. a- THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1119 page eight I: NEGRO FARMERETTE. Robeson County. Woman, is. Getting ' Rich Out of the Soil. Wilmington Star. Mary Jane Suggs, of Robeson counl ty, is a colored woman farmer who can show a rich harvest of cotton, corn potatoes and home-raised meat This fact was proudly disclosed yesterday by her auni, Sarah Jane Russ, who haa just returned to Wilmington from Robeson, where she had spent . the Christmas and New Year's season with her farmer-niece. She came into the Star office lug ing a basket in which there was the champion sweet potato of the season, easily won by Robeson and her thrifty colored farmerette. The potato weigh ed sixteen pounds, and was the largest of "nv whoppers gatnerea ws fCu temmtnoAii woman says her ska Jit" a " - , Tiooeson county neice looks after her own farm operations and is the lucky possesser of fifteen bales of cotton and an abundance of potatoes, her tuber crop having yielded about 125 bushels per acre this season. Since New Year's her niece has gathered ana hauled in six two-horse wagon loads of corn and is still gathering corn. She raises all the meat needed on her farm, and her farming is done by herself and children, of which she has seven, the oldest 22 years of age, and the young est six. She is a widow, asd went on the farm after her husband died. She is a tenant farmer, and the 15 bales of cotton stacked away for a better price represents her third of the crop of 45 bales, all produced and gathered by her and her industrious family. She does not owe a cent, and her hoard of cotton and farm produce rep- . . . l resents her net prolit wnenever sne decides to turn her holdings into cash. IN MEMOR1AM Rev. H. J. Mills. The Churches of Ashpole and Row land, and the entire community, suffer ed a great loss in the deatfi of our be loved pastor Rev. H. J. Mills. He was installed pastor of Ashpole and Row-j land Churches in Aug. 1913.. Under j his wise and efficent leadership, there' has bea'n a marked increase in the number added on profession of faith in Christ, ad a decided increase in the contributions to all of the benevolent I COULD NOT WORK OR SLEEP NOW I FEEL LIKE A HEW MAN! y Greenville Granite Cutter Comer ward With Remarkable Testimony v of How He Found Quick Relief after Years of Suffering. ' causes. Mr. Mills was an able and efficient preacher of the Bible. In our Sunday schools, as teacher off the men's Bible classes, he made a lasting impression on the hearts of the pupils. Mr. Mills not only preached the gospel ofChrist from the pulpit.but in his dailv walk he lived the gospel of Christ. He proved himself to be the crowninc work of God's creation, a "MAN." He was a man ''among mien and a man whom men delighted to follow. To all good causes he gave liberally of his money, his time- and his talent. At the time of his death, he was serv ing as the chairman of the committee of Rowland township, for the Liberty Loan bond. He also gave mucch and valued work in filling out question naires; here he made a lasting impression on all the colored people who came to him and was admired anr loved by the ccolored people also. On the day of his death all the flags on the public square floated at half mask in honor and respect for him. He will be greatly missed by the entire com munity. In the church courts he was an able WANTS THE WORLD TO KNOW ABOUT IT. ! Makes Statement For Publication. Was Victim of Rheumatism and THIS MAN SAYS HIS WIFE WEIGHED ONLY SEVENTY-SIX POUNDS Stomach Trouble.. "I am Now Free of all Pains," He Ex claims Joyously. Rheumatism is in itself a terrible dis ease. The pains are excruciating and the discomfort is distressing. Imag ine then a person having to undergo the pains of rheumatism and in addi tion to this, wing afflicted with the terrible torture of stomach disorder. Such has indeed been the experience of Mr. G. P. Puckett of 1014 Buncombe street, Greenville, and now, after hav ing found relief from both these terri ble ailments, he gives permission to publish his experience and the story of how he found relef so that other sufferers might read and profit accordingly. Here is his story: "I was so full of pain I could " hot work or sleep. Rheumatism of the joints and stomach trouble made life a constant misery for me until I was al most ready to give up in dispair. When I sat down at the table I