I THE R0BES0N1 A N i ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH i.OO A YEAR. DL'E IN ADV A NCI VOL. IXL LUMBERTtiN, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY DECEMBER 30, 1918 NUMBEH 93 A GREAT MEETING CYCLONE MACK" IN ACTION Meeting Jteached Hieh Mark Yesterday, Thousands of People Attending 3 Services. HUNDREDS HAVE PROFESS ED FAITH; MANY RESTORED Each Sermon and Service Better Than the Last Service for Col ored Folks This Evening Two Services Daily During Week Cottage Prayertneetings Meet ing Win Last Two Weeks Long er Some nine thousand people attended the B services at the Banner warehouse yesterday and the evangelistic cam paign swung rait its fourth week with life and fiare zind vigor that bid fair to make t5se next two weeks memorable in the history of Lumber ton Yesterday was the first Sunday since the campaign began on Decem ber 8 that the weather has been at all favorable, and many people attended from a distance, some coming fo? the morning service and spending the day. Evangelist Mdjtndon will preach to the colored foEks this evening, and the singing wilH foe a feature of the se-viee. Whrte people also are in hed. Two services wCll be held daily this week, at 3 and 7:30 p m. Beginning tomorrow, prayernseetings will be held at various homes all over town from 9:30 to 10 a. SV daily. Where these services will te feeM tomorrow will be announced at the service this e vening. Hundreds have professed faith since j the meeting began and many church j members who had grown cold have been reclaimed. Scores of peoDle j crowd to the front at every invitation j given by the preacher. At the con clusion of the service last Monday evening Dr. W. A. McPhaul, county health officer, went upon the platform and made public profession of his acceptance of Christ and his deter mination to live for God. He said that he had been under deep conviction since hearing Mr. McLendon's sermon the night before on sin, and that that afternoo nhe made the complete sur render. Mr. W. H. M. Brown of Buie also embraced the opportunity to make public profession of his conversion last October. ' - ' '' ' '.. '' . 'Z' . '' .f1 o'-',-,;- 1 V ''4-.-"- x i I ' ! WW ' I M - vw A I DEATH AND FUNERAL OF TVERS. R. D. CALDWELL WITH ROBESON SOLDIERS. COTTON MARKET. She Passed Away in Baltimore Christ mas Day Funeral Here Friday At tended by Immense Crowd Tributes To the Rare Christian Character and Influence of a Most Woman. Two LtmtWrtea Men in An Airplane. Middling cotton is selling on the lo ca; market today for 28 cents the pound. BRIEF ITEMS LOCAL NEWS Local banks will be ;los.d Wed nesday New Year's Day. Born to Mr and Mrs. B. Sam Ed- Mayor James D. Proctor received last week a letter from his brother Lieut. K. Knox Proctor in which Estimable Lieut. Proctor stated that he had just , maae a trip of llo miles on an aero- nlnin ...;U VI.. i IS XT 1 . , i,uw a luuaai in JjUlUUCIli) 1 tain- t.mn 4..L-;.... . 1U. . . i rr i . ered Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock to to UTfroat nd Wr wW 1 m0rn,ng' a bo- ; Pay the last tribute of respect to Mrs doctor S TtatJoTeS and landea'to C. will meet in the mu- R D. Caldwell, who passed away at spend a short time with him Lieut. mc:pal bu!dlnP at 3:;i P. m. Thursr- mJ fn8w T h03?11' Baltimore. Proctor Stated that he thoroughly en-' day" iShelmn'yfr T Hid thatA "0Ped , "The graded and high school wil, i lowing fnfluenza ?neumon"1 fo1 j to , be home some time next spring J began the spring term Wednesday of s The funeral was conducted from the JffifcJ " 'S attaChed t0 the 8Ut thlS Week' January lst ! First Baptist church by Rev. Dr. Cha3. ' iH. Durham, pastor of the church, ps- :ur I- Kriei'arlvlp ha hppn hnnnr ' sisted by Rev I; P. Hedgepeth The alJf 'SSSJffSS US Sir-m and.f?aliei'y wre fli J and bas returned home. He was sta ! overflowing with sorrowing f riends tioned al nampton Roads Va ; anct: relatives. Dr. Durham mentioned ' i three traits in the life of Mrs. Cald- well that had impressed him. These Mr. J. .1. Oondwin has been re jwere: Her love for God, her spirit j leased from the U. S. army and will i of optimism and her persistence inirpfurn to his work here at an early ,3 1 t i . j n n . Jnt-A A l .. a- i : : i e . I I I u j if in i i ' i k Fui r r i 1 1- v ifi , r i i i iin.ii ai i ii v - m u m r it. t- m "j r noi a h i . . . . j . " " &wv. u .'ll. - - - ........ ... ... M ...v-i.ivv vu:iiuaiKli 111 lUIll Uc riOll fPCll I -.J HedgMieth paid glowing tribute to the ! f"e well-known law firm of McLean, the collection of $620 Miss Cammie beaufpul Christian life of the deceas-1 Varser. .MrLean and H .E. Stacy. Mr.j McNeill was chairman, ed and declared that her influence ' Goodwin volunteered and entered the, . , woultfctive and bear fruits in the years military service more than three "V" untiful dinner, contribuied hy to come. Her life had a great deal to 1 Months airo. He was stationed at fmberton people, was taken to tha do with making Lumberton the good Camp Gordon, Ga. He has been atlnmats of, the county home Christ- town Jfc is, he said. Hundreds of peo- Red Spring"! for more than a week. ! mas uay M,ss lizzie aldweli. License has been issued lor the Mr. '.. A. MacCall returned about! maage of Bert Adams and Nettie 10 dav ao from the officers' train-1 yi i,?r,rell Jennings and Reba ing can.j) t I'lattsburg, N. Y., and is la.rch?T Floyd; Mellier Hardin and iHgitinsr .j the home of his father,, Kuo' Hayes. Mr D. A. MacCall at Elrod He was, -Mr H. L. Pope has purchased der and beautiful. As a mark of uro- V " Vm"l lesiaence 01 Mr. U. V. Bro r . O x f. . nas ie Mr. J. J. Prevatt and familv mov ed last week from Fairmont o Mr. Geo. L. Thompson's farm, near Back Swamp church. Much complaint is being made to tne officials about hogs being al lowed to run at large. This is a vio lation of the law. The Red Cross Christmas roll call pie foTHowed the remains to their last resting place m Meadowbrook ceme tery, where interment was made. No more beautiful array of flowers has been seen here than that which cov eredthe grave of Mrs. Caldwell. iiiywiwceaiuiecuuicii ww Tjimhoi inn vHitnr Thnrsrlav hoc 1. i MnafawaJ VrL 4- f h taw ... m tI i t . found respect the congregation stood I m"' XI ZT .T.: ana iu,s mdy will as the .preacher entered land remained t.oIle j, whfeh. FebrTl.t nme dbUt standing until the casket was rolled colleRt, h, v,r.t to Pittsburg He is to its place m front of the chancel ! Qn th. iriaj staff of the' college i -Much complaint is hoard about TASri?art f ScVnPotUi"Ve? ng i annual and wtll go to Raleigh this tions at the un or. station here. Dr. rrham read the 103rd Psalm, a ' .eek ahea4j of the opening t the ; Oiten when it is cold there is no fire In,, fanim Ton 7 4- oa.i'Bf Urf 1 the Waitllll? rOOm flnrl th ctormn UOOIOV 111 .w " w -Ml rjjgiis rot Kept in a sanita-y condition. Pithy Sayings of McLendon. There's just about as much cor diality and Christian fellowship among the preachers of this land as there is between a bulldog and a tomcat. One of the most pathetic things in the world is a man with a strong phy sique and a withered soul. Sin is mora insanity and hell is Among sermons of superlative spir-j God's insane asylum, itnal power, each meeting the need j A blind tiger is a cross between a of the hoar, one cannot say that this i polecat and a buzzard, one or that was best; but in his ser-i It does not take age to make a mons Saturday evening and yesterday,; devil, it takes sin. at each of the three services, Evange-i I came here to sit up with you until list McLendon preached with such I we have a revival, great power and made so plain somej If you are not asked to do some things over which multitudes of peo- j thing at this revival, ask for some pie stumble that the conviction was J thing to do. forced upon one that the messages You can do a man nine hundred and were truly inspired Yesterday Mr. ninety-nine favors and if you don't McLendon preached after a sleepless: do him the 1000th favor he will look night during which he suffered with a on you as a confirmed enemy, fever, but there was lacking none of! It requires microscopic inspection the usual fire and zeal, and last night to tell church members from non he said he was as fresh as when he . church members. -first began preaching. A majority of the churches are run This being the first issue oi ine as opposition societies. iron Kussellism is one ot t read by them many times together tt )Ut that publication during recent months when Mr. C aid- wiU be Vj MacCair8 last WV 1L ' . L u -I x ui the State college xii Mini nign uiuunco wit "ut onunende traits of character of the deceased,, i Dr. Durham and Mr. Hedgepeth gave I : Rxnresision to what everv heart in the i A German Gas Shell. Chief Hanna Captured Whiskey Still i Presence felt. They said what every j Capt ...d Al rs. J T Glover received unc wuwu nave liivcLi w saj u nicj " ... .uo .