TEE ROBESONIAN MONDAY. JANUARY 20, If 19 ' , - ' ' - i The old year with all its joys, heart aches and cruel war, is clos ng The new year is fly ng in On white wings of peace. Peace for all Nations on earth. , May the New Year bring to us all health, happi ness and prosperity. ' 9 i Make our Bank your Bank PLANTERS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. N. A. THOMPSON, President R. C. LAWRENCE, Vice-Pres. K. .M. BARNES, Treasurer. G. E. RANCKE, JR As.'t Treasurer. GEO. L. THOMPSON, Trust Officer. - V 1 1 -! I , . m THE BOJiEBUNIAS Mm )'? vWcm fourth Strti. Telephone No. 20. MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1919 BUSINESS BUILDERS PERSONALS appears, are anxious to get home..The war is over and of course it is natural to feel like their work in that line is; overBe true to your post, boys for Mr. J. E. Kinlaw f R. 7, Lumberton, freedom will sow! come and then you : . c!- i I ..... . . was in town Saturday Mr. E. W. Britt of R. 1, St. Pauls, is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. H. C. McNair of Maxton is a town. Mr. Jones is FOR SALE, FORD TOURING CAR, r :.:v:,,; . HLLi WANTED, VrtaliE AD ored. "! Lorraine Hotel. ' Lumberton visitor today, Rev.' A. H. Porter", of Rennert, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. a LAtberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Joseph Ratley, of St. Pauls was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Oscar Abbott of Barnesville shall find a welcome awaitinsr you. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones hae moved to the Jim Butler farm ou$ of "grinning some" SOUTHERN TROOPS OVERSEAS , - ; A Men of Only Two Divisions Are to be Returned to the United States in' the Near Future. M' son, a over the arrival of a 10-pund ricch possessin, surely. The Baptists and Methdists both have ministers; w.and..e LJfa were is nope ox jur. murty .mJg . .Of the Southern troops, overseas, men of only two divisions, the 31st and 30th, are to be returned to the United States in the near future,, states, a Washington dispatch of the 14th.. Part of the 31st, composed of Georgia, Ala bama and: Florida, soldiers, .already h saiMand vnn su m i conn nuAVT ok farm horses. Lumberton Cotton was a Lumberton visitor SSaturday. Mill Store. ( Mr. N. J. Paare of Fairmont, R. 1, FOR SALE glGLFcblRHobE, was n Lumlerio.i" vsjcc. his morning, island Red Cockerels, Prices $3.50, j Mi. Walter Quick of the Maxton $5.00, $7.50 and$10.00. My chickens section was in. town Thursday after- berton Fair ar.d prize for pen of any variety at fair. I will now book or ders for esr&rs delivered after Feb, at $3.50 for setting. - Geo. K. Mc Neill, Rowland, N. Cv WE WISH to GRIND YOUR WHEAT and exchange you flour and bran for . it. We will give $2.40 per bushel for wheat and in return tell you flour at .,iIi-.0Q per, barrel 4nour own Dags "" iki sell bran at $60.00' per ton al lotfltf 12 Bounds of bran Ariinst each hushel of wheat &hib us your wheat wrlill ein'thiif smeHiar a receive . ed flour and bran, cohering its val ue. We solicit tout patronage. We will exchange best, of jneal, from home-grown corn taking one-eighth for toll. Ship us any amount ol corn and we will ship your meal as desir ed. Can return meal same-day corn is received. -CAROLLINA MULL ING CO., by WADE STACK HOUSE, Owner, jDillon, S. C. ,, . .TWO CAR LLOADS RED CEDAR jSHINGLESS for sale. Guaranteed for 40 years. $5.50, $6.00 and $7.50 a thousand.' E. G. Floyd, Fairmont, N. . . C. , , V DONT FORGET fHE BEST PLACE TO top hunger to t the Olympla Calk, Ehn tract. Lumberton. SEVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE AND two lots in '-Lumberton for sale.Res idencce. equipped with light and wat er, will sell for less than house could be built for. Address '"House and '.Lot", general delivery, Lumberton, N. C. Hound Strayed, or Stolen Tuesday Rattan, white spot on hist breast, i Limped in right front foot and had mange. Finder will please re turn to Purdie Pittman and receive $10.00 reward. Stays with J. C. Allen. COMPARE MY INTEREST BATE AND term with others, who ' are handling the same class cf loans. Amounts, 12,000.00' 'to f 50.000.00: Robeson, Scotland and Hoke Bounties. Rate of interest t 1-2 PER CENT. A. T. McLean. Lumberton. N. C. Mr. Hal V. Brown of Fairmont was a Lumberton visitor Thursday after noon. . Mr. Hestor Freeman of RR. 1, Or rum, was among the visitors n town Frday. Mr. JY A. Edmund, of R. 4, Lumber ton, was among the visitors in town Saturday. .. . , . . .Mr. P. C Whitlock, a prominent at torney of Charlotte',n a LuAberton visitor, ;totf$y. fill the vacascy is the