couldn't eat a thing. .When I went to' bed "at night I couldn't 'sleep. I tried several so-called remedies for rheumatism an stomach trouble but it was not until I tried Dreco that I experienced any' re lief whatever.. "I am still on the first bottle of Dte- - i . drags or dangerous mineral chemicals, It does its work quickly and efficiently by going right straight to the CAUSE of the trouble and building from the bottom. Dreco is sold and recommen ded in Lumberton by leading Drug gists. - Report of the 'Condition of the BANK OF FAIRMONT, at Fairmont, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, December 31, 1918, RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts. $217,534,19 Overdrafts, secured and unse- - - cured - 183.39 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 17.348.00 Furniture and Fixtures. 1,500.00 All other Real Estate owned. .3,928.84 Due from National Banks. ..; 14,921.48 Due from State Banks and Bank ers : 577.54 Checks for clearing.... 475.63 Gold Coin 485.00 Silver Coin, including all minor coin currecy 3,136.89 National Bank Notes and other ' U. S. Notes 16,432.00 TOTAL '. ....$276,522.96 LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $20,000.00 Surplus Fund 6,000.00 Undivided fronts, less current.. expenses and taxes paid7,627.65 Deposits subject to check. .152,403.96 Time Certificates of Deposit 89,111,15 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,380.20 TOTAL "....$276,522.96 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Robeson, Dec. dl, 1918. I, F. L. Blue, Cashier of the above nompH Rank, do solemslv swear that ahove statemest is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. t. Li. BUKLTt, Vasnier. After Suffering Twenty-five Years She Takes Tanlac And Gains vTwenty-nine Pounds Not Like Same Person "My wife has gained twenty nine pounds and now we just set back and talk about the happy days Tanlac has brought us," writes L. A. Beaty of Sel mer, Tennessee in a letter, dated July 18th, to the Tanlac offices. "I just, want to say that I have no doubt that Tanlac has saved my wife's life," his letter continues, "and. now the j future looks bright as silver dollars to us. Twenty-five years ago she was given up to die and I have been told ev ery year since that time, that she couldn't live. I have tried everything traveled all over the country with her and spent great sums of money, but nothing did her any good. She had run down to where she weighed only seventy-six pounds. I saw Tanlac advertised, bought it for her and she soon 'commenced to pick up, and now she weighs one hun dred and five pounds has actually gained twenty-nine pouds. I wish you could have seen her before she took Tanlac and then see her now, wouldn't take her fo rthe same person. Be fore, she couldn't do Anything, but now she does all her housework and tends to her flowers and a yard full of chickens besides. "I can prove what I say is true by my county officials and lots of other good people. You may know it makes me feel good to see my wife well and enjoying life after suffering for years and I honestly believe that Tanlac is the best medicine on earth. I'm just a walking, talking booster for Tanlac be cause of what it has done for us and I have been the cause of many others taking it. Later on I may tell you how I happened to pass an old friend's ' house and recommend it to him. He had given up, but he's o. k. today. This can be proven too. Well, I could write columns and then not tell half. But let me say again I believe Tanlac : the grandest medicine on earth and I will answer anybody's letter and-tell t iem just what I have written you T.niop i nnw sold exclusively in I umberton by the Pope Drug Co., Inc : St. Pauls by the Grantham Drug heartily and not suffer for it after wards. My bowels are-regulated and mv sleep is untroubled. Believe me I am making up for lost time! I am now free from all pains. Now I feel like a new man, and I (thank, nothing but Dreco for my deliverance. It would seen that the greatest vic tories won by Preco are in cases where other- medicines have been tried and ailed to brine the desired relief Dre co shows up best when compared with other medicines with high-sounding names bat little virtue to recommend them. K Dreco is purely and simply a combi nation of Nature's own humble roots and herbs. It contains no new-fangled F. L. Blue. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14t n ot januarv, ii. . W. F. Bristow, Notary Public and efficient Presbyter, wise in coun -V313 TTa nnf thm I.orH' wort-' nnnv all linn. Jnnrn T tiavpn't nit of f henmi-i av -J. -Floyd. ana a &uuu . - . . - " "6 " ' - . ; - Tt- onn other thigs and by example and by pre- tism or pam of any sort, i can eat v t nui cept was ever busy in the Master's vm- yard. Only time and eternity will re veal the results of all his labors. In this hour of sorrow, we extend to the devoted wife and children, our heartfelt sympathy, and. we pray for them the comfort of the gospel of Christ. Our hearts are saddened and our heads bowed with grief because of loss to our Session, the loss to our churches and the loss to the entire community, in the death ! this great man of God. While we mourn, we. re joice to know that he has heard from fnl servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord. A .L, Bullock, N. T. McLean, J. A. McCormick. Committee forAshpole.j Geo. K. McNeill, ! S. L.Adams, . j ( A. C. Sinclair. Committee for Rowland. Report of. the Condition of the MERCHANTS & FARMERS BANK, at Rowland, in the State of North Carolina, at the close J? business, December 31, 1918. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts .... $137,093.09. Overdrafts, secured,$109.87; unsecured, $76.95 186.82 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds ... 37,175.15 Furniture and-Fixtures 3,300.00 Due form National Banks 48,095.97 Due from State Banks and Bank ers 2,917.40 Cash Items held over 24 hours 10.00 Checks for clearing 1,320.92 Gold Coin 182.50 Silver Coin, including all minor com currency 962.65 National Bank Notes and other U. S. Notes 5,767.00 y.LLEY - LIGHT brings better light bright, steady, safe light to every farm. It brings power for a water pump, churn, sepa rator, and so on. The Bali-Bearing Electric Light Plant v MMLE Of LAND fOB DBJLINAGK TAX FO 111. , w -.' Br virtue of authority wmiai in m. as Sheriff- of-BotMson .eottnty, I will, on Moo. 4a jr, th. Srd Ur of February, 11, at 12 'eek M offer for aala to tbo hbrhert bid der, at th Court Houm door in Lumberton. " -.U. following described fends to sat isfy the Drainage tax oa same for the year 1118. " , 1 Tract No. No. Acre Name AmtJof Tlx If . 2f Wm. Additea " $22.1S S65 - S 8. Allen y t .3 296 1-10 John Bollard w v .79 224 19 J. C. Barne -6S 89 ' 89 John Barnes , . , 78.72 277 109 1-2 B. 8. Barnes' 79.15 1M - 54 Sol. Thompson estate 89.36 84 81 W. W. McCormac estste 78.30 221 ' IS 1-2 K. E. Sentelle 14.60 S.t 19 1-2 Aaron Brooks " 18.79 254 11 1-10 Julia B-tcWburn 6.03 22 67 1-2 C. M. Barker (Belong" to others) 52.17 299 1-2 "K. Coleman 1.15 12 7 J. S. Duncan 4.4 124 " 125 R. T. GaiUey - 69.78 350 1-4 June Graham .92 316 95-100 Robert Griffin 1.55 291 1 4-10 Robert Griffin f 1.93 1911 6 Emily Humphrey 1.80 286 8 Gus Thompson 3.40 828 ' ' 11-2 , J. H. KJnnesr 2.04 822 90-100 ' J. H. Kinnew 1.52 873 51 1-2 W. H. Knuckles 39.10 244 , 71 YV. H. Knuck:e 66.93 271 '- ' ' -- 25 W. li. Knuck'ei .23.98 29 164 Malinda Lockletr estate 124.S ' 10 " 20 Mary A. Leak 11.44 241 , W 79 Peter Council ?l.77 81 128 R. W. Livermor . 100.42 r,l 18 . Nelson Locklear 7.14 9S :V 89 D. F. Lowrie 18.24 ) . & 2 16-100 Julia Mills ' v 2,63 1 26 . A. E. Moore 14.13 1T,1 " 49 Calvin Moore 29.44 211 8 H. M. McAllister (owned by others) 6.42 101 v" 77 Angus McKensie esUte 14.48 IA - , 23 Robert McLean T2.70 57 80 Frank MeNeill ' 68.08 18 Te5Zk. 0 Joseph Walters (owned by others 86.50 146 276 E. L. Odum 1 103.81 it, 141 E. L. CV.um , .114.20 138 ' 3 . E. L. Odum 2.00 840, 349 852 i . -854, 355, 853 to 861 4 55-100 Mrs. E. E. Pace (Owned by W. H. Knuckles) 4.77 86 12 E. H. Paul esUte -2.85 188 15 Lacy Price " 8.89 288 6 6-10 ' Aaron Powel 6.61 867 19 1-2 A. R. Powell 17.25 137 15 J. M. Sanderson ' 14.10 134 40 -Jas. Sanderson 29.84 . 18 8-4 17 . Angus Shaw estate 3.74 17 6 1-2 .P. Thomas son . 6.20 192, 4 Lily Stephens ' 1.42 178 27 Eli Taylor ! 5.64 188 80 Elwood Thompson. ' 18.75 254, Lots 2-3, 22 22-100 Dockery Thomson 9.45 189 19 Alex Thompson , 7.50 195 4 ' Roxy Thompson 1.42 254 22 28-100 R. Thompson 9.45 254 11 11-100 Jas. Thompson 6.07 17 81- P. Thomasson 69.10 863 ' 7-10 J. H. Wishart (owned by others) 1.88 45 210 Geo. D. Willard 140.82 This Jan. 7. 