-..i., year at Be has been rec- a commission. WHISKEY STILL IN TOWN, In Operation Near Union Station Still Attached to a Range at Home of Jim Jenkins, Colored, Who Has Vamosed. Mr. J). H. Britt, Jr., of McDonald wntes The Robesonian to the effect that Mr. J. V. Faulk of that place kihed a porker on the 26th inst. that weighed 843 pounds. Quite a bit of hog. Misses Ganelle and Mvrtl R the"most dam- thai Robesonian since last Monday, wi the consequent accumulation of mat- nable heresies. It preaches ter to be nandled, it is impossible to : there is no personal devil . give detailed reports of all sermons.'. You 1 can reach 10 bums in New A report of the service last Monday j York or Chicago where you can reach evenine will be found elsewhere in lone high-toned, moral citizen . this issue and further reports of ser-l The more rigid denominational lines are drawn the less you see tne spirit ! 1 I A. i , J ' IT! I 1 1 ; M n r . . LJ 4T trm r . 1 t ' - 1 . . coum nave given utterance to wnat i-ureu wn m; ninuenourg line, ironi xiazici vanyie leit tnis morning was in their hearts. j t.ieir son Corporal E. J. Glover, 7th for Greensboro, to resume their stud- The pall bearers were: active rr.. mechanics Reg., air service, ies at Greensboro college for women, Messrs. S. Mdntyre, L. H. Caldwell, The letter which preceded the 3hell after spending the holidays at their n T WilHamc C M Ricro's Vva nc a from T-avieme. France. 1 homes here IJ fwLrlSSwl Gougr.H' T.' Po;.Jonorary:-j The shell wrapped in a Robesonian ; -Mr. Geo. W. Bass and family mov- "r- .'"r -7 Messrs. 1. n. varser, n. o. jenmngs,; w oeic . r - en i rarscray from the Barhe&vil'" still was being operated ui tne town i H- M McAllister, F. P. Gray, Jas. D. section into the Freeman rSklnce" of Lumberton Chief of Police E Ljp R c Lawrence, E. J. Britt,: Ueu, ., Nl Ru,sell of c Mc. Third street Mr B n 'l' Hanna located a whiskey-making , w , Linkhaw G. L Thompson, D. W. ; Clelb.n. Anniston, Ala., is snendmg a a position as salesman in Messrs R puuii i.i run ua.iciviuu ill viiv. nivviivii at the home of Jim Jenkins, colored near the union station. The chief smell ed something "cooking" and when he reached the scene of action Jenkins was sitting on the front porch at his home with a shotgun across his lap. He ordered the officer to halt, but he did not halt. While he wras locating the still Jenkins made his escape and Biggs, L. E. Whaley, K. M. Barnes, ten-days' furlough here with hime D. Caldwell & Son's department store' !A. P. Caldwell, M. F. Caldwell, Irvin, folks. Lieut. Russell spent some time w r ranee State.- to s der?. Carlvle. E. B. Freeman, J. T. Biggs J. A. Eranch, T. L. Johnson, A. E. White, T. W. Maxwell and Dr. R. T. Allen. As an unusual mark of respect for deceased, the Virginia & Carolina Southern railroad, of which Mr. Cald- rirppnV;'ii i well is a director, stopped an trams News has been received here of was sent back ro the the marriage on Christmas day of Mr. Mr armv. o riivorrnr ernnnpn a lihiiis.; i i. has not been conspicuous in Lumber-Lw, aii ctat.inn doors and ceased all' , . , . 111KIIII. work ior tive minutes, oeginning at Arthur Shooter of the U. S statione i e. S. C if fair ! 3 o'clock, by order of Mr J Q. Beck- ton since that time The still was a home-made and was attacned to a range. ine, v,o mnpral mssna - , . i . , Hi VV1L11, uuslewiA) - v v.i. towlAV- uiant, Wl'.i! inuie w:aii i-v.entv gtmuna lf0,. Wol hnnnoes hniKP? .vpi'P closed lor the funeral. There were many out-of-town peo ple here for the funeral from tne country and nearby towns, among them Messrs. A. R. McEachern, J. M. Butler and J. L. McGoogan of bt of beer, was taken over by the officials. It is supposed the plant had been in j operation for some time. 92 CASES OF "FLU." I Mr. J : last eve : having i armv. rung mons last week and yesterday will be published in the next issue, in subs-- of God manifested. A mean, narrow' That Number of Cases Reported in Papls quent issues II