Presbyterian ' been placed on priority for early re churcch. turn.. .The 21st has been "skeletonif- Miss Mary McNeill is visiting herr j ed," according to tre(War Department sister Mrs. tvans, on Church street. Mrs. Rich of Laurinburg is also in towwn. rt Mrs. .G T. Fisher is in a hospital j in Fayettevville. We hope for her a speedy recovery. , Mr. and Mrs. L. ... Grantham will movej ,to the King house on Armisld street this week. They have purchas ed this home. , WHY DECEMBER LIGHT BILLS WERE LARGER Out of a Possible 355 Sunlight Hours Messrs. I. H. Warwick and? Alfred Correpondnce of The Robeaonian. t'k ' There have been so "many eontphfinta Lawso'n of Ornim are' among , the vis itors in town today. c Mr. M. B. Griffin, of R. 5, tumber- ton, Was among the callers 'at The Robesonian office Friday. Mr. H. J. Stone and son, Mr. T. L. SStone. of lynltiiim. were Lumber- Xn vfT'hnra thin moraine, i" A vw . - u Mr. J. F. Odum xA Red Sprfiigs was among the callersat Tne Rotesonian oifice Thursday afternoon. Mr. R. Lewis Shelby, cashier of the National Bank of Hopewell, Va., spent the week-end here visiting relatives. Mrs. A. 1 K. Currie and two sons, Masters Clarenre and Johiv-A., who had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Currie's father. Mr. Z. R. Prevatt, near Center churlh, werTTn Lumberton Sat urday on their way to their home at Williamsburg, Va. They were accom nanied to Lumberton by Mrs.Currie's sister, Mrs. W. S. Small, and the lat- ter's sister-in-law, Miss trama bmwi of Center. ' with reference to' charges made for light during the nionth of Beceniber, 1918, perhaps it Would be in order to state some of the causes, although it should be apparent that charges jfor ight during the fall arid-winter month 1 will of necessity be larger by reasori of the much longer evenings. r During the month of Decemberrittc- BIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL sorts of furs, timee, scrap iron Blacker Brothers, Chestnut street. Lumber ton, N. C. When hostilities ended it was Jocated at Brest, France, and had. not been as signed to a place in the fighting line.. m e 33th division, composed of Ala bama, Louisiana and Mississippi men, has been skeletonized for replacement and return to the United States. The 39th was a depot division located at St. Florent, Prance, when the fijhll.i" srnnnol -' I ' 'The 03th division, composed of South Carolina. North Carolina and Tennes- W troops, had been assigned to fight GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES The Bt Made. LEATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Topi and AD Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S SQUEAK OIL Send us an order for these items. There is a Jarjreand mcrease4demand; n. JAcum wovv Wholesale Distributors . 1 0 & ! 2 South Front St. Wilmingtonr N. C. oococooocooos with, the British and Was loccatediii Querien, France, when the armistice " - w i querien, trance, when the armistice f i Ml lou. ,Jhe 80th divisios, composed of Vir gfiia, . West Virgteiaiand f esitern lylvahia ttfm&-wfsttal to ericaft.sMana tTOrsnr jMien rhimtdthe-ancP 8'DiUtr. -Trahce. Latest reports show it located at-Aucy-le-France. i Thel, 81st division; composed of North Carolina, South Carolina, Flor ida and Porto Rican troops, was locat- J - i. CI l TV- .Jt 1-M-m Tin rll.t U1C BIJU1BVU.C was SlgUCU. ll jiiovu H Ireaf Overcoat I I- U"J rir ,.'.1 t MONET TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND in Kobesun county on iodk uo , " rood as any can gfe.. Stephen Mclntyre. ST. PAULS NEWS PACKAGE. IF TOU WANT THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR your cotton see John T Biro, Lumberton, N. C. FOR BALE SETERAW BARGAINS IN ONE two and three hers farms with Rood tm provements See tts .'at onceV M' White PhUlips, LombertoiK N. a ; WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR - all kinds of fan and hides. L. H. Caldwell. ... .. . OE1TVZC3 U II STAaiONr: II RorSdpkalin5 StoraA Batterr BATTCIMES IWSPECTCD FREE! We carry in stock New Batteries to Fit Any Car. . PEOPLES' GASAOK "Flu" Still Prevalent Lots of Moving New Ministers Personal. Men tion. Correspondence of The Robesonian. St. Pauls,Jan. 13 The prevalence offlu seems ,to continue. It is every where nearly again. We have lots of it in our little town. I heard some talk of closing the schools, etc., again, but I heard the jingle of bells this morning so guess they had the usual exercisse J today. Mrs. Maecrie McEachern. is spend- ting awhile at Mr. A. R. McEachern's We are glad to have her happy iace among us again, sne usea to oe neighbor of ours until they