t v . PAGE EIGHT TCt fiOBSSONUN THURSDAY. JANUARY t. 1119. '"PR. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is U just what I need. It is a splen did laxative, mild and pleasant and acts so quickly and easily. I wouldn't be without it, and keep it in ourhqme all the time." I I ft of Fure Bred Duroc Jersey Hogs From letter to Dr. Caldwell written bj I Mr. G. C. Murphy, 4 Walker Street, 1 ' Atlanta, Ga. in ft It 4fe I! I J; t" l- .;' :- r: J:, ft r 'ft Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (25) $1.00 Recommended as a positive remedy for consti pation, mild and gentle in its action. The standard family remedy in countless homes. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. PROVED SPIRIT OF DEMOCRACY Voluntary Basis of Food Saving Showed Heart of America Beat Truo for Freedom. . Tt the voluntary service and saerf ce of the American people most be attributed the continued health, Jtreafth aad morale ef the Allied ar salas aad the civil populace. Upon, this spirit of service aad sac nice will depend Baropel fate la the oaths to come. Ia the past year we have carried oat an export program, the magaltode of which la almost be yond comprehension. Bat with the tew demands that have come, with the liberation of nations freed from German oppression, oar exports mast be almost doubled. Instead of 11,820, 000 tons, we mast ship twenty million tons of food to Europe in the coming year as much as can be pushed through our ports. If the Allies had not been fed by America, it would have been impos sible for them to maintain their de fense against Germany. Meeting this world need on a purely voluntary basis, the American people have conclusively proved that democ racy is a success atjo that Jn time of need It will rise to lis own defense. If there wen1 Kb other nccompllsh rment to its credit the very fact that it lias shown the strength of democracy has in Itself more than justified the existence of the Food Administration In the eyes of the world. Less than four months after the United States declared war the United "States Food Administrator expressed his determination to meet America's food problem on a basis of voluntary action , and reiterated ills confidence that awakened democracy weuM prove Irresistible. 4 W'r " ' " ilany thinking 'Americans," said Mr, Hoove'ri "and the" whole world have been watching kirxiously the last Tour" months in the fear that 6emf cratic America could not organize to meet autocratic " Germany. Germany has been confident that it could not be done. Contrary proof Is immediately at our door, and our people have al ready demonstrated their ability to mobilize, organize, endure and prepare 'voluntarily and efficiently In many di rections and upon the mere word of Inspiration aside from the remarkable assemblage of our Army and finances.4 The history of the Food Administra tion Jias clearly shown that the trust of those who put their faith in democ racy has not been misplaced. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power end authority vested In me by the Last V.'.ll and 'I tiU.u.er.1 of W. A. Lewis, deceased. I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at Fairmont, North Carolina, in front of the Bai)k of Fair mont, at about twelve o'clock, noon, on Mon day, February 3rd, 1919, the following de scribed lots of land in the town of Fairmont: In the town of Fairmont, on the nort sid of Church street, being lots Numbers 5 and in Block 5, as per survey made by J. R. Edmunds, in October 1908. Beginning at a stake in the North edge of Church Street, comer of lute 6 and 7, and runs North 27.8S East 150 feet to a stake; thence South 58.55 East 100 feet to a stake, corner of lots 4 and 5: thence South 27.28 West 150 feet to Church Street : thence with Church Street North 58.55 West 100 feet to the beginning .corner ; containing 15.000 square feet. This January 2, 1919. A. P. FLOYD, ' Executor of W. A. Lewis, deceased. -McLean, Varaer A McLean and H. E. Stacy, 19 4 Thurs Attorneys. For hair and And allky. It remove dandruff sad stone falling hair at one, and make joxurianc naa dmudiul. uo tutaa. Large boxea maljed 25c For Sale By Grantham GREATEST OPPORTUNITY WOMEN EVER HAD. It was given to the women of this country to perform the greatest serv ice in the winning of the war vouch safed to any women In the history of the wars of the world to feed the warriors and the war sufferers. By the arts of peace.