7. v THE R0BES0N1AN. LUMBERTON' X. C THURSDAY, MARCH 6TH. m. page piri! Mat SMI We ' ' 1 : ... The cotton situation is alarming Pinners, Merchants and Banks are intensely interested It appears to us that the erlr sure ww to realise a lair price for the cotton that we, have on hand and for that which we will produce this year, is to cut down the acreara tK year at least ONE THIRD. It is very unwise to plant a normal acreage in cotton this year and trust to LUCK for an advancefanrSa either in the near future or next fall. Our best information convinces us that the cotton manufacturing industries, of America and En rope combined, will not use anything like a normal amount of cotton during the present year. WHEN WE PROVE to the cotton man ufacturing interests that will have less cotton for sale next fall, we will get a better price for that which we now have TO PROVE THIS, we must reduce acreage this year. Do About It? I , V-: Make oor Bank your Bamk PLANTERS BANK MtiB TRUST COMPANY N. A. THOMPSON, President R. C. LAWRENCE, Vice-Pres. K. M. BARNES, Treasurer. 1 1 11 I sT W T A trf mm w . . iwunjs, Jic, ami iretsurer. GEO. L. THOMPSON, Trait Officer. THE BOBESONIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, MARCH 6TH, 1919. PERSONALS HAV, J1TBT RECEIVED A CAH LOAD best quality on the market. H. M. Beaaley BARRED ROCK EGGS $1.25 FOR IS, MRS J. W. McDonald, Lumber Bridge, N. C 'phone 39, Parkton. FEED AND FUEL: HEN YOU NEED HAY oaU. corn, cow feed, hog feed, coal or wood trv me. I have duality and price. Office and warehouse West 2nd street. Lumber ton, N. C. H. M. Beasley. HAIR SWITCHES MADE FOR $1.00 EACH by Mrs. Maggie Young, K. 2, Jennings i,ot ton Mill. FOR BALE SIX ROOM HOUSE IN RED Sorinss. For particulars see Mrs. Jb. 8. Coxe, Red Springs, N. C. SEE L. H. CALDWELL FOB GENUINE Western Red Cedar Shingles. . Just receiv ed 600,000. Price $5.80 and up per m.. HASTINGS PROLIFIC SEED CORN $l(t per peek. Family driving . hqrs cheap. Cyphers 240 egg Incubator 115.00. J. W. McLeod, Rowland, N. C. BED CEDAR SHINGLES FIR8T-GBADE clear, all heart, $6.60 per M. f. o. b. Fay etteville. Any Quantity. Cash with order, Shipment same day order la received. These shingles are light and freight ie low. Also pine and juniper shingles 4x18 aU grade. Prices on request. Special prices in car loth. James M. Cake, Fayetteyille, N. C. WANTED ! BEES IN ANY STYLE OF HIVE or gum. State how many you have to offer I. J. Stringham, Glen Cove, N. Y. FOR SALE BIRD DOG. WELL TRAINED Prise $26.00. Apply P. O. Box 264, Lum berton, N. C. FOB SALE 2 JERSEY COWS AND 1 HOL stein, all fresh with milk. A. D. Evans, St Pauls, N. C. -a- STOVE FOB SALE- LARGE COLE HOT Blast stove in good condition. Suitable for heating large office or small school house or church. Apply Robesonian. COMPARE MY INTEREST RATE AND terms with others who are handling the same elass cf loans. Amounts, $2,000.00 to $60,000.00; Robeson, Scotland and Hoke counties. Rat of interest 6 1-2 PER CENT. A. T. McLean. Lum berton, N. C. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR all kinds of furs and hides. L. H. Caldwell. - ' 11 ' 1 11 FOR SALE PURE-BRED BED POLE CAT tie. Dual purpose (milk and beef). Two males 10 months, one sow fresh, several grade Jersey heifers, fresh in spring; six Dnroe Jersey pigs. Q. M. Pate, Raynham, MONET TO LEND ON IMPROVED LAND in Robeson county on loos; time. Rates as ' good as any can give. Stephen Melntyre. DO NT FORGET fHE BEST PLACE TO stop hunger is at the Olympia Cafe, Elm street. Lum berton. AM MAKING LOANS FOB FIVE YEARS on improved farm lands in Robeson, Soot, land and Hoke counties, in amounts 2. 00.00 to $60,000.00. bearing interest tt the rate of 6 1-8 per cent. Call on or write A. T. McLean. Lum berton. N. O. Mr. S. W. West of R. 5, Lumberton, was in town yesterday. ' Mr. J. Odum of Buie- R. 1, was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. W, H. Edwards of Pembroke was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. W. W. Meares of R. 5, Lumber ton, is among the visitors in, town to- Mrs. F. F. Townsend of R. 6, Lum berton, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Messrs. "W. P. Oliver and Frank Glover of Marietta were Lumberton visitors Tuesday. Mr. N. L. Smith of R. 3. Lumber ton, was among' the callers at The Robesonian office yesterday. Mrs. G. R. Hennigar will leave to morrow for New York after spending twp months here visiting her patents, Mr." and Mrs. "J. A: Barker. Mrs. ftennigar will spend some time visit ing in New York before going on to her home in Hlifax, N. S., Canada. IN SOCIAL CIRCLES CHURCH