JS IlO,. iM LUcit it ,vm se;. ti.l milism is tne cuiae ui t,uc uuun- possible to give reports ot all sermons . try. up to the time oi going to press Robeson Last Week. I Senator McLattrin cn McLendon. Ex-Senatcr John L. McLaurin of Bennettsville, one of the most promi nent men of So-ith Carolina, and Edi tor W. D. Grist of the Yorkville En quirer, one of the best semi-weekly newspapers in the country, attended th service Thursdav afternoon and i mi ..sc in naming otner soi- Sam R Tw;c nf Tobcwiii tn- . -- vu.ni3v;iivu ic , i lx Mr. Lewis formerly lived here ind is 'brother of Sheriff R. E. Lewis It has not been learned who Mr. Ll-wis at Camp Sevier, married. spent part of last Manv fine porkers have been 1Tll- visiting relatives and ed in Robeson during the last few weeks. The heaviest yet reported to The Robesonian belonged to Mr. Artie Williamson arrived home Walters of R. 2 from Fairmont. This, from Philadelphia, Pa., one tipped the scales at 547 after be teleased from the U. S. ing dressed. j Mr. R. Lewis Shelby, cashier of the National Bank of Hopewell, Va., spent Wednesday and Thursday here visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. R. W. Shelby. Mr. Wearn Shelby, book keeper in the same bank, also .?peat the holidays here visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Smith und were their 2 children, of Saddletree, will COTTON GINNED IN ROBESON. 54,851 !!'. tinned to December 13. Correspondence of The Robesonian Mrs Sarah Dovie Caldwell was i i t i "x t n i i : . j unurcn memoersmp is a greased i .me nooeson piiysicmns lepuiieu;, Nnvpmher 1. 1864. and was, plank the devil uses to slide folks into; 92 new cases of flu to the county j therefore in her 55th year. She was i 54,854 bales of cotton, counting round ; ieave Wednesday for Callahan ' Fla. hell. I ooara oi neaitn m ween. ruiuy ia daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. as nan r.e.--, ginned in KODeson coun-1 near which place they vviU make theit: When churches lay down envy and cases were reported from the Me-1 o r Carlvle of Lumberton and spent ty from the crop of 1918, prior to De- home on a farm recentlv nnrrhjKM.fl . 1 1 ... . . . . . . 1 . ... U ... . i T . M C .-- I n ftt'OTirV-ClV T VAm KnW. . . . . CI . ,4 ' V. .. 1 " ' .... nnn.nn -1 - V. C. OnO . ... . . . jcaiuusy uiiu sian a. unvc nj;.tnci uiaiu ocu.wn, muj ajj her lite here, one was marrnsu; i-. as i-uuiyaicu v.iin they will put the devil in a hospital. ocrits in the church; they look over 99 Godly men and women in the" church and pick out the hypocrit. Hvnocrits are going to hell and it is before the sermon Senator McLaurin i better to spend a few years with a paid a high tribute to Mr McLendon. j few hypocrits in the church than to He said that if there is a Christian onj spend eternity in hell with all the God's earth Baxter McLendon is one ; i hypocrits in the church and out of it. that he has known McLendon since he! The worst sin, the preacher declared, was a boy, and that since he was con- is rejecting Jesus, verted he had never known any nian Men say they are afraid they will to walk straighter; that no man in! not hold out. Holding out, he said,!(.- Marlboro county is held in higher es-j is not your business God will take teem, his folks love and respect him;; care of that. that he is the best judge of human ua-j You can miss your chance of being ture he has ever known. Senator Mc- saved, said the preacher, and he told Laurin said much more to the same lot' the awful condition of the man or purpose, showing that Mr McLendon. woman who resists God's spirit until is honored and respected by the peo-! finally God lets them alone "He that pie among whom he has spent his life; being often reproved hardeneth his and has their entire confidence Sen-; heart and stiff eneth his neck shall ?tor McLaurin is a near neighbor of; suddenly be destroyed, and that with McLendon out remedy" Mr McLendon spent Christmas Evei at his home in Bennettsville and he I REGAN STORE ROBBED. eVmwon1 nn Christmas night with some scratches on his face. He B Robbers Unlocked Store Doer and Safe without provocation a man approacn-! , ed him on the street the night before j and Got Away W ith 8200 or $300 and insulted him in such a gross way; No Clue to Guilty Persons. that he could not