- the practice of aba pie, homely virtues the womanhood of a whole nation served humanity In Its profoondest struggle . for peace and freedom. FIRST CALL TO POOR ARMY. v Thla co-eperatlon and service X ask of all ia fall confidence ) that America will render more for flag and freedom than king ridden people surrender at com- pulsion. Herbert Hoover, An gust 101917. IDAHO MAN SAYS HE WAS FORCED OUT OF THE COAL BUSINESS Gave Up Work On Account of Trouble But Got Nc Relief Until He Took Taalac. ' ''I know of several others besides r.-.j-peif who are taking iTanlac, j.nd they nil say, as I do ,that ii' is doing thorn a world of good,'.' saiiiiT Mel ton, who is connected wjtfij )j Mr txat oai ana ruei company, ana who resides at 527 South Sixteenth' btreet, Boise City, Idoha. " . "During the past five years," he ntinued, "I have suffered so much from rheumatistru disordered kidney's; and stomach trouble, that my lifj hasd been a burden to me. My whole bodyi j Seenmet!" affected by the rheumatism 1 my kidneys bothered ine , constantly! nnrl mw harV nnrl airloa niheH n.t rhotl was nearly" distracted frottj pan. IT. naa ieanui neaaacnes ana 'was so ner-j vous for months that I neveV'Ttrtewf what it was to get a good flight's 'sleep.f I got so bad last summer and fall that I was forced to give up my-, work and for three long months I was on the flat of my back in bed, suffering agony. "After I had sepnt over 5150, for treatments that didn't give me relief, I read about Tanlac and tried it. I was surprised at the wonderfut im-j river whi h' ves ample faU for provement it made in my feelings I drainage light from the start. My appetite be- WhUe not ely known, thia is one gan lo pick up and all of my trou-,of the m08t heaithfuif attractive and olea began to leave rue. I was able in many respects desirable locations soon to eat anything I wanted and the to be found in the South These iands rheumatism disappeared. My head; (Norfolk sandy loam) are easil y clear never aches any more, my nerves are erj) and. are adapted to the growing m splendid condition and I sleep likeof cloven, vetch, ad other legumes, a log at night. I ain back on the besides any of the standard crops, joo woritins eveiy ua,, in an noiia-iruit i wtaiiicr auu iioiiunK ever nuuuico "ie at all. Tanlac has cartainly made life worth' the living for me.' Tanlac is nowi sold exclusively in Lumberton by the Pope Drug Co., Inc.; in St. Pauls by the Grantham Drug Co.; in Lumber Bridge by the Central Drug Co.; in Red Springs by the Red Springs Drug Co.; in Max ton by the Barnes Bros Drug Co., Inc.; in Pembroke by the - 'T.vnick Co.; in Lowe by L. E. Tyn3r A Sen; in Purvis by C. T. Pate & Co.: in Elrod by J E. Bridges; in Rayhham by C M. Townsend; in McDonalds by the McDonald Drug Co.; in Row land by the Rowland Drug Co., Inc.; in Fairmont by the Pittman Drug Co.; in Marietta by D. F. Gregg and in Bamesville by W. C. Walters. 18 A OKUOHTTULLV PERFUMED ORESSINO Dromotln the tfrowth of tha makaa haran. ttibborn hair aaf t kinky or stubborn hair straight. not accept imirauona or substl Tba Cocotont Co., Atlanta, Oar Bros. Lumberton, N. C. Everybody Needs a Box of Writing Paper You never saw such pretty boxes of Stationery as we have this year ABTISTIC-BEAUTIFITL NOVELUSEFUL. The Prices Fit Any Purse All Positively Best Values and Quality for the Money. "TSJABUSHEO Mr a is, if Mr. L. H. Caldwell, LUMBERTON, N. C. Dear Sir: vi iii vi iij T o Meadows mill and you is giving perfect satisfaction and class meal and all our customers are highly pleased with it. Will be pleased to show any one or tell them about ti e mill and engine that you selL e Yours truly, F. L. and J. Q. PARNELL. E3 to See Our Work tnd get our prices before placing an order, for any kind of rrionume Qtal work. - . r - f t .. .. LOirlDertOn Marble JSl Granite Co. C. J. If. Floyd. Proo. Lfnberton, N. LAND FOR SALE , Four hundred acres of very flesir able cut-over land at a bargain. Sit uated in Bladen county on west side of "Cape Fear river. Thirty-five miles from Wilmington. Four or five from railroad station. These lands are growing, trucVing or stock rais ing, also a considerable quantity of second growth timber is now on the land. Values are bound to increase rapidly in th'3section. Now is your chance to get a good body of land at a low price. Apply JOHN A. ROBESON, Councils, N. C. COMMISSIONER'S LAND BALE. Under and by virtue of the power and au thority contained in a judgment lately ren dered by the Superior Court of Robeson coun ty in a certain cause therein Dending. en titled Betsey Lock lea r Hunt and husband, A. G. Hunt and others, plaintiffs, vs. Bertha McNeill, Mary McNeill, and others, defendants, the undersigned commissioner will sell at pub lic auction, for cash, on the third day of February, 1919. at about 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Lumberton, North Caro lina, the following described lands: Lying and being in Smith's township. Robe son county. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Joe Loekloar, Betsey Locklear, Mar- i cus Dial, John Joe I .ocklear. Make Locklear., William Locklear and others, containing about 70 acres, on the mill swamp stud on both sides of the Bee Branch. Beginning at a pin in a bay, McNeill's corner, and runs with his line N 22 W 28 chains to a stuke; thence S 40 E 16 chains 25 links to William Lock tear's corner, Wiiey Locklear's line: thence 8 20 E 5 chains; thence N 70 E 20 chains: thence S 20 E 15 chains; thence S 20 W 27 chains to the Red Banks road; thenca with said road 24 chains to a stake by a pine; thence direct to the beginning ; containing 70 acres, being the lands described in a judgment recorded in Civil MiauU Docket No. 18, Page 889, office of the Clerk of the Superior Court oi Robeson county. -. This the first day of January, 1819. " Place of sate: Court House door. Lumber ton. N. C. " ' . ; Terms of Sale: Cash . Date of Sale: third day of February, 1919. F. D. HACKETT. JR., . Commissioner. McLean. Varier McLean, - ' 1 4 Thurs Attorneys for plaintiff. - IB9A PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY I LUMBERTON, N.C.( .Mi 4 Buie, N. C, Dec. 24, 1018. 4i li & & ft C iij ft -ft ft ft ft ft ft Mogul Engine bought of making first R.D. CaldweM Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL DIRECTORS.; EMBALMING "Oldest Undertaking atablish meat in this community. Our equipment is good 'aad whea- called render satisfactory ner vice. Day Telephone 119; night, 82 or 312 or 226. avv vwvvv- Farm For Sale. 3150 Acres.. 125 in cultivation, 7 miles south ot White- ville,N. C. Splendid tobacco, cotton and cornfarm. A big bar gain for quick sale at $9000. Terms, see E.NEALY, Owner, VINELAND, N. C. or & FETON, Agts., CHADBOURN, N. C. IOAN8 NEGOTIATED ON IMPBOVEP FARMLANDS (Eobeson, Scotland ft Hoka Cotmtlea) t2,IM00 to $5(W00.9t y .PITK TEARS .... 13 1-2 Interest . A. T. McLEAN Laaiberton, - N. C :JJ HARNLY h .'i. j ; v-.J. AZ at Mullins, S. C. On January 16th, 1919 70 - Seventy Pure Bred Sows and Gilts, also 10 high-class Boars will be sold at this great offering. Pedigrees will be furnished with every animal sold. Hogs doifble treated and immune from Cholera.- Every one of .these fndividuafs good quality. These are choice, fully aelected and the cream of 575 pure bred Duroci. These Sows are either sired by or bred to the following great Herd Boars of the best blood lines of the Duroc breed, namely: H. E.'s Pilot Wonder. No. 57871, Col. Orion 18th. No. 133383. Red Lonzo No. 69827, Blackwell's Select Orion King, Roses Orion King No. 82671, T. Ls Pilot Wonder No. 68971, Chief Red Cloud No. 78073, Major Orion V, No. 134435, Red Orion VI, No. 134497 & Col. Mullins. ' 1 The above Herd Boars are of the big, smooth type, made right and bred right and Sows bred to them should appeal to the most careful and skeptical breeders. This is a wonderful opportunity to buy a Sow or Gilts sired by or bred to such wonderful big type Boars. In addition, there will be - " .,, ' 25 Head Pure Bred Pigs and Shoats on This Great Sale The above Sows and Boars are ready to-go-iivto any herd for its improvement. You cannot afford to overlook this exceptional opportunity to prepare in time for the boll Weevil. He ia certain to come, as the boll weevil is now raging in four counties in South Carolina. This is going to be one of the largest Pure Bred Duroc Sales ever pulled off in South , Carolina. Don't Fail to Attend This Sale. Rain or SALE BEGINS 1 1 A. M , JN. 16, 1919 AT NEAL & DIXON BROS. BIG Which will be Used as a Sales Send all mail order bids to W. D. Scott, Auctioneer, cfoi W. H. Daniel, Mullins, S. C. L. W. Traer of The Farm and Stockman, Jacksonville, Fla., will have charge of the Sales arena. Marion County Dorock Breeders Assn. CO. DIXON, President "r'"-k'.. Address all communications to W. H. aniel, Secretary, Mullins, S. C INSURE TODAY YOUR LIFE, HEALTH, AND PROPERTY. Southern Life & Trust Co., Old Colony Insurance Co.. Greensboro, N. C. Boston, Maw. Continental Casualty Co., Westchester Fire Insurance Co., Chicago, I1L New York, N. Y, "TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE.'' G. V. BROWN, Ag Q. T. WILLIAMS . Lcmherton. N. C ifjmtM S", , -.. ft are thelright land; hTgn clifs "and pare bred Sows and Boars, care TOBACCO WAREHOUSE Pavilion. GET OUT A POLICY and do It now. Fires are dis astrous 'auddelav are dar gerous. ' . You cant bring back what Is consumed by fir. You ear BE 'REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's ons of oar. Premiums on doubtful police ) i Ih mnn thrown slwvv. '!- mi. Be sure and msnra ; r -p.

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