Pi TEJS E0BES0N1AJN . MONDAY JANUARY 20, .lilt PAGE TESZB Retail Lines i Reduced Witt bit - A Wholesale Buyers give Attention. -BY WMTE G0HJGH? h(g0 This Ad. is of more value and greater importance than any we have heretofore written It means the saving of more dollars for more people than any of the great offerings of the past. We have decided to ESCPMTIMUE . ' I 4. TiiliiyiMiii i .M'i. , . I '--..-iv-..-v..'i-..i'i,!ir' : ;." : '- :i li i- ' ' 1 . I I 1 (- ' .r - ' M 5 , , ' t . 1 i . . 'I ' - 1 Dm, of our fereat biicitolm for the purpose of devoting our time and space to the improvment and enlarg- ...WW JTv til 11 , 1 ' ft thefm buyer. Wholesale Department ilii our HQtESALE. DEPARTMENT we have a stock of more tHanltfty Thousand Dollars 'iMi: high-class Merchandise which we offer to Country Merchants and wholesale buyers at prices lower, than that asked by . Manufacturers, Mill Agents or Jobbers.; r . This offer means full piece and package. No peasuring of; yards, no breaking of packages. We advise you - to make your purchases juas joon as you read so0earn of this wonderful ? ;'::Sp.ecial,rNptice4-. It will be impossible for all of our many clerks to wait on you, so when you come for a "Wholesale" bill kindly call for our head salesman, Mr. French, or either of the proprietors. Neighbors can buy together and by taking full piece and package secure wholesale prices he Stock insists It: Fine Fancy iDresfc and Staple Checked Ging ham,, Sheetings, Plaids, Cheviots, Shirtings, 'Outing,: 3?Ianrielsp:K Dress Goodsr.3rabJe JDarnask,AVhiteuJBed Spreads, ' Underwear for Men, Women ahd Children, Sweater for Jeh anddy Hosiery, Siispen a dei HdHerchiefo, Lare line of Work Shirts, OverallM for Men arid Boys, Men , and Boys Caps, Negligee ?md Dress Shirts,(and other ar j tides iii;lafrgeuantitie. Just a Few Prices-Wholesale Only North Carolina Plaids 16 l-2c yard. Yard wide Sheetirig 18 l-2c yard. Yard wide Bleeching 15c yard. Canton Flannell 14c yard. Calicoes 16 l-2c yard. Hosiery of good quality for Men and Women $1,50 doz. About 800 doz. on hand. Different kinds and qualities. W ML DEFAMf M NT A corresponding reduction to reduce our lines. We are going to change the arrangement of our store, we had rather move money than Merchandise. The money saving opportunity may nexer come again. This is the season of necessity, the very time yuu need the goods. Come quick, do not delay. Our lines are too well known to try and outline. The general public have long since learned the fact that we carry the largest and best selected stock to be found in this part of North Carojina. TAKE OUR ADWGE, chSJdSMgSfng tollveyioSjoSf he Sale will not last .thirty days,' the prices wre name will carry the goods to other quar ters. See that you get your; Share. WHITE Ori .. la ' . . ' ; .... S nc inal and Greatest ain Givers LA 7 t5ftl. i I M