have looked his; The store of Mr j g. Regan, about wife and children in the face again ten mjies north-east of Lumberton, without resenting ed to knock the man he added, "he will Make For Not Being ; Between $200 and $300 m cash was taKKIl IIUIU tile SiliC wiin.il iiau vii lsnd, seven from' Fairmont, eighteen! from Pembroke and one from St. Pauls. Recorder's Court Cases. to Mr. Caldwell May 29, 1884. rler oaies gin nee to uecemoer i-s. lvli. husband, one daughter and three sons, J. W. BARNES, Mrs. H M. Baker of Detroit, Mich.,! Special Agent Messrs. S. F. and R. D. Jr., and Mas- of Lumberton; "fun tne string nard and get lov Willinm raldwfell. Winnie Stocks, colored, was before I and one brother, Mr. W. W. Car-; the results of our neighbor's garden. Assistant Recorder E. M. Johnson ve 0f Lumberton, survive. I The abow inscription was found on a Saturday on tne cnarge oi stealing a Mrs. Laldweil jomea tne BityyizL, uim ""S"k , . . , M SPih?rt chicken from Sam Smith. Prayer f or I church when only a girl and the First; mouth of a Lumberton chicken Sat- " ISr S 1 JZI1k? .u! ino-mpnt. was continued unon navment I -RoHct rVmrrVi of T.nmberton never; urday. I he card was tied to one end I i!' "1 " . . vr .v , .. " t i : ""i"""" t 1T . ; by Mr. Smith, who has sold his farm in Saddletree township to the O. L. Joyner Co. Mr. Fred Seibert, utility man and personal worker. with Evangelist Mc Lendon, retornecl Saturday night from a business trip to Chiiago. While away he visited his mother in the Unless! of a string nd a grain of corn was Sunday for 12 years. UI UUC jiwiuv... u.av. v. i jt IUU1C lUVOl iui.inui.1. w... .... . V" " j r "r i t-i , L 1 T 1 fendant live in Howellsville township, providentially hindered, she was nev-i attached to the other, the chicken, ouimrientu, wno m oeen After Smith indicted Winnie for r absent from service, and she took! swallowed the corn and the card f ol-; confined to his room at the home of the chciken she indicted him 1 an active part in ail that tended to loweo ine cnu-Ken nome. 7' "f f '--iu wnu on the charge of letting his hogs run the spiritual uplift of her church and, Messrs. j. B. McCormick and irt'eKoXlJ ."V t IL . P,m.. fnr inrlo-mant wasi TanawnA Vicrl f nr BPVPVal I W 14 MWUllan KV, f Pnrl.n 10 De out tOUay IOr the UTS time. tXi. Ittlgc. i"."" J""& I CU1IIIUUI11UJ . I'cau " -, " "-'""i uuwi iwnimm, WVlon nct-oH if ho Viorl "fir." 4.; , j iooq nnrn novmptit. , .rn.r in tno wnrV nf i n-QM ..-...-. .-i- .it kmiicnri rru.-,r,cAn-,r nen asKea ii ne nad tne nu sure of the cost. I the Woman's , Missionary society of ! when a Ford car in which they were . nou?h, !?e replied that he had tne Weldon Lovett of the Long Branch j the Robeson Baptist association and) riding turned turtle about 4 miles j Prian miiuenza tne wnole woj -:s. section was also given a hearing on!she never tired in her work of bring-! from Lumberton on the Fairmont Among those who came home the charge of letting his stock run at;jng about the Kingdom of Christ on j road. They' were both brought to the;frrn college to spend the holidays and Ioto-p Pvavpr f or iudement was con-i oortVi i Thorn ns.n hOsoital and are recverini? ' not mentioned in previous issues of tmued upon payment ot tne cost. jjer love for bod and numanity ami Neither received any broken bones. . . I her manner of administering to those; Mr. v. T. Hutchinson has resign- Marked Trogress in Farming m less fortunate than she endeared her ed hig piti with Messrs. R, D. Bladen " to all with whom she came m con-j CaldweU & Son. He has accepted a tact, uiuerueaui uui vl,lJ- , " "ilV position with the W. T. McCoy Co. witn wmcn sue was dninau, ot Charlotte and will go to Char- it, and ne proceed-1 was robbed Sunday night, December 's "block off ; and ; 22 The robbers unlocked the store not do it again. i Aoor an( ais0 a safe in the store. Excuses Men Christians. combination on it. Both the safe end At the service Christmas night Mr. Aoor to the building were re-locked McLendon preached on the excuses , by the robbers. But very little mer men make for not being Christians, chandise was missed. Thev are foolish, he declared, as fool- After enteriner the buildiner the rob- ish as the excuses the men made who hers hitched Mr. Regan's horse to his were invited to the marriage