tion," writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. AUCTION SALE LOANS NEGOTIATED ON IMPROVED FARM LANDS (Robeson, Scotland A Hoka Counties) $2,00000 to $50,000.00 .FIVE YEARS ..... 5 1-2K Interest A. T. McLEAN Lumberton, N. C The personal property of E. L. Odom, Pembroke, N. C, consisting of horses, mules, carts, wagons, surry, buggies, farm implements consisting of plows, cotton and corn planters, cultivators, mowing macnine ana rane grain drill, threshing machine, pea huller, hay loader. Also cotton gin, saw mill, engine and boiler all com plete. Fine Jersey hogs will also be offered at same time. Time of sale: Dec. 30, 1918, 10:30. A. M. Terms, cash. E. L. ODUM, Pembroke, N. C. YOURS TO PLEASE. R. D. Caldwell & Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL K. M. BIGGS Right Place We can supply your wants in Christ mas gifts. See our line of Men's Neckwear, Gloves, etc. Attractive line holiday handkerchiefs. Complete line of crepe de chine and Georgette dress silks. , Headquarters for all kinds Christmas Toys. See Our Work and get our prices before placing an order for any kind of monumental jvork. Lumberton Marble & Granite Co J. H. Floyd, Frop. Lumberton, N. C DIRECTORS. EMBALMING Oldest Undertaking Establish ment in this community. Our equipment is good and when called render satisfactory ser vice. Day Telephone 119 J night, 82 or 312 or 226. I Everything! I In Hardware I Christmas Gifts of Service I I Let us Show You I l. H. Caldwell Good Eats In order to have these you must have good food purchas ed from a reliable grocery store. Try ours. WE HAVE A FULL LINE Of Useful and Sensible Holiday Gifts Ready for Inspec tion Perfumes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Manicure Sets, Toilet Cases- Smokers' Sundries, and other articles too numer ous to mention. LOOK OVER OUR SUGGESTIONS Get the True Xmas Spirit that prevails here and you will solve many a Gift Problem at - this store. phone n2 B mM mWM John Thomas Biggs SHOP EARLY LUMBERTON, N. C. ODEN & POWELL Chestnut Street Lumberton, N. C. the NYAL57! I PBESCRIPrmrrS A SPECIALTY I Lumberton, N.C. fa.

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