moved to Fayettevville some time ago. Mrs. H. C. Moffit ol wmteviiie came over for a few days resentiy. Her many friends were glad to ssee her. - ' Miss Lavinia Johnson was called to Lumberton Saturday to help out in the flu epidemic. Nurses seem to De in demand these "flu-ey" times. Lots of moving and exrehanging houses since the new year came in. Too numerous to mention jou will just have to ccome and see Mr. Albert Nutting is home from the navy. Guess it seems good to be free once more. Most of the boys, it p possible 855 sunlight - hours there were in reality in this vicinity, about 105; the remainder of 250 being cloudy. " The sunset hour December 15th is 4:56 and June 15th is 7:09, a differ ence of 2 hours and 13 minutes each day, or 66 hours an d30 minutes dur ing the month. To this add 250 cloudy hours, making a total of 313 hours and 30 minutes. Of course, it may not have been necessary for every one to burn lights during each and every cloudy hour, nevertheless it necessitated more con sumption during the month. With largerr consumption necessary (and the advance of 2c per K. W. one can appreciate tne iact tnat uecemoer, 1918, was not an average month in the cuncumption of current for lighting; as is also bojne out by the fact that the charge of the Yadkin Power com pany to the town for December is a bout $200 more than it was for Novem ber. 1 Ira B. Townsend, Clerk and Treas. FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION 7 In front of Stables of W. F. French & Co., Saturday, January 25th, at 1:30 o'clock. 2 plug mules 2 Guano distributors, ; 1 Cotton planter, - . 1 Corn planter, 1 Weeder, -New-ground plow, 2 Cotton plows, 1 Set double wagon, harness, 1 Disc harrow, 1 Mowipg machine, 1 Hay rake, . , r , - About 50 bushels corn, Several collars, bridles, leather halt ers, etc. ' All, the abeve tools in fir.it class condition, 'practically new. Be o,n hand and buy this pioperty at yoar own nrie. ... w . . . I it is at Mussy sur Seine. The 82nd- division, composed t of Georgia, Alabama and" Tennessee troops, was attached to the American first army and was located at Florent, France, when the fighting ceased. It is now at Prauthoy. The 87th division, composed of Ar kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and southern Alabama troops, was doing temporary duty at Pons, France, near Bordeaux when fizhting ceased. It is now located at St. Nazaire. The 42nd (Rainbow) division, com nosed of men from all parts of the country, at present is attached to the army of occupation and located at Ahrweiler. It was at Maisoncelle and St. Dizier, France, when the armistice was signed. The 92nd division, composed of negro troops from all parts of the country, was at Marbache and St. Dizier, France, when fighting ceased and at present located at Marbache. COMMENCING TUESDAY ' A. M. OONT SUFFER CATARRH OF THE HEAD, that loathsome and areaaea aee. m while you sleep. Sessoms Late Dtaeorerr the treat home remedy, in use more than fifteen rears, testimonials and Irving' wit nesses bespeak its merit. One bottle ontuj cores worst ease. Price $1.00. For sale bf Sessome Remedy Co., Lumberton, N. C; Grantham Bros., Lumberton, N. C. Gran tham Bros.. St.- Pauls: Bed Srring. rtra Co.. Red Soi-inss. N. C: J. M. Bee- Ulrr. - R.D.CaldweU&Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL " DIRECTORS. EMBALMING Oldest Undertaking Establish ment in this community. Our equipment is good and when called V75 render satisfactory er viee. . Day Telephone 115; night, 82 or 312 or226. ': ' A .. . A. E. WHITE.- J We will place on sale 50 to 75 Men's and Boys' Ov ercoats at, 1-4 off. Not one reserved. Make your se lection and take off 1-4. Men's Coats $12.50 to $30 Boy's Coats $3 to $12 L. H. CALDWELL o ccccccccoocc PLUMBING nepair work and Plnmhinir nf ail Kinas, piping lor acetylene plants and iseico systems, etc. work solicited anywhere in the county. Prompt attention. Efficient serv.ee. Office: Cor. Chestnut and 5th Sts. , Phone 37. G. B. KIRKMAN. Lumberton, ;. North Carolina r'l DELCO-UGHT JTha complete Electric Light and Power Plant Eright, safe electric light means more protection for your prem- ises. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO, Lanrinbnrg, N. C -OANS NEGOTIATED ON IMPROVED FARM LANDS (Robeson, 8eotIasd A Hoka Conntiea) 12,0000 to I504M.M FIVE TEAKS 5 1-3 Interest A. T. McLEAN Laaibertoa, N. C See Qur Work v and get our prices before 1 placing an order for any kind of : monuastatal , work. Lumberton Marble & ' Granite J. H. Floyd, Prop, Lnmbertoa. - . . . . . . N. o ) O l o o o o o ) ( ) ) o o o o o 8 Co. t .i r