1919. B. E. LEWIS. Sheriff Robeson County. v .'it. CRAWFORD A SON Chadbourn, N. C Dealers for Robeson County BBS s Don't Neglect Your Battery. TOTAL.. $237,011.50 . LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in 22,500.00 Surplus Fund 2,500.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 4,054.68 Dividends Unpaid v- 25"92 Hills Payanle . . iu.uuu.uu Henosits subiect to check. . 159,959.35 lime Certificates of Deposit 35,491.57 Cashier's Checks outstanding 1,805.84 Certified Checks 675.06 r o.; in Lumber Bridge by tne ienirai 7 rug Co.; in Re dSprintts by the Red ' irings Dru Co.; in Maxton by the Barnes Bros. Drug Co., Inc.; in Pem broke by the McCormick Co.; in Lowe Y r L. E. Tvner & Son; in Purvis by C. t i- A Cm in Elrod by J. E. Brid- mi' in Ravnham by C) M. Townsend; in McDonalds by the McDonald Drug Co.; in Rowland by the Rowland Drug Co.. Inc.: in Fairmont by the Pittman Drug Co.; in Marietta by D- F. Cregg and in Barnesville by W. C. Walters. A general strike of organized labor designed to paralyse every industry in the country beginning next July 4 was decided upon Friday by the Na tional Labor congreaa as a means of obtaining a new trial for Thomas J. Mooney and Warren Billing if Feder al intervention and every ther means r , adopted to procure the deaired relief -fau;-; , : "-;'' ' ; -. . ". ' ltobesoniaa BuaineM Builder get ' result try one . t " TOTAL.1 $237,011.50 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Robeson, December 31. 1918. I, W. L. Buck, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. L. Buck, Cashier. Correct Attest: John H. McArn, Chas. McCallum, , T. W. Brake, Directors. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 15th day of January, 1919. S. S. Smith, Notary Public. Don't wait until your Car wont start Don't use your batie jf not fully charged as it sh'6Heris the life. Don't torget all troubles staSH: from little ones. - Don't forget we know when your bat tery needs attention. Call on us. Don't forget our filling and testings are free on all batteries. Battery Service Company. DISTRIBUTORS GAINS 25 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS Remarkable Experience of P. G. Clark Builds Up Weight Quickly. . "I was all run down," writes P.. G Clark, "I had to quit work I was so weak. Now, thanks to tonoline, I look like a new man. I gained 25 pounds, in 30iays," - "Tonoline has put 10 pounds on me in14 days," states Chas. Brackett. "It has made me sleep well, enjoy what I ate and enable me to work with inter est andpleasure." " It you would like to put on a few pounds of good solid flesh, we will send you Free a 50c box of tonoline to prove wbat it will do f or you. -r- Address the American Proprietory Co., Boston, Mass., enclosing 10 cents to help pay for postage and packing. For sale by Grantham Bros. finnunfrl IWinDfl m u ill i ii 5 MUi " b a Mr. H. B. Sturtevant, an expert tailor, representing Strouse Bros. Tailoring Co., Baltimore, Md.; will display about 500 attractive sam- pies at my store Thursday, v and Saturday, January23rd, and 25th. IS Hi if THIS STORE TAKES SUCH INFINITE FAINS With Prescriptions that it Amount Almost to Crankiness. livery Prescription goes through only Competent, Careful Hands, so that you get Good, Prompt, Efficient Service in the filling ef Pre scriptions, at Prices that are Most Reasonable. ; If you would have your Prescription Properly Filled. BRING IT HERE. ( PHONE H2 I pPESCPIPTfONS A t rr UlMCEBTON, U.C. H -a m w a rpt Mil O ArrKJCi'LiAiiuiN () ,) () 11 O O () O A. J. HOLMES, Jeweler ) l ---rr-r- -u CCCCCCCOCCCCCCCOCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCO O () 6 o ) A year of satisfactory dealing with the people of this) .commun ity has ended,' and we feel that we owe our friends and cus tomers a great debt of gratitude. To show our appreciation we are going to try to make our service better this year and our store more attractive so that the confidence of our patrons may be maintained. Jewelry buying is purely a matter of confidence, and the purchaser should always see what he gets. We invite your per sonal inspection of our goods at any time; and we want you to feel in absolute security when trading with us. file. naay o i 24th Notice to Subscribers Fourth Liberty Loan. Twenty per , cent of your subscrip tions are now due. Your prompt; attention will be appreciated. ' : The National Bank of Lumberton A. W. McLEAN, Pre. M. P. COBB,-C.ubier.'. Watch the Label on your Paper ".