NOTES Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Combs Leave. Rev. W. D. Combs held farewell services at the Gospel Tabernacle Sun day and he And Mrs. Combs left Mon day evening for Asbury Park, N. J wnere Mrs. Combs will spend some vieHjmtehrelatives. Mr. Comhs will go'Tfl- w xew-days to- toccoh;' erf:, where he will assist in caring for boys at a Bible training school. He served the Gospel Tabernacle here for 6 years as pastor, coming here from Durham, ana nis congregation parted with him and his wife with regret. The Gospel lablerncle has not yet secured a sue cessor to Mr. Combs. WITH FINGERS! CORNS LIFT OUT Sunday School Union. BOUCHER-COURTNEY. Miss Edith Courtney Becomes Bride of Mr. Milton Boucher of Washington. Soeriar to The Robesonian. Baltimore. Md., March 2. A very attractive wedding was -solemnfeed Qn4-iiv4tttt AlinratAM "Ma-Vt 1 aft of A .Vfl en M n ITim Ml It? Ahnmh Nt Paul and 22nd streets, by the Rev. George Clarke Peck, when Miss Edith May Courtney of 2025 North Calvert street, daughter of Mrs. Anna Pris cilla Courtney and the late William Talbott Courtney, was united in mar riage to Mr. Milton J. Boucher, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Boucher of Columbia Road, Washington- D. C. The bride wore a traveling gown of dark blue cloth with mode trim mings, with hat and gloves to match. Her corsage bouquet was of orchids and violets. The bride is a direct descendant on her mother's side of Sir Hubert An dre. She is also relatede to th Courtneys of Virginia. The groom is a great .grandson of the celebrated French artist Francoise Boucher. Only the immediate family attend ed the ceremony Mrs. Anna P. Court ney and Mrs. Jennie Courtney Ger mon, mother and sister of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Boucher, par ents of the groom; Mrs. Elizabeth E. Creeny and Mrs. Joseph Sheppard, grandmother and aunt of the groom; and Mr. Charles Brummel Dawson, cousin of the bride. After an extended trip to Atlantic City Mr. and Mrs. Boucher will reside in Washington. The bride is a sister of Mrs. J. A. Sharpe of Lumberton and is well- known here, having visited here a number of times. BUIE NEWS BATCH. A Good Word for Present Road Board Good County 'Home Needed Farmers Preparing Land. BY W. H. M. BROWN.. Buie, March 4. The beautiful days that are now passing by are being tak en advantage of by the most of farm ers in the preparation of their land. I notice in going over the country not only in Robeson is it so, but there are bad roads in other sections, It is impossible to make things perfect. But I will venture to say the roads in Robeson have had a better showing since the present road board has tak en charge than ever before, and as a whole I think we have better roads, considering the kind of weather we have had of late. Roads could not be expected to stand the same as dry weather. ; I would love to see our Senator and Representatives pass a law mak ing and giving Robeson county a nice county home, then makes it a law that it must be run rieht. and the old folks given a square deal in their last days in this world. Glad to - see these Lumberton preachers come, out against the dirty shows. They, are doing the right thing. These shows ought to be 4. v - - , ' - - . stopped from scattering their filth over the land. Sunday school and prayer meeting is rapidly 'growing into one among the best prayer meetings and Sunday schools in Robeson county and will some day if not already be among the best in the State. Mr. J. S. Jones of Red Springs will conduct the prayer meeting on next Sunday night. For a mild, easy action of the bow- els, try Doan's Regulets, a modern ruYnnna -t i is n nii The Sunday School union of the Robeson Baptist association will meet at Ten Mile church Friday before the 5th Sunday in this month. All Sun day schools of this association are requested to send representatives The program will be published at an early date. Freezone is magic! Corns and calluses lift right off Epworth League. The Epworth League of Chestnut Street Methodist church was reor ganized Monday , evening, March 3rd Those present were very enthusiastic The next meeting will be held 'Suit day evening, March 9, at 6:30 o'clock, All the young people are cordially in vited to attend. Gospel Tabernacle. Mr. W. S. Foxworth of Marion, S. C, will conduct services at the Gos pel Tabernacle next Sunday morning and evening. The public is invited. Mr. N. B. Barfield and daughter. Miss Allie Barfield' of Bamesville, R. 1, are among the shoppers in town today. "Oh East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet so sang Kipling. Was this student of things Eastern right? See EYb FOR EYE" with the supreme actress, JNAZlMOVA'at the Fastime theatre, and judge f ore yourself .Adv. EAT ONE TABLET! END ALL STOMACH MISERY 30c at all stores. Pane's Diapepsin at Once Ends Acidi ty, Gas, Dyspepsia, Indigestion! Undigested food! Lumps of pain; belching gas, acids and sourness. When you stomach is all upset, here is instant relief--No waiting: The moment you eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the indiges tion pain and dyspepsia distress stop. Your disordered stomach will feel fine at once. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Pape's Diapepsin never fail and cost very little at drug stores. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO Is to make your requirements known to our officers to receive fullest accommodation the circumstances may warrant. Prompt consideration of every banking problem and the most liberal treatment that sound banking principles require is extended to all customers in the most courteous manner. YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH OUR SERVICE. THE PEOPLE'S BANK & TRUST CO FAIRMONT, N. G '. A few cents buys a tiny bottle of the magic Freezone at any drug store. Apply a few drops of Freezone upon a tender, aching corn or a callus. In stantly that troublesome corn or cal lus Stops hurting, then shortly you lift it out, root and all, without any pain,; soreness or irritation. These little bottles of Freezone contain iust enough to rid the feet of every . hard turn, am v corn, com oeiween .uw roes and the calluses on bottom of feet. So easy! So simple. Why wait? No humbug! GOOD AUTO SPECIALTIES n . I as, SBBBS - - me uest Made. LKATHER-NU. For Automobile and Buggy Top and All Leather Goods JOHNSON'S CARBON REMOVER JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX FINISH JOHNSON'S eSQUEAK - Send us an order for these items. There is a large and increased demand N. JACOBI HARDWARE COMPANY., Wholesale Distributors 10 & 12 South Front St. Wilmington, N. Q. The Alpine Cafe AMERICAN Rgu a r Dinner 50c The House of Good Cooking J. L. SPIVEY, Iicp DELCO-UGHT Tb complete) Electric Light aod Power Plant A paying investment that brings permanent benefits whereever used. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO, Laurinburg, N. C. Display of Pattern Hats A Wednesday and Thursday March 5,apd 6 Miss Josephine Breece EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY STORE ;Elm Street Lnmberton, N. C. Silk Umdeirweair In wash satins, flesh color only. Camisoles from $1.00 to $2.50 Teddies $2.25 to $3.50 Combination $4.50 and $5.00 New Collars and Ruchings just In Collars. ........ . 25e to $2.50 Ruchings from 40c to $1.25 yd Be sure and wear the victory ruchings, all the rage 40c yd. . See Our Work and get our prices before placing an order for any kind of monumental work, Lnmberton Marble & Granite Co. J.'H. Floyd, Prop. Lamberton, . . . . . . N. C Robesonian Business Builders gets re- ) O o 0 p o o a a o o 8 o () ) p o Sheets and Pillow Cases Away down in price to what theywere 60 days ago. Our stock has just come in and we can save you a nice little sum. 80x90 Seamless sheet, good quality $1.48 63x90 Mohawk sheets $1.48 72x90 Mohawk sheets $1.75 81x90 Mahawk sheets $1.98 81x90 H. S. Mohawk sheets $2.25 86x42 very good pillow case at $0.25 36x42 Mohawk case $0.45 36x42 H. S. Mohawk case $0.50 10 10-4 Peperalls brown sheeting at $0.75 9- 4 Mohaws Bleached sheeting at $0.75 10- 4 Mohawk Bleached sheeting at $0.80 L i CALDw o p p O v ) o O () 8 O ) o () () o ) o () ) o o o o ) o ) o o o o ) CI ,w ) o o 0 o DO NT SUmB CATABSH Of THK BEAD. that loathsome and draaded . dissase. eorsd , while to sleep, ffi urns Late Discovery the treat hotae -remedy, la vise more thaa fifteen rears, .testimonials and Hring wit nesses hesyeak He merit. One bottle osoally - cores worst ease. Price SI, 04. For sale by Csssnnis Semedy CoV Lnmberton, N. C; Grantham Bros., Lamberton,- N. C ; Gran tham Bros., St. Pauls : Bed Storings Dm Co.. Bed Springs. M. G.: 3. M. Ses- . urns. Misjr. - HIGHEST MABKKT "BICES PAIS FOB ALL sorts of fan, hides, scrap iron and robber. Blacker Brothers, Chestnut street,. Lamber- ' toft, )f C -' . A-. ': ' . J. . An important newspaper deal was announced Sunday, sale by Robert Jones and J. H. Caine of the Asheville Citizen to Geo. Stephens Charlotte and Chas. A. Webb and Haywood Parker of Asheville. B. Simms, a colored lineman at Camp Bragg, was shot and killed Sat urday night by Levi Wilkie, negro, in a crap game.

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