supper huerirv and drove awav. The horse and and began to make excuses, one that, buggy were found near Lumberton, he had bought a piece of land and the horse roaming at large, by a col must needs go and see it; another 0red man late on the night of the that he had bought a yolk of oxen robbery There is no clue as to the and must prove them; another that guilty parties, he had married a wife upon which; Bladen Journal. Tt Hops ns p-nnrl tn see such marked T nmlwrtnn nnr! Robeson county at TiniPTPss in farm in f? in Bladen tioun-1 lanw sustain a loss that will be sore while. Mr. Hutchinson nberton about 4 vears ago and he and his family have made to vd-i- manv friends here, consult , v . , that produced more than a half bale specialists under whose care Mr Vivian6 Twnsend', of cotton to tne acre, and on many; well has been for the past 9 or 1 J Kathrvp Beaman and George Whit- montns wmie tneie . field sang Christmas carols all over suffered a light attack of influenza ; Christmas mornin from 5 to from which he soon recovered Mrs., visiting every Jart of town, Caldwell also contracted the disease , not forui the leepers past which was followed by pneumonia. It;th earljer hour waked by "con- was tnougnt tnat "' "!cord of swt sounds" to lealization of ty during the past ten years. We don t ly felt. She was a model Lonscian iere or . know any county that has uade more; woman and her influence will live for-! came ,,, j u nrasress aloncr this line m the sain length of time Ten years ago there! Mr and Mrs Caldwell went to Bal were very few farmers in the county i timore about six weeks ago to farms it took three or four acres to produce a bale. But now there are scores of farmers making a bale to the acre and more. In a very few years Bladen will be one of the lead ing agricultural counties in the State. improving until last luesuay ctxtci-, - , , , , mnmino- hA nr- casion beinsr i The fine tract of land known as noon, when there came a change lor, . , Wv,.r was earlv mnmino- slpnito the foreign music students of the T HIT T- 1 , H It 1 j? 1 I i 1 Tfl W 111 Unrn I onrl hlC7 1 i j m. reeie s ivicvjouirnan iarm. oe-, tne worse, mi. o. r. amnui tween Rex and Rennert, the 348 acres two younger brothers, Masters Robert passage of Scripture his remarks were! Mr. Alex Sessoms is enjoying of which had been cut into 8 small and William, left for Baltimore Tues farms for the purpose of selling at day evening but their mother passed public auction, as advertised in The away before they could reach her bed Robesonian, was sold last week by Mr. side. Her husband and son-in-law an G. H. Russell of Laurinbun? at r.ri- daughter. Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Baker The Robesonian were: Misses Hazel Carlye, Ganelle and Myrtle Barnes from the Greensboro College for wom en; Miss Dorothy Pnlayson from Winthrop college, Rock Hill, S. C. Members of the traveling house lotte to begin work at an early date, party of 1916 were entertained at a Mr Hutchinson's familv will remain dinner at the Alpine cafe Tuesday eve ning. The party was composed of Misses Hazel Carlvle, Viola Jenkins, Rachel McXamara, Mary Lee Cald well and Margaret Pope. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Daisy W. Jenkins. Miss Carrie Mae Hedgpeth, who is a student of Eugene Heffley Car negie hall, New York city, directed a quartette that was given Christmas Eve at Earl hall, Columbia university, also was pianist during the rendition of several Christmas carols, the oc casion being a special service given more sweetly rroken-'Or early risers! city. given a more fitting introduction to i the dav. DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER, Optometrist found shock and cast a gloom over, the communitv where the deceased vate sale, before the date of the auc- of Detroit, Mich., were with her when spent her life and where she WaS Uni" 1 J r T7 I r n r et tkM based. fresh headed cabbage from his garden.' tion sale, for $30,500. This is said to the end came. Iversally loved and admired for her tperi ivncwieuge Hypocrits, he said, hide behind hyp- 1 i.e plants were put out in September, be one of the finest farms in Robeson. News of the death came as a pro j many womanly virtues. and Fitting Glasses.

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